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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1905)
plr. WGVC.TG V.'ZLCOVLi- YC t rm. I - '.' 1 ' uooD-nvcninG J; Circu!il!cn I L .: r.L,G nsjr:z.v: press EVEi :.'-.::-rEr:,: r 3: 1 j -TII3 WEATHS2. J,::"V. 1 Partly dc torJjht and Saturday; possibly gcxcrt; cooler. - . -V . ; ,V0t. WlM0. 118. . v. ; Peath yi Vounds Umes vitti rcanuiouaoenness ta iGewUf Qowaed War i: Vessel ; WORKERS IN HOLD RATS IN A Whole Vessel Wrecked Heavily Wounded ".by" Rescuers : Who "San . Dieeo. Cal.. July, 2LThe; boiler on, the United "States V gunboat ?enningt6n now lying in harbor-here, exploded at JO -30 - o'clock this morning, blowing up the entire ship so that she is listed 7 " heavily, and killing or wounding "every man aboard. ' It is estimated L that between, 50 and 60 are dead and over a. hundred injured." v -1 - The ship under command of Lieutenant-Commander. Leonard, ' was anchored in the channel oft SprekleS "wharf. At 10 :30, while the crew were being put through a drill, a loud report was heard and "the vessel was seen to list to .one side,, after which she , settled. Tugs immediately hurried to the stricken ship attd towed hef to the wharf.-' y.x r'i'J -"iVr-: 'V "' ' -v. -v ' .v" v' ' 1 ; 1 Launches and all available to the Vcony Bennington taking off thCrdead and wpunded wnicn wete &tLto tjiev morgue and hpspitals. A numw ot tne .saiwrs i-iveo xlead recovered inf thayr.KwrtJ4 at tJbronado imd " Can TVcrr If filtorf with th t'niured and evervthine DOSSiblo-JS I :':f being fclone' for the felief pt the. l u ? i i ne explosion tore great p vessel resseland those of the crew n this part of the ship were killed in tantly or hurled high in the air amidst flying timbers to drop back ipoh the deck or sink beneath the waves. ',. ,L 1 1; Stan 1 1;; '-Many of the dead, and some i mangled, heads and bodies were while others were, torn apart by the explosion ana oniy scauerea fragments'recovered-;;J; : 15 M j4iV . ON. DECK INJURED i -l-l Commander Leonard reports every man on deck was injured or f killed.: Few of those below escaped with life alone.VThe engineers, assistants and stokers perished instantly.; Members o the crew .in the mess rooms arid bunker were caught and it is supposed that all are lost,' -.The'' vessel is nearly submerged the water- pouring in from the shattered hatches catching those beneath like-rats in. a j A scene of horror and confusion baffling descriptioflr followed i - the disaster.- The groans of the badly wounded mingled with, the f , shrieks OLinose panic 5iritJtcn. ; I - overbQard where they were rescued by launches.: Amid tl , - friild be heard the hoarse commands of the "officers struggl " bring order out of the chaos. Commander Leonard played the part of H ) 1" a heroi and although wounded, retained his presence of mind and ' "coolly issued instructions." The work of rescue was begun. at once by those, unmaimed, and the dead and injured piled m rpwspupon the deck, whence they were removed to various hospitals.' ; ; V , Twenty-seven injured Iwere" taken ;off "by the; firsts tug that U - reached the stricken-.'ship, tod; these are all now,r in one Tiospital. I 'f r?ti-Ti.n vnlnnteered their services and the work of resclie and re- i , covery. went-hastily on;V-i': 1 ! f W' News of the disaster spread rapidly through the "' city add a -t .' rAwrl nf several thousand soon gathered on the piers and docks. 1 y All available craft' were manned and in a short time an army of tiny LJ c ft had surrounded the wrecked vessel picking up. those in the water and endeavoring to render assistance in every possible way. ' At 2 o'clock this afternoon over a hundred of the injured were ' reported at the hospitals St both' succumb lo meir injuries. t wiuijr uwuih i uwijus uu ff ihe balance "are beneath the blue waters of the. bay or imprisoned ? Vwithin the' ship. 7 . ?r1rJ? 1 The Bennington is an unarmored steel gunboat with a comple ' ; 'Ilment of 16 officers and 181 men. The keel of the vessel was laid In Tune 1888, ana ne was