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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
' T" n - C-'F for fruit Much Hxv!zr Than Common ' TltntJful tnd Cutttr Unch&rctd on Front, Ctt, Though Crermsries Advance. b COaPHBiii; till mm Vendor. -Disturbed by ths Failure of Expected Fruit to Reach ' ! r Portland. . , t f LEMONS OTILL RICE' : C" t i WITH THE MERCURY 8ockeve Salmon Drops One Cent-. ? Chiriooki Art Scarce Demand for Crabs Double That of Last Year Butter Held UnchwttdVT7f Frost ttreit,Jelr' IS. The ItltatM of "til 'local waoleoale market tod till , ' Mum thla owning. - ' '." Lrmono take another Jump. ' . . "fall for melons lone and loud, . . Saras iamrner demand far Breofos,,.""' : Jelly frlt very popular. , , -J ..r OU4M drop In aoekeyea." V-?. ; ' Plenty at poultry coming la. V , . . ,v Mhd affected by beet. . ,;.'.':.( ' Young dark wanted. , ' . s working doing ta geees. '' . Ckccoe to very ba. ' . V.;!' ." ' Tomatoes growing aJere popular. , flraee coca very alow." . . Franc, atreet buttar th MM , c' ' , , Chinook aalaoa acarta. " . y ' . " . , CUai call tfciaat. ,.- - v (' , .,. Crab opiar! 'a , j. "'' Llttl Italy A. ' '""TTkata da matUrl" crltd aa iplt4 row . of Itallaaa tbta mnralna that waa llaad. aa la . Irani wml whotmalo boaaa.- K bananaa nrwa a hand for tba bobs of thai land of tha " Tlb.. A rarload ut tha fruit la aa Ita way rrina rw Orlrana; - It w daa ytotardar waoiaaaUT haro It that tha boutad car tot arrlra In Portland aatll nrst Tbnraday, ' ( and they atata that aoa ona wilt loao money : ' on th deal. Vatll thla aammor, frnltdtalara atata. a carload of tha yallow fruit would laat Portliad about' flro daya: thla aummor a rar - arming la tha aarly morulng la aomplotaly aold out by noon. KIptob daya la tho tlaaa tht . rallraada atalm It takaa a banana car to roach thla city, front tho tlma It Icaroa tha Haw urlrana fralahtrarda. Tm ear now : ., way will hao born iff day out if It arrUaa . s ;nrra nag; iBtiraoay. , ' taw StUl aiahkg. , '' Ltmoaal ' Lamoaat Lrmonal edMot tho efy , ; from arorywhrro. Aaotaer rhia la tha frait .: wa rrportod thw morning, bnaaa of "cholc1 - bring qaotad at 45. 00. whlla "fancy" ara going in rapid-Bra raakton at ao par. if tha hoi "' waathor kaaaa rlpa other adaaaas will ba ra- ! '',V' " l'ailrbrntt-aor ma & "ba tn"onlylniid To , aoppiy , tha great danulnd. for lemoua." aald . W. B. oiafka thla morning, "aad tho doalrra .jj thrra report that thay ara atmply rwampod with , rdera. I look for thla trait to roara ft and - It a bos baforo tnaay wavka hara paaaod away. dr-wlra aant to tha ttoldea atata yaitaa- . day for a ouotatlon on a carload of lamoaa ; brought aa haawar that lota of that aort wars , arai aanooaiy soagnt (or luat bow." . alrleaa .ara moTlng rapidly, with efnta . . laupra away la Jba load. Bat while tb-de- aaaaa for aaojonar eoatlnara atrong tha supply M ipt ap aad all who 'ak raealra. Sumiaor rsreathar doea not tend to cauas Jump la tha ernage bualneaa, but aealers report that tha , ' demand for tbkt fruit la aa grtat aa It waa . eapectad to e. Tkera- ia a good daaaaaoV for i aaptaa,, wi- aaaehoa aad apiirota ara Pvu 'Ua. dCrutta thtt make good Jollies ara aelling -n. pi7 aw accent or ampe -at tao aarar peat t . r . ,,t Tamatoaa Hook Waatad. t v. - Bundreds of boxaa of Oregon toematoas arrived . , oa the etreet thlg mernlag and bright and aarly ; tha ordera for taem began to roll la. Prleoa were Quoted at aoa had (1 pea baa. ' Oraaa cora took the booby prlas for alow selling, owing to the fart that tha grade was poor and .' tba dealera weald not let that aort of aarlpa . btbiu go ra tneir eaetoaiera. other rege , c. Ubhw ara tb same aa during the peat few 7 I - 'reat Street Xottor Vaehaagad. although creameries made aa advents of SH ar. pound . yoetarday, wholeeole doalrra i aloag ' the etreet atata that they wlU sat re too. their prleee, at toaet not right away These pcteae will remala aa quoted . yeatorday 2H per " 'pound for beat creamery. The demand for roeeao la rrry arm,, tha .prices baring Jumped " 3 le per pound oa each grade. ' There la a good demand for 'poultry anf ' - eggs and tb supply la equal to all tha- saint . maun. . a carload or saatara eggs was roeeleod , yesterday bat they are selling away below - a- tao-pries naked for the Oregon. -"A alee broiled young dark If alwaya good." -aald Tom . ... f arrell this moralng while. dweuaetng tbs pou J.. ' try market, "aad ao the demand for them . la large." Three la ao call for geeea' weather . m .Ass aeai aas arxaetad -tbs meat market. .,-v '..- , The. deamad for frees- era ha Is doable what a " waa laat year and the calls ars lacraaalng - earn- week.