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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
t::s onrooij daily jcur.:.v.t. rcr.rLAirD. :u. FffiGiii : mm a. .Si IS mm-mm Thawte Kuberta. Beary Boeerta. J llobcrto Crc3. ; wKousais av7 sitaix x." . oooi . tea's sralahiaas aa -Saeee."-- , SJ" K. Cor. TU4 sad atorrlaoa BU. v- w . - a UUtir V - - . a POOL SELLING IERE CLOSED tin;j Citizens of the Region Tt:i Exposition Crowds of the " f District's' Wealth;,;; . 7TERNOON PROGRAM : ' 'A'ZfJ OF VARIED INTEREST ,v ; ' Those Who Are Makinj erNew Em y pirc Out of Rough Elements' East of ; the Cascade Tell of Their Achleve- 4 v-' - :'.- j . , . i jnents.v;,-..-' ''.. '';; l.-.'v, - V" ' -. vv.i. i' ," ' ' ' i . , . nfyV'ii ... .:'.' '.' t The total liumWt edmls." e alone to the f1r grounds op toe e 11:80 a. ra. today we 7.H. The e ; total number of admissions yes- ' ' "ter wee 17,164 l VVVVV 1 1 . . ' . . . ' -' . . Baker . county today told exposition visitors about , the mineral wealths that bound ia Its mountains, the bande of eatUe. sheep end horses that, roam ltt Valleya. the agricultural products that make the , region famous, and the spirit of loyalty that t Impelling- Its enthusl actio dtlseae to push their community rapidly .-- , 1 '- ";' ' - At -.1:14 o'clock- this ; afternoon -,t 101 . . Baker county people gathered at, the Oregon building- to entertain the bun '. Sreds of visitors from other states who bad coma to the exposition to learn of the- treat wfcst. V !' "j i- ioTejgi ' This Axtwon., ', ?'.,-. It " was a, diaUnetly Baker county f motion. excepting Jor the addras of v-eloome by 'Jefferson Myers, preeldent ct the Lewie and Clark state commis sion, an the greeting by Henry H. Dosch, director-of exhibits. Even the ln music was a product of Baker ounty. for the White Swan band. -with ii members, which yeeterday began a , two weeks' engagement, played for .the " t -caslon. ..... - 11 -'. ."', --.J' '. ' Mayor Johns of Baker City made the t rmal reeponse -to . the addresses of loonae, Mies- Helen Buck, principal of te Baker City high school, read en orlg. lnal poem; Charles S. Murphy of the mim -city rendered a vocal solo; Mrs. lewis Levlnger of the Alpha Literary ; cub, and Rev.. J RcN, Bell gave ed- Areasee., : ''.'. ' ,:1-v' . '- new WU xVaeelved. .'.- . . ... . Then there was reception, at "Which llsajui"-flelewas t he hostess, and .naau. n naalatarit hoetessee: ' "L : . Meadames C A. Johna, O. B. Small. I B. Bowen, J. U Rand. Art Harris, Nst Cooper, 8amuel White, Fred Epplnger, L. b. LJvermore. Percy Brack, Carl Dll shelmer, R. P. Carter, Thomaa Burke, S. U Beer, J. T. Donnelley, Joseph Ison. ' reorge Chandler and C. M. Biga, and laeea Nellie , SUck. Annie Klnnlson, elena " Waterman, Susie Smith. Grace cDanlel and Ethel Palmer of Baker ity; Meademesv WIHtom Gleaaon, N. C Klcharda, H. T.' Hendryx. James ; A. 1 oward and- Cats Johns ef Sumpter; J rs, J. H.-AUkln of Huntington, . Mrs. lbrt Getaer of Oelaer, ajxJ Mre. Pavld Vlloox ol Haines. .. , .... . Company A, Third Infantry, O. J. ,Q. wss also in evldenoe. ' An altractlva- feature of the .Baker Jj:ountyajrwasJlhe distribution- of 00 old quarts hat and scarf pins, roads - of g-old due from tha mines of that aectlon, and which will be treasured by the women to whem-the' were Siren. , .The productivity of Baker county la all forms of wealth each year la not leas than ft,000,oOO,-of which $4,000, eos eomes from the mlnea, which- are . only partially, developed. 1 . . t '. -;:.- 4, WToeperoee Oouaiy., ' J i It wae shown today that the prosper ity of the county is almost unexampled. Baker City, the county seat, is growing ' rapidly; Sumpter is ''developing; com mensurate with the mining lnduatry, and other towns are doing the aame. Greater attention Is paid to agriculture than in former years, end the livestock ' Interests are becoming; en Important element in the production of wealth.. Address ef Jefenon Mycra. r President Myare eald. In parts 1 -' -No peppla .have over been more en ' ' thuelaeUo and given a better support to any of the great expositions than have '. the people of the Interior portion of the att of Orea-on. Your county ahould. I . believe, be called the Treasury county. '..Ton are the representatives of the great gold fields that abound with ao much .riches for your. state. ,Toti have only produced what' seems- -to bo -a small ' - amount of the actual wealth that yet re. . maina for you. ' - Tour development hai inly reached a preliminary stage end ; when once developed it -will be one of the richest gold fields In all this west ' ern country. ;' ' . t "My friends, the pioneer of your coun try was the