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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 30, 1905)
i :cr.:::::ci, "juv i izd. 4 HEWS OF U i.J , 7 u " -r---- h. .' H. H. Covey lu acquired Quit a rep h uutlon aa an - introducer of new cara JmI Wa W ku.i-1. . to Portland quit a, numbar of cars, and : all of them hava prorad to ba of ex - .cellent type. Mr. Covey's lataat aoqul--:- aitlon la the Columbia, and ba claim yfor a medium prlos oar It azoala any- thing he haa yet handled. While ha v ' -aUll maintains that tha Cadlllad la tha but til around' moderate prlcad ear, , ; he othara that ba haa introduced have, '" .held Mm apaolal features that appeal -jto certain motorists. Among; tba oara that Mr. Covey haa Introduoad during . .tha yaar hava baan tba . Popa Tribune, tha Bulck and one or two othara, bu tha -Columbia, tha lataat, haa faaturaa 'that "o other car contains. . It la also a ear ; v that haa demonstrated lta worth, i and : according' to tha trada paper baa mat , '"with ; remarkable aucoaaa in tba aaat : rr- It la aqulppad with double oppoaed an ' 'i fines, located under the hood. It haa .a ahaft drive, slid tng -gear transmission. with three apeeds nhnsl Tfi angina Speed of 48 miles an hour. There Is no . noise or vibration about i the car. and ' - ,tbae two faaturaa alone are what have , attraetad much attention to it When . it oomes to -durability a daily demon- 'etratlon is being given on the desert be : t ween Tonopah and Goldfleld, Nevada. ' For some time there has been talk of " rZ....T Z'TZ'" :Z.J7Z".-Ty"A . I down to date-the Columbia' that covers . ft uu ...... I"u.k I l the route, has had no bad luok .worth mentioning.;. During the month of May 6Mr ' round trlpf Were made, covering . 1.7 x miles and carrying soo pasaen I arara without any mlahan of an aorti A--The road runs throua-h desert much of . the way, and on one s tret oh It is Tl miles betweon stops. ' Imagine having '-trouble half-way o'a that Jump, without C A human' habitation " or - supply-house . . nearer than IS mlleal .. . H. ;il Keats Co. report that the Oldaraobtleg. continue to retain 4hslr 'popularity in ' the PaolHo northwest. ; During th paat week several pew ones ! have been added. Patterson te Sons of Heppner '- 'have aeoured a runabout, which they will , use in their business .' and for pleasure. - Captain Buchanan,-a former steamboat man of Portland, has , forsaken the pilot wheel and in the fu- ture wilt grasp the steering wheel of an ,. Oldsmoblle.i The. Columbia garage in ; Spokane during the week purchased, an - other runabout 'from Keats at Co., and Bowiss -oi inia iiy naa aeoured a -car of the same class. W. D. Wallace , of Keats aV Co.. who secured the agency for the Rao, has also met with' marked Buoeeaa, ' H. Henry Wemme, the veteran , motorist of Portland, was one' of the - first to place an order for a Reo, and he la delighted with his new car. F. N. . Ubby has also Joined the Reo class, as . have1 also T. A. Durham of the Xtklna Baw company, and W. JL Huntley of ' Oregon City. ; "Ben Holladay Is one of the moat de lighted men in Portland, for yesterday , he received word from the Wlnton com , pany that they had ahlppad the Model A v Wlnton car which R. D. Inman ordered . . through Mr. . Holladay, Thla will be -'the 11 ret Model A car to reach Port , land, and . whan ' It arrives Jt is pretty SEASIDE WEATHER DRAWS CROWDS Cooling Atmosphere Prevails but Nearly All . Cottages v , '' ' " Are Occupied. -?: ". MANY; AMUSEMENTS , : i v ' GREET THE VISITORS iWhtls Portland Contingent Not, So I . Larf as UnuV ' llanjr Ar Ka. ; ' ported ss Coming and Hottla Show .. BigRegigtratJon,.,, .., -V -; w ';; I , i, n' . -t . - -vV;'- ,: y (SpeeUI Olspateh te The loaruL) . Seaside, Or., July t.-The weather continues cool at the beach this week, but old ocean continues to attract; cot tagea along' the open beach are nearly , all occupied and summer's amusements tinder way dancing, -boating, tennis and ; bowling are among the amusenventa Classes In swimming and tennis were termed durlnf the week under inatruo tlon of Professor Rlngler. - Many small parties enjoyed the soenlo beauties of a ' trip to Klk creek. Ceol , evenings are .spent by bonfires .and' on the beach. ' ' Not so many Portland people as usual ;at this time of season are present, but .many are reported aa Aomin. 