launcncu VI 71U lOnS. - XlCr rilll ui..crjr ninS, Wnlie ner seconaary Dairery vuusiaia ui w BiA-iwuiiycrs, 1 Wee-pounders and, gatling guns. . v 't .V ; ' r 1 kEATEST DISASTER SINCE THE MAINE - (Jooraal SpcUt STlet.) i - an Dleio, Cal...Julx Il.On t frightful dltr in tn niaiory h Amicn nary, fclmoat rlvalllnc blowing up ox tna Main ana m or at Samoa, ocourrad , at- 10-.IO fc thla mornlnt. when one of tha A on tha gunboat Bennington, h had luat arrived to ' tow ma ppled Wyoming back to Mara taland Vr yard, blow vp, blotting out tha Wa nf from 40 to 10 aaOora and in. L 'ring all tha men on tha reaael at tha . Practically trja eniira inner portion 01 tha little flghtlng craft waa blown out ' Immediately after the ahock tha eaael Hated badly and began to fettle. Tuga iiurrled to her aaalatinca 'and aha waa towed from , tha . underatream to tha I wharf. ' - ;--.::;rf - f ' 1 Tha axploalon Vraa plainly heard and felt throughout .tha elty and -along tha riajXriU bulidlnga .war ihskaa,- A ; and by tT)rovning , -".-.iv,:,..- CAUGHT LIKE TRAP AMD KILLED by the Shock and Lists Being Harried i Ashore ; " Dash to Scene. (Journal. Special' Service.) 1 :r ; ' , ' H Sy craft along tnewatertront nastenta strldten.": C Zi i'hjflMZ'-:- noip iuc : w of those still alive were fright fully crusnea, umos oroxen ana aisionea, wnj Iuiuy.nnuuigiiijiuujii the din mg to sides of the bay, many of them will jurrc , jlow. ncr uispwicracni a aunvu TTu ;uvuynpiu- great column of prater waa hurled Into tha air and tha fact that a terrible ac cident had occurred waa quickly real ised. Immediately erery available craf In tha harbor made for tha crippled ahlp and tha work of picking up the dead and dying from tha wreckage began. ' - All around tha crippled veaeela lay the mangled corpeea and moaning tall ore, some -Injured beyond hope of re covery, theit leg and arm a nattered, their eheata and facet scalded. . Some maddened by . pain hurled themaelvea Into the water, other a. begged reecuere to kill them, bo Intanae ware their auf ferlnga. " - - " Aa apeedlly aa poaalble the'dead and Injured were tranaferred r to1 waiting boata and hurried to tha ahore. Th6ee who were killed by. tha awful blaat were oonteyed to the morgue and tha .in. lured taken to the -verloua hoapltalg, PORTLAND, ; OREGON. ; fPRID A Y . EVENING. " JULY 21. ; - CONGREGAJlbN'. CADETS OF EUREKA; CALIFORNIA, WlEKEFEATjWOIM dx2lif TroepVarjqulshed at ptamjrtsjpwperatr Re: distance, Losing Quriav: I; WARSHIPS 8ICHTED AT ' K .MOUTH OF AMUR RIVER Mikado Fteet Appear Neat Ylad iroatok " Euaaian on Sakhalin ' Surrender to .Victorious EnemTr "' Zematvotata Cenauf , ; Oovcrnment. r-Jooral SpeeUl Serrlce.) - - 'jToklo, Julrll. An, ,lmpeilal ordi nance waa leaned thla morning authoris ing ' the" "appointment' of . noncommle aloned officers ' from the reeerve .eon acMpt'a . and aIojr converting thoae of the aundry aoQrce rank into, privatee of the, flghtlng. rank. ' ; : ' .': - A dispatch from Otar'u aaya the Bua alana defeated at Dallne were- - 604 trong.'wifh air Held and' three machine guna. They offered- a 'desperate', realat- anca." The cannonade oegan al a, o cioc on 4he morning of July. 7. by the second Una f RuiiUina. and the defenaa-iwaa not taken ' untU the following' morning. The' Russian' guns' Vara captured., - It la officially announced that 461 Rus alan' aoMlera -wlth-li offlcara have auN rendered, to, the Japapaa. , , ; -: , ; CONDEMN THE' CZAR.' eiatii tfoBgreaa j. JPaaaa ? BeaoUUeBa , t eating toreruMirt Aetioa. -. ( 1 , i Alontmtl Spedal Serflea.t Moscow.-July JlThe aemstro eon- greaa hr still ' in aeaalon without Inter ference by the police; ttlscusslng "pro posed constitution. Resolutions." have been paaaed protesting agalnat the' viola tion of private rights and the general arbltrarineaa of the authorities. Mem bers openly denounce, the" cur. saying that' hope of reform- Is In vain and favoring an appeal to the nation. ' ' V Tha government naa auapenaea' ins Slovo.1 the St. Peterf burg , newapaper which printed tha prooeedlnga of -th aematvo congresa. Two other-papers at Moscow are aleo auppressed. .,, . ji WARSHIPS SIGHTED, v ' Japanese atuWUoav Off tka Momtfe of r ; the AjBjw4mhMaBta neeing. f i ; .'