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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
OREGON DAILY JOUI'M; P03TLANP; TUESDAY SVEITIIIG, JULY FfflHITESIIlffiO MO1IMT0 1 Fciayil: -4 'A Second Day's Going at Irvlngton Track Dravys an Interested! and Appreciative Crowd. Thi "Week VWni End; Summer 1 t? j ' Season on the Metropolitan .Y. Race Tracks. - Reduced to . . : v LIVELY BIDDING ON -- - ,TWO WINNINQ HORSES SYSONBY AND ARTFUL . I ... I - : ; T - MAY MEET THERE Jockey Odom Retires' After Tears Cascade of Diamonds and Follow Ma : Ara Sold at Good Prices to E. J. ' Ramsey and W. Holmes jackful RepeataHia. Old Trick. y'.tU: 1 of Conscientious Riding in the Sad- die Notes and Comment of Those 'Foremost in Racing World. ' U - if- . - r EUEU DREAU ' - , -. "r . tr-. - 1 I ' ' . .. ". : -. : '',J .fcawaal BnarUl 111 te. i v.. Tork. July 18. With little las than a week the summer racing ..niiian tracks comes to an Jend for th aeaaon. and tb norMt soma of th tost of the horses are b tna seat up to the. springs to prepare tor th Wruggle for the famous and "rich stakes which will -be run there - nest month. .''" . ", r It Is probable that Sysonby and Art- ' ful will meet there, and a Una may be hid oa the- respective racing merit of the king and queen of the turf. It may '. be said In passing that from his recent 'racing good old Hermls may have a ' word to say about the turf premiership before the last race ha been run at ""Stokes a pretty fair sort of a horse ' " to pick up ill pounds and gallop a mile . and a furlong In :.- That Is what Hermls did. and If h goes on and fels - legs do not go back on him Sysonby and Artful will know they have been to the races when they hook up with him. Hermls is truly a wonder. Seemingly he ean shoulder any weight, and his speed la not one whit diminished. Ever -Inc b was a J-yearld ha baa had a leg? under suspicion, and yet he hae buUaated his rivals. Waterboy. who beat Hermls so decisively, has been re tired to the stud, and so has Irish Lad. while The Picket Is only a shadow of the horse that whipped Hermls la lat season's Brooklyn. ; H has a way of improving consider ably ovar each previous .performance - the first four or Ave times he starts very season. And this season he has mad a more auspicious beginning than .v.r before. Alex Shields haa worked wonders in getting Hermls back to the racea better than ever, row or tne son anguine of the $ horse's admirers believed that h would vr rao again when they saw him hobble off the track last year after winning tne Test handi cap from Beldame. V - : " tlrmat f Odes. ' " ...'', One of th really important piece of '. news in the turf .world this week is the retirement of George Odom as a Jockey. It would perhaps be too much to rate Odom among the very best Jockey in tb history of the American turf, but it can be said that he was in the front rank in' his generation, and there are few boys living who can give hlra many point in riding a race. It is but stat in the universal oolnlon that any man 'who backed one of the Georgia boy's I ' mount got a square run for his money. '.' and the beat there wear tn errhr horse or Jockey. - While he, probably mad mistake, there has never been a Ques tion ,as to -Odbm'a absolute honesty. ' 1 There are too" few Jockey like htm and 111 abeeno from the saddle - will be noted with regret. He haa had comparatively few mounts - this season because of his .Inoreaalag welaht. . ' When Odom started riding -at Aqua-1 ' duet In ,1 he weighed lea than 71 . pounds. He first cam into prominence two year later at Morris Park, and - - from that time ou ha-waa-ev atar la he . turf world. - . Odom