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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
i I : OEiitJQfGO THIS WEEK j- .'- ... rV .... ... ! ' Judge May Return to San Fran- ; cltco,i Thus Interrupting V-'.'!".- Course of Fraud Trials ' Witness starr comes : FROM :THE MOUNTAINS .1.' 1 f Gives His Promise ' to ;, Appeacjn -Ceurt Tomorrow to Testify Against ' His Uncle, Congressman William :'r son, and Is Released. -' ' ' ' Ernest SUrr, the laat witness who it to testify tor' the government la the ,' ' second trial of Congressman Williamson, ' Dr. Van Oesner and .Marion R. . Biggs. arrive la Portland last renins In cus tody of United t-tates Deputy Marshal Griffith.; Starr la a nephew of Wil liamson and attempted to escaps tssti - tying for the second time against his , unci Ha took refug la th fastnesses of-the -Cascatla mountains and for ' jo .- day past a score of of fl oars have been March ins for Ma ' la order to bring him back to tola elty. On his arrival la Portland Btarr was ' taken to the of flea of tha United States marshal and after ' giving hia promise : ttef ha would be la eourt at o'clock Monday morning, when ha la expected T ta " take t ha -wltnesa-atand,- he -wa re- lessed. Ha will be tha laat witness la , the case and aa soon aa hia testimony la eoaeluded tha argumenta ta tha Jury will begin. It la expected that the Jury .'.will retire by Tuesday afternon at the latest.' -Th presentation of arldenea for -tha defease was concluded yaateraay morn- : lag and several- . witnesses were then called for the prosecution ta rebut state , meats In behalf of the defense, -. At noon, court, waa adjourned to Monday morning. . 1 An interruption tn the trial of the 'land fraud eaaea aeema to be imminent. Judge Da Haven has repeatedly Inti mated within tha past raw days mat ne ' waa enxloua to get back to 8a a Fran cises and tt la probable that ne wui ' leave aa sooa aa the present trial of Congressman WUI Lam son la concluded. ' Judge Oa Haven ha buslnees In tha hi FriaeSM -Nurt- which he desires . ta dispose of, and be will return to ' Portland later to resume tha hearing of the land fraud cases. It la understood that . he will leave for tha sooth an Wednesday, provided a verdict, has been reached tn the meantime in tn pending . ease. . ... I ' - - "' Testimony for tha defense In the Wll- sslaSiS yistses see moralug and. several , wltnassea were then called by the proaeoutlon In rebut tal Heney announced before eourt ' - adjourned that tha only remaining wit- neas for the government was Sanest Burn Williamson' nephew. t , ' . Starr testimony la expected to be tha ' same that he gave on the former trial. when he stated that he took up a timber claim with the definite understanding that tt ahould be conveyed to, William Son s Oeaner as soon aa patent waa ' Issued. When asked whether ha had such a contract with Oeaner he replied tint be had. , , - ; . Congressman Williamson; was the flrat witness called yesterday morning. In re sponse to Judge Bennett's oueetlone ha . Said that ha was. in Prinevllle In June, ' 10I, and he explained hia contrary testimony glvsn on the former trial. Tha visit waa made Juat after the eleo ; ,' tlon, when ha waa elected to congress for the first time. Upon looking ever '.,. his papers after the former trial he " found evidence that ha waa in Prine vllle In June, and he produced a bill for long-distanee telephone messages which he sent from Prinevllle to -hie wife at . The Dallas. - t '- ..r'"'' i bad 'no Idea ' when I waa on the tend before that the vialt waa of lm- portsmee,". said the witness. "When I . first saw that hotel register with the . v forged signs tare not forged, but writ . ten by some one else I waa susplcloua . but I now knew that I waa In Prlne ;. vllle tn June. - There la no doubt about .'. . It; I waa there." . . i This concluded the 'evidence for the , defense. In rebuttal, tha prosecuting at- . torney called ta the sUnd J. H. Qrsy..a cattleman of Prinevllle. He denied that . as the representative of tha Cattlemen's association he had warned Oeaner or Williamson In the spring of 1101 thst they must give up some landa which . , 1 they held and where tbey were erasing their aheap. ' - ' t Mr. Honey demanded 'of the wltnees ' who waa president of the association In . ' 110 and when objection waa made by ' the defense he said aharply: "We pro pose to show that It waa M. R. Blgga." - ; The testimony waa excluded, . how arer after a sharp debate. ' ' . Jamaa Xeenaa of .Morrow Keenan, aheepowners, whose range adjotna that of Williamson Oesner. testified that . la the spring of 101 there ware dls- t putes between the ' herders of his Arm '' and those of Williamson aV Oesner over the control of certain springe and water . ' courses, but as he admitted he waa not - present at these disputes the statement ; .waa atrtcken out. ; jrenkanaen Denies Blrs Statement . - Thomas B.