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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
- V - - FIvTil O CKITII -.. .. ... ....... fw. . , ... ,. "" - " "-,"". rJ r --.- art c;::? tr ; STORE. 0P2N3 AT - -8 O'CLOCK A. M. XOe row, ee-VloIt Perfumed . Talcum Powder, dUoate and refreahlngc our 10c value. Special Sale Price, tha ' teas . 1,1, fje Wil"-!-f papas. Ma On pound rack- , " ar( of heyal Parchment Writing. Paper, kid finish, lit plain grey or white; our ' I (a value. Special Bala Prlca, tha pack ags .... . X' "" .. -204 a Writing Paper, . ISO Wedding, high plat finish Writing Pa par, ruled, white Only; our ISo value. Special .Bale Prloa. ma pax. ,n....,.. ........ ,.,i5t "Irruur Blaclr Writings ma, s-oa. Dottiest our io value. Bpaclal Sal Prlca, tha bottle ............. .8 5a 'Paps StOjaolt aVte, lte Crapa' Pa par ; v Lunch, Beta, 4 tablecloth, t doaan nap- ' " , ktna and 1 doaen dolliaa to aat; our 16e ' . value, Bpaclal -Sale Prlca. tha aet.,lQ i - Basting Ootaoa. , a fas ee Beat . quality ,; . . whit Baaing Cotton. 100 yard apoola; ; .,,Noa. 40 and SO. . Bpaclal Bala Price. ; i spools for H4i or, tha doaan. ..804 : a far IB Skirt aUadlag Black velveteen v and mohair Skirt Binding combined. In - -black only; our llo value. Bpaclal Bala Price, the yard . ................. ,6f o Safety VUa, to-Our beat quality coll. , , . leaa nickel-plated and black Safety Plna: . t all alaaa; 1 dosen on card; valua to lc Speelal Bala Prlca, tha card ........ .5 Or' Phone to the Store . Private Exchange i' :'' ' TotlaO Plaa; 4e Jet-baadad Belt and Toilet' Plna In boo, aaaorted 1H and t Inch y plna. Special Sale Prlca, tha book...4 Sao OaatOa Saap, 14ew-pmind bare of, : Frandaco. Bernaldo whlta Caatlla Soap;.; our ate ,alua-. Special Bala Price, thav ,bar . . . u. . . ...... , ... ,10a CaeU Soap, oo SpanUh white Caatlla - Soap, of'puraat quality. In lara square , " cakea; our 10a valua. Special Sale Prloa, V ;the cake :.i......i..4a...i...'..0Ja)" Sto Paaa Oroaaa fa tae Bcllpae Almond , Paoe Cream, for the face and akin; for. . tan, sunburn and uae after ahavln; our': .. - lie value. Special Bala Prloa, the KtUa ... ....4...2S 6 O'CLOCK P. N. . , mmmm SBASONABLB SEXJ5CT10NS BARJAnnZBD, TH TttB I V'' i" ' i:.Z-v' Women's Underwear JilMiMesr.pnderweaiu 1 Baihinsr Suits for "Women '"S,- (. wometvi tioaery ; Children's v Hosiery Blouse Waists and Underwear for Boys lie FOR WOMEN'S IB0 COTTON PANTS. Womea'a 4 length white Cotton 'Paatai our I ., valu. Special Bala Prloa. tha pair. ....... ...18 - : .WOMEN'S IBo COTTON VESTS, IS Women'a White Cotton Jeraey Ribbed Vesta, tons aleevea, neatly trimmed and flnlahed; aur llo s value. . SpecUl Sale Prior, eacn.........:...S3f S ' WOMEN'S 2(0 PANTS FOR ltd. '1 S ' Woman's Knea length - White CbtWn Pata,; laoa trimmed; our. J&o value, j Special Bale Prlca, tha pair , m.9 12 Ho INSTEAD OF llo FOR WOMEN'S VESTS. Women'a Cotton Vests, lew neck and sleeveless, extra : alaai our llo value.. Special Sale Prlca, .- -. each . ...1SH4 .V: :' K-.'women;s i.o vests, ti; Woman's Bilk and Cotton Vasts, with high neck and , long aleevea, allk trimmed; our 41-00 value. Bpaclal Sale Prlca. each ........... .......f ..T8 "' .; '.:; WOMEN'S to HO8B..IIH0 V v..; ':r-,. Women's Black Cotton H'oee, aeamleaa, double, sole; Viour lOo value. Special Sale Price, the palrlSH0 "( ""-TZ w"womens ISo hose, m cr-j-.