never woa any of the three big - yearly metropolitan events-r-the Futur ; ity. Brooklyn or Suburban but ha ha ' scored victories In nearly every other Important race. He would have been a V Suburban winner oa Gold Heel, but ' waa forced to give up the mount. Odom ' waa a great whip rider, and in the fln '. lhe waa where' he showed hi class as a rider. His finishes on Advance Guard - are still talked of on the race course " Tod 81oaa is to be reinstated, ft was v mainly, the opposition of ' James ' R Keen which kept the Jockey club dl rectors from favorable action In 81oan's . pas.- and even Mr. Keen . ha. . con cluded that the little .rider haa been - punished enough tor spending his money too ostentatiously and haa withdrawn hi opposition. Sloan will, it 1 said, be granted a license In time to ride at Saratoga. It rematna to be seen whether ot not hi long Idleness haa spoiled hi '' akill in the saddle. . :. , . Oosslp of Soraeaaea., '. C F. Bobbin. fatrfJr'af"Jockey Rob- bins, who waa injured at Brighton last week, is here from Chicago to see his boy. He said the doctors feared for a while that th boy suffered from eon cusslon of the brain, but after remov- ;. ing all his hair nothing was found to Indicate It. His left arm Is fractured above the elbow, and he will not be able to ride again for at least five week. Richard Dwyer, the welUknown west ern starter, ran down here from Buffalo t Sunday night and put In the day at the track, where he met many of his west ern friends, who have been forced here '. by the closing down of race around " Chicago, - Judge Fraacls-Trevelyan arrived here from Cincinnati this week. He has .'been acting a presiding judge at the ' Lattonia meeting. His place will be filled by Judge Murphy of St Louis. Travel yan sails for his old horn 1 in ' England today for a vacation. . It is not often that on e two horse disqualified in the same race, but ucb a thing occurred, at Brighton on . Saturday,, when Snow and Devlltree were put back from second and third position "to the rear on account of In ' terfereno on. the part of Snow with other horses. M , W. H. Snyder, owns of Snow1 and part owner of Devlltree, will have more respect for tb rules or in jockey club. KIWofQUlll . 'V w S- f J IFTjft Havana Ci cars. cig.5iche:loco. ra Chtart Street, " Sbrtrlbater AM SA1JB JTvXRTWHXRaV James R. Once or twice before Snyder haa vio lated the canon of the turf, and on one occasion he got Into difficulties at New 'Orleans for. hi manner .of racing th colt Trapper.-' . . " It seems to be about certain .that there will be a new Judge on the race track under the control of 'the New Tork Jockey club 'next season. 'The Jockey club stewards, It is said. 'are dissatisfied with the work of McDowell and PetttnglU -and will replace one -of those men with Joseph J. Murphy, who has been presiding Judge on the prin cipal racetracks in the west. MrnrhyTaTTlTvaluable- man .in , his Una. He' has had yeara of experience and 1 fully capable of placing the horse accurately. He ha been brought up In a school among the shifty ones of the west, and is fully conversant with all th lnsand out of th game. and for two meetings has acted a Judge at the Bennlng racetrack. . . j. Thla move of the stewards of th Jockey -club will be approved by raca- goera. . , - . J .v-i.' . PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. . nl? CLUBS. ill ri ioi iisi ei i .em Baa rraaelaee . Los Anseles ... ,4M .4M .4U Portland , Bl II.. I lilt 10 151 41. .1 SI Tl)eIl Oakland ...... Seattle ....rt. uer....:.r. NATIONAL LEAGUE. 1 P.C. " : Won.. 1ift New Tork ; ......... SO 24 Pittsburg . . S It Chicago . . 