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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
V . rr----i- -i . j 1 THE OKEGbU SUNPY-JOUKWAL. PQI5TLAND, CUIIDAY I :Ci:..i::0, JULY t3, AZIZ. Strilic While the Iron Id Hpt r, rr atom at the poatofflee ef PerttoaA Or, w tnaaxjavuUea lanugo the essis) Be itiri Our etle ropiest " 4 age ! 1 Ml! U I. M S 3 m page. oeeta. j Bdrenrml !!... ""lf!!" 22 forxiosT AiwinijaJtpxMw reelasd-BeagamiB IpeeUJ Adrrtllng CJSl i M KhhTimI, hew Turk; Trlhun " . ...u , , feTTMOEIFnO aUTXa. ' , - Sanaa hp Omf , Tha Dally Invul. wlU Bandar, 1 P" 2 S Dally JoaraaL 1 year. ...... JJ Dally JearaaL Wtlh lixlir, emnath. 0 Ti Dally JoaraaL meotbe. ...... C Tee Dally Journal, with Sunday. I mouths, l jl The Dally Journal B months..... 1 "J The Dally Jeureal. wltk Sunday. 1 suonth.. ka Dally par crnek, deuaered. Saad. tncleded .IL'Vi the Dally par week. dsMvered. Saadar excepted .......-............" -' ' Taai 11 Mall ' Tha Dally Journal, wltk Sunday. 1 yaar...T 09 Tee Dally Joeraal. 1 Mar.... ...... 1 JJ The Dally Journal wltk Sunday, "00??-. J I! Ths Dally Journal montea.... l!.Ia Tha TWIla ImiL arltb Sanaa. awjath. o Tba Dally journal t saontbe...... Tha Dally Journal wltk Sunday, 1 Tba Dally Journal I moath. ...... Tba Sunday Journal 1 year....... 140 .80 ton loo th Sunday Joeraal. awaths Tha Semi-Weekly Jsuraai. -The Semi-Weekly Journal 0 to , each heme. Ulaetratod. raU aaarket fa. Cat, 1 Mar ....ea.Ox-as rmUtanree obeuM he made by drafts, paatal Betas, expr erdere' esd , satall ameaats ara P. . Bo I. FartfaaB. Or. ' rot m yotnar ii hat m romfia. , '''Tha Joaraal aaa ha BoM ak"rtiV CHIGaOft Poatafflc Haws aoajaay; tTB Daar. bsnVER, COIO. aaV Bonk Jk taaary . . coapaay, viz Barravaaia ami y AivraMitb ana fnttla atrpata. KAN!B TITT Taa Way tiawi aowpaar. lalNXBAPOUaV-M. i. Kaanaa. Bwtk Kiw tnor riaw.wMaitaa- TTalaa aaaark.1 OX A HA MtllarB Hotal Nw ataad; Maaaatt fana r.ranH airaat. kLT LAKR ITY Ktnyoa Botal Kawa atatijl harrow Braa., 4S Waal Banmd atraat. aoatk. ' BT. LOUIS PklllD RoaBar. 1B tawaat atraatl BAN PBANC1BCO W. . Ardlaf. FahMa HefJI Nawa atB4. ami ions lUrko atraatl Oola- ' aamltk Broa., SSO Sattar atraat. aoB Balnl rraaHa bntal: raatar Oraar. Farry batlaV - laa-i H. Wkaatlay. aamabla awa ataad, aac Bar Haraat aaa are arraa. -BBATTtB Ralnlar Ora1 Mawa ataadl W. 1 tanka. Botal Baattla Krwa ata4. -FPliKAN'K. WAKR. Joha W. Onaiaj Oft TACOMA. WASH Cantral , Mawa aoampaal D-l M.M aaA . TICTORIA. B. CTlctoria Boob Ctattoaary aaapaar. ... WZATBXB, mZFOBT.' A Uht aprtakU af rata arearrad today at Spokaaa. bat abwwbara la tba north Pacific , atatas fair waatbar prartUM, wimi lampara nraa allahtlT abaaa tha aaaanaal imin. Tba tadleailoaa ara for (air waathar la tbla dhitrtet Boaday, with aa laiportaut chaat la , taaaparatoiw. . ...-,.. btaalaiaai tawiparalnraCT dtaTWa; pilnlmom ' an amMi tvar raadina at 11 ' ' a. at., . foat: ehanga la paat M aoqra, O.t V root; total pradpiutloa. p. m. to a p. ai aana: total, aracipluttoa atnea Beptaoibar 1, 1D0. tM fcaebaa; annual preelplutlaa Blaea ap tanibar 1. 1804. M-W UMhaa; oarietawy. 11.11 aaehea: Rnal aoaabbM. Jaly SS. ' MM, fi 11; poaalMa aonahlna, July S8, 1S0B. 14.BIJ baroaMtar (radacad to ata loral) at ft p. av, t.W. ' ' - - "" aaasa i nj n 'i n if, . 1 i i i iiiassaaaaaaaaaaaai tuimufts uczybxb: Wl"la Afciaaibart. J, aod Mar L..iatar- . Pradarlck tVarani. tf, awl Aana Pataraoa. ,3. Obarlao I. Wllaea of atacna eooaty, lUlnoat, JS, aad Bdna A. htaddox, 1. ' taa U. A lira. SB, and Kathlaaa .hfoora, ST ' Boater T. Donoboo. 21, and bnlly at. Aadar oa, 21. ,. Waddloa Carda. W. O. Bnttb Oa.. Who rattoa bIr aar. toarth and Waahlaa-toa at. . . JUTXX, TIXV. ODimiT. ,. . Blnrla Itraaar ' 10. raially lota $TI to Tba anly eaawtary (a Portland whlrk parpataally BMlataloa aad caras (or Iota. ' Pot (oil taforaMtloa apply te W. B. hfaehaaala. Wareaatar bloek. city. . W. at. Tba Xdward Bolaua VadartaklaB eaBpany. . raaoral dlroctora aad amkalaiara. 120 llilrd ' atraaL Pboaa DOT. , ( I. P. Itnlay Boa. faaaral dtrarton aad albalaMra, ooraar Third and hfadlaoa' atraata, Otaaa o( aoaaty aotaaar. Tolapbona Mala B. 1 ranarat wraatba and cat flowora a apaetalty at Baao City Oroaaboaaa. Twanty aacood aad Kaat Marrlaaa, opp, camatary. . v Oct roar aatata tnm tha Tltla Ooaraataa aV Traat pa ay, Chaaibar of Coaiaiarca ballaia. i . $9600 v,.:v- 480 aoraa ooaJ. land,' thraa 'miles frorp yojjofar and aavlgabU river. . $650 4 Bans, I la cultivation, bousa, barn, ' H auira potatoes, 709 cabbacaa, orchard ; of 40 traes, cow, calf, $ tons of hay, ' H mil from town. .' ; ' ', All aorta of aarraiaa In Improved and unlmproTcd lands near town of 1,200 la habltanta, with railroad and staamboat , UanapoUtloo. ( 'Addren . . ,' . a. W. ROWAN, ' OASTUI BOOK, WABK. CABS OT THAJTXB. To tho away kind (rWnoa who rsadcrad oa , aaalataaca and ayaipatby la the hour a( aorrow Col low bur taa death oi our balorad wlfa and , alatar. Mra. Eotma L Jarkaoa. wa dealra to , oiarraa oar hart(alt (hanka. Wa bopa that, 'aboald thay aoffer a aim liar atlafortane. bicoda i aa staandi aad trne will bo (oand h Utalr Ida. (ola-oad) ....... D. D. JACKSON. ... AIHS. MAT PLANK. RACKZBa KLaJmrATIOXB. ' Not Ira to bmiy rtraa that tha monty aanar , lataadont a( Multnoaiab roanty will hold tba rwawktr araatlaatloa of applteanta lor atat and Icoanty papara at Hawthorna arbool, Gaat Waaa - ttistaa anaJBartaaath atreeu, Portland. Oracon, . aa allowa: - v . -,...i.-ai.....'rOll'BTATB PAPtM. ' ' OoaiaMaema Wodnaaday. Aaanat B, at . or lor t a. ana canunmns utll Bat or day, Aaaoat 11. at 4 o'clock p. m. Wadnoaday Poanwnahlp. blatory, analllnt, al- Tharaday Wrl ttaa artlhrnotle, tlnary af tcarbina, irramaiar, bookkaaplnc, phyalea, civil irovarnnMnt. 