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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
V. V THE OREGON-SUNDAY. JOURNAL,- POSTLAND. SUNDAY., IJCr.:'"" V ..JULY .O. It::,, I '' ' , jo&ffimfl'S; Page; of Spsfo- k Favorites' 'Good Day at Irvington - Schedule i ..-a. I i rJ-T-l- Port'md . Drops Archer; Gams td 8eati! ?.. LocsJ Cricketers - Victorious Ctandinj of the Coast Uapi t "tters Rowinj, Sporta.- . of ell Kinds : ni Finals at Multnomah Courts CrlckeC . - . ..... A i rr i Yy J, A. I OTHER DISASTER for: . . ' Game Promised to Be a Hummer , but Corbett Went to Pieces Right From the First. FRENCH IN BOX ' DOES GOOD WORK Sr. Taking Yesterday's Game e , ; attle Makes It . Four ; Straight ' Two Garnet Will Be Played Today, Morning and Afternoon, j-. 'TTZ, Seattle 7, Portland S. - Batteries Seattle. Miliar . and . Blank , emshlp; Portland,. Corbet, French- and McLean. ; ' . It mi one of those firework games when the Biwashea and the Webfooters met- at Recreation park yesterday.. Long and dreary haa been the sicca to which the merciless Biwashea have subjected the poor Portland players,1 so the eight before Judire ItcCredle and Captain . Schlafly had smoked long and deep over howl they should go about ft to appease the wrath .of the Slwashes, for certainly those swatters irom tne lunsles of Puget sound must have had onu sort of a grievance -.or' why ahould they ao . persist In taking the - Giants down the line every time .they play them' this aeries? To make a long atory abort the manager and ; captain decided that to put Corbett in the bos -was the candy. ' This move on the part of the Judge appeared to suit the via Itors, too, for they took kindly to Cor bett and before they had finished with him they' had bis scalp dangling.- He -was practically ,a dead one all the way through he first two Innings. Ho haa a nice lot of balls so nice In fact that the Seattle players commenced to wal ' Jop tha sphere Into the middle of next week and soon had Corbett tip In. the air as well aa the rest of the Portland team. The way the playing started It looked as though the fans were to be treated to a sense t tonal batting streak from both teams. -There appeared to be JInryotVIm ahdenergy In them, too, but after the first couple of Innings It became only too evident that It was a case of the pitchers being , out of condition. - . -f .v.: . ..- .1 - . ... KOtaCa Support ee--A':-- Mlller, who did the fine. work for the Seattle team, didn't have anything on Corbett In the way of hard pussies, bat - be had a little bit the beat backing- and bis work did not look ao coarse: Bight from the Jump In the first Inning the '' Webfoot players started doing things to Miller and it looked like the .locals were going to break ail run-getting records for. the season. Jits touched the match to the skyrocket that took - ;liller-ip-l tha-air ; and before .-the 'Inning ended a total of three runs and .five base hits had been chalked op to the .good of the Glanta. M tiler's shoots during that inning were about aa eaay for the Wobfoot aggregation as were the Russian targets for the -Japs. - But 'this part iot the story took a sudden .. -change right at, the commencement of .the second inning when Seattle. got do ing aU sorts of things to our Corbett and piled up a total of four hits and four runs. A pretty effort- to . steal second was made by Blankenshlp. but Is Usual MoLean waa there with the watchful eye and pu tha ball to second just in tune ror Blank to collide . with 'Schlafly and cause the latter to do a head spin to touch him out. - French waa put in the box la the . third Inning and from that on the t washes were not so msny. He made ' his first offering to the very badly dis pleased