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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
fyy rvvvra nnKonM n tt TF vr"T-r A T" Tn-TT A Tr n a e ililROOBIB Neatest Blast In History fftha World Set Off at Portsmouth w ; Navy Yard Today., v ;. DRILLED FOR MONTHS "' p - r UNDERNEATH THE, SEA '.Thirty-Five Thousand Yards of Rocki . Blown Up by Fiftjr.Tons of Giant Powder, Increasing Depth pf Water in Harbor Crowds Witness Blast. T'.i Journal Special Service.) ' ' ' , ' Portsmouth, Kj H, July .3.--Tbou. sands ot people lined the waterfront and . occupied other .points of vantage tn the vicinity when at high 'tide this arter ikwd SO ton or dl'hamfte waa exploded and Henderson point, a Jutting piece -of toad that ha, always narrowed the channel to the exclusion of ahlpa ot tbe heaviest draft. w removed irora the geography of New Humpahlre. . . . It waa the largest Mast ever fired. At the invitation ot the navy. department, which conducted the engineering -feat, eminent" engineer, naval officers and others were present In large numbers to witness - the uplifting of land, and " water. The' invited BpectatoiwTrtood -oei Keservolr hill, rrora wuicn tney nau m splendid view of -the terrtno explosion., 1 he arrangemepta wer In charge of KngtnOr Gregory, United States navy. Miss Edith Foster, daughter of Superin tendent O. W. foster of the Massachu setts Contracting company, pressed the button which set off the gigantic charge and sent 3&,000 yard of. solid leMge fly ing In the air. Jt was holiday tor the navy-yard and all the employes turned out to witness the sight , The towns people of Portsmouth and-hundreds of visitors from nearby cltles-aod towns swarmed over fierce laiana ana on uis .Newcastle aide of the water,. -When all waa ready for the the cofferdam that had protected "-the workmen while they were taking off the surface earth and burrowing deep Into the rock to .lay tbelr drain of explosive waa removed, and the water , which had een kept back from the giant excava- u$EDncm:DTiffi.v0:ui fcr bcr & Cols Chocolate t ... - long ros this . tsadb-mars: , r jDt I Worlds Fair Walter Baker & Co! Ltd. EmUUhd " PofcCHHSTER. MASS. a rf HIGHEST AWARDS IN to EUROPE A?2) AMERICA. 1. m.. Sunder achoul: T p. m.. Y. P. 8. C. E. 8 p. a.. "Why a -Tousg Has Should Be a Christian." . ' "' XPiscorAX.v 4 Trinity Nlseteeatk street near YTtablnytont Dr. A. A. alurrlaua, rertof. 'At S a. an., aoly commustoa; servles at 11 a. m. sad S e'eleck; tee Rev. t. Cssstaat will praaeh la U evening; Be Buaday scboal darlug summer. Ooed Shepherd Sellwood street sag Tsa. eouvee aveau. . Alblaa: Hot. John llawsua, rector. At 10 a. si., Honda f achoui; aiorulDg prayer and saraon. 11 o'clock; staulng prarvr u a version, a o rjara. J I Ht. J.Oia iBurlal HellirSoS; Bev. W. E. roarrH lu cbarsa. Sunday setWDi, 11 a. 1 anrTiea anS urma. T:4A n. n. . Chipel of the Traa'flguratloallarqsaar' uraua ineacre; tiel. w. if. rowtu, usapuia. avrvic aua aeraion. 11 l. a. St. Htepbea'a awrtacntk and Clay (treats; He, h. M. MasuMty in raaraa. at ? iao a. ai.i huiy-cvflnnunios; v:6 a. ia., : Sunday school serrkvs at 11 a. ta. and T 0 p. la. ' VaoenaluaiNM-tlaod Halahtat RT, - 8.