-' The era wank deataad to ahm mortng upward, while the calls for slama 7ar . amauii irwar aa ins weetnrr contlawas "imery. A drop sf JeJa aaported la aorkeyes. - wklto ateelksad are alee plentiful. Calaooka . . are ecarrs, , , v '." ' TZHiU wfc,,,'. ?rUUoas, asreTleed. 'are - . . oi riaar aad Tl 't pSAT Coatraru. lSnS Hrw clah and red. ; . TSc; biueeteav Iei ralley, T6: 104 crop, . nominal; club and hard rA. T8ai soft red. ' ' rib.- hlnaalaaa-Aftr! allT. BSeleib. . Bl RLE X Teed, i3.0 roUod. S2U0; brew f'osit-Vbole. fIT.otJt cracked, S2S.00 per lea. .,.' rt i.D ti.a vrr "j. . . tiATS N". 1 white. IM.SOJ gray. " FLOUhV eetsrs uregau- pateare S4.gre V 4 M: straights, fa.18; axporta. gl 80tS; raigou. ao-io, exporra. si BOQIJISs 'WhTZZ. ,tS,4-00! rriTS Braa. 100 per' toai mld- " , rye, oire, . . . MILL8T . (lllliga $ 33.00: ahorta,. oeantry, i SSI.IM: rbns. I1S.00. ' 422.00; ally, HAtTlmothy, Willamette valley faacy, . ominirr. fii.w, oaaTrrn vrrgon. roiira. eiz.vui aioror. fii.uo greli I ill.Oe;.,sbeat 111.00. .-. , . . r.,f Butter, Xgga aad eaitry. rTTFA rT dweet, lln snorT'lSe. J" BLiiBH-v4iiy creamery, aet. uut; ( trade, aie eotatite fancy, SOQllot srdlnary. . r v r.(innno. 1 freeh oregan. Fondled, t2l JJ: ; v . aararxlled, S0tUe: oaatera. SOe. . f ( Htct NewFull cream., twta. " lie: lViin AmeHoa. lltfllMe; rbeddar. lie. POlLTRY Cklrkena, mlaad. 18e per Ibi ., bene, 1814 per lb; rooatrra. old, !2o per lb; i-. . imiim ivfi pr to: rry. era. 18le per lb; rlarke. .004.00 per doai .eoe, gfltfr per lb; turkeye. iYejia, pr )b, i- draeeod. SOfiBo per lb aqua ha, $.uf aor dos! Koaa, Weal aad Sides. .' . ' HOPS Contract, 1008. 16c 1004 emV ITo ISe for choice; 10 He t f or primes aad WOO 1-1 40S clip, ranr aoeree to haodlnm, i S 84S&aB,c - ! saatara OrogoJ V ; MOHAIR Homlnal, sntjjie.- , ' BHESMKINS Shearing. lOCJo.. short wool, ,k -., tn(t0c; medlua wool, butiioei long araol. ... t . eWcf 1.00 sack. . . . T , . TALLOW Prime, par lb; deBei Us, S gad - areaae, twXMe. fHITTlk BASK H par Ik " if f . V T. HIDES Dry kldeo, Jio. 1.. Id lbs and wp. I !1 prr lb; dry kin. Mo. 4, a to It lb. : '. 14c; dry calf, No. 1, under t hSa. IdQlVl dry Mired kldea, Staera, sound. 60 tba or over, ttotl tei to to SO km, tOSHn nader 00 lbs and - - rows, tCtHrt aura and- bulla, eouad. St7c: . kip,' It to M I tie, Oei aonnd, 10 to 14 Iba, Q ' ,- calf, anand, snder 10 Ibo Vt011ei greoa (onealtrd), la per lb leeai salM. le par lb leaat . boreebldea, - salted - reeky- ta.Sbdyl.rt: dry, " each, 4l.00djl.BO; aoll hides. ea4i. SBAOOei gnat aklnav aommoa, eerb. Itftltci Angora, wltk wool on, each, 35c4M. . .., Traits aa4 Tegetsbloa. , POTATOES Oregon, S0cl.0(,; rar lots. TOO : Te eack; saw , Cellforaia, auOuSe; sweot, crsted, II.TB., , . . ONIOHB New Qatlrorato red. II eo4M.: '. fa 11 (oral a yeUow DaoTera. 1.45tJlJO; Walla . Walla, tl.ln; garlla. J10e par lb, FRICSU FS CITS a no lea, sew.Orogos. IIM . S3 t.Tlt; oraagea. lata - Valrwlaa. , 44 as; . hanaaaa, be Ih; leaMma. eaot.',. to.0 hmt; ' fanry, td.00 pe bl limes, Mtilcaa, 00r pre '- V 100; ptpeannlM, IS S3; aprlrota, tAvi , " pearhea. 76m Sf: plmne. 7&.V jer erero; ; raanberrlrs, 1 1 per crate of 34 beieep eaata . lvupea, ei.i-l eralet kaeabarriee, 11.71 TCDAY'G Fr.::ES iri'7: ; liL-lTH E; VYMSAT MARKET .- , ' ; Sept.- - I: 4 Chicago . ........1 .TiB .I7HA Liverpool...... Is ed ; Is 7td Ban Francisco. 1.44V ...."" , Dulutb, (old) , , , .14 -f ', Kansas City.,.. ,77 H t t,oui. .jh. r...... Minneapolis x.l4 Naw York . vt, .1V4B " Milwaukee .. rMftB December"1 r- crate of 34 bexae: watarmelooa. tbdll U aart . no; guaaaDorrtaa, oe pet lo; pean. VBOATABLBS-Tarnlpa. new. 11.00 Bar sack serrate, lr.00l.tft par eark; beats, ll.OOt) a.aa per oeca; uregoa raoiaaea, wo per aoa ranaage, uregos, gl. . par twt; grevu peppere, loc par lb; Inral tomato a. ., wucti 41W,--Cgllfornla, t6c041.; paraulpa. 41.00 ai.Boi acnos noana. veatet caulirtowar. - al .13 (3 00 fjer crate: rhubarb. S!4e per lb: bora- tadlak. ljr per kbt ertlchokea. 40rrS0a per dee: otbuuoe lettuce, aO 7r ; baad lettuce. Its per aoa; green .oenoaa tusyizo par Boat apt oar a to per le per lb; green corn, gait0 per sea her lht cucumber. Owe per. dos, Tbqteve per 00a; cowry, f i.w per aoa. DEI SO rBUIXIr AeiUa. evaporated. TCC par lb 1 anrlcota. Hls pee lb; necks, . Ha ear w soaai peacoaa. taut per in: pesre. per tt; prunee lUIUn. tMt4t4o eer Ibl Freeck, SIt4Vae per Ih: flan. CaUfursia buck. eexsHB-acr, lb; California white. per ID: plume, pitted. . aer Ibl Oataa, Mtdoa, s ear 101 laroa. SI. aw aor la-lb bee - . . rossrto. Vats.: Its. - HCQ AS Sack baala Cubs. 14.56: ppwderad,; -fruit grhsirleted. tJM; dry grauuUted. to.; Conf. A. tfteu; beet granulated. tfl.! eatra C 44. 8U: aoklen 3. n vellow. 