- Nstrtiausen. inspector of t tka general .land office, related the cir , rcumatancea of his interviews in Prlne- Title with. M. R. Biggs when the wlt- neas waa Investigating the regularity f timber clalma He emphatically de tiled making any statement to Biggs to , the effect that Biggs was "all right" and 'that hia claim would be reoommended ' 1 .far patent. Neuhaueen flatly contra 1 dieted Biggs in .several Important par ' ' ttculars and hia testimony was con- - firmed by that of Mr. Neuhauaen, who . followed him en the witness stand. Both ' testified that the atatement signed and ewora te by Biggs in Prinevllle was In liia exact language. . ; . - In telling of hia .conversation with ' Bigg, Neuhauaen' said: '.,: . "Bigg tdTd ma that Oesner had come . td town amd waa seared, that he had i gone like a soared Jackrabblt back to .' fcls ranch and bad advised these people te relinquish their claims." - 'Robert Spalding, a special Sgent, wag . the last witness for the prosecution. He said that he had teen directed to keep , watch of tha movements of Dr., Ges- tier, and on tha avealng of July 11 he - new Oeanv In close conference with hia ' brother-in-law. Ivowla, :v who . keeps a "! Morrlsoa street saloon, .and with John - WaUlnst one -of the government's wlt ". tiesses. The testimony was -presented - for the . put-peee . abstaining, the ' ' charge of the prosecuting attorney that Oeaner had sought to influence a Bum- i oer or the witnesses, and Bpaidiag toia with detail of the length of time thai the. defendant wse In eonversstlon With Iewls and with Watklna. ft'. r-S? r r -, FElER PlilGOE IS T.T ; " .' Deapits , Efforts' of Authorities Disease Jumps to New 1 Parts of City.;': ! MINISTERS WILL PREACH AGAINST DEADLY INSECT Mayor Ssjrs Situation Is Under Con troi and New Orleans Suffers More From Quarantine Than From Yel low Jack Hospitals Crowded. ! SnerUl DUnatch far leased Wire te Tk leerasl) New Orleana July 19. In aplta or every, effort of the health department to put .a atop to the. spread of the yel low fever In New VOrlesns It would seeca that the disease has Jumped from on part of tha olty to another and that the local health authorities are unable . to oope. with tha unexpected spread -of - the dlaeasevr There- la oa alderable talk among the business men of thl dty In favor of putting the marine hoapltal service ' In . epmplete chars of the attuatlon. Thla la not In tended aa any reflection on the local health board, but buslnees men of thla elty feel that In view of tha experience which the marine hospital autnontiea have had they- are best equipped per sonally ta handle the eitnation ana to stamp out the yellow fever tn New Or wane In tha ahorteat time. Rev. Dr.. Beverley Warner aaya that ths various ward organlsatlona are re porting to him from day to day." He is la charge of sltjthe wards, - There are aoma warda where every cistern been Screened or .oiled or both. There are aome where tha work haa been partially done and there are ettll oth ers jrhere It le In progress. 'The men of these aub-organlsatlona who are mak ing tha rounds of the warda. gave their attention to every cistern whether of the rieu or poor man mat nas not oeen oiled or acreened. - . t ' ", . Pieauhet TTrge Aetloa. . In the nulnlta o'f hundred of New Or teema ehurchea tomorrow the situation will be discussed and th preachers will aet upon the auggeatlon of Dr. Beverley Warner, who haa been placed In the po sition of official head of ward organlsa tlona. working for the elimination of the dlaeaae through the destructlonof the mosqulta -. . '' "'"';' ' ' No excuse are being taken by th antl-mosqulto worker. If 'a man aay hi cistern la not oiled, but h will' do It tomorrow, that doea not count Th There is occasionally opposition end where It Is not overcome tha names and addresses are taken and reported to the health authorities and' official no tion will be taken by the latter, when ever it is possible. Dr. Whit of th United Bute ma rine hospital service stated today that there are applications for admission to th detention camps at Avondale and BUdelle from more parties than can be accommodated,- - Tha BUdelle station, which la tha quarantine gateway te Mis sissippi 1 a hotel which, haa been se cured for the purpose and ttis.the only detention eamp where the expenaee of . living are 'met by-theartle de tained there.. Th. other .. ststlons l er eampa are maintained at publle expense and no. charge la made for detention. ; S-uSTer mm Quarantine. : Mayor Behrmann gave out a state ment. today In which he Said New Or- eana la suffering- more from the rigid quarantine than from . yellow fever, of which the cltlsens here have the fullest control, i ..'