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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
(S3 , t It II v -''.,'... , ' V .-. - 's -' . ' .m . ' . :.'- v.u::Aiu-v.was oct.wita tne crowa xoczy cna cso - - - " ' r.'r;the"prpoC 4"We,U show you Lbxv, cni give you V A -living acsmplsx , You t tis escw, f5 r :r y : move faO and ,yoa pay as - you would ,'rent Follow the examples shown here r i .ml.- - i ... ' ' ' ' ' . TUtt MWb; SVbMb - of ney ',- lot Si SO. pyu e . down, H aaaaUi. Am to XUmrtmW lnv -. wit . . JU. JUL N,f wTJ JLX JLJtXk. ; N ; ' I . ' f ' " IW'iUI I BWPWBMitPlllMWllll 1IIIUWWIII1 J PJ ill 1. 1 WW Jli1imi.JWjl"WWWIiWWT'MH.l 1 1 f I JIIU . IB II J ' V ' ' ' City" Mlwrt W T- ' 1 , . CM TW . 7 , GEav.DncvH SOS BHatUa- BaOdla;, --,. nmnbrnt. ; city ' offlM '" '': ONB OF MT." SCOTT'S COZY HOMES.' RttTTIER nXtURAIv llOME- 1 . 4 1 ; ; I V ' t v.' ',.''-V ARB HARD TO FIND. '')f':", ; "-f? : ' ' ' '' ' ' '. " 'i .' V ItA TAYLOR . O. W. P. STATION AT FXBLAND; REAL ESTATE NEWS Portland - realty- U en cf th - wt r ; . profttkbl lnvatroats topn In aajr mar ' . kt 'Mer aoratlon -Of ralua alona, " without conaiderlng tha raranna to ba daitfvad from uainf tha land, or coins Inta any dataU ot axpanaa, brinja batter . 'tetania than money can ba loaned for. ' and even better than many of the beat ' buainaaaea Of the country yield. , - The aalo thi week of the.. half block . .' at Anknr, between Fourth and Fifth atraata. hr tha Rurrall Investment com pany for MQ.&00 la n example of the . - , wonderful arowto m the Value of Dual neaa property. Aa th la place of land ' la lit neither (ha faahlonabl reaidenoo d!atrlct p9r the moat, popular byalneaa v, aeetlona acoordlnc to thav llnee of paat growth. It la regarded eapacially useful i la giving a baala of general Increase In valuea. . , In' the yar 1JTI i "Jtha Knapp-Burrell company oougnt tnia enure mock, pay . Ing ia,260 for It Slnoa the north .half " baa Just been aold for 160,000, It la fair : to assume that the other half la wort: an equafTigura, giving a value of 1120,' , ' 000 to the entire block. - In th period I of tt yoara the- market value 'of thla . block baa grown from 110.160 to 1120,' '000. ": Averaging thla anhanoaraant . In value. It 4a found that the original In- 7 -vestment haa been doubled approximate. ly every two and half , year by the . mere growth of th olty, th praaent market price being nearly 11 .times larger than th purehna prlo tl year ' ,gO, . -v ;". . - ' .- : if th original investment ,or iio.zsq had been,put on' Interest drawing from 11 fa 14 r-n3n, mil Ihll laHmLwr. , . compounded every year, . th-" reault .Would have beea about equfrajent to the profit mad from aoe ration in, value alone.' -. . .. Thea figure take no eognlaanc of receipt from rebtala or other! aourcea, .., nor cf disbursements tor taxea or Im provements. Portland realty ba been .regarded a good revenu producer from rental value. Receipts from thla source may ba estimated to take oar of taxea 'and improvements' and leave a profit w of a fair figure. It la thla renting value 1, that fixe th market value a a rule. for people have not been wont to Invest , on the mere expectancy of enhancement of the "worth of the ground. Aa flgurea ' are not available for thee detalla of .". management in regard 4o the block' In question, the only oatlmatea that can ba made In respect to th earning capa- city must be conjecture. But it I per ' fetftly safe tor estimate that rental have ""produced k fair 'profit," which ahould be added to the r present selling value of the land. v ' - '. ' . With such profit In realty, and th beat of security aver given an invest 'anent, the worth of .Portland property Is quickly appreciated. To get a reve .' nue of 14. per cent men will take ques- tlonabl loans, and . risk having long period when they are not able to place . their 'money. - In loaning 114,040 for a period of 10 years, there are sure to be ' .times when the Intereat will b lost, ' land possibly a. portion of tha principal. . 