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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 31, 1905)
r GOOD EVEIJlilG Journal Circulation ; C TH2 yEATHSU. Possibly showers tonlrbt and Toe, dsy; south to weat wtoda. - - liiiii'i VOL., IV. - NO. 123: , h, PORTLAND' OREGON, MONDAY- EVEOTNG, JULY 31 1905. TWBXVE PAGES. rf '' r '?:'- PRICE TWO CENTS. JfJuSn,5wV rr? uu mm m re t u? us mmm mm mmmmm,mmmmwmm -I;,' V"' "v"- ',H,:.v, -'' - -: V :.' -. ? .;t.:: j-,''v y,-.'' :' ' ' " - '-. :.rvj.. Vv'- V:'- ' ;-V vrt: :'; 1 yV. Cottoni 8ayt HI Salt7 Forced to Give Up ' Copland Krnm Bit Urn n la It Wii I Whnm ; U. - U.U I. AMI.. .When He Way Appointed . k h ...... f t I r'f-.. Contrary to CivlI.Servlce ; Cornmleelon'e Rulee.' . One a Millionaire ; Behind ' Bart : Better Than a Thousand 'Ck Crlmlnala ; Whom I He i I :-f, Hae Bribed. ASSERTS THAT ME HAS : v NO ENARCcD POWERS CLERK GETS SALARY,' t ". , .""..lit i-," " FOR EIGHT MONTHS POWERFUL SPEECH ... TO LANDRAUD JURY t, Bto Only, Reiaoa for tecUnln the Oty - TwireV vRdictintly V pi, aoilnf Scwes In the' Second Trial rouon ,wu lut nougijt h r Witn. Hit - AMistant. but - Accept of Conrretimin WlIUii.on. wi i w di oupcrtor ooaj ana wiu Offer th Biac -to-E.-W.: Pafet, Who I Conildered Competent.4 ' :' "Would Be Happier In HI Old Una 4Work Hat Recommended No ..One for Place. '.t m ' yv..?-. and Dr. ; CeaneiwWitneaa Starr ; Sayt Uncle Told Him He Lied In Teatimony Againat WOUamaon. 'i v ' The flfbt irhich haa been ao. bitterly roucht b&twMa the mufciclpal olvll ar- ,: ; have not ba given a dollar of ln ,enut in aalmrr Br amy enlarg-ement f or powera; toward the railway company vice commlaialon and , City Treaaurer , I am In exaotly the aaaae oflloiaJ poalUon Werleln for the yaar over the ap- todiy that Z hare bean heretofore." . polntment of a clerk la hie office hae - W(th. thaae worda W. VT; Cotton. en- been nettled. - A conpromtae waa reached - eral eounenl for the Oregon Railroad. today whereby & P. Copland, who haa Navigation eomDnnV.. who ctmi horat han mniimj iti 57,?h!!Llfrk.KhiJlTi;lr' rulaa. be paid floe for eight montha' of the reporte that had been-ln clrci I -..1 . v..i J- . : tatlon thai hla declination of the Judge- ' '"" Vehlp-of the Unit! State, dletrtot collat S"'.!,, Mj b9 for Oregon wae due to the arrantlna? of I a " " . end -that he would henceforth receive n . "AMKr "" IIUH a year. lnetead of 15.09. a. at bopf., "prodln. 'warleTn 5. wron:.. We are after. the "";. v I lng to diachaxve-kim. wHm ... - ".J" w" tnem "Onlr one change will reault," eald la ehort Ume nftar tha order u "v ?ro,trn.vry P01. ery . he, -and that la a. negllglblo auted that he waa willing to give ' M M I? mt ,' "e gov. merely that eorae additional olarlcal aa-lnn Conland and annnint .nni... .i..w lentment bos. .. - ; alatance will ba procured in the legal and hava the matter eatUed. - : ""With ratentleaa force'the proaeoutlng aapanmenc ana i win Da raueved of -"Copland la an excaUent Clark and I "ay Drougnt noma to congreaaman aome datalla with which I have eon- give him up very reluctantly." said War- WUllamaon the charge that be waa the ; earned myaelf In tha paat."- , lain, "but I feel that thla matter muat ringleader In the aUegad aonaplraay. . Mr. Cotton haa been at Oyater-Bay, be aattlad. I a hall appoint K.-W. Pagat "Viruilamaon la the man who eohemed ' where he, talk ad with Preeldent Sooee- o the place if ha will accept It.. I know the whole thing.- ' he , declared, -and .relt. and in New Tork, where be wae him to be a, goM inan..