fans by fanning Bouts, on, of 4toe pest batters on the Seattle team. French Tries Xard. ,' . ." ' It was plain to see that French was In j fine fettle and would come as near pull- i ing tne game out or tha hole as any , one. From the third Inning It was . pretty much French all the . way f through, but the clameatera had ' too good a lead to overcome, and besides that, when Miller saw French getting tdown to hard work, he steadied some- wnat ana played good baa In the fifth inning French made a spectacular ath ; letle atunt and in trying to field Blank. enshlp's sacrifice he stepped "on his eye . brows and rolled all over to the delight 01 ine crowa it was critical moment fJn the fifth when, with three men on , the bases. Fries, the hard-hitting -see-i ond -baaemaa f the- Seattle- team, .stepped to the plate and posed like he . t. wss going to drive it over to tha Lewis and Clark exposition. . Wille the fans held their breaths he rapped a dinky I little -sacrifice and the sigh of relief J which followed made the grandstand groan. Just .after that Captain Schlaf ) ly spiked himself in making a run from ; the Initial aack. It was an unfortunate .accident for he Js badly needed at this stage of -the game. He was assisted .from the field by his teammates and Householder was sent In from center V.. Jone" outfield. Following la the official score: i s j SEATTLE. : w.ii'.-'"':D-' AB.R.H.PO.A.E. -Kane. Jb. t -XlankenahlD. c ... 4 Hart. cf. t Houts, If. ,.. s . Krick. So. , a Frary, la. 1 Hall. as. 4 ' MUler. p. t Totals - .4 7 27 It PORTLANn. ..' : ARR.KPOA.E. Ais, as. i t 2 0 t jin.nai ri. ..4.. e 31 1 1 ' Fleming, If. ......... i 1 t 4 a .Householder, efc-lb.... ( 1 I i t - Van Buren, lb........ I 0 17 0 '.McLean, o. .......... 4 0 1 1 HMafly. 2b. I t a Jones, cf . , SJLt t t t i it0 0 Runkle, lb. , 4. 0 0,2 t $ ,-Corbett, p. 4... ...... 1 French, p. t vex if 'Totals ............It i 11 2T SCORE BT INNINGS. . . 1 - , 1 1 i i i.i rti Portland 1 lllllllt Hits .i I 1 I 1 I I I 111 Seattle ...,.....i 4 0 0 I 0 7 ltS ........... 4 S 1 1 X 9 S I SUMMART. " v -Btrtx-k otitl Corbett 1, French C BtrtK-k out By Miller 2. Baseir-on balls frr French 1, off Miller f. Two-bane blla-Flemlng I, Householder. Sacrifice htte Knne. Blankenshlp, Frick. Stolen MaeiKane, Blnnkenshlp. Wild Pitch 'orbett.. Innings pitched Uy Cor bett I. bv French 7. Base hits Off C.or t 4. off French 8. Runs scored by "'-onente at time ritcher Corliett was n nut, Time of same 1:40. XJtn- lre Lavla PORTLAND Mmmi!,!Wt?i W"f sjWfMft-fe-rww ''WMW W'W-eeJWj'Tv.fW ;', . Dan Mclntoalt 1 over;:;sht , entries for TOMORROW'S RACES Monday's Schedule Calls for Six 5 Good Events at Irvington Race Tracjk. , The entries and weights for tomor row's races at Irvington racetrack are as follows: '. . . '..t"; . : First race, sis - furlongs, selling; for 4-year-olds and upward Almoner, 109; Rosebud. 10; Casdale, 10; lone. 107; Walter H., lt; Theron, 104; Skip Me, 107; Eva McOinnlsa, 10J; Rloeful. 101; COnstansa, )!; ' Lady Keeweena,107; Rose of Hilo, 107. . i ' ' Second race, six . furlongs, 4 selling, 4-year-olds and upward Klmberly, 104; CarobMrn, 107; George Berry, 10; Paul & Jones, 104; Molto, 101; The Miller. 104; Seventy, 10;' Headwater. 10; Badly Used, UK Ere Yesterday. 10; Standard, 101; Capable, 100. I -Third rce,.lxfurlongs, selling. ; Laureates. ; Rice Chief, ; Sequel, 6; CixeUe, 87; Haven Run. 10; Wistaria. 101; Dr. Sherman. . Fourth race, four furlongs, selling. t -year-olds and upward Guyroes, 111; Queen Cup. 107;' Leah, 8t; Adioa. 102; B. C Greene, 104; Hlrtle. 102; .Happy Chappy,. 104; Aurora R,. 107. "., . , Fifth, race, one mile, selling, 4-year. olda and upward J. V. Klrby, 10; Llbble Candid, 102; Step Around, 107; Hogarth, 10i Golden Ivy,- 107: Blue Ridge, eioaf Chablls. 