'If a good rat of Intereat la demanded. Bualneaa la entered which require all , of a maa'a time, bring gray hair, and compel absorbing attention. If bonds . Vof the more atable clasa are sought, "from I to 4 par cent la th beat Interest ' that ban be expeoted, and In securing these It often' occur that tha premium paid materially discounts thla low rate. In ell the world it seems safe to aute that there cannot be found such a com , blnatlon of. profit and security a Port land real property of fere. When tha ' full significance of the sale now being . . mad are appreciated, th people scarce ly believe figures. '. It seeme at first . incredible that mere increment .alone "ahould bring a land owner in a great . city larger return than loaning money, .. and offer aa a further premium th re ceipt from rente. QojUthere are a raul . tltuda of Inatance of tha Immanae " profit In Portland realty.1 Tha future . of th city is assured, so that there cannot be any possible question of th ' security. Keen-alghted men believe that the growth ot the next two or three ' decadea will surpass anything ever wit r eased her In th paat If ao, th ratio ' of Increase In land value, will ba In proportion, "Whtnh -means ; even more '. rapidly than for the period covered by the history of th Burrell property on Ankeny street. i?..:,,- :v ..-. . . .Ankeny street I just entering upon ', It heritage of location for business .purpose. Both wholssal . and retail - buelneaa ba been alow to apread over that lmmedlat territory, but the great ' block that Save gone up there and ' that are projected will Boon reclaim thla entire territory a a part of the bual neaa canter. -. Extension In thla dlrec tlon la natural, a wholesalers and th , heavy retailers cling eomfortably near to the water front Th level roach of land lying between Oak and Ollaan streets la an Ideal " bualneaa region, . which I being built up. and the Bale . on Ankeny la an Indication Of tha value ; already attaching to th property there about ' : y; Dealer wer"alnrst startled vaster day when th announcement waa made that M. A. Ounat had paid 110,004 for a half of th Pfunder tract of land at the corner of Twelfth and ' Washington. . RuieeT! tc Blyth had purchased thla rroperty only reoenMy for 1100.000, and tie ar ' .-t f te e. -anlty wa that the former owner was receiving a goo ngure. The fact that Mr. Ounat, on of tha hhrewdest bualneaa men of San- Tranolsoo and Portland, I willing to pay for a half of thla land nearly what th recent pureharea paid for the, entire property, I aa eye-opener on what th outside people think of real aetata values here. When on Arm can make a profit of nearly 104 per eent In a month en a 1100,040 Investment, It la apparent that real aetata -values are climbing at a terriflo pax. - All of the territory contiguous to tha rormor Duel nesa center la being seised upon for business property, and vastly greater enhancement in price Is-yet expected. Sal of tmr Burrelt property wr Fifth; Ankeny and Fourth atraet revives dreamy old reminiscence of th long ago, When thia tract had th only skat ing rink In th young olty of Portland, "I think it waa about 44 year ago when thla bock waa owned by Captain J. My rick, now and for aeveral year auperlntendent of the-Conner creek mine yesterday; "A large number of our beat citlsan had gsaembled iq the akatlng rink building for eome purpose. Th place we packed, when some boy on tha outside began throwing roek at th root of the blg structure.