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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
. Tin. Oregon' d-'ily jour.:iAi; rcr.TLAi:D,r tosses ,1 ; ' j . . V ; 4nm------n " 1 M r Tsxan : Gets Nsrvous" In ths : : Eighth Inning and Makes ' i v Tv9 Miserable Throws. r A PITCHER'S BATTLE V ; TOR EVEN INNINGS .. -'V Srownaadyirf fl 1 Ware Very Ef ! fective. Allowing ' but Seven Hits p and Not a Pim ob Balla Portland Be-Kunning Questioned. ' TiMnii. !. Portland 0. - BatteriesBrown and Graham; Garvin, ' , What was a Tory pretty ram for atrra Innings yesterday waa thrown ' away to Taooma In tba eighth by VlrgH Onrvln. who mada two allly threwe to first haae but Instead, or going wars want out to right (laid. Theee two mla- - -cues and two. Hits by Doyle and Bagen netted the visitors a pair of runs, a lead that proved sufficient to cinch the gam. Until that tint Garvin had pitched a ' teautiful asm and tt looked thou eh "the lengthy Texan would set away with the contest, but the bunt-Una; cam and It was all off with the local tossers. Brown opposed Garvin and pitched a re markable game being- thoroughly effect -' -ty at every ntagw of the proceeding. In -fact, both pitchers were effective, neither man giving a base on balla, In the ninth Inning ; Corbett batted for liarvli. and struck "out. going to Cates ." Tlace In left field In the last naif of the ninth, while i pitcnea , in ' three men out. ; : The day was really too Ttot for the rlayera The game from a number of standpoints was Interesting; and; kept the fans on the anxious seat every .minaie. Portland had several ehanoea to eoore. but when the necessary hit was needed It was not forthcoming and consequently the wary McCredltes suffered a whlte . wash.- Ata played In Ms usual brilliant fin in and took tits difficult chances In asy fashion. McCredl dropped an easy fly In the outfield but It didn't prove costly.' Tb bass running of-. Portland was Just aa bad- yesterday as It was the day before, and If games are to be won the .locals had better wstdh where the ball Is or else they wlll-b called out very day In the week. A certain amount of Intelligence la necessary In order that a man play the gam In proper style, but from the manner In which several of the . local, men run bases It csn b inrerrea that they are a trifle shy in some re spects. Th official score: Ats, ss. ....... 114 1 'I 1 11 A .. I icCredle, rf . ......... Van Buren, lb........ J ouseholder, cf . .. . J cLean. c. . aiea. If and p.,...., r'-hlafly, lib.. ,.4..... l-unal. tb... ........ Oarvln, p............. Corbett, if .. . .... 1 1 I 0 ! X 1 l it lit I Totals ............ II T I! II 1 TAQOMA. . - royl,' rf . ............ 4 riheehao.' lb. ,,,,..,. 4 Nordyke. lb. ......... 4 s I 8 i 1 Hgan. as. ...... .. . . . e ' McLaughlin. If... 4 l.vnch. cf .......... 4 a x oeyt-tbfTrrCTTn rr.Trf--4f-i---i- Onhira. e 4 , I" 4 11 Brows, p.... ......, I J iJi , ToUls It t TtTt f SCOBJE BT. INNINGS. Tacnma v ....... .e 0 u 0 A i nils a. a v w m w i Portland ......... 0 H1U HlMIil -t- 7 - 1 - SUMMARY. " '- Struck out By Onrvln 4, by Brown I. Two-bas hits Eagan and Casey. Left on bases Portland 4. Taooma 4. Double t 'ay Runkle to Bchlaflv to Van Buren. Jlrat baas on errors Portland 1. Ta rati B. Sacrifice hits McLaughlin and ' Brown. Stolen bases Ats, Van uren. McCredle and Bunkl. Innings (itched By Garvin , by Cates 1. Time of game 1:46. Umpire Trilby Ran- klny - - - t- - ' PACIFIC . COAST LEAGUE. . CUJBa. iSSTal nil i Til .MVS .44 .4W rraaMMa . 11 talis) 14 Till 4h j- Pnrtl4 7. Oakland ettie wd !ge;OiD!SSM ' , " ' ' (Joersal SpKlal garvtee.) - , ' Sen Frandsco, July 21. Pierce was batted mt of the box yesterday -after thro runs were scored by the Reals, but It was too late,-as the Ban Fran- ' Cisco Bin had th gam cinched. Score: v . ,j, , J San rran....J UKHi 4 .-s kland . . .,1 9 I 0 0 0 1 I I Batteries Hltt and Gochnauer: Ho r. Plero and Byrnsa , t'pnplre Per rlna. .. . -j 'MaU la Batted Bard. 