- , , . . Blgga and be are the on who are moat i iaw waix iumi odicwoiu Ham-1 . nan Waa 1 wnypula. y-1 raanonalhlar mwnr- old moat of , the r!Lr . Z"11 wnm I The. men . en the eligible lUt for the 1 worK 001 T0Q ave eaen that old man on je. M. ciarrunaa. He It t fnr tha aaat I i n i i -- v xxr . , ,i - th. itinii .mi mn ... u. i. k. July B and laet Thureday atartad from j Krnae and Robert A. Hume. AU ire or bou "a than about aheep. Wll-"TTO-r?l'w. fturn- - ' - leonBlderad good ,cler. -gnd ljave.bJltam eta that he haa, been tn - ... i . - . - - I ww. .v w. wiauuwwi. r " . " vivymi iun iHucni n leiapnone xne appointment of Paget will In allwm" ne wno piannaa tne whole thing." A.. i .. ana Duameee probability be made late tbl -after- ndge Bennett pf counsel for the de men who dealred Immediate Ihtervlewe. noen. a under the agreement Copland fenae waa merclleaaly orltlelaed and 2? W5?H ' eonfr, 'Uh htw re- will have to be discharged today and hie again and again during the argument garaing An aueceeew in fhe Judgeship, successor appointed Immediately. . . he wae scored In uhmeesured terme. But las. Cotton . refusao to dlacuas the The' trouble between the eommlsalon Defendants and their, attorn.v. and Werleln dates from last July when! broadly accused of tampering with the the treaaurer refused to appoint a man! witnesses -for the prosecution. V The I from the . eligible list. It did not ee-1 facte on which the government rllaa "I am after the big fleh, not the little ones, and as long aa I occupy the office oi united states dlatrlct attorney snau Keep arter the big flah." thundered Fraaia-J. Heney this morning In his opening argument ' to the Jury In the secona tnai or-congreaaman J. N. WU iiamson. Dr. Van Oeener and Marlon Blgga. "Can you deUr men fronoom mlttlng crime by patting the little crim inal behind . the bars and letting 'the millionaire go freer I tell you It la bat ter to put one millionaire who has vio lated th law behind the bars than a uounana . or , tha man whom - he . Baa We Ooaearm ta Appolaleaent, ', "I have not Ukea up the matter, am not thinking about IV and will hot dottra "erlous proportions until Werleln f were graphically laid before the Jury nstuiwq u appoint w. n. unr, ana i ana jar. nenrj arew a vivia picture or employed hie wife tnatead of taking a I the atepa by which the alleged cpnaplr name from the list of eliglblee. In No-1 acy wae planned and executed. .When so. "I have not recommended any one." said he, "and will not do ao. - That U not my concern. WllifjffP IT W I r .a ' v3 z: Ml r I i A Ernett t Sun, ; Who Testified Today Agalnat Hla Uncle. Confreaaman Before him wee e mass'. of oorre-l ember Werleln employed Copland tem- apendence, bulky- documents relating to the vast volume of datalla to which the general counsel , of a .big corporation must attend. through -the letters and papers, an swered the telephone,, made . appoint ments, and In five mlnutee had arranged a day which for the Average man-would have been almost appalling. ' Every hoar wae essigned ' to eome peraon or Item of Important bualntas. Bo busy wae he that legal matters in which be nit 1T ' n Pantnn MAun.! fnr . tttm Southern Paciflo, were interested, were """Tf- Jf"T v-opiana - uary irom t.k. UB .t tha'o hour whin th.v WM given by the charter annually lunched together at their club. . 1 - "P purpo-. - In tha waiting-room waa a throng of I . wonia iroe vraw warrant. peraona, including . prominent Oregon I ' Mayor wiuiama and .city Auditor I Railroad . Navigation orricisis, - anoi Devun rerueeo to araw-tne warrant, on '. .; i'. ,.i:-v.:;. ' 11 the hour for the noon adjournment ex- nvaa no was atUL speaklnir and -aa re- anmaa ma argument thla afternoon. : ' Vataer Takea atand. Whan court opened at o'clock thla morning; Erneat Starr. Congressman Williamson's nephew, for whom a score of officers searched until he wae final ly discovered In the fastneasea of the mountalna. was placed on the stand and front his unwilling Hps was wrung sgatn the story that he told on the nrevloue trial ' f ' ..... - Hesitatingly -and reluctantly, under the eloee Interrogation of Dlatrlct Attor- nef -Henejv Ernest, Starr Irepeeted that teatimonr so OamaJXlna to the defense. More than onoe he strove to lessen Its force, and he told of hie ef forte to cape testifying a