-' M BauweiF In charge. Services at 4 p. a.; Boa St. aUri'sr-tSoraer WlneteeaUi sod Oulniby treeta; Birr.' J. E. U. elmiaoa, rector. At S ., m.. holy communion; 10 a. n., Sunday etaool; It a. ra.. holy comBranloa and Saroion; S e'clock. eeenlug 'prayer and sermon. St. iMrld's a Twelfth and Belmont atriKiU; !U. uaurge B. Vao ViUn, l. P., rector. Hmcee at 11 a. at. and 7:w p. ai. ; suaoay scnooi, :u a. EU. . , . UWITED STAJf OZXIOAt CHUEOH. ' . nrstftirMr Eaat Tentk and Sberman streata; Her. ' A. A. Winters, ' pantor. At 10 a. m., -Handay- srbool, C. A. Siarrr. supertn. tendest; 11 .a. m., "Prajrar for Helper"; t P .m., K. U at V. X. lavelUig; f p. at,,. Mapla fos .aerlce. St. Johns' Corner .of John and Wauboe atreeu; K. K. MeVleker. paator. At It a. 1 "1 he Fall of Peter'-'i S a. m a-men s nwetins. under - the auaplcca of the ' V. at. C. A.' of i'nrllaud, who-will render a spei'ial proxram; iv a. 01. , eunaay ernooi; s:au p. m.. J, A. ju v. e.: 1 s. m., a, k. u a m, : Second Owner rarco end -Keety streets; Eer. J, BoweraoX. naator. Herrlees 11 a. ax. and,S p. m.; 10 a. bl, SUBdhy school; T:1B p. Ockler Oreen t:S0 a. in.! Bandar school! :v v. so., praacuug oy mt, 4. ooweraox. V OHEISTIajr SCIZHCE. V Becond Audltortuia ' bulldlna. Third hatwaaa Ttyier aim Balmea atraeta. sereleea at 11 m. and S p. Bk, subject, "Love"; ll a. I Sunday school. - tint-Dcotusn Bite cathedral, liorrlsna and Loarnadala atraeta. Sereleea at 11 a. and S p. 'm. oa "IxTe"; Sunday school at close ok pwrmng an nee. , - lUTHZXAV, Bt. James'' Erarllab Id tberae Corner West I on flowed ovar the point to a depth ori fark sud Jefteraoa straeu: J. A. Mm, pastor. it feet. - This cushion of. water served I Services at 11 s. nv Sunday school at 10 a. B. IQ ictncr iiw ivm v& yjtao w no bad enacts were experienced by per sona or property, .though -the Quake of the earth waa felt for miles. . The work of removing Henderson's point, haa been going on for several years. Three quarters or a million col lars haa been expended' In the task. ' The point projects Into the channel at the narro-waat place where ..; the ; river turps at a, sharp angle and flows into the harbor. The old channel waa but ivO feet wide. The removal of the point MMltlS IMlM Karwegnm BrBos-CerBer East Tenth and Ori straeu; u. iiafoaa, pastor. Herrlnea at s. m. and S B. m.s S under school. Si.W. Bethanla panlah t'orner tulonl aermie and Morris street; Oudmund .tirlll, pastor. Berrlccs 11 s. m. and 8 p. n. Sunday school, IMI B. as. . Tar lor -Street Dr. PrasHs Buryctte Hhort, paator. At 0:au a. m.. rlaeaes: 10:30 s'Tae 0 lor loos tloapel"; 18:14 p. si., Sunday aebool; - :) p. m., Epwortb league: o'ejock, ereulnx sermon, Kee, K. at. IMIle, !.. of Oakland. California. . EpworthcCorner 1 wciitr-tblrd aad JreUf . . . ... . lf.... H I .LI . . 11 lncreasea the width to 6tt Teet and gives n.. Sunday school: 11 s, m., aermoa hy Kee. lyi. !.; :4.t p. m.v Eirarorth seraMB hy Blahop Derld the channel a uniform depth of J6 feet a width and -depth that will admit of the 'entrance of any vessel now in the naty or ever likely .to be. . For over two years contractors, tinder the supervision of the government, have . , . , . . . . . . I a- . aksa a vsus, uaniiaj n. oeen excavating .uie mauaie i uie point, i Hcnre Rro f Walla u.n. n."in.ii Nearly 200,000 cubic yards had been I preath;' IK a., Sunday school; : p. m., -lip- Alfred lbompeon, league; j: p. H. llimra. . free Corner Eaat Ninth and Mill- streets leor paator. 