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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
i. : i, 1J TODAY'S DEALERS PROTEST New Vaw" In Regard to Meat In- spections, Will Maktf Front ;-' Street Battle..... ' --.: CONFLICTING REPORTS v AS TO COMING HOP CROP General Opinion - Seems to Be ' That Total Production Vyilt - Show Increase.' ; --; Froat Street. Jane 8. Tb principal featuree f the Portland" wholeeale markets lody srs: i . . Profit orer meet .ordinance, j - . " j California sleeroef doe tonlftht. - , ' - - r Betel orsngre errtre -la., ' eVreral rare Colorado potatoes. - . . . .'AelBio M ahawing more erarelt, -.. -t t Conflicting reports of hop crop. : " JStrewbereW re aUghtly lower. ."' Asparagu etllt coming dwn. -34 , r.. ',, Oregon rsapberric la market. . ... ' Poultry xosrket firmer than ertr. . Egga flrt with fair receipts. , . ' : -, California ; on lone tlt e lightly. , , . 1 - Cherry eupplleg Are heavier.. ...... Bulk, rice and beana art Xlrarf. ,' ; ; . , Freteet Ore Meal Ordluaao. . , - That blood on the snooa oa Front etreet. The chief eauae la the meat tnapeetioa nrH nance passed ever be vet xnr the mayor. the cttr council yeeterday. Aa It aianda the law Bukea It practically tmpuenible for freab ' awata to be sold aloof Front atreet. the oriil neece - epeclfyliir that -each earraee at -eeal, "hog er rattle must hare lta entralhi Inalde eo that they ran be Inanecwa at tne piaat 01 the I'aclfic Btatea Packtaeaanpaay- la the aooth- " - ABOUT ORDINANCE era pan ox tne city, teairn etooa 1 "nr. - re a unit In decUr Ins that each ehlpmente are Impoaelblt to-aiakt, a the neeU would eeoH aa-alna raw a net t Vr fr jwaMtlnj t- the-mart f. " ThU wia therefore pUre the ea tire freeh nat boalaeee ta the -handa of the tlnloa Meat, eoaipaay aad the ParlBc HUtee lat!hlua cuMipaiu. With rbaraw hr Ibupectioa aod ether tor Mire tale which will be applied to convey the oet te the packlhf eneapaBy a plant and thea back acala, neau will He aeTeral reaU "mora eoetly. to" the pnbtte thaa before the erdloaace weat Into effect, aad abut off T free eoaanetltloo. All are a loeaay aloag Troat , atreet taday, hot three ta'aaork Ulk of coo- - tlniilna the eale of OMets tbara and defying - the law. A large earn wlU Tory likely be ' raleed among the eartoua aieat'kandlera of the ,' atreet for the parpoae of baring the et cwoa cll reeclBd the actloB - of the preeeat body. ..There will be but ana sember of the preeenj couacll ta the caning body. s --::- ' Ooafllatlng Heporta of "Bop Crop. r T - OnaflleUng reporta continue to cooie telling of rartooa condtttena of the bop erop of Oregoa. .' Many "growera ear that toe crop nerer looked . lm rrmr ehana thaa- it deea a .preaeat. while other partlea agree that or great deal of dao' age haa beea done, bat that the total prodaetloa of the coining eeaeoa will be jaiaterlaUy la 'creaaed oeer that of laet year. - D. L. Keyt of Perry rtale. Polk eonaty, aaya: "There -li aei a daiaut looking hopyard akmgrhe ttne ot the aarrow-trange railroad between Dallae and - PortUnd. - The hope turning yellow aad aU the big learea are eoeered with Ure." Henry Miller, poetmaater at Aurora, eayef "Amnd Aorora the . hep crop nerer looked bet (er thaa it doea, at preeeat. The new yarde are In the beat a eondltloa, and while- there may pneelbly be a few old ylfda that areallghUy sr-. off , the" tore t prowpecta are good." ' Jolliii JbVjilt otjllyertnn a hop faetee, eayei -The yarde around the etate are Byach apatted. '.'