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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
. -. , . lo. -4 '- ..itvJr - Jvwt t.w. ; I .1 I i . tr" tr T ':""'"r"v' " ?-cV5'"';'""' .--v rn r m ma fn t?-r-r?' . r- r w... ..-J av.trwwt aw v . jv- vote, proclaimed y ! V l tCS f V ) y toPleema8Sca- IT Iave--First"and AlderStreets Every Day except Sunday at , - 9:40 a. ni. Return at-' ; y',' :-ys:y... With Two Hours for Lonch at the Estacada ; V' on the Clackamas Riyer 7- THRESHINCP WILL SOON BEGIN Willamtt Valley Whtat Grow era to Get Busy This Week Crop, la. Good. PASTURAGE IS SHORT ; BUT STOCK IS EXCELLENT Hop Lic Not at AH Numerous About th .Yard. While Burs Art Form' ' m( Early Apples Ar -Rips and - Other Fruit Doing Well. ,- ,.' ttMt Orvon crop bull.thi of th. . dap.rtra.nt of agrloultur, by Kdward A. Beal. Motion diraeton t Th. put w..k wi th. of th. on, and -no ruin ot onaquno oo- curred In any trt or th aut For ' tunatdy th wind r.a vanarally Hcht and th whaat crop uffarod but Uttl. - - daraa. - - In - th - Grand Honda vallay , and In soma or tha Columbia mar conn tla a. at of th Caaead monntaina lata i aown aprinv wBaat waa damaced br tha hot VMtMr and will probably ba out for hay. Th bulk of tha crop, howavar, la a fa, and both aprlna and aU ar now baing aut aa rapidly aa poaalbl. Thraahlnf wlU b.f In In th Wlllnn.fU allay thla wak. All Indlcatlona point to an stra good crop of wheat, both aa - to quantity and quality. Paaturaca la gtUnf ahort, but atock eontlnu in good condition. - Th flow of mtlk la dacroaatna in th 'dairy dia triota, but not nor than uauai at thia asaaon of tha yar. . Th aaoond crop of ' alfalfa la balng- out and th crop prom- to o aoout an a vara a. ono Hop bura ar formlnr and th vln ar , (rowin nioaiy. Hop lie ar atm to ba ' found,- but th.y ar l.aa num.roua than formarly. Corn, pbtatoaa and . bar made good advancement, but tha crop would M improved by mora rain. Early apple ar ripe. Prune, pejtra inn pvaviiwa mrm uoina well. ' m Baking Poudor 'v iTb rreew rahmda' year Boaay If yoa are ' boi aailafled that X 0 la better lhaa any beklaa' powder ro tayaerar aaed. , - ' 2D0::3f:r2Gc:nb PERSONALLY CONDUCTED. 4:30 p. m. : Ooble, Columbia. bunty, Frank alter -weex ary ana warm; eariy ptuma niw: haying completed ;jom hay-' damaged by rain; barley. and oata rip and being cut; corn backward;, milk auppiy fle- creaatng.' . 1 Clataoo, Clataon county, D. F. Stafford Haying progreealng rapidly; paaturea continue good; milk auppiy abundant; root cropa doing wall.. Bay City, Tillamook 'county. Captain X J. Dawaon Hay air houaed In good orders tha crop la generally large In all aeotiona of th county; raina helped gar den truck, but did not aoak tha ground enough to allow tha tranaplantlng of winter cabbage and rutabaga planta tha auppiy. of all . ktnda Of regetablea greater than, the demand; applea indi cate a email yield; aome eowa drying up. Myrtle Point, Cooa county, X Strong Rain needed: eutworma numeroua; haying well along; paatwrea getting dry: milk euppljtdecreaelng; atock fat plenty of atrawberrlea in market yet; vegetablea plentiful: poor corn year, too cool; applea nnuaually email for time of year; the hot day a aome 'time aga Injured fruits" Corbln, Curry countyr W. T.