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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 25, 1905)
V i 1 I . t, , Children's Department , .1.40. . - Enilra .Second Floor. 1 I Berrlea f . i ' I. i. a ( TavS fcw a. m a . ... M 0. C " rla TeaBeaeee" i Vaasaviiaj ...Vauaevine VauoeviU. Hater braed ARE YOUGOINO" AWAYfL :. ". - . -: Subscribers of Th Journal ' - who go ' away ' (or a weak or . d - longer may Jiava ' tha papor -w i.uf(ivu m inT rva .uancw inu -w " Bant to any s duress by mill at , ' tha regular ratee. and collection , ' at. will h. m m Am h. ...,,1..- aarrlap - attar return to the city, axeapt - W at Liom Beach - ana ueeeiae. w v wharal'ba Journal hi a regular carrier delivery. Albert Olaan , of t Ilvaco, Washington, - baa d eharg ot Tha Journal on Lone W rteacn ana Lowis to. ot sea- w .Id. 1 .1 - Ik. at on Seaside or . CUteop heach. - d Delivery will ba mad at tbaaa ; e two point at regular ubecrlp " tloo rates. Olva your' Chang ' X' of .address ' to your ' earrtar or Phnn. Main 100 nmmot at- - . tentlon will be, given all orders. Charlotte A- Carlaon haa'bagun aalt agalnat her husband. Quatava H, Carlaon, for 115,000 and for tha poaaeaalon of two promlaaory note of B5.0U0 each. Carlaon. " hla wife baeom dissipated, la waiting money and will squander lX 000 or mora that he haa on land tinlaaa restrained by the court. Tha Carl' aona formerly lived tn ChehaUa county. ' Washington, and' owned large tract of timber-land. In WD they aold thaae trade to Alexander and Robert Poland for 130,000, payable In alx note of 16,600; Mrs. Carlson aay aha signs the daeda with the understanding that aho.waa to 'receive one half the purcnase price. m aha : haa . received noM of "It. Carlaon, ah say, has already collected four f Successful fforta ar ld to , bey been made by Elks' lodge In the Pa- Vclflo 'north weat to bring eevarat large band of Indian, from varlou reaarra- tlona to take part In the great parade oa Elks" day, August 1. t-th Jbewla and Clark exposition. -..-Th program la .being arranged by a local committee of Portland lodge and-the fair official. Advice from Seattle. Taeoma, Spoka'na. . - u . . - . I.JU... h. attendance of a vast throng of Elks on that day. Many ef vth visitor will bring their families. - Tha key a to tha city of Portland and the expoaltlon will b turned over to the Elka who will make an effort to have it. the ' big C'Mt 4ay of the U:.;Xif-; i '' Many labor anion men were addressed la at evening at T. M C. A- auditorlam Street Railway Employe union, ot Ba - IV. n t wma ia hM A feHtMAtl mm rganlaatltfn ofVh atreet car men. , He - dlacuaeed municipal owrwrahlp and trade i own and aontrol every publta - atllity whenever competition along that Una baa bean eliminated from a community. Hla .remark' were directed at the Portland Consolidated railway, which eorpormtfcm ha criticised severely. He alleged that the company? enforced W rule againat membership tig a union by Its emptor. to the Lewi and Clark expoeitloa will raea- fgrUaad Aoroat tS.