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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
j '' " ' ' ' .' .. ! LH9f:T0i;iliilT: r-'r :Fit.; AlSi CAy y-.J. i J i Valencia Coming , From Saattla . to Co oiUtha Portland- 'i I ; ? I San Franclaco1 Ruiv. : 1 i V,-, . - Is-;-: .-. ; . ' -, ; f.-..-, '-. .. . , ... .v ' '.-.'-'' .-,:;:; - .: ,'' , y . ( ffr Making War Upon Inaecta iV-'nymw ; Water Screened. '".v ....v?"1 J CIX VICTIMS DIE "FROM ; I JPREAOEO..mtOW,FEYEB. " : ;.st:.- '.v '' - . -'.. Sreateor Cases , So - FarAuthor- y;t idea' Convinced They 'Havo Situa- ; ;VtioaV Well in Hand Detention v Campa Established by Unci Sank ',''t.--.y-;.:- "' '- " ; C .. -V': v '.. , - -.V .''-.'.. 0 , vi V- (Jeans) Special aarvles.) ' ?. .. '.: wtihlntton, July lB.--'Bulletln.)-Bur- geon Whiu of the marine hospital serv ice at New Orleans reports eight deaths from yellow fever. wOveft 190 actual rases pow exist in New Orleans. Health officers In southern cities mill investl " fata every suspicious case." . i. t ,,.'.. , .'"'';!"i '(joBaa assets! Barfka,l-A New Orleana. .-. La, " July M.-rMayor Behrman today issued a proclamation to ' the people of New Orleana urging them to heed the advice of the health authori ties relative to the aenltatlon of their premises and ordering the screening of houses and the placing ef nets over all , - cisterns and ioole of water Which uilght breed mosquitoes. - ' f ' m . The state board of health has Issued '! ... .fflrlil ititfrnant that. ID to date ; there have been IT cases of fever .here and six deaths, xne quarantine requir ing the, detention of aU vessels - from ports liable to yellow fevar is being an- - forced. ... . -..- Federal, state and elty authorftiea are - working in harmoniT with view, to 4he . prompt report of new eases and In their effort to limit the apread of .the fever. The fever originated In the region about the French market, though there waa a death yeaterday outside at this dis trict where the previous deaths - have been reported,-' ' .. - The goverameflt Is astablishlna deten tion camps at all smaU plaoea on the railroad near New Orleans,, where refu gees will be held a: certain time to pro tect those with whom they may later . coma in contact. There haa ' been ro asodus from the city, as the Inhabi tants are convinced that the authorities ' have the situation wall in hand. t The city council today paased a mos- - qulto ordinance aubmitted by the hesltb authorttlea, ;.v . k, ..,; i- : . Taqotr Yaek 'at MoWle. ''-'? -Vi . tfeSrsal -Sseeial Servtae.) . . MoMle, -Ala.. July -Four Bailors est the Columbia, a fruit carrier from Co- Ion. are rportd to have yellow fever and are held at the quarantine sUtlon - JO miles below. Mobile. . , '. 'j.,-; CALIFORNIA CADETS GET A SILKEN BANNER ' - A crowd of ISO residents of Riverside, Red lands and San Bernardino, south ern California, witnessed the presenta tion of a, silken banner to the Congre rational cadet corps of Eureka. :allfor-nla,-thls President Ooode the-e position. The esere tees were held on the Baa-Antonio side of th California building at 1:10 o'clock. Earl ' Hodgaon. the l-year-old color bearer of the company.; received the emblem, -at the conclusion of a brief speech by the president, and a response was made by ' Rev: Franklin Baker, who organised the .' expedition to the fair. , - -As toe stars snd stripes were unfurled there was a series of cheers that dla . turbed the quiet of the. Trail. Mrs. Ida Hannum of Los Angeles sang "The Star Spangled Banner," and the ' audience joined la the chorus.' Mayor C L Mo . Ferland of Riverside was Introduced by aute Commissioner J. A, FUcher, ' and addreaaed the crowd eloquently oa patriotism and California's part la the patriotic history of the nation. '? sA reception followed In the California ' building. . The Sherman Institute band '.