-.'..v i Th quarantine' aatabllshed by, Mis sissippi 1 particularly rigid. Governor Vardaman haa called out 'the state militia to aid In keeping the state clear Of people from New Orleans. Five state have est up rigid Quaran tine against the Infected region, and Havana. Costa Rica, VeVa Cms. Tamplco and ether foreign centers for yellow fever In the past have taken precaution against communication In any form with Nsw Orleans. . Waveland andiothsr towns object ta th establishment of the detention camp in tnair localities. Columbia, Louisiana, bars all kind of merchandise except hardware and other cities will tak no fruit or vege table. . , Befnae Hew Orleans Ooods. (SpeeisI Plspatcs er Leased Wire te Tea Jesraall Jackson. Miss.. July M. Renlrine to a request that a proclamation be Issued to the people of Mississippi advising them to accept fumigated freight from New. Orleans, Governor Vardaman aay that thla I a personal matter with the people and ha com mend a their refusal te accept Nsw Orleans good s. . - ' aiorernor Zadlgnaat, 'f ' 1 . (Speelsl DUpatck by Leasee Win te The Journal) Baton Rouge. La.. July . Governor Blanchard la indignant at the answer of the quarantine proclamation of Gov ernor Vardaman of Mississippi In which he openly accuses the officials of Louisi ana and Nsw Orleans of deception In the matter of yellow fever, and haa la sued a statement calling on the Missis sippi governor to make good hia accusa tion. Louisiana, outside New Orleans, hsa declared a quarantine against New Orleans.' ? - fever Wear Jaokaon. : (Speelel Diapatek by Leese Wire te The Joans!) Jackson, Mis., July 19. A case of yellow fever haa appeared at Lumber ton, on the New Orleans Northwest ern. The patient is an Italian refuge from New Orleans, ; The town, has been quarantined. : , .. .' , '-.. FOUR TRAINS HELD UP 1 BY. RISING SALT0N SEA . , , j s Special Olspateb by Leased Wire ts The Jos rami) Tuma. ArlfT. July : !. Th water condition at Salton during tha past six hour have become more serious than anticipated bythos la charge of th work there yesterday due to a atrong ,wlnd which haa been blowing la that vicinity since 1 o'clock today. ' The wave are now cutting out th track bed there badly and for a distance of several mile th rail are covered by several Inches of water. At . o'clock tonight four taatboBiid train were be ing eldihe-wKh- but little prospects of their being able to pas over "the meet dangerous sections of the trees for several hour. New wa brought here tonight by S reliable- party -who- Just arrived from Baltoa that the railroad officials there in charge of tha work are greatly wor ried tonight ever the present outlook and aeem to think that ir the wind con tinues .through the night ' It will put their msln line In such shape that traffic will problysbe at a standstui until. tha completion -of the Bhoo riy now under eonatrveUoa, . . , ZlDillSiObil tLOu STILL DEDflTKJG 't Radicals Eager to Start Social ' istJo State In Africa Favor (, . .Britain' Proposal, v. , TO MAK AN APPEAL TOC BRETHREN IN AMERICA Problem ' Involves the ' Survival of Jews' jn . .Eastern -' Europe Com promise Is Favortd by the More Conservative Leaders. (Osprrlgbt. Burst Kew Isilii,- by ' wire te The JearaaL) Basle, 'July tl At th setting ef the un last night the Zionist congress waa Interrupted for Sabbath. At an extraor dinary aeaslon to be bold tonight the British offer tof land in east Africa will again corns np for discussion. Thar la no chance for an early adjustment and th indications point to a continuance of the convention until ennrlse, -or -even to a H-hour session. It la difficult to anticipate tha result of the vote.' ' Th leadera are quietly .pushing compromise .resolution declining at present to accept the British terms, but leaving the way open for further ne-. gotlgtlone. Th majority, ' though op posing all pln except that of the Pal estine movement, are helping the leaders In their diplomatic work.' Tha radicals ars eager to a tart a so cial 1st is state and are apparently Indif ferent to the Jewish national' tradition regarding Palestine. Under the leadership of Bviakln. for whose arrest the Rupaalan secret polios offer 10.000 rubles, the radical., are fighting to the laat ditch for the accept- anee of tha British offer. Eight tenths of - th delegate. Including Zangwlll, oppose the unconditional acceptance of the