'T- ' (JflBTml ImUI Im .I... , ' Cm Angels. July ft The. Aagels fell on Hall yesterday and batted him ; for a dosen hits and 11 runa. The score: Los Ang!eaV...t!S0!0f 11 it i aveattle . ..... ..I 0 0 0 1 Batteries rBaura and Spies; C Hall and Blaaketshlp. CANADA CUP TRIALS il ' BEGIN AT TORONTO ' ' Uaaraal Special Service.) '. Toronto, Ont, July, tt. The InUrmt - Of yachtsmen throughout the Dominion cantors la th trial races far the Canada cup challengers, which began here today. There are three candidates for the honor nf challenging for th cup. Two arc owned by Toronto men and a Hamilton ayndlcat owns th third. Th Hamilton , yacht was designed by William Johnston, who designed Hamilton I. One of the Toronto challengers was designed by William Fife. Jr of ralrll. and the ' other Toronto, boat was designed by Alfred Milne. There is considerable dif ferent la th construction of the three boats, r though there Is-little variation In general dimensions, in addition to thee threo boats there are two addi tional entries for th trial races. They are Beaver and Invader, both of Canada cup lam, but It la expected that they will be used chiefly as trial boats, ss It is not at all. probable that either will be selected for th final contest, neither exactly fitting the new 10-foet claaa. 1 "ainZfttsr riAGS RUtJnifiG AT wmm Opening Day rof ,the jThlrd 'An- nual Meet of Multnomah Fair; Association." SPEEDY HORSES HERE ' FORTHE MEETING Only Six Horket " Entered for th Handicap in ..VbicXeWjIs Carrying Top Weight Many Fine ; Thorooghbrads at. Track, ' They are "on", at Irvlngtnn ' track. This afternoon th ponies will Inaug urate the opening of th racing season In Portland, and th fleet nag from far and near will flit around the beautiful Irvlngton track with head up and tails flying In the breese.- Ho more perfect day. could be had for the Initial day of a race meeting, and from th Interest that M being displayed from Victoria to Los Angeles by ths :. most prominent horsemen on th coast, th present meet ing bids fair to be th biggest and most Interesting ever held la th west, exclu sive of California. 1 Of eours, California races draw bigger crowds than Portland can hop for, but th claaa of horses that will run here la Just th nam and those that were top notchers , In the meetings held : in the Golden Stat. Horses from aa, far -east as Buffalo, as far south a New Orleans and from dif ferent points In th middle west are al ready here in trim for t ho going. . , In the list of 42 nominations for th opening handicap but.: six - will face Starter Mulbolland whan h lata them go In th fourth race. In this rac Tooo law will carry top weight, lit pounds; Cora Blossom will carry 108, Sea Air, will akip along with ltft and Briar Thorp . will pranc around with an pound under Sea Air. '. Th fifth race for th O'Brien purs will ee th real aprintere of - th track ban, Laldlaw, Misty" : Pride, Funny Sid and several others that can travel over the ground In spirited style. The stable of Gaylor 4V Co.. consist ing of Bun Rose, Max Bee and Cousin Carrie; JL.LBalrd with-David JSolond and D. Conner with Queen K. and a couple of other good Ones, arrived from Denver last night. Jockey Graham and Jim Boseman also arrived last evening. President Dlamand atated this morn ing that ho did not expect any trouble with Captain Spencer or any on, else In regard to pool-selling at th race. ; Mr. Diamond says that th race meet will go on and no sore-head wilt prevent it. TENNIS FINALS ARE : A . BEING PLAYED TODAY The finals' In th tennis tournament on Multnomah courts, sre being played today. - Th raatchea have almmered down to th champion and aeveral royal struggles will take place before th final honors are distributed. Th: matches yesterday ware " brilliantly played and th spectators- thoroughly enjoyed th sport. Thla afternoon Mr a. W. H. Cha pln - wtll - preside at the-refreshment stand t th courts, and will be assisted by Mrs- -WUUam- Jon.a Boaton Mlaa Amy Heltshu. Miss Rachel Joseph!, Mis Hasel Weldler. Mis Mabel Otfssr Miss Marion Jackson and Miss Haael Crocker. Testei-day's - - summary: ' McBurney trong by default la th Inter national. McBurnev and walker beat Arm strong and Benham In, the Lewis and Oark, -!. -, -4. t-4. ' ; "r r"-: McBurney beat Schwengers la th In ternational. 4-4, 4-1. 14-1. 4-1. V r- ... McBnrnav and Walker beat Macrae and Hunter la the Lwl and Clark, 4-1, : --T -.-v.- ::.T. " NATIONAL LEAGUE. ' Won. Lost- P.C. New York...,. " J,-2I'S ' ,.S Pittsburg 4 . .421 Chicago .............. 6 1"SS - .689 Philadelphia ,r Cincinnati 44 , .524 St. Louis..... ,-11"-It .141 Boston II , 6 -'.121 Brooklyn ............. It - .III ntabtcrg T- arauaaeipai s-o. Flrat gams : R. H. K. Plttsbura .................... 7 11 1 Philadelphia ISt trnttenee niiaeorana ana ' uioson; Doolln. Suthoff. Corrldon and Dooin. Second same It. il. R. Pittsburg ...v, ...... ..... ..... Ill Philadelphia... .....II Batteries Cas and Carrlach; Nichols and Abbott UmplrKlm. j - .OUoag S, Boston S. ' Boston 1 Tit Chicago Ill , . Batteries rraser ana sioran; isnggs and Kllng. umpire uuay. Brooklyn . .... .V. ...... . 