1 Mr. Frank M'-'Tarland returned- to Portland Wednesday after a . pleaaant .' star at his camp in tha Hermosa park. , MrsB. U Howe returned from port-i THE AUTOMOBILE WORLD" m. Covey In Hi New Columbia Catv sure to cause as much comment as has the Richard . Braalar' car, ' now visiting this city, for the -Model Wlnton has a wheel . base equally, as large, if not larger, and tba tonneau Is of about the same slae. It will be undoubtedly -the largest ear belonging to any .one 'In Portland, and for apeed and durability the Wlnton guarantee atands for those two qualities. This car will havthc aame style of chassis as the. Wlnton re cently secured by Andrew Carnegie, and will only differ from that of the steal magnate in the const ruction of the ftodr. One of the finest cars, in tha point of mere luxury, that has left America for foreign -shores was a Pope-Toledo IA moslne model, which was shipped last week- to Francisco de -P. 'Rodrlquea Alves, the president of BraslL ".The car was deoorated In what would be regarded as a somewhat gaudy fash ion. were It to- ba used In an American city, and bore on its panels the .coa,Uof arms oi JBrssii. J,"ne JJUl! 5f i mnw itt nnir- The home of the Oldsmobfls is being removed from Detroit te Lansing. Mich igan.: Thla ooneern has beea operating plants at both plaoas, and its dlractora hava decided to ; cbnoentrate 1 their ef forte. The Olds company is about to go largely into tba commercial feature -of motor ears, and wiU add delivery ears. trnr-kre mnilhin.l-Mrk.MMiii . wew era! - types of railway cara to -its out PUt. .v - . i 7.'.".; i " - . ' ' " , This ompany has done soma praetloal ax pert men ting in antomobila bus linen. and has --equipped several already, two of - tne moat promising being between Manchester - and - Chelsea and - Traversa City. This company also reports an In creasing demand, for light railway 'In spection cars, workman's ears and rail way coaches ..... . I f H- - By the. winning of the Oorden-Ben-nett eup this year Thery'eame in for quite a - little .more 'than mere glory. He receives the $28,000 offered by a prominent French automobile - Journal, and it is said-that he was given $10,000 by the Richard-Brasler company, maker of the winning car, and an equal amount by-the.Mlchelln Tire company, y " One of the finest automobile highways In - the -northern states la the stretch from Cleveland to Toledo, on the great thoroughfare from east to west This road la ; paralleled by the Lake .Shore elcctrlo. and as the trolley Una has fre quently been asked to lend Its services to autos tbat hava come to grief along this route, the electrle company has An ally decided to attend to such easea la a businesslike manner. " ' Two flatoars havs been equipped wlth tackle, long planks and other 'appliances; nil whan a. .aJl -reaches tha trolley of-' flee one of these flats is at once hurried to the - point where the trouble has taken Dlace. The rate for bringing In aq auto-varies with the distance, and may reach. I ZS as a maximum. At urn It la cheaper than other methods of get- ting In a Mead" car. A:. Here is a list made by a well-known expert -of what toola-a car should be equipped with for. ordinary road work: land - to Seaside last Wednesday. Her mother, Mrs. J. D. Biles, and nephew, Stewart' Biles, accompanied her and r a nreaunt atavlna- with hST at Kin- nla Klnnle lodse. . v The families of Lewis and Flanders hava gone to their estate at Ecola.for the summer. i - - . Mrs. Oeorge White, and her daughter are at Seaside for .tha week. Dr. and Mr Brown of Portland spent Sunday'. at- Camp -McFarland and ware so charmed with Seaalde that they will take a cottage for the rest at the sea son, i .': , '"; .. , Mr. and Mrs. Stewart have gone on a trip- to Tillamook. - - : -' Mrs. J3. W. Talent and Miss Harriett Talent of Astoria drove ever to Seaside and spent Sunday with . Mrs. - C W. Kflowles at Halcyon lodge. v . . Mra L. W. HlHUrd of Hill Creat oot tage has gone to Eagle Cliff to . spend the week with Mrs. N.' H. Webber. After a pleasant outing at Hill Crest cottage, ' Mr. Arthur Sampson has re turned to Oranta Pass to prepare for a winter at Stanford university. . Mra Frank Bommervllle of Edmon ton, Alberta, has gone to Astoria to spend tha week with Mra BL W. Talent. -Mr.