prospector whose life and efforts were crowned with .little If any of the. com forte which you now enjoy. There were lonely hours In ' his little ' cabin away off In your mountains, and the little gravo whloh now contains the bleached bones Is the only evidence that over such an Individual existed. His ' anxiety-, to poaeeae the great wealth, which be .anticipated and return to bis home to eelebrate again himboy hood "lioura wint the old family never came. , and I believe that if you could erect to the memory of these honorable pioneers a suitable piece ef statuary In your city, with; the - proper Inscritplon - It would be one of the great educational In vestment a and a pride and comfort to , ever jOltise'n ia your-state.' .. ' LETIIQDS OFPATROLMEN - ARE CENSURED t- Officer Carlson's Detective Work k Aired- in .Court and Con-- demned by the Judge. ' ,, While ', Police Judge Cameron 7 eon . . demned the methods employed by Pa . trolmao , Carlson In - fretting ; evidence, .- agreeing to- a certain extent' with the grilling given him by Attorney Petraln , this morning, he adjudged May Williams, , a iiegress, gulljy of larceny end held her . n the grand jury with a bond fixed at ' . STJ".. "' - ., ... ' ';' "'JT- f The evidence shewed that Carlson saw the. woman last night about : o'clock at Park and tutsan streets and pretended te be drunk In ordet" to get her to accost liim. He then arreated her. alleging' that she took his purse, containing' 11.70, and ' Hurmd tt-cente to him when- lie told i r he wee ao officer ' . "This officer stands before this court," i '4 Attemey . Petraln, "convicted out - t hie own mouth of deliberately enticing x en te break the. law.",.. , , Capt Spencer Announces He Ytill Bpgln Suit to Enjoin iry 11 Innn D..L eaaL-A !.' WOULD ESCAPE DANCER OF BEINQ HELD LIABLE , i evi- As Manager of - ther Property f Fears i He Might Be XmpUcated si ,Vlb. 1 lator of ..Anti-Pool - Law. -end So Seeks to End Prirtf' Iw1:',' A blanket oomplslnt was Sled U the police oonrl late this eftermooa by Cap tain a. W. peeeee eeasaae elaTht peeeoae eoaaeoeed with Zrvtegton raoe traak,.whe are aoonsee 01 violating erOlnanoe Mo. eoTS, which proaialWi raaabllar and g-asa-bUng- . rtaej. . Warrants of smart, suraeS by Volloe Jndare Oamaroa. have beam tasted on their .eomplalats for the following' parson at 'A. IV zla mond, x. X onee, wiDJam Ayree, Oharlsa MoOarthy, Jo ha Doe ato swill. ohm aTnmphreye, ohm oe Oemmmd, CapUla SL'W. Snencer la nlannlnar to Strike e blow at bookmakink and pool seUlnr on, the races at the Irvine-ton caoetrackv Ha will btjng action In the couru to prevent gambling of anyna- ture. within the-Irvlngton trace eourae on the ground that It Is In violation of the law. ; '-- The above decision Waa reached after' e long - conference this morning be tween. Captain Spencer and Attorneys Henry MoGInn end R. W.- MonUgtia- It developed that . Spencer. ' acting as agent 7 Of the property end the owners of ths property could be held liable for controlling property which waa uaed for gambling purposes, according- to the state laws, and that It is oh this ground that he will bring action. " - . The attorneys refused to tell whether aa Injunotlon suit would . be brought against the stockholders and A. R. Dia mond, the manager of' the Multnomah Fair association or whether, warrant! would be laaued .for their arrest.- Cep tsln Spencer left the matter entirely- In the -hands -of-bla legal mdvlkers, ; Action may be taken late this after noon or early tomorrow morning. At all events poolselllng may be prevented at the track tomorrow afternoon. ' Mayor Leine la also making; an Inves tigation of the poolrooms at 'the track. He waa not entirely satisfied with the opinion of City Attorney McNary, which Interfere with - bookmaklng . and pool selling at the Irvington track. He has referred the matter to his police com mittee conaiatlng of Messrs. Greene, Blagen and Sabin end has also sought other legal advice. If he becOmee con vinced that pooleelllng Is being carried on In violation of law he states that he will give "Instructions to the chief of police to prevent It. - It Is stated by the raelng officials that If betting Is stopped the races can not be conducted; as It Is from, the -book-making' and pooleelllng that the, racing association receiver its revenue. av i rt ' . Bennington's ; Boiler Blew Up 'When Gauge Showed Low; x s Pressure Maintained..-v ,;; -I fcf ;(JoersaI Speetal Borrlca.) i" ' - - f Sam Diego, CaL. . July 26. The most Important statement made yet as - to the causa of the Bennington explosion wss obtained today from Machinist A T. Nelson, the only survivor of the end no- -room. It will be remembered that Cap tain iYeuna;. In his report on the trip from Honolulu to Ban. Diego, made to Admiral Goodrich, stated that the boil ers were not safe with a pressure -exceeding ISO to lit pounds.