- W6meii'iBlacTt Cotton Hoae. aeamleaa; a splendid , l value. Special 8ale Price, the pair...... 18 ; 'CHILDREN'S HOSR. JOo. ; -Children's Black Cotton Ribbed Hoae, seamless, slaea t to 10.- Special Bala Prloa. the pair ...... ...10 M1BBE3- tyPERWEB4 f . T ' t I Mlaa" White Cotton Veato and Panta, good quality. J v priced at. tha garment .....,18 ao and XBf . Women's Bathing Suits 7 ,! ; Bathing Suits mads bt black eotcba sorgo," neatly trimmed.' Prlca, tha suit .............. .V.8S.OO Bathing Suit made f blue a.lpaxa. with whlta braid trimming. Price, the ault ......... ....... 83.00 Bathing 8uit made of alpaca, mohair or brllllantlne, In black and blue. Priced at, "- - from $4.00 to 81S.BO Blouse Waists ' and - Underwear for ; Vi.'-.-.;'.-;'.?,' MiniatureMenv;T:'c. '-'.-: ft Floor. '! r '7 ' a-.: ?-BOTS WAISTS. FOR 1K.V- Boys' Bloose .Waletsv In light and dark effeote. In neat, pretity figure a. - Special Sale Prloa, each. 18' ..4 . V SOTS' lOo UNDERWEAR FOR. Mo. L " " Boys' Balbriggon Shirts and ' Drawera. ahlrtg with r lanvr fivcaa ana armvtri ma wun vm vk. our lOo value. Special Bala Prloa, tha gar ment . ......................... .88 WE WON TREMENDOUS TRADE YESTERDAY BY .COMPARISONS PEOPLE MADE OF THE; . . "BAROAINS" 'ROUND TOWN IN . ,. , , The Qreat Sales Continue !n". -:": Linens, Wash' Goods end :Si-.Pon.estics M0M X ' r" ',-' Io TABLE DAMA8K." lie. , ' Rlchardaoit'a full bleached Tabt Damaak. ehalca .' patterns, tt Inches wide; regular value Tic Spe - olal. tha yard . ..4..... ...a. ............ .,..88 f' ' 0o SATIN DAMASK. o.--; - . Rlchardaon'a heavy bleached Satin" Damaak. 1 yards wld(; regular valu 00a SpeolaL tha yard....69 Richardsoa's high grade, double weight, pure flax. ' r value, spociai. yard .................. .as .,kVW-ytkii: $1.00 MAPKIN8, 'Ilia.'-';, ..'"v1 DemaikXapklns. " good ', wearing quality ; ' regular t value II 00 . Special, the doaea ....fS.SS : I Ml. RESTAURANT NAPKINS. 180. ..' Hammed Napklna tot restaurant (tea. with solid blue ; border; regular value Special, the doaea ; v .984 - 17a HUCK TOWLINO ISHe. ; r" Linen ' huck-a-huck TowHtng1.' heavy, soft and o , aorbent; , regular valua 17c .Special, tha . y yard .......lSiW HOTEL AND ROOMING HOUSE TOWELS AT 0a i.,., - i AND ISHo. -t.., : I ; Huck Towels' for hotels and rooming houses, hemmed . with white and fancy border, toady to uee . " Slae 1T1. - Speolal. each ....V.....9 Slse llm. Bpeclat each..;...... ;..llttj t . . -TOWELINO AT 0 YARrX V-'V' ' J Barnaleya heavy all linen bleached Toweling. 8pe ilal at, tha yard .........,....,.,..,...'....,.9 Vr 1 doilies;.-;-; .''';-'. -? A 1 - - tUlil. . . . 1 . -. . . i .otuu wi.m, nun mproioervo, oiigniiy nun, at apecia rvanceo pnoea. ' , - Slaela; .regular valua lc Special, each. ..60 niBsa bkhz rvBuisir thus- sun Slit 10x10: regular value 11.11. Slse 1010: regular value Bias 1312t regular valua 11.10, Bpaclal. eaeh.81.od Bias 14x14; regular valua 11.71. BpeonU, eoch;il.2S Bixa imi; regular vaiua n it. Bias 17x37; regular value 1 71. A fw fine Damaak Napklha and Towela at... on nui orv.Mwtr&AR pbiob. vVt, : - J - . I5 NA1R800K lie. . - . About 0,000 yards fins sheer Nalneook. Preach ftnfah; 'r regular valua lie r Special, tha yard ........18 . . 