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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
v i ' "r ' , lip If liilll : 11111 1 -r : "1. : . v5 !'j w - V out tnere is no rcsx witnoux cnjoymcnL ? vynat more , pxcasurapxc wing is were mr uus uaru-vvuriuiig www vM - r'--.y .i ,,-.r ;.. ,;' ';,' . .'. w V f v (; '4i J.-'.'r'-'. " v m.m m ' i -A "'.- ..-;...' Andlcdown s uainjox Xj' r Ucuiu s j vri cc x ua is, .. vaiuc . 111 wo ouiioum ui "c uwoun Giris Gtoriouis Ees as the Railway rolls noiselessly ty to 0v?;wea v--f Yiresn voursexi wiin a jsaw ana a.xriunEc iur 4 wuus. mm w &uuwwau uiwc wai , i wuiay: w : j y; 4 ; 5-, w v . . AAA r 1UV 1 'In II -4--i-v-",' j ?; ' " w TFOllcy ... vv- -14 - ;;,-,t? ;;pJ V y--i Id i 1 raRSONALLY C0N3lJE y.yyy.y.;: ' Leavev v First , and Alder Streets 9;40;ai : With Two Hours for Lunch at . the Estacada Hotel, ' hhi on the Clackamas River. y:y ?';:::V'; 5. Vi - ' - 1 i 1 x- 1 ii , 1 lg0 mm " ? .;. j. t- s- Ami 0 1 mi 1 w layUUUiiJ . A A A I 1 I 3, n .0 - . '.- -V '- - T;-yf "V Tnesfla v NiVht. Tnlxr 9.5 7' "yr,. ;yi,j' yy :v,y-v ny.::;? i.Lr'.yi-.';- v , r t ;t r t I t .' i. .. r . t i i i f r t r i (...!' 'I' "J , - 'V-. i ' ?y ! yT;( -i V . . . f - f .1 Thursday Aftemobh, Juljr 27 -Prize Dancing. Exclusively for. Children;.! -. : y., y V cV- V .,. V" '...,." a.:-1' -1 ." . " ' . , : -'..V .-.:; - ; ' -.TT .-t ' ' i IN A FEW WEEKS 4 -J 'iy-v.fy--.-y. ,. e .- a.. - ' ' , -. " I. I ;y' i ' !Wathr Hm . No. Effwt and Class Attendancs Cony r ! Class - l-:y - tTnue Largs; r m t vy VVAST CROWD HEARS 1 ; i . .. y - ;yH DR. CUNSAULUS TALK ;.y-yA -rr-: ;!yy;: y,,-1, j iti.:h (.umi'i - win . -torn- I y mam unui . Meirunf v,iosei, aj t. ; TT TV . . . i - uiouid - ncrtioiori mmt.) vvcm Home Bfort Excrcliet Ended. . ' I i '. (IpMtal tHttxtcb to til 2mi4mI.I " .. ' - if - GUdaton. ; Or., July. 1 Th Jiot ueathr had HttU f fact Lnpoir tha claae attendance this mortitna; and what ,1a , quit unuaual all eloaad with aa larga ..' ' nnrnbar of pupila aa they fatean with '"ll dya r.'-1 - Thin mornlnj Profeasor O. kf. Babbitt took. hia. claae of physloot uKre M more to- the bU field, where aome y'aporte had ben arrariRCd, and aome . prii awarded. It waa rare fun, for ", the boy, and almost aa npueh for the . older onea who fathered la larce atm bare to wjtneea them. , - y i. . . :' " .--."-:';v "With Ounadylua yeeterday and airaln today- Chautauquana feel 'their -cup of Joy lafvHl. He held large audience spellbound for an hour and a half laat nlfht while lie drew, portrait after por trait .of Oladatone, - the orator, the stateamaa - and the - scholar. , - Upon him as ,-. an orator he dwelt most at lenath, aaylns that when but SI yeara Old a peer, of Ens-land had amid: ' "Eng. land must Understand Gladstone.". Oratory, being of a highly Imagina tive order, few .were ever known to com bine it with, the other requirements of a atatesmaii. ' To IHuatrate this the apeaker eald that Garfield waa a great orator, but when he etood between Roe oqe ponkllng 'and Jamaa O. Blaine, he recognlked his need of executive ability. Gladstone could stand alone, a mighty figure with a purpose, and always be lieving that tlrav being, on his aide, right would win.. ; - Hundreds of persona are pouring Into the ground from' every train today to hear his lecture on "The Modern Pul pit.' and even before the orcheetra be gan the dally concert it 1 a, m., the au ditorium was, well rilled. , , , i r-i Soelal Aetlviuefc . . ' .y - This aeaaon