-am thr-vfarw J vrm win waimin on mrr umju. xneir eeaventtoa will be bM-at DeadwoodV and fmrm Hjeura Aatruai i v. i umj win come via epoaane, wnere uiey wiu amre An guet tl. and vlatt Seattlaand Taeoma on the war 4a Portland. -, Do not- mis the opportunrrr now of fered., to vlalt the. Island. ' Incluaiv ticket now being; sold ia 8aa Pran etaco coveting bote! expense atHonOj luto. drives and escwraioa. and a trio a tha, mat volcano, jvnll Aetalla fnr- ' ntabed by J. H. rxwaon, 4t WanMng ton street, or C W. Stingar, Jit ,Wah lngtoa streeC ' ; -;-. iv-. - Tha Catheti teaahera of Oreacm began tneir nrai annual loauiuie in ui. aim academy yesterday afternoon under the JIuhMi tym BMP T S ailM ..a - thr- Catholto unlveralty and "Mrs." Ellen Burke ef New Tork. Addrease were de- Mind rredertck E. Chapman. The tnatl tute will continue through tha week. a Moonlight . ''' 'X'.rX- ' Given -by " . ' !, The Baraca Cla ; " Of th Calvary Baptist church. Steamer Altoaa - ' - ' Y "tava Taylor atreet dock' at T:S. ' ' 'Tickat 000. . ; vy ; ; , '.; -. ' " Re th Baa at Baaatd A delightful Imm Wnrtlaiut. Taka a riin 1m ih. Ivtv. ' deepv Train leave the union : devot aire mm to. mjjt uuoniuiinn tnn-n -t Mr. C' A. Stewart, agaat. itt Aider atreet. Phone Mala . ,. ,-,- ,. , ,: ;i; We are atm salllnr our IllO'ere glaaaes for ft. Consultation' fro, and itiit wr mruuek aiunr m t-o.. "lit Btzta tre,-,. :. . ' ; , . Our are th only launches landing at th Oaks. Launche for charter. Favor. Ha Boating company, upper aid MorrK sow street brldare. TeL Main 1401V . ' . .r ntrfuu ut press, your-ototn ana sUine- yeut shoe for fl.oo er-month. T'nlque Tailoring Co.. 14T. Waehlngtons . Main If4. ; 1 1 ,.. Roof palntrna; Columbia Paint 'eon- ymnjt awn iioo, fw m irmm wki ill. nua. mtkA flMntanf Tt.fnt fn wim alaa avnjl - iron. Roo patntlng a apeclaity. j a.' m mm t.a..a - .a i.. w . tartan af,i lot Blxtk street. ' , : Phn E B Ex. tt Ex. SS. FlMiter ' Kleiner, stana. ' . Phone COMFORT . in' cool, fresh ex. ', ; DERWEAJt OTR - AS BORTMEJTT ANtV OUR STOCK ARB COMPLKTB : 50c and Up I : .1 IsvrttU Lr&Czy Cv Co. ' xLUztOAirxxa. ' i SM WrU-'9m, Sift rrzt i j ? - --. -kUrqnaai . V, , 1,. I.irlc , ChUf of ; Cscret Gervics Hsard tht Cannon- That Cent Rojstt ; ventky' Flt tp vDottom. v , H!CH!P TUNSD BACK : CUT OF. LINE OF FIRS Exciting Exprienci on His Visit to th Orient Americans in the Faf ' East Tska .Warm Interest In Pro. gress of Land Fraud Trials. f ? John : B. "Wllkle, 'chief of the United State ocrt aervloe, slipped IntQ town laat Saturday and . out .again yesterday morning ea route from the Philippine to Washington. The necessity of estab lishing branch office of the secret aerva Ice at 'Honolulu and Manila wa the occasion ef tha -trlpr-whieh, occupied a month, nd Chief Wilkl returned last week on th Korea. :; -; . .'Browned by the sun of the orient', to the swarthy hue of a Hawaiian and clad in a- costume of whit which ac centuated hi tan. Chief Wilkl attracted many curioua glance yeatarday, though few recognised in him th bead of Unci Bam' great detective bureau. ' Moat of hla time la Portland wa spent In visit'' Ing the expoaltlon. accompanied by w. S Burn and other f th aeoret aervica now stationed In this city, and by hi on Howard Wilkl of the uatom serv ice. t chief WUkle relatee hi observa tions in the orient la a. moat tntereetlng manner. , Tear of newspaper experience before be waa -appointed to hi prea eirif poaltlon gave him a training which la' plainly apparent as ha talk easily nd interestingly of what he ha seem 'The eteemshlp Korea., en which he r turnedTront Tokohamato Ban Franclsoa, narrowly' missed being present at the last great ea battle of the Russo-Japanese war. when Admiral Toga' wiped out th Ruaelan navy.