British terms. In the meantime,. Dr. Herat's succes sion 1 an : unsolved pussle. David Wolfsohn, head of - th Jewish colony. Zlon's financial Institute. It la aald by powerful members of the active commit tee, will be elected leader. He la a suc cessful business man, very able, popular and eapabla of maintaining Dr. Herat's policy, la a man or lettere and ana whom they are confident la an ideal man to bargain with -the eultaa tar rlghta In Palestine. He aald:. , ; " 'Lot America Impress upon American Jewa tha Importance of the necessity for the solution of the problem by them alone. It Involvee th survival of their brethren In eastern Europe - Those an' tneir Kin in ofSht ;That thnrw1T f If M to freedom may be strengthened." I TO START iiei'j conr EquitableOfflclaJs Reported to Be Planning Life Insurance ; Organization. MOST PURELY MUTUAL CONCERN IN EXISTENCE Archibald C. Hsynes Thinks Psycho- lofical Moment Has j Arrived to Launch Kew' Cofpormtion Ttrbell WUI Join later On. (Speeta! Plapatea by Leased Wire te Te Joerael) New York. July !. It la declared today that tha split between Archibald a Hsynes and Oage E. Tarbell la only apparent. That they appear to be at dagger points, but that aa a mattsr of fact they ars privately th beet of rnena ana that back of their by-play of enmity Ilea the possibility of th formation of a nsw life lnsurancs eom psny. ..'.,.-. Thl story cam with a great deal of circumstantial detail . today from a source-tat I known to be frlendlv te Hayne and which haa never been Inimi cal to TarbrlL ' Haynea. It waa statsd, wa of th opinion that th payaological moment haa arrived for th formation of a new life oompany organised under the lawa of New York, which will be the moot purely mutual : oompany chartered by the Empire state. It was stated that a prominent firm of lawyer I at th present tlm busy preparing th artlclea of Incorporation and that tha application for a charter will be made at) the earliest possible date. Haynea, In' an Interview a .few weeka ago, . aald that he would : not write participating Inaurance for other than a mutual company.- He at the same time aald that SB per cent of the first year's premiums waa sufficient compensation for soliciting agents. This la- aomewhat lower than - the Provident Insursnoe company pays and about half what the companies generally give. . The atory 1 that Tarbell 1 to stay On the inside of the Equitable until Haynea haa established the new ven ture. Then he le to awing away from th Ryan concern and ; take an active part In the new organisation. , 1 Neither Haynea nor Tarbell would dis cuss th posslblltle ef th new com pany today. . ; , 0. R.&N. MUST PAY UP ' : FOrftY TrOUSAND TAXES ' ' (Special Dlsps tea te Tb Joernat.) ' ' Pendleton, Or, July It. The tlm for th filing of a motion for a new trial by the O. R, N. Co. In Ita ault against Umatilla county hae passed and the 140,009 taxes which have been In lltlga-1 tlon for two yeara must be paid. The railroad refuses to. pay the taxes eesessed by the county on the ground thst the letter O, R. eV N. did not sig nify Oregon Railway dt Navigation com pany and on tb contention that th railroad was not assessed upon the ssme scale es other taxpayers of tha county. A Wee Baby Bora. ' tSpeelsl DispstPfe to Tb Journal.) , . i "Pendleton. Or., July II. A wee girl baby weighing but two pounds nas been born to Mr. and Mr. Wad Siler of thla elty. The child 1 seemlngtr strong and well developed, -k It hair and nails are well formed and show full maturity, but the little lege are not mote than, three Inchee long, and the entire body can be 6Vrd with " th two hand ef It mother, .,. '" ..'..' TARD biiLi-ji: bibii lU v DE CALIED If Celestial Government Indorses Boycott Uncle Sam Will ' ' "Take. UinrfV.'"-;' I ' A... ir IVIAU& n rviio i anc , , v A a , . M a a .m . . aa c : IN EXCLUSION SPEECH Secretary of War Said Laws Were Harshly Enforced Without Citing Any Proof ol AssertionT-Metcsif to Fight Admission. ' ;' - f (Bp-elsl Leased Wire to The looms!) waaniagun, July . The state depart' ment la watching closely the individual ef forte of Chinese merchanta to put ,thl government in a noi' by tne Boycott of banking corporation and .ether tinea jof business. N official opinion la yet ex pressed publicly by tb department, but the absolute official opinion la' that If China would officially Indorse the actloa of , certain organisations in Hongkong and elsewhere, then thl . government would be obliged to take a stand. It can be stated on authority that th United State will not allow the mer chant of a few citiea la China to bully tt Into aoquiesolng-with an Irrational de mand for th better treatment of Chi nese Interest ln this- country evsi thoughth secretary of war, while act ing as secretary of state, said In a publle spsech that tha Chinese -exclusion law war narshly enforced against tn Chi ne. It is admitted her privately- that sir. i a iv maae n mnuui m xwo regmras. First.