- Nelson wss In .charge of the engine Friday "when the ship eras .about to leave . He eaya: "I kept e careful watch of the eteam gauge. The pressure went up to 149. I then dropped it back to ISO, and the engines were turned over once. '.The total pressure then waa up to exactly III, end was at that figure the moment that the explosion occurred." '- The supplyshlp Iris arrived this morning from Mare .Island, with , three sets of diving apparatus and1 four men from the submarine service, to be em ployed aa divers, They will go down to Inspect the plates of the Bennington and determine the advisability, .of re pairs. ', y Officers new believe that the ship .can be repaired.' No new deaths of .victims are reported today, but three ere in a very serious condition. One .of .-.the worst li W( V. Kennedy of Alliance, Mebraexa. i an aiavuMJaa; waia - '. -,L: .'..(Joernal Special ajrTitav"--:. Stockton, CaL, July SB. "The gun boat Bennington la ev.floetlne; -coffin and unfit for service,"-- declared- Chief Ma chinist C O. Wheeler last February. when he said good-bye to his mother, Mrs C C Wheeler, in this city end returned te his post on ths naval vessel. 'He realised he Was going; on 'A dangerous mission.. He - now- lies among the wounded at San Dlegov -This declaration by the chief machinist that the Ben nington was a floating coffin tends to the belief that 'the boilers' of the ajun boat were In a dangerous condition, , WEALTHY COTTON BROKER KILLS HIMSELF IN HOTEL i "r v- i r ' - - New Tcrk. July 15. Otto Bernhelmer, e member of ths firm of Bernhelmer Walter, cotton brokers, reputed to he wealthy, committed suicide today la his apartments ;st - the' Hotel Seville. . No resson for the ect Is known.,-- i Winiana BCeore te ftaklnf . . .William Moore, thrown 4t feet from a pole, when ,009 volts of electrlcttv paased through hie body, took a sudden turn - for the worse, this' morning, and Oood1 Samaritan hospital attendants ex pcess.'tbe opinion that he will probably die. i i - , s .t ' -( 'Hot Weather et -Walla Walla,--- Walla Walla. Wash.,- Julyr ll. with one exception the lest five days m Wall Walla have been the hottest for e period of -SO yea re. The' average temperature during the five days , eiWlng Sunday night wss M degreeevr, .. ;t..,.jj...-j-. , LI AC 1 1 1 H 1ST TELLS . OF EXPLOSIOri . , PortUad. Ongoa. Jn SB. 1805. . . Tbe.Onsua. lUr Jverae.T. fettUaej, - ' lrffua. - ' ' OentlanMa Keeentlf we ra4 e! t yearl contract A apaee la ttte- Hub. i oar Journal, Bad ' K glree u great ! plearara ta have tela oiportirottjr of ' tniirjlag ee to Its value as as ad- vert Ulnf medium. - : - Laat week wa reeeloed from eaaters aumiraeturera M.ooe iwlra of ahooa and " taaae we deriood to otter fur eale at -s aaltia-ai prtro of tl pea pair. To reach tao Mop le and to tel tSosi of too wondorrui barf' las we kad in etnre . ' Tne thrm we eeeltlod te ' e , a fall " twee advertlaetnent la the " SuBday " loiiraal of 4h td. - 1 - The eale beaaa yeaterdar Braralaf t aod whoa the aloee waa oponed at S o'clock . a great crowd bad aathered. BaxWoa for admittance, and before we foand It ware ary . to etatiua a . maa at the entrance te the' baaomeat, . where tea eala waa la prosraea. to ra Btrale the people from - aceodln( la euch large aaawera that thef eooM -not ' ; tne-wattrd oa. We- had .coatowera In ' handreoa and, although it waa nut at ' Srat Intenood ' to all . aay et ttrta i ' "bargaia" eonalgnSMnt eat the appee ; aaura, we bad . to .. aeaUl ianrorlae e ahowtable on the mala Boor. But ' thle waa not etMusk,. ao wo made ethar "euraara." called , aajeapaoplo from thee a par tain a to-of -ho eteee--ane sntll ear doore were eloaed at o'ekx-k " there wae no dlmlalahatent ef the tr .aaeneoao craaa -o barere. - Aa atatad at the baalnaing, no ether . medium of ttT character, waa em , ployed to announce thla eveat. and te ) the fsaadar Journal meat be attributed Jthe matehleaa aarraaa of the eale. , With boat wlahea tt The Joeraal . : Bad aabouoded faith la the-saner aa . a mnat attraetlvo aiodloa of publicity, , we ere very truly ", .