- White Dry weather contlnuea; . haying com' plated, crop fair; aheep ahearing done, wool clip good; berry crop poor; or chard only fair; late potatoea a failure. ' Willamette Y alley. ' Hlllaboro, Washington county, Joaeph Connell Very warm and dry; paaturea drying very faat; haying all done and a good yield; wheat and oat harveat com menced and proapect for fairly good yield, except aome fieida which are ar fected with ruat, and topa and bottom. of wheat heada not wall filled, which will cut down tha general average; fruit doing well, alao potatoea. Sandy, Claokamae county, p. R. ueinig Haying about dona, crop much better than expected; grain ripening very faat tn tha laat few day a;, the green aphla will hurt th grain eonaidarably, aa the hot weather do not - aeem v to kill themr , North TamhllL TamhlU county, J. T. Pattaraon Weather hot u. apring grain drying up with no grain; aoma ar cut ting ror bays winter wheat and oata moatly in ahock, but not tilled ao well aa expected; hope, fruit and gardena do Ing fairly well; paaturea very dry; threahlng will begin next week. Qarvale, Marlon county, Scott Jonea Weather eontlnuea hot, proving or great benefit to bopa by oaualng the lice to dlaappearj cutting grain haa become gen oral; hay baling in progreea; paaturea drying up. . - Pedeev Polk oounty, C W. Pagett Clear and . warm; heat and oata moatly In the ahock; wheat above th average, both In yield and quality; oata - well filled and very heavy; aome lata apring oata yet to b cut for hay; hope making good growth and aeaaonable develop ment: lice are etui In. evidence, but are doing no hXrm; apraylng atlll being done; potatoea doing well and promia a large yield; peature getting abort ' Bellfountaln, Benton county, N. O. Dodge Dry and hot; haying about-done and fall grain nearly all tn the ahock; paaturea drying up; gardeAa in fair con d it ion, but need more ralnj U kinda aoarc. - BrownavUI, Linn county. Peter Hume J-Weather warm; haying about done, yield larger than uaual; barna all full and aome atacked for baling; reaping begun, a fair yield Indicated; graea dry ing up; corn . ana ... potatoea growing finely; hop apraylng .about done, cron looka fin now, ; Golaaon. Ian county. J. lf Qoldaon Dry and very hot; rain needed' badly in ail tne mil country; narveating gen oral; fall wheat good;, lata aown, grain not good. . ....-.:".: ooav --. Qlendale, Douglaa county,-. Mrs, . ran TONIGHTGrand Prize Waltzing in the PaviUoa THURSDAY AFTER- NOON Prize Dancing for Children Exclusively. Fireworks AUGUST PAIN'S Hotd, ! Admission to Grounds 10 Cents nle. MUUr Weather very warm: nlghta cool; hay baling about completed; aeo ond oropi of. clover and alfalfa Jooking well;, oata and barley Indicate a good crop; fruit,. eepoially lata applea, will yield" better than expected; gardena ex cellent; range atock in good condition. - Althoue. Joaephtn . county, Ws L. Baboock Weather very warm; haying nearly completed; aome cutting aecond crop ox alfalfa; .grain harveat begun, orop about average; ; everytnlng very dry; ouiaid range abort. W alien. Jackaon county, H. von der Hellen theat harveat progreealng nleely; the yield wUl probably be a full average, but there are no accouota of threahlng at hand; of ataple cropa there are now only corn and potatoea left, both of which look uncommonly fine ana promising. Oolmmblft Sir YeHey. Boyd, Waaco county. P. P. Underwood Tha warmeat week of th aeaaon; fruit badly damaged; late grain ahrlv eled; paaturea poor; potato crop pooreat In yeara: heading under full headway and threahlng ill commence Boon; well ana apringa railing; rail grain plump ana wui yieia wen. Moro. Sherman county. H. W. Strona Week very lry, with latter part ex ceaaiveiy hot; apring grain badly dam aged by hot aaat winda; a heavy wind aterm Friday evening did tnuoh damage to warenouaea ana orcnaraa. Pendleton. Umatilla county. H. J. Tar. lor Wheat ready tfor harveat: th laat three daya of hot weatner haa ripened wheat too faat and It will likely be ahrnnken aome In tola locality; gardena have auffered eonaldarabl damage; narveax wui o general next week. Weaton. Umatilla county. Maud M. Baker weather very warm; potatoea promia good crop; apple treea are loaded, but fruit dropping aome: oata yielding a fine crop and wheat, turning out equal to anticipation; paaturage getting poor; water supply