- When 11 mllea distant from th ween of th battle, the Korea waa warned not to proceed further a th two fleets were about to engage. A few Mmir later the heavy cannonading wa" plainly heard, though whether it portended victory for the Ruaianov for the,. Japanese could .only b conjec tured. ;. i .. ".V.-. .' :'' -. Whea th Korea arrived at night off 8aaebo, on of the- naval station -of Japan. ha wa again hailed! and itopped. nd out of -the darknesa earn a demand aa to her. aatlonallty and her mission. Th captain of th . Korea suddenly turned -a- flaablight ea -h ehalloagiac raasel and th glare disclosed, again a Japanese torpedo boat. The Korea car ried munitions for the Japanese and she wa allowed to pass. -.-j-v Chief Wllkle aays that tha boycott recently inaugurated la Chines port agalnat American good Is du to the jealousy of 'EAglufh SnoT Oerioan mer chants who are alarmed by th growth of American trade In th orient .They hare taatlgated th boycott," saa cnier Wllkle, "nd "but for them there would be no trouble. " ... u . "American ra the orient ar much in terested - In the progress of - th land fraud. Tsacjitlona,- he- added, and Jm complimented highly . both Mr. nny o4 idr. Buroa for .tba axceUent .rtauita whleh have -been .achieved. U was at Wilkl' suggestion that Burns, waa as signed to toes Investigational Secre tary Hitchcock had asksd that some on b detailed from th- secret service de partment ' to gather avtdenc for the proseeaUoa of - th fraud and Chief Wllkle rescinded by aaytng - that " he would give th secretary, tbe Jeet man that be aad. nurns was anuinn rev the work. Chief Wilkl recalled tha in cident yesterday and turalag to Burn he remarked. "Tir hav mad good." Chief. WUkle . left by th . Northern Pacific for .Waahlngton. "t , f.'USICIAIiS ARE HERE FR0:.1 " El'IY POiiTTS ; National Sumrnsr School of 1. Music Begins Annual Sss x 1 sion at Craco Church. . ' - ' Th National Summer School of Musts yesterday ta Orace Methodiat ehureh opened It annual session, which la to continue until August (. ' Th meeting waa well attended, and proved on ef th delightful event of th fair for tha many whetook part. ; . i - Usually tha seseloas ar aeio) tn aan rrahciacov but thi year It wa deoldad ts hold tha school here, to give th teacher an, opportunity to Vlalt th fair, nd to com In contact with th throng of visitors t th olty, ' -. i ? Frsdertck E. Chapman of th Boston public schools, will Instruct In the course of history, harmony, msioaia insirucuon, art ef conducting and chorus. Mis L. T. Sweeay ef Berkeley. California, will hav charge ef Instruction la ear train ing. , method and accompanying. Mia Latha L. McClur of th Crosby-Adama choot la Chicago will hav a course on vole and methods. Miss A. M. Flsm mtng of Chloago wtlT freak an ear train ing, element of harmony, educational music, chorus, method and practice. Tha. several department . ar ' the aca demic, first year aarmat, second year normal ami poet graduate. Th claa reunion will be held tonight. On. one evening thi week a concert will be given for tha benefit of th church where the meet In a are held. ' . ,-.-'- Today Miss nemmlng . will ipaak o th element or Harmony to toe t mo lie teachers. Wednesday Mia MoClurs will lecture an method and singing. Thursday Mlsa Tlemmtng wilt rectur gain on method and singing and Fri day Mia 8wssy will speak, . Tha sas tona opsa at 1:39 o'clock and aonttnu until In th afternoon. .'