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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
t::. C'j::day jouhijal, rcrvrLAiiD, cuioay oainNa, july zo. aeci fob iiiT-jtxAi rrrv .AN EXCEPTIONal. rim . en i ttr ' .130 acree, OJ IT bottom land, 80 acree under , . cultivation. Vd lores burn tod hM orchard. . i:"tor bV"' lr tent with -hade ea , both skies; living water; 13 com and eerrea, norsee iaa . ontta.. waaou, , cake, , ptowe. etc., etc.; 86 to 49 tana al clover kaf : "i I"?"" nearly new; M mllea from Port- "? sWLl a ' r" DUBOIS - A' IBIIWOOD." Z ' " - S0o Morrlaoa al., room . 1 V beve tot aala an verr near terms, eat Una. keueee, business Sand residence lota, -la all - parta ef Porttoad aa4 suburbs. Acreage . of :: all description from 1 tere up. Ferme end . ranches of all aiata la ell 'parte ef Oregon - aad eourhera Waabtngton. We Uka pleasure . .""wing euy property wa fear re? aala V Call, or wrtta. "- ' - . DUBOIS A- SHERWOOD.' -.j ' J Room a, looH Morrtooa at. - t ACRES. H ailla from tents: booee. bcxa, .' . orchard. good wrap, (rood wsU; must ba aoW ' U 0IIO. LL aaaa .... htma. ., S acree, mile from Lenta; bouse, bara, aoma . - . - orchard, exon, and all gute (at 11.100. easy i . -"'terma. . , . - ' 10 acree Boar Leate, aa gravel, flaa land aad , very alxbtlr 1 83.800, SS09 (Wk, belaace -. I. 3 and ran. a oar cant. Ooed 6-roeia booee. 3 goad tota, aa eat Had. - 33.350, 8609 each. . - - Good T-room taw, small lot, Twenty-third peer ear Una. 31.790: .8300 caak. balance 318 ',. ' ITTkeraa! I mllea from Lenta. 18 la eeltlvetloai . konaa, bara, orchard, plasty ( amall trait, . watar alnad as kauaa. 1 acres ftaa aotateaa. '' " Iota of rabbaa and other Wa trucks t)n - cow, I halfcr. I ealt, S hoea. aoeep aad about 100 chlckana.' II or 1 toaa of hay, 1 acre wkaat. I oata. aoaia faroilna fcnplaiaaBta, U , . 4 oaa tot V3.0OO. A real anaa. , 1 - : CHAKUUON CO. ytl Allaky bld. .. - Pooa;Wat Ml .' IIITITVIMT IM Ai r. tilTi Of TH CITT. $R0 each lor two houses, (all tow, la leU- wood: aaar tarma. . 11 klu-Rnn artck fcaseaMdt. ;' lot ful) of fralt traaa aad flow era l as , Mth --at., Just aorth -of Cltnton t. 1 ' 1 ' 1 - : $1. 400 Hones And 50x100 foot lot, Waaa t; lnfton stv Sunnraida;. rooaia and bath. A'. II.860 Good hoaaa. roooaa. two tota, ta ' Vldwiy, aaar the 0. W. P. &7-S kick aad i aiantir loeauaai easy terms. ' IS.IO0 Vara daalrahla fesldaBaa k I I , ' atl(fahorbood oa tbe aast aide; around 100 test '.equare, wall kept and beautifully orBaaMated. " , M.600- cood lota oa Mortk latk at. Thla ',- a htrgala. , ,. M.00O a acraa Bear B. 4tk at. If platted kad told It will brhic doable its present price. Ul alarrlsoB at.. Ream i. ; -' -'. ' ', ' ' 0 BALE. ' A -W anaa: timber claim of 1 a a: win cat i.000.000 feeti easy of access, wall lo- s cattd. (ood tltlss Brtua only 11.000; tha ta ' lass Ihu kslf nrlce. . 4 acres near Mllwaukle, all clear and aoder . culttratloai lot of Btca cherry trees; thla la a rme tract: price only ai.auv. We bara Urge list of farm Us da far aala; come la aad sea our llat. . Why ant bay a lot la Irrluitoe t . It to tb flaest toeatloa la the city, and tots sr sura ta aoutjle in aaioa la taa neat X years. We ksa a laraa llat of send hnniis for aala, many of them saw, and wall located, aad are v, "' oflersd em rery reaaonabla terma. BCOTT WATT. . . goom ST WaahmKtnn bloc. - Pboaa Mala eoTS.- IW doam boaaa, S lam lota. S btocka a-osat ,car Una. SO or mors fruit traaa, alee yard. 1,000; terma. f. i. New S-ronm bouse, - Hawthorne ava., tot - SOainOi a flee baraalai l,ou0, 3b0 dowa. - kaiaasa Iia per munu, tms konae. S Ints. 50x1 Oft etch, treea. ' ahraWry,. tc., aesr ear Una. 1,000; (300 : dowa, SIS par. swata,. .-. ' Wa bar a anmber of fl Ida for aala at barfsla prtoaa. - v -V' 6OOH ASSOCIATED EXCBAKOB. ; - lftoVi rourtk St., Boom SS. ,ft ,- .., fronta on . ' iWILtAMETTB SOUUTAKO ' .'-' And . orrrlooka the . x '" ' 'Vi"?'. ' WUXAklBTTB B1VIB. ' ' ' City water. S-eent ear faro. '"MW CASH. 13-00 PIH MONTH.. e The ehotcast esaVald suburb. - JKS1DB LOTS S0, CORNER 1380. -'A-.Oti For fnH partltalara apaly Pod Mi ssss.. ta riua Bids. 'CHEAP XEW ' HOMES SMS eOalOA araaU . moatbly. - ti.JO-Oiioo, S-room '-" I15 montbly. Sl.too oov, 'T-room '-cash, SIS monthly.. ' - 12.O0O AUxZJS. t-raoa Wtllamatta rlrer, beauty monthlr. , r adtkm antl - are or wyuat TtJ wa II. mo BbYS modera saw boma at lino down will ao. J - S1.0UO Tma kouee. fall baaaaaat. ' rlosata, arery modera coarenleaee; 390 " ' balaaea easy. Beat a Tenth at. 13.000 S-room - bones, aerer occupied, atrletty I , modera; yea, fireplace, bath, atatlonary waab. "tuba IB baeenwnt; full lot. - Bast Madlaoa at. t.vo dowa, balaaea eaay terma. -fT.MO rine bcw modera S-room boose oa S-aera traet, aoa ran lent to car; level toad, ready to : plat ana sen at moa prom; e ansa, . COMPTOM GIBBON.. J JM Ablaa-toa bkla. Pkoaa Bad tSSs. ..t ' ' IS ACRES. v ' 'l - AH rl eared, rlcfe land. S acres bearer dam '-(oaloa laud), sprint watar. wltbla S00 feet of Orepoa City csr.Jlne. 1 miles aoutb- of A.: Mllwauklai could be subdlrlded Into lata or - acre tracts; . price $3,000) easy tor ma; would aau one -asit lor ai.oou. - AMERICAN INTE'TMENT CO.. , Pboaa Mala S3S3. S23 FalUac BJds. . "- - ." BAST 81DB RBAfj' ESTATE. t "-ll.' S.U 400 T room houss, city pronerty. ' 00 o-room eottaga, city property, ' 000 A-room kouee. cttr nrooortr. ' ; awwj a room aorteae, aunarnau, - , , ' $enn B-rooa eottaca, auborbaa. ' v ' 300 S-room bouee, auborbaa.. Boardlad koaea aaar etreetcor barns dHn ftrst-claaa baetaeee. A snap If taken at oaaa. , Balooa, wmtrallly located, most be sold at T'east SIDB REAL ESTATE CO., . Room 11. 123 Grand are. Pboaa Beat 833. IM . EXCELLENT bohaa. SS0 aasa, at louaa. i tS cask, Bdra booaa, SSOQ , H00. 1 Bajiayaidai ldto. of I -,rOB ALSW.TBO- . p.- .' v.