4 Prlday Phnlntoay. aonaTaphy, amtal artta i anotle. coainoaltloa. nhralcal (coarapbr. Batarday Botaay, plana aoomrrry, aanaral blatory. ana-nan iiteramra, prrnmoy. . " POB COUNTY PAMIRS. ' OeaiaaeaelMI Wadnoaday. Aaraat 0, at 0 o'elork a. aa., aad rontlnoloa an til Friday, Aarnat lL at o clora -w. m. ' l rirat, aaeaed and tlilrd arada earrl flea ran."' ' ' tl irtmianaj- Ptnnnnthlr, battory, artaoarnphy, .... Madlna. " ' Tharaday Wrtrtan krnhmotlc, tbaary ' of iaarklnr. aramoiar. pbyamiocy. - ' ' ' Prtday ttooarapby. aaaatal arltbawtla. arbool law. Civil rorrmmrBt s PBIMABV CKBTiriCATM.' Wadaaadar Paaauaahlp, arthaarapby, arlth Tharaday Art of taaatioalBB, theory ; af taartiln. phyatolnrr. Aaolh-anta latrndlnc to wrtta bora and hava Hm araoXI alarnhora abnaM arrara pcrnbv , a Via tnm tbolr rooaty norrlntaadaat bafora laa aaxuuiaa of taa acamination. . . . .. B. P. aWBINBAN. -' - - - ' CoBBty krnol aittcrtntandrnt WUUITXO rHAjrciAx. TT toaa I0 fren private party for two "a. 110 par Boa lb tatrrvat. Addraaa ., ear AsaraaL. . . , BTOTIOB. THB aadara1(Dad wUl racolva aaalad bMa for a j ataea o raoarai aaanhaBdlaa axataa at Hooa Klvar, Orocoa, aotooatlua to about 10.0U, lm-ladlas otora flztoraa. up ta Maoday at12 a' clock noon. Aaanat 14, luua; a caab dapoalt 0 10 par cant of tha amount of bid aiaot accompany oacb offer, the right' belaf re , aerved te aejact aay aad - all Mda. Tha ' property nay be taeperted at Hood Blver, and an nvantory mar no area at my otnee. IX tad Port land. Or(oa, thla tttrk day of July, land, B. L. SAB1N. rroatand Aakeny ata. t I A THB i ' : MTT.I.r.NNrCM I IB OOM1NO 8OO MXZTIVB V0TI0EB. 0RB00N CIRCLE. Ka. 1T1. W.l0. W.. looota MoadV Bisnt la uona' aau. ooraar n u Uama ava. , aad Rumell at., at k o'clock. MABI RANDALL, Clark. tost Airs roura. LOST Batwooa fell wood and tha Oaka. Thara day amatnc, - lady'a Jacket. Pleaee retora to Whlla Bump Baal Oa, BiSVa WaahlnaTtoa at., and receive reward. . . .. L08T4-B horaaa; dark brow a and bay. Pindar tv.Hr. U U jAKuana. V .ah v( lla 1 IV. Runt (roe delivery Lenta. Mount. Scott carlfna. LOST A Jady'a band aatrbel eoatalntnir pane and ailvar cola; (indor pleaee retora ta Jan. John Blta. B8 Kaat Ninth at. LQSTf P -Brown cow. with left bora crooked. Ia- tqavo oi euuoioa ouuwu, aaiaraie vwu, vmrcm o, Mt. Beott ear. - , ' ; ., , BOSTPat canary bird, left' ta cars for Jbf rriena; rewaro, ana'a Horrnoa nu - . LOST Small sold fentlomaa's locket- Pindar pleeaa pboni Mala BTT0. i " rATM MALB.- . ' PIN THIS M0RK1N0 TO tt : .. A WANTED. B tmaaa aarpentera, (or B. B. depot and Becrlon-boaaa work, fl day, (roe (ara; B mca : to balls M. B. fanoa, aa ex par la or aoeded, 1.00 day, free tare; B taonelmea, l.ol, (raa farei tt laborere areaad bridga (oandatlona, etc. 12.16 and free fare out .Bear Idaho; ' laborera (or ateam abovel, eoutham. Orrfon, free (ara: ajnarrynwn, ta.26; woodanen, Vl.TS; aawmlll laborera, 92.25; wacoo road laborera, 11.60 and board; anrlneor, 12.60. AL'BTRIAOiS ITALIAXB OBXBKB. " ' 100 of tbca (or 1 year B. B. fcmatmctioB wora, aoar npoaane, aa.K. nau iare 1 cook. BOO: hotel batcher. tttOi t dlab waahara, aipoattloB, (10 a week, call early for aipoaltkw; yonaf man to tend lunch coaatar an learn nartenoins, nrat-etaaa aa. loon, 10 a week; othera. . . HAX8EN B BMPLOYMKNT OrPlCB, SB Nortt Booond at . t MTLL blackamtth. 12.75: raa a trlmmerman. . (2 50 ap; offhearara, $2. IS: Doom-man. 12.25: . ollor. 2; yardman, 2.o0; 4 eager and white . pine lumber credere, $e: B boa factory bore, t 11. TS; B awampara, $1J3; Urn Uat of new 100 mill and yard man. 12 no, aa office fee. Off Ice open Sunday formoon. 'av.LCMBEBMBN'S LABOR BUREAU., " tm MorriaoB et. f Phono Black S041. MANAGERS and aaleemea -wanted; aor "Poach-My-Pace" (aaie Ukaa tba place of fnrblddes alot macblneaj appoint aabaireate and place oa percentage; big money-maker; automatic beer faacet attaehment-t-a, wlonee, 100 , per cent; y write onlck; arcora territory. Creaccnt Hovalty Co., mm Arehor ava., Chicago, IU. WANTED 1250 mootbly -and rapid, protttloo (or right maa; don't want yon to mvoat. but " meat bare been fairly auccaaaful ta prevloua ' occunatlon;) wall educated, energetic, amM tlooa and- convlnclna talker; give refereacee, age and experience... P OO! care Journal. ALL DI8BASJCS of maa eWceeafnlly treated': dlechargea poalttvely cared m from B to -1 dare; eonanltatlon free and atrlctly enntMen tlal: aead (or our symptom bleak. Xf Radium Medical Institute. Allaky - bldg.. Third anJ Morrlaoa ata.. Partlaad. t 4 ' ' : . LOOORRS AND CONTRACTORS. . r. 'Boveral good-oacoad-hend eaglaas, aaltable for logging or holatlag . porpeaaa, t be bad ' cheap. For farther Information , apply le F. D. Knettnar, Astoria, Or. - . . CAPABLE anlldtnr wanted to take 'charge of ' rwn i r j nvai isiml im- vira ' te farnlah bond. . Apply Snnday bar. 4 and 0 "p. m.. Chamber of Commerea, rooan 711. . ANT ONB permaaeatry employed wtehtng te materially Inereaaa their Income wltboot In terfering with preecnf oecapatloa leave ad draaa with Eaat 1210 for nartleelare. - MEN wanted evarywaer. tack aigna, dlatrlnata . rircalara, aamplaa, etc. j permanent accupa v tloa. good pay. Amarlcaa L'nlon, Poatiat bid.. Cbicaso. . z-i a ' 1 THRBS- Hve man wanted to beadle a maa's propnaiTloa to men; rnec eeinpr. van w to n a. aa. Monday. Pacific Asaocy. 004 Stearn bldg. . '. WANTED Men to dmtrnmte eemples. tack alma, gs aaur j BO canreeemg. . vatwaaiai Dlctrlbutlag Service. Cblcaao. . f . YOUNO maa wants poettloB t leara grocery boalneaa; experience In meat , market. Ad dreaa B OS. care JoaraaL MAN ta work for cripple who got ta wheel chair, wiling am all artlelee, Sl-ftO per - day. 411 Palling at.. P. vulvar. IA It RETT 4 .DetactlVe School La at thai for thl farm; redaaed rates. 801 Allaky bldg. -. WANTBD Teams te baal 1. 000 eord ef Wood. Apply Pioneer Pool oo., rortiaaa. . - S GOOD aa It amok wanted at eaee. , Address A. D. avaaler. uanerai veuvory. WANTRD Two aol lei tore. " Sll rourtk at. V 'atXtP WAnTTIP TTMITt CANDT saleelady, boora I to B:M p. m., 07 weak : 4 aeatly arise ra laa me ror very ugni, agreeable emphtymoBt -at a r posit ton grounua. 01.20 a day; waltreea ea, expeartloa. S bowl Mil gaS ana room; le wain I nana, oinrr plaoae, IS aad 0O weak aad 120 and 02 and round; s chamhsnaalda, beach, 020: 3 waltreoaea, beach. 020; chambermaid, city, 030; B othera, 020; eae email plaea. Old: cook. 00; cook, $12 a week; eook, dellcatssssa a tore; 2 wemea for kltchaa work, 0 women to clena ap la hotel. 130. . t glrla, single, far tee cream Parlor, BT a week ta Mart. House glrto and rooks and sirle to aeekit, f 1 sib, 020, gzn, ajo, rny aaa conntry. . IIANHHN'B LADIES AOENCT. v i gilVi Waahlngtoa St.. cor, Karen ta, npatalra. 