107. .w r - ..'V. ' Sixth race, one and one eighth miles, selling,, 4-year-olds and upward Yellow stone. I7; Bessie Welfry,( 0; Harry Beck, 2; Fllle P'Or 'SiLjRundrearyj 02; Iraa.-tf Libert; e, Apprentice allowance. -i ; ' t - COLUMBIA JUNIORS WILL , HAVE STRONG ELEVEN Of she many Junior teams playing about Portland there la . none that has the organisation and the, ad vantages of coaching aa have the Columbia Juniors, who 'mads such an enviable record in football laat season. . This year's team will be much mora formidable than the organisation of laat year. Moat of the players .of last year's successful team will again reenter school and with the the new arrivals a much, more - formi dable team will be formed.' It is the am bition of. the youngsters, to retain-the championship of Portland ia baseball and football which they- have -now held undlsoutably for two years. - Tha team Is -composed of" boy , "between 'the' ages or is ana is years. ast years team only averaged pounds aad every team they played was . considerably heavier. This year's team', will .1 be. somewhat heavier, and with the experience that they gained from the coaching. f Mr. Long, their coach, the Columbia Juniors ought - toi capture '.the . -championship easily. - .TB Juniors will begin practice as soon as school opens and will play their first game tha, third week la Sep tember. "N .- .,' vt ' Ot lsst year's team those that will be back are: George Kreos, ngnti nair back; . Jeff Krebs. center rush: , A. O'Brien, fullback and manager; 8. Leavy, left halfback; Coggl Mayer, right .end; Ted Seufert, left end; Willie Jensen, right guard; - A.- Sullivan; left guard George Roche, right tackle. Thj other positions will . be easily . filled by new students and by some of the substitute players or last year. )nri n an aver age of two men for ..every f- position among the Junior department In the uni versity and with healthful rivalry a good team Is easily formed. . Aa the team is considered ' the represents tive output of the Junior department of the university, the strictest rules and regu lations . have been formulated. ; . Each mimlwr of tha team I reoulred to have the consent of his parents to play and1 the approval of the various teachers' of the Institution is also necessary. It would be a splendid thing. for athletics .In Portland if -all the grammar schools of the city and the Junior de partments of the various private schools would form 'a league slmllsr te the scholastic baseball league and play, out a regular schedule. i;.' , '-, ALERTS PLAY FAST-SSJ-l i . BALL AND CONQUER The Alerts defeated tha 1 B. C's on the Fulton grounds last evening by a score of 11 to 10. Ia the first Inning the Alerts were up- In tha air, but steadied down, and assisted by Hart- ".A"aw the Alerts 4Harner and Homer Jaml-l son) played stsr balL The -Alerts have some good material and should have a championship team with some practice. Challenges may. be addreased to- Harry Courtney cara of the .Alert Bible club. First ' Baptist ehurch, corner Twelfth and Taylor streets. Bcore by Innings:. 121414710 Alerts . .' 110 0 0 4 1 s -11 L B. C. 4 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 X 10 . .- TaU Snaoagk e Stand It. From the Chicago Record-Herald. "Mrs. Spudswortlv' It seems to me," said Mrs. Oldcastle,' '1 rather Inclined tovloqueeity." "Still. replied ' her hostess, 'ss she straightened the 11.000 rug, "for a per son as fall as her it ain't so bad ss though she was aborttr." --. . .. . .'-; . t LEADIfJG BATTERS Hi THE LEAGUE I J - ) ' SSBSSSBSBBSBBSSBBBSBaSISBSSSBBaBBT'. 1 Charlie Irwin of San Francisco - Still Holds the Actual Lead- Over Fellow Players. ' - ..