- Killf aether -and family moved Into the Perry cottage this week. f' Mr. Perry and family have returned to Houtton, after a few weeks at his cot tage. Mrs. Perry Isysne of tha hostesses at-tha expoaltlon 'and. -Mr.. Perry la mayor of his native city, 'so their stay) at the beach la oner inia year.- .,--. Dr. Lock of PorUand Is at the But terfleld cottage. - 1 " - Mra Joseph Scowcroft and family ef OgdenUtah, are at Al Vista -for the .season. '- ' ' - Mr. M. P. Soreosen and - famyy of Portland are at Chester cottage for the summer. " ' ' ' " . Mr. Foots 'and -family arrived this week and are occupying their .cottage. Mra B. R. Davis of Pendleton Is vis iting her sister, Mrs. M.. P. Sorensen, at Chester cottatge. Mra A, U. Oeorge ef St Helens will wf H ir iim isa I Siiejti in First, the f ordinary,, tools, - most of which are furnished by the makers with a new oar, - but which, tha: buyer of a second hand car . is likely to have to purchase separately, . . They Include a Jack, two. or three wrenches of assorted sixes,!. Including; preferably a couple, of solid wrenches for 'the commonest sixes of nuts; a Stlllson pipe wrench, a pair of pipe ..pilars,, a pair of Stubba' slde- cultlngi pliers, assorted flies and oblaela a hammer, a couple of screwdrivers, spare - nuts and screws, a few.- spare ootters, a few feet of Insulated covered wire, ; some - bare-copper or Iron- wire and a little fine emery cloth for cleaning plugs Apr" roughening the surface of an Inner tuba .before applying the patch. The .tire-repair-parts should Include an air pump, tire tools and repair' kit, complete; at, least one spare inner tube, a few spars air-valve washers and valve "lnsidea," meaning thereby tha- delicate parts of i the ba replaced, and -a rawhide manchon or a strap to put around the eaalng to get the ear home Jn case of a blow-out. ' - A can of cylinder, oil, a small box of grease and apare plugs and ' gaakets should be carried, together With an oil gun or an oil can with a long spout. A spare gallon of gasoline ia likely toj come in handy,' and a can or 'carbide la worth including, unless you Know-that the gas generator can be depended on. J ,r.. TRADE NOTES. J. B. Kelley i of the White garage le one - Of - the busleat men in Portland- Steam cara seem to be needing consid erable repairs, and as Mr. Keller la an expert maofclnlat and familiar with - all the details of steam construction, bla services are much In demand. In doctor ing this class of oars. . . A. H. Egbert of Seattle,, who la Inter ested In the Irvlngton races, is In Port land - with his Wlnton, 'which he - had ahlppad from Seattle, so hs would have It here for use during the racing sea son. - ' . -i" : MrsEmbrecht of Seattle, who Is get ting a Model A ' Wlnton, has sent to Ben Holladay her 190$ Wlnton to sell aa a second-hand-car. The engines of this car are in remarkably good condi tion and aa soon as It cornea out of the palntshop It "wlll be a bargain that some one'' can secure. Mr.- Holladay, who had his -104 demonstrator : over hauled,, haa also plaoed it on the mar ket as a second-hand car. - ' W. D. Wallace has Shipped his Reo ear to Oranta Pass, and' from there' he will make a tour of. southern Oregon, giving demonstrations ' - In - Ashland, Medford and Jacksonville and other f pinta. Mr. Wallace haa received word hat : six Reo cars have been shipped him - and they ' will arrive - la Portland in about two weeks. - Jamas Oowanlook .of . the . Portland Iron works has Joined - the ranks ef the Pope, Toledo enthualasta, Mr. Oow anlock has placed an order with H. I Keats A Co. for a Pope Toledo' and will receive It In a' carload of - these cars now - on ; the way . to Portland.. Ona' ef the cars will go - to Seattle - and - the third will remain in thla city, for . stock purpoaea .: . , .. ,, set up a caSipthls week near the Colonial.