1 4,1 ClnclnnaU .................... I II I Batteries Mcintyre, ocamon ana Kit Ur; Harper and Phelps. . ., - . aTr 'Task -14' Mr &! Irr- St. Louts I T 4 New York ....... .14 II 1 BatUiies Taylor and Grady; Mat thewaon, Elliott. Bowerman and Clark. AMERICAN LEAGUE. Won. Lost . SI P.C. Cleveland '.......'... II ' Chicago rr-...,...r 44 -V- .131 .444 14 rni is doipnia ..... b Detroit .............. II ; Boston . .... ... ' . . . . S . New York............. ' St. . Louis..., ...... ' Washington .......... 24 11 1. .Ill 17 SAT IS to 4 lit .471 .ill .I'll -lit Bs St. Xoala S, Phlladalphia 1. '" ' t . R. 11. st Lout ........v.. s it 0 Philadelphia .. ..... t I Hatter lea jiaae ana otn: 1,-oaKiey and Hchreck. . ' . . Boston S. OleveUad 0. ' "V ' . v .- . .. R. H. FJ. Cleveland ? , 4 Boeton ,i ... 1 Batteries Bernhardt and ' Hem is; Tannehlll and Crlgar. ; .-j T ' ... ' - ' -h -v - -Xf:r ,' ; ' Chleag t, JTew Terk L V -. . 1 .. R. H. K. Chlrago .7 I New York .1 S 1 Batteries Altrock and . McFartand; Orth and McOulr. ' - : - - ' '.' Detroit B. Waskiajrto'a T. .'" - Detroit ...............,;...'..T 14 t Washington T 't riattenee Mulllne, Kllllan, Drill and Doran; Town send and Klttredg. A Wataaa'g MvUsgT. .L"?.. Nnrdy I never fought with wiy wlf. Butt--It doesn't py. hT ' ; ' Nordy No; win or lose, she always gets as Indemnity, . , ,. , Claelamatl a, Brooklym I.' " V , . n is v JIULlY DRITT IS THE VICTOR Kid Sullivan Is No Match for the ; Tough Native Son of X; - r ; Many . Battles. V,., CAUFORNIAN FAILS TO i tAND A KNOCKOUT James Edward Puniahea the Easterner " In Every Round - of Contest and Makes Spectacle of Him-Story of the Battle.'' '.-. i. SpeeUl Maaatck to Tke Ioaraal. , nun iPranolsco. July IJ. -Jamss . Ed ward Brltt one more demonstrated bla ability to hold tha llghtweigni cnam- plonahlp or th wona oy oeiwims Ktrf" Sullivan laat evening In a 10- round contest in Woodward s pavilion. Brltt outfought, outgeneraled and out pointad hi opponent, and gava him a severe beating. Brltt landed, on Sulli van at will, yet couldn't land a knock out blow, having .to be aatisma wun Rafana Welsh's decision.: aooui wnion there could be no dispute. Sullivan is a rough customer . ana unit care to get Into many mlxups wlth him. for fear of getting a chance crack la th Jaw or some vulnerable spot After the battle Al Herford, who 1 Sullivan's manager, stated that - his protege in jured on of his hands In th tenth round and could .not do any ftectlv fighting thraftr. . Th mill did not attract so large a crowd as previous contests in whlob Brltt participated, but It Is saf to say . that no one interacted lost any mony. Th first, seventeenth and last rounds read as follows: Bound a-Both. crouch low. (1.Britt lands , right . and left to fac... . Brltt lands again 1 to face. Sullivan s fsw leads are neatly blocked. , Both men are cautious, Sullivan forces Brltt around tha rinar. hut doss -not land. Lead by Brltt ,goa high. H Unds hard rlghtJ to stomach as th round closes. - This round" is rvrymrulWan 18osry little laadlne- and Brltt makes slonal left lead a, but doaa not land with any. force.' " " ' . Round IT Sullivan rushes la, but Is met , with hard left to. stomach. Brltt then p.uts r hanMoftto-tha fac. flulit van etd a terrlflo right to Jimmy's stomach and a second later repeats th blow. Brltt put a hard left to th Jaw. Brltt reaohes Sullivan's Jaw with an other . left . ,8ulllvan rushes, but his blow Is wild. - Sullivan lands left to the stomach.' Sullivan rushes Brltt around th ring and gets a hard right on th faef or bla petae Jimmy 4s vary -cool and collected. Brltt put hard lft to th fac. Jimmy stipe to tha floor and Sullivan graciously assists him to lis. Brltt rushes and lands hard with ths left on th stomach. Sullivan puts a bard right to th stomach. They clinch and at th breakaway Sullivan lands his left on th stomach, but not much fore go with It. , The round la oven. - Round to Th men shake hands and go to It Ilk wlldcate. Sullivan frees Brltt around, " but doe not land. Brltt put -two -ha)td lefts to tb fao. Brltt lands bis left to th stomach and crosses with th right to th Jaw. Brltt lands hard left on th Jaw. Sullivan bora In. bat Jimmy dances away. H comes In quick as a flash and receives a hard ons ea the' Jaw. Sullivan lands again on the Jaw. Brltt rushes and lands a hard left on the stomach. Spar ring follows, Brltt lands both right and left on the Jaw.. Sullivan lands right twice to th kldneya. Jimmy puts two hard lsfts to the Jaw and