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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (July 22, 1905)
r it V'iv":-? 1; ' i r-i?r: Indian. Curio and Relic it the IIFOHD TO Ci!"!IV FIR TO KM 'British s tetesjrvsr Coming &for - w i nre ana a naif Minion rw QUARANTINING STORY NOT -x-BEUEyEBYrCHARTERER3 .Corneric and Drumcralf Are Expected v'Herafcoon Under Chrter,t -Take T, Big Cargoes of the Product. " the ,r '1' & Orient V & ;..!': This 'morning the British steamship ? , tlford "reached Astoria from Victoria. ;Brttih' Columbia, end is expected to nr- A.r'r lata tonight- ana. is under charter . Ho the Faclflo Export Lumber company 'to takesbouMtt,Ot feet of, fir to Taku Bare China. . y ' f - A rumor was In circulation ef tar she .'had creased tba bar that the atoainer would llkclr bs held In quarantine (or j several cays. xne charterers ear may v; -are certain that this is an error, as ahe ? i onlf came from Victoria and It Is Very J,1tn probable that' any. of the crew are Afflicted with contagious- disease. ; She iiarrlved at the Canadian sort about a wonth ago from Japan. The cargo of ;the Ilfotd wilt be supplied by the In ;-. man-Pouln Lumber cdmpaay. z-- - The .British aUaniehlp - Comarlo and r&rltlah bark Drum crate are. nndar ehar- ia-4o 4rta aama ippaay t carry -Uu . rfter to the rieat, w comario is en route from JapdU and le expectadlo -arrive early. t month.- it le eupposed ; ' he 'Drsmcralc will eoon be here.. , PANAMA BUSINESS CROWING . .we anesmea WUt Be Aadad U Sleet J ef mailroad Company at Oaoa.' . ' ' v Two etaemere, the Havana and Mexleo, i,, will be addsd at ones to the flaet of the '. : "lanama ' Railroad company, which la ; oocrauns a line of freighters batweea .n. .'Haw orh-. and - Colon. . Isthmus of : Panama. . The frelaht will ba trans :' ''portod eeroaa the isthmus on the ralN rpad and - than -shipped the Pacific . Mail liners of tha Uarrimaa Coet to Ban 'FrancJsce and other Pacific coast pointa. This arranAmant waa made Immedtataly : - after the anoounomni that tha Ameri f, ean- Hawaiian frel(hters would be opar "Sted from . Wew -Tor -to-- the- Pactfie '. jpaest In eonnootlon with a railroad near- ln' completion heroaa aiexloo. Trans portatloa man Interpret the now move to mean that both eompanles wilt make ; stronuous efforts to et a' liberal ehare ' Mt the Pacific ooaat trade. .' At preaant It ,-' ' Ja held principally by . the Harrlmag y ? .freiahtera. VALENCIA STOPS HERE. aatawrriaoe Boat WU stales This ;-." vet Wkeat Soathbeaad. o v. ' Tomorrow the eteamshlp Valencia will " " '.sail from Seattle for Saa Franolaoo by r'"way of . Portland and tie schedulad to Lraach hare on Moaday-4fternoon. From ; C Portland to the Bay City the vassal will , - '"be operated by the Harrlman Interests ;Jn connection with the Columbia and ;', -t. PauL Nerotlatloae for takinc over Ahe steamer were eloaed yeaterday aft- . l e moon by R.; P. Schwerla before he left f j'tor the- sotftn. . - . r. . - Ivocal officials of the San FraBeleoo .' f A Portland 'Steamehlp ; oompany say , i -they are now in a position to five a v three days' service to the I California metropolis, Inatead of Ave as has' been f, 4 v the. ease heretofore. When It became .'known that the additional steamer had , been aeeured the ticket off too of the ;-. , ' i company was crowded with people who jwere anxious to set berths.' Prom pros , , ant Indloatlons at) of the staterooms will . . '-,,be ensased before her arriral., It is not - -known how jnany will take pasaase from the aound city, but- this Information i" twill be forwarded, to the company thla ; afternoon. The ailine schedule of the , 1 . . steamera . haa been, made up aa fol 'f ' ''llowe: n-. t '"j . '- :.' v-. ,t '; 7 Valeneli will salt from Portland for j y.. Si San Francisco on the eveninc ofily 4; i ir' -. '''?.