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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
GOOD MORillHG : ; - - , .'. THE WEATHER. v Fair J northwesterly winds, i ! . Journal Circuit Ccb Yesterday ' T .Ly 2 i v s ' v i i t i i i VOL. Jt. NO. 20. I GO i CRASH Four Killed and a Score Injured in Wreck of Iron Mountain Mail Near . Diaz, Arkansas; J Six Fatally Htirt in Derailing- of Santa FeOver- r land Express Near 7-. ling Saves;: All i't:-" vu--; :...., , (Special Dispatch br iMHd Win to Tha Journal) V Newport, Ark., Julr Dies ha. be- . com tb seen of another of the most ; eerlou of passenger train wreck on the t Iron Mountain system. Fast southbound ; mall train No. from St Louie, due at ' Newport at 4 :f a. m. and running about oa time, struck split switch Just. above Diss, going Into the ditch. Th train was running about 80 miles an 'hour., . -w. -: Four fatalities, acore of Injured, the . engine and three care demolished and , three -coaches burned Is the result - The switch for the Whit River branch "X" seems to have been broken "and was only half closed when struck by the big- mogul drawing No. 6. The ' engine chose th branch and the baggage ' and mall cara followed the main track, .: telescoping and breaking .Into, splinters. , With no warning of tb terrible dan ger. Engineer William N. -Horton of Lit- tonts of the tender where his body -was rescued- later, minus th bead and right ' arm. -Th smoker was a complete wreck, and a. -number of Its passengers were ln . jured. and tw probably dead. Francis Muirnead. who was a passenger from flozls sara that an old man. and boy 'were lost and doubtless burned in the " ; wreckage. .On of tb father's limbs could b seen but th flame drov the rescuHig party back. " ; On mail clerk and on passenger were aerloualy Injured. Tb former. John Mo- Tsmgtrtinrwag In th forward mall ear '- and had iust walked to th end of the car when th crash cam, an act whlok doubUess saved his life, as ths.iajwla front and middle section of the car was ' reduced to splinters. As it was, Mo , Laughlln' suffered aerr Injuries f tb fc.ic. The other mall clerks, who wer In th second car, escaped practically thinks mm Young Wife of Aged Politician 'it 8ur That Hi Ufa Has Batrr- Vry Successful, f Special Dtapetck by Leased Wire to The Joeraal) New York. July 2 "Mr husband's llf has been worth while. He la a : great politician and has-been vary suc cessful throughout hi very long life." .. Mrs. Thomas C. Piatt, wif of th ' senator from New Tork, so declared her- self when ah arrived from abroad to 1 night on th St. PauU --' " . ' . Several days ago Senator Piatt mad the statement that although he had ac complished much In his life, that "it ad noV been worth while that If he ' bad it to llv over again he would do many things h haa not don and bis record In some respects wo.uld readdlf-frnt!jr.--' - - Th young wife of th aged states ' man blushed and almost became Indig nant when the question was put to her. "The Ideal- It Is ridiculous to think of - such thing. I do not bllv my hus band said that 'llf had not been worth while.' If h did happen to say so M was almply In Jest." said Mrs. Piatt "Do j you think your absence could . have caused his pessimlstlo moodf Mrs. Piatt was asked. - ' "Possibly." she answered, "but when I am at horn I nvr allow him to ? drift into any auch a melancholy state. H is always cheerful when w ar to- gether. W ar like two school children when . at horn. Don't talk about th - detestable story any longer, added Mrs. Piatt.."! am sure there, is absolutely nothing to It. J -. "Shake- hands, .with; Nan-Nan, " my Belgian puppy. H Is Just- a year old . and was given me by th French gov- ernment. See my beautiful French bull dog," added Mrs. Piatt, leading th re- ' porter to th saloon where th canine was blinking his eyes . through the screening of Ms cage. :' - - "Both of these pups will b entered for th big prises at th dog show. They : ar sure winners.. And, oh, how pretty . Nan-Nan Is!" . - -.-..- ., v Mrs. Piatt carried th smaller of her '. pots about In her arms and showed him worth m. ; sawsMasssisSaagas . with pnae. I Mrs. matt has been abroad six weeks . and spent th greater part of her time . In Paris where she was received by ties -fashionable; set." of ths "New Tork of France." BRITISH SHIP SEIZED vBY I). SL MARSHAL ,r ...