- SCHOOL-GIRL SHIELDS , ? HAS NOMINAL LEAD McLean It One Point Behind Irwin , and Householder Comes Next With 280 Standing, of ' All Players Hlt .. ting Over 00. ;: V.-. ' .-. " As the first half- of the season will close this afternoon. It la rather Inter esting at this time to note how the dif ferent Players hit the ball, and I how many are batting over .200. Charlie Irwin Js still the kingpin, with McLean second la the going. The averages of those batting .200 and upward up to and Including July 24 are as follows: Ptorers. . A.B. IB H. B.A. Shields. Seattle .............. 28 . . Hart, Seattle 40 IS i ; .8M) Irwls. gas rraerlace ...... ...SWT ' 1"8 .2x2 McLas. Portland ........, ...SK 96 ' ' ,l Honteeolder, Portland ...I....S4T V 7- ., .2K) Braahear, Loa Aogcics , M ' -.2H0 Nordrke, Taeoaaa .....OT ' V Mltrhell, Portland ...... ..If! --- 4t - 274 .270 .270 .2H8 .208 ,28 .Z1 .2M ,2IS .2AO .VA .24 .248 .247 .247 .243 .241 .241 .2.-W .2H .'2xn .2.14 .2.18 .282 .281 .2 .223 .225 .224 waidroa, nas STaociaee ...... hi i " Easao, Tacoma- S7 1) ' Hlldebrand. Saa rraodace .... 10S . BlankanahlD. Seattle ...U.... Tfl ) ' Dllloa, Loa Anlea ...........870 S .. Hinitn. lxia Ansaies its - ht Ata. Portland ,.,.M3 . RT ; Rehlaflr. PortUnd ...,....,...R). ' 70 ' Oaratb. Los oxelea ...... ... 1 Hoata. Seattle .............. .82 fit Iwh. Tacoma .............. .SAO M - fih.han, TaeotnH ....T........8N0 ; , M ; NealoD. Ban Franeiaeo ...,r. ,B20 ' 79 MeCradle, PortUnd Soli f T4 WJWBy A BIVUI. .,,,,i1IH Wkaeler, San Pmdaee ....... KI4 Boaa, Loa Anfelea .819 McLaoghlla, Tacom 871 Casey, Taeoms 238. Kane, Seattle .814 HaU C, Seattle 1"8 Bernard, Loa Asgeke 8X4 MrHale. Seattle 834 n t - . , . - n t , . 24 . ' ' M 7T 72 . 82 . 14 1.1 DonleaTy. Oakland V.......81S Orahaal 0.. Tacoma ,.274 MlUer neettle... 71 mas. aniser .223 .22-1 .222 .219 .219 .217 .215 .214 . .218 ..212 .212 .212 .211 ',208 .27 .214 .204 .I .2i van Haitres. oasisso ........ six 82 74 78 7 IS 4ft 14 27 5 78 , . 44 74 ' 8 17 13 58 80 17 Rail B-, Seattle 8A4 riood, hem Aux.lea 8.14 French, Portland 82 Crr, Xoa Angelas ........... M Byrne. Oakland .......... ....2na Joeea, Portland .....a....... 84 easer, mm Anseiea , ....izt Van Buren, Portia ad ....... .ft . Kalley. Oakland ..A ....8X8; Frary.NSeattle ,.....'...l r rraneka, Oakland ........... Spencer, Sen Franciace .......428 Kaefe. Taeonia Sa Mobler, San franclare ........ 62 waiters, a. r. ana aeaius...vBX3i lkwan H-, Taeonia lt tEaalek. Portland .,.....,... 4 Wllaoa. Ban Franelaee ........Ml : rtonilaaV-EUrtlaaa . JM HENLEY IS A PUZZLE TO'THE FRISKY MIQUES i'" (Speelal Disneteh hj Leaned Wire The lenmalt San Francisco, July !. Silvers Hen ley was to the good today at 'Recreation park. Hs had them ail oa his staff. Hits off his .delivery 'were scarce and scattered and his course to Victory waa easy Bailing. Emerson, the much-talked- of Busher,- tossed the sphere for the Tigers, and did very nicely until the fifth Inning. After that , he got his bumpings plenty. Truck Egan, at short. got nary a putout nor an assist aunng the entire 'game. - Mohlers stopping of fast .". liners was. the feature of the game. Score: , , - . . , Aa R.H. PO. A. E. Snencer rf. ... 4 12. 10 0 WaIdron.'cf. ..i.iir. I.' 0 1 -J Mohler.. Ib. 4 0 t t Hlldebrand, If. ....... I 0 1 2 Irwin. Ib. 10 0 I Nealon. lb, I 0 1 14 0 4-0 0 s . 0 I 0 nnea. e. ............. s v.i I 0 Wheeler, ss. ........ I 1 I 1 1' 0 Henley, p. ........... I o 0 11 Totals ............2 TACOMA. 17 l. AB. R. H. PO. A. E. Doyle, rf. . Sheehan, lb. Nordyke. lb. Ka-njl. ss. .. McLaughlin, If. . . Lynon, cr. Casey, 2 b, Graham, a. ........... Emerson, p. Totals ............10 0.4 14 11 t . . SCORE BT INNINGS. ' - , 111 410' Tt Tscoma ilMIIH Hits 1 0 0,0 0 1 1 1 0- San Francisco 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 . HUs , . 