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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
- - r j ... . . ... uiR otny a Fottri J v v.y v v ww v - . , CROl'iiJED HEADS Ayoa -T.i": THIS OREGOtf ' SUNDAY, JOUrJlAIj. - 'POr.TLAtiP.: SUt.V? DHDU3DE00F OirrCAFITALlS o. o Throns of Norway Offsrsd to Emperor William's Action in Bar ; " prince Charles-of Denmark ' -jl;';, Who Shies at It v. GRAND "'DUKE BECOMES PROPRIETOR Op. HOTEL ring French Socialist Onry : ' Advertises Jaures. t. SPEECH IS CIRCULATED . ; . BY PRINTED PLACARDS 1 .... '(-' ' . t . Hv'a: ';r Ernest lidwig 6f Hease, Relative of. . England'! Royal Family, Become ;; Actual Manager .' of . Hoitelry Sit ' 'uated New 'Hie Caale) .V''V.'''' By raal.XAcnbeth. -OtVTrickt,' Hnnt Mew aervUe. a? ... wire te 1h jearaai.) . - London. -July 29. With some aus peneo th people of England "are wilt ing tha ablution of events In tha Bcan- dliiavian countries. : "V j The throne In Norway : noma " time ago wii . Informally ' offered to Prince . cnaries or Ltenmaraj aeeona son oi u crown .prince f thai country and mar ried to Princess Maud of England, 1 ' Bhould Kins Oscsr "continue to re- , f uoa , to allow ' a ' prlnoa : of tha tha tfcrona which ha haa loot; tt la mora than likely that toe prinea snay oeoorae . --at - Hn. r Miiwr fcut Lf ha eon aenta to accept ' the- Norwegian erown It will ba at tha aacrlftoa of his twu personal wishes and tboaa or nis wiis. " ' .' A vaaratla anemia. V There la In all Europe no mora Demo cratic couple of royal blood than tbla young prinea and prlnoaaa. Halt, of tha year they apend In Copenhagen, living Jn what la practically a flat,-and a very comiortaoie nat it is, n-m nu pretentious than tha realdencea of many .-I..-., unnu wttlla tha other half la spent near Baadrlngham CaaUa. where . FTlncaa Maud apent ia nappieai yesra of her . childhood - and girlhood. Noae ' f t.m. nmrm tn cmilt tha bUrdSnS Of a crown," although they feel aaeured that tsey' would oe aoia to -win im the Norwegian people. r; . MrmmA Bake Bnaa XeteL Orand Duke Erneet t,udwlg of Heaaa, a relative of the Englleh royal family, ' v.. i, iiuiriM from Ilarmatadt. act- aally become proprietor and manager of a hotel, whlcn la auuaiea wmrj nr , pvn caatle. ., .''. ' iiv nfmiiiu It la kaot a strict :. aecret that the duke haa any connection Mitk tha hotel but it aeverineieae w Maine a fact that all at the detalle of the management -are eubmltted to him for approval, and. aa hla awn palace la very amall, be haa reserved the whole ; floor la tha hotel for his own fcl'EEQS CAUSING r'- ' By Matoolm Olarka. (Copyright. Hunt w aarvlea, by Lmm4 , -. ' Wire Id The JoeraaL) ' Berlin. July Though the k Iter and hla chancellor. Prince yon Buelow, aucceeded in preventing tha French 8o oiallat leader, Jaurea. from coming to thla city,. It la doubtful whether they have gained much. " - Their action In forbidding M, Jaurea to enter Oermany haa surrounded him with a halo and tha speech -which he waa to 'have made to' the workingmen of Berlin haa been printed by the Bo oiallat central .committee and la being spread broadcast aver the country. L , Beading this speech orte anderetands why the kaiser so strongly oojecta to l Jaurea' presence here It is not because of hla Socialistic, bat Jratber hut antl mliitartstlo tendencies, v - , : . .. -Opposed a Mmaacknau r ' "War, like the eaplotutlon (of labor. ia Just a form of capltaltam." M. Jaurea aays. -"and the. prevention of wars be tween natloaa, and tha preveatloa of wars between capital and labor In each nation are associated tasks. The execu tlon .of theae tasks means a gigantic educational' effort, a hopeful effort aa blind from blind optimism aa from Daralysaig pessimism. "Already do wa hold tha beginning of a universal organisation