worka a right hook to the atomach viciously. , They clinch and-Brltt rancher the, Jaw hard three, tlmee. ' " v The laat round was of the hurricane order, both men fighting - furiously throughout but Britt'a left hand finds Its usual resting place oa th .eastern lad's Jaw and fac. Sullivan was blood ing freely at-th close of the round, wbea Welsh tapped Brltt on the shoul der.. ' - '' BAKER CITY HORSEMEN ,L PREPARE FOR MEETING Tf(IpecUI Baipeteh ts JoorsalirT" ' Baksr "city. Or., July It. Owners of horses In Bakes City are busy these days la keeping them In condition and work, lag them out Is preparation , for th coming rac meet In September. Though this Is somswhat early for actlv train ing, yet many owners r spending a few hours dally at tha track In order to keep tblr animals in condition. Man ager J. B. Rogers is putting a good desl of attention on th track and It Is la fin shape now for training. Th stables ars nearly filled with fast horses In training. - Among "th prominent trainers located at th track now ar Charles Smith, late of Marcu Daly's Bitter Root stockfarm. and F. K. Whit of th Cove Union company, with hie string of f set horses, headed . With his fine stallion Brilliant. ; Several other have animals stabled at th grounds, Including th well-known amateurs. 8. O. CorrslL H. B. Preston and J. B. Rogers. , " ; v ( M'AUUFFEMAY-ENTErtii:. K PRIZE RING ONCE MORE .'"V- r ' " i j j (Jeeaal Bpedel BervVje.) ' ' . ' Nw York, July !!. In sporting circles her th predlcttdn is made that If Jack MeAullff. th former lightweight cham pion,' and Jem. Carney, the fjngllsh fighter, com together In England today ss scheduled a flerc and Interesting hattls-wlll be the result.'- Cable-dispatches state that the two are to go flv rounds at Birmingham for a purse of tl.oto. MoAuliffe hss been out of th ring a long time, but it 1 believed that he still has a good fight In htm. - Carney likewise is a Veteran of ths squared circle and a past master of tha art of boxing. Many still remember th 'long drawn out and! vicious draw which Mo Auliffe and Carney fought near Boston som II yesrs sgo. ' j r: . . i M aVoONS LOSE THEIR . : p; ; FIRST BALL GAME Th Bralnard Maroons met their nrst defeat yesterday at ths hands of th Hop Gold Stars. Th gam was th last -of th 'Chautauqua leagu series and was the finest exhibition- of ama- ' tokealag- BTUverla File ?" of Ague and Malaria can be relieved and cured wfth ectflo Blttere. This Is a pure tonlo medicine; of especial benefit ta malaria, for It exerts a true curative Inflaenc on th disease, driv ing It entirely out of th-system. It Is much to be preferred Jo Quinine, hav ing none of this drug's 4sd after-effects. E. : Munday of Henrietta, Tex, writes: -My brother wss vsry low with malarial fever and Jatindica, till he took Blentrle Bittern, which saved his life. At Skid more Drus- C.. ill Third street .Frio 40a, guaranteed. , . . teur. ball put up- on the Gladston & mond. Th Maroons had th Hop Golds hut out for flv innings, when aa error by Gray let In a run. In th eighth Inning a two-bagger by Emerlck. a hit by Fields and a three-bagger by Van Riper put the Vancouver boys la ths lead. Tha score 1 . ,. : , . a. HOP GOLD STARS. ; i . - t j AB.H.H.PO.A.E. Hartong. rf .......... J e e o Bentley, lb and rf . , . , t o o e Karrell. ss. .......... 4 t Emerlck, 2b.......... 411-1,1 Fields, If.,,, ...r '' Van P Inar . 1 0 1 4 Dodd. lb I r 1 11 Howard, p.... i 4 . 1 t f King. C...... M t 1 . I X rfouw. ra ataa in. - v v - r Totals-. ...4.. ...... .11 I 4 IT 11 I V-r-BRAlNARl MAROONS." J . V, AB. RiH. PO. A. . Gray, . I t Trowbridge, lb.,,,... -r 1 11 l" K A g 1.1 14 Campbell, tb t' j , Oliver, rt.. ......... 4 1 , ' a . 4 ; Klser. n I 0 J ; Brock, c. ............ i I'J Smith, If.. ....... ..M 4 j t ;J Totals O-.. ..... ' "l "7 14 11 "i . ... SCORE BT INNINGS. Hop Gold...-. ... .a ! " ! Hit ....0 oiateat; I Maroons !? JHltS .......... .1 S X I I 1 X - i SUMMARY. J ' Struck out By Howard t. by Klser 4. . Bases on balla Off Klser X. Two- base hits Emerlck. Xing, Gain, Klser. Haonnoe mis no ward, ivisar. swim bases Hop .Golds t. Maroons I. Hit by pitched ball Campbell, Passed ball King. Time of game 1:11. Umpire Rlckard. '.' RACll-G AT DELMAR . '' . AND BRIGHTON BEACH ' v "... mmmm .. ., r. " -- (Baeelal Stapateh te Ta jiawraaLl,'- New York. July tt. Brighton Beaoh raca results: : i . Six furlong Mary Morris won. Lad sarloa second. Youth third; tlm. 1:14.. - Six furlongs Tea Crass won. . Bur leigh second. Lady Uncaa third; time. 1:11 t-i. . . . s ' "'; ...