4 fDona atam wwm. - . LAM DEPARTMENT. Betel. reataaraBt, off ape. atore, bakery, lasadij sad family patronage aollelted, HANSEN'S KMPLOTMENT OFTtCB, BUM Waaklagtoa at., room Teor. Seven tk si WANTED 150 glrla te make overalls aad ahlrtat Instructions gives to Inexperience A ' Apply Kenstadter Broa., Standard Pactory No. i, cor. Reef Taylor and Orand are. GERMAN r Korwetiaa' girl; goo cook and lanndraaa; ramiiy of iwo; ao cniiarra; wngee be object te rlgut party, Addreaa W OA care Journal. ' r j COMPETENT gtri genaral honseworfc and cooking la, small family adalta. Ml Mar shall av. . ... . WANTED TJ hi f aummer or para Journal. 1 10 to 10 yeara for tba at borne, Addreaa B 42, WANTBD Woman cook; eome experience et abort ardors, Irving betel, Elf hteeatk aad - Irving. ' -t-. WANTRD A young girl to ass hit la boneework (or email family, laqulre eoo Boas -at. '-v LADT cook waated for boarding-hone; , good wagea te right party. 1004 Macadam et. WANTED Ladtae' elotbaa Iroeers at Pacific laundry,. Plret aad Arthar ata.. .. . i..-i WANTED oirl te do boaeeworkt ae eeoktng; 04 week. 144 Hortk lath u ' WANTED Oirl for general bouaeworfc. . Call IW Eaat 7-weirtb, nortk. XXPLOTBtXVT MtKIL PACirtJ COAST EMPLOYMENT A0BNCT , Bcmoved te 131 , Nert Saeaad et- pbea ' Bed 1BL ' ' , Urn BANBBN S EMPLOYMENT UPPICI. 0B MEN. - N. Sacead atrrf Pboas Mala 1520. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor roatrao torti help free te .employers. .110 alorrlaoa, WAJirEP MAX! ABB rMALB BTBLP. WAITRES8KS, 1". 07. koVrla, 02ft. Antelope. XlragoB. 020; mill cook. 02o; pantry, kltcnetf brlu, bouaakecper, 1U IDnng cunai; aiiu v.rook, 02 (child); family help: Jap boy, rvaat V ldlabwaaber), another for hotel. South rWnd, Oo work i waltera, couka. dtahwaahera, mllkera; : aloe t'hlneee wanted. 4iea Bundey 11 to 12. B. . Drake, Bulk), Waahlnctoa au Black -UNO. WANTKO Yeooa people ta take a coarae ta -HSrakorteand or baokkeaplat. -day or Bl(bl awr it ' . . . . . 1 1 1 1 . i- at . uuplle darin May; wa wlU plaea yea wbea cuaipateat. Behnke-Walkar Baalnaaa aoUasa, WANTED At oaca, a brlgkt. eaorgatle, r aeotahle maa or woman, a goad talker, to take ap aa attrartlra '. propoalUoa. Iajlra TU Chamber af Commerce, 0 a. Pa, MAN and wire wanted for farm work; 0M V year (or right party; only eiparianeea per anna aeed apply, - Addreaa i. Q. Wieet, Stella, Waah. BEST aalUng article oa tba eoaet; 100 par cent profit. - I au at room au. nemmoa bldg bet. B and 4:80, Monday. WANTED 400 bopplrkera; beat bopyard; aaav ta aara money. - Apply to Andrew Kaa , A - Co., K8I Morrlaoa at. HELP wahted and aa ported, aiale ar female. B. ODBAKB. Mk Waahlngtoa at. Clay 4a0 ROPPICKERS wanted. Boom 00. Roaeal bldg. UTUATIOBa WANTED MALX. TOUKO maa about IT yeara of age wanta work In office ar grocery otovo; would like to drive deliver waroa; eouer and Indoatrlona; llvee at komd. Wm. BawU, Jr., SOB Grand 'View at., at on ta villa. Or.' - ' BXPERIBNGED collector,, aaarried. and aaa farnlah bond, weald like, paelt ton: am well acqoalnted with city. Addreaa P 0, Journal. ENGINEER dcelrre Boaittoa. 11 yeara eipert- raferanoea. Addreee B 40. eare Journal. TOCNO maa. SB yeara old. waate work by day or week I aober, honeat and induatrwaa. H TT, care Journal. . -- ' y 'BTTTJATfONB WABTID-JTiaiAIJa. TO0NO lady employed during day wlahaa1 to tXaatot with light ooework or ehlldraa, or ' company, la part payment ' for room and board. Addreaa R 50, eare Journal. SITUATION by young lady la a booth or Beady a tare; would accept place aa waltreea; not much experience aa waltreea.. Pboaa Mala - soar.. v ;r""? :. , .. WANTED B a arbool teacher, chars af good rooming -aouee la deatrable looatloa; refer- eacee. Aaawer m bz, car eournai. QUIET, refined woman, eome experteaea ta ' atckaaaa. aa companion and da -light bouaa--,work. B. T.. 428 Be Tenth at. 1 SITUATION wanted nr neat woman by tba . day. Pboaa Maia 4378, ar addreaa 1ST Mont, gomary at. OIRU 10 yeara, wanta eare af girl baby; good : home, email wage, v Addraaa B OB, . care journal. .. ' irijrTiiCansctxiAJrxo TB.. WANTED More aprajlng aad whltewaaklng; the eoly gaaollna eompreeaed air apraylna ootflt on the eoaet M. O. Morgaa A Co 070 ' Mllwaakle at. . Phono Kaat Mil. - WANTED A plaoe ta good reepectable family, a a bur be preferred? to board email child B ,,yaeee ejd. Aaewor B dd, aaie Journal, WANTBD 10-reom - lodjtlng-houae; meet - be i reaeonahla, . with moderau rent, and leaaa. - M 4B, care JoaraaL '-. - - -' il WANTED Ticket to Chicago, or any pomt ea routes, ull, dark kalrV middle age. Addraaa - B 41, Journal. WANTED Good 1210 or 10x14 - tent; state price.. Addreaa Mi Gantanbeln era-, city. 0. H. P. - . ,-. ... - . .i - ... WHO 18 M. O. MORGAN ft CO.f WABTID A0E1ITS. SALESMEN for the" beat accident and health . Insurance la the world; a rock ceaapany; caab --capital -and Inenrance dapoalt a of 0250,000; 01. 000 policy coats 02 a year, 0100 emergency 4 benefit of ear . klnda; faandaome black aeal .grain pocket-ceae given free with each policy; aood aaleeman are mahln 0100 ner week: If yoa-waat to gat oa. writ today for ex duelve renewal contract with liberal com. mlaaloa. Uormaa Reglatry Co., 211 - ortk seventa et., at. Louie, ato. AGENTS WANTED For beat fl a year a cel. deat, 11.00 health pollclea; large commlealon, ' reaewala: county manager wntrd every : autev A. B. Cllley, manager. -412 Time Building, Tim aqua re, new lock city. OO LADIES and gentlemen he Introduce and sell eelf-lightloc lacaBdeecent gaa lights; In- aiapensaBia la every some; ooee away wits , matcbea or gaallghter. They aril oa sight. ' eos wasungtoa. cor. pi laa taenia at. AGENTS WANTED Te Mil high - grade nursery etock; new and complete eat fit fnrnlaked free: eaab weekly; write te ' dey for ebolce of territory. Capital City njaraary tjo., aeleau uragoa. AGENTS eaa eaally make. 010 a day eeUing ..our gold window lettera, novelty algna ana changeable algna; catalogue free. MulliTa Co., 40 w. vaa Burea at., cnicage, in. WANTED Canvaaaera. aalary and commlaaloa, New lark Outfitting; Co., S28H Flrat at., city, AGENTS' wanted te sell stories of. Old