second time by flight into tne mountatna. . i. . -wnat aid willlameon eay to ' you anout your teatimony on the first trial r aaxed Mr. Heney. , . ' Vnele Said Xe UeeV' ' ' "He said that I lied." eald the wttm ' Btarr admitted that he expected to eoo- vey hie timber claim to Oesner, but im mediately qualified the statement by Decrease , in ; NMmber of Deaths J at. New Orleans , From Yel- ( low Jack-Three Huhm: ; dred Cases Reported.' A ? a V. Rebellion Hit Prince" of Bonf Ir Island of Celebes Crushed ' :: Vv by a ;. Victory I Over ;Vrl'; ; the Natives. ' MISSISSIPPI BARS ALL TRAVELERS FROM CITY Authorhiei Refuso to Allow People , With Certificatee From Detention, ? Camps to ' Paas .Through - State v Passengers Landed From Southern Steamer at New York. ... (Continued on Paga. 3?wd.) . porartly and a few weeke later the com- mleeion certified the name of E. : W. Jonas for appointment, but the city A.-h. .ikt k. I treasurer reiuaea to maxe tne appoint ment ana conunuea to employ vopiana. The eommleslon caused the salary of Copland to be withheld. Several attempts have been made to effect a reconciliation between the de partments, but without - aueceee. - The laat move waa two months ago. when WORilfiTO CLOSE t BALTIC SEA the council under the late admintst tion paaaed. a reaolutlon approprlattngl Pmoeror " Will am i Visits. Kintf nay Copland e salary rrom I . . wnnsuan ax uopennagen ' .. on State Matters. others who wanted Immediate audience. I the ground that they would be held KINU IS EMBARRASSED The decision to remain with the O. I liable under the Charter for paying the R. A N. company waa, seaohed by me." I salary to a man who waa employed eald Mr. Cotton, "without " assistance I contrary to the regulations of the com-1 inrni IDT uui.r .uwrwwn. a .t. ub i nwMun. i u. mij .uu i wmm matter much thought, and finally con-1 urer were severely censured by the com- eluded that I would .be happier In act-1 mission for attempting to override that lve work such es that which I have been I body.. . i -.. doing, than I would ne were i to go en i since the new administration came the bench and pass on the note of o Chars.. I into power Werleln haa shown an attl- - , '- . - Polleeonhy of Work. ' - 1 tude of reconciliation which resulted la ."A man la entitled to de the work that ltum agreement made today. Is most songenlsitto him. ' He will be I BY CALL FROM KAISER Court Circle Would Impress Upon People That Visit Is Only One of v Courtesy Norwegian Problem Un ,'der Discussion. more effective in that than he will be I FfiPPQTFDQ IM QPCCIHM exactly suited to his disposition. ,. -"Hence. I declined the Judgeahlp and h. HMimiuim 'innniniiriani .fci0 I "'. Warsal gpaetal Serrlct.) had been bent to me,T vY. ' rJ JSZJimB "My final decision In the premises '"'."-'"Vl .J- Tv'" rZVLV., rlv?!.:"vS wss reached laat Thursday afternoon in , . ' "2 "TJ "11 t"1'h.. New Tork. and I at once took the train J" LL1 VgJSSSSSi for home I Th. um. i mirA ti Taf rorestero, one of the strongest Senator Fulton and wrote the preeldent. 5. Lr:e1rn" jTr'J "Aa soon ss t had made no my mind. I told Mr. Hararman that I wae not eon- (Jaaraal apaeut arrtcaV . 1 tf-A.K..n Till. .1 - IT TVIf- ' ' IN ATLANTIC CITY I,an arrived this afternoon. During i. -' V , 1"' h,T"1 ,w ' ' Ihls stay the kaiser wUl be received only in eemt-ornciai etate. court circles de. aire the people to be lmpreased with the Idea that the vielt la one of eourteay only, but the general opinion prevalla that some political move Is under ..way to govern probably the closing of the Baltlo sea to the warships of all na tions except those bordering , on the sessions were opened In the . assembly nail or tne Hotel Rudolf todar with Dr. A vv em ej true svn- i rw a. . a m . - . i sldering the mattatvfrom the standpoint 1"???: of the revenue, and that money was not ,7? " -kILJ?". . n . , I Kii It la , currently believed '' that the iaer will also