- mi'-'? r ' m ' . lainngraor fiOAnAfJTEGB r '4- v-' i'-- ' '" ; ". " " .tm deuiesnialea by' eminent eeemlate eed phyeialeas, who testify that toed prepared ' , .with it Is ahaohrtaly free from raeaaue ealte, ,v J1,n amm aad aniieoelei w ;, 0Ci::3f:7i:3c:3 LwU; and Clark- Fair Phototraph the Colombia, . July ; the St Paul, July H; Valencia, Auauat 1; the Co lumbU. Auauat . 4, and the - St Paul. Aucmat t. The same schedule will be maintained until the close of the fair, er aa lonf aa the travel remains at Its present proportions.-..;...,.:',' . The third steamahlp balonss to the Paclnc' Coaat Staamahlp .company, and until reoeptly has been la eommlaafon on the Home route, She haa space for the aooommodatlon ef JOS 11 rat class pas senfers and about 440 or , 609 second elaaa. . While not as largo as the Co htmbta orHBt-Paul she Is Juat ea good la other respects. . It Is announced that ahe will handle no, freight being oper ated exclusively to eaalat In taking care of the paaaeager buatneaa. .The ateanier la capable of making about II knot? en 'hour. On-th-r-northuouhq trip she wilt not stop at Portland. : ' - -" 7 :" ,v--i ', pierunc i nMre dadiii id 4- traAlaeJWilJJkely B Pat art the Sua v-. - l- Barljr Best Week. , r t To:aa(at 1h taking ears of the Upper Columbia paaaenger traffjo the steamer Undine ef the' Kamm lino will probably be placed in- regular, commission ibe eerly part of the week between Portland and Cascade Xiocks, and will make daily round trips. This route haa become eo popular with eastern visitors that It Is said the Bailey Oatsert haa been unable to handle 'all the buslneas.' This morn. Ing tee people who called' at the dock for tickets could not be accommodated. . The Kellogg wilt also be operated as ea excursion poet on the upper Colum bla next week and until the fair closes, and It is stated that there ia no doubt the Telegraph Will be brought hers from the aound for. the same purpose. From the appearance ef things enough - boats wltl bo In the excursion i trade next month to aooommodete. all corners,, . -.. 'ALONG THE WATERFRONT ' From Eureka the steamer Francis H. Mggett arrived this morning at Stella, rrom whicn point ahe will tow a log raft to Saa Fraaoiaoo. She will also carry a cargo of redwood lumber which was brought from the California city to -serve es ballast.. t United States Inspectors Bdwards and Fuller inspected the steamer - Cygnet yesterday, . -;.'. with a cargo or lumber and carrying a full passenger Hat the steamer Re dondo will sail tonight for Ban Fran Cisco. Two hundred and sixty people took passage en the ateamer -Charles . R. Bpenoer .this morning for The Dalles, the largest number -to make the - trip this eeaacn during a weekday. MARINE NOTES. Aitorla. Julsril Arrived at I a. m British, steamer, Word. , from.