."Here and there are eome that are la eery bed ehape, bat theee are . eaonterbalanred by aa . equal number of othera which abow good form. My opinion la hat the totiT crop of the itate will be much bearler thaa laet eeaeoa." A point to which all hop men agree la that - the 'yarde are ahowlng more Uce thaa errr before. A good etretch a worm wnath wnuld be a Mg help to the crop in thla direction. . but more ralna would practically rutn eyery- ' " thing ta the way of quality. At the moment " ' the bop merket a eery dull, eome email tradre being- talked -of, but theg are twiner, format. . prlcea. , - j y Teultry Kariet rirmar Thaa Irer. - KoHeithetandlnk the reporta from certain eourcee the poultry market never looked better 'then It doea at preeeot. The rerelpta lata i - reeterday afteraoon. although eomewhat larger then In the morning, jrere nnt conaldered et- l-peilTe"an4eTeTyUilng,.tharcaine waa eaally cleaned eo at the prlcce- quotea la tnia paper. Thla morning dealere were en. the atreet aa eooa . aa the attree epened and were Inquiring for autre neuluy. Thla In Itaelf ahowa the altuetloa In lta tree light.- Tom Farrell of Krerdlng -" A Varaell. one of the moat exteoelre bandlere - noultrr la thla market, eara: "Walla the Mlna . of nnaltrr were liberal yeeterday, "there waa a demand for everything that came . nrlcee. For my pert, the arrlrala of yeetcrdey were no greeter than the prerlooa kU porttone onwTrw wr mi. Tbt egg market da firm with prleea ruling betweea 18Hflc. wita eaiee at 0010 ugerwa. The rerelpta la autre eourcee are liberal. ' - SoTaral Can Colorado otateet la. . Sereral mora rare of Colorado potatoea were . , nn. oa the market tfllT kllll The California ateamer H due tonlghtwlth -"The regular aprlnf cargo. " . A car of aarel oraagea eame la during the mnratng. - - -" " Kirawberrlea are coming mora , freely and prl-ea are allahtly down. . . Currant from k-cal polnta cam la and aold weU at ie per one-pouad box. . " Aeparagua lm" allghtly down with a material - lncreM in tne enppu. fteimea la howing Vera Boarclty. Receipte of freeh ealmon In thla market are' lighter. C. J. B. Malarkey eeya: There I each e ecerclty of good large nan in toe nrer V tbet all our larger aiaaa are aold to the lower rlrer cold etorage mea at aigner vaiuee uaa we eaa poaalbly obtala here. Tbla baa been a rr boot eeaenn for rl Inert era oa the lowet rlrer, bat en 1 the middle rlrer the aeaaea haa . beea better than during prerkme year. Tht . water lm now- rlalng, but when it f alia we e- . rwt a aood ran." .'