. (Joartuil' SpetUI StTMA : . . v . Copenhagen. July t tl. A" dlapalcb from St. Petersburg atatea that advices from .Manchuria elate that ; . Japanese warships have bean sighted near Nlko Mcvska at the. moutruof -the -Amur rtver Many Inhabitants of Nlkolacvaks have fled to Khabarovsk, v . , TERMS NOT . ACCEPTABLE. ' ro rorbid . Sovbls-TncklBg of Slbertaa Bod OosasasroiaJ inieUa. j " i iJearaal Special t write. I , - . v . I Peteraburg. , July tl. The '. Novoe Vremya, today assert that .the alleged Japanese' peace conditions forbidding the doubl-tracklng of. the Siberian railroad are ..utterly unacceptable, V. aa being equivalent to the econorolo ; suicide . of Russia. i MBMBBSjaSBBSBM f ""T-" Oanal Chiefs Ball oath.' ' . ' t -i . t i JoarMl pmUI 91tLm.t . . '. i . ' New. Tork, July tl. John T.'. Stevens, the 'newly appolnted' chref engineer of USe Panama canal, and Chairman Shonta of the .canal coramlealon isallediyeater dayon the steamship Mexico' for Pan ama, where they , will Immediately as sume control of the operations .upon arrival at'th. Uthmu. . -, t ' i '; "i ; , ., , : .f. .'.w.,, , "IS i - Daniel Norman William, Hanged To rday for the Murder of Alma Neabltt and Her, Mother.: s CV g l,The!r)iiHea;'Or.,;julyX 11. Daniel Nor man Williams died without confession. He refused to make any remarks on the scaffold; his last statement. My lips are sealed to the world," having , been made In hia cell Juat before the march to. the gallows. He protested his Inno cence 'of; the murder of Alma Nesbitt and .her mother, for. which he waa hanged, and only yesterday he remarked to his death watch: "When they hang me they commit murder.", a Williams waa hanged tn the Jail yard in' the rear of the Waaco. county court house.' The drop waa aprung at . m., and at :2t,he waa pronounced oal Sheriff. Mnvllle of Clatsop adjusted the noose and black cap. and Sheriff Bex to a of Waaco' county sprung the trap. . The murderer was atrapped by Deputy. Sher iff Halght and Chief of Police Woods of The Dalle.'- Mrs. N. C. Evans and Mra. P'F. Fonts, both of Hood River, wit nessed the hanging, a did several email boya, 'who climbed . nearby . telephone noles. ' Williams am not twitcn mus cle after' the .trap was sprang, hanirlng aa straight ana sun as uiougn me ooay had been a log. - ' - Will lama only slept about three and k half hour last night He retired at LAND FRAUD JURY The.jury: ' ... . Jamea ureen, xarmer, bwmi nomej ia A. Rose, farmer. Jaekaon county; R. B. Collins, farmer, Hlllsboro; W. W. Scott clerk. Crea well; Ray W. Porter, black smith, Oregon City! John Mock, farmer, Multnomah county; S. A. Tharp, Tanner, Benton county; Henry Keene, farmer, Marlon county;' J. B. Lewis,, merchant CotUge . Orove; W. D. Barclay, .Benton county; Oeorge Kirk, farmer, f Lane county; -M. S, Adams, carpenter,. Day. ton.f . v-t . r 'v ' ' v ' Congressman. J. N. WJlllamson, ,Dr. Van Qeener and Marlon, R. Blgga.ap neared with-their attorneya thl. morn ing la the federal court to face second trial, on -the -charge -of -conspiring -to suborn, perjured. applications . for timber lands.. . The morning .was. occupied .in securing a Jury and the presentation of evidence will oommence tomorrow.. Eight' farmers, . two mechanics, a merchant and a clerk . form .the . Jury that I to determine . the guilt or Inno cence of .the. defendants. . Not on of the. Juror, la from eastern Oregon, and but on lives In WUllamson' .congres lonal djatrlct, i . ,- ,- ' X. ieC3.' SIXTEEN PAGES. WHO MARCHED FIVE HUNDRED 'w 1 ' : Ui l WrW- Ar- M v I In I .-- -; Are . Sealed to, the !:-;'' v World.' .-' "., 1 ' . t ' " ' v . 