-he did not. take thto account the number of fraudulent Chinese admissions known to the department of Secretary Mfetoalf ; aecond, he did not specify on Case In which th law had been construed unjustly against a single Chines. . There I th best of reason for stating that -Secretary1 Tuft after hia visit to tha east, and especially to Manila, la expected to bring back . with him soms reasons or at least excuse for hia state menta ln"Srhloh ha will 'be combatted before congress by Becretary Metcalf, by Mr. P. P. Sargent, commissioner-gensraj of Immigration and by th facta known to' thl government. The Issus between Taft and. th anti-Chinese element has been only half made up. Hia answer la awaited. . -r ' '. " T CHINESE TO'nCHT. I Celestial Band Together to BCake Wat . -,-'. . on Zzolmaiom . aw ... (Special Dtspetch te The JearaaL) Seattle. July 9. Chinamen throughout TBrWoTto line been ban for .th purpose of raising a fund to fight th Chine xcluslon law of the United States. This "Information wa eoaveyed by oriental advices received by the, Wa Chong company, the leading Chlneaa firm In Seattle, today. No details are men tioned ee to the amount the local Celes tial wui be asked-to contribute, but th statement Is made at the Wa i Chong store that no matter what th amount asked is. It can be raised In a day. . All th fund gathered will be for warded to aa association recently formed tn China and by It disbursed. , Agentnl of thl association,- It Is stated, are ex pected to arrive In the United States In a few weeks and will be distributed from San Vranclsoo, Portland and Seatrl. Local Chinaman say tbey have been awar of the movement for soms tlm aad declare that the preeent boycott -by the laboring-element or China against th Unltsd Btatea la a part of the orig inal plan. :. i , .-. f. s' CENTENARIAN PLEADS HIS CASE III COURT - :i T- ..... : t V Old Man Stands Erect and Vig orous-While Actingas His ; Own lawyer, (SeeelU Olspatek by Leased Wtre te The Joamal) New Tprk, July I. A centenarian. defending falmself tn a courtroom, stand ing erect and vigorous while he con ducted his own ease without' the ea st stance of counsel, and afterward de claring that hia father died when he wa 20 and that h has a alster living In Germany at the age of. 181,. waa tha acene wltneased In Jersey City todays . Th case wa that of -Johann 8 wan- son sgalnst Charle Blramers, before United State Commissioner Crammer. Blmmera, who looked only SO, bore the marks of the hearty aaltwater tar, spat tobacco Juice--, with vigor, end defended himself when Swanaon sought to com pel him to pay for lumber used la repairing-a oatboat owned by Blmmers. Blmmer aaya. ne ha been, a canal boatman for 11 years; that at en time h owned .a rleet. Th old man aay h bought , the lumber in i New Tork and endeavored to sstabllab his owner ship te the satisfaction of the commis sioner. . Th case at the conclusion of th argument waa taken under consid eration by the court. Blmmera, who la a veteran of the Germany army, bear th acar of French bullets. , , - "I have always been' a temperate man," he aald, "but 'never a teetotaler. I tak a drink ' when I want on and I chew tobacco when I feel like it It never hurt me. I never dissipated. . After taking a fresh chaw of tobaec h marched out of the roomtb most erect man In the crowd, r -' ,. ,' ; AGED SPOKANE MAN SUDDENLY DISAPPEARS V- ."-I ., " . ; (Special Dlspatek to The JearaaL) , " gpokan. . Wash, July : I. Lewis K Berg, living with hi son at 1117 Id avenuej haa been missing since Friday evening. Hs 4s 71 year old. but waa accustomed to taking a short walk vary evening along the river. He left the house t 7:10 p. m. end later wa ei sitting en th river bank. At 1:10 hi son became alarmed because h did not return and began . a search. He found hie hat, coat and cane at the water's dg. Th water le ehallow at thl point and the search revealed noth ing. , .... ' . - Testerdsy -"at dawn the- river was dragged, with no results,' HI son, r. O. Berg think he may have stepped on a loos atone and fallen. Being unable to rats ' himself, h may have been drowned. Constant search Is being In stltnted. - ,'t . .. , ' . . . Twenty-Tour Children la This Jramlly. tppeclal Dispatch brl-MS4 Wlr to Tit Jesvaalt Appleton. Wis.. July tt. A census taker In thla state thinks he hae dis covered the banner family. , There are tt ohildron l) reeldlng at home. siisi is ma TO TIIE POLICE Fred trick D. Carlton Says Coucln Who Resemble Him Cause Trouble, i v-'-' . ADMITS PRESENT. NAME ' 13 AN ASSUMED ONS .'j; ; -z-; -v ii. 