good: corn doing well. - , . ' Plaioaa Begton. . , Halbea.' Baker county. J. X. Fiaher Weather fine for haying: ao far no dam age from raina: clover nearly all atacked and wild hay ready to cut: aoma barley being out: crop good;' stream getting very low; outalde rang ahort. Elgin, union oounty. Henry Proctor- Weather very hot. unfavorable for cropa; winter wbeat ripening too faat; apring gralna need rain very badly; un leaa rain eomea eoon apring grain will not d a run crop; winter wheat about an average crop; yield of hay good. Ontario, Malheur county, S. L. Spann 'Very hot and dry; flrat crop of hav all In atack: aecond crop la nearly ready to bloom; dewberiiea and raapberrlea ripen ing, fair crop; eome peach and plume ripening; Irrigating water holding out wen; new potatoea plentiful. A little degrea 'of divinity la better man tne niggeat degree in divinity. California, rn 1 1 a r d hag trangth;: but "1 a c k a flavor. Trieste haa f 1 a o r but lacks trength Schilling's Best is the two mixed, nothing else no " color. , The next - best mustard sold here is weak but has good flavor, , r Your grocer 'a ; mogcyback. Display. FRIDAY Two Hundred 5-Gala Day with MARVELOUS SPECTACLE JLTHEJ Take the O. W. -7 v y -r'--;-.' LI6HT Ef.'6fNE M:MB 1 - BY FREIGHT TRAIN Engineer and Firaman Seriously injured on Southern Pa cific Near Alca. (Special Xnapatek te The JoaraaL) Drain, Or July 18. Engineer Burr Jonea and Fireman Pet Bufnngton. both of Roaeburr, war quite badly hurt In a railway amaan-up yeaterday afternoon near Alca, IS mil north of here. The engineer and fireman were bringing a "helper- angina down to Drain from Divide. Tha turntable at Divide would not operate- and they were running the engine backward. They war running aiowiy around the curve when local freight No. m came daahlng alongand ran um aown beror they could In- ereaae' th apeed of their engine. Neither engine left the track, but both were badly ahaken up, and th and of aav. oral ooxcara knocked out - Engineer Jonea received a bad cut on th head and waa probably Internally injurw. me nreroan auatalned broken collarbone and waa otherwiae brulaed. The Injured men wer brought to Drain to receive medical attention and wer taken to Roaeburg. on the evening paaeenger- train, which waa two and one half houra late on account or the wreck. Shortly before the ar rival or tne paaaenger train Engineer Jonea became delirious and It' took eev oral men to take car or him. COLUMBIA RIVER T EXCURSIONS. Very Low Rates Via the O. R. ft N, to' Upper River Points. Ma gt(tAS 9rr-1at i-tit ahMli a viewing the Columbia river acenery oatweem Portland and The Dalle, aa aeen rrom O. R. at N. tralna. The Chicago-Portland apedal leavea the union atation every morning at :1, giving a daylight ride along the Colum bia, atopplng four mlnutea at the varv foot of Multnomah fall a - .Every mile or tn trip ia eoraetning new and faaclnating. If daalred, the return trln may be made by boat from Caacad. looka or Th Da Ilea. Very low rate thla gummer. " Particular and summer book by aaklng C w. Stinger, city ticket agent, O. R. 4s N. Co Third and Wash ington atreeta. FOREST FIRES RAGING ' IN SOUTHERN OREGON - (SpeeUl IMipateb te The JearaeL) Oranta Paaa, Or., July 18. Foreat fire are ' raging around Oranta Paaa. For th paat week a Are haa been burn ing aoroea the river eouth of town. A fire etarted laat week at Pleasant Val ley, about It milea north of 'town, and up to Sunday It had run a dlatance of five mile and burned over a atrip about on and a half milea wide. Sunday night th farnfiere aeven mile from her put in the night fighting the flamea. which they eucceeded in getting under control. A atrong breese haa been blowing all day from the northweat and It la hard to tell where th flr will break out next, ai th.Aparka fronv the tall dead treea ar carried great die taac. . ; the Woodmen of P. Ry. Co.'s cars - , - II I'fJIIR 1,'IJUi HOPS IN LAKE - ' j- r - .. . , . 