7 ; '.. PROTESTS INNOCENCE OF THE NESBITTSV DEATH Children Climb Telegraph Pole to : See Criminal Done to Death Story .; of Long Hid Murder for .Which Wpliam Died. V" - . ; ; ' ' midnight. - after- rending'' The - Journal, and waa up at t:t0 a..m. -He dressed in a new dark ault that he received yester day, black soft shirt, a black and whit striped necktie and patent leather slip pers. -He did not eat anybreakfaat, and aa soon aa he arose be knelt In- prayer for several minutes; after dressing he read hla Bible untU Father Desmarala of St Peter'a church , arrived, - which was about I a. m. The time until o'clock was spent In prayer and Bible reading. At o'clock Sheriff . Sexton entered the doomed man'a cell and began' the reading of the death warrant '.A still ness came over the crowd .standing on the outside. Williams' cell was dark In the early morning save for the light made by a small candle. Williams stood and looked steadfastly at the paper that waa being read. When Sheriff Sexton had finished the reading WilUama aaked: ."What la that, Sheriff V'.' .. . , "That la the death warrant."-wk the reply. - . v - '' .:v ,- - " 1 ' - The ' prisoner looked straight ' Into Sexton's face and said quickly: -"If you have, anything to ask me, ask It now. for when I' go out of her my Hps are sealed to the world." ' The scaffold was about fO feet from the Jail door. .Father Desmarala lead the - way, , followed by the prisoner guarded by Sheriffs Bexton and Lln vllle, ' numerous deputlea , and visiting Portland newspaper men. -WIlHama walked as calmly-a though going to his breakfast . When he . mounted the scaffold ha looked down towards the ground and kept hla eyea In that peti tion until be waa dropped to hla death. "Have you any statement 'to maker asked Sexton.- ' ''-. , "No," came' the hardly audible reply. . , When tha body dropped Doctor E. B. Before the drawing . of Juror began Judge Bennett made the request of the court that Congressman Williamson be granted a separate trial. The motion waa denied by Judge De Haven, without discussion or comment Out of the psnel of 78 men. only tl we're In court this morning, and .nearly one-half of them dealred to be exoused. Ten were allowed to go, and those who remained proved Juat enough to aupply the Jury. When the twelfth Juror waa accepted not another name remained In the box.1 - i ; At the request of the district attorney, the Indictment . against W. N. Jones, Thkddeua a Potter, Daniel Clarke and Ira ; Wade was dismissed this morning on account - of defects which are re garded aa fatal.,- It la the Intention of Mr. Heney to call another grand Jury and secure a second Indictment against th same defendant i A. H. Dover of Portland was th first man examined for the new Jury In the Wllllamaon cae. He had formed a de cided opinion and waa excused., The first Juror accepted waa James Oren of 8wt Home, a farmer, " : j . ' ; v C; PRICE TWO AND TEN MILES TO HE LEWIS AND CLARK FAIR. ; X.i. !. Sheriff F; C Sexton, Who Arrested . WniiaVns atBelflngham, Wash.' ' i Ferguson,' O." Dt.Dpa'n and J. K. Router atepped beside the swinging body. Fifteen rmlnuteaj. after ; the . trap .; was sprung the body of Williams waa taken down,- Placed in- a-cheap coffin; which was under , the scaffold, the. body, waa taken to 8t Petera church, where mass waa 'held over the remains; Williams was buried In the Catholic cemetery. No mourners followed hla bier. :( 1 " Before ; the hanging 'there ' waa' tha convicted and two accused murderers In the- .Wasco - county Jail: -t basldea William, were Frank Kela, who; 1 ac eussed of . killing Jsmes Foa near Williams' - old homesteed about'1 two montha ago, and Mary Aleck, a pretty Indian woman, aecuaaed of h murder of an Indian woman at a small .village below The Dalle several weeks-ago. . The .Indian, woman wept nearly - all night, crylng.i "Man ' go to big. long sleep," Rela and Williams became great friend and spent much of yesterday' to gether.' Williams was engaged Tester, day n writing a large manuscript, which Js, supposed to be' an - autobi ography; - It. waa given to Father Des marala, who la firm In the bell that Williams t an Innocent man.. , i t ' "Williams directed , that his personal (Continued on Page Two.) SECU RED - C K. Rumclln, ex-councllman of thl elty, professed to have a atrong