. Teday'a wholeeaU aoUUoe, e rertaed, are a follow r - . , -' - y Ore la, rioar- aad Teed. - WIIEAT Nominal; club ano.rauV-g448S i. 1 . eui.i li 1 v.ii-e- arTr. . tti Ul z -a veu, ao.oui roiicu, im.wj orew tag.. KS Wbole. liAOO; eeerttrd. - I2S.B0 per BTR1.5a ver ewf, nin No. f white. tn.OO: tray. . FI-Ol'R Eaatern Oregon pateot. $4 Rf3 H.refti atrelgbta. $1.75; export. l.i.BOfdS.M; ralley. .K: graham. M. 4.00i iue, 4.; ... ana lit. (Mi: hale. 12.75. . niiKTCrF8 Bre, 1111.00 per tea; mid dllnga. $23.00;, a aorta, couaUy, 23.(a) chop, -1H .TlBanthy, IrVlllametta ralley, fancy, ordinary, lS.00r eaatera thgoo. Ilg.oo; mixed, r.O0( ctorer. U.OO; grata. lll'.wt caeet. w.. Butter, Xgga aad VouHry. rLatrTTr.H FAT Hweet, JOc: eoor. ia. Bl'TTKB City ereemery, beet. 81 He: eeennd -grade, 17Hw: outalde fancy, ' &2l He; -erA.eeryr- ' r w i I IHnenle, 19 e; ttorii 14V BOfllt Ko. 1 freak Oregon, candled. 1H9 ' lac ; uncndlM. le. 1 1 ,, CHEHBhew W credit, twin, lH!4e; Yoeng America. 14Hr1.Tc; eaatera, UHlfllec; CaMf.icBla. 13Hiac; Cheddar, 14c. - it)i:f.TT hlrko. mixed ' 14c " per Jh: "heee. I4tl4re per lb; ronatera, eld. 11c per lb; ' ywng. He per ini nroiier. zm t in: . fryere, S2o perr lb; ducka, M '. fH) pee ' eVet geee. ifte per lb; turkeya, 1701e prll; dreaaed, t21c; per lb aoaaba. , U.bOatS.tW per ana. ' - Bene, - Waet aad Hid. - , ' ' 1 - HOPH oeTc, riaiid. Iftc; lii4 crop. MSf for choice; svae rir primee eaa medium. WMIy lie clip, rail"-, ooara to .medium, Uij'r&Hc, Ilea, ao,e2ic.eterB Oragoa. MiTii ii'nWemlnal.'-kOeltle W aiiKBl'KMVH bheaiing. ioHne' ahort wool, rw"e; amilam wool, Sbklbuoi mag wool, k. ... . . 1 M - TAli(w crime, per-IN 44Joi Me. I and mittim HARK Old. dHe: new. 4c per n, ItllX-d try hldei , Ko Ljt Iba and aa, lUll tt; dry kip,. Ul, t U 11 II, MARKETS THURSDAY PRICES IN THE WHEAT MARKET .Chicago ...... ,. Liverpool .... July. Bept, 4 I .8UA t .81 4 IIfc ?d! 4 4 Han Krwnclaco. 'l.Jitt 4 fl WltifllpNT ..... 4 NfW York..... 4 Milwaukee ... . 4 Bt. Loul . .... K.naa C1tyJ.. O Minneapolis .. Duluth m H 4 ..7S j - 1.08 H l.UHB .7$ .71 H .I6HB recembr per cental. 14c; dry calf, N. 1, under B Th, l18c: dry ealted hidee, ataeca, aottud. 60 11 or orer. eHJ Hc BO to do lb. MktaVic; under lhc and row. 8eHc; ataia and bulla. Bound, )Tc: kin, IS to SO lb. $c; eound. 10 to 14 lb, kid w)t calf, aouad, under 10 lha, 'liQlle; greea (unaaltedl, le per lb lea; cull, lc per lb lea ; hoTKhlde. aaltrd, each. I1.28W1.7B: dry, each, gl.OOQl.eOi colt hldea. each. 39QSOc; gont Bkine, ooniroon, earn, lumioc: Augora, with' wool 00, each.. SSc&SI.OO. ; Fruit aad Yegetaklee. , , . , . -P0TATOEH Beat Oregon. l. Br): ear lota. eaatera, 1.2St I.HSj weeu, crated. tl.TB; new Callroral. 1 otii 1.T.1; garnet fl.M. '' ONIONS New California. gl.TS; Teaaa Bar njunaa, .IW; garlic. Set 10c per lb. FKESI! FKL'ITS Applea, extra taocy, 11.90; fancy, 12.00 per btix; aerr California. tl.7&; cheap'" grade, fl.M) . .per box; orange. Dim, fj.ioe4.4j per .mix; .eicnciaa. ;:i i); - Mr-tlitrrraiteaa aweeta. f2.So4 I0O box: banana. 4V,a&e lb; lemona. choice. II. BO box; fancy, 3,oo box; lime. Mrxlcaa, eoc per 100; pineapple. 4.oft'ii5.00; eruber. rlar - eaatera. 1I1.W.-M1. bbl : atrawherele. Wniamrtta rallcr. BtlSHc: Hood Hirer. 6a6e per. bnc; cherrlra, California. ' II. 00 per hoi; tire gnu, 4ii7c per Kk apricot. I.OO; peachee, l.("fl l.M; plume., ft. 25 per crate; peachee, II. 2S; plnma.. 