- played from S o'clock until 4 o'clock, and the Administration band for the two r hours sueoeedlng.-. - MISS SCHEUERMANN - CHARMS LARGE AUDIENCE ' V---. J ' - y;- ' 1 . rU :'' r. ' i- Before a large audience at the Audi , tortum en the exposition grounda last :. evening Miss Carrie Scbeuerman of Pen dletoa gave a piano real tal that aston i isbed her numerous friends and gave t'i musicians to underatand that a prodigy t hsa oome out of eastern Oregon.. ., Miss echeuerman, - for a girl of 1 1 years, plays with remarkable feeling, and lt'$ queer theae vacation; , awimmlng dajra when boya wear their clothing less than . : usual they' wear it out more. ' But here' la the relief today 'we offer you a' "wash suit at $1.45, and also 300 Sailor Sulta at just about half price, Norfolk Suita at $2.35. 1 cthing "itrtJM"a Swimming Tights at,'. :f5 Separate Knee Panta at i9t Fast Black HoaV it.;'- j10t Mexican Straw, Hats at 20 f Overall .Suits at. . V. .50; IflCnClxOTHIKSO Bverythiar tw smeei aetd Soya. ; xaa-isa rhtra, araar Merrlsoa. . - . The Clever German Comedians,. Kolb and D01, Who Began Their Fifth Consecutive Week at the.Msrquarh Grand Theatre in "I. . O. U.w Last Night." A'- -'-, Fi-" 7 . her technique la of the quality that con stant ud long practice acquires. - One of her favorite composers Is Orelg, from whom' aha took three of her selec tions last evening. Ia each aha demon strated a, phenomenal familiarity with the great Norwegian's mualc She -was no less at home with Chopin and Tschal kowsky. . Prsotlcally all of her numbers were encored. That Miss Echeuerman has a brilliant future Is indisputable. Her program, as played la full. fol lows: ' IMS Prinsessln, op. 41." No. I. Orelg; Bte 1st so welssy op. 41, No, 4. Orelg: ' Holberg Suite, . op. ' 40. Orelg; Praelpijlurn. Sarabanda, Gavotte, Aria, Rtcaudon:- Nocturne, op.. 10. No, ' t, LTsehatkowskr; Chant Ban Paroles, op. I a lv at Vk. li.nM.l,i. QnltMaA s lai Mt. iU, auif inuwani mms rss ea Ruses, op. 1, No If TschsikowsXys Etude, op. 10. No. 10, Chopin; Etude, op. 15. No. 1, Chopin; Polonaise, A flat ma jor, op. !. Chopin; ' "The Wanderer." Llsst;, "Hark. Hark, the Lark," Llsst; Rhspeodte, No. : Llait. ' I . . j .: MORE ACCOMMODATIONS . a FOR FOREST GROVE Ths management; of; the.' Harrlman lines has decided to. put on a 'new pas senger train between Portland and For est Orsve the latter part of this week. The time card la being made up In the of flea of Superintendent Buckley, .and as soon as It Is ready the - train will be started. It will leave Forest Orova dally at 12:80 o'clock, . for Portland. Returning it Will - leave Portland at 1I:4 O'clock at night. v f , The petition . of the . people on the Wopdburn-Sprlngfleld . ltns for a' dally passenger, train has not been favorably considered. . " "; ' t , '" ' Bids for the construction of St mUes ef the O. R. N. extension from Elgin te Joseph will be opened at the office of Chief Engineer Boschke on Thursday. Tbs will probably be all the eonatrac tion wcrk that can be done this season on that line- The company will con tinue ths extension to Enterprise' and Joseph next- year It ts said. " Confraeta have been let for the extent ion from Rlparta to twlston, ami the! contractors are assembling tneir ma chinery end men for ths -construct Ion work, whloh will be commenced within ths next few days..' : , WOMEN MUSICIANS ; r 'ijrj&i UNDER DISCUSSION V-1 i ' V-.,,J'-.,v, -Mayor Lane and Attorney Alex Sweek thla morning -discussed the female or chestra maintained by August Erlckson. Judge Sweek 'declares that as no. per formance Is permitted by the orchestra It Hoes not