81 It Philadelphia ft SS, Cincinnati , , ........ 47 41 .70 .(21 . .(7 .&34 .171 .887 ,24 St. iMUi . 11 k( Boston . . ............ 10 St - Brooklyn It , . n. h. n Cincinnati . ....... ........J it New York . 4 t I Batteries Overall and Sohlel: MeOln- nit v and Rresnahan. llmninii Klam ana nuswina. ' . ' ' ' r- .".''At Boston. " ' . . - , . R. H. E. Boston ...I 1 l Pittsburg . . ....... ..... .1 4 1 riatieries zoung and Moran; lynon. rianerty ana uidsou. - umpire Kmsiie. .'. At BroeUrm.' .' ' . . t i R. H. n Brooklyn t 11 t St. Louis . ...7 t 4 Batteries Mclntvre and Barren . Me- rariana ana ursar. umpire u uay. - ' At rhUadelphia. ' R. H. R. Chicago . . J 11 1 rnuaaeipnia .. 1 uattenes Kueioacn and Kilns: Pit- tinger. Budhoff. Dooin and Kahoe. Um pire Jonnstone. . , AMERICAN LEAGUE Won.' n-61- Lost P.C - 2t ; .en4 Cleveland -rr-siT Chicago . . .......... 41 47 . 40 17 11 2 ' 11 .(08 11'' '.. It .537 It .tot 40 .481 fit. .178 ,', .121 rnuaaeipnia ........ New York . .......... Detroit Boston . St, Louis Washington -At Chicago.' V. 1 . " ' i R. H. E. Chicago . . ....1..2.4 t Philadelphia 1 7 0 Batteries Altrock and Sullivan; uenaer and senreck. . At Columbus. ; Boston , . .. ..I, ....... ...... .T It 1 Detroit . . ....1.. ........1 S I Batteries -Dlneen. and Armbruster; nuiiin ana ijorsn. At Clevslaaa. R. .;..7 H. E. 9 Cleveland . , ' r. . ... . ... . Washington . . Batteries Vfaore and 1 4 Bemis; Jacob son. Adams and Klttredge, ;" At at. xais. ' . . . : R. H.K. lt. WIS . twirr-U.- i New York in ! Batteries Buchanan and Sugden; "Western Amateur Oolf era. ' Chicago, July 15. Under conditions cf -tint favorabl character th an nual championship tournament of the Western Oolf association opened todsy on the links of th Olen View club. The contestants include this year nearly all the prominent amateurs of the middle west. The play today wa confined to the qualifying rounds. ' The tournament will continue WPtU the end of the week. x :t Keene's Sysonby, th . Greatest Horse OPEN REGATTA IS illEXIIIlllfll Amateur .Oarsmen . From .-United States jmd Canada toom.4 " aa L r asna, - a.r t . . . pete Here ;ThltWeek ; PAPE AND GLOSS TO COMPETE ONCE MORE Events Win Be Held '; on Guild's e and Under Direction of Lewis 'and . Clark", Officials Canoeing Races Will Be Held on Saturday. Guild's Ult."lt"th-'Xwis and. CTark exposition, will soon' again be the scene for an exhibition of skill and endurance In aquatto sport. . On Friday and Satur day of this week an open regatta will be pulled off under direction of lha bureau of athletics. This regatta 1 ' open .to amateur of th United Stater. British Columbia and Canada; and will consist of stngl. double and four-oar races In both Junior- and senior divisions. The races will be over a on and half mil course, with one turn. A Lewis and Clark silver cup will be awarded to win ner In each event. . Best-le ' a cup, the winner of each event will receive a gold medal. , . . ( i Entries for this regatta have been re ceived from several xf . th prominent oarsmen of the northwest end Pacific coast A W. Pap of th Dolphin Swim ming and Beating club of San Francisco, who Is th champion Soulier of .the coast. is now in the city preparing for these races. E. O. Olos of the Portland Row ing club has entered the sculling races snd Is In active training for thl event. It will be remembered that Pane end Oloss war pitted against one another in the open regatta at Astoria in ltoi, snd that Paps won out over Olos by th barest margin. It was In this race that Pap won th title of the champion scul ler of th northwest Pap and Gloss will meet In the open regatta n-4next Friday for thsyflrst time sine lttl, and both men are primed to the top notch for the race or their lire. On Saturday the canoeing races will take place, and are open to member of northwest and Pacific coast states. These races "will consist of single and double championships, 120-yard upset race and tilting - race. A Lewis end Clark gold medal will be awarded the winner i In each event, silver to second and brohae to third. .