. . " . WHERETO DINE. -V K' All tha dellcacl of th season ;t pri vate snartmants foe ladle and families. Btrouee'a Reataurant, 121 Waahlngton, A, mlnetrel performanoo audi a few people" have am opportunity of easing will be grven at the exposition audi torium, this evening at S 'alockv when th Congregational cadet corps of Eu reka. California, will give one of th popular antertalnmenta for which, these youngsters hav besom famous on their long march- to- Portland. - Thi evening concert I on of th free events fur nished by th exposition to Its patron. Milwauki Country Club. i B astern and -Sssttlav raeaa. Tak Sell wood and Oregon City car at first and ":er. , '.,' , . . . . K. T. W tber, Manchurian Corre tpondent. Had Uttfa D2ffU ; ; cutty in Passing Lines.. ' TlaAVSLEO; in "'.CUIC2 OF I i ? i ENCUCM MICCIONARY Cost of Living Has Increased Enor- mously Since War Bogsn and Jap . anesa Have Lost Their Courteous - Tone Toward , Visiting Forsigncrs. '- i' - 4 ' ' f. -y x. : K. ' T. Weber, eorrspondnt of -i the Harblnsky Vreatnlck, of Harbin, Man churia,, the principal newapaper of that country, -who la aaetng the expoaltlon today, tell an Interesting story 0( pass ing through th Japan lines tn Japan and Korea without much difficulty by carrying a Bible,- aharing. off his Russian-whiakera, dressing like and apeak' Ing th language ot the English, and dis playing on his watch charm a gold cor ooatlon 'sovereign. H even rcut off the button of hi clothing'. which tsor th nam of hla Manchurian tallorw He met many" American newipaper corrsspona nts. '; ....-.,.'. '. '';' - ' "They were so uniformly courtsous to m," aald hs, "that I am trying to recip rocate while X am In thi country. : I gained a high opinion "of th American :5 Weber. from th character f their; correspond- Mr. Weber la an jinmnnofJhaTJhl- versity of Moscow, ana is an accom pliabeoninguiau paktng praotlcaUy all the civilised tongue. . - Htartlng front' Harbin. Mr.Wbr had been only two day an rout to Halmm- tung, when he wa captured - py , tne hung-hutse ' or mountain ' bandit, anu held a. captive for tt day. i "lim. aura that It would hav ben eonsWarably tonger." ail 'Mr. Weber, "ha it not been fer tha potent Influ ence of th Bible and" th English coro nation sovereign. Tbs arttele acemed to servs a a tallamanaaad 1 waa allowed to proceed. Among the. well-equipped and armed mines banditti 1 noticed a dis guised Japane. of fleer, who appareatly waa their commander. 1 was fortunate enough te reach Korea without any f or- ther.adveature.".-.-. . .. i ...r . . ; - Mr, Weber remained two week In Korea, visiting Seoul, Fuean' and Che mulpo; and wsa forcibly- impressed with th sbsolute domination there of the Japanese, who have taken aver th gov ernment of the police, post and th rail road. The king of Korea and hla mls Isters ar merely puppets la the hand of tn eggressivs Japanese.