44.001 bbla lOe. t4 bbla S&e. bous bus sdraacs aa pack baato. leaa Sbr per awt (oe . aaah. It aetata. am at rvLan BdlaMlaVm aa It. lurnsa Parnate hraaa. IK T1' ' SALT Fins Rales, ka. ea. aa. oe. 10a. 11.00; laoia. oairr. aua, sii.vo; luos, siu.isi uu sorted . Ureraool. - Sua. tlT.OO; 100a. 414.50; U4a.ll6.0O; extra flna. bbla. Sa. Is. 10a, 44 406.fto: Vila. MO lbs. 44.00b6.00! aacha. eua. oanimc. SALT Coareo Half grsand. MOa, 17.00; tOa. par loa. IT.40; Llrerpool lnmo roc per too: tO-lb rock. 17 .00: 100a. M.Tt. I Above . prkoa aoolr 10 aalea of V-aa than car lota. Car tots at apaetol prices sabjsot Is aiocvuaiioaai. . UBAIN BAOS CalMtta. lUt . ' SICB ImporUl Japan. No. 1. Saf Ke. t, 114s 1 , New Orleaas Bead. Ittat AJax. 4s: Cre- . BBANS Smell whits. li4Vet hr'ss whilst IHe: ploklWtiSWsi bayou. dc; Unas. Sttcl - KUT8 Peanuta, T!4et "tomboa. SUs ' Bar lb: faW. SalOe M, Tk. maat.,1 , nvoaanta. tScltOc ner iia: waloala. laAlne oar lb: nine auia, iuim par lb: hickory note, loe per mi chestnuts, eastern. 1S4I10F per lb; BraaU ante. ie per in: filberts, ltttloe par lb: laacy Becaaa. jiagiac: almonds. 18U10S par 10. V - 'slats. Osal 00a. Sts. ROPK Fen Manila la- atandard- UUai aw, iuc; inuo arena eieai.iee. njvtu vii, r-arl or Astra l.J-ajeaae, arm ear nan water - wnite. rran bbla, in nor gait woodea. las oar a-alr haadllaht. lTQ-daar. raaaa a-nv pr vai, OAfklLINaV OA-gM. caaaa. tta de sal bbla. sne per gal: atnvae. caeca, t4C per gal; Iron bbla. lte ner sal. , , BSNZiNaV-dt-der, ceeee, Sfie per gait lroa TIJBtInB In caeea, Sfts par gall Woodea bbava par gal; raa bbto. 80s per gaL - WRITS I.I1IWIV. In. M Ik, BMLth ".a,- cue per in: tees lota, oe per in. wihk NAILS Proeeat base at tS-TO. LINSEED OIL Pura fao. to bbla. STa gall saaea, TSo per gal; grnorae kettle boiled, caeea,. 70s per gel: bbla. doe per aal: arouad faka,, re lota, taO.QQ par too K toaa -than car wu. per too Haste.. Flak and lsvialaaa. FSERH U EAT a-M.. .m.e alaL trtoe per lb; porh, bha-h. Ttts per h pschera. 7WS. nss in; -puiw, 4m per Ibl ills. 4oe par aac. per lb: mnetea, ? Ke nes lb: Jambs with aolla, iHtlOs par lb; seal, extra. T4i7nci ordi nary. SdStea per 4t; poec, t too par, lb. -r 1 . UAhia. HAOON. KVO-Fortland pack Oocall haaaa. 10 to 14 Ibav 1.1 He per lb: 14 to Jd tba. laiae per lb: It to SO Ihe, ItkVo per lb; eottace. la PT lb; breakfaet bacoa. 14UU11M par lb; Blanlc. i Be aw Ih paanlaa aw. ,u.n . mm. amoked, 1014c per lb; Vaioked, 1114 Per lb; clear backa, aneaaoked, lOe per- lb; smoked. 10 We per in: vnloa butts. 10 to: IS. lha, anamoked, ac par ist .amoaed e per -lb:-clear bellies. ae eoMksd.. U per lb: aaokad.-lga nor Ibi aboul. dere. gle Mr lb. ' kwibi uxu nettle lesr. 10a. luaae per d. eo. auwic oar in: oo-in tins, wa oar in: atesm roadrred. 10a. ISo per lb: Oa, ttke per 101 inoa. c par in: sua. e par In. - ieu aALMUN Columbia river. l-h talis. .00: s-id taiia. gx.oo: tencr, l ib riata,; rib fancy fUla, 41.38: faacr l ib srato. ia.78; laeka tails, nlnk. U&iOOe; rad. StJO; anaud Sa, tall. 1200, , FISH Rock sod. Tc aor Si; flmndara. So per n: halibut. Oe per lb; crebs. II 60 per das; strrped baas. ISV4e. per lb; eatflah. 7e per lb; salmoB. Chinook, me per lb; ateelheada, 7Hr per lb; eockryer SMe per lb; herring, to per &; eoioe, no per id: aurimns, loe per lb; porch, to per lb: chad. 4e ner lb: ma ahadr he oar Ih: abad roe. SOc per lb: black end. Te per lb: silver email, te per lb: lobsters, lie; freeh mackerel, te per Ibi crawfish, SAc nee doe l flounders, 6c par id: evursoon. ic par to, OT STICKS boalwatar bar. bar aal. awe lari, ae.ia. C slai CLAI j-Har shell, per ' box. JXOOj rssw ams. 4 1-00 par box. VERY QUIET DAYS AT THE STOCKYARDS Fifty Horses and the Same Num ber of Cattle Were This Morn ""V Ing's Receipts.' Fortlaad Uakm Stnckvarda. Jul 9KJttik receipts wars sa followa: xooay t. a go 0 1. , . ... . .. ? . aiB vain aoen rirtr noreaa were recefveai at im Miuevtai, this eaomhig. Tbs cattle market to weak, nor auyinaaar ennig m aosa and sbssp. viiM-iai prteea ror nveatoca : Mora Root eaatern Oraavaa. aa.eji. hkekaaa aim yaina taia, o.auno,ta: stockrs and feed era, . Cattle Beet osstera Oregna steers. IS One) SSA; light and medium eteera, t3.t0art.00: nest eowa - ami heifers. . ll.tndtS.BO; . old sad llaht enwe. SI.Miabaniii wrvkM . . l.7o: bulle. II AO. . rrtmt '" h- M-OOeSSMj SW4S. IS.7fteta.00; sprtag lauihe, 4at4Sc. Calveo tiond veal. IM to SOU Boaada, le; rough and assry. SHattlac. ... ,1 . y.- , Fl WES HOPS at tssr."''' i ! Chicago, July tt. Mveatock rerelnuL ' "'"' Hnca. Chicago (.t,J2,HIO , : 4.0.10 -15.000 laitio. . aneai -altl . 1mm Kanaaa city ......... 