-A number of -canoes have -en tered for these reces. ; .A complete list of the entries for. the open - regatta on Friday and the canoe race on Saturday, together with the names of officials, will be published In a day or two. , . RUNNING RESULTS AT BRIGHTON ANDDELMAR . ' fJoeraal Special Service.) New York. July : 25. Brighton Beach race results; ' One mile and a sixteenth King Cole won. Gold Braid second. Jetsam third; time. 1:4a, , Steeplechase, about two miles Walter Cleary won. Knight or Harlem second. Flying Machine third; time, 4:1. Six furlongs Phidias wen. Whimsical second, Klnley Dale third; time, 1:14 x-. The Sea Gull stakes, six furlongs Bchulamlt won. Rose of Dawn second. Belle of Setsuket third; time, 1:14 4-1 . One mile and one furlong Bad News won. Stamping Ground second. Chimney Sweep third; time. l:4el-t. Five and a half furlongs Progresso won. Ballot second, Blvouao third; time. At St, fcoala. ' " u ' St Louts. 'July, 15. Delmar race re sults: -, Four furlong Pea Fowl won, Bnnlla second, Ruth Nolan tmra; time, i iii-t. Six furlongs Tnxie wnite won, nen- dlgo second, Comic Opera third; -time, l:lf. ' . . . ' Seven ' furlongs Ethel Davis 'won, Wakeful. Second,-' Fannett ' third; -time. 1:10 l-I Six furlnncs Bitter Brown won. Kiss aecond. Chief Hayes third! time. 1:17 S-S. Oa a. mll .and IB yarns- wen gewooo won, OHI""Burnett second, Droralo third; time.' 1:45. - ' ' One mile and a sixteenth T. J..rowell won. Kenton second. MamMont third; time. 1:52. ' ', " M ... i - ...... of tfaa Year. - I ' TEniii SJOUilflEYIS 0OTCL0B Oregon , State Championship RacqueUEvents-Attract-At .tention and Draw Players. JAPAN RCPRESFNTED BY CLEVER TAKAICI Yesterdsy's Program Included Men and. Women's Singles and Doubles Big ' Entry . List " for - -Today's Hatches,'' Which. Began Early., TesfeHay was the opening day of the Oregon Stat 'Tennis tournament and aome splendid "playing resulted. Much Interest was shown snd this speaks well for the following daya of the tourna ment. And the ladles' were-there In force, tending grace and beauty to th affair.. If the ladle .continue their In terest hi this tournament It will prove record-breaking for attendance. ' Japan-was represented on the courts by a little brown man named TakakL whose agility and .clever playing waa noteworthy. He easily won against Durham in two straight set. .This match was looked forward to by many. owing to tha fact that Mr. Takakl had represented the university of Pennsyl vania in a match against Yale. Thla showed that Takakl classed well up with the best player In the tournament His play mad a good impression. ' His strokes were clean and well executed, especially his back-hand returns. The playing of the ladle wa most interesting,-Although not so fast or not the same play as their brothers, tluy ornament the court with their grace ful nesa .-- , ' Following ars the results of yester day's matches: Gentlemen's singles Rohr beat Webb, S-t. S-4; Olfford beat West, -4, 5-7, 7-5; Wlckersham beat Herdman, -1-1. t-4; Busch beat Wilder. 4-0. 4-1 ; Fenton beat Prince, t-S. l-. t-T; Takakl beat Pur ham. 4-2. 4-1; Veness beat Knight, S-t. 4-1; Rosenfeld . beat Gilbert, 4-2, 7-5; Scott beat Morse by default - - Gentlemen s doubles Prince and Fen ton beat Forbes and Nunn.