- Mil, had a - sixteenth Lllaa prince won, Hume second, Don Royal third; lira. 1:4T.. . - ' , . Mil and a furlong Alwyn won. Gera nium ' ' sacond,,- Voladay third; , tlm. 1:11 1-S. r " ": " ' ' (' Mil aad a sixteenth Line of Life won. St Braes second. Buttons third.; Urn. 1:4T 4-1. - ; .- . ; ' "... L Flv and a half furlongs Devil Tree won, BivouBd' second, Argentine third; time, 1,-fll l-l. v : . At . lomia. v- . . . (Jooraal Special Bervtet.) St Louis, July 12. Delmar racre iultsf : .--r. -;. t Flv and a half furlongs Chief Hays won, ' Kiss second. Selfish third;- time, 1:11 t-l. v '.,' .-. v - . - - Flv furlongs Maggis Powers '; won. May Lynch second. Bitter Brown third; time, l:os. ....'. - ; i ... ; .Six furlongs Eleanor Howard .won. Gen Handlon second, Fanette third; tlma.-J:t0-- ' ' Six furlongs Mayor Jonas won, Jul Cora - second, Bendigo third; i .time. Six furlongs Mlmoa won. Jim Tyrell second, Saul third; time, l:ILt . . Mile and TO yards T. J. Powell won. Dr. Hart second, Delusion third; time, 1:64 t-t. :- 'v. , aaj j -1 i i i '. 'V COLUMBIA - RIVER . u ;; '-r -' J ! ..EXCURSIONS. yry Low Bate VU tha O. R. ft If. 1XM VP -Hr- VMtCZZJi Jta- visitor 4 1 Portland should -miss viewing the match leas Columbia river soenery between . Portland and The Dalle, as seen from O. R. A N. trains. Th Chicago-Portland special leSvea ths anion stnttoa every morning at 1:1. giving a daylight rid along th Colum bia, stopping four minutes at th vary foot i of Multnomah falls. (Every nil of th trip there la something new and fascinating. It desired, th return trip may be made by boat from Cascade looks or. Th Dalles. Very low rates thla summer. ' Particulars and summer book by asking C W. Stinger, eity ticket agent. O. R. A N. Co Third aad Wash Ingtoa streets. . . '-'';'.:. COLUMBIA-RIVtiRSTEAMER Leaves 8unda7 A. M. and -Every L Day Egcept : Monday-forrs Trip - "Up tha Cohnnbia. - rr This Is a trip no visitor should miss. The Regulator Line splendid steamer Bailey Gatsert . makea dally (except Monday) trip t Cascade Locks and re turn, passing en rout th finest scen ery In all -creation. On Sunday the Sherman Institute band of California will play on steamer. Get your tickets early. Leave Alder street dock 1:1 a. m.; return f :e p. m. Meals on board. Round trip 1. SO, Phone Main 114. - .ThelMan Wrth ths Hos. C. B. Sampson, ' Introducing ,th Christy Ho safety raior, the Inventor of which is R. J. Christy, whose scal lop edged bread knlfa made his name and fame throughout r the civilised world, has arrived In the city and will commence pushing the sale of the Hoe raaor. t 1 .-. .,-.- , -v '',,- The new Christy rasor Is said to be the greatest ahavlng device . ever con ceived: It has all tha advantages of other safety rasors and enany that Oth ers do not possess. It Is simple la con struction and Mr. Sampson says -that lta - merits are , recognised on sight . 1 . A Seligtikfnl Bars Outiag-. ,': J At Gladston park. 10 ' minutes' ride from. Portland. Willamette Valley Chautauqua association la session. Flrst clsss musical and oratorical talent and a beautiful spot ror a days recreation. Restaurants and ' all convenlencee. Southern,PaclfW trains ' leave Esat Wsshtngton street depot T:4S, 1:40, :I0, 11:1 a. m.; 11:28. 1:11, 1:10, 1:10, 4. 11. :. :0. 1:10. T:ll. I:l p. m. Last esr leaves Gladston for East Washing ton street at l:lt p. m. - For. further information call telephone - East - 117. Bound trlp .tt cents,. .-. : i " y. Watek the Crowd s t to Seaside and ",. Oearhart Via A. ai 0. B. B.' ' The great rush IS on for II. 10 two- day tickets gold every Saturday, and 14.00 season ucsei aoio every asy. Train leaves union depot I a. m. daily and 1:10 p. m. every Saturday. . - - ADtilr at 141 Alder street or. phone Main 104 for official Information. Clat sop Beech souvenir nook containing It beautiful half-ton Illustrations free te everybody upon application at above ad, dress. Tickets sold at union depot. . -, 1 " "1 -.' . Baearsloa Bales to Bewpor.' Th. Southern Pacific company has placed on sale st sll "- PortlsAd.' of f lose round trip tickets to .Newport, at rat of I. limited to October l..iaoi, and for li Saturday to Monday tickets, Ample hotel accommodations a reason able fates are provided at thie popular rorV ,-. -T-. . - 1',, , - .. - - . . Fisfsned sjtoek Oaaae ejoeda. Allen A Lew Is Best BraaA liui..Ur '-'U-ljikii.