- '- . i. . .... ; . ..' '',', -'Mrs, Slselove, ' accompanied ' by her niece and nephew, Miss Bertha Patgett and Mr. J. Ev Best and Miss Ada- Rider, are "en cam pe" near-Lockaley Hall. : Mr. ' F.- O. Horton of Portland ' is - at Rest cottage' for an otatlng. The Misses Blake . of ' Eacanaba, Michigan, - sisters of -Mrs. "-Horton," are - also - at-the cot tage. - '.-,'. ; ''.-' --Mr. Inman, the Portland lumberman, accompanied by . his family.' la at the Moore. ' k .' - '''" " ' " Mra. & .Cohen, of Portland. Is at '. the Olan cottage. . . : . ". - , . . , " Mra ' Thomas Dobson , and ' family are at their cottage for the summer; . Miss Dorothy Jean Logan is' their - guest. .. Mra John F.' Logan returned to Port land Thursday after a shorty stay, at Mra Dobson's cottage. 'Mr. H.' C Bowers of Portland made a flying trip to Seaalde this ''week. -, Mra 8. H. Guild Is the guest of Mra B. W. Oaga at her camp in the grove. Dr. Cliff ahd family of SC. Helens are at . their cottage. . Mrs.' Henahaw ., has returned -to her home In Houlton. ' J, , . Mr.- Teres la camped , near the - Co lonial ' ' -...I . Mr. George Wldler and Mr. C M. Cart wright, the recent purchaaara of the Seaside house, will make extensive im provements on the estate this summer. An automobile road Is mentioned aa one of the improvement r : -r . ' Professor ArthursN. Do Vore and Dr. C R.. Lucus entertained the guests at the Meore last Wednesday evening In the, hotel parlpra - i . , i . . . At tie kbeee. ' 1 ' ' rin OraewldflM: A. fMacherty, B. 9. Oarann nd lml)r. Spoktn: TnA Ute, Mar garet Mltchl. rinnne. Kaaj . Mr. sad Mra. A W. riarke, Omsba; D. . luea, KaaMS (Itr; Hal B. !, Halma, Moat.) Mrs. B. Sttnfltld, Mrrtle Hill. Mrs. Battle tnf1ld. Kate M. ttaafl'ld, rtadlatoa; Mrs. Jobs Corf otkt and enevMra. gwMt and eanthtcr, Mlas Iran Khmtoe, Btkal Rlitfenar. Kansas Clljt I. W. UatM-, Mrs. i. W. Llatar, AUla Uatr, Mleanela, Hit. O. B. gtnhns. Partlsaa; Mrs. V. It. 8(t-knr. Marlarta.gtrknr, Onrelhr Btirknar, rMcklnson, N. D. I Wllllara Row.n, rertlaad; W. U. Wfbs aad wife, Buxtr City, I--a: N'S. C. P'''-Kr. Pwaad: L-"S lurr, lvi4 7ur-r, r T , f B. kniaroaa, . i. h. I . Kaeslr iM, Tana.) H. B. i.-rr, . h. . rvar, timm York C1l; Mrs. f. E.-.tao, J. trtua, tt.. Mrs. ycvtitoa and maid, bolaa; t. If. Fiirr eoo, B. D. A.- WUIUmsaa. Portland; t. I. t-rr, 0"intma, O.; V imaai McOifturl. Orrnt I axis, : (j. a.- rrur, ara. i.. a. rwwr, Lauta boward, LwWm; Bw Carr. Portia ad i Mr. sad Mrs. 'J. , H. - Nro, MlnsiMpoua; Mrs. wallas uoos ana csiie, reruana; jtrs. C. P. Tboaus. Mrs. B. P. Backon. Mrs. U A. Lonoamann. Spok- i Vi Q. Bllllngaly : lad famllr, OotarVi; sue. H.'M. Turner and eon. Walla WaUa: Mrs. B. s7 Joaaa. Furtlsnd; J. N. Bickarts, Sterene Point, Wis. : i. M. Coghlaa, PortUnd; Buaaal Smith. Portia ml; Baotord Brewa, Mrs. badford Braara, Bpokans; A. A- WhUa, Bt, Paal; Mlas M Inula t. Brawn, Mr. asd Mra 1. M. Sterud, K. U yiadisj. faTtlaad; VnA lialier. Mrs7 IT, rtsher, Bae ras'eo; . Mrs. W. 'C Logan, Aaterta; Mlaa M. f oaal. -Mlas Posul, Sao rranehKo: W. 0. Logaa, Aatorla; O. K. Uaary and wife. Port lead: Mlae Loalae Paca, Oorateaas, - Tesas; L. W.. W, Oaldwatl sod famll)f. H. H. Me-, MlUaa, Dsnport: 1. Madk Tsnoer sad fan. U7, BrrtasnaleV I U J H. A. Goodrich, Grant Goodrich, Mrs. H. w. La Oua. Cblcsgo; Dr. and Mrs. W. H. ft Smith,'; Mla Amanda Malainar, Bt. Louis, Mo.; Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Walte, MlaasaoU; CharMe K. P. Kelly, Walerourr, Conn.; Harry Ocrklns, Chi eaao; John McBrlda, Pbliadalpbla: t. . Nick. elaea and wilt, 8k Louia; Dr. llkai and fara 1)7. gpoksne; Mia, 'Alrrod Holnua, Balca Hoi Bias, Baoramento; N. Nalaoa, Mrs. L Nalsoa, Grand rorkU M. D.i 8. I. Usthaway, Marietta, O.I r. M. Oram j. Midland, Mich.; Mra. Leer M. Bieklas, Michtcan; Mrs. Aaugh, HUnola; Prteda Bobnets. Gertie U. smith, Barthe Boss, Byenttt, Waah.i g, N. Dooo.s and family. J. P. iacksoa, Mrs. . r. Jackson, JUnans Cli Miss K. Bldftay, .Chicago; Kllan M. Joalln, Detroit, Mich. Mary B. Joslia, MlnasapoUa; Nsacr, VL. tolgar, Naattirkat, Maaa.; 8. 