- When bund' Ing th rink. It fell one after being partly up, and th publlo had many mis givings aa to its atrength, ' When thla crowd assembled that evening and heard th sharp reports caused by rock striking th roof, they thought jtha roof waa falling in. na there we a panie to reach th doorway. ' Although , many were, injured , In. tha , acramhl. 1 some rather ' seriously, there were no fatali ties. Among those present and a I re' member being (lightly Injured, waa th lata Judge Matthew P. Deady. ' Th oc ourrenc baa doubtlee been forgotten by a largo number of th eld -residents of th city, but waa a thrilling event at th time, nd th akatlng rink stampede wa often rererred to several years art' erward.' -.. -' . At the time th Knapp-Burrell com pany' bought the Ankeny atreet block they had in their employ aa bookkeeper a young man named Charles Sweeny. He had juat com north from th Molt ing soenes f Comstock mining, and waa impressed with the vast poaalbilltle of. mining. He talked It, frequently, wondered why Portland men were. not eager to seek mining investmente, and finally went on t Spokane to locate. Thla same Charles Sweeny .recently re turned to Portland to Invest eomethlng leaa than f 1.000,004 of money ba ha won la Coeur d'Alen mining in Portland realty. After a period of a quarter of a eetrtury.. and after tasting tha aweeta of tha northwest financial Bald, ha ma to be bringing the bulk of hi fortune baek to thq.elty where he worked for a short time a an aspiring young man. ' The sal of th northeast corner f Tenth and Morrlaon atreetsT 104 feet en Morrison and 61 on Tenth, was con summated thla week by Joseph BuehteL Th entire- -to pert y, which waa taken for a conelderation of 1 11,000, waa owned by Miaa EL I Dlmlck and alatera and Mrs. E. M. Edwards, tha first par- tie getting $14,000 of th oonalderatlen and th eecond (10.404. Mr. Sarah M. Til ford la th purchaser of tha property, and no announcement ha been made aa to th plan regarding building, kf any have beeri formulated, r f WAVERLY For th next 14. day X will aU lou 11x144 in thlanoat elghtly traeti only 41 minutea' walk from First and Morrl aon streets, for 1200 each and upwards; on terms within reach of all. ' For further particular see '., "-'y.,, Joseph f.L Qealy For bargain In farm, city property, river front acres re, cosy auburaan ct as borne. . Apply to - . 1s . . . .;- LAWRENCE CO. ; v 149J-S First Street . lire A-beautiful tract that ba been cut up Into lota Th land I abov street grade, ha water piped to every lot. Is convenient to good carl tne and aur- rounded by many modern horn, ' Containing a lot and a half each. We are aelllag for aame prlo a 14 foot lota In aame location. To theTlrst few buy era we offer liberal discount. ,-- , Portland Trast Company . .-. OF ORBOON ; ', lOt TXXM9 BVMMWt,' J Traata toy Olty and ambarhaa Bealty. Hot Humhrs for the Wise. . , ( .. ft, toO Magnificent new, strictly mod . . em 4-room roatdenee. corner lot. . i beautifully landscaped garden and decorated, very choicest variety poaa shrubbery, close in, east aide. fx, OOO Very excellent river front 146 , acre farm on Lewis river, - two i. , mil from - Woodlandl 1 acres beat of beaver dam and 14 acres of upland In cultivation: living water, good realdenoe. barn and knd a very exceptionally deslrabl country home," rich soil and oon- - vonlent to market. -SMOO Strictly modern, up-to-dat -acre poultry -ranch, I minutea' -''; -walk, eleotrla care: beautiful cot- i i ,- ' tag, k large poultry houses. In - eubatora, brooders, choice variety ' . fruit; plao all fenoed into depart ' i- ments, A distinct money-making ' ' plao. -.-.'