0 11(1111 I i '"" ' SUMMARY. Two-oasa nit NorciyKe. Base ' on balls Emerson I. Left on bases Ta coma 2, San Francisco 4. Stolen bases Nordyke, Irwin. Struck out By Emerson 7, by Henley I. Hit by pitched nan miaenrnna. : wiia piian r;mer son. a Time 1:40. Umpire l'ferrlne'. SMATHERS SELLS HISr : " - STOCK OF HORSES J ' i. . ,. , - -.V ... , : ' (Special Dispatch hr Leased Wire teThe Journal ) St. Loulsv Jaly t. Probably the last Important salf of running horses 1that WIU be held In this city for some time took place today when E. E. Smathers' stable was 'disposed of In the paddock at. the fair grouhda for a-total of 15.426, not counting - ihe ' sale of "Charley's Auat,"- the terms of which were pri vate. It is .understood "Charley's Aunt," a promising 1-year-old, waa -so badly hurt as to befpractlcally value less and was disposed of for a nominal sum . to Dr. Crowley, the local veteri narian, who Is takings chance on bring- ' ' ' . . OAKLAND PLAYS LIKE LOT OF SCHOOLBOYS (Speelal Dispatch h Leased Wire to The Joarnal) Los Angeles,. July 20. Oakland fur. nlshedan excellent exhibition of ama teur town ball today. Every time one of the Greeks saw a chance he threw the ball away. It wss hot a esse of one Nothing Is more In demand than a medicine which .meets modern, require ments for a blood and system cleanser, euch ae Dr. King e New Life Pills. They si's Just what you need to cure stomach and liver troubles. Trr-them.- At Skid- more Drug Co., Ill third street,- Ho; guaranteed.. bad Inning, but poor playing throughout that lost the game to the Angels. The crippled condition of the . team, fur nished something f sn excuse, but Is hardly sufficient to Justify today s rot tenness. The score: "T" . LOS ANGELES. &y B. R. H, TO. A. K. ,...4.0 2 2 0 0 Bernard. Ct.. Flood, . 2b. ..... Smith, So. .. IMlion, lb. ' Brashear, sa' . . Ross,. It - ..... Cravath, -rf. i-. A . 1 - 1 , e 1 1 M V e e . ,N..... 2 I4 1 0 hjiiter. a ........... Toser, p. . S , 0 1 -Totals .........11 .11 IT 11 . , , AB. R. H. PO. A. TB. Van Haltren. cf...... S 0 0 1 S 1 . - Vw aa aWa-B. 1W s-s. Fran cks.-ss. ......... 4 Dunleavr. lb. 4 05 010 Kruger, If. 4 Graham, If. ' .... t ... .' 4 Devereaus, Sh. Kelly, -2b. ........... ,4 Stanley. &',,....,.. ' Hogan, p. I .Totals ....I... ....JA S 111 II : , SCORE BT INNINGS. '' .'; " - 1 2 1 4 6 4 7 1 Los Angeles ...i.t 0 0 0 0 1 1 I 1 , Hits ., ...I lllll l . 11 Oakland ...0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 11 Hits , V A V V V I - . BUM MART. . 1 Stolen bases Graham. Bernard. Home runs Flood, Kruger. Two-base hits Graham, Stanley, Brashear, Cravath. Sacrifice hits Van . Haltren, Braahear, Hobs z. Basespn errors los Angeiee 1. Oakland 1. i-eft on bases Los Angeles I, Oakland 2. . Bases on balls Off Hogan 1. Struck out By Toser 4, Double plays Van Haltren to Kelly to Dunleavy. Hit by pitched ball Smith, Time 1:11. Umpire Knell. ,- , LOCAL CRICKtTERS ; i " ' ' DEFEAT THE ILFORDS There was a good attendance at the Portland Cricket club grounds on East Thirty-ninth street yesterday to wit ness ths match between the Portland club and the 11 fords, which resulted in a win for .the , home ' team by 44 runs and four wickets .eh the first lnnlnga The sailors wVit first to the wickets. Basset and Bewick facing the bowling of Fenwlck and Warren.- Fenwlck'a at tack was especially effective, his first three wickets costing but four ' runs. On Cox Joining . Basset a stand was made and Captain Smith tried a double changeof bowling. Slsley relieving Fen wlck - and Henderson taking Warren's end. The result verified his Judgment, Cox placing a ball from Henderson, in Warren's hands and the remaining three game all through was decidedly good and Interesting. - Following Is ths full score: . - '-' :'-'."', 8. 