--'.. '. ''. A rery comfortable S-room hoaaa aa Bast S4th at. t food lot and street Improved: alee. '( - trie llartata. full basement, all coneealrnree, 'J' P0BTLAND TRtST 00. Or OBXOON, . i '"! .';V r ' v : '' '"' x poRTtAwn heights. ' i Sis Iota, enmmaiMlInf (nod rlcw, $AM aach. ' Sir Inra, eoamaadlna beet view, 1.000 each. Wa hellers these are the ebeapeet aad kest ' Iota ea the Helihta or la taa city all front , , lnf oa car Itaa; easy terma, ... ' 1 i AMERICAN INTESTMBHT C.. ' Pboaa Mala S383. 22S rallluj Bldf. . ' . . ' SV ACRES good land oa Wtttere-e lane; old bouse, 100 fralt traea la bsermS aad of v- - willed TartstlMj t,kA0. . B-mom baasa pad 1 full lota la central reel. dene part Bast Pertlaadt tie (sat location ' arlea 34.000. farms. Corner -tot and S cood eottaceai close hi, Eaat - port is not rent aos; prtca S4.S001 rood Ureal Atoo sereral half tota, ; ctoaa la, Etit Port lead, . , . COLTER. .dSH Plrat at - jj, aArss-s,o oo. - - Thoroaa1llf, aJodera S-room house oa E-t -Titablll at. full baaemant, parlor, dlnlna room, kltckea, paatry, S .nedronma, (ood natk. larte cloaeta; reoma nicely finished la , aatnral wood; hones only S yeara eld; tot ' son loo, and Foraer. Thla la a bargain; f easily wartk 34,000, bat wa mast aukt quick . 1 aala. J , ' f'ORTI.A rTTI TRt'ST CK '' - 10S Third at. . KRONER, arrhlteat and contractor. Homal built la all parte of tha dty aad anid ea monthly peymeetai plana and anoaiScattona; , .. hulldlBfa auDrHntended. Room B. Cam ard( e bldf., Tbtod Bear Morrlaaa. $J ano d ACBE8 well Impreeed, all la Sua fruit, fair bolMlneu,- d btorka from ear. u Hne. csb ba tomabt on rery aaay trm lav f medlara possession t wMI tabs part la real aetata. Cad 1UTI4 laird at. LPT and lo-room hones froatlnf aaat.aa lh at. (west side), C -1, to oi.rred st a rry reaeonshla pricK tout pasilaa,. Owner, 8 44, care Joarnal. SHOOTS-BOOM cottasa. Mala at., block east tf O. W. P. ear Uno.-tollwaukiat tot f(100;. . fruit; a betasm. , Apply ta owner ; aa aural. B. Mullaa. v OWNER toanaa city will sell lty acraa aad ; amall aoaae at 3-3 prlra of adjolnlaa property. Address 411 Baal Thirty-fourth at. I1 kerne Bast SUSS. i . , 3-BOOM eotUa-a cad S tota oa Woodstock llnet . Sue ehlcksn-ranek; prtca 34M. laoutrt S. s Pelfhaar, Iraaaoa aUttoa, oa Weeds lack au- . line. ., . , JUST eomptotad, T-roaa bouse, with ems, electric and sewer; corner . 10th aad Present! ; tot OxllOi for sale by owner. 80S B. 10th. N. SALE or laeee, 10 roam bld(., arouad 69x100, ad lnln( haalnesa secrlenj rent brlara big Inter. - eat oa mooes Is res ted; nuut aall. Sod Darla. FOR SALE two S-aere tota. oa earllna aad county road: reasonable; leariaf city. Sec owaar, SIS East SUtlvai, cor. Ikidmore. POB fl 4 1.B Modera aaburnan eottafe, - close . to car Una, Sne toeatlon, (round lOOxlug. ' 0. W. P. TowBslta Co., 134 rirst at. FOR BALE 3 room booaa aad corner lot. Bast 10th and Bllaworth ate.; a snap. 31, 100. JU B. Thompson Co.. 32S Third at. S-ROOM house fronting aast aa Rodney era. can ba bought for ll.pno If tsksa bow; half cash. Owner, B 41, care Journal. 4 LOTS and 8-room honaa. woodshed, chlckca " house and yard, tots of fruit. 81.400. la on Ire James Hays, .Woodstock, CAN aara you . m six-room bonsai' ausll aall at esca. Bee bow little It; requires to handle It. Pboaa Eaat 8180. r . , S-ROOM bourn. (TOO; montbly paymeata. - 1 acraa. SToO S acraa. 3 houses. 31000. Alptae ' Baal Estate Co.. 103 Plrat St. A BARGAIN 8 d room houses and tot, 31.300; 4-moa koaaa sad 3 large tota. Baa orchard, 1700. .rkons, Scott 36 Id T.j POB SALB or exchange, 11 serve improved. ' 1VV mllea from MonUrUla CarUna, Incjulrc owner, 414 Belmont. . . , ' Par aala or exchange, new S-room modern cot tage at Woodlawa, Inquire of B, .-Jaeger, 8w5 Morrtooa aL 31,460 New 8 room cottage aad 8 Urge tout oa cor, wraaa are. ana nnavac au aee e' - 3B4 Sharar st. STOO NEW S-room bouee, plaotered. painted, brlrk base meal, tot 80X100, Woodlawa, Phana Bcott 1343. ' T, .. POB SALB 3 ream boaaa aa cor Itoe with ' acre fruit traaa, ' eta. Isaalrc 31 Baal Stalk at. ''- . r POB SALB S-room cottage at Wood mere. In ' flsa K B' 0oMa Uock luth.( r" P0R SALB 1 and 8-eere tracts near earllna, H mlU Mllwaukla poatnfScc . C few Ballard. S-BOOM boaaa, cheap for cash. Inquire U B. Bemlactoa, Rose moot ave., MeaUrllla car. 31. 800 BUYS a S-rcom cot tags. Holladay sddl tloa district. It tsksa now. S 43, Jouraal. 3650 S-BO0M booaa, fine corner tot. barn. Sail wood; eaay terma. Bog 861, Oregon City. CHOICB corner la Oak Park, St. - Johns; no scants ; snap. Address 8 80, care Journal. REAL ESTATE bought, cold and exchaaged. Par bargains, sea Gordon. SOS renrth at. 11.800 S-ROOM bouse and tot aaar Untoa ana. Rand a Co., room 40, Hamilton blag. A S-ROOM aooaa aad 8 tota for aala at Sell wood. Inquire at 668 Eaat 18th at. ATTRACTIVE 8 aad 8 roama; bats, gas, 13 Croat -ct, . alee shrubbery. 1083 - POB 33TT anSCEIXAJrEOPS. MBS. HOWE'S BULLETIN Good stove wood, , ctoaa aad dry, ready ta card, at 32.89 per . cord; oak aad Br at cot rata; brick for aala rbvep; - express for hire; bouses for rent. ' ' Phana Union ITS or 13U9 East -Division at. LABOR Durham and Jersey cow, 8 years old, aad "givlag about S gallons milk Per dav Csll cor. A very are. and Maria at., Tremont I'lsoa. or aodreca ai A list y nua. BILLIARD AND POOL tables tor rent or fat aale on easy parmenta. - TUB BBUN8WICK-BALKB COLLENDBB CO. CP Third at., rortiaaa. . WB prist your aame oa 30 calling earns, erepet else and etyto. 35c, 3M buclaeaa cards. II. " Brawn Schmala, B rtoat. Poetised. CV. WOVEN-W1BB aad apholstered cola, camp a to vee, aammocka and camp ruruitarc. ra elnc Tent a Awaiag.Co., ST MorU Plrat. 10-TTJNI ptono-crgan, anltabla for ahoatlnc gal lery; caa Be operated By aaaa or steam; cheap. . Call 808 Clackamaa st-sast aide. t LACNCH for aala. length S3 feet, IP H. P. en gine, large emrrrlng capacity i prtca vary cheap. Address H 93, case JonrnaL 109 PEBT garden fcese, Dnrand crcaa and 10-tune piano-organ, callable for any anew Call 80S Clackamaa at., eaat etde. SALE Preak calf; bat 8 toga aaly; bac alder-blade where right neat toot ougni marry a. reye, vaioa, ur. AUTGMOBTkE.