- Coraox. British Columbia. Arrived at a. m-. echoonere Borealie and David Evan a San Francisco, July 11. Arrived at ie:io a. mw- teamer peepateh, i rrom Portland. Sailed teat night, steamer Northland, for Portlands ' Ban Pedro, July St. Balled, schooner Beulah,. for Portland. . . Astoria, July II. -Arrived at noon and left up at 1 p. m., steamer Francis H Leggett from Eureka. . - Baa Franclaoo. July 11. Arrived at 1 p, m steamer Cascade, from Portland. Aatoria, . July is, Britiah ateamstjif Ilford left up at a. m. Astoria. July 11. Condition of the bar at a a. m., obscured: wind, .north west light; weather, foggy, :' , - ninn vwnn varus, With a cargo valued at llTl.OOt,' the eteamahlp' Aragonla left down thla morning bound for Hongkong and way porta. -. Flour . constituted the bulk of the freight amounting ' to- , praotloally I14M barrels. Sixty , head of cattle make up a pert of her freight They wore coneigno to a Japaneae dairyman. and It ie said that frequent shipments of this sort will be mads from Portland to the eame destination. The ateamer also earned the ttsual amount of machinery, some limber, sewing machines, tin. ate. It la probable that ahe wilt cross the nar this afternoon. , V . ; -; . prtmera taya MtM,'iLf -4 Captain Talvert took charge- of the a team .yacht El Primer this morning in- place or Bkipper Brown, who will leave tonight for Ban Francisco. E. W. Hopkins, the owner of the craft, and party ten last night for their home in the Bay City. The yacht haa been taken to an anchorage at a point between the Madison bridge and the Portland milL waicn win Be ner winter Quarters. h aisi.''.V.H- j , Bldey Ksaaoe to Bavigatiea. Unlees eteps are taken soon to die- lodge the eteamahlp George . W. Elder from the rocks near Ooble. river men say the United States eaglnesre' depart stent is lixeiy to order ner removed on the ground that she le a menace to navl-' cation. Thevwreok Is lying at the edge of the channel and unleee the greatest care ta exercised, particularly In foggy weather., there le danger of a collision. eteeefeeag Administrators Beset, 'i The fourth annual statement Of Mary F. Kennard and E. P. Staples, admlnla tratore of the esute of Charles Qoed nouah. wa filed la the county court and showed receipts for the year were tlt.ttt.17 and dlabursemente I7.lll.71. II III ! I ' Paeqaale Beta Beer Trial. ' ' v ' (aseetal Dtseatas as The loeraal.) v Aln-l. W.ah Jill 11 Inanki T Paaqnale,. convicted ef manslaughter In Walla Walla county, hae been granted a new trial by the supreme court be ranee ef improper questioning by thej trial judge, ...... r.-r I by Kiacr Photographic Company i 1 i ; 1 1 1 1 HAD PLEASANT WALK FROM f DENVER TO THE FAIR Augustug T. ' Sternan. an elocutfonlat. and W. A. J. Denny, an actor, left Den ver on March to aee the United States afoot ' Wbea V-.ey reached , Portland they had covered Just I.MT-mllee of the country's territory. Of this distance they walked 1.IST mllee. : i "We" would have walked the - entire distance," eald Mr. Steman this morn ing, "if we had not struck the burning aands of the Colorado desert juat when thoae sanda aeemad to be as hot as the sun Itself. We walked about It mllee through the deeert the first day, and at nlfht tre tlept on the rtnde-jWl'-l newspaper as a mattress." . . - - Mr. Steman says traveling afoot is a cheap and delightful way of aeelng thu country. ; They usually walked It mllee a rdsy. They wUl remain here until FtiotC delegation, and make a tour afoot , of the southeast "- - - ...,,.,... i- ii i