of Chautauqua haa been marked br greater social activities than any previous year. ' The W. C. T. U. suffrage - headquartere and - Woman's club headquarters have been the scenes of a great many Informal receptions, and the aloofness which . has . always heretofore been tn evidence haa en tirely dlaappeared. Teeterday being areatly la Oeaaaad. . -: Nothlne Is more In demand -than "a medicine Which meets modern require ments for a blood and system eleanser. gueranteed. -.iH - - n, K n.ft NAW IJf. Vlm Thin are just whet you need" to cure stomach and liver trouble Try them. At fen Id more Drug Co 111 Third street. Deo: Franchise1 day with the W. C T. Xk, spe cial exercises were held at headquarters when Mrs. Antoinette Brown Blackwell, Miss Laura ' Clay of - Kentucky, Mra. Colby- and Mlaa Neelt -of Portland gave Interacting' - addressee. , Refreshments were served Ao about ISO guests. ..' ; ' -." e&ast Bfastoal'Sveat. ',Y '-' The last great musical event will be on - tonight and elaborate preparations are being made for Ute eSntata, IHa watha'B Wedding' Feast. Th program to be glvsn Is; . ., ' Songs (a) "Sing On" .' Densa), (b) "September' (Charlton), Mlaa Vloln Gil bert Feraeyhough; song, V'NIght-Time" (Van de i. Water), Lauren Peaae; violin solo, - "Rondo," ' ninth concerto . (De Berlot), Miss - Lllla , Seellgaon; aonga (a) "A Song of Thanksgiving" (Alllt an). (b "On the Shore" (NVldtinger). Miss Ethel Shea; songs (a) "Summer" (Chamtnade), (b) "Tou and I" (Leh mann), Mlee Annie Dltohburn. The dra matic cantata, "Hiawatha's Wedding reBat"' (F. Coleridge-Taylor) i Tenor eololst, i Leuren . Pease; leading- violin, William Wallace Graham; - pianoforte, Mies Veda M.' Williams; conductor. Pro fessor F. W. Goodrich. ; .v. - At t' o'clock this evening the usual closing display of .fireworks will - be giver) on, the ball fjeld. 4- , - Another' : feature .-that dlstlngnlshes this Chautauqua ' from Other, years la that the campers are all remaining for the xloelng day- - Heretofore the last day-has always been disturbed by ham mering, packing- and moving vans, but today thlnga are .aa quiet aa If a week'a program yet remained, and It ls con sidered a great stroke of policy on the pert of the management to tiave eaved Dr. Gunaaalus for Sunday afterneba. .. Dr. Roland Grant will give the clos ing sermon In the evening. ' Dr. B. J. Hoadley eloaed ht work to day In Americas literature. iHe reed - . ..... before his classes a poem written by Mre. Belle Cooke, aa Oregon singer now Uvlng In California. Dr. Hoadley wUI return next year with. ft new program la literature. -i The program for Sunday. July St. follows: .. ..'-.. , .i'" ., 1 10-.SO Sunday school under the direc tion of Rev. Howard K. Smith.- Classes taught by following expert teachers: Primary elaae, -Mrs. Tobey of Portland Primary union: junior class, Mra, H. N. Smith, Portland; young people's elasa, W. 8. Hale -of Portland Y. M. C. A.; adult Bible claae, W. C. Sherman, D. D., Sacramento V teacher training. Profes sor R. R. Steel, president Oregon Bun ds y , School union. , - - . - - S Singing by congregation and Chau tauqua chorus; anthem. "My Sou, Doth Magnify the . Lord." boys" choir of St. Davld a chuteh, Pprtland; reading of the Scripture. Everett Kemp; eolo, "King of Klnaa" .(Erachett), Miss Mary Alverta Moras: sermpn. Dr.. Frtnk Gunaaulua; solo; Miss Mabel Baker. - t. 4 6acred concert for two hours. Par. tone' orchestra,, during which time Mlas Mary Adell Case will alng the national aire, assisted by the orcheetra. .