7.400 .no 4 00 Omaha ............. .10,000 4.000 - g,nou mm-riivare aiaaay wits s,Oto tori over; reriits s year ago were Stoo. Prleeoi Mixed and butchers) 5.4oAM;. goad beery, IS.wit UA'! "r. 4.l0Ott.4B light, 40.40 FROM FOUR TO NIN ' ' . , LOWER IS COTTON New Tork. Jnlv 2S. flotlnn fntnu .Imh. a to. t polnta lower. . Today's official market- - . . ...... Ona. f lab. Cloes. . llloti II llllatlt llle)7 tuna It H2la IOSBH.1 imeittMg lio4vnd lion art )7 January ............ilia 11.111 1115 rebruary .....liar) , IIM xlarrh ...... .ll:2 1144. Anrll ......11.15 11.15 Mar list' lino 111a 113.1 IIM 1D4 July :....,....(.. ..11' lino Aaa-net loot 1107 lclHfl 1004 1104 111S .1100 11117. October . . .1111 JJ2B liad November Itocamber , ........1130 ........1110 1139 XI 10 ' liull. 1 TtVW - T0K COFFEE ISABXET, z --2. . New tort, July S3 Coffee futures rloaedr July ' td Kft 'to oolJ.nn.rr ...gj gri st.m Ausust .... d.t d ani rrbruars .1. I n lai B'ulambsr. . S.M. g7, March, ..... f.eo T.4U Oct'iber .... 7.i J o April f ad f .no Nnvamher .. 7.11 -t.tii May--'....... f.tO 7 M tjecembrf . T.23 . t.So; Juua .. , f.pu 7, Jlew Tork Oaah Osff'ss.T " Kew Tork. Julr eah eoffao! !. t SMS, tUt s. Saatos. Ilac. , . . . , . ' DiltlKEliOIIIOIlI a feature Stocks Opened Strong ; and Re mained Steady Throughput! the Business Day. , NO HAIR-PULLING''. : : melees reported United States Steel Corporation Still Making Much MoneyDirectors Hold Meeting and -Another- DivlV dend Declared. : t-- TFornlahe4 by Orerheck. Starr Cooke Co.) -New Vork. Jaly HO. The stork market cloaad trregtilsr, but on tb vaholo aboared eery little raangp active erocaa rrosa tbs prsvlmis rluae. lutereat cantered altoaether la tbo I nlted S ta tee Steel report, Which was expected erter ins sioes. ins volume of oueinees trane acted waa not large, and tba trading had ta enerlal alanlflcsnoe. It Is 'a crop market and likely ts be Influenced by crop report.. The directors, of the foiled Htatee Steel corporation at a BMetlng h4ld today declared a regular, qnartsrly dividend of 1 per cent, . Today's official stock market: PESCRIFTION. Anaconda Mlnlna fia. .. 10RH ' SHtA 1S4. 10H 8444 sw Amal. Copper Co. rl"9fafr4j , -a a a s'aTI'os Am, Car 4k Foundry, a. . sou oo preierrea. ....... , Am. Sugar, coot Am. Small., Aoa....... do preferred Baltimore Ohio, . coaj tela. 11s lit 118. 113 .da preferred...... tm BrookbrB Ranld Tranalt. Si 7Vk canadiaa Pacific sem C. O. W- com Chi., MU. 4k t. Paul C. 4k N. W.. oars. Ml 10 10 M 17SU 17HU aos ao7H Chicago Terminal By... Chaeapeeke Ohio Colo, Fuel 4k lroa, com. Colo. Southern, coo.,n tsu 40 H 2714 ueiawarg undo r, a. b a let oa arererreo. . . Erie, earn , do seroad pre f erred do first nrefarrad.. rninola Central....... Ixwlsvllls S Nesavtlls. Mot, St. HT....i. Manhattaa By., ,,. Btexiraa ceutrat Ky. Minn., St. P. A Sts. II Mlsoourl Pacific.,,.., M. K. T.. com...... n tref Arttl . . a Itew Tork Central..... Northera Pacific...... Norfolk At Weeterav asm north American K. V,. Out. A Wee tern. 60 S0a Pesnayivaoia By....... 141 140 104 U r. u. Li. tt v. co Prseaed Steal Car, eees Pacific Mail B. S. Co... 104 u Sflhi 43 V SVk eg Beading, com. ..... ... 102 10a do amnad preferred.. nree prrrarred 04 i Rep. Irea A Aleel, com. do nref erred. 1 t 1 ti Bark lalaad. com., a. do preferred, hnii so BUDDer UOOOS..a.a.M. Att anhml . . .Jua Southrre By. com.'.... do preferred....,.-.... Southern PaHOo. ....... 3A 3lh preferred . . 1. IIS Teiaa A PaHBc... .... Teanessaa Coal A lroa.. T St. U A Weetn ptd. b'nina Parldc. com.,,... V. n. Leather, pfd.i... V. S. Bobber, com.,... pvH NH4 1M14 104 4H 10a S4HI lOJVa do aref erred..... -.4... C. S. Steel Cs sofa.. do preferred........... Wheat A I. B.. cola.. Wle. Central, com..... do preferred..,....,.. t4 K its' wesson, jirefrrred. Chicago A Northwaetsra, snsamoa, ex-dlv-end of SU per cent, . L nlted SUtes Bsbber: Pre f err A ev-dlrtdead or a per eenr. - Total seles for day. Set. MO Csll money rleeed Ilk pec cent. TOBOFAH1 immre itocis. San Fraactoco, Jul S3. Tonopsb stocks, dfflclsl eloesiJ Bii,T""rra-'T Bid? Montana Midway , MrNamara ... Belmont ...... Wle I .Id 1.47H I.MMII ... Columbia lit ..a Jamba - Jamba Rxtea ,. u - 1, is .20 .73 .13 .80 .11 .04 .vi MS .14 07 North Star ... Reerue Gold Wnuntalg 18 - 'silver pick .111 laU'Oo'den ABchar.. Ton. Nev. IAI Too. F.tten ... I.OS nay u nnaa ... Tan. Ohio ..... 0. Ball Frog .... DtaesoudAold ... Lone Star ...... Homaetaka ..... Caah Boy .OSB IteerTnB-. 87 .83 .M .43 .13 .00 .! Coklteld ....... .Rd Sandetorm ..... .an Bandatarni Ex . .00B Adame 1.., ...... .OS Mohewk ,, .It Jim Butle .73 . ' BAJT FBAjrCTSCO tOCAL STOCXS. ftaa ' Frant toes, Jaly 38. Official ckwe. morn ing aeaaloa: .k .. -.-' " Bid. : Aak. Soring Taller Water.............. SdV ' S7 Mutual Electric...' IH ' . F. Oaa A Electric.... Sltt - 2- Ulant Powder....'