1.(V0; Mackherrtea, ti.OO; raap. berried, 1.28 per erte of IS bnxeei cid ta lon ore. ftt.on per crate:' currant. 8c per lb. TSOETABLKU Turnip. aew, 11.20 per aart; earruta, $l.4oin;l.oO per aacki -beeta. I ho per aark: Orreon rarllabe. 25e per doe; cabbage, -Oregon,- 1 1 M. Per cwt; California. 11.00; greea ineppera, lc lb; Chill pep per, lotjlc id; celery, 1 per crate; tu matues, Florida. I2.7ou3.00; California, ; parenlpa, (LOtxaiSS; atring beana, e cauliflower. California. 1.75J.(0 crate: rhubarb lJlHpr ttUhorexadUh. - Jkyto pet Jb .mrwin, rarttehokee, (Htt6Bc per doa: hothouae lettuce. M'a76c bead lettace. loo pef doe; greea onloae. 10a pr do; -1 piragua, dOigBOc do bunchee; WllaWallaxl ar per doxt pmCD. ac per id; are cor a, -lue per doa: peae. Orrgon, dc; Callror nla. Be per lb: cueumnera. TS(BBe par doa. DRIED FRl'ITflApplee, eraporeteo. IOW per lb; aprlcota, H1.V per lb; aacka, H per lb lea; peachee. frolic per lb; pear. per lb; prune. Italian, !We4Hc per lb; Frenrb, m4He per lb; fife. California black. 46.rtU.rt oxr lh: Callfirnla white. per lb: plume, pitted, per m: oatea, goioon. oa per lb; tarda, $1.60 per IB-lb boa. ureeertea, Jluta,. etc ' BDOAR Back baale Cube. e 10; powdered. A. 96; fruit granulated,' $5.85; dry granulated, fi.M: beet eranullt.d. 15.75: extra C. $5.85; goldta C $5.83; bbla, 10c: H bbla, 25c; bona, S'lo advance on, aack baela, leee 26 per cwt for reah, IB day: maple, 11M par w. COFTKIC Package brand. $14.75. . ' 0AL.T rtna H.Ira 2a. Aa. 4. B. 10. 11.60: table, dairy, Boa, $11.00; 400a, $10.75: lm porteaT Urerpool, 60a, $17. IK); 100a. $16.60; 224a. extra fine. bbla. 2a. Be. 10a. 4.B05.M; bulk, $30 loa, $4.0005.00; aacka, ou. ftattxvc . - - SALT Coarec Half ground. 100. pee ton, $7.00; 60. per ton. $7.00; Urerpool lump rock), pee tool BO-lh reck. $; loot. $6.TB. (Abore price apply to aalr of taaa thaa ear lota. Car lota at apeclal price aubjeet to fluctuations,) GHAIN BAGS Calcutta, $O.TBn.00 per JOT. RICE Imncrlal Jauao. No. 1. Ac: No. 2. New Orlean head. Hc; AJax, 4c; Cre ole 614c - - v ., - . HIAM1 Oman wnite, B;-4.e; urge wnixe, $Hc; pink. , 8fce; bayou, ; Lima,. c; Mexican reaa. a.-HT, Tjf; fmtw-i aH" r "" 1 aw. Biaioe per In: roaacra, ; eocoanuu. nrtPOe per doa; walnut. 14315c per lb: pine nut. 104tl2Hc per lb: fcirkory nut. 10c per lb; rbeetnuta, eaatern, 18418c per lb; Bra til nut. 15e per lb; filbert ..15016c per lb; fancy poeaaa, ldABc per lb; almond, lSaiBcper lb. . . Fainta. Coal Olla,. Xtv ' . : HOPE Fur Manila. 14c: atandrrd.' llUet' aleaal, lli4,c; llal brand elaal Vc IOAL, OII reaxl-or Atri caaca, ieo per gal; water white. Iron bbla, llVo par gal; wooden. 18c per gal; headlight, 170-deg, caa, WJrf.JPr-.C1- 1 AjMil.l,Br ou-oeg. caee. per gait iron bbli I. 20c per gal! (tor, cue. 24 He per galj Iron n bbl. 18c per gal. BENZINE $deg. eaar. SBc per gal; Iron bbl, ..18 He per gal. , TITUPKNTINE la cam. $ per gal: wooden bbla, $1.00 per gal, Iroe bbla, S7c par 'WHIT MA7 Ton lota. TU per lb; 800-Ib lot. 7i per lb; lew lota. 8e per lh. -tRH-WAHJt--rraenr oaaa ar . MNHiCr.D OII Pure raw. la bbla. 6Ac per gal; eaaee, 8e per gal; genuine kettle boiled, caaea, 70c per gal; bbl. ftftc per gal;- ground oka, ear lot. $20.00 par ton; leaa thaa car lota, B3O..O0 per ton. 