of labor, tha aigna of tha birth of n International eoneclence. . : . "The first symptom of tha new spirit la the eoonomia sphere waa tha trade anion legislation in England. . "Our horror of war doea not proceed from weak aentlmentallam, from enerva tion. We are aa ready as others to to- cept tha Inevitable avlla of tha human lot. ; : ' .y. ;- : : t Armed aaoi Denoanoed. . ' "But la ' Europe today liberty and Justice are nv longer to be achieved through bloodshed; tha grlevancea of a people are no longer to be redressed in that way. but through an lnternatioaal unity which, however, leaves each na tion as unfettered In its speclflo rela tione aa Individuate are la their respec tive communities." At the end of the address M. Jaurea denounced aa a barbarism , the .present condition of armed peace for which he ays the kaiser is mainly responsible and which he compares to a rotten stag nant pool reflecting the red clouds above..'- tt.-.- ,: , v.-.. j .-.,,( ' ,: t, I.- Many Are Their Rusee to Escape ' the -Required, Service in, ;;; By ataleobm Clarke. . ' (CbsyrlghC Haerat Hews gervlet, ay Leaetd ; t (Wire The losraaM - Berlin. July II. Nothing haa probably . been more exasperating to the kaiser at ' lata than the. many manifestations oi growing aawiilingneaa of tha young men of Germany to serve la tha army. ( Hundreds of young men (deliberately cripple themselves to escape compulsory service and, tha number of those who ' Jeava the country for tha same reason la '"also Increasing.. If the kaiser had his way all these men would be tried for treason, but as thla la not possible, they are punlehed aa severely aa existing ( laws -will permit, and having served their tima In prison, are compelled to ' serve In tha army evea tf erlppled. Of late a new way of escaping army : service has beea found by elmulatlng in sanity, and thla la ao much superior to " the old way of cutting off a finger' or 1 two, aa it la Impossible to punish those . who succeed In being declared tempo : , rarUy Insane, oven if It la suspected that . the Insanity ia feigned to escape service ia the army. ' :' -' ; " So common baa thla trick become of late that the military autboritlea have .'a found It tteceaeary to. search tha Insane ' aayluma and force the young men pot ' suffering from insanity in its worst , .. forms, such as homlcilad mania,, to doa ' uniform. , ,. . :v. J, u J ..... .V i V KAOAKE AZA BOLMES-UBBECKE v i , Only Neldea Oradaate oa Paclfio Coast BEAUTIFUL FACES MAKE BEAUTIFUL WOMEN X Toa cannot be attrsctlve and beau. tlful to the eye when the face Is ! wrinkled and Its flesh ahriveled. Smooth and roy countenances win the ad ml ra tion of the world. Wa speedily remove ail wrinkles, build tin the hollow places, eradicate noek marks, pimples, black- beads, eta., restoring to the fsce all the rharme of youthfulnees, at trifling coat. No pain or detention from buelneaa. IF" MEN, AND WOMEN ONLY KNEW IHOW WE COULD CHANGE THEIR APPEARANCE our plaoe -would teem with the hundreds that need our treat- aienta. f. We Have Hundred, of Port - land References. ti'Ar.E aza c:u:es.k::ecki; - ,onirTt BZAtrrr tixloxi , : . ' m tterw- e y--a wt, - M. Jaurei DenouBcea BCilitariam aa an ' Exploitation of lyabor and Look - to Trades . Unioniam 1 for Salvation v From Barbarism. , . ; : DUCHESS Liim ES lOriTlLlER Divorced Wife of Duke d'Avaray v Falls in Love With Animal ': : Trainerr -j'r. ' i v ROYAL PALACE SOLD TO 'AMERICAN MILLIONAIRE Abode of Queen IaabeHa, One of the Moat . Magnificent ; Mansiona ' in Paria, Purchased bjrvn Unknown Citizen of Uncle Sam. - Y:" :'. ' ay aal nnm. ' (Copyrtghl. . Hearst Mews Bervlee, b . Wire te The JesreaLt , Paris, July Psrlasoclety haa not yet recovered from the aeneation cauaed y the newa that a , lady, bearer of one