- r -n 'T"T' ; HoIIxiiy Firs' Would Havs Cssn V C'.ckwd but for Ustless ' WA3 FdRCED TO WAIT C , FOR A CONNECTION V No "Answer to' HouseTOwncrJs " Call Ma3a Until Flames Had Taken "the I House Residents in pistrict Make Demand for Better Protection ' v. The east aMe efflea ef The loaraal Is Is ths store ef Mra P. W. MchMsot. WW JCaat aiernees sueev xewpseae lis. , ' It was not the Banding in ef a false alarm. that so delayed the fire. depart ment that It arrived too 1st to be or ssrvic - la sxtlngulshlng the fire '. that consumed the home of C T. ' Llndsley Thursday .night In Holladay park. - Ac cording to tboa living la the Immediate vicinity, the failure of th sight tele phone operator t answer a call prompt ly was ohlefly rsaponslbl for th totsl destruction of th houee. When tb lamp wa overturned a neighbor noted . th small explosion, and. It is said, at Once etepped to his telephone snd endeavored to send In aa alarm. For several rnlnutes he vainly tried to raise central and then ran 40 g. neighbor's house where,-after andthef delay he auoceeded In ralalng central and sndlngln the alarm. The time wasted, It Is claimed, would have enabled th -fire company to reach the seene before the flames had well started and probably the loss -would have been leas than ll.ooa instead of complete de struction. , ; . The Holladay fire has roused the suburb . to the necessity of. better pro teettoa and oomplaint Is made that hun dreds of. valuable residences ara so far romovsa irom engine nouses msi notn Ing but-the oellsr cen b saved la ease of a ore. , The valuable residence or Mr. Kennedy st EaatNlneteenthjind Clackt mas streets waa completely destroyed a few months ago, even the furnishing being consumed, and Insurance rates In the district ar as high ee- though no city protection was afforded th resi Santa. - ' --v- -.. TIRED OF CONTENTION. Chairman of Arista. Board Bealgas Be cause ef Toe Fret meat Btoeittags.-. Becauss he grew tired of calling spe cie 1 school . board meetings Chairman C Jt Cummlngs of the Arleta board re sfgnsd bis place during a meeting of Ihe board Thursday night. For months th taxpayers of the district have been try ing to devls a means of providing for th big v school population without bankrupting the district. . Som desired to issue bonds and build n good school, others wanted to borrow, money and build a temporary structure, and still there desired to rent a hall and worry along' for another-year without Increas ing the heavy school tax already ' la force.- .. ' ' , ;- .1' Thursday - night ths discussion en and.1 these various methods was long - ardent aad when the motion was Anally mad to rent a hall for th time. Chair man Cummlngs. seeing nsmerous other meettngs ahead and runner worry. promptly resigned. ,. After a conference with the' county superintendent yester day the board met laat night and an nounced August 1 as the data of filling the vacancy en the board- If possible a building will ba rented to hold th over flow classes next year, the majority of the residents being opposed to .building any more shed as temporary sonool houses.'. p.. ...- ' .'.-. - ;r-'.l MOfeEYFORST. JOHNS. I Baa tern People by the Dosens Build to, Bssasra Ka stern people are .proving the chief Investors In St. Johns property at pree ent and of th dosen houses that are added each week -to the building Hat. th majority ar for eaetern people who will make their hotnee in the growing town. Within the last .ten. days. J. H. Knight has sold half a block near the school aad an- eastern merchant will build a tl.100 business block on the site, the building being of brick. The F. w, Vel lentlne half Block on Jersey street has also been sold to-eaatern men ror bust nesa ournosee and a 11.000 store build' Ing wlll.brettd on the trsct D. Tollman of Newberg 1 building three eottagea at an average cost of 11.10 snd when completed Mr.. Tallman will move to St Johne and make hie home la one of the hotrses. B. C Ward is erectlna a 11.400 residence and will make hie home there. L. M- Chambera, an officer of th St Johne Manufactur ing company) Is building a tl.100 cot tage. One of the most valuable bouses In the town ww. be that erected for Cashier C A. Woods' ef tha Peninsula bank, whlch.4s being built la North St Johne at a cost of tl.000. , r ; . BRIDGE IS DANGEROUS. Morrison Straetare Baa Be BT11U( ' , ' Bevtee so. pave tjaan. , "' At present th Morrison . street '' bridge, from th standpoint of streetcar - men. Is th most dsngsrouS bridge In-th city. Cm this brldg no derailing de vice has been Installed . Snd - there - is nothing to prevent a runaway car from dashing across the approach and, down Into tba river when the draw la open. Ten year or tso ago such an ' accident occurred and safety ' switch were ordered' placed on all the bridges, so that ears eould not approach nearer th draw thsn 100 feet without being de railed, r Through an oversight such a device ha not been placed on tha' Mor rison bridge, and only the care of motor men and good luck prevents a serious accident. - The streetcar company has promised that a derailing switch will be pieced on each aide ef the draw, but this MlflolOIIMin fiKt Havana Cigars. . SIG.SICIIELQCO. M ThirS Snreet, ;. .. Btatrlknton ' OH X1M ETEarWKKRS, 1 .'',..' . .. ,. i 1 1 i - w .'; v V w v. , 1r - ...