- model W. Cadillac detachable tonoenai exceadingly good condition, cheap for reek. Address P-eO. Journal. - . POR BALB Lady's bieyele, new, cheap for eaab.. Call 178 Eaat Twenty aenjat Belmont, rnono seat im. LARGEST amo a plight Bradpwry ptaaa, will cell cheap oa account or lea vug city, nut Mill at. Phone Proat 1667. YOCNO Engllak aattor og. well broke, cheap! alea rine kaameruaa anotgua. Inquirt JKZ Pourth at. KOTB for 3660, drawing per cent tn tenet; will discount note 100. Address R 44, care ioarnaL .- - - r -- PBATHER BED. caa be made tnto plltowt. Ad dress Mra. if. am aer, ut North Tenth st. TELEPHONE hraehett ahd Ptna, Ptoeeer Weed Mfg. Ce B. Beraath. Pbeae Beat 8103... . POB BALE Smith Premier typewriter. PINE. S-room boosepoet. almost aew, at a eery reasons nio price. Apply neiiwooa rerry CANARY birds; also 8 Narajo hlanketc. M0 t Mncoa at., neiiwooa car. eaat but. COUNTERS, tkelvlng. eld doors aad sash Sale, cheap. Inquire SOS Xonrth St. 0NLT 3300Neat stock of grotertea, with nxturat. CaU at 104 Grand aee. TOR SALB I fme Jerey ' cow, cheap. , 1387 Eaat Ponrtaenth at., Woodlawa. . POR BALB Cheap, fine bull terries 'puppies. wnn pequrree. an atorriaoa at. POR SALB A Sne banting dear. Irish getter. inquire a nasi a, ic von in, aouia. POR SALB A good cow, cheap. 83T Vina et. Moatavllla. Phone Scatt essa. THE H. C AI.BEB CO. Sacond-bsnd aebmcry'. aawmiias, etc. sea urana ave. . . TOR SALB CO' boetboaac. S Iw laqatrt for Mra. Link, foot of Mill ct. 8 GAS stoves acerly new, 87.89 each. Call o"w eeTTereon ex. Y TO ZXCHAB9B, A PTNB r-cooa modem home with 8 Iota, lBniaoa, corner, ta Pasadena, California, fee rlly or farm property;' ttoe grocery store la Portia ad. 31.900 stock, for farm. Farm la Lincoln county for dly property, -i r DUBOIS a SHEBWOOD, v..' 80BH Morrlaoa et.. Boom 1 1 EASTERN farm and city pmpcuy to exehang ror ciry rest eat are. rancnaa, mills, timber or merrhaadtse aaywhrre la aarthweat. Dea ls roe Bene., Maeomanle, Wm, POR SALB or erchanga for property, hoard but sou revw euioie eamina sue monxnty, 4 V. Crclchton a Co.. 146 Third at. TO exrhasgs for farm, Portland recldaaea pay. rng v per eons ew e,wv. m iv, aara aoarnai. NSW typewriter to etetionce for horse, or karat ana oncer' vow lata at. 10 BALI 0B UCaUEas 0ROCBBT buaineag. Urge trade. No. . 1 toee- . tlon. reealata 340 na 3100 nor dar i can li vestlga te I win sen or trane s-a interest for fsra or a nasi and tot and pay difference If tny. Price, flisnft. - . . . OREOOJf ASSOCIATED EXCHANGB. . 146 a Peartt at.. Room 33, rcoB . yOB tleABntB. 190 ACR Cream at the wlley; 109 ama an dec eaitrratioe. S acraa la bo pa. Id seres - sdjotnlt'g ready for bona, f .-et-cte bop land, 20 acraa la bay. 40 acres la eels and barley, S Ccrea good orchard, good gardea) farm tog Implements consist of the following, which go with tna placet 1 awwsr, 1 hayrele. 1 binder. $ plows, ana 10-mcb, ana 14-laeh; ' 1 drad harrow, 1 aprlng-tootb barrow, I seeder, 1 disk. 1 akoral alow. 1 3 U -inch I waava, 1 team af marea walgunta 1.300 peunda i aach. 1 act of. doable work barnees. SO new hop aarka, 30 , cola, about 8.000 bop notes reedy fur ass, 10 eordo of 4-toot fir wood, 3 eorda lS-lnek fir wsndi eseoad growth fur and seme cood atosd oak oa taa farm) good lurtM Cm lOO mat, . a leree esttka Mua wltkm 8 mltoa) H alia to good 8-aentW aebeol, 1 mile to ebarch, S a I lea to tana ' and R. B.; B. P. I. route, also farmers' ' mutual telephona line I delivery wacoa from fowa ta the pises on re a week; place tors la a aaoure. part rolllnc aad part level, with goad fsaeaa aad running wales la pasture; ' new C-reom-. boose," large rooms, also pantry and closets: largo bam, granary, banbonso, sll In good eendlttoa; hoahouss la 33-foot ' kilo: S-foel store, la good condition, all new plpea; tbe crops are good; fine prospect of - a rery big cropi tee hay and grain caa all be aold oa tua place witnoat aaullng. Price ; 3T.00U; 33,o0U down, balance oa aaay pay. men Is; tow rata of Interest. SB acraa, 40 la caltrretloai cood T-room hoaaa, i arater piped into boose; good bara and etk'jr bulldmga: cood garden and orchard; 40 acraa wheat end nets: S enod cows.. 8 Bslfera. r" 30 goats, 80 so see, 4 fine hoga, (ood team kersea, wagoa, a ooita, I aacc, x atowcr. J binder; toolc all newi good fnrnltara; all gnee far 33.000; good terms to buyer. W. W, Edi'BT, room 1 Hamilton bids. 7 Third St.. act. Washington and Alder, CLARKB CtiUNTT BABGAIMB. . A SACKlKlCB-ao acres, H torel opaa bet torn,' 1 mile to La Center, dally boat, tick toll, timber, only 3T.4 per acre. , T.000.000 foot Sr. aaar R. R. 31.000. I ' ' 160 acraa. poed soil. Isvsl, 89 eerea almost cleared. 80 acraa Mmbar, come awato, creak, I jnlles frsm BldgeaeM: St.OOO, asrma, . Homestead relinquish meat ink acraa Smooth land, exceUant soil, 18 acres cleared, T partially cleared, alaablng, remainder eas ily slashed; , logging -earns, bulkUnga; will cell tor Vi ralae of ixa prove meats. . lev ccrea, remng, excellent soli; an acraa ta crop, a acraa amenta, er chsrd, cood S-room house. Urge bara, - other buildings, acboolnouaa on place. 3.000.000 feet St, timber; 8 aiUee from rsUroad aad beat) only 11.350.' , , . , - JiSinarona ether bargains. . JAMES I. O KBANB, ; Vanosaeor, Wash. ,;. " PA RMS I PABMS1I. PABMSItl aO-ACRB fsra la Xanulll county, good 4-room aoaae ssd barn, 8 scree la hops, S acraa , la hay; hope will ay for tha farm la S . fa yeara; 31,000, half acak. , 120 aercc near Eagle Creek P. 0., good boaaa. large bara aad outbuildings, a large ' erehard) tba to a good farm, wtU watered and product ire; (T.OuO. 840 acres la Clarke county, Weahtagten, . 10 mltoa from Vancouver! 