opinion and yet to be able to try th case fairly. He was. challenged .'for cause. ly the prosecution and excused.' ' , r ' ; . John Mock of University Park waa asked, .whether h was acquainted with any of the defendanta and replied' that he "might have . sold a bo of apple to Mr. WlUiamaon two Xr three yeara ago," but aa It appeared that thla was the only time they had ever . had any dealings Mock waa accepted. Follow Ing are the men who were -examined, but excused or peremptorily challenged: A. H. Dover. Portland; C JC. Runt I In, Portland; Daniel MoClaln, Harris burg; J. J5 Burch, Rlckreall; Chauncey Ball, Mount Tabor; W. H. CouneeU. Mll waukle; Frank I. Coffman, Lents; Alfred Baker, Portland; F. M. Jack, Browns ville; Mas Busgholser, Buxton; K. E. Tanner, Salem: W. H. Mattoon. Viola; Joseph Cloasett. Portland; Pktlo-Hoi-brook, Portland; J. L, Cook. SU Paul. Aa soon th Jury; had .been secured court waa adjourned, to IS e'olo morrow morning. . i k . ' , - . , V Clock to- CENTS." iiaUrjpri e nun n ' 7 Photo by Klaer Photographlo Co. v; i , IIOCII DIE IIEIlIII Carman - Day . Will D a I Hctgbla 7 Event In - the History ' ' --of tha-fairv:-'-"' - - ; ' s "- 1 . GRAND CHORUS TO SING - ' ' . V v SONGS OF FATHERLANP Nord Pacific Saengerbund WU1 Met( Tonight and a Great Parade - Will " Wind Through the Streets on Sat-' .urday'. - , , , .. t -. Tomorrow will be German day at tb)l Lewis and Clark exposition.' and It m; expected that t least 1,00 natlv; or deacendant of th faderland will ' meet and rnw old acquaintance' t:. msk new one. ,. ; .. : . The first session of th Nord. PaoJflai Baengerbund will' be held' tonight' ' at: , t:li o'clock. In th . Auditorium on thej fair grounds, and It 1 expected that i th greatest choral wort .ever-heard at the northwest . will delight I th . audi ence on that occasion: thera are too volcea .The .meetings of thla great ao ciety will be resumed tomorrow moraW Ing at .:! .o'clock," when, latportaaar business matters will torn up. . 1 ... At l:l ociocK, rrom tne oouruooawv the Oermaa parade will move through the city .to .the, exposition, and at t:l o'clock Oermaa exercises will take-plo on Lkvlew terrace; th program, will be: : ', r ... . - ' ; ' Grand chorus TH Helaell . Rnhn." Address, introducing Governor George E. Chamberlal J- Fast president. Paul Weaalnger. . ; , Addreaa:.. .Gov.' Oeorge K. Chamberlalir Grand chorus "DS Dautche Leid,r ' Gymnast lo exhibition. ..-.By 4 Tarasr Address In German, on Vienna n-Ameri lean. BocJetlee '. . . . . Jonn nieeacn' , - Grand chorus "Die Schwert aaMlnet ' Linken."" - '" ' sr t j V Of" tettc , nhlhltlotr'. By Turner ... AeWa of Weloom. ...... ........ , President H. W. Ooede. n Grand chorus "Die- Wacht am RhalniT '8tar-8pangle4 Baanar". ........... .L De Caprlo'a Administration Bnd In honor -of German day the and . at the fair grounds wUl practically con . fin themselves to German music, "Diet Wacht am Rheln" wilt be heard. It la) eatlmated, something like 7 time. v'.'t - . Orde f . : .; . y . :' Th order of march for the big pa" rade will be a follows: , r. ., ; Platoon of police.- . - ; ' Grand marshal with aldea . : , ' . --Walla ' Walla band. "- : :'... - "Veteranon" and "Krleger" Veretna , with float No. 1. ." 1 " -'.-! - "Nord Pacific Saengsrbund.' ' ; ' 1 , Carriage with,, three presidents i San Francisco, Spokane, Walla Walla. Belllngham. Seattle Tacoma and. Porte land el n gore. . '" '...'''"''.' ''" , Flot No-t. ' ' .,..i4',- . - ;;i r . De Caprlo'a band. . ' ! 1 Iidlea' section of Turn Vereln j ir tally-ho. ' - " ;' ., Active Turner, baalv Turner. , s . Float No. t. . --, , - , . . "Herman Sona," with float No, 4. I ( " Brown'a band. . . "Schwaben Vereln." with float No. ' Representatlvea , of 'Oermaa,. AM so-e clety in carriage . ' i Float No. f, ';inraon verein. , Float No. "Oestrrlchlcli-T; gerlscher" Vereln. Float No. . '-!'" St Joaeph' band. gt. Joseph' Vereln and lit. Anr2 float No.. . - , I Sehwelser" Vereln, float Kea, t, II and 11. Contlnul. o I. i ! J , ' jConUnued oa rata Hg HUJ. . 1 ' ' V'-.--. V