of- rrance'a illustrious names and descendant from a very blue blooded Belgium family, had secretly married llontamer. , -: , . ., The Isdy In question is Duchess Ro salia d'Avaray, who In. J 191 wss di vorced from her husband, Duke Hubert d'Avaray by whom aha baa a son aow Tho duqhese, who ia now 41 rears' old. aoma time ago In the Paris hippodrome w tne llontamer Bonevit. with whom she ' Immediately - fell In love. Without oonfldlng in anybody aha soon after secretly married him. and fol lowed him to America, from where she wrote her ' friends, , who all belong to the elite of French society, of the ter- Tha cucheas. who la still a very beau tlful woman, is very wealthy in her own right. She is ,'a direct descendant of Count Mercy d'Argenteau. and after bet divorce sns was known under the name of Frlnceaa .da Montglyon; another of tha numerous titles ; ' she can ' )uatly claim. .,,'-,. ,v-r .,... V'latlasralslieS - Aaoestors. i One of her forefathers' waa' the fa moua Count da Mercy d'Argenteau, Aus trlan ambaasador to tha, oonrt. of Louis avi, wno waa the medium 'through which the empress Maria Theresa of Austria corresponded with bar daughtar, tha unhappy Queea Marie Antoinette, There la consider able gueeelng as to who la the real purchaaer of the Palais de Castelle, for many years Inhabited by Queen Isabella of Spain; and one of the most msgnlflcsnt mansiona la thla eity. , , ;.fj.,. j . . Ostensibly tho place waa bought by a m. uieuies, who, however, admlta that hs-aeted-ss-asenroftlyT And Tea. erally thought- that the real purchaser Is some American millionaire,, as very tew Frenchmen could afford- to buy and maintain an establishment of tbla mag nitude, , v,,-. v.-.-,: . . Cost oat KUltoa. ' , The palace, ln which Queen Isabella openx aaany ia years, was built dur lng the time ot the empire by Count Baallewaki, who left behind the greatest and moat costly colleotlon of Japanese and Chinese cloisonne enamels. Tha queen paid 4,000.000 francs for tha pal ace, to which aha added two pavilions. . Soma of tha moat aplendid fetee um in this city elnce the downfall of the eecona empire were given by the oueen in tho pelaee and many still remember the one she gave in honor of the shah of Persia ST years ago. o o r ? ".' Z .1- "i ' I I - l II'..- . y. .' :i ' . ' ; - "1 .'Iij.!v.'.) . .. lr .... . WmJ f mm. ilvC V Will go a long ways toward sc4 curing a comfo . 1 ; v GASVOT Nq unnecessary heat to the: hoos ; a Barring . In , labor; a dean kitchen; hot water at short notice,'; and many otiier comforts. s f ! V. . -, A GAS RANGE t j Helps to keep tile cook satisfied with her place, aa I. it lightens her work. U This is a point; worthy of thought in solving the servant problem. .1.' i ' a I i--"V !V:" - I;.- rtrrrn nnrri? ITTrf ITtirC lWCTAf IlfJf1 -That is, for the purchase price we wffl set up ready for use, wwch t t iUL rllltb lialLlilJhi - lN!!lALlili.ll includes run of forty feetW pipe. On a cash sale or if you pay for I it within thirty days we make-you a discount often per cent . Where a fuel stub is already in tho kitchen and no pipe is nec-U, !eisaiy.m-discoiiiit;or, f ;'.''.' ' ' FIFTH AND YAMHILL.STS. ai a-S rS WrS a-S r-i lOLMIl REUNITES POPE AI1D KING Dowagsr Qusen Margharlta of Italy Bringing Vatican and V Throns Togethsr. j PATRIOTIC HYMN PLAYED . t r IN CATHOLIC CATHEDRAL Timca Rapidly Changing In Italy Where a Few Yeara Ago Member of the House of Savoy Were For bidden to Enter the Churches. ..... .,. teas.1 'v : By rani TUIlera. ,- ICoprrlght, Hearst Mews gervlee,, by wire to T. Jesmat..". ' - Paris, July SI.