- ; S08ESTS , BBOS. ' SEA TRAGEDY. OFF inEiioocipoi! i. aa.Miiaahaeuuuuuuuanwauuuwa. " l.a 1 . ft l5nlcnown" Steamer Wrecked "on the Rocks Near the Treacher . . , v ous California Cape. .V'.iJ" Ooaraal Special Service.) ?'' t:' Eureka. CaU" July 16. With lief cap tain and -crew reported to be deeertlng her, en unknown steamer, believed to be a collier bound from the north' to San Francisco, - is ashore 4 at- Cape . Mando cluo. . A tug and life-saving crew left thla morning In response to e message celling for assistance, A message from the cape et 11 a. m. stated that three small - boats were launched from a a trahSedr steamer, andTThat men were il- Hnpuas o rvat-n . uia cape. - The vessel Is grounded well up on the beach end Is In no danger of go ing to pieces. . The steamer must have lost her course In the fog In the night. - The steamshlo Roanoke, of the North Pacific Steamship company, whloh left San Francisco et S o'clock July St, was due at Eureka early this morning. .Tb.' Roanoke le due here Thursday evening. She Is e vessel "With e gross tonnage ef MOO tons, and. left Son Francisco with about SCO passengers, : She Is a coal burner and regarded aa an. excellent and seaworthy boat The local agency of the company has received no advice regard lag her since per, departure .from San Francisco. fe The steamship City 'of Pueblo, of the Pactfle Steamship company line, la also due today la the vicinity of Eureka, bound from San Franc 1 boo to Victoria end the sound. - She la SSO feet Ions end earriea from SOO to 400 passengers: At the office of the company here nothing hae been heard to Indicate that she has had trouble, w r ,s . - , . The steamship Aurelja, of the Ruaaell to Rogers line, In en route from 8as Francisco, and due In Portland July.' SO. As far. as known at the local office of the company she hae met no misfortune, There ere no boats of the Portland-San Francisco company's line et sea todsy. The St. Paul left here July SO and ar rived at San Francisco the evening of July as. '.'.- : One dispatch from the scene of the trouble says that ."a large 'passenger steamer; name not yet learned, is In dis tress e ejuarter ef sails norta-of Eu reka. . Paaaengers are being taken off In small boats, and tugs have gone to her relief." r.Ths Roanoke or ths City of Pueblo are the only beats due In the vicinity that correspond with such a de scription.., . t ; : .. IDAHO EDITORS VICTIMS OF Ml ROBBERS ' . j'.v-v'r ' ' ' Sensational Looting of Pullman Cars En Route to San Fran f ' cisco From Portland. ''"' ''4 '' (Jooraal Speetsl Serrlee.) . -Sen" Francisco, July S 5. There was a wholesale robbery on the Oregon express-whloh errlved -here et o'clock last night from Portland;' Pending a thorough Investigation of ths sensa tional looting of ' two - Pullman ears, Bout Kern PaclftovrmctBle end detectives are making- ovary effort to suppress the affair. - Four men In a special Pullman car chartered by the Idaho State Edi torial association, attached to the rear of the train, were despoiled (Of their Pullman next to ity two eastern passen- eers were robbed. ,- ' ' The Idaho editors, with members of their families, number 40 persons. They had been visiting the Portland exposi tion end came to California on., sight seeing tour, - Sunday morning between S o'clock and o'clock . four of their number ' were robbed.' One of them la Bdltor ' Bert Mills of the Idaho Falls Times, who was robbed of 1140 cosh, his watch, a ring and most of his clothes. IX to Badley of Boise City, grand secretary of the Idaho Odd Fel lows and editor of tbe Idaho Odd Fellow, loot nenrlv all Ma clothes end l0 cash. Ia J. Weaver of Mountain Home lost his trousers and 150 in cash. C E. Jones of the Idaho City World had 140 In ceab stolen from him - together with his coat ' The colored porters are sus pected. '.' '. '.,". . i PATROLMAN SCHNEIDER WILL HAVE TO EXPLAIN Patrolmen Edward Schneider was sua pendedchla morning by Chief of Police Orlttiescner-on a charge of drunkenness sm"pndwct unbecoming an officer.". For some time Schneider has been do. Ing duty in the vicinity of . the fate grounds. Last night he fs'llM to report for duty end en officer 1s. said to have found him In his room on Overton street Intoxicated, . , , - ,t, v. Northern Pacific Takes Assistant . " ' 1 a 1'. iL i'Ji . ? uensrai Agency in wnuer uiej . . Taconia Officers. ; FULTON RESIGNS TO V x- " TAKE BETTER PLACE Most of the Clerks 'Will Go ttTSound Headquarters of the Company Ex cept a Few jRetained . Hers in Do partrnent Poaitiona. " s '-'.' ' '" A strong general agency Is to be sub stituted -for the present department of tbe assistant general freight agent ef the Northern Pacific railroad, at Portland, S. O. Fulton, assistant general freight agent, here, has tendered hie-resignation., and -will acoept mora lucrative position. Asked what he would do, he replied that his newposltlon wss on tne Pacific coast,' but be was not yet ready to make a further . statement of his plana,--' -';.