. flOO Very excellent II -acre plao all - 'In cultivation, small house end barn, eve minuter walk station, - good schools, churches, , 14 miles ' ' out - . H.400 "An excellent 44-acr place, good bulldlnga, cbolo bearing fruit ' ogooa water, on mu eiecine ear, ' A wonderful barnlrv 1 .. . . S140O--Very excellent quarter . ' block1 with now -room eottaare, ebotce ,: ? rruit, barnea and. shrubbery, ex- iT-r'Hnt gnMvn, ftn , Tl rfgnth 91)00 Two Urgs lots, very beautiful p . I -room residence, 6 block from I ; ' woodlawn atation. . . STBO Coxy -roo.n cottar with t full lota, a comnleto - little home. 34 fruit' trees, all klnda of berries J and shrubbery en Plymouth street, I woooiawn. 1 STBO Excellent new 4-roora eotta! cost $800 to build, with-full lot, " ' blocks Woodlawn station. $800 Over a full lot with a eosy cot tare ona block Woodlawn station. uasn wiu out bviiuv xooi 10c. 1 mall but neat cottage..,!., block I cars, osjt urov. birnlni In farm river front acres re, cosy aubura it TTirn 7 a (.Balm III I Islio GOOITE AIW SEE 1. ' V. 1 v.'. V i-' ' ' mm . " - a J ' J - VTak a Vernon car on Second and Washington streets' today and get that beautiful ride to r "TTVemon and back for Fhe CentsOur agent at Vernon le Instructed to give every one that vlslta ' ; Vrnon to'day a ticket g6od for return. We do this to get people out to eee Vernon, for we know -any one that sees this beautiful site will never live In any other part of the city if they can help it. ' Remember our agent will hand you a ticket to go to any part of the city when you ; are ready to X; leave..., -w; '- '.. . . X 1" You see VERNON and VMJOFJ ivill da Gie rest f or us . . .. j... ,v- - x- 75 2 sixth sr. : -1. - RHONE MAIN 16 '.'. -' it VP,'"'- ' -'-tv!.- .,'.'.'. v'.S. 1 i: Ownor, 14 Ablngtoa, 10Va fhlK St. .Deslrabl 14-room residence.' all mod ern improvement within 1Q0 feet of King street fronting south), la offered at a bargald by owner if .taken now, 17.000. An exceptional -opportunity t acquire a bom la the best reaidenc district-.'. ' 1-, v . ' ' .. .. ' " A; H. -BkygH McKay Bid, Third and Staxk. iSi th If You Want a Esndscme Wti Of t or I room. 'Don't fail. to see two very cnoic new nrst ciaa houses, all complete In every detail. Sell part monthly payment, Nertheaet corner EaBt Baimon ana iwentietn etreeu XM Skerloek Bldg ' Good Buys Little Money ; $630; (1)73 SI730 atreet 1 1 Lot 10x104 on Belmont at, sew. r, -waior, Biaewaix, macadamised. - Lot 14x140 on East 14th at, aewer. water, , street graded, aidewalk laid. Willamette Height let, ce ment sidewalk, Improved street, good location, excellent view. A bargain. ' v, - - - . Cholc little I -room auburban home with four Iota, fruit and flower In abundano. Ask for ' Ural. 12000 Fin corner 146x144 on Port land Height, l-room oottaga A reaaonabl property.' I Thea and other for al by Portlsnd Trust Company yy OF ORBOON iX y':: ioo taw iir ..-.-''-.- 3A VttW COTTACX For Sale On block fmm atation, modern, nearly new, completely fur nished, I bedroom, water In kitchen. Lewis iSCIarR Fair Camp Grounds Company gurrouaiag ana Aajouiag ' 1 HAWTHORNX PARK Gateways from . camp : rrounds Into park. ' Seats, tables, swings, lagoons and shade in this most beautiful park in Portland. Ten minutes walk from the business district ; on west side. . Twenty minutes to : the World's Fair Grounds by cat.. live at home in Portland and . avoid, the heavy cost and inconvenience of the crowded lodging house and res taurant. There will be an at' tendant in charge of the Tented City day and night. -Free tele phone connections in his office. The famous Bull Run water piped on the tract free. Toilet arrange- ments and sanitary appliances lo cated convenient to all. Garbage will be removed daily at expense of the company. . All avenues and alleys will be kept clean and free from rubbish. You must reserve tent space for time of your visit. Send us your reservation now, that we may be able to take care of you when you come. Remit us $7, which will pay your first two weeks rent, with right of occu pancy at $2.50 per week thereaf ter. You can reserve for any two weeks during the fair period. The first to register will have choice of space. Mail all remittances to C Y. HARRY, Secretary-Treasurer v . US Beeond St- Portland, Or. Phone Main 414. Or any of the following agents of our Company! . . Herbert L Gill.... ...Woodbura Howard St Scott.......,, ,. 