-. . ... ; . (Special Dlapatefe te The lowrnaL) ' cattle, July 19. The British ship Jose phine. Csptain J. P. Heffler, from, Van couver, British Columbia, - has been seised by the United States marshal at Ketchikan,. Alaska. The captain and crew are in jail. The vessel, landed a - cargo from a Canadian port at an Amert saa port Withost s permit." TWO STATES Cm but Two Coaches v '"'y .Ex-Alderman Frank Fowler, of Chi cago was badly Injured In th cheat and bis condition' la, thought to b critical. His brother, is said to be a, prominent railroad maip In Chicago and has been wired to corns.'. SIX FATALLY HURT. Wreck of Bant. OverUad Xear Obl- oago Weak Oonpliog Saves Kacgr, (Bpteial Ptapateh by Least Wire to The Jooraal) Chicago, . July 19. The California Limited, the Santa Fa -palatial overland express, carrying .dosena of Cbloagoans in Its Pullman coaches, and Hying at great spaea to maae . up time, w wrecked at-Lamont, 21 miles southwest of Chicago at 1040 o'clock tonight. when, .th smoking car, th third coach of the train, left th track on an abrupt Six men, Ave of them Italians,' bound for destinations In Illinois, wer fatally Injured when th couplings gavs way and the smoking car and th reclining chair oar rolled over and settled in deep ditch SO feet south of th tracks. - The two foremost sleeping cars, carry ing through passengers, wer thrown from th track by ttie sudden . wrench, which shook th entire - train of nine coaches, but through a fortunate weak- nens of th coupling between th chair oar and th first sleeper, th pin broke and th Pullmans did. not capslae. ' alnsft - all f -th 1 hundreds of pas sengers; most of whom wer Chlcagoana, wer Jostled from their berthsjby the precipitation and the crash. The In Jared wejr taken te Chicago on a sp dal train. ' . . - There were no Oregon or California passenger aboard th train. . i Sand Island Trouble Practically v; Ended Between Washing- ?r M, ''.rton and Oregon. :rft , . (BiMrlal Dispatch te The JoarnaL) SeatUe, July . Th light between Washington-and Oregon fishermen over th Sand Island seining grounds In the Columbia river has been settled for good and all, so fir-as the Interests are concerned. Th suit ef.'B. F. Houston of Tacoma, however,' claiming ths laland under a tide land leas from-th state of Washington. wlU stiU b prosecuted In th' courts. - -' - j At th time th government leased the Island to ths Oregon syndicate of Hsher. men, over a protest of th Washington fishermen who used th waters about the Island 'for mafly years and over a contention - that - th- island waa ' on - th Washington aide of th river, on of th greatest complaints waa that the Wash ington fishermen had erected aheds and eablna and owned many horses used la dragging irt th net and In, general R would caus them a large loss. Under th terms pf . settlement the Oregon syndicate purchaaea the horses sheds, cabina and other outfits of about half of th . Washington fishermen and entered Into agreement with th balance whereby they .will b allowed, to us th waters on good terms. "The matter, f now definitely settled and naught re mains to clear th Oregon fishermen's title to tb leas except ,. th Houston SUlt,'.- -' . - - ' ,,,.' PUas $33,000,000 'Watarworka. (Special Dtapatc by Leaeed Wlrs to Tse Jorsn . Los Angeles, Caa. July 2. Los Angeles Is planning to construct . a water system that will rival any in the world. The coat , will be $21,000,000. , ONLY 0I1E SUIT TO BE SETTLED ROCKEFELLER ECONOMISES BY P ' CUTTING WAGES OF EMPLOYES (Special Dta patch by Leased Wire to The Jrarsal) -Nsw-T0Tk.f Juty-2.i-j6hnD.-Rock; feller la. cutting down" his ex penes. Hoyr many of Jits employes will b dis charged, how many salaries will be cut before Mr. Rockefeller feel his ex isting financial strain is -eased, ar purely matters of speculation. T ' - Llk most good business men when they realise that they a re living dan gerously clos to their Income,'- Mr. Rockefeller haa begun to cut down his luxuries. Th first of Mr, Rockefeller's luxuries to. fait afoul of his new policy of economy Is his Lakewood estate. No tice has been, served on th superin tendent of th estate that his services will not be required after July tl, and ait employes have been Informed Of a reduction In wages. ; - - .I , . . ..", -. . .. Portland, Oregon. Sunday . morning," july , sp, V wo5. four sections thirty-six DEPEW (Spatial Dispatch by LeasadjTIr to The Journal) New Tork, July 2. "I saw some scandalous stories connecting my name with certain alleged unrighteous trans actions between th Equitable society and the Depew Land V Improvement company while I was In Parts and not withstanding the fact that my vacation had yet a month to run I resolved to rfeturn home Immediately and get on the firing Una. And I would Ilk to add that I shall remain In th middle of th storm until It passe away and w ar all living In peace again." Senator Chauncey M. tepw, brown faced, brown-eyed and deoonalr, smiled gleefully at th reporters. . It was, la the cabin of the steamship St. Paul on th way up th bay from quarantine.- The senator Hoped that this statement would end the queatlons, but he found that it would not. ; ' - "Why did yon pay $2,600 for a sub scription to Fada and FanoiesT" -.Th senator looked at th reporter who shot this question at him and his face broke up In amllea.1 - r "Wall, I'll tell you all . about that matter. That Is something that can be disposed of In a moment It was Ilk thie:" - " Mr. Depew leaned back In hie chair, put th tips of his fingers together, raid for Fads aad Fancies. - . "About four years ago a young man cam to me with a not of introduction from Colonel Mann. hTow, I have known th colonel for good many year and I esteem him, and when the young man showed m some prqpfs I was charmed with ths splendid sampls of th printer' YOUTH IS ATTACKED V AND EATEN BY SHARK . ( -i ' , i ' - (Special Dtapeteb by Leased Wire to The Jon-sal) Beaufort, N. C-, July JS. Button Davis, It years of age, while wading and play ing In ths water yesterday ! at Davis Shore, 10 miles from here, was suddenly attacked and eaten by a large shark. ' Ths boy was In water about waist deep when the shark struck him and threw him In th sir and caught him as he fell. Th shark pulled hi victim under and disappeared In ths deep sea With the boy. The tragedy was witnessed by a large crowd of bathers. , , ' ; " 7 ' Th reduction will be from 10 to 20 percHt. The sMpsrlntendenfs- helpers, who have been paid $10 a day, will have to be content wltn tl.2( hereafter. Aa there ar f tv of . these man em ployed in golf links and grounds. Mr. Rockefeller r will schievS a saving of $1.26 a day. This, in addition to th salary reductions among th rest of th force, will cut as much ss $2 a day out of Mr. Rockefeller's salary Hat. This will help to restore Mr Rockefeller's In com to Its normal flgur of 1100,000 a day. " ':'''''' A big -saving will be mad by the discharge of th superintendent. ' He wss paid $100 a month and was an ex pensive figurehead, Mr. . Rockefeller thinks., as he Intends in future to per sonally direct th car of his Lakewood states. i-r i ' ' '. A,STEP TOWARD PPACE, AS .MINISTER SATO SEES IT. DEMESlMTIBSaUKE The Peach Returns From Europe j a Month Ahead of Time to Face the Music. . : . ..:: -. TEASES REPORTERS AND 5 f PARRIES ALL QUESTIONS Subscribed to "Fads and Fancies" to Indulgt " Luxury as ' He ' Was Charmed With the - Proofsl-Sars Realty Syndicate Is "AH Bight " handicraft. ' Th page war beautlfally Illuminated and th typ was clear and fine. - So I subscribed, paying f 1,500 for th subacriptlon. and not $2,600 a you ha v declared. . ;' - ."Paying money for things""" of that sort la an old trick of mine. Such luxuries cost me. In a very- ordinary year, about 110.000. I am always ready to help th boys and seldom. If aver, refuse to go Into anything of that char acter." . """',"-' Th senator wss asked If any pres sure had been applied to Indue him to pay th 1.800 and he opened his eyes very wide ss he replied: "Pressure t Certainly not. My act was purely vol untarily." " , CITY COUNCIL RIOTS OVER IK6 com Alderman ' Kidnaped, i Another ' Slugged and Pandemonium ; Regns in Springfield. (Special Dtapeteb by Leaeed Wire to Tta Joaraal) v Springfield, HU July 2 In a riot In the Springfield city council tonight on alderman waS kidnapped and another waa struck several blows In th face and body, th meeting was adjourned under the mayor's gavel and th lights turned out by th mayor, and. policemen cleared, th ball and diww revolvers on the aldermen. , A. young lawyer named Lawler was