violate the ordinance; he la to submit, authorities bearing on' the queetlon tomorrow. No- objection has been raised to the orchestra, and as the authorities permit pianos to bs played In saloons up to midnight, the probability Is that aa long as nonperformances are permitted and women are not allawed la boxes jihenrchestrar miii , .not jpt hlblted. , ( ' i " While a police officer made a eom plalnt against the orchestra, believing the ordinance was violated, no arrest hss been made, Erlckson signifying his In tention of discontinuing the feature If Instructed to do se by the authorities. ; NO MERCY-FOR MEN WHO S - SELL TOBACCO JO, BOYS ' -v. ' '"' ' " ' ' ., . '' . ." .: 'J. To make an example of men who sell clgsrette tobacco to boya Circuit Judge Fraser, alttlng In the Juvenile court this morning, lined A. R. Greene of Monta vllla IS and said that If Greene or any other tobacconist . were brought before htm acnln a higher penalty would be Im posed. Oreene was prosecuted by Robert Oalloway. who acta as deputy district attorney for ths courts He had nothing to say in' Mb own defense, but promised not td sell tobaooo ' to minors in the future. . . . -t . .' r--,'- ' J. K. Emmett at the Baker. ,y ,' - ThVt 0. K. KmaMtt Is a etar la his partlca btr Use was proves last sight te two packed hoeara, who were krth te let bin leave tbe stafe at all. Ted Mr Kenaa and hla woaderral tog, "Teddy," was eaa sunset talk.'Wers the wuoder. of tbe evenlsc ' Larrr Bnttoo, the se eeetrle biackaee eeawdlaa and nmslclas. wa as Isatantaneosa hit. Stanley and Carlyls. Is their eaeaedr Sketch, sura thaa flauMd, ptutm. wot MrBraia. Is tbe plrtared nailed,, "Good bre, Brisbt Rr," asd the BakerDgraph, eon. pleted tbe blU- . . ..v-.-i.;.. '. . " .. ,' .' f. Grsnd Is CooL, v ;;;.- With a eool tUealre ssd aai excellent vaade vllle entertatnaiest tbe Urand atartvd eff be week Teeterdajr with three big andleseee. Mar tine asd Martlae have s Mveljr set. Caatellat snd Hall have a fine akeirk, the Deemnas are elevrr acntts. Mlsa (eclle Ilobeoa has a siasnlS- nmt voire, lbs Ileraeborna slsg Trroleas sons. tbe llloatrstad seiiaa s sees aso-ise wmmll acops allows floe pMarea. . u- v.- ' "Xa Tennessee' at the Lyric. ' There sever' wss S more esthsaiaitlc reeep Moa gives a plr at tbe Lrrle'tbas was ex-' fesded to "la TMbmm" i laat evroln. The aodlesee waa atare tbas sspreriatlve tbey were eathalatle, and -at tbe Snleb ef each act eeaiaadrd eseore artee eseore asd eves weal so far aa to est! escS ttxllrldual member ef the oeaapaar befere the curtain. Tbe piar la sostbers romasre ssd . well deserves all the prove seestdtd It. . - ; - 1 '' "' - Big Show at the Stsr-- This week's hill at the Star la one ef tbe beat the tbeatrs has evor fnrolabod. Crery esmber Is of tnernotcb asantr. Tbe Star trio haa r bright eketefe. tbe Asdarsnes are telested jareaUea. (Iiarlea Pattereon has a aaaber of witty atorte.. Qalalan and Howard are elew. asd tbe Hans are effective. Tbe sew song b) sweet sad the stctsrss sre smsslsg. . -t AT THE - THEATRES. v COLUMBIA' WILL CO OUT " ? VJ.ABOUTTHt SAMEmME ;v'tVi''V'': . '" . v'; Both Wyi Carry AU the Passengers 1 and Cargo ;Law- Allows and Hot Race Is Looked for by Interested i- Mariners. "'Y. -t-v'-iV l.''