8. ILTORD. . .. . " Basset, not out ...... .............20 Bervlck " b. Fen wick ....... Cox. e. Warren b. Henderson......... 8. JDavls e. Smith b. Warren ...k.... C. Davis b. Fen wick Brown b.Fenwlck . T Hellers d. fenwica; . , . , . . . ....... . . Potter c and b. Henderson.... t...,. Senior c Slsley b. ' Henderson Edwards b. Warren Plggott c Fenwlck b. Henderson."; . . .'. Kztras .....t. .... ........ ....... (.Total r.ll PORTLAND CRICKET CLUB. Henderson e. 8. J. Davis b. Bassett. Warren o. Sellers b. Bassstt. Slsley, not put ...1... ..,4.... Rylance b. Potter ............. .v. . . Smith b. S. J. Davis Fenwlck b. S. J. Davie Extras "Total ......... 101 Inglefleld. Pallant, Mallett and Pick, wick did not bat. - .. . v .-, .', ...... BUSCH, CAPTURES THE . TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIP Those wW attended the meeting yes terday of the Oregon state tennis tour nament witnessed some of the best play ing of the. week .and saw the champion ship ot Oregon pass out of the hands of Tyler of Seattle, who -was defeated In a splendid and hard contest by Busch of . San Francisco In ths finals of the men's singles. Both men -played' excel lent games and Busch did some work on the sensational order. In. tha men's dou bles Wlckersham and Bellinger defeated Tyler and Illlngton of Olympla In the finals for the men's doubles. - Miss Heltshu defeated Miss Bandwtn for the championship. In the ladles' sin gles and there was much good playing by both the ladies. - . -The above were the most Important of . the matches of ths day. A good crowd attended the matches and a lively interest was manifested throughout. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Won. tet.L 17 '' PC new xorx ......... Pittsburg .,,. Philadelphia ......... Chicago Cincinnati ........... St. Louis ............ Boston Brooklyn ............. 14 10 17 .121 ,101 1 r ,T ..i A cThloage. ' ' f ! Chicago I. Philadelphia 4. y : t 81, XOUla, , 8t Louis 4, Boston t. , ' . - . At Pittsbur. : Pittsburg II, Brooklyn 0. ' ". I .. - .' 1 : .'. . -; '', Al Cincinnati. ' ' Cincinnati 0, New Tork I. , ; AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost . 41 f -' 12 . v PC. .461 .414 .171 .567 ..601 .41 .111 .141 Cleveland . . .. ... . Chicago ... 1 ........ . 4 It Philadelphia ........ A New Tork ............ Detroit .&.,..,' 4. . Boston ............... St. Louis . w.. Washington ........... A Prsiladelphia. , , Philadelphia 1, Chicago I. . -t At aTevr York. . ' . First cams Nsw Tork 7. Cleveland A. Second game. New Tork 10, Cleveland 4. At Boston. ' ' Boston I, St, Louis 4. . v ' A1 wasTniagtotu'" Washington 1, Detroit 0. ,v ' -, 7 - Het Its First Sefeati (Speetal rnapetoh to The iaarsaL) ' Nsw Westminster. B. C, July . Van couver gave the New Westminster team Its first defeat in' two years today by a imm nf e4hf e-rwla t ft ! T, - ras rusged and the home team seemed in weeful need. of practice. . ..... . , L.RGE CROlVDSSEli GOOD RACES Talent and Outsiders Have an Interesting Day at the Irv ington Race Track." THE JUDGE'S VICTORY , ! WAS POPULAR ONE Despite Hot .Weather Several Thou- sands Wend Their Wa te TraeeT , and - Enjoy the Baces Summary Nof Horses, Price and Jockeys. - Irvington racetraok was tendered a surprise yesterday afternoon, when the biggest crowd of tha season turned out to witness the seven events en the card.1 To say that the crowd .was pleased would be nutting it mildly, for in every finish the spectators showed their ap preciation by generously applauding the victorious ones. ' It was a great day for the close .students of ths ' game and after the raoea were concluded many a man left the track well pleased with the sport and agreeably Impressed with the dignity and fairness that characterised eaoh of the events. --: . ... : .. , .