Oregon. Jenee' Sook Store, xi A MoT at. i WANTED TO BXKT. OWNERS AKD AGENTS will find It ta their advantage t llet theirs vacant bouse and . (lata wltk ear Free Rental department. Our vacant hones dlrertorr haa become recog nised Institution In Portland, hundreds of taaanta being weekly placed la aoltable quarters. Vie make ao charge whatever - aad owners should take advantage of fbli - aenlce by calling at oar rental department and filllnB la aa "Information Blank." If yea bare a vacant bouse, pboaa toe par ticular and leave the real to aa. Wa wont allow It to remain long Idle. - U. K. EDWARDS, U0U8EFURNISHBB, , Free RenUL Department, ' -180 to 101 Flret St. IT WB have call every dey for vacaat b- aad fnrnlahed boaeaai llat poor property arlth , ea: we will do the nab Bobaa A Tacgart, 107 But Be. WANT to- rent a farm; cash rent. P 4T, cere JoaraaL - Addreee WABTID RIAL 18? ATX, ITOCK of general merehandl, vain op te ib exenaage ror inaioe rwioeaca prop erty oa th east aid. V Income property; dltber'tnulne or choice : residence. In exenang for improved acreage la lh umpqua tauey, np to in value. Good real dc nee property oa the east aide, ' north. In exchange for acreage la the Cala pool' valley, value 0.500. Stork of good for equity ta splendid Stock -' I arm eaat rrom tfoaetrarg, value 4,000. .... . . 1 . .. , II !l J - . ....-.... Tacaat lot for stock of general mereaa. aiae ia coantry, value 02,000. . ; ' ' ' .n ": B. W. MILLER, , ' ' . i" 100K Sixth at.. ' WANTED Immediately.- BO to too a eras of , land aaltable (or planting . potatoes, or to .let aeea potatoes 10 responsible par tie oa share. . Addreee N 43.' care Journal, or sail at iuo rroni at., rortiana. LOT wanted; nraat be rloee in city; atat location nnqprice. -aooreaa Ij a, jonrna 1. Bv-XMIB RESORTS. BILL BUN hotel, andar Bow management; Bret- - claee accammbdatlona, good aahlng, will meet - partlea at Or rah a as if sdvlaed by mall. P, J. - Phalpa, Ball Hun, Or. W COUNTRY CLUB INK. Bard Blver, Ongoa; Bne oak grove, good table, aprlag water, . teas la. boating asd fishing; Bow opea. NICELY famished atx-eonm cottage t Seaside. ITi; Third at., near tsmblll. T0B RXVT PLATS. NEW-anodera 0 room flare, Including steel and aaa rangee; Halaey aad Lerrabee, eaat ld. luauira oe aetrraoea. pob Baorr xovbuxxptbo booa FOB BENT rurnlahed aousakaeplsg-raoaM la . -boat brick "block as eaat aids; gaa rang, bath, etc. 1 ao tranairutai prices moderate, f Loses blk.y 10SV, Luion sv ear. Eaat Alder. , Pbou JJnloB 82oa. - B PURNIHHED booaekecplng-roonaa,. flS; gaa. bath, atattoaary tuba, pautry. One water and . phone, 3 blorka east ateel bridge. Call, by .' pkune after p. m. Kaat 2WX. , LAkOB new eleaantly furnlehed aonaekeeplng , reoaia, rullsDM ir large paruaa; gaa ranca, running water. The Lnwnadale, 005 . Aiuer. fl PER WEEK Famished rooms, beaaskesp mg privuegea. c at. riggon, lawyer, ewaer. Phone Hoed BOO. - d Mulkey bldg. FOR RENT Famished bouaekeeplng-rooma aad (umlened rooms. DrU-k building. -y aue aall au, near Mlaslaelppl ava, car line. 0 ROOMS completely fornlebed. private (amllv; Hs, In- . . bath, telanhona. Alat Iievls. Bear Fourteenth. Tel. Weet 702. A BT'lTB of rooma oa flret floor of modem flat, - newly faxBlahed (or bouaekeeplnc or a leaping rooma. 401 Flrat at. 1S TRBEB apatalra rooms luralahod ' for North Twelfth. ' . S PURNI8HEU eooma. bowetkeeplng. all eon- veBlsncea. 7X1 Union ava. rnone cast aaaa. THB LINDA Y18TA. alaaly forakibed beaeekeee- lag an alagla rooau reaaonaaie. aim sine. NICELY foralahad hoc. eekesplag -rooms; (as sbs sata. reevb roorteentn ex. . cos mmxtMMXD aoojni rCRNISHED ROOMS Make moaay oat et your, own -friends. Tha Howlaad, Srat-claas ... looming -houae. . Twentieth and- WaahAngtoa, can accommodate a (aw more goeeta; bring your frlcnda aad receive 20 per cent of their - fcuii jte 0cr Toe-aad OK tree bathe, fro 'bus from- depot. $1.50 A WEEK Newly faralabed room, new Bouse, adjoining fair grounda, apienoia view, very convenience. 10 minute to car; that' why they're so cheap. Guild ava. brglna at the Joot of. 23d at., N. -Apply J.. Oka, BM Gollds are. COMMERCIAL HOTEL Mew bulldtaaT. . thing BMdera throoghoat, ' beautifully fur ' Biabed; room light, sunny! -plenty of frank . air; location convenient for either baal aaa ar fair 1 price reasonable. OBO.WaehingtoB. PAIR visitors Large, clasn. airy room: house keeping room; electric light; everything fur alaood; reasonable. Piaher building, Ruaar II at., AlMon. block from Mississippi avaaae. L - car. Terms to permanent tenant. - TUB BAMANN. 130 N. lOth cor norv Nrwiy . furnlehed rooma, I1.B0 ap; eoavenlant lore ties. ( 10 minutes' walk to (air grounda: Morrlaoa car at anion depot direct te house. Pboaa 0470. THB WILBUR 340 B. Oak. Unfornlabed rooms wraa BJIUUUU IIIRnrp X I1T U I rI IQtWM Pfi,a-a-ptfaja; rooma, 02.00; mdflat, fl.26 per week. PhoB Scott 004. 1 TBBeABLB Par ill sk ad rooma, tight, airy, raa. , enaakla. with breakfast; a car lines. Baat Twonty-oovanth and Tags art ata. Bast SvuO. THB ' ALDERS One -Urge, nicely- (urnlsbad , room; aha email, elngle rooms, lacladlng - beta. Pbonk Mala lftSL 000 Alder. Beer BUtk. POB RENT 3 furnished rooma. either perm a -... bent or transient; TO day each transient. Old Per-month permanent. 421 12th at., cor. Ball. MARQUAM ROU3BV 14SH 4th Beams aa enlra or a Ingle; hoaeekeeplng rooma; rss stoves, bath, electric llsbtat traaaleats saHclted. HOTEL NORTHERN, Twalftk aad Marshall ' Nicely famished boasekse ping -rooms from $10 per month end ap; tree phone aad bath. NICB newly fnrnlahed room la private family. m walking distance; electric llghte; 00 per ' mouth- 120 Eaat Stb et.. corner Aider. BOOMS with or wltaont board. In private fam ily; ehxrtrie lights, bath and telephone; With beard. 00 a weeh. Pboaa East 2375.- - TWO fnrnlahed rooma ta piirat family, with ar isvlthout board: new bona, new furniture, hath ; 00c per night. PIT Bel moot. ' r 1 THREE newly papered and pelnted rooma for ,. rent, f r per monta. xoa aoatk Poora . St.,. 3 blorka (ram car. . -" . - NEWLY fnrnlahed room In private reeldeaeo; - gaa, bath and ,phonv . Call JIB. Xamay at. rnone raciflS.. izn. PLEASANT rooms with best boms cooking, re .soluble, central location. . 