rm-rt i i -.. TWO SISTERS DROWN v ' III a4 nfnB IN GILBERT RIVER t-'yi , Oilbert Hver, a tribuUry of" Willam ette alough, on Bauvlee island.' claimed two victims yesterday afternoon when Ads Pearl and EInora Payne, aged.. IT and 14 respectively, daughtsre of J. M. Payne, loot their livee while ewlmming. They went swimming early In - the afternoon, and when they did not return their friends sought them. Their cloth ing wss found on a tree; search, showed their bodies a short dlstanoe away, bat all efforts 'to resuscitate - them , were fruitless. , V 1 -; , f !-. . It la believed that the older girl, who waa able to swim a few strokes, got beyond bar depth, and that she called for assistance and the younger alater went to her rescoa. ' The bodies were removed to Ftaley1! .rt,H.f ..t.hll.l.miil .lm .,ihim last night and Will be burled Monday. There ; will be no Inquest V ' ( MEET AT FAIRrWED"' W AND WILL LIVE HERE ' Mancheater. ' England. ' and Cripple Creek, Colorado, met at the Lewis and Clark fair, and the result will be a wed ding and the permanent settling of .the groom in Portland, to go Into the suit and clothing business, ' -v - Mra. , Aaron N. Begll,of Cripple Creek announces the engagement of her daugn tor, Anna Gertrude, to Lester Klein of Manchester. Mr. Klein came to Port land to aee The fair,' and met Mlaa Begll at a social function; ' The friendship there formed ripened quickly into love. Both havojleclded that Portland la the best place te live. ' v, ; , - , s ' Toaemlto and Tenowsteaa. . . B. C . Small, prominent " In . Maaaa chuaetts bualneas snd O. A. R. circles, will dellvsr sn Illustrated . lecture - on Yoaemlte and- the Tellowatone park at the unlversallst church. East Couch and East Eighth atreete, Sunday evening at oviock. ' , - - -to v" 'r 'j . ivvcryooay . Them All Our Beautiful ;taOTCMjalIirt Bacltes: J;'pfnv Everybody Vt? ': vv:;Purehtilnr:ur v; Teas y Coffees Spices : China V.:, yjw- . Crockery Glassware Greatest Offer of tli8 dip that Cotrpoa eat, Mag fct to any ot ear etot-ah, .' ; . " ' Its valna b r $3.00 wertk of Covpwna rr o Talkln? Machine Free Boys, Cirls,""sn4 Younf Ladles ' ttis is Tour, ataace . '' Come Btt,d let 17 1 . imt iecricu Lprtlrr Tea Ct0 ' ttorag BverywktrB lit Washington St. and 111 Firat , ; St., . Portland. i; . V Ore'gon City, Maia Street j , , Aatoriaj' T, Commercial St..'. - , .1 . ! ivilAviiUjlllt mmm Soothed by Baths with gentle yppliratlnnn nf i, the great Skin Cure, and CUTS purest and sweetest of emollients. I rr summer ' iaiic, uuiauuus, ftctllnsS. ChafinCS. SUHbum. bites muscies and joints, as wen as tor preserving, purifying, and beau tifying the skin, scalp, hair, and hands, Cutkura Soap and Cuticura Ointment are Pficeiess. . " IBsswa' tFBSF t CattBsV OsSBB. ttSBB gfiwB)SW awBSBVaV " atr aMtoania "law a can as sua, bmis,s asav moasra dental work, Werldre . v nowned apeoiaiista, -Lowest prices eonsistsnt with ftret-elase Oo ta ths NEW YORK DENTISTS - VOVBTB ABB M0BBZSOB BTS. . "? Open day aad night from l:lt a. av .. Trii" tMrttt' M-sV aa ..r ' i..A, J j. tewb &:CfcrK Fair ' 4 Camp Gro'jnds Company i ; UmtmaMmf aaaV Adjocalag' , HAWTHOMa PARK Gateways " from camp . grounds into part. Keats, tapies, swings, lagoons and shade In this most beautiful park in. Portland. Ten minutes' walk from ths business district on west side. Twenty minutes . to - the World's - Fair Grounds by