1 ,. .Albany Surley Taylor Independence on. N. WheeJdon.. ....... .The Dalle A.' R Blender kfyrtl Point Au. Huckensteln Salem Ambler 4k Wattera.;..,..a..,.Corvallla Campbell Fuller.. .Dallas Britt A Asplnwall .Brooks WASHINGTON ST. ALDER STREET . SIXTEENTH ST. A MAOXIFICEXT . BVSINBSS ., 8ITB WITH ABOV THREB FRONTAOEB. EW,Wk5ii.E.j.Otly,222FeiItogB!di. Addition Is the place to buy a first class modern home at a very low price. I have three ready now. ' One, 6-room without basement, $760; 6-room, $1,250 ; 8-room, $1,750. They all have full basements, porcelain bathtubs' and toilets, hot and cold water, wood fiber plaster, picket fences and all large lota. Remember, there are no shanties in my addition. , I have built and sold 52 homes already, and have three more ready now. X have a few choice lots left at $73 to $150 each. "Also some choice acreage at $165 per acre. Remember, X will give very- easy terms or big discount for cash. See me, the owner, JOE NASH, in big white house at Nash ville Station, on the Mount, Scott car line. ' Phone Union 1561. .. . . Property Can Do Seen Sunday os Well as ,Wcc!x Bayo ' 2,500 One "half cash, balance at 6 per cent. Will sacrifice, if sold at once, a modern colonial houses 7 rooms, full basement and at tic i porcelain bath, separate toilet, best of modern plumb- ing; with gas and fixtures; sewer; Bull Run water; all fixtures up-to-date pass pantries; large colonial hall; street fully improved, is up to grade; cars pass door and two car lines within a block; house on full lot. 00x100, air most new; close in, 430 East Eleventh street, near .Sher man. See owner at 11 North Third street or at 'residence, 23 North Park., FREE LANDS In the Canddian rortbvcst - ' Agency, Room 2, Chaaibcr cf Ccr-trce. ....... . ... l . . . , v .v ., . , . : THE GREAT NEW LAINU OP PROMISE Homestsad of 114 acre of excellent pralrl land GIVEN to the ,': who will live on and eul Urate same for six month each year for three year. American notTrequlred to tak out papers, except they should warn, m M ... - " OAXfc AaTD OV SZUrXAT OI CBAXBS. VERNON ............... . yj Saneethme tecelted tndar la asnrer te ear tlO prim offer let fear-ward aomse tot ear ernes ad.l " - 'Vemonl Omw wltb Terwne." Vernon's Bound to Win. ' .' .. "Thraeah Pertletid te Teraoo," Ternoo tsi Oosijii."'- -'BMatlral Teraos. ttf Heeie." "Verm Ome llnsM eekn.' ' Hte the Bent Habit." , , . The Spot That Bailerta." . , I'Vernoa Dloes Beenae BeHars.'t ; . . , 'Tenna Orerlooke Twe States.'; . . Tornes tlew Irreeaitlhle." g 1 , . "erime Paixirt te IToeeerttr." Lets ISO te ttwX eel ea ea IsetaUeMete... . K2C2E LWESTKEKT CO. iiim bixtx tx. , '. non suar i FARMS Examine our Urae llat of farms, over 14,404 acres, and aom f th -irery beet on th market. We list for sale no farm we retard too plan In price, and aa a rule can eell at lower price than purchaser oould p slbly secure by mahln an Independent search over I he country. K know personally nearly every property we offer for Bale, and ad r lee lo. . tendlnr purchase re juat what will be found upon inspection, fully realla Int that unlena found aa represented we cannot hope for a sale. . Our tlet is entirety too larse to undertake to advertise Individ"' farms, but have nr- - red and will supply Interested perte with I and any furtnar fnf Mutation wanted. Write or call for llat, edve- to eharacter of farm wanted and about amount i-wHM pev - We re.-r to any Vank la Portland aa lo our an ....jT an I methoda, , .jr- - y