..,.., 73 A leaks Packers'... fnu m Paauhaa Sugar. ...... ............. 2314 . 33 California Wine......... .... MIA. Pacific Btatea Telephone ,..11 Hoookea Sugar lflt : ll Kllaaea noear. s - u Onomea Surer, .'..,......... r..j 87 allfaraU Fruit......... .....100 101 Central Light 814 34 uceaoM ateemenip .......... ' o a , ' BOITOB COFFEE MilXtt Bee rna, Jaly St. OfScisl soppor class: Bld. Bid. ' Adventure a..l t ft Mlrhtgaa 14.00 Mohawk ...... II. an ; Old Itomlnios. 27 W Oecaola M.Tt Parrot ....... 28.00 " Allouea 17 SO ' Arcadia ' ! Atlantis 17.00 Bingham 30.7K t'al. m Heris. owi.iai Cenreunlal 33. 2 Phoenix , .024 Vi7 ... vrr.naj Shannon T.tS Trinity ...... 1 80 t'nlted 4 SO 40 Wlnens ...... 13 29 Wolverine .... 111.10 Cnppee Bange. 72.25 paly west ... Elm . r, Oreens 33.2 - Masa ' ! .-Ji COatiTOCX sxnrrjrft stooxb. Baa Francisco. July 23. Official close, mora- Ing aeaaloa: -M MM. 1 t j Bin. - Bullloa -I .40 Belcher .14 Baraga ,...,.g .74 Poles! .U Cnlou Cos . .... .41 Yellow Jacket .. ...21 Kf chequer t Hale A Norcroas l.St Con. Calvs .1 l.zn Ophlr ......... S.7H Caledonia ...... -42 Merlcan 1.23 Aades SS IScocBioa. BBADSTEEET'S WIZXIT BXFOBT. Chicago, July St. East of ths Rncklea. de- ereaea la wheat, ass.taw sosneia: nurope ens Host, dorresss in wneai. i.ww.ww pusaaia; total decree ee, 1,203.000 bnshele. - ,: y Oats Pecresss', 1.771.000 ba aba to. . 1 , :' ' ' Bemaal far Btarliag. ' ' New York. July 25. Demand alerllng. 4h! so days, sstw.. - : - OBTLAjrO BABE STATEmvr. ClesrlagS ,..:.:.i.' ... 124.MI1S3 " : eso,ooe efok avot, . - , , . If no Joke for CTsuncef Depew to Ines that $20,400 yaar ha got for enn- ucting the humorous dspartmsnt of tha Equltmbld LUt Aslurano godstr. niLVf o;;e ceiii : io:;eb iodav Although Bears Took Charge o ; Golden-Grain, Bulls Con- :. .v trolled Corn. OATS FOLLOW WHEAT DOWN 7 ON CHICAGO MARKET Mess Pork Goes Up the Line, Fol lowed by , Lsrd When the Short - Ribs'- Business Closed They Wets . Down Ten Centa. t''iu:v: (FuruiaUd by fWerbeckr Stsrr A Cooks Co . Chicago. July'SS-Lioa-ea A Bryan ear: Wheel was Influenced by suotber unfavorable weather map and asharply lower curb m Mlnneapolla. uur marxee eoauwi u, to lc lower, with t lew point of tho aa-v belna aaada at tba aaaai, log, from which point tba advenes waa rapid and eharp. Ihe greater pdrt of the advance waa euoeegasntiy tost, with the market eloalna weak ssd st Vi to Vte lawev for the futnrre aad 114c lower for July. The totter - decline waa due almoat wholly to a break In cash wheat at eouthweet primary pomta. their cash marketa eleatag week aad much tower than tho ooenlnd erlcea. The newa from tho aorthweat to at 1 11 eon nic ting, sat, oa tbs whole, the ruet reports predominate. The eltuatlon to mixed. Larawr racalpta of whiter wheat and the crumbling away at eaab prleae tend to oftaet tbs bulilehneaa of ins situation in tus nortbwoet. - It e'lU looks ao no nar s gooa rraaing merger. Kortnweel aowo win no in raevor. im aveaina aa ilia moat Important factor, all gutborltiss sgraelng mat ravoraonr weaTper to needed rrom - this tins on. On tho aetbarka wo a 11 II favor tha naying sms.- - - . osra Market Lagged. A aide from holdlaa a verv . ftraa vnaa Sad sons little atrength la tbs July, tbs corn mar. ket Boomed to lag throughout tbs aaaalun. Trade at no tlma abowed aay ereat volume. July con tin ace to re fleet congestion sad to easily moved hi either direction, storks are piling ap ke a discouraging manner. . On ths bulges ws still continue to favor selling, es pecially ana aow 'Crop aaoBtna. , j Pemaaa for Oats. Brsdataaot's deceoaao la I.TT1 flrM haahala aad indicates a fairly rood caah demand. Tha epeculstlvs slruattoa, however, aeeme BacbangadF wbmo iy Mat a Traction ror tbe -day tbs ruiares eioooa a sneda huraar, 1 :roo aawa oa ths wbola to favorable, Tbs move as ant of the market nt beat Is slow. On tbs wbola we think proflta may be bad by aelling tbs deferred uiiMTaa. . rrerlalans Cleeed Sliana, Tba BrovtaloB market mado aaaaa hawdwae mosy ana cmoea atrong. At no tlma during tba eeaaloo were offerlnga at all largo. Pace- era wars still promlneBt aa tha bull elds. trade to not overactive. We sea nothing at tha anoaient to change ths trend of . tha market. it seemo purely a ecaipmg market. TUday s sffWMl marketa: ' OnonrwK-Hlrh. tow. j. Clnaa. July.....! .arS .aa I. .87U I Jtri Sept..... . JMSi .J1- , JeSfci . aeuB uec....... .W5v - .S7IA .80 r et7VkA - . a. . rv,Br " - OH.'Jlly '" .BdU1 Old Sept. . M, Old Dee. Ai J17S4 , BAMk : .4 OATS. ' MU, .MS A "7 A .40 A .II ;.. .31 - - m SnU - MKaa pone. IIVI J7A July.. j.. .V... ..... ...... 11.00 18.10 11.07 T nept...., is vB .. 