...Vr'. ' The steamship Valencia, CapUIn J. B, Patterson, will arrive from Beattle at o'clock this evening and four hours later sbs will sail for. flan Francisco. She reached Astoria' at, S o'clock, this moraine and left up at JO o'clock. Pnly 16 passengers are aboard. Bha will moor at ths Ainsworth sock after Uklng on a supply of coal at , the Paclflo Coast Steamship company's bunkers. Her pas senger accommodatlone "have " all ' been contracted for and she will go ut loaded to capacity. , v The- steamer Columbia, also operated by the Ban Franotaco dt Portland Steam ahlp company, will sail, with all bertha filled and a full caratf for ths Bay City tonight at S o'clock and will stop at As toria a couple of hours. ,. ' Transportation man say that thla will be the first time a couple of steamers of first class type ever crossed the bar practically together, and that ths temp tation for a race will be nearly Irreslstl- PorUanders take areat deal of pride In the Columbia, 'believing that she Is the best steamer la the coast trade. Ths Paclflo Coast Steamahlp company, owner ef the Valencia, has a reputation to sus tain. Consequently It is held that the officers of ths steamer wlH put forth every effort not to be outdone by the Harrlman people. Its : most powerful rivals. SOUND PEOPLE OBDURATE. . ' :', ' ' V1 . Vv, atoaaaehlp Oempasies aaddesOy iratas ' : soiaa XTet to Bedaoa How Batsa.; . While the Harrlman Interests are making every effort to have the rats for ths transportation of flour from the Paclflo coast to the far east reduced from IS to $4 a ton, ths lines operating front the sound are opposing them. : It waa believed that the matter waa prac tically settled yesterday, but messages of a very discouraging nature wsrs re ceived late In. the afternoon from Beat Ue. ' r . . ; . The local 'offlclala of the Portland a Aalatlc Bteamshlp company are still confident that all the Unas will make ths proposed reduction. The Ban Francisco companies are aU anxious to have: the plan go through, and It Is not believed the Puget sound Arms will stand In the way of Its consummation muoh longer. . The Portland and San Francisco-11 nss will likely reduce the tariff, and thereby force the sound companies to take sim ilar action. - All exporters on the coast favof ths reduction, because It will free them' from -ths- necessity of chartering tramp steamers,' as they were obliged to do last.- season. ;j .- - ',. " , A. t FARE8 CO UP. Old rirsres oa AUlaaas Frosa PorUaaa - to Ooos Bay W1U Be Bestored. The fare on the steamer Alliance from Portland to Coos Bay will be reatored on Friday to the old figure lie" cabin and IT steerage; Instead of IT and II. as has been ths ease for the past three months. It has been Impossible to take care of all ths traffic down ths .coast In the past two weeks. Tbe rates on ths F, A. KUburn te Coos Bsy points have not been Increased yet, but It Is probable they will bs In a few days. . She is owned and operated by .the Wateonvllle Transportation' com pany of Ban Francisco. She sailed for the south Saturday night and. It will be a week before aha returns. MARINE NOTES. Astoria, July 2 1. Arrived; at I and left up at 1:30 a. a&4 ataamor Valencia, from Seattle for Ban Francisco. Baa Francisco, July SS. Arrived, schooner Annie Larson, from Columbia liver. Arrived, United atatea cruiser Chicago, . from v Portland and Puget sound. "' " ' ' Asterls. July II. Left up at 1:10 p. m.. steamer Northland. Eureka, July IS. Balled at I a. m., AUlaace. rA'- ' -' Astoria, July It. Condition of the bar at I a. ra., smooth; wind, northwest, lights- weather, cloudy., .... , ; .. . t. ALONG THE WATERFRONT. j... ,-. k . : : t .' . 