- . . . - On leaving Korea th eorrespoadant went to Nagasaki, MoJL Shimoaosekt, Kobe. Yokohama. Tokio and to tha north of Japan- tnakodat), , and r Pack to Shanghai. --. .... v. , Having a good knowledge ef English, he soon made friends with th people of -the land ef th rising sunt for whom he said a had much adaitratlon. -About th only complaint - that Mr. Weber had to mak was sboot th Irri tating system, of espionage carried en In Japan. Ha aaya fh Japanese are not so respect ful to Europeana a they wer bf or th war. "Tha cost of living In Japan ha ad vanced."' aaid Mr. Weber. "Mfcet. for Instance, that ws 1C sea a pound before th war. 1 IS aan a pound.. Altogether, It costs ebout tl per cent more to live In Japan sine th outbreak of hoe till ties." .. s I ' ' Mr. Weber Is of ths oplalon that Js nan would gladly welcome overture ef peace, the strata en her finance la severely felt....- ..a., .; : WITNESS FOUND HERE , AFTER LONG SEARCH - After a search f 1 1 months H. Helberg, an Important witness- in an injunetloa suit ef th Standard Oil company agalnat ths Eagle Oil company, pending' In tha federal court In New Jersey, wa found her yesterday--Mid hi J deposition waa saken by order of tha' United . Stat circuit court. ' . '! ,. ' : ' ' ' -The milt. I for an order reatralnnng th Eagle Oil company from Infringing upon trademark known aa '"vacuum," Arctic." "Etna," "Vlaoohto" and "ElectTa." The Infringement, It I al leged, war committed when, Helberg wa att' employ or th Eagle - Oil com pany tni Germany. He testified' that from hla knowledge the Eagle Oil company was In the habit of selling Its brands of oil aa "Just a Tod a certain Standard brand. Th Eagle company, he aald, sold oils ef fca good a-grade-a th Stand ard at on tenth the trice charged by tha larger corporation. Portion ef th evidence given by Helberg were, objected tn by tha representative of th Eagl Oil company on the ground that th United grates conrrs had no jurisdiction: over alleawt Infringements of th trademark law m Germany. - ' ; Spoils Sat atoa4y.,'; Rerriae- Hnwnrt: of JOS West- Thirty fourth street. New York, at one time had ber beauty epouea wun earn trouble Bhs writesi "I Lad. Bait Rheum or Ecsama for years, but nothing won 11 cure lt until t used Bucklen'e Arnica Slvs - A iilnk end sure- healer- for cute, bums and enrea. IRo. at Skid mo re Drug Co.. lit Third street. , - 'v. '-.- ' ' . ,C'--rf Dsrefodt -' "Sizes 5 ' '' to 8,;;-75c 8 to 11. $UK) ' . 11JS to 2. $1.25 'y; KnlRht's "Sorosis" and ;;rVaIk-Over" Store.. ' . Is at stake when you, make the. smallest purchase from our place.'' Every .article ' in the store Is as a brick in the foundation. : Inferior, goods are not in our stock. Every piece of jewelry, has a little pride of its own which won't bear humiliation. ;: ' '' A. N. Wright tIOWA JEWELLER Na 293 Morrison Street" NO PAIN ; NO PAIN 'NICG-TEBTH ( ' W "are thedlacoverar 4nd orl gloat era of th only .reliable and eclentlno ystsra of a I nl ass Deu Met ry. Ws ax tract, crown. (Ill and eleaa or treat teeth absolutely without pain and guarantee U worn for fifteen year. Our work I th beet, our prices the Jwwest eon slstent with flrst-clss work. EXAM INATION FREE. Our plate ar ande- fieeUble from th aatural testa aa sre.auaranteea ia .-'. ,s " -' ITUjINGS ...... SOe TS4 Md S1.06 OOtXJ CROWNS SS.0 to f 5.O0 BRIDGS WORK S3.00 t SS.OO FULX. SET HATTJRaL TEETH. $5.00 ( aaaiaiaa aa-au w eeasss Boston Painless Dentists S1H sw Opp-'Msts ai rsaAi HOtTRS l:S am. lata. Say, S4S a, a, t 114 v xa. ; M Your friends- 'a sa lAaxriHTMakf aft Mf At r 1ftBa - Vwatai monr wltHw They will Ml yen to f to JOHN DELLiVR for th reaaon of carrying good qualities of merchandla and the loweat price. W treat every person alike, that' why our prices ar marked In plain figures. Th newest pattsrna of men's and boy' Suits, Pants, Shirt and Hat a Complete line of Shoe end Oxford for . ladle, men, mlaee and boy. Big assortment of men's Underwear.