100 acraa culti vated, all level, good new s-room bouse, largo bara. mUkbouse and ether toilldlagal flaa yoeng eeeksrd; 38,400. ' ' Tbeaa are Just a cample of the farms oa our llat; wa have them in Washington, Mult nomah. Clackamaa and Lane counties af all ". kinds and prices. ' . , , , O RU N 1) Y-MELRATH CO... "' ' " 845 Morrlaoa St. Boom 11 - ". POR BALB. ' ' ' 1.800-ArBB PARM IN OROOK COUNTY, aaar PrtnovUto. Or.; 309 . cultivation, 800 scree yellow pine timber l an limited aaoaut af out range. Thla (arm caa ba bought cheap an good tersae. - Wa have bergs bu ta farm toada, city prop arty and acreage tracts. Wa now nave aa aicepttonally good bargala in 4O0-aere traet within 30 minutes' ride of center of city; atreetear Hue right to tha property. THE BOZOBTH CO.. 331 Alder ct., Portland. ' ' - POR SALE AU or one half of a beat T9 aerea f aa fine laud aa there la la the Willamette Teller; 31 miles from Portland, mile. from railroad station. 3 milearTrom county aw at, 8 4 . mllea, from high- acbool, . academy and coUegt; Oregon Traction company's electric ' line now building crosses the couth Boundary line of place; It will msks a beautiful home or to a good buy for speculation, ger full description write H. A, J., Lock Boa. Hllla- ' boro. Or. HOW- to thla for a .good bayt 300 aerea 3 mlleuyYrem end of 6T W. P. electric line 160 n aurp atata or cultivation l it-room . laree barn, torce tank aad windmill. all kinds af ontbnlldlnaei fine steam fruit direr; 30 aerea fine prunes, 33 aerea very fine apple orchard; fences all new tot ef running water: tbe coll la of the vary -beat quality. Price only 450 per acre, foot a little more tna a tba coat of nereremepie. H P. care of Journal. 81 ACRES Improved; a bargala at 81.809. ' 280 acres, good unoroesmenta. all ntm and furnished ready ta move In, ace about It) r gX TOO. terma. - 320 arree, double est of bulldlagt. 40 bead of cattle, horns and all accessary maefala ery, a No, 1 stock ranch; 84.600, good terms. ' Alee some ef tha beat improved target la the TBuey. NORTHWEST- LAND CO.. 868 Morrtooa St Rooat 811. - ',' 88,009 S40-ACBB farm near TaaapaTar, Wanh. a anen. 11. ado 40 tereo la Claekimaa . county, ; 10 miiee from roruaadi M aerea ta timothy; living watar. - Sereral good farms la. Hood Elver Taney caeap.. , ,. , , BAND CO Boom 40, Hamlltoa Bldg. - - ' FOR BALE Farm 168' acraa, 9 ml lee aarthweat or roreet lire re. 6 ml lee from Galea Creek, ' ea rural mall and milk routes: 69 aerea aader caltlvattoa, 40 scree bottom, plenty of running wutrr, a o we i lings, aara ana otpec buildings, good orchard. Price 338 per acre. Conrad Tim merman, Oatoa Crock, Or. TEN acres aa Powsll's Valla road. S alias mm. bye level, good land und aaay to clear, very light timber, no large stamps, only a abort distance to O. W. P. etoetrtollnei price 859.06 per sere, ea very easy I is as Other land adjoining eelllag at 8109 te flSB net acre Address T 89, care Journal. - . WB have test platted 180 aerea to. . S-aera resets. It to coo ef the boat ptoeea af land ' tn Multnomah county: 11 mllee eaat af Port land and tost than 1 mile from O. W. P. - electric linei there to no rock or gravel; the rrlce to 868 per acre, aa tery eaap terma. II 8, care of Journal. ... . . . , . PABM af 849 aerea. 8 mllea Seam Portland, te toeee er mat for term of years; 40 acres in cultivation, all tka crop ta ground, IS Bead of cattle, S horses, all kinds ef nwrhmcry. about 60 tent of bay. Inquire Owner, sol Esst First et, N near Wetdtor. 888-ACBB farm for Bale oa Clear creek r TO acres m caitieatma, as acraa pasture, cood fences and hulMtnge, large orchard. 1 .000.006 feet fir aad cedar, at 830 par acre) ales etoeb and machinery. Jjouto Fans, Admia Ultra tor. Oregon city (No. 8), Or. FOB BALB OR TRADB for Willamette valley property, riooa Hirer rrulf rarm. to arree, well Improved, bearing orchard, strawberries, email fruita and hay, coed wen, tome free watar. Address i. B. Blase. Hood River, Or. GOOD fa-acre farm for tale; good balMtnga and pure running water located la Willamette valley, 11 mllee from Salem, S from Turner; price 81900. Ineludlngetock aad farm Imple menta. Address B. F. Tucker, Turner, Or. PBEB LAND IN OREGON Under tbe "Oarcf Irrlgatloe Aet" Deed direct from state. ' Write today. Booklet aad mas free. B. cask m ue., xei amcc ec, recti 8 ACRES and alee aew house, good wall and eutouiiuinge, too reel rrom u. w. r. eiee trte line, good land aad easily cleared, eniy 8750. 90, care Joarnal. , ' ALL farm machinery, tn stock, TB aerea heavy crop. Fsrm for sals eaay terma, ec for rent. Extra goad farm, vary ctoaa to city. . ITT . Bhermaa. . . . , 160 ACBES af land d mllea from Holbroot eta- tloa ea Wort hem raeine nr.: price H cask. J. V. Crslgkton a Co., 168M Third at. FOR BALE 8600, CO-acres good bop toad. 8 cleared, balance easily cleared; 30 mllee from Pert land. 8 48, care Journal. . . POR BALB 49 Scree for 31. 809. - Inquire at store, Stewart atatlea. Mount BeoU ear Use. POR Oceana, res! aetata, large at ems tracts Dlllsrd Clayton. Reaeaurg. Or. PABM for rent with epttonef buying. Sandstone. Sherwood. Oregon. - - a a.- roi Bias ltvestool PBESH cow, and calf; Jersey.' aad Durham, near reaervolr eo. g, novta mount xanor. Pboaa Union 1448. a ONB thoroughbred mesths old. A. . 0. a Jereey bull Inquire ef Jseiee Bayt, POR BALI soilly cow. Apply 1099 B, Irertou at. Phone Beat ntno. Inquirt T33 SAWMILLS designed tad bullti plans ' tad estimates turtiabed. . H Hamlltoa. 