- -."', v.; "' . .' -V- The department over which na nee pre sided employs about 0 men. of whom six ere In the-offtoe Of W. H. narnara, assistant freight claim agent All will go to Tacoma if they decide to continue In the service of ths company, with tne exception of a few who may be retained iirra iu i.nm Iruffi 4 j.roiBu o the company. Tbe name of R. T. ureta. now division freight end passenger agent at Seattle, la discussed as e possible in cumbent of the' new office of generel agent at Portland. He was formerly chief .clerk In Mr. Fulton's office here, and Is In line Or promotion. The depart ment of the assistant generaj freight agent, which Is to be Installed ' In the Northern Pacific's fine building at Ta coma, will be - under - Henry Blakely. who has -been appointed to succeed nr. Fulton. , Mr. Blakely Jas been assist ant general freight agent et "St PauL A rumor to the effect that tee ornoe of the assistant general passenger agent is to be .removed to Tacoma is ornciauy dsnled by A. D. Charlton. - - Thera la. not a word or trutn in . Tou can positively deny the ieport,"Je si" trrrTurtonr-vBS -retiree Trominf Northern Paclfte.vdld his nrst railroad work as agent at a-Junction ststlon of ths Laika Sunerlor Eastern, now a part of the Northern Paclflosystem,' between St, Paul and Duluth. He went - from there to the general freight qf flee -at St. Paul, and shortly afterward .wae made agent at Glyndon. a Junction of ern, 10 miles from Fargo. "He was suc cessively agent - end division freight sgent at Helena, and In 1SSI came to Portland ee assistant general iraigni agent -' v . -. ' . PROGRAMS FOR CONCERTS - AT - FAIR - TOMORROW niut eoneertB -at the 1 exDOsltion . to morrow wlll..include the .following pro grams! . -' i-.- vi -' j n. rwa -ne4n'a AdWlnlatratlOn bSnd. mornhig (Marchj fThe Bur of. Pesttiry. h4iv nveetiira. "Hunaarlan Comedy." Keler-Bela; waits, "pream of the Ocean." UJin' IM,I4HW) . . selection. "I. O, V.." Johnson; grand fan- teala. "Amarlcan," Bendlx; maaurka, "La Cxarlna," Oanne; maron, --xsnxee uru.; Holiman. ' arieennfJn-Overtdra.- "flfabat Mater." Rossini: endsnte. from "First , Sym phony, ueetnoven: ine nipimi wwi of Hone. Batiste: waits, ''Beauty's Charms,"Toban'. medley, "Crems de la Vreme,1 iLsurendesu; "Monsstery eiis" (a nocturne), Wely; selection. "Ermfhle,'' JskobowBkl; "Administration March." De Caprlo." -i- i" '',-'" '. " ' By the POUrth Unltea Btates tjavairy band morning March, "King : Cotton," Sousa; ' selection, "Dolly Varden," Ed na. ' alaa eanaenola. "Mercedes.' Gellmbertl; moroanu,. "Naughty Eyes," Armsnd; masurxa, , -Amoroso, nsvarro; medley overture, "Selling .Down , the Bey." MahL .-.'-. -.- . . Afternoon March,-JVe ear s r 1 ri- umphal." Mitchell; overture. "Wllllam Tell." Roaalnl; selectlon.'Tr.' Pickwick." Klein; song, 'The Bweeteet Btory Ever Told." Stults; . welts," "Italian Nights," Tobanl: medlev . overture. . "Suwanee River," Von TUser.- - ' i V SERIOUSLY INJURED . -Vs : BY THRESHING MACHINE V (gperial tMapatch te ne Joeraait ' Walla Walla. Wash July 18. Austin Keea, a cousin of Wsrden Kees of the state penitentiary, was brought to the Walla Walla hospital .Sunday suffering from sa arm fractured In. three placea and - practice lly stripped of- flesh. - Mr. Kees, who Is operating e threshing out fit In the BUrbuck country, accidentally caught his hand - In - some - machinery while working around the separator Saturday evening. .- Hie arm waa drawn In almost the shoulder before tne engineer could stop the machine. Mr. Keea wss taken to Starbuck and brought to Walla Walla on e special train. ... , JAMES H; MORROW TO BE-- LIJMBING4NSPECT0R James H. Morrow- of , ISt . Stanton street will be aDDolnted eltv iilumblne Inspector by Mayor -ine. - The appoint-14 ment would have been made today, had the meyor succeeded " In notifying Thomas E, Hulqne, ihe present Inspec tor, Mr. Morrow Is - an experienced plumber and Is considered a very capa ble man for the position. . v-,- Hulme has held the office for Sve years.' He 'Was . appointed - by Mayor Rowe, end-was reappointed by May of Will lama, The office waa conducted Is a thoroughly satisfactory manner dur ing the time Mr. Hulme had charge of it SALOON AT DILLEYV ;l ; 1 BURNS TO THE GROUND (Special Clspateb ta The Sasraal.) '" Hlllsboro, Or, July SS. The saloon of Oliver Chownlng at Pllley, about IS miles from here,- wae dee t roved by Ore yeeterday. - The Value of ihe property was probably I1.S00, end wae covered with taoe insaretiee. ' - George Lenerd end H. Vim of Dllley srd now In Jail In this city awaiting an Investigation of the Are by Dletrlct At torney Allen, who will be here Wednes day of this week. : . , ' -"'. ' esasaaaaaaaaBBaSaaaaeaaSnaBanaaaneaSa f" Xaytoa' 'Came ' Xeetlaj ' ' ' ' (Special Dwipeteb ta Tba SseraaL) ' " i Dayton. Or., July 21. The camp meet Ing of the Free Methorilste for this dis trict will be held st Dayton, beginning July and continuing until August 0. Speakers from the esst will addrees. the congregation,- A large attendance is ex pected. . '' .., 1. 