'n ' nil. -y :.v- Mrs, Schultg, Hia Former Landlady, Receives . Threatening :. LetterOf' flcials Not ' Impressed With Hia Remarkable Confession, ; t ti ; .1 '. (psatsl Olspsleh by Leased Wlr te ths Jearaal) New Tork. July II Frederick B. Carlton today gave to the polloe what he claims waa the real atory ,of th numberless - Crimea that ' have been charged against him. '. ' Wringing his hands and almost weeping, he-ssld h naa a dousie, 4 coualn. avho rasemDies him o -closslr. ha aalef. . that he was abl to Uv In hi (Carlton') ham for two weeks without the deception being- discovered. ( - .-- p, - 'My cousin." said Carlton. Is my as set counterpart In also and looks and has gone to th extent of copying my lit tle deformities and the acara that are on my body In his sttempt te pae him if off for roe. All my life I have been made to auffer for hia elite and have borne It patiently because of my love -for . hia mother. I have,' spnt thousands of dollar trying to keep thl out of jail and If he were only man- enough he could eome forward now and clear me ef th unjust soeusa- "i wui aarau tnat my rignt. name is not Carlton. - My cousin waa of the same name aa mine and I chanted Vay name. In order, to get rid ef' him and hi peraecutlona.; When I was living in Waahlnarton. thla fallow earn te my pom wa away anu aoiaajiy managed, for a time to pass as me. i Aaothe WIS Jrea4. The polio did not appear to be lm- preasad by thla remarkable atory. ' An other alleged wife of Carlton Is aald to have been a Miss Wiletta Sherwood Bird of 411 .West Nineteenth street. A record of the marriage' was found on the board of health records, dated April If. ltee.r'Phe bridegroom gave hie pame aa Jamea Edward MoCandleaa and hia address aa Moberiy. Missouri. Carlton, when told that Eleanor Van deventer had turned ever te Inapecfor Cross lace and a watch he had (Ivan her and that the Inspector said hi had uoceaalvely given then to hie wive and other women, was very angry, "I don't sea why tney ehouia tase tne kld'e things away from her." he said. true that I 'saie s isisa to my first, wife and when ahe died I aot them back again. I gaviham also to my second wife ee I had every right to do and I waa at perfect liberty after her death to git them to Eleanor yen daventer.- '...-''." ' . . - .- - "I am preparing 'a etatement which will be given out fay my lawyer,', he said in eonciueion. i -. . . ." IHsden Xu-lee Olhasce.' . .'.' 1 am no murderer. I nsvsr took lmoreeer-nhotographe and I have done nothing- agalnat the law. I won't aay how many time I nave- oeen marnea. but -it Is Hot-nlnetlnV - Mrs. Fanny Schulta. Carlton's former landlady today received v -threatening letter. It read: - ,.a,M-, nK ahntit WbwI .Garlton. Toil are trying to send hfm to th chair ilka Hoclu One more word end tne new will ' ml a bandmaater. s warned and abut up. ' (llntd) . WB ARB TBI FOUK. This letter was mailed In New Tork at station J. ' Mrs. Bchults husband is a naval bandmaster,. , v! : v : Two men arrived at headauartera to day who positively Identified the pic tures of Carlton aa a member of Bat tery H.. First artilleryknown aa K. J. Martlnes, - in Barancaa, . jnonua. , -' - iiCRi!.;i;iAii;:G KOT ADMISSIBLE Brokers in Cotton Leak Scandal Appear In Court- , ', -'.'room." --s--" - " (SpeeUl DUpeteh by Leaaef Wire to The feamal) Washington. July t. The recalci trant New Tork brokers. Peckham and Haas, in the investigation of the cotton leakage eaae, wlU -not be . required te answer Question tending; to incriminat ing them which may be asked by Dis trict Attorney Beach in the proceeding before the rrand Jury.' Questions ef e non-incrimlnatlng character , must, be answered and all Inquiries concerning whloh there may. be a doubt mut be aubmltted to Justice Wright of ' th criminal court of the District of Col umbia. 1 Such was the decision of Jus tics Wright today when the ease of Moss Haas cams before him. v The wltneaa waa directed to enewer th Inquiry aa to whether be had ever lived in Washington apd had been em ployed by th depatmsnt.Qf agriculture. He waa excused . from saying whether he knew Edwin S. Holmes, tha dis missed associate statistician of tha de partment, against whom th grand Jury Investigation la probably being directed, and whether he knew of the A. Peckham who has been associated with Holme In the report of th former Investigation ordered by Secretary Wilson. , . . - The district attorney, gave notlo to Mr. Haae that he would expeet him to appear before the grand Jury Tuesday. Mr. Haaa waa In the courtroom for th first tlm today, Mr. Peckham wee also preaent ...