474 Maaaaalta it, Ponlatd, Of. Pbeae Seett 818. POR SALB Germ Jereey cow. - - ' BXCHTTZOTB, - PT'tOTAU If teeklng a cooganlal Ufa eompantoa joia our society -and meet or eorreepond wltk reputobla resldeata of thla aeetlon wbo wish to marry; our paper, tbe Matrimonial Regis ter, price loe, (iree particulars coaeerniug aeveral hundred Oregon members; many wealthy: all ages. Interstate Introducing ho clety, 34 Mussel bldg., lttdVk Fourth. ; LADIES, ATTENTION. Lad lee requlrlnc confidential and blgb elaac medical attendaaoa will serve their beet toesr- i esie vw owiauiii am vmi mieww V known X-Radlam Meairel Institute: an charge ror epinwo; eorresponueocg mkiin. w dlam Medical Institute, Aitoky bldg., Thkd and Morrlaoa ata., Portland. Or. IT baa keen ay good fortune to toara of a glniple home treatment tkat effectively re ' moves all taele for strong dVlnk. I hare ' ' personally Been It ased successfully In so , aaay vases thst 1 waut every wemaa to know ' abvat It. Writs to me today. Address Mrs. H. A. Cousins, 907 6th St., PortUsd. Or. THB CHICAGO PAINLESS DENTISTS Oar. - 6th and Waahlngtoa ata.. op p. Perklna kotel. Pull set teeth, pink gams go.OO ; 32-K geld crowns 1. 00 ' Fillings .; 84 Ws give a 10-year guarantee. Before you hare your teeth made aud Seed gat oar prioa. VIBRATION aqua rises circulation, breaks dowa and electa waste tissue, rebuild new aad healthy callai free demonstration. Office) and treating rooms, Vlbratrluin, eulte 88-39, Lewla bklc car. Park and Morrlaoa. AFTER stettlnf ene year la the east Mra. 0. Palmer baa returned tad fitted op tbe Hotel Wyoming at 213 Madison, cor. of First, where sbe will be (lad to meet her old cus tomers; reasonable rates. MANLT vigor restored bp Dr. Roberts' Ncrea Globules. One nmnth't treatment S3 8 : months, 38 sent securely sealed by amfL Agents, Woadard. Clarke i Co., Portland, Or BOOKS I Here they are! "Decameron," "Hep. tameroa," "A Hot Tamale," "Faany H1IC "Twenty Years a Faker," 'Forblddea Prult,M SOo each: lata tree. A, Behmato, 339 Pint at. LOST powers restored by the (rent Dr. , Lores ' Nerve Tonic Tablets: SSe per box, 8 boxee foe 31-86. - Write ec call at kyaeella Pharmacy. XZT Morrlaoa, bat. lat ssd 3d. LADIES. Attention Any 'lady 0 f facing weekaees, Irreguiar sup preened in, caa 8nd quick snd permanent fron ferns Is atrnatloa. can and aulcl relief by calling at office 903 Goodnough bldg. VlM, VIGOR, VITALITY Du Pont ct ' Cle't Kola Tableta, Nature'a greet tonic for either 'tag. 35c by mall. Albert Bsrnl, Second aad Waahlngtoa, ageat, Portland, Or. . CONFIDENTIAL INVNTIGATIONB-f-Baportt -' made aa aay INDIVIDUAL, bualneas or prop. ertr ; books ezperted; best city refers nees. Lech Bos 3T4, rortlsnd. Or. LADIES Yea appear SO yeara younger, re move all wrtnktea, hare akin Ilka velvet '' BaatU,n' 0rV 8kln Food, Phoat BING CHOONG. Imnarta af Chinese ro cinee; esllsOklnass tea thst to certain curt : for til diseases. 181 Second bet. , XemhUl aad Taylor. . ANT ONB knowing the whereabouts of my father, Mike Smith, ef 313 Bancroft St., please communicate with hla family at above aaV drees. - , . LILLIAN B. CRAM Chiropodist, manicuring aad shampooing, rarior est ADiagtoa Piag., rortiand. ur. Black I. H. H-ABRIS to ear only authorised solicitor. . East Portland Classing I)? slug Works, P, - J. Bagaaaa, tugr FOR ADOPTION Bright T-vear-eld girl of good parentage to reliable family. . Address P 49, THB Orctroa Detective Servicer efneea 314-313 Colomhla bldg., 368 Washington. Mala 8618. -TURKISH BATHS,. SOO Oregonlaa bldg., geata au aigatj lacuss au nay, mam xaaa. WANTED By experlenoad detective, alt kinds work. Lock Boa 43. FOB BAXE TIsIBXR. TIMBER-LAND WANTED 1,009 te 1909 aercd adjacent to Columbia river or ether suitable stream, B. B., cars Journal. ISO ACRES ysllow pine and dir. three million feet acccsalble, 31,300. i. Bslnae, I2& naa jtuaei at., raruano, uragea. POR BALB Two - homestead retlnqulahmest claim a; ascend growth; win Ball on asp, ' a. P. Ntstooa. Hotel Rhelnpfala. - FOR komesteads, tlmber-clxlme and farmlands see A. . Mstnewt a uo-uRWh aorrieoa st. l. roruaao, vr. 40 ACBES timber-land. BihlU county. 3309. Apply 960 juaalastppl are. Pheae Untoa, FOB H0ME9TBADS, apply ta 80S Comi claims and atrip BUI. CHOICE tlmbee-etarrhs' Ifjd Bomeetesds. T03 "-V " V FOR BALE SCRIP. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP POR SALE Ap proved, anreatrlcted, res ay ror immediate aee lowest prices. B. P. k F. B. Riley, 90S Chamber of Commerce. CERTIFIED scrip. Immediate delivery, lowest prices: tlmbar-lsads bought and sold. W, Q. Howell, 833 Chamber of Commerce. ART EJfPORTOm. PROP. RICHARD MAX METER Portrslt aad toadeeape ertlat) Instruction In oil painting, water color, etc., cad drawiagi art gallery ' connected with etudlo; nlcturea for aala and framing to cder. 343 Alder st Pbeae 1830. ATTOREm. OREGON IAW A COLLECTION CO. 41T Fen toe block. Collect lens made throng bout the United Btatee; bankruptcy ma ttera a epeelaltyi bed tensats ejected ; rents collected aad gen, oral law bnainaasi Betary peblle. A3 SATE XI THE i. H. Flak A searing office Orssaisy A Crawford, analytical c be m lets and mattl torgists. 804 H Waahlngtoa at. BATHS -MA88ABB. THB Palace Maaaaga Parlore to tha only place to get a nice Invigorating bath or maaaaga; young lady, IP yeara old, with aaelataot, recently from New Tork. Stsrk at, between Third aad Fourth. The Taeoma, rooms 31-23. REFINED young lady ef 19, just from the cast, gives bathe and massage. 33444 Mon -rleoa at.) room 10. Hours 10 a. m. to 11 p. m. THB BNOWDEN bathrooms, 37 H Alder at. Tub and vapor bathe with maaaaga, eleo trlclty: lady attaadaata. Pnone Mala 8989. MISS HELEN PETERSON. ttranger In city. I0TH Fourth at, room 8. ' aage and alcohol bathe Scientist am a MANICURING, chiropody, scalp treatment, elec tric a tea a hatha and Biamage. Room 4, 361 H Alder st MASSAGB Two yoang Itdlet give maaaaga, tub and vapor bathe, mom Fourth et, cor, waab. - BICTCLB SXAXXRS, COLUMBIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. SPORTING GOODS, EXPERT REPAIRING. Pc-P-KEENAN, 803 THIRD ST. BLAXX BOOS etABTTFACTTXXRl HOWB. DAVIS A KILHAM. 