car. Live at home in roruana r ana avoia tne neavy ccst . snd tnconcenienve of - the crowded lodging house and. res taurant. There .will be an at tendant in charge of the Tented City day and night. Free tele- phone connections in bis office. The famous Bull Run water piped on the tract free. Toilet arrange ments and sanitary appliances lo cated convenient to all. Garbage wui oe removed daily at expense of the company. ' All avenues and alleys will be kent clean and free from rubbishy You must reserve tent space for time of your, visit. Send us your reservation now, that we may be able to take care of you when you come. Remit us it, wmcn will pay your first two weeks' rent, with right of occu pancy at. $2.50 per week thereaf ter. You can reserve for any two weeics ourtng tne fair period. The first to register will have choice of space. Mail alt remittances to G. Y. HARRY, Sccrctary-Trcojcrer 1IB Beeond Bt, Portlaa. O. ' Phone Main til. ' Or any ef the following agents of our Company) Herbert I Gill..... ...Woodbura Howard A- Scott ..........Albany Hurler A Taylor. ...... ...Independence Hon. N. Whealdon... The Dal lee A. H. Blender. , ..........Myrtle Point Aug. Huckenateln ...Balem .rabler ds Wattere. ........ ...Corvallla ampbell aV Fuller. ............ .Dallas irltt A Aaplnwall ..,,rook Holladay's Addition ' For Bale A new t-room eottaaw. all conveniences, full cement basement streets ruiiy improves:. . . A very desirable location. Convenient to two trolley lines. . -Terms will be given. Lots sold on advantaaaoue term a : ta home-builders. rs r y v. - The Oregon Real Estxte Co. UH Third st," Boom 4. Oregon Co-Operatlve ' j ; . Home Association Will (ray tm a hMne er pay eff) year aMrMe see aive rea a loaa teral e reare la hlch te reser rear una. Cs!y Foar Per CcBt ls&el Vteriti Ne awttmy renoire-tke eaiy . war lr tm wrwr te erwe a keese. r ". .. For full eertlcelars aU at - ' ' . v 163Ji fpurtji Street A- Ceraer llorrlioe. keesi It. . 1 ! I mmk . ..aSBaaay f ' - - ' - a r - t r ' . i Take Room 203 v., 1 This choice tract of 40 acres on the Oressn Water Power- Railway -and river, twenty-one minutes ride from First aad Alder atreete. is now en the market and. selling faat The preaant purohasere are all home-nuUdera and improvements wilt begin at once. Large lots. lOaltt feet, en the earllne. right at the etation, lor per ioi. Chotoe-asra tsaotav from aae aare up. with rich soil, water plentiful, for ties per acre. The land aurroundlng theee acre traete la improved and highly cul tivated. The price or lote ia nrty ttvi par cent leae than property almilarly situated In any direction from the cen ter of Portland. Also take into account the excellent car service, the healthful location and beauty and ourroundinga. As a special Inducement to workinf pie to own their own nomas ana enable therm to have a large garaen is ia i wh: Ml the prlnolpal reason y tha prices have been placed low iow on lote and acre traota. a The title la net rfect a complete ebetraot of title furnished to the whole tract upon Inquiry, of the ownera, the owners, m !4T Waahlng- Hibernla Bavlnge bank, 14T Waah! Inn atraot. Portland. Oreamn. Free tickets to and from MHwaukle Perk will be el van to all intending purchasers for the purpose of lnspeot- in g the property. TBoae du uying at once nave enoioe or lnta t canine and station. All tr ears stoa at ths tract com ing