endeavor to . Induce 'i.'7 h' "m?B ot from the selection of a prince ef the a'" ira ArsiKnu, AUWnu, DCOIiana. I e fnr h. XJ. iy. My friends urged me to I l?,.,8,r,dB th arioue eutee throne, a selection which meets with judgeship. I considered the B .,wr "JV?m 5 1 P"J?" popular favor-aa tending to draw Den- sessions will "continue for one week and will be devoted' to business relating to the affaire of the order, a review of Ite progress during the last three years and an outline of Ite plane for the future. a primal element In the transaction. Mr. Harrlman aaked me to remain with the company. accept tne question for a month. It was impor tant to me,, for It Involved mr whole future .Ufa Probably, had' I rone on the bench, I never egaln 'would have practiced law; at least I would not have one so for a number of years. sra hhwiiii a. ... A mah has a right to chana-a hla GALLOON FALLS UPON I mi no. naan ner nucn queations do not mark and Norway closer together. ' Altogether the kaiser's visit Is causing no little embarrassment In state . clr cles, and plainly spesklng. he la not en tirely welcome. , In eome quanera the opinion le held that the tune hae come for a formal declaration that the . Bartlo ehall be closed to the warships of all nations ex- come before one often.' end when they do a man feels like deciding In the man ner which will conserve his beat Inter ests.. That waa what I dld I. decided that I would be happier In an active career than- in the almost passive nosl. tion of a ludae. ..,? "When i went eest July I I intended to go on the bench. I did not an to K-onier wiin tne tiarriman orriolals re- earning tne matter. I went with the intention of arranging to close e mr fuslness relations with the company be-1 ore September 1,. and to express to nnem my views ss to future policies that knight be followed In this region. - My Change In mind waa (be result of my ywp mouini, ana no sxtmneous in fluence was Brought to bear upon me o a I reci tne aeoiaion. ,, .'-.-.. - . ; nik tar nr pinr a -.vm I closed to tne warsnips oi an rauoni ex-r-. PALACE OF FINE ARTS cent the shutting powers. Semi-official inquiries 19 ima vnu iikt bviiviiu- uw. put out in the direction of persuading Ruaeia, Sweden. Norway and Denmark that they have. the same Interests In warding off the Britlah menace.' - - The announcement that the Norwegian storthing hae ' decided to submit to a plebiscite the question of the dissolu tion of the union with Sweden has been received with interest by officials of the state department, because It le regarded as promoting the chances of an amicable settlement . of the d inferences between the two countries. - Next Tuesday Is the (Jearaal Special Serrlea,) ' . .Paria,'- July IL Aeronaut Saunters and a follow passenger narrowly escaped death this afternoon when his balloon fell and landed on the roof of the arena Palace, of Fine Arts, breaking through the glass. The basket saved the aien. v Continued on Page TwaJt Cute X-ef tm Two With Age.; (npatlal Dtapatek te Te MraaLi Huntington, July It William Bryant, . who llvee . on Morgan creek. while hewing a log recently, cut hla leg day fixed for the reference of the matter almost In two with a . broedaxe. The to the people and In view of the reported axe struck a knot and glanced, striking unanimity of the Norweglana, the result kl. 1... ......... ..kl. . . ...... 1 . j Him . mw-ww .ii. .M.I., -BTvnnK i ii not muon m ooudi. - . tha shlnbone and muscla Hawse taken I It le nractlcallr certain that the mn- u a oMtrj,iuj nospiia. xor medical uon for disunion will be cerrled with ..wuwu.w . f. i . ' Aecaroeiy a oiaaeauna vote iljivyS y oii seen i J tKe giiant?; .It's The Journal's, big ' rainbow ; press,' the '. first color press jn Oregon, and . one of the sights of the city. It isn't at the fair, but if it were there would be a crowd around it all the time. ' You , don't v need .. to take a car' ride, to see it It's right in the heart of the city., at... Fifth and. .Yamhill streets. Come arourtdany afternoon," you fair visitors, and watch it eat up half a mile of paper a - minute. ' Yeni're always ' welcome at' The Journal of. ' ficc .'