1. .'.,,:..'-: Miss Drewstsr's ; Mests) -;- of , Great Joy . to Women Who . Hear and Believe., ' - SHORT WAISTS, TOO; CAN - " ; EASILY CE CHANCED Many of Paif Sex Liaten ta DeUght- ful lecture in Which Speaker says That-Defects in Flfiirs Uay Soon Be Remedied. . , . i - ' ''' ' "Such e charming women end so 'much sense."-la what they all said of Miss Brewster this morning when they heard her. talk. And no wonder. ror ene 1010 them they ell had very, pretty figures, end Indeed. If waa only because they didn't oare -to display them that other did not know It too, - t . A large assemblsse' of women greeted Miss Brewster et the Unitarian chapel this morning. Big, small, fat," lean, brawny and scrawny women went to learn how to become pleasing In the eyes of others.; At nrst they peeked In cau tiously, a IUtleshsmed of their modest vanity; then they softly slipped Into the back seats, till the beck seats were ell er-a"ivtav, ' ' T will undertake to fit the fattest woman In thle room In one of those front laeed corsets, said Miss Brewster, "and to give bsr youthful lines." -. . The t stout women ss surreptitiously as they could, carried their avoirdupois nearer to the front where they - could beer this beautiful message; but none accepted the invitation to be fitted then and there. . . , - '- - '--t- -r ' "Many women fear a double chin,' be. cause It shows . ege," Miss Brewster went on, "and yet a aimple little physl cul culture will cure It-" The rolling layers were Ironed . out as their super abundance was stretched to give - the wearer a better view of this charming herald of beauty. : ' ' ' "If you 'wish to lengthen an unduly short waist, try this exarclse," end the women vtho were built "square with the world" asked those . in front - if they wouldn't remove their hats, please,-And In a, short while Miss Brewster's udl ence waa under her very nose, eagerly putting1 Inquiries, enthusiastically ex-smtnlng- samples - of the 'garment she advocates, and nervously asking prices. The vlotory was here. Ears end eyes were ' turned toward hen literally ab sorbing all aha had to say. end show. "Two men In the next room I" came a sudden cry, snd there waa a swift ruat- to hide the offending- artlcleVof drese. The model leaned pathetically against the vilf tM turned pele from the ex cessive heat.' ' ' : t .- ; -,:. ' "Two gentlemen In the room?" In quired Miss Brewster. "Howt-dere they I" and calmly closed the door In their faces. "They haven t any curiosity, you know,' so that Is Inexcusable" ., i- And after It waa all over the women told each other what they thought and there was not e dissenting voice.. - - ; , We need -Jt,"- said one. '."I never saw so many bad figures In one Piece before! It isn't- because -we-don't 'mare," but w Want ts be -wvro."- ." .- - 1 I never noticed, before how bed we alt. look," said hotber."-t'an(lJ,a.olng tOJhave one right away.. .-'t :".":. ;And one band stood under the trees and - watched the passing women' -, and guessed whether or not they were prop erly corsetedT 'because we know ell about it now end cast tell.' We expect to learn e lot from her end we baven't any rtght to resent her telling ue wo don't know how, when she shows us that we don't,"- . . . .-. , ,! ,-. ':. -. v;r F.1ADE TOaCH OF. DOG. AI.0 PAID HIS FIKE if.- Man Who Soaked Cotton's Collie With1 Gasoline Found Culltyr -i rf by Judge Seton. 4 For making e living torch -ef e Scotch collie belonging to W. W. Cotton, Henry Hsrvey paid a fine ef SSI tnle mornlnr Judge Seton of the east slds court, after hearing the evidence, deciding that this was a sufficient penalty.' The defendant. a farmer living near Gresham, Sold a tale of trouble In which the dog played the leading xrole. He related that for weeks he had been bothered by. the dog, which, made himself at home en the place end would not take e hint and de part. Tiring of the dog, Harvey stated that he had put aome gasoline on- the dog's tall and had set it afire, believing that only the tall would be singed snd the dog scared away. Instead, however. the nog was so badly burned that It bad to be shot ...-..- The- prosecution, - backed by the offi cers of the Humsse society, endeavored to secure e maximum sentence, . 