'J. H. Peterson, owner of the ateamer Qeorge W. EUder. says If the vassal Is a menace to navigation where she lies on the rocks near Ooble any one who desires Is welcome to move her. ' He states be does not bslieve she Is In the way. . ., This evening the steamer Qeorge. W. Simons will leave for the -upper Colum bia to go on . her . old route . between the Cascade Locks and The Dalles, after having been given a thorough overhaul ing. , , :-- ' " . ' ,' " ', -Captain James Shaver of the Shaver Transportation company left this morn ing for the beach, where he will spend a' three weeks' vacation. -; ' Btcamer Northland, Csptsln ' Jsmeison. arrived this morning from Ban Fran cisco with a full list of - passengers. Brave ..Women Women's - delicate , nerve organism subjects them to. so much suffering that It Is almost inconceivable how they manage to fulfill the various household and social duties, and yet they do and suffer. ! ". As a rule they understand the nature of their delicate organism, but overlook the wonderful Influence their nervous system has upon their- general health. - They are not' sufficiently impressed with the fact that all their His are directly- traceable to the nervous system. Thst their periodical sufferings and headaches are due to weakened nerves. Dr. Miles' Nervine has been wonderfully successful in re vitalising the -nerves and curing all rases o fnervous dlsordsrs and loss -of Vitality.. - i-; ...... ... Thousands of - delleate "wnman" have regained their health and vigor by Its use, and the thoughtful fortify them selvee by keeping their nervous system strong and vlgoroue by its use. , "From a thin, nervous wreck, miser able and wretched, I am now enloyina splendid health, and It Is all traceable to your splendid medicine. Ir. Miles' Restorative Nervine.' MR. MAID ft OPUNflER. Philadelphia, Pa. T The first bottle will benefit; If not. the druggist -will return your money.- : 'A, Our Petutlfai American TalUng UicMw ; i-; trf to Etanbody .-f--v-" Pnrehfttinflr our... : Teas . Coffess Spices 4;.-v;- ..--f China V'j. Crockery Glassware Grc:t OSi cf tb 1J3 C9b this Coai eft, Ms It to any of oar stores, c , ;.'. Its vafcta tt tyV .. S5.00 wortfc of Ccwpom : vtowsH sattJas yoa ska Taliln? MachlicTrcc z fJC Boya, Girls, and Tosst Lallea V ; tbl$ 1$ Tour Chance .. t v Come and ec Ua " ... . - ' ' Cmt lcki Ir ?trtlr j T Ca. Staraa Bvarywaara -' ,:;..--:'?.;, v.::..fc,v,;.v..: 111 Washington St and III First Bfc, Portland. .,', ' V Oregon City, Main Street - Astoria, 5T1 Commercial BtVv At ths Inmaa-Poulsen mill she wUl re ceive lumber for ths return trip. ' With 1.100 tons of whsat ths steamer Csarlna haa Cleared for San Francisco, . Schooner Virginia haa been chartered to load lumber at Portland for a Cali fornia port; she Is at ths Bay City, i ,'K "'" ..'Brass W1B Try Hi Taoli.'1..;-.;' ' To test ths seaworthiness of ths yacht which he recently built. Ernest, ths 14 y ear-old son of Captain A. a Graham, is preparing to make a trip to ths ocean. He will be aocompanled by his cousin, Clyde Oraham. one year hla senior. Ths boys will stop at all ths towns between here and 11 Waco, and expsot to bs a week making ths run downstream. Returning, they figure it will take about two weeks to reach Portland. - The yacht has be haved admirably In ths harbor. ;: fi , - 'aneasne Toledo Ukeuaa. f - " Ths Charles F. leebs company began suit la ths federal court yesterday af ternoon to eolloet bills from Fay Bros., owners of thai steamer Toledo, aggre gating ll.SBl.lf. s..Ths craft was libeled snd s watchman placed In charge. It Is alleged that ths debts ara for supplies. The Toledo roade a number of trips re cently to Gray's Karbori.and la at the foot of Jefferson Street I Win ralaS tbe XaUotV. ' ''When ths schooner O. U. Kellogg, Captain Iverson. arrives from Ban Fran cisco, whence she sailed , July -1, -she will : be placed oa' the dry dock to be cleanod and painted. , - She , was here about a month ago and took lumber to ths Bay City. Arrangements havs also been made with the Port of Portland for ths docking of ths steamer Alliance, oa her next trip, when aha will have her propeller . repaired. i f- . 