-When In the near fu ture a -formal reconciliation takes place between the pope and the royal house of Savoy this 'will largely be due to tha efforts of ths Dowager Queea Margha rlta," who It dally becoming more popu lar among tha high clergy and who haa won over many of tha cardinals and biabopa, who formerly strongly opposed tha idea of- peace unleaa full temporal power waa reatored to the pope. -. The other day Queen Margharlta via- SMne ''ISm Up :, We havs a silver ! polish thstr7illnot .) y. scratch or tarnish. V; The price of it Is 10c1. and: -25c; "per; "... package.' ;,.. V' -tt. :; lilt .: JdlmBaiTcll . V ' ' t 'i tsn a a.iay - Sixth and Alder Streets ited the cltyof Cremona lne auto mobile, where aha- waa cheered . by. an enormous crowd. . ' . Arrived at tha cathedra); aha waa re ceived by the venerable old bishop, Mon algnor Oenrllll. and aa the crowd aaw tha queen humbly kiss the - bishop's hand tha cheering lasted ; for many minutes. .; Tha crowd followed tha queen Into tha cathedral. . where the . bishop preached a short eermon, at tha and of whloh ha gave the benediction to the queen, the- royal family and the king dom of Italy. When the dowager queen left tho church tha unheard-of ' hap pened, and fbe organist, who - had re ceived ordera from the blahop, played the Italian national hymn, and only re spect for the sanctity of the church pre vented tha crowd from applauding. ' Aa it was everybody remained stand ing motionless until tho last note of tha patriotic hymn had died away. - Times have Indeed changed. Only a few years ago ln this eame cathedral Blahop Boro melll, at tha order of Pope Leo XIII, announced that no member of the house jt- Savoy would ever be received Into the church i untlU4be papal state bad beea restored. . , '-',' i. COlOTESSaOWAY DYS " EMPEROR FRANCIS , - Widens Breach With 1 Royal Fatherln-Law by Offering, ; Jewels for Sale. , 1 invAsion OF INDIA IS DREADED Britain Fears That When Peace ia vwnwiuueiu riuooieui nuuj . . .Will Attack Her. - REFORMS URGED IN ARMY ' IN ASIA AND ENGLAND People of Fog-Swept We Exceed- Ingly Pleased at .Friendly tteeep- tion Given Odd Fellows at Conven tion In Oermany. .. f' ' ay Kalaolaa Olarka, -(Copyright, Hearat Mew aarrlea,. by ' teiatd ; v Wire' te The1 learaakl v . Berlin. r July It. Countess ' Lonyay haa annoyed her father-in-law, Emperor rraacla Joseph of Austria, by offering for sale in Paris the, jewels given her while aha was crown prlneese of Aus tria. 1 It la obvious that' bar aot waa not cauaed by lack of .money, aa her present husband. Count Lonyay,, Is immensely wealthy,; and tha countess receives aa Inoome from both' the Belgian and fhd Austrian oourta. Her only reasoa ii that she 'wants to show tha world that aha haa openly broken off relatlona with tier father aa well aa with the emperor of Austria. -' i ..f-. When aoma time ago the eountesa de cided to sue her father, King Leopold, for the inheritance, left her by her mother. Emperor Francis Joseph asked her to desist becauee of tho many scan dals a ault of thla kind would reveal, but tha counteaa not only Ignored thla requeet, . but with evident pleasure dis closed secrets which showed King Leo pold to be tha worst of llbertlnea, de void of all aena of bonovand doeeney a fact which, by tha way, did not sur prise any one very much, ... .-. When Francis .' Joseph reprimanded her she, told htm In plain words to mind his own business or she would tell things from her .own married life which would show . the lata Crown Prince Rudolph In a very unenviable light- J' S- , t the aiveVe Moatk. " From the Philadelphia Press. iTIt's queer," : remarked the romantic young woman, ""that tha water babbling along ao gaily and brightly rn thlejlttle brook should become to . quiet and gloomy where It passes from the river to the ocean.' "Oh hf I don't know," replied the prac tical one, .' it'a natural for It to become quiet and gloomy when it geu dewa la the mouth." t , -i , . , .. t. . . - " y Taal tambetk. (Oaprrlght, Beaist Mewa aervke, by I ' ; Wire te Tee JoarsaL) " . London.'