1 but Judge Seton, efter reviewing the evi dence, stated that, had the dog been shot by Harvey he would1 have been en tirely within hie rights., , . . .;i ,: BARN AT-PENDLETQNr? DESTROYED BY FLAMES ..-. ':' ' . r ';' V 4. .'; ( ' ("pedal tnspatch te Toe Journal.) -Pendleton, Ot., July ,15. The firs de portment waa called to the eeat end of town In response to en alarm that a houee and barn waa on Are yesterday. When the department arrived the whole hillside, parched by the beet ot the pest week, wss ablase and the flames were spreading rapidly towards tbe wheat field owned by W. S. Byers. Neighbors came to ths rescue and fought the names vigorously and assisted the nre men In extinguishing the fire. v ' The bean of A. Delongvert ' wss de stroyed, and further than thla the dam age wae email ' The' fire Is believed to have originated from sparks from a loc omotive engine of the O. R. '- ' . - SPJELER IS ARRESTED : - FOR THEFT OF DIAMOND ' . ': .-v.' i 1 , " 1 " .; " - Hiirry Swarti was arreated last- night by Detectives Snow and .Kerrigan and confined In the city prison on the charge of larceny..-- He Is accused of stealing $140 In cash and a diamond stud valued at f ISO. ths property of Manager Walter McCredle ot the Portland baseball nine, from a locker at the bait grounds. - In the police court this morning Judge Cameron. seO. tomorrow as the time for his preliminary .examination and placed his ball at li.iOO. He le still In con finement. ' - Suspicion was fastened on two men, one of whom was Swsrts. ' - 8 warts wss employed ss e spieler for an attraction on the Trail.. ''. .---'v-'. ,: ba , u " fcarn fc-'-4 --r lul- In, v i - .. -r jvvea eondmat, fcxia tne Sana. ee hr sort, sueay, luartant, Alt 4 by iAV , Ba)as anotbee end kaala, Bvatroja aucroiwa, aope Itcuiae: aad Jpre m ee kar greana. Vm. Uasee, Snt tnnirtirfc ii W. Va.. aava ae ,.ir'l yiHI Inaloaaal f n e all bnttlaa BAIB. PBAI 1. Asa e.' t4 with battle Bent Uue( ao mu. t a 1 moat klued na te have sty Vair white leas before I waa an eld woman; bat,- tnaake to BAIR- I- AVTH. a ever halm can ba feend la BIT base, t ava not m4 a-'l et en bottle." - Lara anfO. Wura, e. ""- . Take Both, lag wiiheet t'kue bay Cat. e .sature. I a. ai W a - Ual W, a.iA 9 AV . Ccs this, tso te any ef followtag -drag-(Uia, aad get Sue. Dot tie Balrheakh and tee. caka- RarAna Soap, aieaieated, both for loe. reialav piioa lee.i or sent br Pbllo Hay Oa., Siewark, H. J., prepaid, for eoe. aad tble adv. ... ysee aoap not tvaa by drawaiat witaeet tale entire ad, and eOe, for Baitaealth.. FaBM. .......................... ...e.,,.M I Address ..M........o.......M...,i... I -, . vr. --- -. -. - . -, - .-r : . . WOCO ASLll., OXAJUfJt St OO, K. 1 f Otelle) esaaB JtUI '"' When you reach Ogden you can go hboard a y through Standard or Tourist Pullrosn, running yia Rock Island System "by wtj! of the Scenic' -Route through Colorado, thence to Kansas City, -.St, Louis or Chicago. r- , Rock rZslahd-i Tourist rtleepera aeerja ;Uke home" in their completely comfortable and rest ful atmosphere. : -They are a neat as, wax, are . manned by Pullman conductors 'and porters and; In addition-to this,' :they are in charge : of m' Rock Island excursion manager. ?r - '--.t-: -. . Xhe Rock Island has three Eastern gateways ; , '-.(Thicago, Kansas City, and Str Louis. Direct V connection in Union Station at all three, for alj important points in Eastern and Southern states. - Bend for out tolder "Across tbe Continent in a Tourist ' ' wiaaiyilia, wwi, . mm Yfiie .tmieT;' iPOODSlOll FROm ' J ' ' : - Rings Belonging to Mrs. Holman r., of Michigan Taken ' From ' ' u':',i .V;Hr Private; Car.f ;.,:..V-'; :'-.' r .'-ir-'v City detectives ere trying to discover the perpetrators of one of. the biggest diamond robberlea reported in 1 months. Six diamond rings valued at about $600 were stolen from Mrs. Julia A. Hoi maq of 'Orand Rapids, Michigan, who had euarters In e private ear atatloned In ' the-, railway terminal yards at Twenty-second and Tork btfeets. - 7" r 1 The burglary was committed yester day; a' report was made to the' police eerly leat evening when detective wore set to .work- trying to unravel .the mys tery. .The rings were worn only on so cial occasions by Mrs. Holman end at other tiroes . were ' kept In e suitcase. Nothing else In the car ws disturbed. Qua Hill reported to the. police thle morning that he was held up and robbed lest night In the railway terminal yards While two men kept him covered with revolvere, he said, the other eearched his pockets. All they secured; waa 00 cents.-. - . ..