0. Kingalcr, Chicago; Haloa Uotan and maid, Rey nold B. Wilcox. Portland; Hugh Y, MaeDall. Prondaaoe, H. I.; r. C. BaaUr. Portland; Dr. Baarr. H. A. Paee. raicsaa; Horoar C. Pace, Coralcene; Mr. and Mra. A. -P. Plannet, John B. 0oxf7. Portland: Mm, L.'L. Wood sad chl. drea. Washington; Vera. Jones, Bpokans; Bats t ooa, si. au avowa, uosooaauu; ir, Waab.t Boas Brmlnaton. Du Oabarx. Brattle. Wash..: I. F. Inth; Baauial Ohwa. Loalae Stark. La Oi Wis.: L. U Work, Washington,- P. Wllaoa, Kd Wallace, Baffalo, . N. X.; J. B. Gallasher, Chicago; Mrs. t. M. Brooks, .Mrs. Bpal3lnc, BllTcrtoa; Mrs, Ii. C. Chslawrs, Portland', Mrs. T. ' T. strain. Mlae Btephanie strain, Walter Cook. Portland'; Margaret Porter, Mrs. L. Ik Bearls,. Ls Grande, Or.; Mrs. 8. L, Porter. Bedsits, Me.r LI la Burt Porter, Bedalls. .Mo.; W, A. Black, Portland: U I- Beams, La Grande, Or.; Mr. sod Sirs. V. Frledlander, PorUand; C. B.' Mincer, U a Lena, 111.; F. M. Hampton, Helena, Moat.; P. P.- Grelej, Bait Lake. Utah; Charles H. Glelm, Portland; Blaine Phillips. , Aatorla;, G. B. Bod sad family. Salt Lake City) Bts Richardson, gait tk City; M. B. Carlton rilat, Mich.) K. H,- Carlton, Portland; O, B. Morse, Astoria; Mr. end Mrs. W. a Joaaa, Montana r-. . . N. BnritB, AWIs B. -Smith, aJtIb B, Mlntol Portland: . T. Strain, Helena Hnmaaon,' PorUand)' H. Vaa, Astoria; J. a Blank, Aatorla: p, O. Borp. Mrs. P. O. Borp, Beppoar, Or. ; Mrs.- B. L, Fmrna worth, Mlas Q. Parasworth, Wllbar Wash. ; Mlas McPhersoa, Mlas K. McPheraon. Rpokana; Miae WlnnUred BsStth Charles B. Smith. Ha(l asw. Mica. r- J. Smith, Bsrtiand: H. P. Prael, sod wife, Astorls; Mra. J. rhalr and son, A. M. Blmneoa, Baa Prandsco; B. Vaa Dueea, Aatorla; Anas L, Klockstead, Seattle; Mary Jooes, Caraonado; t PaaUoe Klockalead. Lillian Knlfht, . Seattle; Charles, M. Howard, Ethel ouwira, rurtuuia; n. swirt, M. u. Anor- eon. Kmm Pm lrf,hn B V IiJimm,' vraii.M Idaho; A. B. Brick eon snd wife. Bait Lake uiiy, uiaa; 4. f., UHcmia,. Ivpeks, Kan. V. w. Henry, Brerett; Wlluaai Hnatley aae (asilly,; p. W. Kins. B. A. WeltsT Spekanei CoUn Stewsrt, Psaadene, Cel.; A. L, maingni, aaa rranciaoo: M. N. Jobs. Baa Fraa. Cisco; t. Vaa Drelroy, Linn, Waab.; H. B. Smith, -Aatorla) Mrs. Naae. Bpok.oe; Mrs. Hedge, OottsIIIs. . Most j Mrs. WllUam WU Uama, Mies Lolda. G. Williams, Deer Ledge, Mont. Mrs. XUlotaoa, Matooa. 111.; B. B. Leech. Mrs. A. J. Orowell, Great rails. Moat.; Mr. sad Mrs. S. McDonald, Mr. aad Mrs, B. oraaoon, u. u. aranaoa, Portland: Harrr W Tlmethy,- fjulaey. Iu. O. P, Petareoa nd wnu, wn. aar. ana strs. w. s. HosoB, Mr. snd Mrs. O, O. Train, Portland; wufiam Huntler and daasbter. Sookana: d! W. Henry, Badloott, John P. Vhlhora, Baa ?. "1 . rrrisnj, apoasrie, wash.; a. 0. Moffatt, M. . Howard, Lake. Minn.; I. G. MarUn, Chippewa rails, Waah.l H. W, Msraa, WaUa WalU; Waah.; Blaine B. Smith Mrs.' Blaine R. amllh n I .In. n -.i.w 1- Portland; Mlas Nora Basil, Portland. Mr. ani Mrs. Frank - Smith, Lewlston; Mr. sod Mra. 0. Walfer, Ipokine: Mra. D. C. Shears. Mies wine v. noueria. uineunsn; w. a. itoberts. ruuiiiia nnuano, uasie rjoiisna, Halley. Idaho; Thomas H. Brewer -end wife. Dmmm. Idaho; W. B. Walker. AsaUn, Tessa; Cnerles g'."" .nics, - at. varoipe, aexburg, Moore, gpokaae; A. P. Hsnaord, W. Hansord. BlUlngs, Mont.; Batons Linehaa, Bertha L. Gsounae, Portland; J. r. Atkinson, Mrs. J. "p. Mrs. C W. McFadden. . C, 1,1th. uinn . a BofoDeon, Mlae C. Bufoneoa, Portland 1 Mrs. L. a, itmwnaa, stixe J awn and family. Pert Mad.; M. Myrtle Johnson. Mlnneapolta: W. B. caaall, Mrs. C. P. Gsmmoa, Mrs. C, D. Penrs. w ana Walla; Mr. asd Mrs. . J. L. Winter. Msmphto, Neb.; J. M alloy, Jr., Seattle; Mrs. v.-n. Bsnrpis, alias urs Sample. Kanaas City, Mo.; Mrs. W. M. Blckford snd daughter, Butte, Moot.; 0. H. Cronklte, Mlasonls. Moat.; J. wade, aire. Gsrdner Wade, Monroe Wi mtfi mim amms jscasoa, aaaaaa City, Mo.; , Orses M. Bellly, Milwsnkee; 1. llolamao. PorUand; B. S. Hooper, tMnrer; Mrs. SoL Mayer aad soa, Kanaas City. Mo.; Mrs. T. W. parks, PorUand; A. J. Strnble, Onterrllle. S. D.J Opal Hall, Portland; W. O. Slryer, Mrs. Ii tC tent, gpokaae; C. Wreyande, Port land: Mlae Taylor, Mies Klmberly. Mlnaoeeota; ww.uu.iM iuii wiie, -iw nome, losao; Mra. . William Cammings, Tacoma; Mlaa M. Newbyn, St. Paul. Minn.) Mrs. K. D. Inman, w ,""" " "nie inman, r or tuna Jobs H. McDonald, Walla Walls. Waah.; J4rs, 5; "BSf. "operiow. wis.; Kate