- - Quite a eelactlon of Trunk. Vail and Suit Cases. W save you SS per cent on pries compared with high rent stores' prices. We run ; Two Stores ' Cae Cor. first mi Yamhill, tad . One Cor. Third ssd Divls Sts. oPEirsiiciiES' mm WiLL CEASE J. C Hardsnbergh Haa Invented ? . Patent for Warning En -. r ginaers of Danger. Railroad mea In the eaet ar ld to be much Intarested in aa Invention which, according to 'the Irtventor. will malt tt Impossibl for a wreck to- oc our on account of a miplcd switch, on either staam or alactrt road a. it la expected to be quall valuable, also,. aa a aafaguard at th aroaeing f In terMctlng road.' ',. . Th Inventor, J. C. Bardenbergh f Cleveland, Ohio, Is an old engineer and hie Invention is the result of bis own observe rlona and experience. Tha device oonalat of a spring which I placed beside on rail of the track and which 1 aim liar tn shape to an ordinary bueav soring. Whsn this I depressed to- th level ef the top of th ratt.'th sngin oases ver. It without obstruc tion er delay, but when th spring is rslssssd tt projects high- - enough to strlk a pin on th lower aid of th locomotive. Instantly th pin caui the. whlstl to- blow and- th engirt to atop. Ths spring will never be ap except la esse of danger. . When the spring I depressed th pin cannot etrlks it and th engine paaeee over without etopplng. , Th apiin nan b installed wherever there la a e witch or a crossing, and It will be th duty Reputation m v i m i . . . . ,r buy your SUIT, TROUSERS, ; VEST, HAT, eta, and pay; for same at the rate of 'zr-Zl-'.'f'"- 3IDIi!iilOEs!.snfl.,7aLE' '- "4 y:- i tea-''.:-.''':.'" ' , m . ' aaaBaaxeaS . THE BALANCE ON EASY Veelily or nionlWy Payments You pay no more than were you to pay aah and at leas 'than any jeweler In the city, ; We give you possession when making first -payment. :We demandTSo security, etiarge no , Interest for credit acawnmodations'. . It will pay you to sec us DCiors uujm tucwuiie, TDE POirilAND MARX ft BLOCH, Props. : P&to t Voir fforio vhfiK3rsr3 Pain. ; ; JT saw aaiaf; vtfy Um : tt waalT cast yas SS BMKBSMT aa a win if aa ass ss.cslisd "cfcsa" ; New Era Pstat csesrs svors sarfscs aai sjagrs stack loaftr. , - - ' aJ A-t4 Added t axatssha hi sttaaJ ca.fcw awssrW. LTT at hct that voar sotas will hieA Bar,lor rW k(32 Era Palat fleas a hsBsr Itoia sad abet frMi sbW Ask lor cater cards. tWwhxg ' MgV( slat twVfwtt FbbwJ fjaVl Vwrwataas awawaWw BWaawwaw : Ac Vkti Lead Cater Werta. DejaVIUctw New Era Pdnt of tber watchmaa to aet ttIf thera i no danger, th spring I depressed by th watchman, and th train passe over without any cautionary signal. , Th lnvatlo I a slmpl on nd ha attracted th attenttoa of th Lak ghere and ether eaatern road. It Is expected t. he Clmoet equally vsluaBle on eleetria roade where ears ar run at high speerl. ' '- '-:.;- -, ..f ,' . ' Religion eomntend th tender- heart, hot It doe not ask for th earns kind f a hsaaV- .r ' v ' - " "" WE WANT Good marltersj and distrib ' titers. . Good ' ironers, for. good workTT "T: " WE PAY . Good wages. Have good electricians .and ", have good comfortable place towork. ilNlifmiNDRY Second anrS Columbia c ' Main SS3 """153 Lr.r to C:'J Yea ; . CcrrtCaly tzi ZzZlIzILztZj la Every Cwict Our patrons not oJy enjoy large assortment to choose from1 but also participate" IncW part-payment plan, thus bdngr able' to indulge in higher grades of moxhandise without bearing the - wrirht of the - expense. -: You can LOAN OFFICE 74 THIRD ST. ti St . ss d g Sj sahtctiemi' si ths asiloai fr- &Vcrnish Co. 4 Cans lomtots 25c I Dozen fons . ; 75c NEW GnOCERY ; . Eleventh Morrison Sts. aUen at Lewis' Bast Bras. : - i : .v...'