- 4-4, t-2, t-l. ' Ladies' Singles Miss Debevoise beat Miss Schaefet. 4-4, S-l; Miss Sutherland beat Miss Lamberson, 4-2, 4-1; Miss Fox beat Mrs. Kerr. 4-0, 4-2; Miss Heltshu beat Miss Weldler, 4-2. 6-0! Mis Robert son beat Mrs, Judgr S-t. t-l, t-S. Ladles' doubles Miss Heitsnu ana- Miss Joseph! beat Mrs. Kerr and Miss King, t-l, t-t TOM TRACEY SAYS HE : . ' r a i- nrrn -r irniio Lovers of ihe.hlt and get away game will be glvetr an inning at Vancouver, Wash., next FricTay night Tommy Tracey, the well known local welter weight will meet, young. Kern In a lt-round contest, held under the auspice of the Vancouver Athletic association. Kern 1 In th very pink of condition and. those who have watched his train ing say he will give the local favor ite a hard argument - He Is a strong, trim youngster and built for speed .Tracey 1 also th picture of health and strength. - 'This Just suits me," said Tom Tracey to a 'Visitor-today. "I don't havt to worry about . weight. : . I can train and diet myself carefully to Insure my .be ing In -th-best possible condition of strength, agility and endurance, without continually watching the scales. When I meet , JCems ' I am going to surprise some of my friends In regard to my condition." , ' i And this - Is true. Tracey never ap peared. In better condition. His flesh I rosy, but his muscles are hard, hit eye are bright and hia-step- firm -and elastic His road work, hi gymnasium exercises snd his sparring have all been faithfully don and to those who have watched; 'him hi Improvement ' seems marvelous. - . " TUoarsloa Bates to aTewport, - The Southern Pacific company has placed on sale at all ' Portland offices round trip tickets to Newport st rate of -14. limited to October 10. 1905, and for It Saturday to Monasy -ticket. Ampler hotel accommodation at reason able ratt ars provided at thl popular I I resort,. .. .... . . . - - 'Twas a happy and intereated crowd of spectators that thronged Irvlngton racetrack, yesterday and th general verdict coming ' home ' p the cara was thst everybody had received a run for hi money. Three of the heavily laden favorite galloped home with the coin erino a though no other naga ware In the race, or If they were In the going their presence or. speed did not "dis turb the winning epuru of th victor, lous horses. , , ' -" - Birdie, in the' first event.' we a hot toddy and nearly every on at the traok had a wager on thl mar at t to 5 J. ciara waa up ana mis ciever youngster had the race all hi own way after the half wa reached. " Clark got Birdie away sixth n a field of eighty but quickly, passed the bunch, Tramway taking position until the. stretch, when Chablis ran in and- earned the place money, ' Birdie being a trifle over 10 lengths to -fliB'teed'Wth finish. Dr. Saarxaaa . Is There. - i ' Happy Chappy made many unhappy In th second event by. Insisting upon run ning hut the entire distance. ' Abydo also -carried om coin . of-fh realm. but Rtchter couldn't hold out when Gra ham cam Pushing along with Dr. Sher man and had to be satisfied with sec ond money. . Graham rode a Srst class race, getting hi mount away in front and dropping back to third position at th half, and 'rating him cleverly until the stretch when he moved forward and won with a good length to spar.' i In the third race Loague oa Cascade of Diamond made monkeys of all h la contender and won in the easiest fash Ion. - Th wise ones picked Bellona to do the proper stunt but Graham couldn't keep her In th front rank long enough to earn anything but show-money. Sy phon,' Olrl beating her for the. place. After th race BL J. Ramsey bid Cascade of Diamond up from 40t to 1700 and led