---.. , . ,' MAKES HIS ESCAPE FROM OFFICERS Kl AUTO Edwin Switzler, Pendleton , So ciety Man Accused of Beating Wife, Escapes. . f "' ,'.' -.. . . . . : SpeUl Dispatch to The JeorasL) ' . 1 ' Pendleton. Or., July !. After remain ing tnr hiding In a room over a local saloon all day, Edwin Swltaier, society man,' sluded th of floors snd left the" elty-thla evening Is en -automobile,-In oompany with Tom Johnson, a gambler. Two complaint . war filed agalnat Swttaler thl evening, on by City At torney Carter- and one by District At torney Phelps'. , it wa reported, thst this morning about an hour after be had beaUa his wife that S wittier tried to w- ' . ' A Lir.ilT rrcWCf? r.' . eT t VAN CORTLAND Straagt, . bw-wfUe, Vassea Petes ef Xlsaty Petosey jrhet Oaies Wsea Peetot aad,' JtedleU Patt, aa t It ese. . ' , -- " . . ,v ' ' ' i t Th Pllsw Pesmressi Tkste.Wke Oan Vsm turn aiisgs osairBn Jsaay . .'.;. v . Xeaits. , - , . '": V? S. ."'' . VAN OOBTLAMD Is esesselor ad saism ef may ef Perttaar sieet sremtseat eltisess. Sane ef bis eltsaU sever think e suklss ee tsartamt mil wlUv, eat Orst eeaealUBg Vs CsrUaad.. " fki fJOBTLAirO. -.X.V?'' Csa ss had bear sritb lesseet to auterisl rktaas, ne snowiease m wi sirsierwes way froai a oorce tbat la bsyeed buiaa kea and ss ess ciu,a . KOD - AS sig - HAB OXHiaS. , . 1 ' VaW COBTLairD baslatsly relUMe sea est U pa SIM. AU sealls sre la strict- sesfideate . sad estaifsetiea gsaraateed ltfereiy ease, e a seceeess. , , VAN COKTLANO. fllves yea the mfermattaa ye seek fur wltheat dreanloeotloa. In direct aad exceedingly plsia siessse. He anas eewerd free, yea to assist a. hs reads wast yea eeelre to knew, sad e saswsts tarsaga sis resursisie seal pes ,1 '-f-'VST TAN OOSTLAltb as easnilatnaS wenda. We UsmI hi eosapelle to admit tbstke does aot aaerstsad where hie ntreemUwe mtvmmr jm-a. fcaia. Xet tnat ne nossessea unerauman power or divining the future 1 proved with an ease that la ridiculous. If you doubt this in any way he oan eonvtaoe you ta . ir ANT paoaLsii 1 Bet here res If yea aa In SesM a to the proper enwee to, Bersae la a certasa ssstter roe shosld BT 1 ALL STEAKS see what Vaa uoruaa eaa e at res. fscttoa Si a heolsts It gasraatosd ta LOST OWB8 MAT BB POtJBBi, . Parted.eees salted, sad last sad stolsa srtJelst iimert thsoMk the weaAertol power ef Tee iwuasa. luiua nis swsns ye, may attala ta wo twi : M year sopee. BCOOXSS IB STTBB pob xon. H yea seek ent Vsa Oortlesd sad follow bl dlrsetiees. Toe save S risht to to) seeesssfol. The ealy reeeea see eve falls It tint ass ef esiplorlng wrong weess vaa Oertlaaa ike She- seceeefal by shewisg rea tbe rlstit path t oath that -1 ul lied to you and vonr taJenta. If vou have been un fortunate, tt le the height of wisdom for rou to find out what la the mat ter. REMEMBER, SATISFACTION. IS UUAllANTIiBiA : ,.-.vS . : st.tse CTALiBBea, ' . Ami alt eballessee aeesptsd. sod la teter ebsllengee the world er sy toreaae teUer. palmist ee crystal gaser that sxssls Mm la hts weaeerfal rereutVia ef aay oae a - - e fitwa. , . naneraes m steins mrm iwi sis mm puan CLAIRVOYANT The Olive ITssblnslsa SL, Cor. flTi tzi ivssUSmloa SB. Boers: to S a. a. daOy Bandars. Washington at, corner..,,...., S S,000 Aidsr st., comer, .uuxioe. . . .. . , u,w Alder t.. corner, lOOxtO. ...... . . 8.000 Nob. Hill Beautiful residence - site, hedge rence, cement walk.. S.IBO 7th, corner, 100x10. f 120 per mo. JtS-OOO E. J. Dsly.222 Failing Bldif. irvou iuuuui WICAN CURE YOU the teels Plteee-ktetHe fiwertato sad tehee) fer mmenre ef Drnlt, MUshtma. . BMosiuhes eievra an, !-. ei thoOMaola. Gold Sedel svsre-e omri raip ia. uiil ibim. ft.eoBenaed kr Kkr- . e4we-ie, lrc7mn. ess maw ewrw" Thl. iBMlteU.s kat e VMm Bmaeh M recUu with s very lenre etau. of pupil, la stteadanoe awe an voeMS. t rt. ana sere-- 1 1 as-, we i , Mrad U.M Waaka Va4 St. 4 all n,,, a tfea, t1m.s-o.ilnqnlree. will lo-e la rortUa sOoh.f rnvn, absoiLuts ovks ouajsajti sro. aa.1 no for partlrtila, miIiii.i. UraiBn.M Uitt pepw sad mo mom Is nun emr p.-t-se, oa ear eiota boeao. an shto eoos. -imm Drifts sq Trestaunte Suranrlns," trt SSdre-a wntllK . Liwni ' wtam. simhiuiisw g. W. Oer. ltfe end Pel" eareete , soaruxa. fim-aaosr Peto-Te septla miriU es Fsriiasl alter Sep. 1st, obtald a, revolver, ayinc he waa Being to ahoot himself. ' . . , .