arrested and taken to th city prison and locked up without charge or prov ocation. , Th aldermen held a rump session, following th riot and they transacted business In th offlc of on df" their" members. ' XT . A heated .controversy aroa over the letting of the contract for th lighting of , th city. . Nothing like It baa evir been witnessed in Springfield, used as It . Is to riotous scenes la legislative and city affairs. - Th city streets have been lighted for several months tinder a monthly extension of an old contract with th City Utllltie company, which has been operating th city's own plant. Th laat extension expire -at midnight Sunday and th fight wag not over at midnight tonight ! t -.. J... i , . ., .".'" Ohaaaptea freak. ' Louisville. Ky., Jdly 2 A KenrVcky man believes be haa the qhAmplon freak. Th queer monstrosity consists of seven kittens joined. .aa on. : -.' . ,'V. ' - Th . senator was taken back' to th Depew Land A Improvement company and th latest development of that case, ths assertion that Mrs, Brooke L. Duke was at on time an agent for th com pany .was referred to. " . " . -He replied that he did not know Mrs. Duk-aiAl that h neve had known her and that shs had never ' been interested In bualness of his of any kind whatever. He declared that Oeorg Day of th Lud low Day Realty company, who had made the atatement that Mrs. Duke had been representing the land company, was surely mistaken. ,t Explain band Oonrpaay. -"The Depew Land at Improvement company," aald th senator, "was In axistenca several year before . I had any connection with It. I have no doubt but that th company Is all right and that It will prove a profitable invest ment. Nobody and no company - will lose any money through It, of that I am certain. But I really know very little of th details of th company be cause I am only a minor stockholder la it. It la nonsens to say that Mrs. Duke, under ths name of Alice Webb Powell, or any other nam, had a letter from m authorising her to represent th company.' She had nothing of the kind. So that la disposed of." - Th senator then laughed again and waited for another question. They cam to him In volleye, but his good na ture parried all the more serious onea. It seemed that th senator could or would shed 'llttlet light upon th per plexities of th gentleman of th preaa ART CRITIC SKIES'DURAN ; BOUGUEREAU AND BONNAT (Copyright, Hearst News Service, by Leased Wire to The Journal.) , Paris, July 2.-Alphonso XIII wished to Show that lt liked th painters of France, so he bad with him In his recent visit her an art critic to distribute awards. , ; M .. , -it'" On his return to Paris a critic who knows his trade, made a list In which appeared for third medal Carolus Duran; for honorable mention, Bouguereau, and for word of, encouragement. Bonnet - "Ton ar amusing," said th king, look ing at th list "Duran, Bouguereau and Bonnat an great men of official France' art" T am sorry, your majesty," said ths art ciitic, "but I am honest." MAKES HUNDREDS ,T BELMONTS DINE IN STATE " (Special Dispatch to The Joarsat.) ' ' Livingston. Mont, -July 2. Mr. and Mra. O. H. P. Belmont th well known New Tork' financial and social leaders, wer visitors " In .th-Yellowstone Na tional park during th week and at leaat on on occasion they wer compelled to bear the brunt of many "kicks," the caus of which they wer directly buff probably unwittingly responalble for. It seems that th msnager of one of th hotels Is what might be termed a hero worshiper and when h learned th identity of his. guests he waa overawed. When the dinner-hour 'arrived he per sonally escorted the Belmonts to tb dining-room and closed the doors to th pages. 