him bach- to his stable, - Brown hated to lose Dlamonda but he didn't feel like putting the price up any higher. Jaokful's Usual Btuat Jackful did his regular stunt in th fourth race of standing oil his hind leas and turning his tall to th barrier a it sprung, and consequently thos who piuyea mm at w w ii.j.tch somewhat disappointed at th horse's actions. This waa th third time out or th last four that I Jackful f has turned a th barrier flewf- Jsutttfe ,badc ing left th contest between iaiouiaie. -Hinder , and Anlrad. B. . Powell- gave Jrngier hard ride, getting away lounn and even dropping Daca io dub pu-i- tionaiJhethrejuart deavor, . however, to get - tnrnugo ..- a bunch. "I,the hom tretch after ter rific urging Jlngler shot tnrougn on in rail and beat out Calculate by, a neck. Anlrad ahowlng. Although Jackrul wa easily" the fastest horse In th collection, his tendency Ho swerv at tha post- Is so well known that even In slow com pany wager upon him ar taking big Chance. , - - riii. ii'o couldn't land th flrt hon or In the fifth rac. giving way to Llb- hi. rnrfM with Graham ' up. Moor wa iirth going but ran up from eighth to third' position, but couldn't work In. Follow Me at 1 to .got a war in front In th last race and Jockey Wil llsms put him through such lively etep that th wind In hi waa i i. nn fn tow on." ana inn wn the rest of. the field dia. r-ouow mm wasn his own class. Isabelllta made . mtnnm finish for a plsoe. Follow Me wa bid up from. 1200 to ll.ooe by wr. mrfu after th last race and conse- ouenUv changed owners. Th summary wast ' . - ' Flrt rac. even furlong, selling bmi. a n s J. Clark up. 102, -first; Chapli's. It to I. Rettlg up. 102, acond: Tramway, ai to i, r . f third; tlm. J:27H. Penance. Evermore. Annie Buck, Tom Fox and Magna Bor gia finished In order named. Second rac Dr. Sherman. to 1. Graham up. 101, fft; Abydo. 4 to 1, Rlchtr up, 101, cond; Charle Lamar, I to 1, B, Powell up, 1. third; time. r0S. Conatansa, Hogarth. M odder, Camelettar - Happy Chappy, finished In order named. Third rac-M3. of Diamond. I to X, LoagU up. lfl7, first; Syphon Girl, 7 to 2 Mindr np, econd; Bellona, 4 to 5, Graham up, II. third: time. :6H. Rain Cloud, Isabean and SanU finished In order named. . . ', Fourth rac Jlngler, 4 to-1. B. Powell up. 101. first; Calculat. 7 to i. Earn shaw up. 14, second; Amrad. I to 1, Smith up. 101. third; tlm. 1:41 H. Paul BJ. Jon, Molto, Dlxelle,. Part Master. T.k,iii flnlahed In order named. Jack- full wheeled a the barrier went up and wa left He ha Peon ten mm ' Of four of hi lat eurt. Fifth rac Llbbl Candid. to 1, nh.m tin. 100. f lrt; Fill d,Or. ,1 to a utet no. 10J. econd; Moor, 4 to . a. si,,tiivBn ' tin. 107. third: 1:V. Capable, El Verraeco, Bert Davla, Mr, Dingle, Foxy Grandpa nnianea in the order named. v. " . awth vara Follow Me. 1 to I, C. Williams up, 104, first; Isabelllta. t to 1. Graham up, 10Z, secono; tne tieuien ... ii.i Hoffman ud. 10. third: time. I'iiu.' Bessie Welfly. Dandle-BellW. Oentle Harry, finished In named. th order - Bli league Formed. (Speclsl DHpatck te The Joaratl. J - Salem. Or., July 25. A baseball league has been organised by th employes In ths state cspltol nd th merchant anJ banker of thl city" and a schedule hae been arranged that will extend the ae rie of game -Into September. There will be two game each week, the first to b played tomorrow between the banker and capltol employe. Th A Orlnt Tragedy ' Is dally enacted. In thousands of homes, ss Death claims, In each one,, another victim of Consumption ot Pneumonia. But when Cough and Cotds r Prop erly treated, the tragedy Is averted. F. G. Huntley of Oakfandon, Indiana, writes: "My wife had the consumption, nil ihru nvviora eave her ud. Finally she took Dr. Klnaa New Discovery for Consumption. Coughs and Colds, whim eured her. and today ahe I well and trong.", M kill the erm of ell dis eases. One dose relieves. Guaranteed t 60 snd $1.00 .by Skldmor Drug Co, 151 Third street, Trlal bolUe free. " . IsB principal object,, the leagu'itcr af ford an opportunity' to . th ' player ta gain beneficial outaoor xerco recreat Ion nd -a t -th - eame-tisaa- pro. , . tk, - nt the - soort, 1 h IUV ..... . - - game will be played on Willamette uni versity field, which has been placed in splendid condltlen. '- ?- f v CAIRO NINE DOWNS V. . THE ACTOR P.LAYERS . ' i What was' meant for a baseball game . lawlk-tiin.. mnrnlnr between th Streets of Cslro team and the fa-A mous . Kolb and .lin- nine wr- actors: Th. mn- mM will hereafter '-SO 'back? nd sidetrack -when the Streets of Cairo' team la mentioned. Akoun, captain of th Streets of Cairo,, put up ' swu game In left field. Ha Is built for mA atranah lltnhjllke a doer and feet like a bear- Stott.the clever Stan ford player, did good work at n.paca top. .'-' . - ' u..t u. ' nlll an. tha star. ' Ha nlavs ball Ilk h play ' Dutch nd worked hi dialect overtime, m uira " pretty good English," biit now-w-rr hs k..-.ol aila Innnii Bo hadlv twlstl'd with . his extravagance -of words that COUld nTItcnome or ine.Bame wnn and wrap , them -around tb batter' ha nl.iit a-et a 1oh nullimr th Seattle-league team out at the'' cellar. The game rinianeai m " v Akoun' sluggers and then the. bunch retired- to the - lemonade. - . .V Following Is the line-up: Streets of Calro-WIlke. 2b.; H. Lilt. b.V-Stottc; Ready,' .;- B.-Llttj-rf t Cohen, lb.; Akoun, If.j Ootchy, cf.; Schwarts. p. I .. Kolb and Dill Persse, cf.; - Dilllng k. -r . rs-n.a h irrlad. th .: Williams!' lb.; Dlii P,i Lydston.-c.; JH!r 1IU. , ! Wsngrem, If. ,' '- . - '. ;. ' . SPORTING GOSSIP. . : '-.- - - - 9- -V.- ru. Btia suarafehaB come here to morrow for th closing eria of th flrt half of th 1106 season. Th Port land team" will endeavor to taxe every vnm ha vlaltnrfl. Bfl hv dolntf BO a , . v. ... -. - - . - . th chance for Portland flnUhlng in IBlrd piac win oe nrj i. ' j .. --ft.m. "tim jMmtiirrr-naaBao1 a " resotutloi yesterday lIcenslngpoolseHIng at Irv lngton racenn.-K. .. e . . u.. f.iiiM (if Tom Tracey will Journey to Vancouver on Friday night to see Tom mix It. up with Toung Kerna Toml a great favortt her being generally beloved for hi trlct adherenc to squar deal In th prlaa- rln. " - ' '- . . : ' a a '. ' ,Ther lives in Cleveland a fan who4 doesn t get time to go to at wiw games, but who cah t tackle his evening meal with a clear, conaetence unin na has perused his sporting edition, says th Press of that city. Recently he waa taken alck. and had a close call from "cashing in." Monday afternoon he - .wia n a,nunil In feeble tone that a pink extra be purchased for him. ... . 1.W . f , k nt tlB Til loo went i wa . asked his wife to read aloud to him. . Mra'; Fan never saw bpt one ball game, and she, doesn't remember much bout that But ah wa willing to do her best. First th 'invalid ' Mked for th cora He got tht 11 right and Inquired 'a -to. the Napoleonic line-up. Mrs. Fan found the desired Information. Thi waa what h aaw: Vinson, If.; Bay. cf.;. Flick.; rf.; Iiiol,fb,; Brad ley, lb.; Turner, sa; Stovall, lb.; Bue low, c.; Rhoades,' p. ' ' - This was the way she read It Vln -M urt MaM .nav. center field: Flick. right field; LaJole. two bat; .Bradley r three bat; Turner, , sunsmne;. niovsu, on bat; ' .Buelow,' r center; - Rhoades. plata, -'. v ' The sick man was gasping for breath when this remarkable ,- category wa finished. . He wa too weak and dated to And any- fault, however,: and asked for th cor by Innings of on of the other game In- the - American league when, th baseball edition ; went . to pfS7 - -'-.:"- ,. . ..