11 sa Oct...... 11.07 , ia.t ' mil. ..... , ...... .. . SS A ,v V eo M ' 7.92 A SHOBT BIBS. Jaly,,.,. Oct. 1111 ,T.7S 7 M . V , OSXOAOa CASH WSXAT, " Chlcagcj July SB.. Pack wheat: 'T' v , - " Bid. Aek. Wo. I red. aew.. so .ooia No. S red. new .00 .00 No. S hard. bow.... .tH JWVt No. S hard, sew, ....... ........ .87 , : ,t a a ' LlA No. S northera IM 1.10 No. t aor lag ,M . U IM tUMAMT, SBXfltESTS ABT) CXEAJlAjrCES. Chlesge. Inly IS. Primary recetotsi ... . .,- Todey Tear Are ISueh. r Bueb Wheat '...............l.ond.000 - 020.000 Corn 170.000 - tM.OOO Bhipmsatst Wheat ' SM.oon tno.ono Cora VtT..."..' ., S02.000 143.000 (learancee: Wheat Bona, corn 113.000 bushels, flour 1,000 Barrels, oats bobs.-- --- - - , '.. I CSXOAtO SKAIaT OAS LOTS. , . 4 Chleaga. Jaly 36. Orala car lota: - . Cans Orada Est. Wheat 407) -ins 414 Cora ...,.473 1 40 Oata ........,.......27 42 200 Demand for cava a year aao: Wheat 174. . 1 BAJT FKAirOISOO eEAOr BLABXXT. Ban Franc laco, July 38. Tho meal srabl mar- ket today was:" -- Open. . '. High. Low. Close. Wheat ,...,.tl.4fld : tl.4fl"4, 31.44 1 1. 441 Barley ...... .7, JM 74 . .wTVA UTIBFOOL eBATJf JfaOCT. - Llverpanl. July 23. :Vwa: Wheat. Mantem- ner, aa s, a loweri vsesmher, aa cuta-a.ptemBor. as ioka. tao nurner. a . - STEEL CORPORATION. DIVIDEND WAS SMALL " 1,-' . . . . 1 4 T. A. Mclnlyrs g. Co. of Now e I 4 Tork. thla afternoon wirod Ovsr d a Dwcg, otarr ex tsooum to. or' in la s 4 -city tna ronowing: , e , "Tha Unltsd States 8teeI Cor 4 porstlon declared IK par sent d . tha usual quarterly dividend on 4 tha preferred stock, Jurts ' 10 4 quarter. 1 Net earnings 110,101,. e 111, Increase) tlO.ll4.llt.- Un- 4 filled ordera on June 20. 1101, e e 4.I2I.IEI tons against, 1,117,110 e d- on .March II, 1101, and 1,111.177 on d , tons June II, 1104. Tha surplus d d . for June quarter after chargea d 4 and preferred dividend amounts d) d to 110,170,111 against 11,171.407 e 4 In prevloug quarter and $1,777.- e d 444-tn June quarter last yssr. d 4 This seems gomewhat dlssp- d s pointing and bearlih to ua aa d d tha earnlnga ara $1,000,100 d e . leaa than predicted and unfilled . o) 4 orders ara nsarly 100,00 tons less . e d than for tho previous qnarter." d NATIVES OF CELEBES v - FIGHTING THE DUTCH ' (Journal Special Service, 1 Singapore. July 15. The ' Celebea lalandera, armed- with modern magaalne rifles, ara In rebellion against tho Dutch authorltlea. I'A large Jiaval and jnlllury force has , been dispatched to subdue them, snd warships ' and ' ' transports ara - sow lying orr - varan- patlro. - Tha natlvia ars warlike and the campaign la likely to be protracted and costly, right ing begsn In Bonl in tho latter part of June, when a Dutch camp waa attacked by tha natives, who were driven off with a total .lots of 100 klUed and wounded, . . . e. r .. , , . ; . , Pillars of New Church Moum . .Flight of Leader With Fifty V i' ' .Thousand Cash. .t - ,"' ' .. ' (Journal Special Barries.)' Chicago, July 16. The pillars of tha Churoh of Bolsatlflo Chrlatlsnlty ara mourning today avsr tho suddsn flight of Mabsl A, Jackrnan, the "Bhepherdesg or Paradlae,v who, with her husbauul. la supposed 'to ba heading for Auatralla with 110.000 belonging to the church. The two . mveterloualr tflgappaared from, tha church and home Julr II. whan thay started -west. j v . Mrs. Jackrnan bad become notorious In police elrclea ; and her home waa tha scsna of a aenaatlonal raid a f aw warka ago. a No warrants for their arrest will ba taken out, according to Mrs. -Lydla A, Slmmona. who mads nubile tha fact of tbs dtsapupearanoa of the "Shepherd- sag of Paradise. Dr. J. A. Price, tha physlolsn at the bead of tha mystsrloua cult, sajra that ha heard Mr a. Jackmaa read alettes from one -of tb moat enthualsstle fol lowers f 1 ths - "woman mrstsry, a rtoh man -in Australia. ; offsrlng the "healer"- big financial . lnducamsnta:-, ta start a propaganda there, , . . , ; Toughs brutally beat; , . AN AGED SEATTLE MAN 7 : ::' ' '" '. m ": . V . " (Special D la patch The JosmaL) . 1 ttoattle, - Wssh July ' II. Antond Fisher,- a pioneer carpenter of this elty, aged 10 years, while walking through: Dennx park. In tha canter of ths real. dencel district, thla morning was -stt, upon by ala young- toughs and beatso Inti Insensibility, six of Ma teeth were knocked out., his ayes blackened slid he waa kicked about tba body n sr fright ful manner. . ' - - , , '.' No causa for ths Attack fa known, but tt la believed to have been tha work of a gang of 'toughs In tha north end. De tectives have been sent out to appro hend them, . Flaher fat In a serious con dition, , v . ., ... .'. ., .. ' . .:. , ENTIRE FAMILY-LOST ON BURNING DESERT :, ' ';..V ... 