.'.' ':' - -f STRIKERS GIRL HEROK.'E SAVES LIVES OF TWO CO'MIOilS : Ruth Brock. Less Than Thirteen Years Old, Rescues Chil r f.-y dren From Drowning. t,t;J CLASH WITH TROOPS Ten Thousand Workmen In War- , saw -Idle and More Join , 'Their Ranks Daily. FREQUENT CONFLICTS. WITH'AUTHORfTIES Two Large Iron Works Art Closed ; Japanese 'Push Back the Rutaiane in Sakhalin Island Korea 1 Not to B Consulted About Peace Terms. to , 1 ion. the l -v .... Ip s "S. (Jearaal Spaetai Serrie,.) New ' Raven. ' Conn., July ft Rath Brock, lees than U years old. Is a candi date for a Carnegie medal for saving the Uvea of two Sunday school mates at tbs annual plcnlo of the Whltneyvllle Congre gational church at Double beach. ' - With Rachel and Helen Clarke. 11 and 19 years old respectively, Ruth wss wad ing down a slope of rock when Rachel Clarke lout her balanoe and Tolled Into deep water. She called her sister Helen to taks bold of her hand, but the latter stumbled and she too Was pulled Into the water,. . -. .. Rachel sank twice and Helen once be fore Ruth reached the edge of the rock. Bracing her. feet as best she could she grasped the hand Of Helen, who In desperation clung to her sister. -Ruth pulled her two eompsnlnns . from - the water to the rock. Rachel was un conscious and Helen nearly ao. ; - . - : ; xae Fremont's Flag. Jvarsat gpeetal Sernea.1 f- ' Redding. Cat.. July II. The manager kof a local mine who realdee here haa in bis possession ' ths ring -that was unfurled by General John C : Fremont summit of the Rockies, . . ... . (Jearaal Special Bvrlca) " Warsaw, r July II. .Tan thousand workmen in Warsaw are idle" "on ac count onhe ; great : strike movement which la. spreading 1 dally. Conflicts with troops are frequent. , Two, large iron, worxo are closed. , , , r KOREA SHUT OUT. Japaaeee WUl Confer. Only Wltk kassU and STot Ooasmlt Other aTatioaa. . ..... - 'tifoarnail RpeMal Strvlee.) New Tork. July Si A. Sato, aookee- man nfor the Japanese peace commis sioner, naa nerved notice that the com ing peace conference at Portsmouth will be between Russia and Japan alone, and no ouier nation will be permitted to In tervene. - The etateraent was broua-ht forth on receipt of an Identical note rrom .Korea which, followlna the ex ample of China, had sent a note to the powera demanding that she be coneulted In the negotiations. ADVANCE JDN SAKHALIN. Jwpe Oontlana Arrreaslve Forward Move, XrtvlaLg Baselane Before Xhesa. .. - "(jottfD.j- SpeHiriUr"ler)T ""T ( Toklo,tJuly 11. More than two-thlrda of the Island of Sakhalin Is already In tne nanes or the Japmeee, and Russlsn forces are being pushed backward day by day. The Russian position st Dor bonskove haa been .captured after -1 hours fighting. The enemy fledt leav ing many dead and wounded behind. At the same time the enemy evacuated Ralkbell Novomleh after a stubborn re sistance;" and also Wedemtknvakl. Both towne fell on the morning of July ft. After,-tha moat stubborn fight the second Sakhalin army occupied .lukow Continued on Page Twag - (Joarnal Special Barflce.) New Orleans, La., July 11. Beyond a decrease In the number ef deaths there is little change In the situation here. Up to noon today, ten new eases had been reported, making the total to date ls. There were no deaths, thouah mere were three yesterday and seven Saturday, making a total of 66 deaths from the 41 Infected localities. Satur day there were 19 new cases and Sun day 17 new cases. , .- . ,v The most serious -eJomollcatlon has been .caused by the boycott of Missis sippi, -who refuses to- allow train pas- sengers rrom New Orleans to , pass through the state. Even those oassen- gere who have remained the reauired length of time at the detention eampa have been turned back. If Mlaslsslppt health authorities continue to refuse admission to holders of detention cer tificates issued by. the marine hospital service It will result In the latter aban doning the camps. ;(.'