'At !. vW faabWaed lore teaai; 11 a. m., prescniug. ' r Central Corner Bsaaell and Kerb streets P. U Young, paator.. At lu:3u a. n. ltr. Ill excavated, leaving" J5.000 cublo yaqlB, which was Instantly disposed of by to ' -v'a explosion. - ' '-' '' "D6fi"rrtn"Bttor Trfths-WrTtt workmen were engaged for months drilling noiejs into tne rocx to receive worts leaxoe: s s. Centenary Corner preacblnc. Kaat i'lne aadi Klnttrl At tfeota; William II. HelDe. 1). D.. Daanv. ,' Lfi.ev. WealcT awlU.D,,.j lormtf pldrv will preach on 'Klu: Its Kufn and Jtemeuy"; T:S p, m. the patter's rlaaa- Biate. Ur. C..K. .Todd, K. ihurcn. Belli nx bam. pworth league. 'f., paaior xrutiir v aauiiiaion. preaob; 12:1a, p. av, Suuday schoul; :M p. in., y-:.- C... ' BESBTTZB1AK. - ' Tlrat Corner Twelfth ami Alder : streets Pr. K. P. 11IIL pastor. At 10:HO a. m. Bee. W. H. Landon, I). I)., of Baa Franclaeu, will llje' giant, charge of dynamite exploded , tills lliaruuun. x w uuuumi auu iiiij holes were drilled horiiontaliy, the long ( est over 84 feet In length and the short est SO. Every three feet' of progress ' required the sharpening Of each drill, bo un ii sraisuiw. , " ... " T; T . 1 Preacb; the paator will Breach at t:SU J. - ia too prt. nanr .a"". "w".wii n ui i rrofeaaor 1 too men will fire' a) abort ergaa r tne water. , l ne sv tons oi aynamiie i ciiai in ine erening, poured Into the holes waa manufactured l especially for the Job. The greatest care was necessary In loading the blast to f prevent a premature .- explosion. . which would have been disastrous not only to .'the Uvea of the workmen, but to the . aucceaa of , the engineering Jest .Tbe ' blast waa arranged In three circuits and ' set off simultaneously when Miss Foster touched the button from a safe retreat I la one of the main buildings of tbenavy , yard, . -vV . . :,. ' AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY ' COMMISSION ORGANIZES , ' (Spselal IMspsteh to Tbe (oanurL) ' Baker City. Or July 22. Tha board of commissioners for the Fourth East ' am 'Oregon District Agrleultural - eo- ciety baa -met and elected a president, 4- secretary and treasurer as .provided In ., the av. of the legislature; , The board of commissioners ta'com- poaed of Ave .men. Baker county Is allowed two commissioners and tha other t counties ot Malheur. Harney-and Orsnt f each allowed one man. - O. F. Wright of , htaker county waa chosen president 'and T B.-Or f crrell of this city secretary and i treasurer. ' ' After some talk It was decided to. hold the annual fair, or exhibition from 8en- i tember It to 13, which la the same time ' that tha speed association holds Its meet. aUrebnll-Strert Lurnee Itarahall and Karra aerenteeutb etreeta; Kev. C. W. llaja, paator. At 10 a. m., Bunday school; 11 s. in., "A Cup oi iia etaier , a p. uuv.lj-'i a. m.r f. P. 8. C. B. T . . I'ledmont Corner Cleveland srenss and Jar. ran aireai; Ker. wjron. Hooser, paator. . A 11 a. an., -nollera By the War"; 7:40 o. "laaoraaalona of a Great 4JsvenUoaj" 10 a. n. Dunoar acnooi. , - r rirat United Sixth and llontgeowry streets w. . vi. miiaon. uaaior. At 11 Bee.. D. C- Wllaon, D. ,b., ot Tarklo, Mlsaonrl win preaca; u. m.. tne naator will creacb 12 a p. m Hnuday school. H. IT. Barnes, auperiateaaentc o:o D. a.. G. K. meeting allaoah hr. J. It. atcUlade, I). V.. paator. Berrlcea at 10:80 a. m. and 8 p. bl; )2 aw. nuimajr wnuutj i p. m., i:. a., aemcs; s p. .niM ouuoar acooo ai . akcniiworrn. ' Hrt Cumberland CVtrser Twelfth sad Esat lajrior straeu: nee. a. neiaoa Allen paator, reactilng at 10 Jo a. m. emmlnt serTie In Hawthorne park at 8 e'clock; Sunday school is w. Third Esst Thlrleentb and;. Pine; Br, Andrew J. 