- . j . . . :.'vSc tr.v.t-'r-i ' ".cp::.:or c oir :c a, - i li k -; ' XJ , r K vJ plis wttt Save tt. a vc:iAri to iz mmc ft e pretty hntr. Beaadral kMks - -Ir r saa'i IhmmHkI raae eaaaana." t teaa's nul mat eaaaare.n T-e mwi ead -ai. real eaaafan ss ke kur elt. brttite aad tuawMaa lata . Saadraff. ttekiaa , ituRaia 'a naainn maaiBxri rrri. .- : " work has been delayed ea the company la desirous of securing an improved de vice which will be more effective .than the pnee at present In usevhsr. ' - EAST CID5 NOTES. "The first anniversary service of MIJ-waukle-Odd Fellows Rlvervlew lodge No. ITS, will be held In the Mllwaukle Episcopal church tomorrow afternoon. 'Rev. T. K-u, Hammond ef Oregon City will deliver th address at S o'clock and the member will gather at their hall an hour earlier and proceed in a body ta the eharch. '-' . 1 , .. Unsp rayed , fruit ' with specks, holes and gnarled knots will not find ready aale In Clackamas -county thla season. Yesterday the newly appointed fruit In spector, ' H. Reed of Oregon City, visited Mllwaukle groeere and notified them 1 that only healthy fruit must be marketed.1 There are many ancient or charda near Mllwaukle whtoh have for years been neglected except when the crop was gathered and It Is thla class of fruit that the Inspector ts trying to render unpopular. 1 Jf any ef It la found on sale the parties offering It and those growing it will, be liable, to arrest. , CARDINAL GIBBONS, IS . " SEVENTY-ONE TOMORROW ' tBpeslal tHeaatca ts The Jeafaalt Baltimore. Md, 1 July. II Cardinal Gibbons will be 71 years eld tomorrow and already namerooa messages of con gratulation are pouring In upon him. Though he has aged considerably in- the laat tew years the cardinal Is in good health and spirits. .V ..:. .- Cardinal Olbbona wag born In this city July tt. 1114. He was ordained a prleet In 111 and ee rapid was his rise and the .recognition neooraao. mm wr bla great abilities that seven years later he wse consecrated bishop and vicar- apogttmBf he suoeeeded to the see of Baltimore and nine years later he was elevated, to ths oardinalate. .:. -i:. . WILL INCREASE WATER SYSTEM AT BAKER CITY tBseelel Dlesstsb to the JeeraaL) '.. Baker City. July It. At an adjourned uulm nt tha citv council last night It sa-decided to nut In- 14.000 feet Of weoden pipe t oonncf the present ereekav. Th present supply of water In Bakap Cltv srivss Blame of running short anJ Jhe 'r danldad. that ihlA precautionary meaaure , was naoessarx. Twelve-inch nine 1 xo "be uaed and a representative of tha Washington pipe foundry of Taooma offered . to furnish the pipe at tt cents a foot Th offer will doubtless be accepted1 at 'an ad journed meeting tonight, r . - ... INVESTIGATING GRAIN" " ; CARRYING RAILROADS v. -. Uoarsal apselel Sarrlea.) ,, l : -. St Louis, Mo July tt. -Th Interstate commerce commission today began-an investigation here Into the question of silsged ' allowances made by railroads to - companies -or- persons -owning grain elevatora or by such eompantea or per sons ' owning elevators to shippers of grain. It Is charged that these allow ances furnish-on of the most fruitful Sources of violation " of th Interstate commerce lew," because ' they enable grain merchants to make a profit over the actual, cost er tae elevation. . .: fJi ttota. a. ': (IporUl Dtsssteb Is The Jearaslj ' Corvallls, Or July It Th B.. W. Strong log driv is to start from Harrla- burg to thle plaoe Monday. - It contains about 1,004,000 feet of - hard wood. moatly ash end maple. The booming' crew left today for Harrlsburg to get things In readiness for tha big job. , -. AT THE THEATRES. C I Kolb andJDU Are Pppalaf. : J ' Toolakt at t:M e'ekwk the.' last eelibrBiiBce this weak ef Kelk sad Dill ta tee ataeleal coaae4utleeqae "I. O. U.," will ke sires at tke Muqunm Grand thestre, ea Morrises street betweaa T Slitb ssd Sevekth streets. Beats are selling for nest week's predaetlea ef "L k V." ssd poenler prlcee prevail. , f ;. ' v " .