.. 1'.. , . The area of the disease hae been re stricted and but two other places out side the state of Louisiana have offi cially reported a. case of the .fever, a notable contrast to former outbreaka City Health Officer Kohka haa laaued an official statement regarding the jntua-i CAPITAL BOMBARDED . ' WHILE TROOPS AT Lous to Victors, Only Three Killed : and Twenty-Six Wounded WhCe ; Rebels , Leave Two . Hundred and . Fifty Dead and Flee to Hills, Ne cessitating Long Campaign. 11 tion. The -flrst-tntlmatldn-That tBerwf-Ths krnadom r-nnr-TnrniinJt4-tf. wae yeuow lever m the city was had on -uiy is, 'wnen two caaea were - re- ponea.--. All" measnree were employed agalnat the Infection and Investigation showed that there had been prior cases in ine same neignnornood. 1 The neighborhood operated upon le al- mon wnouy occupied oy Italians, many of whom are connected with the hand ling of bananas and the unloading of cargoes rrom Central- American porta The dleeaae must have heaun at some time during the second half of May, irom, tne infected , neighborhood residents movea to other Section. an In thin way caaea of the disease de veloped. All esses now existing are Isolated 4nd,' subjected to the proper measures of prevention, based on the mo-quuo taw or transmission. i cxas nas raised .. the ... oiuniiii.. anainat me state except at points of In fection. On the other hand. Mississippi .,iu.wuil mt lines tignter. . LANDED IN NEW YORK. People From aTew Orleans Allowed -tnter Sisiulnad Before Sailing. (Joaraal BbmUI Sarrleak . New Tork. July 11 Tha Souih.-n .- cino steamer rroteus arrived at Quaran tine from ;New Orleans this All on board are well and the crew is now allowed shors liberty. At New Or. leans wnen tne passengers embarked. they were examined by the board of health physician,' ths history of their movements while In the eity recorded, end all from infected or suspicious district excluded, v All steerage pas sengers were refused. Ninety-six cabin passengers were pessed; five from the Italian quarter were rejected. . v T ' .' kOsslsslppt Quaraatlae, ' r " (Jearaal gptcial Barvlce.) - -Jackson. Miss., July ll.-The state board of health has Issued sn order that every town in the state must ap point health officers with the power to laaue health certlflcatea . Reports from Lumberton today stated that no Infec tion haa appeared. . " A labama 3-xolndea People. -;- Jearaal SnaeUI Berrke.) Mobile. Ala, July 11. Although the governor has not Issued a proclamation for quarantine- against Louisiana, offi cers are enforcing It COLUMBIA VALLEY IS - SWEPT BY WINDSTORM (special Dtisatrh te Taa JoerneLY . Pomerey, Wash., July It Thla re gion wee swept Thursday night by the fiercest wind storm In the history of the county. Teiegrapa and telephone wires were torn down, eleotrto wires burned out by coming In contaot with each other. The wind came up the river and after, passing through the ran at Wallula seemed to pass' across the country te the Snake and followed that stream, eastward. ' "" ' Moaraar Special Serrlea - '"-'; Singapore, July 11 The Dutch expe ditlon sent against the Prince of Boni In the Island' of Celebes, Malay archipel ago, wae suoceesfuL July tt seven war ship bombarded Badju, the capital, and later landed' troops. - In a flerce land light following the- rebels were de feated, leaving t6( dead.