M. Brown, 0. D. Locus,. Indlanapolla; B. WarahalL 'Mlas Mara hall. Mrs. Irs Campbell and family. Port- 1 m. vreuo, aw eonnn, win, ; neiile 4?e own, Bisacae h uooa, rerusno:; r. o, Hollsnd, Mra. P. C, Holland. Walla-Walls; Mr, snd Mrs. -T. W. McNamee, Wabaah, Ind.1 Mian BeaaU . geoe.II Ulu h v 1 coorsr. Wash.; L. Kimball and wife, Wakefield. Neb. 1 . B. U Kimball, Bpokans; W. J. Pat- Jo-. ears. . rciurson, jMser Clt;y airs, C. Bpplnger, Baker City; Charles Jt. Tings ley sod wife Bolss; O. W. Homer, Colfax) Mra r. . B. Harlow, Harrietts Hsrlow, Lacue -; "V ' v Itaarea TWtsrs. Jamas M. Mabell snd wire. BrmSan.. m Balrd. Portland: A. H. pi-mmli,. a,..... n . m . , . . . . w. m. ana wiie, ureenruie, rs,) Mrs. B. W. Wittenberg. Portland: Mr. .and Mrs. I. U Bedford. Butt. Mont.; Kstherlu gtabl- necker. Grand Meadow, Minn.) Miae Jeaale mum, , b. vinenaon. jars. A. S. VlckeOson. WaiMburs: J. B. rrena.. tin V B rZ T t. Taylor aad wife. Master Horace rrera. Arses Frem, Portland; J. J. Tar lor and wife. ! r-owrii sna wire, Henry Buck, SteTrnerllle. Mont. 1 Amos Buck, 8UTeaswil)e; 0. B. Mortlsoa snd! wife, , Grand Inland, Neb. Bummer Dais snd wife. Grand lalasd: Miss 0. B.' Blank. O. n Ibbxi .nA wife, Bml 0.. PsrweUo, Clerelsnd, 0. 1 Adda M. Hsthwsy, CJeraland; Mrs. 0. i. Kemp -aad aanghter,. Spoksae., - .. . Mrs. DsnleUMcKlnnsB. Portland! lfrm. MeKmaoa; Msster Joha McKlnaon, Baa Clatre. WkKoaslnl D. M. Stnart. Aatorla! utmm fsart, Mrs. aad Harrison Graham Glass, St. Paul, MmDsaoU; Oeorie Mereer, Professor Alex ander Mercer, Mrs. A. Mercer,. Mrs. Mary Cook, iwiu, av w. alia, eire. a. u. emits, rorl land: P. L. Kennedy.. . Mrs. F. M. KetnwMir. Cathay, North Dakota; Mr. aad Mrs. Georm Prague, yarso. North Dakota; W. U Oathaya, Ha jam an, Idaho; Franklin La Bae, Idaho Fella; Mrs. H. Gordon, Spokane; Mrs. g. B. Meyers, Walla WalU; B. L. Lows, Aatorla; Mrs. K. L. Lows, Astoria; 0. A. Owens and family, Boise; B. H. gherwra, Moattcello, Minnesota) Ere A. Fen too. Minneapolis; JJeWna Humasaa, Port la ad; Mrs. Irene M. Starr, Chicago; Dr. sntl Mrs. r. U Piatt, San Franc loco; Mr.- A. 8. aunw. w..u"u, Miiivnui, . v. nooiToa sns dausbiar, Bt. Louts; Dr. A. M. McGee end wife. Louisiana, Mlaaouri; Mrs. Frsnoea Vaa Bandt and soa. Portland; Professor Charles P. Gsllea snd wife. St. Loala: J. Stmnan. Port lead; Mr. asd Mrs. J. H. K eat ley, Mlnnearjolle; Mlas S. L. Keetley. Miss M. Ludwlg. St. Paal; C. B, Beatler. Grants Pssa:". O. Feldenhelme. Port. land; Marie Louise Feldenbelmer. Portland; 0. C. Btubna, SterensTllle, Montana; Mrs. H. B. page. Hamilton, Montana i l,. scott Fartlner. New Terk City; Lewie Boaoot! sad daasbter. Portland; W. S. Phillips, Ottawa, lows; T. B. Trotter. Ottawst Mies M. B. Trotter. P. F. Johnston, Wallace. Idaho; G. M. Mnsber. Aa torla: G. B. Prlchsrd, Boise, Idaho; Jossuh Taylor, Portland: O. M. OartwrUbt. Ckarlrs J. Mr wer, nary wiwne. ioueua s. nweeey. wu. Ilam A. H filer. PortUnd: Mrs. H. A. Chaje. SalBMo; Balsa Chsee, Wallace. . , . ,--..'- - '-. Oslealal abM.-'.,-. ' Mrs. tt. M. HlnerllrureT. Butts. Moatana: Mlaa Minnie Skarfe Winders. Berlma. Booth Dakota: O. M. JoarnsL Cearad Hooker. Mrs. Oonrsd Honker, Buffalo, Hew York; B. B.' Fair child, Buffalo; B. G. Pollard sad danshter. Laora Klrby, Wichita. Kansas! C. A. Meel aad family, Leotb, Kanaas: Mrs. Grace A. Vaa Ktrk, Htm pa, Idabei Ida M. Barrett, Botae. Idaho Fay Fowler. Vamps, Idaho: I. Hunter and family. Delta. Colorado; A. Hunter snd family, Keadrlcbi Idaho; B. Blmaaermaa. Pay ette. Idaho: .Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Wilson, Los Angeles; Mr. S. A. Monroe. Mre. E. B. Buck, ley, Mr. WlllUm S. Dawsna and daughter. Marcaret Dswsrai ao saarster. apokane; Mrsi Uaaaah A. Alias. 'Newark. Ohio: Jaba Lork. hart, Mre. Joha Loekhart, Batte; Joseph Brratt snd family, Portland: B. L. Bnaaell snd wife, Lewtaton, Idaho; P.. B. Field and family, port land; Ritas Belle Batna, CbarhMte Powell. Day tna, OhleH. O. Smith, Portland". B. H. Smith, nnintn: uiaa amita. imista: iieorris am. mniinni im 1 . m u. iw. w - , ' Fareohar, Leon? Iowa; Oeorge I. Clemeols, PS- Portland; Mra. SaS. Borne. Boise. Idaho; Mrs. . v A'-A' " No Doubt You Have Heard of. . But, bavins heard of It, do ' you reallaa exactly what that. ' word --.lacceasiblUty" , meansT .