-T'' - . Successful Week at Belaseo, ' Is the llatoty ef tke Belaees stark eoejpaay there baa bera so week isore profltable tbas tke oroeast. with "The Prkwaet of Beada" the bill. . There will besot three ssore Op portunities eT witnessing the BaasnlDcest pro duction ton I sh t and tosmrew afternoon and aliBt atenday evening the company will pre sent en - of the ' David j Belseos Suceiasss, 'Naughty ABtbony."- , .-. v- , , . ' ; John' P. Hill ' Last Appearance. ' Jokn P. Bill and eoatpasy will staka their laat appearance at the Orand la - "Rip Vaa Winkle" tostorrow. They have ss sbbravlstod varsloa sf this etaaal and the act tor ma the foerore ef tke skew. The real ef the enter tainment is strictly bisk ena and Is of tke kind seat saltan' ts the tastes snd wishes ef vaudeville pstrest, - -T J -,, .'-?,' ' -Three" Rara at'tha Bakar. - ' Tealrht snd Bnnday iha last ehaneae will to ksd to see the Three Bays ssd Baby Connlo, who kave made sorb a kit at the JBaker tble week. The flying BereMae keve s eaeaettooel treneea art snd tke remainder ef the snfram Is sp ts the Baker etssdars.. Tke Baker Is tke coolest Place la .the city. , . . Forfrfen." Tmi-tm. or Tba tack ef Mamoada." will he gives Its laat sreductloa ea Bandar slrht st tke Lyric. Thomas H. .Clarke aa Klla WUess have parts that salt thorn to s Bteetv. Tbemaa W. Bay ratertalna eetwaea seU wttk pictured ballads- . Tke Lyroecooe shows tke .latest mev. tag ploturoe. heat week. "Is T.anaiaia.", . r : ....' .' J At tha fitar.i . ... , . 4 . rM A ronl tea'peratsrs adits' mark ts the. en. Jnrsteat Sf a tkaatrical performance. . So thinks th maaa foment of the Star ssd Jnitf ta frees the sttesdasee It Is veil tousded. The how Is e food oar with eaoaca variety ta kMks it vary estertaiaisg. , sTwiliili prat Bar It, Tss U4 far Dletde. t I stalo aad flv balr. r- fs Pam-" " 4"i BVw . V ' a i tae bur- te 1 a ,1 . r epeaeane. mt r i.a.t - low ,te sae t m- hair fi aaal mf. -O.-. , aa.. aa sawae the h t aad k r. . ecar. auise tMiaug laataauy. SLLoulsMedlcclci Istosusksi irr. Tkensssds Is Pertlasd ssd sll ever the earth. west ess testify, ts eat greet ssd essnstpled Mar be sttesdad wttb the gravest eesmHeerieaa l( sesleeta4 er iBproeerly ireeteA We bees a speelfle treatawat waies sans eslekli eaatly sad palBlesaly, SYPHILIS Is asether aeaaJred eiseese. the leiasos r4 which wkea folly developed ne pea esa describe. Waes It shows by akla eruption er by eeres ' Is BMOth sr throat Its horrors are - slresdy ' eegasv- We sefeiy aod tkoroushly-eare ynu, aad -Be 'nuaeral sotsoos ars ssiplnyea.. . - j, . . . , ' ' r , w a ntnnmr-n a n.Vw Surgical Dispenscry . HYDROCELE 3 We treat aad ears, set by the . eld snrgleef . " are, dsi sy s vaisiees amsoa seteiy ear . . We likewise will eure roa esd save vest the saffatiss saaoatated with Jtaraaes Daktllty, . tarsaJSnlaaless, Promatare Beoliae. lt it iwn sad Sakitlea hi tba bra, toot Urns It esa be done, sad we Insure yos.a sate (CaS-iiui. d mnw mi . Write fer jwtJIUrikjiaua Tea ' Offlee Bcarsi a. m. 4s t a, V.I tasays, ts as- m awiy - '-".-y .r- '. i - St Louis ' MMicai and ensar Oor, leeaad aad Tsmhttl Btroets. Tartlaad. Of. TEETH f't; ' no pain m no PMtl (TEETH, Disp " We svraithev6'lscovrers snd 'ortglnt-,- ere er tne oniy rsuaoi ana acieaunv ,. system of Painless Dentistry. We ex tract, crown, flu and olean or treat teeth c absolutely without pain and guarantee ell work for fifteen years. . Our work is the best, our prices th ewer eon slstent with first-class work, SXAM v INATION FRES. Our p'.stes are undo y tec table from th natural teeth - anS ar guaranteed to St - . i nLLINOB ,...;.50 TSaVnnd fl.OO GOLD CKOWNS...,.f3.59 to fS.OO , BRIDOB W0RK....i3.00 to 5.00 t rVIX'SBT NATURAL TEETH. 5.0O rot mata S e eioek Boston Painless. Dentists; SIM nrlee anfirp. Bielet i titilt .v.- aad loetefflee..-.v.;--r HOTTRB l:l a..nt. to f p, nv,,llttnJ' day. Bits a. an. ta lt:t0 p. m. . i Nwticlesn Ufidj srjtigtlc (i j; prteting' !ourVftOBBY.f " 4: printing ' No t doubt, ss to sstisfsc- : ; tlon ' lf done' by.thf; '. . ,-- ' '' ,- ,- ' : rtv ; -.'i CrlTOialltsn, Pnu i-v iV MIOMT ST.f TeL' Mala ijjs ' ; There ha been and wni'Va" . ne change In the prloes tof ' , Mineral Water, Soda Water, . Siphons, ' , Syrups, std! ths same prices will be maintained v all reports. to the contrary not withstanding.' , , ., ,, ' ?nAREbTTmcw6a.$ rhome BUln U09.1 M fix 9.. KODAK OevCLOPtNO yNO V Nt laeMeHTS or ALL KHOS WAP vtoryoeveioeco otec ;1 H' y, - r:;.