- ' The Dutch, lost three killed and tt wounded. , . Celebes la an island In the East Indian archipelago near Borneo, with an ap proximate area of 70,000 square miles. The whole Island Is practically In the hands of the Dutch, and has a popula tion of 10.000. consisting "mostly of ii-' laya The natives are -well built and muscular and quite Intelligent .. -The richest part of the Island la around the head of the Bay of Boni. governed by the Prince of Boni. whs has been In rebellion for aorue months peat and who conducted numeroua ralda upon the settlements, ruthlessly murder ing tne innamtanta and burning towns. The defeated natives fled to the moun tains In the Interior which are almost ' inaccessible, and It le presumed that from these Jungles they will continue their raids upon the settlements neceaaltatlns- a long and ooetly campaign on tha part ox inn vuteh. to successfully, stamp out tne reoeiitcn. Independence until 1814 .and rebelled again in 186. , -.-..: -. ; The country la very rich In reaourcea but the Dutch settlements have not beep financially successful. . ' '' , . . QU AKERS', I NTER P. ATI ON AL - CONFERENCE INJNDIANA V (Joaraal Special Service.) Richmond, 'Ind- July IL Prominent Friends from all parts of thla country and Canada are gathered here for the Friends' . international educational con. ference," which will be in session at Earlham college during the remainder of the week. - Governor JIanley will de liver an addrees of welcome at the Ini tial session this svenlna. - Durlna tha week educational topics will be dis cussed by prominent college men. In cluding President A. Roeenberger of Penn college, Preeldent Cbarlea K. Tab- bette of Whtttler college, t Preeldent Robert. L Kelly, of Earlham college. Professor Royal J. Davie of Guilford college. Prof easor El wood C Perisho of the University of South Dakota, and William C. Dennis of Columbia univer sity. 1 .- .-'), , .-. ELOPING COUPLE MUST RETURN Ta MISSOUH! (Special Dlasatck ta Tte Journal 1 '. Helena. Mont.- July 11. rtovernnr Toole today granted a requlaltion on Governor Folk of Missouri for the re moval to that state of Oabe WHfort. who was arreated on a charge of ab ducting 11-year-old Leota Gaines from Wjeylend. Mo. Wilford Is married. Shortly after Wilford left Missouri his wife received a letter statin that ha had Jumped from a certain pier into lake ' .. Michigan at Chicago! The lake dredged but the body . waa not found. ' Later Wilford and the girl were found -In Helena, tha girl having arrived later. Tney were keeping house when arrested. They secured a temporary release en a writ of habeas corpus.,, but , were later rearrested.' -"w -V- . ' , . EIGHTEEN INJURED IN , WRECK NEAR JOLIET . (Jesraal gpeetal serrlea. i ... jollet Ilia. July , 11. The Bowers touring special, the second section of tha Rock Island fast passenger train, raivthrough an open switch two miles south or here today and It people were more or lees injured, none of them seri ously. Tha flagman of a work train on the siding Is ssld to have. Itft the switch open. The enalna.crewa' lumml riremaa Charel had) a ehoulder fcrt-.a. , JOHNSON IS APPOINTED " IDAHO FEDERAL ATTORNEY ; - r '. . ' i s,' . (Joarsal gpadal Strrlee ) Boise. Idaho, July It. Miles S. John- ' son. late prosecuting sttornsy of Lewis- ' ton, haa been appointed asalstsnt United ' , Btatea attorney for Idaho.. Johnson's . appointment was Opposed by the' Keater 1 KettenbacR faction of the Reptibllran party In north Idaho. 1 It m stated tha appointee will take no active part In the land fraud trials at the Moscow term ef court In October. TOM JOHNSON STOPS -RACING AT CLEVELAf.'O . . .. i " 1 -,'. (Joaraal Special gerrlaa. ' V Cleveland, O. July 11 Abandonment of this city as a member of the grand trotting circuit ! Involved In the laau ance ef an order this morning Jv Mayor Johnson agalnat pool selling. The races opened today" on the supnealtlon that during tie prevtoue two years tbe op po sition to gambling had been overruled .'Jjrapeeme Oenrt Optaiona ' ' TSpwUl Dtaretck te Tks Joaraal.) Olympla, Waeb., July t The ' preme court hae affirmed ths J" of the lower court, of Klnv granting S damage to ft from the Interatate Kl" i In the cane er Ueor- I . I the city of Btatt: 1 JurleUloUeav. -