- If not., go Into some shop and .- Mlnk-.'Ik. '-M.lnKiii ' ' l.lrtn, ' c - "'. the crank-shaft from any 4 cyllnder automobile (exoept the Wlnton). . You ; wUl see him down in a greasy pit' or 1 , flat upon his back laborloualy . tugging at nuts . and ' bolts. , muck and 'oil streaming all over, him and a look of abeo ' lute disgust upon his- coun tenance. His posture ls mean ' enough, but his mental agony ' Is greater -when ha recalls the , ease with 'Which- the crank- ahaft, connecting rods, pistons , , and flv-whaal . fieri b bodilv - removed from a WINTON angina The operation Is accomplished at a standing poaltloa from aide of ear aad re oulree but a fraction of the tlm neeaaaary in any other engine. ' , - ' - - The WINTON la the only "acceaslble' engine ln the entire world and wo are building cara equal m every - respect to those coating from It.VOO to $5,000 at ONE THOUSAND DOLLARS LS8 I We can do thla because , : we have he largest Individual automobile plant in the world with unlimited capital behind IV - ..... , ' : r:J A WINTON automobile Is a ; "safe"' proposition, and you sre not lnveeting your money in your dealer's repair shop. 1 . ,A , ; '--v.. - ''-,,!- : ..',..., . . . Fire models: K-IB- to . 40-10 H. P. Also excellent bargains la '01 and t4. double cylinder ' WIrTONS. .' Get' a demonatrattonln the new Models B snd C. , , , - - ,:, :' .. ,".'( ',. . ...... ,:'")".. - r M"' ' or taxability, reliability, speed ' and that ' greaexart bf an gtuiities,' : AX.WATS RXAST TO QO, tha JiUDBBCOBIU staada ta a elaaa by Itself. ' It has never been excelled for simple and reliable construction. ' "Its control Is Instant , -. ' . ' '' "'' x .'',-' -.'':-... " It has an Insatiable capacity fir hills and bad roada- : ,. . - f ' " The 7-h. p. motor of tha runabout gives it. glL the speed demanded--and abundant power. ' ..j. r: ;-;:'):;, --,.i. Ite cArhuratee.rjarmuav-aaaw atarilnar anrt acorirmifsest fuel. x f"-' ""' ' ' K" It has a number of other points of superiority which' will give pleas- . ure tp. demonstrate to you, ,,-;,, ; i ..'t'' We Have Also that I ' Pope Toledo, 20-24 h. p.... 11.950 Pope Toledo,. M-tS h. p.. , .tl.tSO Garsge0k, Between Sixth Inth. Minnesota: Prsacea Rarrla. Portland: An hie Oearhalleae, Peer ialaadl Mate- Barhr, Pera- aaa; tt. nysn. Mine M. Mndegsn. vunaeue. lows; s. B. A In rale t sad wife. Miss relmer, Miss Johnaos. Mlaa Lena O. Patton. PortUnd: Mrs.-Martha J. Patton, Portland: Mlas Laura Corson. Csmdea, Ohio; H. B. Arnold and wife, Fsrmlngtoa; 0L B. Grimes aad family, Farmlna ton; 1. A. OrarelT. PortUnd: D. M. Bath and wife. L. P. Hortoa and wife. Miee Julia Me Pbeceon. Mies Ksts McPhsrson. Mrs. B. B. Farnaworth and dauxhtsr. Fred Flsbsr aad wife. M. I. Baker. Tscomsr W. U. Lyheas. Suttoa. Nebraska: A. R. Bows. Portland: 49rsce W, Stone. Butte. Montana: Helen B. Stone. Bntte, Montana; u, a. Thomas, asnass city; Maaje roroje, asnsss city ; J. a: Gleaaoa. St. rsni. Minnesota! I. A. Gleaaoa, St. Pasl. Minnesota; Dr. Brooks snd family, J. Williams, Portland; Mn.-Stevenson. Mlae Btlmaoa. Mrs. J. Flent- mlnc, Mlaeoula, Montana Mrs, F. L. White, M In nee noils; Mrs. A. Clayton, Portland; Mrs. A. Hernold, AhMe Hernold. Edna Bement, Dora Beroent, Minnie M. Mlddlecoff and elater. Baker City: A. F. Monro. Mrs. F. Monro. Ksnesei Montana ; Mre. W. H. Force, Kate Force. Ale la Force, Brerett, Washington; J. B. Wearer, En terprise, urea 00; j. tt. B. ruiier, Mrs. 1. it. B. Puller. Bussne: B. M. Mltrnltr. Boston: B. P. Whltlns.- Amherst. New Hsmnshlrs: F. O, Whitlag. Boston; G, F. Pstersoa snd wife, Bllllncs, Montsaa; V. B Jones, Butts. Hon tans! w. u. Marian a an asusnter. ixmdo, mosisss Helen K. Whlttleeer. Agnes H. Beyle.