-. The seven days' races at Irvington, that are. now a matter of turf history. have been declared "by thai-genuine fol lowers of ths track aa the cleanest ever seen on the Paclfio . coast. . The handi capping during the week -and the start ing have been worthy of the efforts of the greatest Judges that ever looked at a race. President Diamond says .that everything Is going along smoothly and that no complaints of any description! nave tmen reported to mm. juage, Bxin ner claims that the horses have been running very well to fof mi and that the upsets In the calculations sre as few as possible. Judge Mulbolland has made an exceptionable reputation at get ting the horses away- and everybody, at the track was loud in his praise of the starter.. Peculiarly, too, Mulholland has started every big field without a.mlscue. L In the first race yesterday Tolo Girl although Graham his mount in front, she failed miserably In the homestretch and - finished ' last. Isabemu at 11 to ( .was not thought ao very strong, but Frankle Sullivan was up and this time hs 'managed to -land the coin. Herbert was on Honest Boy and gave him a Jolly ride, getting him In the place money at S to 1, Smith at 0 i even money and I- te I. getting tha show. in tne vreganian nanoicap Areetsi lator was al ml shot, and even with the good ride- given him -by LoaguS he did not win by over a length and a half, Is Offered for, Qaick A..- V'- .4 V ',' - Of our retnilar- prices -t 1. J" hi I hxiHir3; y4 . - " v '; 7" :'' 16 -h ''--W iOAyATrAiR.aeetrnoToi ..' .. 1 I V J I . I N 1 1 1 V ' 1 1 1 1--1 ' Jfiyst J '..Saturday V A .; '.'., . , rf : - '.i v.. i'issia--.--r-f-'i-' -.r?:-":V ' IA- m ' auNDAVAU.afM. '-'.Ai . js - - ' Tl t .!'- .- i - ?J HBP spshments. boat lmvesc 1 , - , ' . , H Al 'f ' ""v-'" ' i , ' ' ' t - v ' - -asWaTsw - 4 ' . ' ,- j ' ' . : ' -,ye - .- vr. , '. J. op . i.,.., ' Young Men's, Doys'aind Chadrn's His Grade aothins : v V: Pa elsewhere. 7 Stocks are large enough and good enough to ' . -j '' yT aatisfV Werirone if vou come carlvl "y,v. :.'':' ''' yAU2.50 Values V v CLEARANCE PRICE. .'.-'AW f3.00 ,Values::',4: ;":V ' CO OP 'A)l ifjSO - Values' V. -.yy';; y ; "&C -fie ' r clearance, price... UlO 5 clearance price. . . .O D - All $3.50" Values ' CLEARANCE; PRICE "; 'All .H'OO Values - ' CLEARANCE PRICE...... tpUeVV ; . , CLEARANCE. PRICE;... ..40 1 eUV y I ' - All ?5.00 Values ; ; u ' - CLEARANCE PRICE. x . . . -.,1 . . v. : t . ' 4 r Jockey Emmet IrOagqe. Rain Cloud, with Graham up, contesting the way. In the third race Motlakahtla was again denied first place. ' Loague tried bard with him but oould not get him in ths lead. Birdie, at 11. to I, galloping home by a trifle over flvs lengths, with Happy Chappy, second. - Skirmish . failed to deliver " In the fourth' race, authough heavily , played. T. Clark got Miss Huater away and at tha half was In Tront -and waa never headed.' ' ., v . , tw.-is.-i.y! -. The one mile MaeRas handicap was an Interesting race. Epicure waa ths hot toddy In tha raoe, but Judge at t to 1 had' many backers. Follow Me looked rather spurty for ' a - moment but couldn't withstand the speed. L Powell took Judge along at a great cup and after" the half never saw anybody else In the race; .winning- by over three lengths. . j. vv V- . -t ' Anlrmd was the entire performance In the -sixth race at 7 to 10 and -even money. . The talent flocked to' "Gold finder rather- heavily,-but Loague was not able to get any stretch speed out of his mount. - Eleven Bells caused many to walk home' from -tbs track. She waa touted higher than a kite and opened at X and closed at 1. It waa not thought that Crlgll waa able to win her third con-. aecutiv race, but she -did with speed bank landed second and Eleven Bella got tha shew. 1 . , ... . -" . . svauMuy, of Baoes. . ; -" ' First race Isabeau. 