'Jac, llo AND ISa WASH GOODS. I Oe. We have displayed on apeclal counters In the Do-. - astatic Alale an aaaortment Of Waeh Oeodat regit, lar valuea ll. :c, !lo and J3c. Special lo rloee at, .the yerd , .10 Special, each.'.v65 ' Special, each; . . SO Special, each. . . 88 Special, each I.J 5 npecuu. eaeA.q,J.j8 Seosbhobte l,.ercharidise at Prices That Will Electrify tliiSTow X week yet of July, all of hot August, and surely half of September all ahead, of hot weather. Probably warmer than the first half ; of - summer that's how making its adieux. Thousands are just waking up to the fact that tropical apparel and other thingi , conducive to " summerj comfort are i needed. ;Juat about half the summer is gone and we've fitted out about half the people with needables. Our buyers are : in. the market where manufacturers and importers are knee-deep in autumn preparations ' Things that makers exacted a profit on days ago, and weeks ago, are now being sold at a loss-and we are getting a full share thro the store's alert and eagle-eyed buying corps. The mpouf te cdih exceeded by our. tremendous ouUcL exceeding those of-a year ago by a hundred per cent, and fresh mer- chandiae," far below value, to the extent of thousands of dollars Is coming in daily. The Vast number of bargains we are getting Is only exceeded by those we are giving, i. The money saving benefits are more numerous even, and more attractive, than at tha beginning of ' the inidsurnmer sale. Never were better or:greater bargains planned -than for tomorrow. V : '''-Ax'P't At 9 o' ' p Starts the Qreatest Sale of umnner .",1 - ' '-; Sfliiirtvvia.sts Ever Known In Portland. . Handsome, Dainty Waists Worth up to $3.75 .A,.vi;:.- - Sate Lasts but 2 Hours, 9 to II a. m. Only Tomorrow at 0 a, la. will be. the hour, tha great Second Floor Apparel Salons . ... tha place. Foi aeveral yeara It naa been our practice at about this time to hold T. ;;t r a general clearance of .the. Summer Bhlrtwalat stocks. . ,Thoa sands. there ara ' who will, remember former sales from having attended them and benefiting ' ' from them. ' It la our purpose to start these clearance aalea of walata tomorrow. v Tha price at which wo have marked "the beauties .lally seams "ridiculous, but our reputation la "behind every waiat and quality la woven-through with style. v We always start every sea eon with absolutely new 'goods.. Our looses In this , v sale wni' be-heavy but moat prove an. eventual gala: H IU -surely-prove a- ' U mighty gala tO"ll, Who: coma'and ahara totnorrow.. ; Moat aatoundlng saoaey. r saving opportunities I Prices are cut aa never before In all the sales of the'. 7r.i in.TOunnign incjuaea oiinir nviu, roaroerisea iinona, percales, ging- , hama, Uadras, etc Plenty 6t pretty-whltea trimmed with fine laeea and tV ; broideries, pinks, blues, pink and white, blue and white, black, etc. Polka sotted, striped, checked, dotted and figured In pretty "Dolly Varden deslgna.' Borne are mussed from handling, some ma'ba allghtly soiled, but none are In such , '-, eondltloa that one laundering will hot" make 'em "freah and perfect aa the day Vthey left their makers. ' The values run op to 11.78. For two x ; morning hours tomorrow, t to 11 o'clock only, we shall allow full fjyi ,( and free choice at, each .....m...... ............ : Another Great Sale That Adds Vim to 'Wednesday Offerings For. One We Will Qlve Absolute Choice of Any. and' Every SUk Shlrt-Walst and Smoked Glasses at Special v. r;v Prices r-'):Px ia th Mid-Sommer 8al ,;.."! y' - WEST -ANNEX FIRST FLOOB. ' ' Inltlalf Free Placed on Leather' Articles while you . '..": -";.' ..-loiter.- ,,- - : - IMOKED OtA88ES. lla'AND llo."' - "' A' Una of Smoked Eyeglasaaa. protect your ayes from .the gUring sun. Speolal at. tha paJr.Sl and 29 'r lo SMOKED OIJLBBES. lie. 'v. , V A lot of Smoked Byeglaeeea, fine quality, with nickel . frame and riding bo we; regular valua tie. Special, .: the pair . ;................ 81 ;":"-r "loo SMOKED OUIBSBS. 10c. -' " f A fins tot of Smoked lyofUMeaTtlaTeaarMnadraJoH" plated. -ap ring and cork guards; regular value ooo. ' Special, the pair .......i.894 'A "Wr-r h FREE! A- l-r:P ; ' OUt and silver lnltlsls placed an leather pureed, hand bags and cigar caeea while you wait, ; , , .. Jacket Suit In the. House AT HALF PRICE Every one included, none reserved or laid aalde. All the noweat and amarteat salts for Summer wear.. Every wanted color and favored stylo This offer should, and doubtless will, sell every one of 'tha 400 Sulta In stock, i t. i- ,(. t ., '''":.'. ; 'V- "..:' V '--''' ,--- '.' 2'' ' V V Wednesday's the Last Day In Which to Choose ; . Suits, Starts and Shirts for Women :$:$VT; such sweepino reductioins f ;. ,. j-d iH.-C'v ..;vV'-Grand Salons--Second Floor 'Xh'"'--; Tailored r$0XB0i Eveiry new- and correct . style is included, jacket, Eton and Blouse models, In all the wanted materials, embracing Chev iots, Broadcloths, Panamas, 1 imported ; Tweedish stuffs and fancyMannish. Mixed-Suitings. -The a color : line 'embraces blacky browns, blues, grays, tans and mixtures; ' Cut in' plain' uiloredj styles values start at $15 and run up to $45. You may choose from them tpmorrow at exactly.......... ONE QUARTER OFF Every White Suit in the ' House is Re duced One-Quarter for Wednesday Jn the above, offering are included all the pretty, sturdy linens', exquisite lawns,, beautiful organdies' and dainty duck dresses, so much in demand, for: wear these sultry summer days. ,; ( A Vast Stock i3f Smart Walking Skirts V at M Price for Tomorrow Only In -the -above ..offering - are - included - all this season's : latest novelties, in the popular round walking lengths ; materials of alpaca, cheviot, serge, canvas cloth, etc.- The full.. color line is embracedplain , black,, blues, greens, browns and,; fancy, mannish mixtures; regular values from $4.50 to $28.50. Your choice for Wednesday only at. .......... . . .HALF PRICE ar "Mannish Shirts" Reduced .. . . - :!. : i Ml, I n i -..V, , : jk- P The Popul U75 INSTEAD OF $7.50 FOR THESE SMART FADS IN SUMMER DRESS FOR WOMEN, f . . ;.:'..r,..:- - - ...... We shall place a, lot of these popular Shirts on special sale tomorrow the reduced prices to serve until closing time of Wednesday. In, the lot are several dozen of the favorite "Tommy Atkins .waists. - Materials embrace, China Silks, Pongees and -Taffetas." Colors, reds, greens,,, blues, browns, black,-white-, and champagnes. - Usual $7.50 values for. ,..;......, .L3.75 Watches . cleaned., and warranted for , one year for . 