- Mrs. ! a. Kir. Ners M. Klce. Porstello. Idaho: Mrs. Wllklas. J. H. Wells. Mrs. Psrsdlse. Butts, Montana; Mlrlas H. Bentley. BlMor Locaa. Katherine Boy le. N. S. Hassrd sad wire, BW- march. North Dakota: O. C. Traia and wife, PortlsnB: W. C. Stalker. Caldwell. Idaho: II, Rar and wife. Portland: A. M Smith and ante; Moaatsla Home, . Idaho; Frank Kullrts, Bd Weston, with B. M. Watson. Tillamook: Mrs. 8. T. Davis sad dauahter. Bolee. Idaho: Mrs. J. V. Jones and child. Bolee. Idaho: Cheater A. worts, weteer,,Mann; airs. A., v. marira. smei Martin, Orthel Martin, Norma warns. Daven port, Washington; George D. Wood snd boy, McMiaaviiie. uree-on: A. a. wooa ann vnrs, F. McArtbnr, B. Weener, Mattan. Mlcblcan; Jsase Wood. McMlnnvtlle; M. B. Swlte. Rock- D. i. Buillvaa and wife. Borhell, Illinois; B. J. Onlllla asd wife. Oeneeae. Idaho: B. M. Bsmsby. Ore eon City; W. T. Bobtnaoa and wife. Salmon aty, Idabo; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor, PorUand; A. L. Brown and slater. Chlrsso; L. A. Me- Cormack, BlUlnxe. Montana; T. J. Key, New Mexico; suae u. l. Leawa, Bt, teuaa. v. a. Lay ton, Chicago., - ,. At Lookaler Hail. a. U. Mnaher. Chlreen: Mr. and Mrs. Genres Fields. Mies F. K. wnodnarv. Hp re rue: uuy Cardlaer. Prlncetoa. Mlnneeots: Mr. C. A. Peplon. Seattle: OrM. Martin, Greenwood. Brit ish Columbia; B. D. Nuacle end wife. Nepla; F. A. Coffin. Portland: Grant Cope land snd wife. Walls Walla. Washrnatonl Buaens Tay lor, wife sad alateT Louies. Bva A. Featoa, Minneapolis; Helena Hum una. Portland; Bam Johnsoet Bert Johnana, New Portland: S. A. Clark. Stalls L. Clsrk, Salt Lake City; H. Bower. Portland: Sam Biiretoo, MCMinnviiw; Henrr Mrlln. Snmnteri Mre. J. B. Buckler, Spoksae; H. T. Findlsy. Portland: B. K. Squibb. Colfax, Waehlngtnn; B. C. J. Aahbury, with Ii. T. FtndUy. W. S. Hossrd. Jr.. snd wife. O. 0. Train sad wlfs. Portland: Jack Stadhks, Spokane: Dr. O. B. Brown, wire snd ena, Pnrt laad: H. A. Smith sad wife. Portland: Dnra B. Bement, Mrs. A. remold, sine rernoio. Baker f'tty: Mrs. O. A. Hamilton. Portland: B. F. Allen, Portland; J. P. Aorbeev Mrs. J. P. AorbeeT Mrs. Charles Metal, N. B. Slmotawa, Portland. ,., WHITE PLAINS WOMAN LEAVES AN OLD WILL . j -1 (Special DUpsteb by Leased Wire te The Joersal) Mount Vernon. N. T, July J. The oddest as well as ths shortest will ever Died in the surrogate's offloe at White Plains Is that qf Sarah O. Darling of New York, which was written by herself on a half sheet of foolscap and It eon tains bnly about tS words. She says; should any misfortune at any time befall ma f wlah my husband. Curtia A. uariing, ptacea in enure cnarge 01 ana to hava for' himself my estate." . . One of the wltneaaes was Thomas T. Lawson of California.- "' 1 - - Bedaeed RAtaa t aTluurba aTprtags, The - Southern Pacific company bae placed on sals at Its Portland offices round trip tickets to enasta springs st B rate of I JO. Beautiful, Illustrated pamphlets descriptive of this resort can be secured from say Southern Facing agent, - ' - ' Office doors lettered promptly. Foster ft Xlalser, phone EX. ii. WlNTOM inMSd "Quiet - Miie - a - Minute" . Our Prictt Wilt Fit AU Pockitbeokt Runabout'; $7B0 ' ' ' f : ' ' - and Seventh. ; Is the synoturm of leadership and the maximum of merit la automobile construction. It also stands for; power, speed and' durability with low cost of maintenance. The jCadillac Runabout, Price $850, stands unchal. ilenged and undefeated. It is the car for the buaineas and professional man. ' Always ready to answer his wants. , The Cadillac Touring Car, Price $1,050, combines all - the latest - features of automobile construction. They are ; luxurious, comfortable' and ALWAYS RELIABLE. . The car that will always give you SATISFACTION la the CADILLAC. We will be pleased to fjive you a demon- stration. . ,'.-4 ... FIFTEENTH Ths best and ; money. . Absol ...and reversal terlal monev buy antll you have in vewtl gated. ' ! Covey $!,0C0.. lightest touring ear ever exhibited m the city for te utely safe! Simple in eonetructionl I apels eJis-d Swinging seat side an trance. Built or m nei- can huv and he akllled workmen. See It SOW. Vnm I S. H. DnAINeArii) CO. 122 CaaUvro - ' Z.: Aritts tor taatB'g Acta SflDiiluGy.': . v.. STauualT 1 . Car the POPE -TOLEDO . ' Touring -Runabout 'ee,, tsso Touring car ..............$1,I0 ''' - ' ' -'- ' - - Office 64-65 Sixth Street 77 ' ''-' initmoimM V - ..-V- - -' . -; -.f. '-.- '. I.- ;.:-'-' & . Riddle AND ALDER TOURING CAES llalill - Ofllll . 16-Horsepower, CylaCidjr, sAJr-Cooled Eiyines, Tested Speed-3Q Miles Per Hsrr avz::vz C UZzl.