ana going, iw 101s are aii nigo. alghtly and ,na i' levet For information ana Tree Tieaste, can ion l, can Third at- Booi l 4 Hnnm . tOI, McKay ' building. and Burk etraets, Portland, Oregon. r TITLO GUARANTEE! AND TRUST COS SAVINGS BANK 3 Accepts your depoelt account sub ject lo check and allows you I per sent interest 'on dally balance a. 4 Isture certlflcates of depoelt bear ing Interest at 4 per cent - per annum. . ". , -y '',-,., ; . "T V SXBSOTOBB ' W. M. Ladd. - . T. T. Burkhart - Thorburn Rosa. Frank M. warren. s r, ; George H. Hill. -. BAKK1NO HOURS: It a m. to t p. nv; Saturdays, It a. m. to 11 noon. Batarday eraaUMrs.8 ta 8 o'cloek. . . 7 Cbamber of ConRterce ; ' V - ; PORTLAND, OREGON W. P.:DAttEn " .' 4SS WXXAXAStS AVBaTOS. - ' - h"?J , . Phoae Bast lTSS. , Hee several rare opportunities to home seekara. Houses and. lote for Sale U Xnrlngtoa and UoUadajr rark-AddiUoas. i;' ; rVuilwamlliie u-,.- MATUBB MITIB BADS F8SXTI1B HOHII1TU This is the tract where people are buying homes with their rent money. COME OUT TOMORROW with the crowd. ! It's a delightful ride, . Combine pleasure with Investigation and-possibly 'much ptoftt.LOTS"$10CrlAYABLS$ DOWN, $3 MONTH, or weU build you a house and sell it to you at cost, payable (with lot) at rer ratei. Lots are selling fast to a very desirable class of peopled A district out growing every other around Portland. High, pure air, splen did water every convenience of the best suburbs of the city, . Mt. Scott car'-on- First 8tree& ''.f ' i GEO. W. FaUing Bldg. Phone Main 2129. d:"-.2z...: & Open Evenings. ;,: R. A. TAYLOR AT FIRLAND. DROXVN SOUTH ST. JOHNS r,?:"iWUTH The most htly tract on the Poilnsula; levri, Vx above the river, perfect dnuaH7frant trr? piped to' FINE VIEW Of RIYEIt AND P0.1TIAN3 llCCtH - Lots 50x100 FeetJ;1;.,-1;' priced r Small cash payment, balance on very czzy tsni ' . . aj W t - , r. f TheTitle Guarantee 6 and 7. Chamber of Commerce PORTLAND. OREGON VERNON The fie arim offeree ftw a Ba-!lne tnt ear "Vernoa" ad will be awarded Aagaat 1. ansccsttoee reralvcd rwterear: "Hpp Home. Vrraeo." , ' ! MVerDnn, . lioaM Kweet Bobm." 1 "We Mom ea Versoa." ; -, i . "All Abesre for Teraoa." -, "Taraoe, Vtrlatlone ef Trdore.M ... 'Ol roe I Hobm." " "K W Spot." . ' "Trail Blasoe te Vernaa,M .11. ' ' Ae Bye ea Trreea." j '"Vonion, Imei the Rsee. j "Vrraoa Rrta the Psr., 'Cl to tea Teraoa." v Moore Investment . Co. ." edxh t.. Phone. Main 6 lag', S)iaa4 Ava. 11 We have some of the most. , E:'";-lCc:::'- -v. o 1 Aron" r Can t I ' - ITtt to V -r r " 1 1 .' .,1... . t ,;; f: ' Vy? Qty Office ,-.r.-T,-t.C-.V- t a m D EACH fiirastCoi CilyczaSuI: I X Three) ser Meases on Hob Hilt rentier for tltft, per month, can ba boua-ht at pries ta aet It per cent ea Investment Bew V-Booaa modern houaa, 14th end Hawthorne avenue; lot tOxltt; price, '.. 11,110. , i. j . ; . ; .. t B-Boosa house, comer ,11th end Madl-' son. modern, ' ti.Oeo, ( . , B-stoom modern houee, furnace, pae end . eleotrla tight; lot 01 oerser; easy i term a ... - - ' T-Boom modern houee; lot lOsltf. cor. : ner, Madison) lt7. , . T-Boom house near Hawthorne avenue, MiO. . .. - a.eem hotfae, Tabasco addition, $411 Aaree, close to city limits, with roomhouae. It fruit trees; nice i burban home; f Mte, gg Acres near city llmlte at a barr ' Aeree Tvas between Irvlngtdn t snd'Columata lielgnta Lct3 b Archrr XI - -j . i - " 'r Ffcnsrly