. July Jl. With both 'Lord Roberta and , General ' Kitchener ham mering at tha. war ' office becauae of its neglect of tha army at homo and ln India, It la almost certain that great reforms will soon be Inaugurated la thla branch of our defenses, which has for merly - been pushed ' aalde, while mil lions have been spent on tha navy. The spectre of Russia Invading India haa become more alarming than, ever, now that peace between .Russia : and Japan seems Imminent. , Should tha peace 1 plenipotentiaries who meet In Portsmouth, New Hamp shire, in a few dare really, suoceed in agreeing upon terms -acceptable to. the csar, and, as It Is, tha autocrat of Russia la bound to accept almost any terma, Russia will have to bring back from Manchuria half a million of mea armed and hardened, full of contempt for their offloera, who have- done nothing but drink and dissipate In the time of danger and these hundreds of thousands of soldiers, angry at having been de feated in aplte of their bravery, , will eonstltuta a danger tar greater' to autocracy than the . revolting working men and peaaanta. ;.' . ' A ... ' . What would ' be mora natural than for. Russia, many people bora reason, to divert them ' toward - tha aonth and attack India which England eould not poaaibly defend? Taking away from Great Britain part 'of her Indtaa ter ritory Ruaala could easily afford to for get tha loaa of Manchuria, And many there are who mistrust the kaiser and think that this la Just what ba baa ad vised the esar to da ... .- J. Bitter aa the' feelings are against Qan many, tha Englleh people have felt ex ceedingly pleased at tha - friendly re ception given to a large delegatloa of Englleh Odd Fallows w hoy at present are taking part In tha great Interna tional Odd Fellows' convention at Kiel, which opeaed last Monday. " . Time and again it baa beea ahowa that no real enmity estate between the people of the two nations, and- were It not for tha Intriguea of tha kaiser and Una underhanded dealings of diplomats there ia no reaaon why the two natlona cbuld notwbe tha beat of friends. : - - ' Patient' (Juat before -operation ) Now, doctor, before yea go sny' farthsr, tell me lust what's the matter with' met Dr. Xutem (abaently) Do you think if I knew what waa the matter with you that I'd hold thla operation T f i i' f.. '. ' A Ttt New, Ezdsstte Uil Fmh!s3 (Eowis Store ... .. High Grade Merchandise at Modcrcte Prices AFew-Specials :: x . Silk Shirtwaist Every.SiIk Shirtwaist Suit in the house at reduced prices' prices as low as . , ; ' Just arrived, new. Fall4 Suits, made of fine light materials, colors -' all . new: values , $20. Saturday and Monday.;;; rv ' asw v 'New .Mohalf Shirtwaist Suits Box pleated Waist and Skirt, in brown, blue and black j $15 .values, ,at' xk v .V '''''".'.',;' Silk Waist Sale One fifth off all Silk Waists ? one lot to which we call your special attention $6 values, at :;03;9S.:.vv: White Waists assortment 0; choice 98c ALJaree' assortment; lvalues up to $2.60; choice ,-" White Suits Udles' White Duck'Vand Linen Suits, at special prices. White iSuck Shirtwaist Suits, pleated skirts ; $10 values) at $5.95 AVhite Linen Suits, box coats, pleated skirts ; $12.00 values, goat.-.-;;:;;-::':;, One lot better quality Linen Suits, fancy " braid, trimmed collars and cuffs, go at'-.-: $9.95 .. i w . ... . One . lot of; ths latest Eton Suits, very neatly -made, in light and dark blue, red and white.; $J8 values, go at y-, $1296: -.. e a wa sr . t One lot assorted . styles and colorsr made-of-wash-mste-rials and mercerized sateen; values tip to. $2, choJcs u98c.' .V- i r r: Millinery Everything at reduced prices to clean . up .quick. HI E- IICIQ; - ' . . 375 v