'Montgomery, pastor. Berriesa st 10:30 s. m. and T:40 p. m.; It .. Sutroay unwii v .av p.aa., vnriausa anaesror. The White Temple, earner Twelfth and Taylor sireeia; aar, a. nsiieeun Brousber, V. p., paator. N At ID: lb a. at., "one accord" ' prayer amuni; a:w a. Hi., preacoing DJ Hex, fvT' ocrt Bpeneer joonaua t noaion; ll:ltr B. Blbls school; 6:H0 p. m , B. Y. P. U. reception in aarTica, airs, r-uim th Thoropaon leader; Rev, Herbert - sob. -"The Value mt tha Ideal. Central Kaat Twentieth and East Ankenjr street; William E. Bandail. ailnlater. -At a. ai;. "lbs Trials ot Life"; IS m.. Bible accopi; t:0 p. m., "uairersal Lontentment Hetbanr Kenwood. At 11 a. m.j Kunday acoooi; jis ai,, preacning 07 Mrs. r. 4. Adams; ;aw p.n., ' prwacvins ff V. V. tiyaeB. - Lnlreralty Park At 10 s. m., Banday school It a.- m.. presrhlsg by kranacllet U. D. . , tha fair grounds. A Rnptlst minister and a stockholder In the inn la the ac- cuscr. The- alleged offense la rendered . the mora serious because It Is said to have occurred, while Kllgore waa on -duty. - rtrolmaa BUlgore Xna Xxplaia. Patrolman Kllaorat la av.naA tm. , seemly conduct at the Forcatry Inn. near I J?it"t! tl .n'r b' ?J' Bn,,,e"' Aorweglan-Ilanleh Berrlces Snnday (rettlnf at s ercioca is ajtiaamaippt nau, jaiaausippi see. soe 'and Sharer street. 'The L car goes by the hall. - - - . .. - - - - . . - Second East Seventh snd feast Aakesy streets; Bev. Btantoa C. Ispmsa. paator. At lo:i a. of., "Tne Tnloa of An Things Id Christ": T:4 p. m., "Th Wight of Manhood"; IS m., Blbls school; : p. m.. Toung People' smon; aauaic asaer airactioa 01 4. S. Joamioro, .'-.- OOriatOATIOEAI- '. Pint Medlaon' and Park streets: Bre. E. L. Rosa. D. U.. Daaior. . At 10:80 a. ' m.. "Tka urama ' of the llumasv race J; T ea p. m., "aiunkarar's' 'Chriat Before Pilate' ": lf:18 o. m.. nundar school. C. C. stickle. suDerlntandanti a. an., a. a".- a. nj. r. Bunny aide Corner East Taylor snd East Thlrtr-foarth streets: Hev. . J. J. Staub. tor. At 11 u ra.. "Th Harvest snd Its SiCfk::: 3: "1, A IMplosis Worth Bar- Every -woman realizes the need of a' safe and rcliablev tonic and thousands , have found it in. the Bitters. If you have never , tried it,-do bo today. You'll have no further use for any other. It always cures backache, dix iineis. cramps, ; headache, -vcmiting, - indigestion, - dys- T'Tf nd aleeplesiness. J peat inorers"i 8 d. m.. "A IMdI I'" I 8 p. m., Janliw ChriaUaa.Endeaor; 6:o p. m.. Senior Kodeaeori 10 a. ra., Sunday school. B. C Pier, auperlntandeot. -Hlrbland Corner Present! and East - Blith strei-t. north; Bre. ArdeB It. Boekwood. psstor. at iu a. ra., pmuiar scsooi; 11 s. m., "A Cltlaen or as Alice r? 7: P, m., "Shutting vwi Hieaai, ' .. .. . : lUaaalo-ritreet East fleventeentfe street, north paator. At 10:90 s.'nt., eerawn snd apeelal meaie sy in ho yity guar let; IS m.,' Sunday School; 8 p. Ba.. Carlatlan Endeaeor, , linlreralty Park Artisans' temple, Ports mouth; . KT. D. B. Gray, paator; preaching hy He. C. r. Clapn, snperlBteadent of borne bjIs slons for Orea.m; lo . a, Dundsr school. Lanrelwood Preschlug at S p. in. by Bev. 0. 