1 HARR1AN IS SP.1ART SET li; CONDEIVINED GRILLED Portland Business Men Resent , the Action of His Steamship "v" Company iri Reducing Its ".Fleet to Bay City. action'held to be ; " entirely unreasonable Said to Be In Line With Old Policy of Company and a Barrier to De- ; Telopment of Trade Plea . That Traffic la Unprofitable Since Rate " WaV Fixed 7 CorrationT Portland business men will resent the action of th Harriman steamship man agement in taking off the Valencia and the City of Topeka after arrange ments had beea made and on of th boats started In the Portland-Ban.' Fran cisco run.. There Is strong Indigna tion Shown her and th company's promts that It wilK try to secure a larger boat next month 1 received with some incredulity. - . . Th company has been overwhelmed with bualness offered at Portland for double the number of boats It la jfur nlahlng to take car of th .trad. In th fac of thia faot it refuses to char ter boats that ar offered, and an nounces that it will go on as before, with lis two - ateamshlps overcrowded between Portland and San Francisco, anjLmtarJLPt iiicKeM.JijajLa-i.B.Jaai. to people who com her and ax unable to aet naaaas on 1U boats to San Francisco. . Th company alleges tnat tns dusi- ness does not pay, uven u wr unprofitable to carry passengers Be tween Portland and Ban Francisco at these rates, th failure of th Harriman lines to handle th business. It Is aald. la Inexcusable, at this time, wnen ner is a stream of xcurslon travel that ha been started .by th Lewis and Clark exposition.'. . -'--V v" ootasMsar ad ths Bato. : : - These peopl have been sold Harriman tickets at eastern points, gooo. ir. trin -to Portland, via Ban-Fran. Cisco 'and ths purehaaer bought th tickets with th understanding that they ,.it mikt the trio between Portland and. San ranolaco by ateamshlp. They arrive here In poasesaion o nm .hiv. itrta but -And no bertha, and ar told that there Is no' room on th boats for them. They ar offered an exchange by which they may gb to San Franolaco by rail over u.euy.. Paclflo. They ar weary of "' travel, and hav com br xpting to break th long trip by an ocean Jjorage. m.. .....I. I. that thar ar. angry, ana go away saying sver thing about th ?. . : ' . .nt .nd thee critl- rumsrenrunfbly on Portland and th whol Facino coas. ' Waat Steeuner Tttp. . t Is said In th trafflo business that th boata could get $10 mor tnan u rates charged, so anxious ar th people to -make th trip by ateamer. In the tevt"on of receipt, from the excursion ticket of an eastern tonrtst th steamship company la alloted l-j tot thUpart of the trip. This Is the rate 'vlZErlly put in by the transportation companlM before the fair opened, and waa ai hip Un. It knew then, it Is ued; what It was going to get, and whether th business could b handled at a prom. Knowing all this, it p' a,ack,t on aale In ths asst. At this late i day. k fa ld. th. ,m bualness doe., and that It wiu not rWextra boats. rnr tha people who bougni IUVI iva T " It lcfcets. . - oriental - trade of Ths coaatwise m . ,iiw nv vears this port hss suriereo "., i policy or tn ni i - ' management. ' There nave with te eaatern excursion - 11n,Jf" Jrongljfadvised th. Harriman people to ImWv their stesmfthlp eervlc on-tMs S The accommodations SKK. Th busing ha. grow ng a.e.Q - of the HatTlroan management vers, conaiuons -""" , - fsarrio X. Poor. a n.rrmin olticiai in r" ... . 1 H Is authority for tha statement that tn the i... it ara the business has grown until today ther. is 10 times the anount of business offered by th port 'of Port land, but there ar no mor boats oper ated by the Harriman Una than ther were In operation 12 yeara ago. Th boats now ar not as good aa they wer (Continued on Pag Two.) WAIT WHILE several hundred other ' hungry park travelers, who war compelled to wait until tb Belmonts had completed their meai. "A a result th tourists were simply in a fransy and passed anvthlna- hut complimentary remarks about th hotel manager anx th Belmonta. although th fatter may have been tn Ignorance of the oi in comments. Tet It la re garded as probabl that they must have wondered why they were given th sole oooupency of th spacious room. While In LlvlnrMon te Belmontu were very democratic In tfcelr ways and mingled with the r- - t ' i traveling ia a t - t - . . -----TwJ PRICE FIVE CENTS. Colonel Mann, Editor of Town .' Topics, Denies Connsc- . " tion T With :l Black- - V. ; ; '' -v --.r.