109-111 Seeoad et Blank book manufacturers; agents for Jones Improved Loose-Leaf todgcrt; aee, the- aew Xnreka leaf, tba beat ea tha Bxarket 00 AL AX9 WOOD. CH(B4iLBI-BltOS, bava Dava at to 439 a earner at. aaar 11th I a arar the krgeat woodyard la the city, carry, tog ell hinds ad wood and coaL Mala 831. U UNDERWOOD A CO., aeelere ta wood and coal at lowest prices: satisfaction cusren. teed. Irvine hat. Tealb aad Eleventh Phone Mala 4T1 . - " T BBF0BB patting ta year wlntar'i weed see Bat a vavia. wnowssi Phone Paciae 63, whoaaale aad retail coal and wood. Tenth end Job: ALB IN A FUEL CO. Dealers la t .4 wood, anal aid greea and dry tlabweod. a. R. and Ae blna are., 3 k locks eaat ef ferry. Bast 874. STEEL BRIDOR FUEL CO.. declare la anal, Card wood aad dry tlabweod. Phone Eaat 434, OREGON FUEL CO., tU giant tf to Phone Mala an. KIRK HOOVER, 318 Water i none Main sown. POR SALE 8,000 Of SOTS, . . CB0CXZBT AMD GLASSWARE. WHOLESALE crockery and ylssawsre. Pmal, Begale A Oc. 100 ta 109 Firth, esc. Stark at. COSUUBSlOlt MXROHAJITS, DAVENPORT BROS. General maafavtoa msr.' efcenui fruit aad produce; cooslgnmeata af lid ted; prompt returns. 130 Front st IF yon want te get good returne for year aarodiiea, chip te ue; pay hlgheat price for Vgga f. a. b. P. Miller Co. BVERDINO FABRELU prod nee aad cacaala. Sinn merehsats. 149 Front It, Portland. Or, Phone Mala ITS. CARRIAGE IBS JLACX OfiMPABTXB. THB UNITED CABRIAGR CO., Carriages. tally-ho rigs aad carry-alto. . 183 Btoreata - et, etc. Wurrtaos. Pboaa Main 831 OlAXmVOYAJfT ART) PALMIST. , VAN CORTLAND.- . . .. CLAIRVOYANT. i , . 306 WssUngton at, ear Bth. He will tell your tula, name, . whom and when you will marry and what you called for- without ashing n queatlon. Hours, 9 te 8 dally aad Sundays. Special readings, Sne. SOo 80a . Sue Sue 60c. 80c Sue 80c GYPSY EBNORTA, - Queen at clairvoyants. Bhs guarenteee ta read every Incident of jour life, past, present and future. Room 828 AUtky bldg., 306 Mor rlaoa, cor. Third. MADAMS JOHTttTOK CUlrvorant, pelmtot, . card reader; I give facta reliable and law portent ea all affaire of real life. . Baadlaga BOe. 88 Seventh at. Beer Oak. . MMB. LUCY, clairvoyant, medium; readiaga 15c, SOc thlt week. Clifton bouee, 898 1st st. CXXXRT CONTRACTORS. CHAR H. CARTER CO.. cement 6 Esst Twentieth at. Phone Beat 1878. 1 work guaranteed. ' CABPTJfTIBS AND BTIXDXR8. A. 3. AUTHORS lad H. B. WOOD, eerpeetere . and builders repairing and jobbing! store , and office Axturea built Bhop 309 Colaahto. Main 638T. CALL JOHN A MELTON for otaec etore. fixtures or carpenter work. Pboaa Mala 1787. Shop 368 Ollean. CLBAEIXO ABO STXXBG. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING DYEING Works; practical hatter in connection; feather boaa and plumea cleaned aad curled by aa aa Pert. .311 Fourth. Phone Clay TPs. VIENNA Bream Cleaning Dye Works Bast equipped plant la the city; chemical work a . specialty. Call up phone Mala 1406. . Gloves cleaaed fxae7328 Third at. , CLOTHES Cleaned and pressed (1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., S4T Weahlngtea st , H. W. TURNERprefeeatonal dyer end cleaner. 606 Jeff ereoo at Phana Mala 3613. CAXPXT-CLXABTBG. BAVB your walla cieaned; we clean papered .aad palated walla; satiafaertoa guaranteedj pricct reaaonablai refaresoes. Bed 8931 CARPETS elaaaed as the Poor; we raise aa daat Phone Clay 83,1, free demonatrattoa. J. HUNTER steam carpet and meltiaas f cleaner. 660 Jetfercon. - Phone Mara 814. CAxri ERICKSON S RESTAURANT MerchsBt's ranch 11 a. a. ta 18 p. m. ; under new managameat 0. B. Era as, prop, neoond and Buraaida, THB OFFICE 386 Waahlngtoa at. Phone Ms la TTI. ' Baiiiuel Vlgneana. . , ClOARS , ART) T0BAOOO, BSBERO-GUNST CO. , Dlatolbatora af : - FINE . CIGARS. CHIROPODIBTb. - IT year feet are eat ef order, go to Dr. Worlef Beniaaun, Seventh and Stark, tha foot spe cial lat. none tuaea tie. . . 1IUT18TB, MET CHURCHMAN, deatiat 834 Maronaa bldg., sixth aad Morrison, phone Mala lieu. DO AST9 X0RSE HOSPITAL. OR C B.BROWN. D. V S., D.O.M. Doc, horae boa- pltatSST BarnalT.Fheaee ItalneOea; aaectoso, ammaxaxaeaxnaxesaxexmnxansaamiaiilii lanxxnaxmaaaxem DBrssMAxnro. SHIRTWAISTS, wool ec waab tllk, mada foe 1.30: ahlrtwatot culta, 18-80. 463 Baal Mar. st Pheae Eaat S23L c . CP-TO-DATB draaai eoata a apcdalty. laklng, ladtof taltorlasi Boom BIT Alleky bids. DRKS8MAKII7G through dull season (8 par Hit 86T Untoa ave., aaar Hawthorne ave. DRESSMAKING Strictly ap . designs. 468 Clay st to data; la teat PASHIONABLB dressmaking; prices moderate. 12 Kieeentn ex., n. XLXCTRICA1 W01X8. NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL BNOINEERINd Company, 80S BUrk et. Fort land. 0. K. tot everything la tha .electrical Ilea. pheae Mate laei. PACIFIC Electric Co. Engineers, eon tractors, . repalrera, electric wiring, supplies. 94 First, tor. Stark. Mala 80S. R. H. Tata. mgr. WESTERN ELECTRICAL W0RES 41 Blztfc tt Phone Mala 1696. X0TXLB, THB Linden hotel, Market betweea Third and Fourth, Fort Und; entirely paw. Europcaa and A aer lea a plan, 80e te 32 per day. HOTEL PVndtotoa, Poodle ton. W. A. Brown, msr. HOTEL Portland. Amerlcea plant 81 88 par day. HOTEL St George, Pendleton; leading hotel. BELVEDERE) Bnronean pica; 4th and Alder ata. mBBTTTJEE FACTO RH1 OREGON Furnltart Mean facturlng Company aisnuracrnrere-nii lunuture tor ue trade. Portland, Or. PURNITURB aianufacturing and apectal orders. L.. Havener, v'c fnrnlturs factory. 170 rront at nrXBACXl BOYNTON warm-air fnruaeae cave fueL t. Beyer Furnace Co., 356 Seeoad. Mala 461. SX0CXR1 WADHAM8 A CO., wholesale grocers, masn faerarera aad eomtilsaloa nMrcbaata. Fourth and Oak sta. ' - . ALLEN A LEWIS, coamlcatoa ttdjaraduce mar. ehanta. Front and Davis sta.. Portlaed, - Or. ROTXZ, XXSTAVBAET AID OAXP BAB8EB, HOTEL.' RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANOES . Crlnbea A Sextos a Co., Beventeenth and Cpahar era., largest stock hotel, reetearaat, eaap rangea, gaaollaa ctovee cad rcfrlgern ' tore la tha city. ' HAIR AID SCALP SPECIALIST. J, J. BORO, meaafaerurer of bumaa bare roue. etc C3S Beat Nlath. Phone Eaat 3311. XBSURAVCE. - - UU1I1T. , and real oata to, aucceawora te Arthar Wlmea a Co.; ofncea, west aide, 10T-1U8 Sherlock bldg.. Mala 1008; eact dde dent, 404 Beat Alder (Citleene- benkl. Beat' 49L - , 18 A AO t. WHITE. Are 898 Dakuat. BIOS. . JAS. Mr I. WOOD. emptoycrC tlsWrlty aad b , dividual accident enrety beada at all klaaa. 