'Heat. Flak aad Trorlalona. FREBR MK ATS Front atreet Beef. Iteer. Base per lb; pork, block, -' tue per lb; packer. 7 He per lb; bulla, 4(.(5e per lb; cowa. 4fflV per lb; mutton. Htj7Hc- per lb; lam be with pelt. 6tt4xc per lb; real, xtr, 6t6Hc; ordinary, 6 a 9c per lb; poor, 'SlAbot' BACON, ITO Portland pack (local) bam. K to 14 lb. 18H per lb; 14 t 16 lba, 101, - ,k. ta 00 lh. H M. IK. -u, . . . a Wc per lb; breakfaat bacon. 18HQ18C per lb; picnic, BM.e per id; regular anorc clear, un- mnked, OHe per lb; smoked, 10 He per lb; clear back, anemoked, -SHe per lb; emoked. lOHc ner -"- " ' " per It); anxiked, 6c per lb; clear belllea, un- amoked. 11c par lb; niokd, 13c per lb: buuldera gc LOCAL LARO Kettle leaf. 10. lOHe per m: 6. 10HC per id; 00-10 una, ioe per id; eteamreodered. 10a, S per lb; Be, t per lb; tun. tc per id; 00, ne per id. CANNED SALMON Columbl rlrer 1-lb tell. $1.5; 2-lb tell. $2.60; faacy, 1-lb flat, $2. no; Alaska talla. pink, 85J0Oc-fad. $1.60; nominal o. e Om FIDH Rock cod. te per Th: floundera. Be per lb; halibut, oc per in; .crane., ai.ou per aoa; rinA hue. ISUc ner lb: catftah. 7c ner lh; aalmon. chlnook, be per lb; ateelheada, e par lh; blneback, Kc; herring, Be per lh; aolea 6c per lh; shrimps, 10c per lh: perch. Be pee lot shad, lc per lb: roe had, 6e per lb; hd roe. 80e per IbiTnlck cod. Te per id; aiirer ameit, oe per lb; lohatere. IBc; rreaa maraerei, sc ptr lb; crwflh, 25c per doa; flounder, 60 par 10; ernrreon,' ie per 10,- , . OYSTERS Rhoal water bay-; per gal, $2.28: CLAMS Hard ahefl per box, $2.00; raaor elama, $.uu per boa. - . BOBT01T COFPEX ITOCXB. noatoa- liu A Ofaetal Kin no. Allouea ..;..$ 22.00 (Royal .$ 8 UH Arcadian .... 1.25, MHd iwmlnlon.. li iw Adrentur ...--8.60 lOeceola ....... bl.00 ' atl.ntlc 11.50 I Parrot X2.7BA Bingham 28.80 IPhoenla- 1.12H Calumet . ...."2io Hbntion Centennial ,,. !.!- ieiM re Copper Rang, 70.00 llamarera j,,,, 100. w ITrtnlty 7.75 ll'nlted Copper. 24.75 U tah 44 M Victoria ..... 8.00 Paly Weet. 13.50 rranklla ... Oranby , tlreena .... Maaa ...... Michigan -.. Mohawk ... .Dom. Coal 8.25 6 75 - 6.76 ftKI 12 85 BO.OO 70.00 Winona v) Wolrerln Jfel.oo n. S. kilning.. 23.8214 jtuncy vo.uv SAB FIABCISCO LOCAL T0CKS, 1- tUn, Jaaa-8. toeal- eterk -ekwe. morning aeaaion: ". vBld. i nrlng Taller Water H7H Motnal Klectrle. 11 Aak 1H n. K. Oa F.lectrlc n"H . r OIit Powder 8H 82 S lav 18 87 A : 21. !"!"'"'!"" loot. Hawaiian Sugar....... Honokea Sugar Hntchlnma Mngar..,.. Makawell Anger. ...... Onomea Sugar, .r...... Paauhaa Sugar. ....r.. Ala Parker. ...... Oceanic Steamship..... 'Cl. Fruit Cannera... Ml 1W 21 101 cel. rvin a.. ......... .. 7T PaclOeBUleaXi FOtTLABD BAKK TAT1BHBT. Clear! ega ....... Balance . ......$7S4 8,T4 7J.J1I.M foreign Coffee Btarbeta. New Vorfc. J.m.' M.Hrre coffeei H np Hmtrmrg anrlianmrd. to H down. BJe receipt, 4,wg bii baatoa, 14,p bl, v. , ) LLTlIEa -QRE SHORTS SQUEEZED "IN CORN MARKET Bulls Force the Issue and Bears Cry for Mercy--T one Strong . 