1 . : ,;. v (Special Dlepstch te The JonruaL) " ' I San Bernardino, July II. A pa that le gtory of gqrsBQrt. famlJrTsTrTnded sn4 loat on the desert waa brought bare br Oeorga L, Hunter,; a mine oyner of Ivan- pan valley. . Manual Eapulrlada, bis wire and -three children... one . a child 4 ysara old. set out from Uvsds, Utah, to journey by wagon to Searchlight. During a storm they loat tbs road and wandered out on tha burning desert,' where) they snf fared terribly from heat and thirst flnanr-tbahorses -rsrr-Away-- and wrecked the wagon. Tha youngeat ehlld wandered away and was lost on the desert. Miners at laat found ths family and,' after supplying them food, guides them to Searchlight, Nevada. ; ' , " 1 FIFTY iMEW LIFT CAR ; : ' AND RELEASE CHILD (Bpadal Dlepstch ts Tba Joaraai) W New York. July 1 5. -W hen l-yaar-old Ignaclo Btoglo wag run over by a ear In front of hta horns yesterday and bla right jJToot.lcriiah.ed jinderithtlorward wheels." 10' men' lifted tha ear so ' the child jjoul4bejtel0Med, Tho boy -did not whimper aa ho lay there or when takstf to tba sidewalk. It waa found bis tight foot wag completely eevered. 1 Ana of those) who hejped to raise tha car made a -rough tourniquet with bla handkerchief until Dr. Bowman arrived in an ambulance ana took the boy to Bellsvue hospital. : Ths boy'g mother. who was croaslng tha street with him when the oar struck him. Is frantlo with grief. Although bo will bo crippled for life, Ignaclo waa tho coolest af all, and uttered no word of complaint . . J EMPEROR OF SAHARA TO MAKE WAR UPON FRANCE ' " ' (Joaraal atoeclal atorvhm.1 . Paris. July II. -According to the Petit Parisian. Jacqusg Lebaudy, the self- styled "Emperor .of Sahara.", who. for aoma time hag been In ecllpaa, has seat a note to Prime Minister Rouvler claim ing redress for alleged lnjutiea. He threatens If his demand Is not complied with that no will declare war against Franna. Incidentally ho wirna othars that "If his tQsJsety Jacquea bo made ths victim of hostile or disloyal aota on tho part of other human belnga living, thla planet government of Sahara will pualsh those Individuals." ,',.'. . - CARTER WILL REMAIN : GOVERNOR OF HAWAII (Joaraal pedal Bervles.i ' ' " Oyater Bay. July IB. The prealdent has declined to accept the .resignation of George R. Carter aa governor of Ha waii. Carter was advised to go back to Honolulu, where be will have the full auDoort and sympathy of tho na tional administration. Upon tha advice of ths prealdent Governor Carter with drew hta resignation and after a few weeks' vacation In this country will re turn to the Island. ' ,. r ' COURTHOLDSCOLLINST" 'MUST BE EXTRADITED (Isaraal Special Sw ilaa.t . .', Victoria. B. C July It. Judge Lantan haa decided agalnat George D. Collins, the San Francisco bigamist lawyer who Is frying to escape extradition on perjury . charges. The Judge bald that the extradition act of 1114-had mo appli cation where It waa Inconsistent with the treaty, and- that tba new treaty of 1I0S provided . for - extradition . for perjury, Collins gave notice of appeal by habeaa eorpua proceedings. . SIX-YEAR-OLD BOY sastrro imiir 111 tbiisii .' " (Joaraal' Special Service.) Naur Tork. Jul It.- For two months John Mulqueen, aged I, whose father dlaappeared and whoae mother died, baa been living in a trunk In an alley neat his former homo on Tenth aeenue. Neighbors saw ths child crawling la and out of tha trunk and occasionally gave him food.- Ths police were finally notified snd eared for tho outcast . , . 1 , a. 1 1 .a.r- . ' rireeraoke Xajnrse Boy, (Special Dla patch ta The JoaraaLl t -Baker City, Or, July II. WhUe play ing with a firecracker laat Saturday aft ernoon tha young aort of WAV Job neon, deputy aaaeaaor, received tho force of ths explosion In his left eye and It was thought for a time that tho eight waa destroyed, - The boy had lighted tha fuss and .waa holding, the cracker up to his face when It exploded. A doctor, waa called, aad thinks be ana save tba eye. J V CCUIN5 tlOTI 6PPINQ0 tlOTtt ItBAted oa. the Cotajaibia aUvsr. ) -.) ; - -.; M Tames fxwm lriBwt!- . The watera of Collins Hot Springs are) famous, for tho ears of Rhouanat' , Liver and Kidney Troubles. , On application I can give many names of who hv4 been cured by tho uaa of these waters. Moat beautifully alluatoi, f rmnd acenery, rood flahlng and the beat accommodations In tho Northwt Come and see for yourself. Seeing la believing. O. T. MXl&MMM, VxwpgMaoa. American: inn ai any iima or aary ar any grata., jsuro plan, ll.sO to $7 pr day. IFa Portland . PORTXeANTA ORKlON. y il AatMricAa Plan S2.00 a JDay. .. anej aTpvrsrL ;,' . KBADQTJARTKRS FOR TOURa S .1STS AND COMMrRCUi .. ' TRAVELERS. . '(' ' Special rates made to families and single gentlemen. A modern Turkish bath establishment la tha botsL , .K. q, B0WSBS, BxAgUage. Clatsop Beach, Seaside Or. Finest summer resort In Oregon. .Tad only hotel on the beach overlooking the ocean. Sea foods a specialty. Tha betel has been rebuilt and pewly furnlabed. Hot ' salt hatha. Pins surf bathing di rectly In front of tha hotel.'