-. At 11 o'clock tonight divorce proceed ings were Sled by Mrs. Edwin Swltsler through her attorney. Judge Pee. A re straining order haa alao been signed by Judge Illls and Swltsler" property will be aafely tied up until after tbe eaae la heard In the ' circuit eourt. snd Mrs. Swltsler Will be protected from bodily harm. , . - - . . v A , i , 'ill tn hrv m OmI Reno, Nov., July !. While Ashing In th Trucks .river thle afternoon vounar woman wltK m. airt tinnkeat a t-peund trout.. The euddsn lung ef the flsh dragged her into the stream and she waa rescued by member of th party as -she senB th second time. 1 it is u a wise i T naa ui liuiwierTuw'enaul Tim Ml tag the adrlce ef Vaa Oertlaad a beet Ita eee Ja . - 3. o r-aie"' .. .... : UonixY,plr p; ra at O HcTti E:-; Ctreet. Cor ner cf Davia, cf Household ; Furclture, etc. I have received Inetruetlone front iir. -T. lng to sell to th hlghaat bidder th Purnltur in his Urre 10-room house, conotating Jn part, Varior Suit Up. in but. Easy Pocker and BetteesL Oak Center Table. Comb Poonaae, Oil Pain tin rs. Silk Portleree, Fin lvet Cur talna. Velvet -and Brusasls Carpets, Round Oak Extension Table and Box Seat DInlng-chalr. Oak and Cherry Bed room set, Oak Dressers, Springs, Hair and Plos luattressea. Twice Folding and Van tie Beds, two Cook Btovss, Letrge Us Stove, two Kitchen Treasures. Dishes, GrariUwsro, Wringer, Oaa Flx turee. etc. House for rent. Sal at I p. to. . No reserve. ...-.. f.,9. .. WIXaSOBT, aVCTIOWBXaV . Auction Oaio : Monday, 10 a. m., at ISO First . Street, of a Full Line of House hold Turniture, One Good Sur i rev in Al Condition, One Motor Bicycle, Horsepower, Jn Good Condition. f : ,' : , Roll Ton Desk. BhAw Caee. Iron Wed. Dressers, Rocker, Center Table, Clocks. " Carpets, Lounge. Jewel Cook Range" Cook Stove, Lao Curtains, etc. Surrey ' ana tsicycie soia at i a. m. anarp... . ,,v jr. tj. yraswrn, Avtmo3rBBa. Auction ,CIo:' Wednesday and Friday, 10 a. Auction Rooms, No. ' lit Plrst StreeU. Pull Zatne ef oed Punttmr sash oar. .: 4. . wixsoaT, AVOTwanssm. . . W Pay! Ciali for. All Kinds of Funushlngs, Bankrupt Stock, : etC. ;. Sri'' ''''.:'"? , 9. fA lrtXSOaT, AVOTSOVsTaaB.1;.,' ' Auctipn Sales Fine Furniture io.oillltJLp--lmaJ day at 8 p. m. Friday at 8 p. m. Our salssrooms are filled with exoel lent furniture of all ' grades, htany ' artlclee are just like new, such a JBWEL, and .other OAS RANOTCB. preeeera, - Chiffon tefs, -t Cots, x Bed " Lounges, Iasoe Curtains, Glass Pront K Cunboard. Ladr's desks In ouartered oak. Washing Machines, Sewing - Ma chine ana a long list or tn ever us- , ful artlclee. neoeasary - to furnish a home. . v, ' Bales en the shove aay at j p. m. ;. , Cv V .POsW, ATOTXOl hUCttbn "Sale -r- lUght-Room Flat at . J TJnlon Avenue South; Tuesday Next at 10 a. m. ''.." );;:; NBTW PTJROTTORPL NEW" BRUS- mrtj fiARPRT AND RlTaa. New feath er Pillow, Sheets, Blip. Comforts, Mat tresses, t-4 Mantle Bed. Pull Slae Mantle Beds, Cook Btovea, Rockers, Lace Cur- . taina. Odd Dressers, Commodes, China and Crookeryware, Kitchen Pumlture, eto, inese gooa are au neat anu elean and Juat like new. , , . o. &. pobvo, Avcnoamm. "; I F TSu wish to sell your Furniture, Tour Stock of Groceries, Dry Goods, er any other kind ef Merchandise, let- us know about It and we will do the rest te your satisxacuon. . ' - . "... - ., HOI POBTtABTO ATJOTtOW BOOM. 'h0BS';lSaU'O.''" 'VV.v ' a- sKnnrsAOx, pmopmzaTO, ,' University Park Is the boa-ten residence portion of " the whole peninsula, , It is eminently ' . respectable to hsveia'home at Uni- versity Park. It bss the Columbia ' University, Ball Run Water, Portland ; public schools, electric streetcars, electric street lifhts, employment for all in the nearby mills, factories and ;. docks; alleys back of all lota, wide: streets, in short everythinf to meet? tbe heart's dssire. Prices $80 to $325 per lot-y Terms one tenth cash,' bal ance $5 monthly on each lot without , Interest if paid when due. .' Five per , cent discount for all cash. . ' , -t ; Prices will be advanced August I, Don't forest the; date. Francis I. : McKenna, ; room 606 Commercial Block 9 to li a. m, Unlvsrslty Sta- ; tlon 1 to 6 p. m, , . ;'s, ; f.' : Overton Park Acreage f Choice acre tracts la Tract "C" "'Overton Park, . -j ,''" $450 to $60a '. Terme te suit. ':' i '.' ...". v,,v ... Wakefield,; -x. Fries C8J. Co.-.' ' SSS Stark St, Phone Bfala 14. See Us for Your Home ' We' havS' some' besutlful1"' suburban-' eottagea that rang from 700 to $1,000. Our-plan la for pou te pay.l.per month. These bargains cannot b du plicated.. Call and eee ue. , h aw ssr-an a amvcvBi . 1-ltlH Grand Ave.-Koew It,-. J. W. Ocllbeo . Room 11, Plrst Street '. Ain"1 Addition L.lLitJ Peautlfu r , VMrv she Addition! walking distance; repairing), ih Stephens . I room rotLaea fn-H, Utlful lot,-1 x let t-rta. ronitiiia Aucucnucstns ,') Sit First. StmtTJT" Very enap, .,