437 East Ankeny, ' aoar ninta at. . TWO elegant furnlehed rooms, bonsekeepmg If desired; gas, hot bath;-larre yard; CO week. was rront t, .- r FURNISHED rdoma. OOa, TBe and 01 an. Twear tleth an Waahlngtoa. Hot and eold be taa. Tne MowaiBa. - - . .. 1 - FRONT parlor (or gentleman 01 raqasmeat whs wianaa room Bear tne . can tar city. bhi Everett at, NICELY rafnlahed room for one or two; private family, centrally, located, wltk gas, ate. i an 42ta k. - , - - . XLKOANTLY fnrBaihed room" fm en or two a gentiemea; privnu family; gaa, bath. . 001 -Aayior. . . - , ........ TUB OLADSTONB eilU Bevter at. ne; aaeer saw aaaaagemaati srieea rae bla. TOURISTS' Booming Boreas;' room la beet parte ox city. oi - xenta St. Pbone Mala eoos. FOR RENT rurnlahed, ' Urr. pleasant front mom, 237 Tine at Montavllia. Pboaa Scott tarn, r . - GRAND Roomlng-Honae. 46 H North Third ; Farnlabed rooms; gtnthimaa; $1.00 wsek as. CHEAPEST and best located rooms la Portland. 01 week aad ap. C 11 maa. Pint aad Alder ata. TWO girl, rent part 4 room fnralabed houae, - e eacn par monta. ho souna, niter a. - NEWLY furnlehed room ta private reeldenoa; modem ea car lino) telephone Scott 0010. CLEAN, newly faralabed rooma, BO .0 TO per day. 100 North berenteenth et. , THB CASTLE 373 Washlnrtoa t. faralabed t-non maia isro. 824 SECOND ST. Booms for on 03, for two 34 per wees. . FOR RENT rurnlahed . cottage. 16th et. " 100 Nortk V, BOOMS AaTS BOARD. TES, w eaa ceemmoaate s few more table, boardara; borne eook lug aad verytblng Brat ciaas. . aster aouee, navaaia aaa Madlana. ' Phone' Mala 0331. - - WANTED A (aw boardera af 080 Front at.; ratee reasonable: one large front room ault, -. able (or two. Call between 3 end 12 o'clock; private family. , GOOD boarding place la country at raasonibl , rstaa (or remainder of en 01 mar. . For partlca lara write S. B. Mct'axiand, R. P. D Cat ton. Or.- - - i 1 THB Uadell New family hotel, : Market, be twora Third aad Fourth, eteem beet, electric ugni, - porceiaia Dai us, exceedingly tew ratee. THB IRV1NO Elegant Secern Bwdsttosa. as exorbltaat - ebargaa; dlplng-room la con nection; price right, ' Cor. 10th and Irvlag. BOOMS wltk board for permanent - teaasm, reaaoaablei flrat-clasa boms , cooking, ui : Blxtk et,l ROOM for awra; Od 00 pet week: rood tabl. 5r3 Clay, near Fifteenth. Main Ola). rOS RXRT BT0XX8. - XJNB comer atore. Twentieth aad Weebtng toa; large plath-glaaa windows; make Bne loratloa (or drngglat. Donald (i. Wood word, S40 Stark St. . BMdera brick; plat glaa front; high celling. eiw avaat jtorn- eon at. . FOB RENT Store tnxKO: Be grocery. Western Importing O , las piftk at. FOB BINT MISCELIABIOub. . FOB RENT Yeey reaeooahlf. 'alee tad corn- .pletely fitted tOacre ' anhnrhaii rmrk and '-wood, ea car 11m. TeL Union S202. - POR LEASH Upper floor, 7ntiJi Morrlaoa aeer BoatnfOre; modern, elevstor, haat. Aa ' drees C 40, car Journal, . FOB BINT HOWBXBL FOB BENT BY THB DVNN-LAWBXNCI T COMPANY. 1- . Tory desirable B-room flat, aew aad awdera. No." 4 l.'oloa avenue, corner Ankeny, $18. - ' BaautlfnN T-room roeldeue. . Sod Baa B. tael, $a.0O. . - btyUsb, saw: aad modera 0-room cottage, corner Ira moat aad Rodney avenue. $15. ' ' Nice B-room cottage all furnlened, B. Party. I flftk. between Hterk aad WashlnftoB.j $11. ' Beaatlful 0-reom cottage, 10JT Jtsal ktk ' at., N., Woodltwa, OIL f . Apply at isk airs 5 ii. FOB BENT Unfurnished, the flnoat boardlng bouee or family botal ta Be ata Barbara, CaL; 38 annahlny rooms; loratloa u uncalled; fur. Bsc, "gaa aad alertrlcltyi 4 ww bath rooma: ctbtbeu cweeta; bouse enlarged. moderBlard - and la beet repair; rent $10 per month; ref erences required. Addreaa Owner lalamar." Mra. B. M. lloborf. SaaU Barbara, CaUtorola. FOB BENT 420 SUth at, B-room cottage, 325: MIS Maranall St., 0-room cottage. 010; MS Corhrtt at.. '0-room modem flat. $17.60; 343 ' N. lTlb st., storeroom, 023. L. B. Tbompsou A Co., 328 Third t. ' - rOB BENT Aa entirely modera houae. 1 bloe from two car llaea. large bathroom, tiled: baa faraare. bat water beater, wa-el trays, gas snd ehwule light; large lot. A. C. Brash, sie wiuiems v.- s . "i1 FOB BENT Aa enttrely modem houae, 1 block rrom tare ear Usee; large natBroom, umu. baa furnace, hot water beater, waah tray, ga and alar trie lights-Urge lot.. A. C. Bruaa, Old Williams ara. I FOB RENT-0-room beoaa Bear Ooiumbls unl- veraltv: shed for boraa and caw; rent reaeoo- alile (or permanent tenant. O. Na' Lalvaralty Park, Bear Baptist eharca. FURNISHED houae; 0 ream . ef bow T-room bonne, bath; pbone Baat Bi2; yam, mgntiy. t blocka Mt. Scott car, B Morrkmat 787 East Main; no ehlldraa. . ... :.: KADDERLY " TRANSXCR-COMMITSION CO. Plane aad furaltare moved proasptly by ex perienced maa. 110 N. Third at. Mala 1080. TTW.TO.DATB modern T-rnom honae, with meat, corner Corbett end Lane bU; take A oar oath. Phono Mala 210. Price 020.. .v. NBW 1 room strictly awdera - cottars, BIS per moaw. at riaoavuie etetion l taae at. aao oar.- Joe Naah. Phone Unloa lBOL . FOR RENT 0-room eotttge, oeatrally located. 1b geoo oroer.. ror Barucaiara apply. morB Ibc 430 Blxtb st. .- Zf-ROOM. tlegaat aew houae, close la, modern. For partlcuiara apply caiag Bros., see avast Morrlaoa. . i. . - B-ROOM bones to rent ta unByelda. . Inqnlre 1111 Bast Morrlaoa at., Bunuay loronooa or Monday. . FOR RENT OB BALE Five-room cotters car line. Bee owner, H. Biaataea. wooow 1 1 A unniM T-ronm bonaa In South Portland moatb. . Apply 171 Third at., near Yamhill. B-ROOM bouse. Upper Alblna, SIB; T-reom bouse. . 020. Bostus Hormana, low ruts. FOB BENT 0-room eottaB, Bewly farnlabed. Cell at 014 Bur aside. .... , 010 FOB BENT New 0-room ioi East N ilana at. ' modera eottaga, aoUBM FOB BXaTT JTIRBITUBB FOB BALB. FOB Uat resalts oa '' - ; 'k' , "FUBrlTTUBaV " ' Whather to bar or sell, rtnc nn Mala . . . PORTLAND AUCTION BOOMS, . , - . - - - SU Pint St. . FURNITURB of s 6-room cottage, located ea .Nob Hill, U minutes ' walk from Flrat and -' Waahlngtoa; must eell at once. Call Sol -Commercial blk. - FURNITURB of B-rea cottage, arranged for two famine; yoa eaa get this st s bargain, or might rent to right party. BOO Morrteoa at., rooatBlL . -i '- FOR BALB At a bargain, complete aew furaV tar and furalabtnga; for rant, mooern aew 0-room cottage, 010; car imee. . Call- 827 Ma " eiaaippl ave. . - , FOR RAMS rural tare of o-room room Ins clone la; low rent; moat be eold at enca; make offer. Cell at 800 Harrkma at. 