1 - ; r. Vines irr Soma Yards Have With - ered No Damage toE; . Grain Crops. ;-. - (SpeeUl Dlapateb te Tee JoaraaL) Eugene, Or... July . II. Report from everal hop dlatiicte-ta Lan county Indicat that th present xtrmly hot weather la tnjurioue t th growing crop. It la aald that tha heat haa caused th vine In aoma yard to wither at th nda, which will hav a tendency to materially reduce th orop. Up to th present tlm Lane county growers hav been very auoc.asful la scaping th ravages of lie and honey dew by oonatant apraylng. It la aald that tn hop in Lane county ar mora free from theae pests than In any ether aection or the coaet. A careful examination of tha Tarda where damage haa been done by the heat ahowa that th vlnee that are In aandy aoll only ar effected. Th heat haa don no material daraase to wheat and other grain crops, except pernaps o in iat aown aprlna wheat. Threshers hav commenced operation in two or inree section of th county and whll th yield there la ahort ef wnat waa expected, from all Indlcatlona it will ba larger all over tha county wan iaei year. AMERICAN GIRL MARRIES MEMBER OF PARLIAMENT (Jeoraal SpeaUl Service.) London, July 15. The marriage of buss Alberta at urges, daughter or lira. Francis H. Leggett of New York, to air. ueorge cnaries Montagu, M. p. for Huntlngdonahir and nephew and heir of Lord Sandwich, at St. Paul' church. Knlghtsbrldge, thle afternoon, waa one of th brightest ever seen. The scan In the church was a very pretty one. The bridesmaids, among them Lady Marjorl Manner, Mia Leila Paget Was Padelford and Mlaa Ruby Lindaay, were all gowned in white. After the bride and bridegroom had driven away from the church every one repaired to Mra. Leggatt's residence. No. 11 Bruton etreet, where refresh menta of all kinda were diepenaed. Later tha. bridal couple left for th country In an automobile. - Early next week Mr. Montagu and his bride will go to Ven Ice, where Lady Lanyard haa offered them for August her reald.nce, the Cepello palace. HAGUE TRIBUNAL MEETS TO- END. MUSCAT DISPUTE (Joornal Special San Ice.) . The Hague. July 16. .The arbitration tribunal convened to settle the difference between France and Great Britain con cerning the sultanate of Muscat held Its first sitting today, in addition ,to the representative, of the two Intereated power, tha tribunal IncludVo a neutral In tha person of Dr. Eugene Huber, profes sor of law at tha University ef Berne, who waa selected by th Swla federal council on the Invitation of Franc and Great Britain. -s 1 " r ' ' " ir - - x Fiefeiied Hnh Oemmeg Allan A Lewie Beat BraaeV THURSDAY NIGHT Grand Swedish Singers, the v World. LAST DAYST OF F.ARE 5 CENTS. , , ,. .... ; ,-. Children 5 Cents IS JtSkHttaiM rVrosxallonlbr As- slmllating fceroodaMErtula-i lirtoe5bat3calJtJowelsa Promotes DifdoiUClKetfur ness am Kestxontains nemtr OtiiurrtMorphins norMuecaL 1SOT XAILC otic. A perfect Remedy- rorConsSpa Hon, Sour 3tonikh.Dianlioe WorXorNulsions .Fsvwish nrss and Logs or Sleep. Ta Simile Signature of PORTLAND V1RE Phona Mala aoeo 1, m i iia a jnew-vdhk. r - 1 11 1 1 i u sni teaai assaaaaaasasssassai I I -aa IT DIDN'T HURT A la wbat W ar ef eaf aa-rkftSa ef l- eatl work. We a work aw .- eat f tke My eatkly t a-ol4 ar a. smb.,.m. .... A, mi- - 1 Seaaara, tula Slue. . ' CS05., Dz-V.-tz . r mm tawS aad West la I TT.T.T.T I pi SATURDAY, . .1- OMPEILt :-r : ; -'.....sit 3 For Infanta and CHI frr 1 1Ti3 Kind You l!:vo Always DoL(jhi Bvara tho Signature Years A A MY Jr For Ovor I Th rtii i BANK AND OFFICE RAILING Barbed Wire, Wire and Lawn Fencing, 5. ; Poultrjf Netting, Eta. . & IRON WORKS : 6 FLANDERS ST Nsaf Third BIT 4-ra i -1 r ' i -