-.. .,' "How do I get it?" asked hie help meet ' il ' -.."Add up the figures,." replied th in valid. ' - - Mra Fan was busy with her . pencil for a few minutes. .-..-- ;.. -f - Tve got It" she proudly announced . "What Is it?"' he eagerly asked. . . "It adds up 50,022," she replied., . ' Fears of a; relapses were entertained for a tlm, but th worst Is now over. ... '.: e , - . " ... " It was amusing Sunday to hear a cou ple of crack-brained chump criticising "Slats" Davla Portland has long-felt the went' of an honsst and accurate um pire, and now that w. have one the glbberlte should Jabber low. . BURNS AND KELLY ' .. TO BATTLE TONIGHT " , -- i . ' , . v. ; (JoBraal Sptdal Btriloa.) ,. ' Lo Angeles,. July .25 Unless some thing unforeseen occurs to prevent . It th newly . oiganlsed', Pacific. -Athletic club of thl city will open It new box ing pavilion tonight : with a , 20-round bout between -Tommy Bum of Detroit and Hugo Kelly, the Milwaukee boy who recently scored a decision over-Philadelphia Jack O'Brien.. The men will fight at 1SS pounds. Judging from' the pest records of Ahc two flghtera their meet. Ing should result In a fsst and interest ing eonteat They: me. one before- at Detroit; the- bout resulting In a draw after 10 rounds of lively milling. - , BllLPKR. 208 Mttt St. nm-ysBcii,T ON ISTALUlKNTi, ' upt raiccs. . StLouis Surgical Dispensary " .'...;.- i ;;.' (..V.-- t-.v'.jV. lisndrtds;: ' :Posliirc; - Treated :; flcatuly -sW waara:! XaUUiskad ItVt! -. I ' OUR PATIfllTS OOR BEST ADVOaTtS. ThooMBds la Portland as all ever tks sortn. wait eaa testify U ear great aad aaeuatphid ' GONORfHCEA Miy be atteadet with tb gtavast eonpllestloae If nesleeted ar Impioperly treated. We save speclfle treatawat which cons foickly, safely aad Daudassly. . " ' T SYPHILIS fh- ; Is Bother acquired dlBesae, the rsvsges ef which wbea fally dsveloDed mee pea eaa dwerilw When H shows by skla smptloBS or by sore In Btottth or throat Its aorrora are alraady began. We ssfely sad taamasbly car yoa, aad do Bolneral polaou are employ. . -.-. ' VARICOCELE ANt) -HYDROCELE We treat and core, sot by the eld sartieal' Braesdura, bat by a psnleas SMthed solely oarj m, W llkewlae will cure yoa sad esvs ro tha snfferlss sssorlited with Marveos Ssklllty. Last SUBaeaS, Iwsrtasciy, SpsnaatBuassa. Soe tarsal Emiaslaaa, PisuialBrs Daellas. Laaa ef . Temery, XBergy aad AmkMea la the brler-at Hbm It eaa be dose, aad we lasore yea a sat sad Bssltlve tare.. ' (0OTU1I01 D UfllMlMfR!! Writ far armstera Slaak- .a4JlshJfTe- ' ' Oaaset OalL r-W BfTlaa Xcani I a. ak to t . sm Saaaara. It t It esly- St Louis Medical ami . -Surgical : ensary Oar. Iinai aad TaaUlU Streets. Tartlaad. Or. FOLDING & RECLINING: Enameled gearing, rub ber tire wheels ; perforat ed, reed and cane backs. Strong, light, convenient, and easy riding. 7 Prices SI M COWN 50c A WEEK me stoie wvEie youi cbeoit is cooi OUTFITTING CO Ml IViSBINCTON STREET Just a Minute, Please Do you realise the vast Importance of a thorough commercial training?' If, so, why do you- delay in sending your son or daughter to our up-to-date business college? W offer complete courses In Bookkeeplgg and. Stenography,- - Beh tike- Walker Business College Sixth aad Morrison Ht, rortlaad, Or. Open all the year, day end ., night. Call or send for, catalogue. , T" 1 1 KODAK OCieLOPNO NO CNkAGMeMT& Or ALL KNOS MtS-IV-Aaairge &NA SHOTtyOCVELOPCO Oh OAY; Disp eMf 5 V ' '.' ' '; J '