11 to 1' (F.-Sul livan), 108, first; Honest Boy. place I to 1 (Herbert), '100, second; Smller, out show (Loague). 111. third.. Time, 0:414. Canton.-. Queenle K. ad Tolo Girl fin ished In the order named. , - ; : - ' - Second race Arreststtstor. I to T (Loague). 121, first;- Rain Cloud, place si 1 1 1 to I (Graham), II. second; Ban tee, out acarance at -.-.-vi: which means about ONE-HALF what you would T satisfy everyone if yrotx come early. ; 6C;'vy;,Ali ?6.50 Values y -C OC' . . . I eOiJ (" CLEARANCE PRICE;. .'.J'teOu y i '"; " C9 All 18.50 Values V-?.?. vt' QC 'Sl. WC eUUr , ; CLEARANCE PRICE. ,.DoU3 1 HA : ' AU Values y :v;:. 7T7A - v & Q '&' All 912.50VaTues ' : ' . C(TJ"r ... i.OJel J '" i CLEARANCE PRICE. J Tklrd St .nntnoan Stark vz27tAtJDtsjrnia cuorniiEns; -- ----- toss :: m:m Younger VT V the Wing, of Dan Mcintosh " yt Keeps Up His CUrjC ; : Jockey. Emmett Loague; who 'headed the list of winning riders' at tbs Seattle meeting, is conUnuinr hla . aood .n,ir at Irvington park. Loague ia certainly ' the lUr rider of the bunch performing here. He is very alert at tha poet and haa that happy faculty! of getting horses to run for him. In other worda. ha is a. fast race rider. League la essential 1 a hard rider and rarely brings his whip Into play. Tha boy Is only II years of ege and. can easily do 100 pounds. ' ; Loague halls from Memphis. Tonnes- see, but -did his first riding around the St. Louis tracks. It waa at Kansas City. that Dair Mcintosh first met him and determined fffiat ha had the material In him for -the making of a crack Jockey. , Mcintosh, rho is an ex-Jockey, induced ' hint to' come to the coast and has since been making bis engagements. show (O. McLaughlin). II, third. Time, 1:01. April's Pride also ran, , Third raoe Birdie P, 11 to' S (.' Clark), v7, first; Happy .Chappie,' place -even (Graham), 104, second: Metlakatla, out -show (Loague), 102, third. Time, 1:14H Haven Run. Chlleno. Standard. Dr. Bernaya, George Berry finished U .'; um oraer namwL r . ., , - Fourth raoe Miss Hunter, T to I (Minder). 107, first;. Constsnsa. plaee- t to. 1 (Minder),. 107, aeoond; Skirmish, out show (B. Powell). 147j third.- Time. 1:01 .- -. a ' Christopher.- Laareatea, v-nariw uunaur, sumoeriey, uroano, suck t Cotton finished In ths order named. : . y STitn -raoe siuage, 1141 (L eowell), 107, first: Epicure, place I to I (T. ' Clark), 110. second; Follow Me, shew , to (C, Williams), 100, third. Time. 1:40. Gloomy Gus, Funny side, St. George. Blissful finished in the order " named. - . '.- .'..:....-..'.. Sixth raee-e-Anlrad, even ' (T. Clark), 100. first; Calculate,, place even (Earn shaw). II, second; Capable, ' show 1 (T. Sullivan). 101. third.' Time. 1:4IH. An-. nls Burk. Gold Finder, Can't Tell, Past Master,- Walter H. finished In tha order named,- ' ' .-.. . Seventh race Crlgll. 1 te l (T.' Bulll van). 102. first: Montebank. plana. t to 1 (J.' Clark), 102. second: Eleven Bells. Proritabie, Lady Kispar flnlsheoVlB the order named.- "-- f .T. '. f-'SV A ejreM XdaSk'' f '-. , ' '- Fronv tha Philadelphia ' Ledger. ' ' TMd you ever notlee that tnost of the sudden and disastrous fires are due to spontaneous combustion" - ' " "No,, but I've often - thought sponta- - aeoug eombustton. -would ha a Splendid thing to- keep on tap for lighting the kitchen nre.. t--- -.-' -I.';. -v, - V f y r - ' s ': . . , ''-''.- ' iv--." I. - ; v -f:y . . ;' A t 7 V7