- ' t:SO -Singing by congregation ' and V Schilling's Best" make gen erous business. Your grocer is generous with it. Moneyback costs . him ' nothing : costs no uwuy .uijuunge Chautauqua chorus: solo, "Song of Eter nity" (Nevln), Mlaa- Mji ry Alverta Morse; reading of the Scripture; solo, "Tha-Holy-City,- Mr.k Lauren Pease; sermon, "Jewish Socialism Versus Rock- efellerlsm." Dr. Roland Dwlght Grant, V HOCH DER TAVERN. ; The Ores teat Grill and Cafe In Port .'A.' ' -. land Invites You.-' A': i A tip to the wise la sufficient. ' Oft to the Tavern If you 'want to enjoy life, health and happiness. All the best peo ple go there to Ituich and dine. It Is a bit of the fatherland set down in Port land. .. j-.-n .. :. . - Fine orchestral concert each evening. Ladiee' annex SOI Alder street. Main entrance opppalte Oregonlaa building. SUNDAY EXCURSIONS On the Corvallis ft Eastern Railroad. Exctfretons en the'-C. E. R. R rurt every Sunday from Albany. Oorvallla and polnte west, leaving Albany at 7:10 a. m., Corvallis t a. m-. Connecting with 8. P. local from Eugene and overland for Eugene at night. Five hours of fun and pleasure at the moat famous resort In the west. Three-day rate of St from Portland good en excursion trains either way.- " . . ' 1 j ii . i. - . , . . ' Sunday Outings en O. W. . .', . To Greaham IS cents; alt points, be. yonfl, to and. Including Estacada on th banka of the Clackamas river.' SS miles from Portland. cents round trip. Dinner at Hotel Estacada, 71 cants. Dancing In pavilion. Care with trail f leave First and Alder streets t SO, :? . 11:10. 1:S0, 1:40. 1.44, T:ll. . ' - Waal Stra. A. W, , Oatabias; af Fortaaaa, Orecea," : - aays teaoati , . . t. Casey's Rh:4;:iic Cure . . 4 Mr. Casey: I have been eurrenng very oaa iifeK 1 y Rheumatle Cure. Can say after using two bottles ' . . .; that I am now Tree from rheumatto polna ana am r . - much better of Throat Trouble. -' 1 am now SO W':-: years of eg and anr thankful to yott for . v your medicine hae done for me. ; . tr! Mrs. A. F. CATCHING, S08 Burnalde ef... Portland. , - Medicine sold on guarantee. It bottle, at Watts iV'; II I Matt hleu, 171 Ruseeli sL: Wooilard darse. ' V II I eor. Fourth and Washington: -Skldmore lrug V 5,1 I Co.. Ill Third et; Alblna Pharmacy. J0 Rue- -v.b A. iiiiiu ai f aiui imi a tim i aell at. Portland: Georae A. Harding. Oregon City; St. Johns Pharmacy, St. Julina i I i I i M . , 1- UH TO APPEAL BR ANTON v CASE TO SUPftEllE COURT , ... -. - . . . , ' t ftpeeUI Mspetck ta Tke SearaaL) ' Eugene. Or., July St. Attorney , J. S. Medley of Cottage Grove, who waa one of the counsel for John Btanton, who last month began a 10 yeare' Sen tence In the penitentiary for attempt ing to kill John Fletcher hia hired man. near Cottage Grove, laat aprlng In order to bbtaln 11,000 life Ineurance, today sent the papers for an appeal to tne eupreme court to Judge J. W. Ham ilton at Roseburg for his signature. . laat evening, was attacked by a vicious bull and held down until men near by earns to hia assistance with pltchforkr, but a rock In the hands of one ef them" stunned the bull which allowed Hunt Ingtoii to make his escape. ' If the bull had not been dehorne.1 Huntington would have been gored tt death.; He Is badly; bruleed and ent about the face and baa a dislocated shoulder from the encounter. . -;- Beuad Trtr Oaly tS Ciiis. 'To Olsdetone perk, en'v ! ride from Fertlsnd. Wl (ttsu' " " -'' a ' fir, v 1 I t- a - t r