-'"--mailers. Ky- MADE MONEY LAMPOONING MILLIONAIRES' VANITIES .,. -.. . "Fads and Fancies' Soon to Be Pub liahed and la Designed to Admin ister to the Follies ; and PerpeN teJthej?amof SUly People Who , . Dawdle" Away Their. Time. - i (Speetal Dlspstek y Leesed Wta to Tae Jefsaty New Tork, July tt."T hav nve received on penny of blackmail In my ' llf and I defy th district attorney's offlc to proV that Town Topics is either a blackmailing Institution or that blackmailing trlbut has been paid inta Its coffers or of any other' Duplication which I own or control. " This positive and unqualified declara tion was mads today by Colonel William ' EC. A. Mann, president and editor of Town Topics; Smart Set and Fada end Fancies, in th first complete defense of hi position that he ha mad sine his return from Europe. " . ,. A:: "I think th time . has ' ooma," said Colonel Mann, "when my position should b clearly understood - by th general public. I hava i pus i awuieasxeiSTi men and events to t nave m v nam coupled with a damnable gam of scoundrels and swindlers. ........ -f "I want It clearly understood that t i: am wHlntrnrv any tim to go bsfor District Attorney Jerom and mak any statements oonoarning my' publication that he may inquire of en. - . i.- -.''-' -i : - Xn-right to rinlah. ' ' "If th district attorney s office de sir to see th . books of Town- Toptca, of th Ess Ess company that published Smart Set or of Fads and Fancies, I will grant such permission. J"Tf Mrt' Jerome had only seat word to either Jus tic Douel or myself to talk this matter over with him, ' our names would hot hav been dragged Into th mire with a pack of rascals, "I am now in this fight tow finish and it will b proven that a great injuatlc has been don both to m and my pub lications. Fads and . Fancies Is to b distributed tn a short tim. Th ab surdity of th charge that, this work was of a blackmailing natur I proved by th faot that 100 subscribers kav. made no protest against ths publics lion or a work for which they elgned Ironclad contracts that were and ar clearly understood by those who paid $1,500 sach for them.' , . , , I hav discharged Charles Stokes Wayn from th editorship of Town Topics. He waa convicted of a betrayal of my interest In his Own statements t me and my documentary corrobora tive evidence. , V ."If at any tim I discover any parson in my employ has accepted or attempted to accept blackmail. hi instant dismis sal and prosecution will follow. u - ' Zavmpooaa Smart Set '. "Attack hav 'been mad on Town Topics to th effect that It eatsra to an effete and pretentious soelsty. As a matter of fact my policy has always been to lampoon th ao-called Four Hun dred. I am not a member of that glided throng nor have I ever desired to be. "Equally la It true that In my per sonal writings X hav always attacked thoa dements in society that were un clean and unworthy of a high typ of manhood and womanhood. I maintain as .a matter of fact that Town Topics la one of th cleanest periodicals pub lished In this country. ; A . "If a 1st of silly men and women ear ' to dawdl away their Uvea In a continu ous round of Inane gayety, every fact of the publication of their attempta at pleasure -must In the end prove to th millions of other cltUens of th United States . what fools In motley ar th -members of what la known as society. "If men and women sf this das car to gtv their dinner and route without th presence of a, single man, who stands for some work accom plished, some Ideal brought forward or. good don to his fellow-being, th mere) publication of their lives and aaylngs must have Us good effect - Good must com of these revelations of th vanity; of society. : . ' ... . . ," Tanlty of X3ILioxires. " "Fads and Fancies' has bean pub lished largely on th idea of the vanity Qf millionaires, . - "Had th task of publishing Tads and Fancies' been as saay aa the. securing of the money from th subscribers, the work would long ago hav appeared. "I, want It distinctly understood thai ' Mrs;' Colls Pt Huntington teigned a con tract for $1,800. That signed -contract , Is in my vault today. , "And yet I also bellev that Mra. Huntington bad agreed to pay more possibly th $10,000 which hs appeared, tn th prints. Wooster Is th man wh saw Mrs. - H-anttne-toit-end -! -consider hlnv a scoundreU other facta In connection with the cas convlnc me that Mrs. Huntington may hav offered to pay a larger price. - "At all vnt Wooster reported tn me that when Mra fluntlngton ordered her copy of Fads . snd Fancies h stated thst sh wanted the finest bnosl that could possibly b prepared. Mrs. Huntington also looked at th proofs o th John Jacob Astor pagea tnat v submitted to her aa eample co" she said she desired a t ,: pn engraving of her hu" I' dltlonaT requirement s sarlly increase t' t i Wooster staf It ; Mra Huntl" the price wou j i