'wrta)WrfCTTBai .1 a n n ,n iu l. . $5: houae fox rent, $12.50 monthly., rnqulr 188 It Market et. FURNITURB ef 0-room sotup for sale at a , bargain! cottage, tar rant, $10. . 070 East Couck. . '. ..i. 13 ROOMS, nicely famished, rent 080 f will T eell very cheep. BOO Plret st, Pboas Hood - 357. .. . -i '.Vt . 1 I 1 i ei i , A SNAP 0-room cottage; furniture for al. houee (of rant, $10 per month. 380. College at THB furniture af T-room bona for sale; a anap bargala. Addreee S 40, car JoaraaL FURNITURB of 4-room bonaa for sale: for rent, $0 monthly. 643 Fourth st. FURNITURB ef B-room bonaa for aaie. No. 481 Everett at. Phono Front 108. FOB BXBTAKYS. EXTENSITB shady sad completely arreaged camp grounds; space for rest by week or moatb; (eedyard; wrtta for circulars. AA . draas Weet ' Aveno Camp Grounda, Mount Tabor atatloa, Partlaad. FULLY faralabed hoaeekeeplng . teata; ale , ah a do trace; some sad ksep cool: moderate rent, week or month. Lewie aad Clark Camp, Mt. Tabs Heigh ta. Pbone Scott 3704. BKTLAND, PortUad Heigh ta The beat mca tad camp grounda In the slty;, 000 fact above river; is minster rwelk, ear 3 blocka; $0 up. Mala 0000. tOB BXBT OFTI0X-B0OMS. OPfTCB-ROOM for rent, aecond Boo woed- wag. . apply elevator. . - FOB BENT BBFUBJHBHIP BOOMS. TWO anfaraUked rooma for houaekeeplng. with '. lnk. grate and pantry, te partlea without cniinren. ayai xemoii ex., near iota TWO an furnished Hht bdusekeeping rooma, new; both, gaa, alosata, etc. 404 East Wsab - lngtos et. ... TWO anfanlabcd fanning water la Mill at. ; ' walking dtotancvt bath, tale phone. BOO FOB BXXT FAXMA 104 ACRES, mostly sab avail, nly second to , hearer dam land, 11 mile from Portland; good wagon road; 1 mile from Reedvllls o ,' Bon them Pacific; 15 acree m cultivation and 00 seres mors almost ready te cultivate; 0- m Plastered -rtoose. barn, orchard: a ha tract faralabed; 31.400, balance aaay at B per , cent. Compton Glbaoav 100 Ablngtoa bldg. Phone Red 28H. FOB SAXI HORSES AaTS CARRIAOXB. FOR SALE A wen bred' mar (bay), dty broka, auiubl (or a lady to drive; will ' work elngle, doable or saddle; also (tne - robber tire baggy, need only s Btoath; fine hsmeea. whip and robe: most be sold at once. SOT The Failing bldg,- - - FOB BALB Bay aorss, B years old, city broke, - rev-tetered: time. S mine tea; easy naeer; price . 3200, George W. Oliver. 1110 Beat Taylor St. . Also buggy asd harneea, $70. NEW Btodebaker top bnggy, with rabbet tire end ball bearing a, will eell or xehang (or "drlrrng borne. Call 213 Ailaky bldg. FAEIEB top boggy, rabber tire; young, gentle bora knd baraea. all complete. A. B. Baeker, "S4f Waah tart on at., city. . FOB BALB A good driving -boraa, (heap, at Ba A Davu woodyard. cor.' Teath aad Job aeon. FOB SALE A fine gentle young driving bores. Well broke, good appearing. rsoas aaat S7as. 4- GOOD Mddle, driving snd draft bom (beep. U. P. Stablee, 2W BaaeeU it, FOB BALB S large boree. Call evenings. M. tt. Morgas, B70 Mllwaukl St. RIDING bore for Bale. 'Apply Foster A Ktoawt - etable. Fifth end Rverett et. HObTXBTZADB. CHOICB bonvMtead retlnn-atelimeat for sal cheap; will cruise O.OOO.OO te 10.000,000; . also choice timber rial ma for local iba. , Ad drrag B 40, eare Joorsalw , , Bear 1 ack. I Til 1 XTrtZa-XSB OaTAXOBaVv t- annuiNa-Hoima o is fur th; Blahed. good ktcatloai clearing foo pes price ' . - . . r T Bateew taking In OlT te $20 per day; matt , b auldi price $000. , , . . .'. - ' StnaU weed rd; will sefl either the wboU V Int. ' Coofectloaery store la nfrctloaery store a mall towai r eppoaltloa. ., , . ' , Bakeir doins sic buslaaaa, sStsbUsbsd trade, good rig, at a bargain,, , Si wboU or belt lntereet ta good raav est doing a aios Uade; opes night sad o ::., .iiV. :- i' Groeary and cigar atore st- hargal fat $260. Pick tale sp? It Is a snap. H. W. MILLER. . loOVs Blxtk at, . SNAPS OPPFRED BY H. MILLER tT l'H SIXTH ST., PORTLAND, OB. ' tory aad baaament, Sr-proo( brick build ing, os a splendid corner, plale-glaa front, finished la Bret -class style, yearly rental . 02.000; muet ba sold, ewsar Usvlng the city; terms on same. Make aa offer and get this. SO (era of land In northern California; ft . la choice (raits and berries; Improvement eaat OL400; as Ideal borne: will be eold at , aarrlnee; will enterula a exchange of ' . furniture or hardware. Look thla up. . Woodyard doing a splendid buelueee; stab ilised trade; at Invoice. . Thla cannot be .duplicated, i. The duett body of timber oa th Pacifl roast for aaie; ibis tract hi estimated and guaranteed; alee a splendid mill can be bad ( if wanted. r A bargain to principals en)y sup snd sstlmate furnished. Th above barf sine should appeal te eapitaL i . CaS sad laveaUgat. L H..W. MILLKR.... a I0m SUthl Ot $3. 000 I0-B0OX house, s neatly fsnlahad; boardera; rent $80: good locatleaj clearing - $100 pa aaoatb.-. ... '- $1,100 0 ream house, favnlahed reaUurant etyla, one block from Washington at; snap. ' $000 18-room bobs, modern, teat $2fi II stsady boardera; rooms all full; most sell as . account of slcki Room 40, Hamlltoa Bids. WANTED Men ta take lntereet in - attning pro poat tloa; aew awourary; I want ta put up a a tamp mill; $80,000 In sight; ere sassy $40 to ths ton; would like partlea that caa take active ' lntereet: thla thla u ao faker so promoter ased apply. Call or addreaa ddIt. Call or adflreee bdtm Third et., room 31; will only be la dtp till August 0; will give- goad lntereet to the rigat partlea; era w nee mi lung. WB bar s number af restaurants sad roommg . aeoaea oa oar list. Hare to a aample; - A aood rooaama--heuaa ea Waabinatoa et.. 11 Well faralehed rooms, which earned ever $100 a month last year, before the fair; to earning mora bow; owner to sick sad most ssll; $900. Call oad aee, us. , . GRUNDY-MXLBATrf CO. 340 H Morrlaoa et- Room 1A .' FOR SALE Aa eeUblUbed well Baying basV aeaalB a Brewing town ef eaatral Oregoai . will kant the present building- and enlarge te suit. Iters Is sa opportunity far a buelneee maa te estabilsk klmaelf la a rapidly, grow. -Ing town where success to aaeured. Isqahr or write Wv.H. Jn at Jooraai efflca, far Barttculara. -. ," ..