-,.? ''.-v.-v '..'' ' -V. j .' 1 -'"'-'- ': .'. ' '.' ".''(r;'4 - '" ' V-'", ' ' ,Z . ; - r' '.' " i , ' ' - '. . , ' -i. ; . . Yom earn no more eat results fres Priatlns done in a Junk thop tiaa joxl earn ezpeet from atop waUl. made in roek quarry. Our Vti.U in la made in a eood aio? Cl worlnnan who are paid co4 c--3 : . Let ns "fltrtr! jou , . Zlamn s Ceaelv Phene Hcfn tit. C2 Ceeond Ctreefv Pcrtlxai, Crc;m' . J .1-. tills SB M Vf C- t i t . . ) rery KLit loie vvu -"l . , iaa AaH' t 1U sm avwi a - J t . I the Merry Xaaleal ' t ' ooirtBT. - - ri'i. ctrr- r - as eilleat raat. M beantlfal f VQIbLAA Fa.tiXS1 usee, 1. . a at, See. We. . DetascolThczttz (rerawrly Cstombl Tlaatr.) 14tb Ssd t. TBS COOLC81 THEATSS IM rt)ST" I. . gUCT10 FAKS. COOla ItlH.i ThlrS llostb Brlaece Stwh Ce. ; ' v T0SISKT-OIX WXXB. I MAT15HS SATt'kOAT ABD SCKOAT. ' -' BATID B SLA SCO g GOMBOT TBIVxtrBV NAUGHTY ANTHONY" AS PtATBO Bt BLASCHB BAtlS. PRICKS Klfbt, 3Sa to Tfel MaUL. 91, , gg, KKT WBKK "CltUM.'' THE BAICER TlitS! ' COOL AS A StrSTWlB SABBSB. zrferresimt asSvilie. J. BOY K'PtAI. -. -' - - : BAJtimoaAArB. latest Lite Motles rVharea, , ' , Baker Pa.rlaes Otefceetre. 10a t Aay Seat Bxerst Boxes. i : TBTB STAB TB1 . ', thx avBiasoao-mMSaf .. C:. ' : t axriaLAJI wowaao . . . jaw- BArrfsaoa.--. :r ,-.-.' -o-at bobasb .; ' TBS STAaOSOOFB Oeasral oslalfls. eesea- Beeatara, S-. Says ead holktaye. win! seats ea VranaT Soar, SO eests. Bos seals, S5 easts. -' GRAND - ' Tt Tr00AS . ' "-, , OASli LLAt B Alt '; ' mvs Cmcnt wr on ft..-.- TWt Harftu- .- ., " . BTAainn at "ft v B. rSID Ft -lT4a? : , As ' - iaa vaaiiwwvr. i sdmlaetes. 10 seals. Beastofl. Bsaj. saye ea aelioaye, rresrvea eeais ea last SO eeatB. Bex sests. SS easts. ' .. - lyric Timznxiz , wtsK or mr si ::.v.-. InTcnncccco" : Beart Stery ef Ike Soets.- " ... -v. ,. - la rear Arts. ' . . . ateasriesv Mw. as aVsy aaat ISa' LEWIS JtNH CLARK OBSMKUJ:. V -.' TOrJID CAFE . yeBTuuro aaaaars, Te Bertlaad BeigkSj ear aad set eft et Bawtbeeae Terraea, ess kloet Xfa ass Baav B ellaMaf. Bleetrle elevater. See eeaetlfa! effect st sewarfsl eaarrf-t fraaa to e tower. Tee sas eat a Sataty av . wkile vtewtag the xost sugatneaat aaa f la ASMrlea. Oses S a. av ta S s. av . tim ates iS easts, - a BLAZICH BSOS. i C0BCBBT BVaBf KiOBT. S4S-S. BtlSSSIDB.-" Beth aad good had tor th Bight an for sv. - Seventh aad Wa tagto Sta. IHaawt aad taraaM hath fe th alty. - For 'asodent -dental work. - World-r- aowBed apeclallata . . Loweat prlees eonststeat with Srst ela r ' -'' WwTaxs ' v . .v-i-! Go t tha "-.."' . NEW YORK D0NTI3TG Open day and night, front : a as, aatll It av DraaC; mm r V Tl- 1 . thai la AsatU P.av a, s- PciUcrJ tsLt;i 'am mva ab OT.sasrost acaooi. , Flta bare aad girls fnr asati ra aa eet eMIesea- OfSee koara e( rke srlarlpala 4uni vaeatlna frosi S a. ax.- a IS av, at oe sesoraty, ' eomr ef Tklrtemth sad Berrlea etresta. re satajogoa, aeareas v ... , . .' '- ' Portland Academy PvrtUad. Oraaes.'' ' TEETK