8. tiray. v t , . : . ( . i. ' CKaiSTIA. - .. U rtrat Coraer Park snd Cornmbl streets; E. B, Uncfcler, paator. At 10:W) a. n., "Tbs iteeiprorai innnenee ef Falik"; 8 a. m., "A MldeumrW Thankaglelng Seratnn") 12:18 p. m., BUls acliool: J. P. J'ooorr atata Bandar aebool Tanll.t. In, charaa of f. P. B. C. B. Central Eatt Twentieth ,and Bahnos atreera; Bee. . P. Uhomrler will' apeak at-It a. m. on "(ertalntlea la Kllto f; 8 p.- m.,' "tk Marsetle CbHat"! 10 a. ' ra.. ' Buodae achanl. S45 p. Ml., Ben lor Endrsenr:' Ersngellst J. P. Coodee will eondsct as inatlmte. ' .,r . . . MortBer-Aeeos 4'rsce Hvdwy a rase an A Knott trl: Alhrs taans, mlnlnter. At II a. m., "HanlfMtil,BS of Csrlitlaslty" t.i ' ITAEOELICAi ' ASSOCIATIOE. rtnt Encllab Corner Eaat Blxth and Market straeu; S. A. Slewort. pastor. . Serelces at 11 a. sa. snd 8 p. m. by N. Bbuiin. Brssldtns elder of lVM-tland district; tb Lord's suppor will n eeieorstea st tbs nmrulng sernee; 10 a.' as., Sunday school, A. Blttner,. superlaUndeat; T p. at., xoung people's Alliance. v, "''',-' tnnvrESAUST. ' 1 Plrst East Cnorh snd East Eighth! Bee, W. r. Btnall. naator. At tl s. m.. sbiiuuu In Bee. Mr. Welch on "The Gospel of Jean, or Tb Eleventh Commandment"; f :48 p. m., Illuatrated aretur ny n. l. small ot Boston on snd ths Vellowatou Parka" scsoot,, Yeaealts 10 Mi an., Baaday ' at X, CBTJBCH soma. rirrt 1T1H Second street. Focaitere" ham E. H. Mowrs, paator. At 10 a.' ni., Sunday school; 11 s. m.,-"Chrlatlaa Warfare") g p. ra.. Kp worth lesgne; 8 p. m., Dr.- Tufts, aupsrla teaoeai oc Asti-BSieoa leagoe. . , ." r ' HZTaTODISTi . , ' ' 'Trinity East Tenth snd -Orant streets: Rev. Harold Obers, paator. At 10 a. . m., Sunday school; 11 s.i m., snd S p. m., communion sarelce, aeraion hy VBev Alfred Thompson;- f p. sa., cpworia league ,r ,t , , y l t. W. 0. A." " Corner ef Blxth and Oak streets. Mrs. jsmes Maekeatls. will sddress tbe meetlns : Testier serrice, . . . -v- .. T.-K. tt A v . - Aaaoclatkin . auditorium Fourth- snd Yamhill streets.' At IM a there wl- be as sd dreaa oa "I'ioneerlna in Africa" br Willis at. JJotcbkiss; solos hy K. Kaadaoo, tenor. . OLiirrss eAsmazTixoi ' "'-V., Hollneas eampmeetinx. under auspices Ps'- rlhe Hollneas collese. Salem. Mlaa .Currr .aud other esatera evangelists; every afternoon ' at I:J o clock and svenlsg st T:30 e'clock) Bev. 1 M. Bran. ...leader. .Early morning pralt tnriTAEIAE. First Yamhill and Ke Tenth alreetaf Th. A C. Ctvaaey. oaator. At 11 a. m ' aervlea with aermon br v, VT.- T. Small. n . . v ' :' V, :. eXaWSUAMaWVa. Th rhrtstiaa sud Mlaalonsrr slllaaee- Math snd Mirlo streeta: Hev. 0. I). Baw telle, auiwrln teodest. At 10:SO a, ,m., preaching; 1J:15 p. m.. Bundav school : 1 .: 30 n. m.. onenle service In plans Mack near Madlaon street. If It ra Ilia tbe service, will be held- In ths Chanel at Ulna and Main atreeta. rYlenda Himnyelde. corner Tlrirty-Sfth 1 asd Eaat Mais street a; Edward t. Smith, At 10 a. m., Btinday school; It a. ni., Willie H. thdehkhw will tell -ef his to vearo' aervlea In BUsahw Belda of Africa; 7 p. m., Chrlatlsn anaeavor. - - , OUva Branch Uuutloa .119 Siea bIm h.. . Clsy .afreet, Servkw at S.p. m.; Sunday school st 1:0 p. m.. A, Weils, superintendent, Advent Chrlatlaa 'Church Meeoad Meeet ee4 tweva itau and Lincoln : Charles Ilaf fendeui pastor. At 14 s. m., Munday school; It s. m.j prescblng; T p. a., pealae meeting: T:W p. ra., preaehlns. Thra aervlces