'r -J ,; i .rl wimarlasT a WlUaw Baa. : .... .1 Under ths direction of the ' United States - engineers the. dredge Columbia will aooa bs deepening and widening ths Columbia river ehannol etWIUow bar. She will be kept In commission by the government during ths season between Portland and Astoria, removing the sev eral bars formed by the high water. CALIFORNIA TOWNS WILL , CELEBRATE TOMORROW Tomorrow will bs a special day for Pasadena, Santa Monica, Whlttler and Redonda at the exposition. Ths order of events will bos ', - t a.' m. Buildings, government exhibit and Trail open. , 1:10 a. m. Concert. Administration band. Transportation building bandstand. - 1 to It a. m. Concert, Fourth United States Cavalry band, Government ter- 1:11 p. m. Qrahd concert Llbsratl's band, bandstand. Uray pouiovara. 1:10 p. m. Concert, Administration band. Agricultural building. . , 1.10 p.. m. United Stated life savipg exhlbltlon on lake. ' ' " ' I to 4:19 p. m. Concert, White Swan band. Transportation ' , building . oana stand. ' -. - ' : ' I to 4 p. ra.--Concert Fourth United States Cavalry band, . aovernment ter race. j : . - ' ''t . . 1' 1:16" p. ro"-OovernmenT exhibit closes.' S p. ro. Exhibit buildings close. I p. m. Piano recital. Miss Bula How ard, Auditorium. ' I p. m Llberstl's . band, bandsUnd. Oray boulevard. , . ' ?. S p. m. urana electrical uiuminaiion Id. m. Fireworks on lake. 11 p. m. Gates close. corn pith of use in building war -Visitors to the-Nebraska pavQIoa see a remarkable collection of corn prod ucts, or rather - by-products. At the front 'of ths pavilion are IS Jars, eah holding a different ' product of . either the grain or the stalk. These Include glucose,' several .varieties of sugar, syrups, oils, gums, paste and even rubber.-."-, ' . - ; ' Of late yearsthe value of corh Ttth in shipbuilding;, especlslly of wsr vessels, has been recognised. The pith Is used as. filling, being light and spongy, be tween the outer armor plate, and ths inner hull. ' ' - ' .. . . Chief, of course, of sll products of corn In this collection Is Starch, the manufacture of which Is constantly In creasing. - ' Bosohee'e Crsrmaa Byrnp. We essnot adrstsBd wky ssy peteoa sf- fering wlth s cold or throat ssd lusg trouble will seglect te psrrbaae S bottle ef Oorsiaa trnp. sold la all ctvljlaod parts of the world, without a eintle esea ef failure There are thousand of eosenaiptlves rlfht her hi Fnrt tend rt.t (Iv nnopftee' Oersias Strap toe anle nr4lt of . tbtr being all UwUf. year drixfH.t, i'rles 2 s4 11 cats.. Cat Greta's Auassse. . ' ' ' Ydii,ll Nev&'.A "-."''; :'V;,r.;.v'v7-'' ' t 1 i l- And ttYou Don't fVtc Up:Youll Our $10 Suit 111111 ,K.;' 109 Sixth St., Bet.; Washington and Stark Ctotheaat Kespt ..... ' . With No StrtaM Wa ara scorns? to aivs awav thla bie Chraphophoae assolately frea at :' . Unseal Arts Baildtjur en AaaasS . - IS, 1S0S. Ons-of those prise win- '., ' ners, you know, at the S. Xsrals - rain. Call at eur Banlblt or at our ators f or any -information that ' Is required and Inspect the ma- , cnina. . . Rat :-7r ' Coneerta at the above addreas tITl day and Thursday, at . p. as. ; WORD AND FIELDS TO PLAY V BASEBALL FOR CHARITY ' . 'Thofnae If. Word and Frank 8. Fields, reepeotlvely feheiiff and county clerk, will play ball next Friday for the bene flt of the Baby boms, and they havs chosen the hardest position In the In field, that of shortstop, where they will take all the. line drives or a "Joshing" from the aipectatora. . - ' - The game waa arranged by their dep uties, who desired to aid ths horns and also because a friendly aplrlt of rivalry existed, between them. - The sheriff's team will be selected tale morning, but the names of the county slerk'a team will not be announced until tomorrow. Word's team Is composed of .Kelly, ..h nnhiftamt and Mcintosh. Ditch ers; Parrott, first bass; Mordsn (under sheriff), sec on a osse, ni base;. Word,, shortstop; Kafke. right .i Uniitnvownrth -center field, and Coffey, left field. Chief Deputy Orafton and Deputy 8 her l re Mercer are auosu- totes. Chief Deputy Tax collector rr muw. ( as coach. Snd ma v ha as sisted In his work by Deputy Sheriffs Cordano, Moreland. Downey and any others who aren't working. . ' - County Clerk yields' team consists of Ross Is catcher, Bamferd pitcher. Fields shortstop, Bcnneioep nrs esse, jonnson seoond baas, Smith (chief deputy In the circuit oourt dlvUlon third base; Keraa I J Sale Closes-Tomorrow Evening Remember -That ! ilillil v W. lVIARKlLUie,' Managar Hats and Furnishing: ' . ' Irs Rp?Jr.ff or Ones Yar Fr Attached aaOM Staa Oolasa- - , our booth la the ; .. '' , - v -;. x ( , aramd rrlae arla, leoo. ' Seaala raad rnaj MX. - Xaia, ltoa, , leer is Star Tatstf, aS-X7l Wasalstsa U. , .Waahingtoa street) . every . .j.,', W..;,,,; Park a Watttotlos, PortJaaeV OrefOii Tta School of Ouality", v MODEWS. PRACTICAL, COMPLETE ' 7 Opeaafl the year. A. Pv ARMSTROMd. LU B PRINCIPAL left 'field' Held center field and ' Bush tight field. The anbstltutea are Captain Alexander, Captain Trowbridge; F. .O. Wilde, -Aloys Harold, H 3. Thome, 1 Bverhardt, ' O. Wlkander, D. P. , Price, C. D. Chrlstenson, C C. Stout and T. a. Welts. .Julius Caesar has been, selected as msscot. - Mayor Lane and County Physician E. r, Ooary. have been re quested to act aa physlolsns. '. Ko cosch ers have been chosen. ,-.' - Walcoma to tharTavarn. : '."Visitors t the exposition- will find I heir every - went anticipated at ths Tavern, Portland s celebrated oaij : ' J '.: - .V;r-.r?;i-irO: "f.v-f '"I,' V .'.r j :V ;" .-t: Not Get It Now ;v;'s -i.;-- 'I. Goods Portland. Oregon of ..ahau-sit-.:-- ST- s ffta m : '. . w v: s. - Lewis & CkrR Fa1r Ccmp Grounds Company . aruiemeisc Sad Aajedaiaa -v- f HawTHoara PsArk : ' Gatewaya (oorh ' camp ' grounds. Into park. - Seata, tablef, awlnga, lagoona and ahada In thla most, beautiful park in Portland. Ten minutea' walk from the bualneaa district on west " aide. .Twenty, minutea to . the World'a Fair Grounds by car.r Lire at home in . Portland and avoid the heavy ccat and inconvanienva ' of the crowded lodging house and rea taurant. There will be an at tendant in charge of the Tented City day and night Free tele phone connections in hla office. The famoua Bull Run water piped on the tract free. , Toilet arrans e menta and aanitary applianCea lc -cated convenient to all. Garbage r will be removed daily af expenaa of the company., All avenuea and" alleya will be kept clean and free from rubbish. You must reaerve tent apace for time of your visit. Send ua y6ur reservation now, ' that wa may be able to take care of you when you coma. 'Remit ua , $7. which' will pay your first two weeks' rent; with right of occu pancy at (2.50 per week thereaf ter. - You can reaerve for any two weeka during the fair period. The first td rcgiater will have choice of space.', Mail - all remittances to G, Y. MWt Stirttin-Trtismi ' L IXS aeoond Portland, Or. . . ! - : ,. Phone Haln. Its. " Or any of the following agents of our . Company: ... . Herbert U Oil! ; Woodbura Howard dk Bcott.. .............. .Albany 5 Hurley St Taylor. ...... .-.Independence Hon. N. Whealdoa.. ....... .The Dalles A. H. Blender.". ..Myrtle Point Aug. Huckeneteln. v............ ..Salem Ambler. Wstters. Coryallis Campbell Fuller..,. ..k.......pallss Brltt a Aspln wall ............. .Brook grllL ' Best mesJe and drinks In .the city. 'Grand concert avery evening' by Thlelhorn's splendid orchestra. Oppo slta Orsgonlaa building.- Ladles' annex, -I0 Aldej- street. - 1 , -; ' . 7" rMr's s r . a--'- ' ',.y 'y v'''.V" C;.,.;'SV-;.!'".'vi. M m m MB M - sV