7Sc New Mainsprings, f 75c, ' , All other repairing on Jewelry atT froportionate - modest , .prices, first loor, near large elevators.;" ; . j : ' i Protect the Eyes Prom the Glare of Sum- VTY7ZZT'TT':'r mar's 8unx-" . Womens Summer Gloves- New' At Just la at th Glove Shop, just Inside Washlnrtoa street entrance, main floor.. A aw all Una of dainty ' 'Silk Olovea In black and whlta, popular elbow ' lenalha for wear with tha short-sleeved Summer . ' frocks and smart sowns. Both plain and fancy effecta, .very handsome and Infinite variety la tha " chooalnr. You pay aa little' as T54 tha pair ar as much aa SI. 25. Jf you've latermedlata tastss, pick from gradee at S5 and fl.OO tremendous Reductions on r Handsome Lace Curtains rOUKTK FLOOR OTJSIKl:BPBRS- AND HOTXt. .v 8UPPLT SHOPS. Rand reds ef Pairs of Real Brussels and Ranale sanoa Lca Curtains samples which ara , sllshtly mussed from handUnf and ahowlns. They ata really matchleaa valuea at tha Special Sale Pricea at which we offer them. - REAI. BRUSSIXS Our 1 4.0 valua. Special Our ' I5.fl value, Speolal Our IS.S0 value. Special Our M.Oo value. Special Our i.6 value. Special Our- f?.0 value. Speolal .Our 11.00 value. ' Special .Our 19.00 value. ' Speolal Our 110.00 value. Special Our 111.14 value. , Speolal Our. 114.00 value. Speolal Our 117.10 value.' Special Our 120.00 value. . Special Our 131.40 value.- Special Our 110.00 value. , Special Our 111.00 value.' Speolal Our 76.0 value. Speolal Our 110.00 value.? Special LACB CURTAIKS. -tv- at. pair S3.0B at, pair ..j I3.T5 at, pair ....1 14.1 at, pair. 14.50 at, pair.., 1 14.85 at. pair....... I IB.S5 at, pair ...... 6.00 at, pair..... 1 16.75 at, pair I IT.35 at. pair I 8.4J5 At. pair I 9.35 at, pair..... fl 1.65 at. pair 1113.35 at. pair.........ni5.00 at. pair ...Ml.0O' at. pair.... H20.00 at. pair ....H37.BO at, palr..,.,...,-.f4B.OO RENAI88AKCK LACB CURTAINS ATX' HANO- . MADB AND VERT HANDSOMB. Our t?-IO value. . Speolal at, pa!r..........:.S8.25 Our 11.10 value.. Special at.4air 15.95 Our. 10.10 value. .Special at. pair.....,.,.,..) 16.65 Our $11.00 value. ' Special at. pair 1 17.75 Our $14.00 value., Special at. pair. ........ ... 19.75 Our $11.00 valuat Special at. pair..........Sio.50 Our $17.10 value. Special at, pair..... 1 113.25 Our $10.00 value, - Special at, pair.,.. H4.00 Our $14.00 value. . Special at. pair.. l H6.00 Our 117.10 value. Special at, paJr..........i 118.35 Our $1100 value. Speolal at. pair. 121.25' Our $40.00 value. Special at. pair, ..i... ...