will be tha Scat held. In the new ehnreh. ' :' - i Pivlns Trnlb Center Hall 800 Alleky holld- os. voruee 'inirn na svMTlson streeta; x, M. Mlnard. paator.' Berviee st It a sa. . -j Millennial Diet-. A. B. hall, northeast eor. Ber Beeond snd llorrlaon .tm.i. m , . . t: p : v . First Bplritaal Bortety Artisans' hall. AMngi cos hullillng. Ietiires st 41 s. m. sad T:t3 p. in. br N. P. Bavlla of Philadelphia. The People's ChrlatUB I'stoa Free retlgloas society. Mt Morrlaoa street. In laity hall; V. K. t'tnilter. leader. At II a. m., i "IndL vtdnsl tVnters"; 1:1B p. sa., study elsas la life itrohM?ma:4f:45 d. m.. eoneert kv i 'i offhT"" ;15 "How to Beallae leiir self. , . j First Blhle gnlrltnal Boet'A ' n rr v hall, Belllng Hlrach building. At l l m.T'mesl sages sna testa By Mrs. FsareBes Whits, . yn readletoa Water T,ow. ;",t' (Special plapstch ts Tha Jsarssl. Pendleton,. Or., July tl. The. clt water supply haa been very low tha past few. dhya becshiae of the intense heat, but Water Superintendent Brown says the supply will be. auff Iclent for all purposes. The quality of the water la considered excellent for this time of the year.- . . EVER WATCHFUL A Little Care VU Save Many Portfarid Readers Future Trouble. - 4 ; v VTatch tho kidney secretions. ''; flee that .they have tha tmixr im, e The dlschsrres not atraaalva "nm u. frequent; . ., - . Contain ho lirlok-dilst . Ilka" aautt. menu ' Doan's Kidney Pills .will do thia for you,,., . .. ., , .., Thev watch tha ItMiun ant - them when they're alck. ' . y - 3. Blake.' whose nines nf we.t..e . 125 Market street, snvs "f hn.i.he.... era! boxes of Doan's Kidney Piila and I scarcely think If the first iad not proved satisfactory, that I would have tried the sscond or third. I have used In my time almost everything said to a cur i or weaieneo or Avaravn ia kidneys and bladder, but nothing ever i' mw in sntisiaction i received irom uoani ivianev fins. , thk to tan, iihts no enect upoa the lomarn or oowe a.'ana act fiiracti o. the kidneys, and I thoroughly believe irurn tne - results j received ojlrl alao from observation that lioan'a Kidney Illls are On preparation on the market which acts directly aa represented.'' For sale by all dealers. Price 80 cents Foster-Mllburn Co., Buffnlo, N. T. aole agents for ths United States. Remernber the name pOAN B -and take no other. . . . . . , I .V. . . ' ; 7 ., '." ''"T " T ' ' ; A " " " ' i :rr--r: sr: s -n t v ;-;- v - ; -r J.r. - - ' - ' ' VI - ' '' V" .. -rf ,....,-... .., .. . ..' V-....-. ' -. f y ' ' . K v - V . . ,.r.., i.. ....;,.,.. t. ... ... c , v i A - - ....... .. :TTplV---V:;.rr7;i : -A . x:,,v:.,n ,r-:.; " h WMP P'l- .( "'-n.r:i - :wv : ,-. ;..;sUi,i NwaJ ..lJ W:V-L-; r- w ill V '. y . ':-f ri V "'" " ' V . vv, vV1':, V ..'.-- ., u ' V. v . SSMSasTaPJaBaaBasaBBBaaJSs saawaas a " ---w CasalZBlgsanlnMMgM "sj" ;';':V-',',r ':, V.V:8e--.:- ''. 1 -''y:' ': - v 's i r-; VVVVV';'.V-.V'.V . ( . . ;'vy.t.: 7:.i w ... -.. .. . . L j.-'Jis.j .iy y, .-. ..; ,., . LIGHT, bs- LIGHT is the only WITHOUT ' ELECTRIC cause ELECTRIC T7nrp? , 4.U 1 T '21 A. A-LJ. J --1" a.l '--iai-L'at. o Tr.T r rrvr xvc en but of the air that dugh and to; be.'saved for the lungs of the men, not maKe soot to soon araoenes. fiildren. mene 5;? ...if- ,. et '1" .e. . . t,-'v will by soilhgltnehTi PUSuOn;rre7' . 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