- Strictly first-elaaa. -American plan. For terms snd reeervatlona . addrsse ' DAN J. MOORE, proprietor. Hotel Eaton OerBor Merrleia aad Was Park Uasma ' .;va NEW Srs proof, Sve minutes'- walk shopping ssd buatssss district, all large, airy, entatda rooeaa, a tea 01 heated, eleetrto Ugbts, telephone In oecb apailaaoat. sts. Larso efseaa. toaagisg. amoklag. wrltlag. Jjadtoo reeeptloa par lore. Baa me tee ar ill Frtvake emaJbas suits trains aad Rooihm $I.OO to $S.OO a Day " Special ' Bates te Commercial Itea. . . - MMJL BtAX KATOB. , ' " ' fFormerty at Hotel sVedpata. Spokaaa.t IVilhoit Springs Ootel . Wilhoil Slcgc lyoaves Oregon City dally, evcept Sun day, at 1:10 a. m. Faro II. to. Oregon City office next door to Oregon. Water rower ui i aepox, , . wNj3aJ City; St. TALIAN STEEL WORKERS ' OUT ON GENERAL STRIKE V:vri-'.. i j . ' ' (Joaraal Special Berries.) ""' f TernL Italy. July la. Seven thou- ssnd employes of armor plat mills ar On a strike for Sa eight-hour day. A general strike in ths Italian iron and atari mills la Imminent BOWBTBTO, KOinOaT. ft OtX (Kstabllsbed lilt.) aits bttoox bbo: atooxa 4, OrouBd Floor, OaTAktBSB OP CO'IXBmOX. Hotelfce CM. OVER22CIC, OTARH (T: G4 . Members Chicago woara ox i . cxinr, rMTisxoaTS. c;xr:r. ix ft$ Third Street, Mr"sy TV" ' " ;. ' TT3 59 a r - : ( 1. - - -.'. t. Only ' hotel in exposition Guests are famished with pass, aJievr- lnar xnarm rn rn la a,vA rma k. a glwtli ABHW inds ' pean plan, to It per day. orcaa MRS. J. X. . H CnEAalT J Hotel Fairmouul Otrpoalto BEate satnisi ta aaOwa aad ' - i-. ... . , Qiagk Bis-Bisrtlssv. ..... Only absolutely fireproof hotel toV , joining grounds, equipped with slscti tslephonlo and special telephonic exu munloatlona for patrona. r UaaArrst porters . and beilboya . at all hoeira nam, squippod wita sisctris : od ai uosiar mmmom. -'.,..,,..,,,.'..,....,...,,. 1 1 Open for Geests BVATSS SUM A AT AjrjJ TJTF, ." W. H. aaATTPC Oeoaral stoibTssx PALeACB MOTEL "Whether ha goes by land pr aea. tho traveler will find it a delightful trip to has Francisoo, where he should atop at. tho world-fSkne4 Xdsxz Hotel -J 'and enjoy lta many attrao tlva feature. For fuller Information writs . to tha rsoaoe. or st tho pprtland) Inforxsa. .Htortgs-r naxoH aovrivci , OfcJF. P. A ST. CO. '.'. Hotel Estacado nTTalsntat BESOXT OxT TKB BAJTZS 0S - ' Til OXAOXAaTAS BJFXB. - . . is ulxs molt pomnAira.-. '. Bstss ttf da..;.-,...;'. ,.;..r.m Ha tea per week., .1.440 SIU ticket. xoctsdlBg roaad trip " fare end dlnaer 7.S V.TS Special ticket, tactsdlag iwaad trie ' nexn optics ftest ajtb ausb tts : " L B.MARTIMMZ, Jligrk -iw, ZtTAOAAA, OBEOOV. PAX BATXS AT. THE COSMd! i 1 a. M. Dos. Poazth aad Now o nder tho - ammo majiarsrnont - s 1 "The CaJumet," eentrally located. Wuui furnished, ; ' , One room, ona person. ..'..ripav One room, two preoaa....i U9per6.-1 FamUy euitso ............ .ieUel per A.y i PBXTATa SOABB aVbTB X.ZTi. atrs. Barak Casmberlataw Long bsafe. Wash. Boaas Caoh lag- 0a4 MoaaaT t'K,.: :' :' -: ' '. V ' ' - ' . . i aroajojda t What Mrs, A. r. OateAixag at PeelAaa, Onfm, , ' swtb abows Casey's Rheumatic Care; a Tho Woxld's tetesrt soiBgw tn Rliftlltm Mr, Casey: I have been suffering 'Tory bad) with Rheumatism. Waa adrlaed to try Casey Rheumatio Cur. Csn say after using two bottles? that I ara now fro front rheumatio paioa and am ' much bettsr at Throat Trouble. , X aaa bow IS years of ago and am thankful te you for what vmjr vnedlaln tiaat rlmta. fn, ana r 4-. Mrs, A. P. CATCHING. 101 Bumstd U PortlaBd. 7S-' . Medicine aold oa guarantee. II bottle, at Watte ' . 1 At Matthleu. 171 Ruasell aL Woodard Oarks. . : , I cor. Fourth and Waa h Ing ton: Skldmore Dirug ;YJ,;, I Co., Ill Third St.; Albtna Pharmacy, IIS Bus- jWa IIP 1 soil St. Portland: Gooraia . A. Hardin. Oraaoa . Johns Pharmacy. St, Jobnsi ; VERNON Smareatlen loualred today la le ess 0 nriao srfert "Vernosv Forttond's Peertasg P uVl Oh. Joel' TaruoB the Bcaatlfa!. ' ' "Proepereua Taraoa, Portland's ttUm. , , "Verily. I Sayi TerooB.' .... . ' oruoa, the 0.kl Edge.-'. . "Vernon, Faradleo B-galnod.'e -, f "Tell 'em About Terna." ' , "Say. Talk About Vereea.' . . "Veraoa, Baea City's RseetosS." . -"Thero Are Other, -But"-- i . . ,. "Nature TleMa, Vernon Wins." " , . . "Bablea Cry TerBo. "Ihiovenlr Bomaa at Ferns., .... "Oalde Ma, acalawaeVeraoa. , -tM from tuo to SeOS. , Soad SO 4xuy t etallmesla. ' . , stoosB nrvTir- 'T rx . ItlH Sixth Suuot. 1 af 1