-.' FINB reataurant "dotnf large lost nee, e MorrV Bos St.. only OdSO: tha Ala IB-room lodging -houae, efull aU tha time, IS' blocks from. Flrat aad Morrison, only 0600. Thee ara an ana. - J .. . v- UUaWIB InlHWUVD, , ' Boots Morrleea st, Room A v ALL DISEASES ef area sueceee felly treated: . dtschargea poalttvely cared la from 3 to 0 day; oonaultatloa free and atrlctly eooB deutlal) send (or our symptom blank. X kadlum Medical Iaatltat. Ailaky bldg.. Third and alorrlaoa ata., Portland. QUICK meal, coffee, taacb and short order reataurant, counter and table, 34 aeeta, new range, $40 coffee am, plasty cooking atear 11a, dishes, at., living room, low rent u muet sell; biggest snap evvV stfsndt $220. Call -. ear moaoap, t auta at. - : B BOOMS, 1H block Waahlngtoa at, oed for--. Bltare; net receipts $120 per asoalhl rent $40 lease; s snap; $000. - i - . OREGON ASSOCIATKD XXCHAN0B. . loOMi Foarth at., Boom 00. r FREB LANDB IN OREGON. RRTTLB aolL pore water, delightful ctlmatel Jand et alfalfa, appla and clover. - Par fall InforraatloB addreaa the Columbia Boatbara Irrlgatloa Oa.. 000 Worcester blk., PortlaaA GOOD L corner confeclaeenr snd cigar -eundl . rent rsaeonables 4Vb .mllee from PortlsBdi .3.600 population; poor I health re aeon for eelU ; Ing. James Oasninc ham, Arwta No. A Ore. . goo. Take Mount Scott ear., . PARMB. Wkaet and timber Unda, acree re, dip - property; timber asd bomeetead locaUose; " businsss ebaacea and Inauranea. , ' TOWNSEND. MAXWELL CO., . 380 Alder at, . j .... Phone Mala 1X23. OONFBCT10NEBY and cigar store for ale, hair caaa, balSBce ea terma; If yoa are looking - for a ale neat place-tale will eoJt yoa. for partlcuiara fall BIT - Featea . bldg, . 04 Blxtb st. . . ..... POB BALE Reetaomnt and ranch counter, re ceipt from $18 to $10 daily; steady trade, - long leeee, rent $13.60, , Inclndlng . water; owner leaving city. Call at once. 384 Kaat Morrlaea t. . FIRST-CLASS reaUurant and oyster -boose la good raller tows: aoatroie crater trade of , town; other lntereet coin pels owner to SOahej . writ a. n. I seta tan, A many, ur. WANTED Man; Mb Baying bu alp see; ex perl enc annaeeaaary; money aecared; rn area teed 050 week; Inveetnwnt required, $200. Cell ,,2001 Morrlaoa at., room L MIDDLE-AGED lady w lakes partner with some experience Ib real estate bualneeel will a tart ' office If aeceaaary and Include employment. - Addreaa B 47, eare JoaraaL BARGAIN O-room cottara and booth;- aeat aew furnltur; rest $20; near fair entrance; (Ine loos tloa. - for roomere - and boardera; . other baalnaaa, 042 Thurmaa at. A LADY or gentlemaa ef basmeas ability te , purchase half lntereet la established boalneaa; 01,000 nereeaary; ao ageaU; levee Ogatkia so- . ilclted. B 40, JoaraaL .. . r 30-ROOM rooming -hooee, good Vocatloa, ' good , leaee, cheap rent; $1,000, half caab, or win trade for farm or Vacaat Portland property. R 04, care JonrnaL HAYB Bom vslnabls gold siloing property la Nevada which I will eell, or give lntereet to - Incorporate and eell etock .on percaulaga Ad dreaa M OT, JoaraaL . - FOB BALE Bakery, doing fcsod bne mean; meat , retire oa account of sickness. For partlcuiara call at 0 Everett at, or addreee Joseph Brie, Marsh field. Or. ...... A BARGAIN 04.200 will bay 's baslneee eorner lot 00x100 that will pay 10 Besprent above . all taxes And Inaarsac. J. L. Wells Co., 04 Grand 'are. , ' ,., , . , PARTY with $100 cash; guaranteed te dear $14 day; Bice legitimate buslneaa: ata pie . article; atand Investigation. 206 ia, Morrlaoa St., room 1. $160 TAKES s light manufacturing bualneaaj . no eom petition; caa he worked at-home; busy all the time; no agent. .Addreaa p 40, - JournaL - , , .. . $40,000100x100 GOOD basin property, brick. Improvements, rented 0370 Per sionth, chance ' to increase; BSagaBta. ' Addraas Boa BOvO, FOR BALB $29" buy Jarre stand 1 block from (sir - around; with. . rent paid until after felt, and a little etock. 4T,Tbe Journal-. 18 "FURNISHED rooms, paying well, eallabls , for boardera. good location, reaennable rent, - for improved uburbaa property. OoO Morrlaoa. FOR BALB Grocery etore 'and flxtorea. doing , good bnatneee; corner Union aad Alnewerlh ava. Phone Baat OirT. i Rent rrsenneble. . FOR SALR-e-Hotel doing a feed buaUeas; - must be eold at ence; prlea, $3,000; part caah. W. G. Baek. 007 Palling bldg. FOR BALB List' ef saloons, ' raomtng-boaaea, reetanranta, ate etc.; give as s, call. U B. . Tbompnoa A Co., 328 Third St. rt.VB roeeimg bonee, eentral bva tloa, - must be sold regardleee of price. - Call tomorrow, ' BIT Pantos bldg, 04 Sixth et. HAY aad dairy farm, 300 tore, bonaa, barn, stork, atream, plnr good markrts.' Ad dreee B L care JoatrnaL CORNER srncery for sals or exchanf, cheap, I f 04 North Seventh, , . .. - . ' I IX OXAXCra. GROCERY, doing $10 daily, rent 010AO. Brkaa rooma, exchanae tor land: earoera only. Aue droea P PoV care Journal. - $000 WILL handle a IT -room bonaa; th baU (ace caa be paid at $'5 par awBth; good Iocs tloa. Pboaa Mala- OutfO. . A SNAP for. a tlnaer; 1 will eell say entire ' buehmea, or eeU the tool, cheap, laqalr "B2 Beat Waahlngtoa St., ' t WHEN looking Tor1 a locatloa. either eltr or : r eoantry, call oa the Northwest Land Os, BnS Morrlaoa st, room All. - . . WANTBD A partner la a dger naanafertorr -' and bona coo etore; price Terr low. Call at -lOaVM Fourth at. . . . ' 1,000' ACRES timber with email aawmlll aad i planar, (or aaie. . Write A.N. Steele, a Co., WIDOW, 88. baalnaaa woman, wanta to meat middle -aged bualoaaa maa. . Answer B ad, - Jooraai. ' ' , ' MILK houae (or sal; food snportanlty ler maker. Apply isa a. ear nay st. MoaUvUU. , F0 BOTE SPOT, ESTATE. ' POR. BALK 31.100 A moat beautiful acre tract ea the WU ' lamette river, only a (ew mllee above the , city; locatloB to ths eery bast, view abao : lately unobstructed, convenient te car; jaet . the place for a eu Durban boms (or on, who . enjoys hosting and plenty of outdoor Ufa; piece contains almost two acre. Apply t t owner. , portlaVd trust co. or obbooh. . .