47. gos McKay aiag. II. P. B ARTELS COMPANY Ftrt Insurance, 44S Sherlock kldg. Oregea FBene Clay taa. HEOHAinOAL IVBTVIXB. D. HAYW0RTH. dnl and mechanical enxt teeri we Ire aaetraclad. cetlmatee of water tower, water worka and newer aee a tatclalty. 174 Holladay tra Portland. Or. , t HABDWABX. Poetised Hardware Co. aolldu opportunity ta quote prions. 186 let at., cor Alder. Mala 1334. tOGXAltTTK. ' BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert tockeaatth eiceee repairing. arm stars. ptf Clay 323; nlgkt pboaa. Mala Song. KEY Siting, eaat-lroa bra ring. J. B. RlcharnV aoa. 306 Fourth at. Pkooe Hoed 1T83. HOBBY X0 10 AX. - THB STAR LOAN CO. . Any Salaried emplpye, wage ssrnar, ata gel ea kia auto, witheut mortgage - Month. Month. Week. 3o0. 80 Repay to na I1S.M ec 1646 er 83.10 86.00 He psy ta ae i 6.66 or 33 35 ec il.66 iAOO Rspay to u i 4.00 er 32.00 eg 81.98 319 McKay bldg. PIVR par cant money; we build you a boma er toaa yea money oa your property; montbly Pamoate;, investigate; open Saturday even. Inga, JCooma 14-17 LabDc bldg.. 327 m Waaa. -f- MONBY te loan, salaried people, tee res tars, etc.. wuwwi eeuuriij, sear pajmeuia. baeluess In 49 principal dtlec Tolmaa. 223 aaiugion oiag. rnoua main oeei. MONEY. TO LAID ea reel nersonal end eol lateral aecurlty; special attention te chattel murigagesi sutea nougnt. v. vr. e-euet, 304-S Fsnton bldg., 34 sixth at ' HIGHLY respectable place where ladles and gents caa borrow mosey oa diamonds aad iewelry. Collateral Lean Bank, Sua Wash ing tun at Phone Black Ti. S LOANS and upward ea all klade of aecurlty or ,va .aaieri.o people oa tneir nets; wwaer rates;, no publicity, ao delay. ,313 Ablngua, a-noaa aiea 17 aa. CHATTEL leant la amounts ranging from 338 to 85,000; rooming-houses a apeclalty. New Bra Loan A Trust Co., SOS Abingioa bldg. WB msks all kinds ef loans aa good security at lowest rates; special attaotloa gives to casual leant, lua LOANS nt low eat rates ea furniture, planes; raay ssaurlty notat purchai .offlcea, 449 Sherlock blag. MONEY TO LOAN In large or aa oa good aecurlty; lowest rates. Beck, SOT Falling bid. LOANS ea furniture. Btonca. ether eeeurittoc lowest ratea. a. W. Kla. room 48 Waab- Ingtaa bldg. Phone Main 9100. THB CRESCENT . LOAN COMPANY Salary . loam, from three to etc axon the: eoafldeatlal. Ill Oragoaiaa. MONBY TO LOAN aa Clackamaa county lands. E. t. and F, B. Riley, 90S Chamber od Oaav POBTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. S AND 8 par cent. Wa Uanholm, 336 rsiua MONBY TO LOAN, 6 per Cent King. 310-111 Commercial but. Nerthrup TO LOAN 8800 ta 86,000 bp Ckaxtoa HJratoL m4 -rnrra St., room a. . aTVBIOAX. SECOND-HAND musical instruments of all kinds af lowest prleaa, caak ec Inatlllaeals, liner aiwic ua., uo xaira at. PBOP. T. B. LAW80N Sll TamhUL Phone Mala 6088. Plana luanni during, vacation oniy, mue. LESSONS SOc; piano, (altar, banjo, suadotiB, vioila. 84m Ptrat at, cor. Mala, lira, atartta. PIANO tuning. 32; Perfect track C. W. Jf hnson. Pkont kone Mala 161 BUOKXTIO HXALUIS. MRS. L. H. BART treats all dlasaaea, ctocsseh xronoie, nervouaneec ano runrrjouaj waaa unauitatioa rrec. BBOm Park, esc, jerra B0TART aTTBLIO. NOTARY PUBUO Pcpera esrefslly prepared aad executed, charced maasaabla; ealle an ewered te say part at tha city. Jee. U Melrath, 846m Morrlaoa at., paam is. BTTTKBIRS. DONNERBBRG A RADEMACHBB, aaaltary plambeee.- 64 Fourth at Both phones. ' POX A C0 annltarp. ptombirt, 881 Baasa Mala and Bslaon. Oregoa Pbeae Mela STEOPATHS.- DRS. OTIS A MASBL AKIN. 408-4 Macleey eiog. rnono ciay ttb. tonanitatwn rrec P1TBLI0 AOOOtnTTABT. B H. 8. MULDSR, expert aceeuatant, roem 441 Sherlock bldg.) booaa opened, adjusted and aaaitcu; Boost cept ror amall eeneeres; late rk areas Srat-elaet refersneae. Mala ovxxAixa. ROSS" OP THB BOAD OVERALLS tad me. chanlcs' clothing ; aalca made. Nsnetsdtar enMe.aiiMwiia. eertiaew, aar. PRIRTIBS, BUSHONG A CO. Front tad Star ate., print. Inc. llthoeraDhlaa. blaak books and aftea eupp prlai tuppllac) work done on timet moat complete ting efnet la tke west maia lua. ANDERSON A DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing, lithographing, blank booka, Pboaa Main IT. SOS Alder et. PLATTER. THB OREGON PLATING WORKS, 491 Weak. Ingtoa at Phone 8678. Poilahlng. platiag - ana mcqnenng. - yAXBTfl, OH. ABB SLA3S. P. B. BBACH A CO. The Pioneer Paint Co.) wrnoow jiasa aau giaaug. . . ua sire I ax. BA8MU88EN A CO. Jobbers, pelnta, oU, (laaa, aaah aad doors. Second and Taylor. BTTBBXB STAMPS. P. C. STAMP WORKS. 349 Alder tt., pheae) Mala T10; rubber stamps seels, a tend Is, has gage, trade checks) cend for catalogue. ROOFntO. TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing pad Jobbing. I. Lostll, 313 Jslfsraoa ex. XOPB. PORTLAND CORD AOS CO.. aad North rut sta.. Portland. Or. 0VTXXIB8. ' THB MORGAN CO.) 108 to 113 Second at, third ' Manufacturers and Jobbers of LEWIS AND CLARK SOUVENIRS. . Booths tad Itract Heads Itted cut complete. STORAGE. TRANSFER AXS BAuXtSTB. SAFES, nlanot and fumltura moved, neekad ready roe ahipptng ana ahlpped; an work guaranteed; large, l-etory, brick, nre-nroef wareaoose tor storage, tirnce m rirat tt a M. Olseu. Phana Mala 847. 0. O. PICK, atnee SS Pint It, betweea Start, ana uea ata.. pnone ovei nianoa ana rurnirnee moved and packed for atilpping; eommedieea) erica warenouaa, aTons ana tUF ' ttt. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. Phone Main aa. Heavy hauling aad etecogc. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY No, 80914 Wash. lngwna ex. rnooe mem woa. 811LXIT 1ATOIB. WARREN Coeatrncrloa Co., street saving, aide. walks aad Tia ucatraaiaa Mas. TUB Trinidad Asphalt Paving On, at Fetttoadk vrnee eno worreeier BIB, BiolrpAumxR. old eiurt a, window Mtteria-, doth hnnnara, eroueenicai electric tutnt Sat Signs or SU kinds made aRlckly. roster A XI. leer. Fifth ssu nvsretx. raone Kacnanga aa TIOLOfB. A. WT "CO, vtnlln-aekap aad reperrer; rot ctoaa. et beecell bHsy., 4th aad Mat WA1XPAPXB. ! laORGAN WI'tPAPfR CO.. 1S4-IP Second eu, eev luwui tad XnyMt. Ftruaaa, ' skowca - : HOWCASeS of cveer a -n , ana aiore Hxiuree Be te e. Maaafacturlag Co.. ... BTXEOGRAPRYR. PUSUO STENOGRAPHER A teaope or all klada tt short notion. . t of Commerce. Phone Main T84. BATES. DIBBOLD Maagamie eafaei fire aad b pnor nrara: au aad prujnn worm ; a. opened : repairs. J, 8. Davln. 46 Third TOWEL . BTTPPLT. T CLEAN TOWELS DAILY Comb, braah. w : 81 per month. Lawrence, Brae.' Towc, 8u, aau uenrs. rveae wave TYPEWRITERS. TOST TXPBWBITEB HBADQEABTBBB- 88 Fourth Street. Wt lent, repair, sell, ex chance tipoailtoia All suppUss for all machlnaa. ' Standard machines (as and up ta 'SloA ' Do yon wsnt n ttenographar oe typmtl" -.Wt.kave list of good appUcaata, Phone Black 171. . . roAXCIAX. u MITKQ tTATTB hTATTAWar. tin OF P0BTLAND. 0REO0B. 4 BOBTHWXaX COB. THIRD AND OAS STS, . Traaaacte a General Bssklsg jcaeABntar , DRAFTS ISSUED Available fa AH CI ilea af tha United Sta tea and Europe, Hoogkous and Manila. COLLEOTI0K8 BADE 9B FAT0RABLX TERMS Presldsnt . J. C. A1N3WORT1 Vtee-Vvesldent. W. B. ATI t V loe-President .....B. LEA BAR I Cashier. ....... ............. .R. W. BCfeei" i Asslstsnt Cashier A. hL Whl . . f AaaUtant Caaklac., ..W. A. faOLP RTLABD TRUST CO VP ART OB 0BXG0B.' NO 109 THIRD ST. ids or RJUIOURCES OVER ll.DO0.00O. Oeasrai Banking Bud aaaa Cond acted. t Savings Dcpoaitt Beealved. Time eertlflcatea Issued, ttoe eertiacatoc ef deposit parable a Don 10 days' call, 80 Atya' cell or 90 deye cell with latereet tt . t . aad d per cent per annum, respectively. Ceil or aend toe book ef lUutrnttoaa, BENJ. I. COHEN. ..,....,... ...Prcatdenf H. L. PITTOCK .Vtoa-Premoeat B. LXB PAGET.... .a. .............. Saaatary J. a GOLTRA ..Acatotant BecretnrF FIRST RATIONAL BARB OF PORTLAND, OBXGOV. ' Dedgnated Depository and Ptnanctol Ageat at the United States. President .....A. h. KTUB Cashier J. W. HBWKIatC Assistant Cashier W. 0. ALV0I0 Second Asslstsnt Cashier B. P. BTBVbnt Letters ef Credit lamed Available la Europe ' ' aad tha Eastern Statee. Bight Exchange aad Telegraphic Trane rare , en Id ea Hew York. Bostsa, Chicago, St. Leal a, St Paal, Oasha, San Prandaoa Aad the principal points La the Northwest Bight and time bUia drawn la eaaa te tall ea London. Paris, Berlin,' Fraakfert-la -tee-Ma is. Hongkong, ' Yokohama. Cspaahapen. Chrlatlanla. Stockholm, St , Peteraburg. . toot tew, Zurich, Honolulu. - Coltoetlone Made ea Favorable Terms. ADD TTLTOV, BARKERS. (ataauaked la laaa. Collections made at tQ. polnta ea favorable terma. Letters af credit leaned available la ..... . - xnxxoa wesa Slcht Exchange and Tclecranhle Tranafi uniu ea new aara, wannington. tai lease, St nee and Lonia, Denver, oataha, Saa Franemee Montana and Brttlah Colambta.e --a-Rzohaaga acid ea ivoodoa. Parte, IV Prsnkfort, HongkonS. Inhnkaaa, , Maaila SXCVRITT BAVTBOS A TRUST OOXPAJl t. 366 MerrUea St, Portlaad, Or. ' Traaaa nta n General Baaklmg Baainaca, , SAYT3TGB DXPARTMXBT. , btaratt Allowed ea Time sod Savtnge tligidH. Acta ae Tree tee for Batataa. ' Drafta aad Letters ef Credit Avsllabto 1 AH Parta ec taa world. P. ADAMS., ePPSewlllarSt A. LEWIS. Pint Vloa-Pramuent A. U . MILLS Seaond ViearPreoaoeet Be Qn J U B I T-S e e ftlKIMii a a A e &HttMTf GEO. P. RUSSELL. Aadatant Secretary ERGBABJTS HATTOXAZ, BART. ,. , . - PORTT.ARS. OREGOA. - J. 'RANK WATSON Preafdoat R. L. DURHAM vma-PTeaMent R.- W. H0YT. ...................... ...Ceaalec GXOROB W. H0TT....t Aeatotaat Oesaiec Tittaaeto a atoaecal Baaktat; 9tnmwtt : ' Drafta aad Lettere Ct Credit leased Avallahto to All Parta af the World. . Coileetioaa a Specialty. M 0ERIS BR01 A CHUSTERSEB. 188M lint at, iwHlaad. Oa, . Offer Grtt-Edga Investmenta ta afrnlclpel Railroad Bonde. .Write at Call MORTQAQB L.OA1NO 0a Portland Baal Estate Titles Insured. AnatraeCc FxumieAeA . TITLE UMIUTU TBVbZ OtK Boom a, tmsmtic er C. QBE WO The Great Chinese D:H:: Formerly toot ted tt ' BBS Aider PC, earnac .laird, ,,. . ... ., Have Moved To the torce balldlBC its. 1. , ef Pint and ' KahtFRBOB 163Va r-rst Ssrt Dr. a Gee We, the Great Chtanta leee., la WeD hmawn end " theawaaaent t-a t,. 1 because his wonderful and atervatona attree bare been heralded bene ocas t Utreae-aut tnc length and breadth of thla eeaatry. be treets tay and 'all dlnatii with aowarfnl Ohineee roots, berba, buds, barke and vecetablec teat are entirely aasnewn to madloal aeleneo In tnie eeaatry, tad through tbe nee of tbcae baruileee . romedlea hs (uaraataea te cure catarrh, acthma, tang troubles, rheumatism, aai etna mat, etomsch. Brer, kldner. female tranblnn and all nrirate dtoeaaee. Tbia ramoaa doctor carat vrlrhout the aid ' tbe knife, without using notoont er drugc snd reds of teetimooiala en die et hla afaeaa. Call tad pee him. Charges modaete. . COVIUITAXXOV XBXB. , ;i ; Pa Moots eat it tha dtv wrlta Aw hlsnke ad cirrnltr. Inclose 4c ata bid. Addreee The . a Gee We Chin see Medicine Ce 113 let 8w tec. Morrtooa, Portland, Oe. . , rieeae menttoa thlt paper. . Fook Sang & Co. BKYXYiBS eSOTBTa , . BBS JBWJLLBB. v . JAT TTJ CHONO, Msr. 231 Alder SUPortiind Pure, Beautiful Jed Jewelry. Oold Braeelcta and tJIgnct Bloct of alt doacriptiong made ta ar dor, American names engraved In Chlneee chnralturd Wa Sura gol'l rinfa. or aood-luck rlnca aatraved with, tha three cardinal Chlneee ehareetere, via.! Olory, Proaperlty and Lonp-erlty. Charree rccj.onabIe and ortlerg of snjr dealgn prnrnptlr exeoutcd and aent pre paid to Any part of tha United Stated. , fan. CMICKtaTgn'S CNAtiaM cSwjcL le , aac lt-14 meeiaa Me. . T I T ' ae e-- i u.' V Sir pzjS " " a srv-efe K.-1T fmmm let, I ' ' PD Taoaa w- f v BiarreJoe'e p civr nn ' fear heel "I