-- " - Ths police have learned that a bay horse belonging to T. F. Ramsey of the Central stables had been . stolen from Ladd'e new. ' - 3- i- . t ' Violet Morton wss arrested last-night by Detective Reslng at Sixth end Mor rison streets end Charged with the theft of 120 from Mrs. C. H. Van Vleet of Kansas It Is alleged that the money was pilfered while th two were on their wsy to Portland. Tba woman will have a preliminary examination on Thursday. GRAIN FIELD TAKES . .r FIRE NEAR COLFAX ' (Special Dispatch to The' lournaLk ' SL John Wash., July It. Ths first grain field .fire of the season occurred on the farm of J. D. Cummins, - west of here, only being sepsrsted from the town by the Oregon Railroad A Naviga tion company's Vlght of way. The fire waa started by the 10:10 o'clock-tram and burned II or 10 acres of wheat. . In surance wss taken out on Saturday be fore ths fire. Ths wind changed from southeast to West as the' flames were nearlng the -city, otherwise the town .Would hav been In great danger, , VISITOR KGOIN&I y &QINGll GONB III 2CerP WuaveaV, erslBl4a' Wtti Save K' M I WE'WDRO'S : J . " Tbe 0mZ3I3rAX Tbe Babbit aad tbd trainee, rig. Prof. tnna. tbe world's greatest oVe4 BMtnlaia ask year aooter abont ba) waa the Sral la dlaeever tke enmtl aad era, taf km a nature et tree aandrnff. Iiie die envsey was vertned by Dr. BeKearaad at Paris, wno dennded a rakMt with kaaMa daaoraff tekea. Alsa by Leaner end buboe. wae took aadrerf Bra mm rres.a nr bara,ea.Ce. tfilCt.JUrM.C": BaS It S ' e- t, ,We4a.f fa ease edit. . M4,.eMjrese a. ( J la b-ny'e bath, r-a 4 eaae 4araa,.-, naaouy a"wa leri , . H ara'p aad a., a. lB-wee eai...l S -a, , e ba- f SWaef aad baa.ihy. Joe i cm.... to ,, - scjoeoia. Itcawe, su e- a sor, hJkt,.,HA I-IA to tra y woonttL .D. It does for baoy it rill ia fn, m lta mm. . i . . will de for yoa. It'a toa nwTJ..wl.i aatlatylne el if to toilet, bath and Snraetv aoana.. No animal rata. ) 6irate4. Antlaeptte, Iie ederiaiBS. aVatraahli.a. Juaaunx. rraarank A Brtaa of rteo Ulsasi la Every Cats., Try vu xoa-u ee eoaviaead. Large aee. eafcea. Boa. a eakea. otv. Iirnelnta', "annfactnred by PHILO HAT BPSX"aL. lwla aat VatUiWi 9. IK- ... -;." -' - v'.JrJ'ji,',V'ri aaaau 4w iaBaieiia iia iiiii , :v ' r A. K. MeDONALD, ; '-f-Oenerel Afemt, flock Island System, . . ; lajo Third 8treev Portland, C-,:" vancottrstv yvasn. 1 1 . ; t?cf TsuiOarr VS. JACK MAjtk$. -'- I I en Rounds, t- ' ' ' ' 5 .T," JXTTaT SS-'" j, : , -' ' y Fifteen : Cere- leev Washington end . Second etreetetf end ,7:40 o'clock. -... . . UltBi.lhHI HIIHIrs -HlK I y IRVOTil TRACK Horses and, Weights ..for;- Six ' Events to B:.; Run. bri v , 0 7, ,;v Wednesday. , .ta5 "The overnight entrfes for Wednesday's T " races at Irving-ton racetrack ere ea fol lowes '. . ! . , ..." ' ' V -r.i ;,. ' ; ,.. .';. First race, sjx ; rurlone-s, maiden I- "'' year-olde ' end up 007 Seventy, 10;' StOt Tramway, lot;. 80 Garry Owen, :T ft; tt Atinle Burk. 10i if z Tart. t7; ' StTI Indiana, aioi; fttf Rice Chief. t; ,' ; S0S0 Ere Yesterday, 10t;-ttl0 Oorslcena, ' tl.'. ;' '.' t .j '.'-.' ' Vj-'-' Second race, six -furlongs,- selling. '' t-year-olde ttl4 Jardln d'Parls, 10t; If 14 'Annie Darling. t4;rMl Light ot Day, tl; f4 Lady Klspar. 102; f2l Brlgetta, tl;i BfOI Mabel BaUe, tt; Mak Beer' 104f If (1 Macene. 10a. 7 - Third reocllve and a half furlongs, '. selling. 4-year-olds and up ftl Hlr- -. tie, H1; 7141 Vince, lit; Iff! Nullah, " 117; lff Nanon. rill, . , Iff t Sugden, 124; lf&4 J. H. Bennett, 11 f 70) Dr. . Sherman, MI4; It 74 Dandls Belle. It7. , . Fourth (ace, six' furlongs, selling-," - -,; year-olds snd upward Bountiful. 19: . (1802), Oolden Light, 01; 87. Sterling,' Towers, 101;' . 1441, " Bill Short, ; K (IfSS). Tsllowstone, 111; I01I),' Mer- ; wan, 104; 8441, Peter , J, . 104;.' 1441, Susie Chrlstlen. I7. - 1 .'.. - Fifth - rscev- one mile, selling, l-yeer-oldS and upward 1471, Fills d'Or, 107; 170, Hogarth," 101; I47J, Capable, 10li Offt, Dundreary. 104: -8472, Anlrerte, 101; 1474, Bessie WelHey, 102; I47lt-Moor,- 101. ; - :. .; ': '"- '.-: -..- ' '-. - Sixth , race, one mile and 160 yards,' selling, 4-year-olds- end upward 4442, The Pride, 102; 8480, Llbbif Candid, 101; 8!fll. Criglt,- -eiOl; 1174. The ' Lieutenant, 101; 8441, Harry Beck, 104; 1474. lsabelllta. t7. '.'' ',' -, - 1 ' , a. 1 1 nt,, People will discover sTJroo man wttW " out the aid of a press agent.:' T ' E-3ERPICIDE JdUS-tl tneent wae was kwlng tie hair, e Ins aaade a anaaaae of thea with rabaed tae saaae nnoa e tataae j end hav use nla ana tke pig b.i-aa. bala - Newbro'a lierDtelaa le th. oriel na I daadrnrf ssrni destroyer. It ktlht tke ailereSht erWtb and serwlw tbe hair te grew aa Before lotendad. A wae rfe kair-eaver. A dallsbtntl dreaelag. wpe ItcblBg lneUstly. . . . r2 C3..I r-t, I,l?n,.l":!l., f f tl ;'i X.:-i v, ,-