--re.. .- 100 Third st, I . Birr: : STOP HERB AND TAKB A LOOK. - $12fl$l eea, balance $0 months, small L , lot, cloae la,, sa east, aide, across Madleoa L bridge. . ... No need colas war ant. Be care fare andid 'bare. l( you wish w wlU bain. smaU houae bb ft-tlotJt0j. wniLDlNd CO.. v , 133k trt t. Room A 32.750 TWO cottages ea Hood st, . aew sad a good order, bringing $04 rant. . This to i a fins laveeuoeBt.- - , ' i IS par coat act ea. $12,800; beautiful aor- ' . ner, well improved. , Don't fall at Inveetlgats ' . thhi effr. ' 4 . . Lot 00x00 oat X earner atff.$00o. - "x ' 00x100 wltk soar home In, Alblna, $800. ' , 40x100 with 0-room eottaga; trait; Mas he U vtllai,800: pear ear Unav " 602 ammarcla Blook. . , ; $1,000 Broom 01. (KM B-room $1,000 fl room imoroved. S lota, ea ear Una. . new aad awoera. good eeaoitloa, lot wall ' anod era la avarp "t A' 3 acres well Improved; 0-room heaaa, , . los la ea ear Una. : i- , .... , 360 Morrkwm St. - Beom til. ' -. -. IS - ACRES, v " i - ATI cleared,, rick. land. B acres ewaver dam - (onion bind), aprug water, wlthla BOO test . of Oreroa City car line, t mllee aoatk ef Mllwnukle; could be eubdlvlded into lots ar acr tracts; price $3,000; easy .terma; would aaU eo half for $1,000. !v. ' AMERICAN. INVESTMENT CO. Pbon Mala 0383. 323 Palling bafldmS. V ' PORTLAND HEIGHTS. Six lota. .eoaamsDdlag good. view) $080 Bach. BIX totev eommaavdlng good view. $ 1,000 seen. We believe these are the cbeapeet sad best lota ea the Heights or in the ally ail treat ing aa car Una; easy terma. . V ' . ' AMERICAN INVESTMENT 00. - Pboaa Mala 0080. " 222 FalUas: bafldtat. FOB BALB. ..... g, f( iaeai hoaaee built ta rdr ad . sold ea the lostallmant pUn; -yriee from 1.000 te $3,000; also aquitiea' la aeearal . -oases for sals or will exenaage lor vacaat :" Iota; alas vacant lota for sals st Sea view, ' Long Beach, aad TVigat Bne house Cor rest la HoUsdsy Park additions, William O. Beak, 307. ths wpiiusj.v. , , -. . FINB modera bouses ta HoUaday Park aV . dlrana .meat be sold st oaeei ewaer laavlag - town; ajas JO Bne lot wltk eemsal ddewalka. sewer .ln. Improved street. Bias Bull Res wet sr. for in fur ma tloa ass William O. Bees, No. BOf Fsiilne; hM,s,aU,.Ua, Twoaiy- 4 waae aia. - - FOB BALB JT Bandera . etorv- aad basemaat. d faralehed; will eeU an - rock arlaaat atoa 1 SsoA cloae te BuaeeB at, ea WlUlaD ave. Income areperty. Inqalre af . W. aa. The Palling bldg. s ' " - POB BALB 10 aerea cbaiea ktaa. 13 mi laa . .. PertlaBd, enAtable tor a home; easily lm proved. anoV to B. B. sUtloa, boetUadlna Osd goad roadai good soU. For partlea lara addreee A. B, Folkesbera, Rolbrook. Or. A SNAP 0-room modera boos, - 1st 00X125, . stabls, frnlt, mm, cat atone fence and tape 'built for borne at way-dewa price, aa Wli Hams are., cloae is Ba . 890te BaaeeU at., A -BIO SNAP Lot 80x100; a ale modem T-coom bouse, floe fruit trees aad aa abaad a nee ef rasas aad ahrabberyi awe bam; houee alone cost over $2,000; pete $1,000; aVw ta ear Una. - Pboas Bala 8280. HERB to a snap! Two lots la Arlets Park Ms. 4 S aaa b had cheap. See wner, 133m 1rt at, cor. Alder, room BL NBW T-room bob with all modera Improve meats, ea one ef the cheleeet lots os Willam ette Height, sest ef ravine, - with snob- ' ' struct ad view, caa be bad very reasonable. I Owner, S 40, eare JoaraaL - - t - -t FOB BALB 0 serae, fjaelp Improved, B mnas from eourt houae; fine country home; $2,000. U B. OVampaoa A O..- S2S Third at, ... A ROOM new aad modera eottaga, $l,400 Boer Tereatletb sad Baat Morrteoa stai $300 caaa. ' balance $20 moatki an elegant heme and a snap; call at eace. Garland, 1B344 Foartb at. DESIBABLB home, T room, modera, lot -SB feet froauge, la good Belghhorbood ea Beet 16 th St.,. is offered for $2,eoO; lnatallmenta te salt any purchaser. S 40, cars Journal. - FOB BALE REAL K8TATB. ' V. Save sgast's commlmlua. Owner wlU sen d lot Ta Gay' addltioa te Alblna for $1,000. . HowelL witk Blumaaer4Trank Drag Oa. V CHOICB home ef 10 room, la aorthweat part . of city 1 offered for aaie by th owner at' a price that Is attractive; within eae Mock ' ef S3d at. car Use. A 42, ear JoaraaL PORTLAND HEIGHTS Lot 00x100, Bear lth . and Bprlng; beet view en tha height, and i - H cannot be obetracted: a treat aad aide walk - Improved. Apply L 10. ear Journal, n . FOR SALB BX OWNER B Improved lota, S room boose, barn, frnlt, shrabbary, flower. ' Inqulr oa premises, 440 Tweaty-elxth asd - Tillamook, aortb. Take Irving Wa ear. WB have improved seresga Bear dy for (a la . ra aay term. -' . forboon associatbd xxchanob, a , '- 100M fourth St., Boom OS. FOR SALB OB BENT fl-room bouaa, S lot. - 00x100, bam, chicken-boa, fruit trees sad ' r berries; B blocka of car line; terms, ar map trad (or land. Phone Baat 0081. - - - ' FOB SALB Two lots, 1-roora boas, fine gar den, SO bearing fruit trees, wstor oa lot, $:t2S, term; thla 1 aserlflrs; par tie going - away. O, R. Addltoa, Lenta, Or. 100x100 ON 1Mb and Hancock, Holladsy' add- . . tloa, to offered for $1,700; a enap; aoa-reei-. dent owner. S 44, care JoaraaL SNAP Let and bonaa, 10 room and store, with . electric light ed dty water la good loca tion nrlce, caah $2,OO0, lnatallmenta,- $2,100, -1308 Center at.,-Taooma, Wash. - - - FOB aah cheap, B-roam saw modera reeleence: bath, toilet; Bull Run water: beat buy la . town an account ef locatloa. Bear aew cat barn.' 1171 Alblna ava., earner. SKLLWOOD TOWNHITB CO. 00 monthly pay. --. Bients will bay yoa a (In lot la Partlsnd's , prettiest suburb. Pboaa Unloa 1401. Take ' Bellwood car, get off at Teniae. ' ' FQJl SALB A new awdera 4-room aettata with .bath; term $100 down, $20 per month; be tween S car line. Pbone Eaat 2578. Mrs. Baamueera, 1040 Bait Lincoln. - - . , FOR 0AL 1 beat reeioeeee let ' ta Haw, , thorns' First additloa, at a bargala; t , block from pnhllo arbool aad etllae. Ia- quire 230 Waahlngtoa at, ' ' , FOR SALB 0-room eotUga. modera. lot faneed, . fruit tree, 3 block from ear; caahr or term. . P. J. ByderrMoatavtlla. Phone Mala 3330. DEPIBABLE raa Ideneea and lets, want ar ld. Apply lure noon 49 third ft, , - awe twteh bUekv S. sturereosna. 40 rooase aparsta at bod Oceom awatewaea. LOW- ; A ' 5 f..-.( A I . V- V- r v -4