$26.65 Millmery Announce ment r'rr Extraordinary RESULT ; OF ; A GIGANTIC MILU t - NERY PURCHASE. : New Black Hats, handsomely trimmed, - ; ' Grand $5 Valuea, at $1.69 , ; This liye. Millinery Store' has made one ol the, most fortunate deals in all. its history. Our buyer, now in New York, has purchased from one-of that city's leading makers of fine dress millinery;-, firm renowned for its high grade and exclusive . product Khe choicest - collection , of handsome trimmed hats it has ever been our good fortune to obtain, at prices unparalleled and hereto-, fore unknown Tn the annals of our millinery, JorTheUbatlareoi jetted black lace.straw -prettily trlinMiedwhh"chiffott-aa;dainty- flowers that resemble Nature so closely as to almost, deceive the honey-bees. The trimmings are: in all the modish, favorite colors. '' Very smart dress shapes that are especially adapted for early fall wear. ; The Values in this matchless collection range up to $5 each. ; You may choose ; , C AQ yours tomorrow only at.......l vlaVy 'i See Window Showings.-' ' r, . CROWDS KIEP INCREASING Vt V0IJDK2. At the Embroidery Scte WjaJNESDAT S VALUES THB BEST TET EVERT , , 1T ADDED-Ttt s ... , ' Xast the wanted Embrolderlra for as tn summer trlmmlnr of dainty garments for women. Aad thsj prleesT Boolr Jolly, surprise! Read Be early. 'l 10a FOR EMBROIDERIES WORTH TO lie. Caanbrlo and nainsook Embrolderlee and fin - sook Insartlona, from S to 0 Inches wide. In many ' prettypattarne; our lie to lie values. , Speolal Sale - Prloa, tha yard ...........lOet '-Al X3ut 2-A:' :':;V:; . : 1 too AND 0a EhtBROIDERIES ORt lta '. Cambric and nainsook Embrolderlee aad Insertions, ' . soma in dainty patterns aul table for baby" a wear; : othera which are Juat tha thln for Underwear. ' Tbesa embrolderlee ara 1 to 10 Inohea In width arl ara our regular loo and 400 valuea.. Special f e m Price, tha yard ....X Tine cambrls Embroideries, from t to 11 Inches wide, suitable for Petticoat flouttoea and other under. wear trlmmlnaa; our rarular 4$a valua, Speelal , Sale Prloa, tha yard ...X3 Xhvx;A (00 AND 710- CORSET COVER- EMBROIDERIES ", '-..,.' rOR !:'-,.,..., ' -v': ?. Coraet Cover . Embroideries af 'cambrla Swia and nainsook, In beautiful deslgna also lMneh em-' broldertea, which make handaome floancea for pat. ; tiooatat our lOo to 75o values.' Speolal Sale Price. :c tha yard .,..,... .............. .;:;7......23a . '.K --'I !'- ': '" ' - w . -- ;. ? ' "11.41 FOR EMBROIDERIES WORTH $1.10. ."V Wide 41-Inch Embroidery Skirt Flounetnra of aain sook or Swiss; handaome patterns; values to 11.10. .Special Sale prlca, tha yard., 11.49 ; Don't pay more than 20c a pair for named after me. V Yours truly, - V n VV v BUSTER BROWN don't now what fever done to have my name trodden under foot. Mayba 'A rose by any other name might smell Ilka a aunnower,' but 1 don't believe a stocking by any -other name would be half so popular. Soma aay there ara stockings that wear better, bat that don't maks any loa aa long, aa they reach to the knee. However, I have RESOLVED. That so long as I have to wear BUSTER BROWN' atoektnga, or to buy stockings for my ' slater. I won't pay over Mo a pair for them. That's what OUX, WORTMAM -St KINO sell 'em for and It s enough. Am going town there todey to get soma.. Tours, T , , , . ,v "BUSTER BROWJ." . "BV8TER BROWN". STOCKWOS, OR STOCKINOS FOR BCSTES'S-!-SISTER ARE BUT lOo A PAIR O-, ftl m A HIIHDMD PAIRS, fcat none to dealers. DRAWINO BOOra i . I kother of saving coupons. No red tap nut to a pair saved on i i r-a tha prices of other stores, and all thetrlmmlnga" free f. ' -J 1 '.''""hosiirt' rszz . .-'"' - r' V "V '