1 All Day. . - ; STOP ORDERS IMPORTANT ' FACTOR IN WHEAT MARKET Severe Liquidation at Opening rSent..the PrlceTDown--Re- covered Except in. June. THVRSDAT'S WBCAT MARKET. Onea Touay"' ..$ .V A .. .H5S .. .hot; .. Jw5a Cloae . Cloea 1 Today Wed. $ .let A t .KHH - .a4 .! .fll4 .1K V .fl .814 .U ' -,....;( ;., Cain - Today $ .00 H , -.on u .001. .004, June July Kept...,,, , Dec........ Lot. (rtVrnlahed br Orerbwck. Htrr A Cook Co. , Chicago, June . lgaa A Bryan aay; la wheat Brjnmhall eatlmatca the Argentine hlp ntcnu at 2.0110,010 baehela. Price Current re porta crop ootid It ton eomewhat lmprored. The farorable weather map cauead a ranewal oi lha liquidation at the otx-nlng. , aod for a- time nrcaeure from thla enure wa rerr aerera. Rtop order plyed aa Important factor ta the decline. aa aiQ aio to oeariao leeung exiauua w pit. At the low point ottering apparently dried up, and the adrance from tbla point wlill alow waa aerertheleea peralateut. The atrength la the outalde marketa, particularly la tb nor th weat, where, the wheat - rallied sBarpl,.cued eorerlng by the abort lntereat. Henort of harmtlng from .the ntreaM eouthern country are eomewhat conflicting, aorae report- IUK m iwn ricoi. 111 ui rfitn in ..- - prleee in the aoothweet continual to abow -a dragging 'and decllalng tendency. Cora Bulla Xaoeir Help. .Jrrzr-i TIh cui n-buW- -remdretf tD frontUfiaprl.' mary kblpmeut. which were amaller, thaa a year ago. Itotwllbetandlng the weaaneea la the wheat pit. thla maraet waa atrong rrom atrong from tha opening, at aa time healtailug ur liiiwlngT the leaat dlanoeltloa to atar lta upward march. Today' market waa clearly a etampede of the ahorta, which muat h re beea largely reduced. The market act attained wltk ta bull houaee which bought tha May forcing th tenia agalnat tba ahorta. - - Trad are .Tab Froftta. In oata, cooalderlng tha pronounced atrength In corn, the action of tha market waa eome what dlaeppolntlug, trad being altogather local ta character. lu'prorielona, except In rfha, a deelra to tk profit waa In erldenc. .though th decline wa not far-reaching. Hog artcee were omewhat lower. The apaculatlra altuatloa aetai , un- cheuged. - - - . Today 'a official market! r WHEAT. Open. . High. Low. -. Cine. Jua..... i-4 '.....-:. A Jury . .ne - OH ,M - -.dt A Bept..... ,anA l Mf '.81H Dee .ooiJ .at-tj ' .80 .814,' - CORN. Old July .Bit .524 Z - .".B1H. .B2HA Old Rent .4BV .IWVV ,4014 .00 Oldlc 47 . 481, ,47 -ro4-t OATa. lUD .81 July..... .80 Kept.... ,2Hb Dec...... - JH - .fo alKSH POKK. ' July..... 11.82 12 85 . II 67 1180 Dept...... 12.05 la.ei . s -- LARD. Jnr..... t S9" ' 7.87 " TB0e-J t 80 A nept...... 1 00 1 1 . . ,1 no o. Octrvr T.33 TTKT 7.6$ SHORT RIBS, 7.M V.8T- JnlyUst T.8T 7.87 - .t -Sept..... T.B2 7.65 t0- Oct.... 1.67 7.65 ;7-;; ; 1 CmpAflO CASH, WHEAT. Chicago, Jung 8. Csah wheat: Bid. Aak. No. S red. ....... ... No. 8 red. -.. ........ No. 2 hard........... No. 2 bard No.' 1 northern $1.00 .89 .82 . 1.00 .92 1.00 1 12H . 1 11 No. 2 awrthern..-.. .7H fH 1.06 , 1.07 No. eprlag.... FSIMAXr, HIFMXaTTB AFD OLZASAirCZS. Chicago, Jane B. Primary recetata: Today Xear Ago .. fjgaa, - Buh. ..mi. 1.. IwB.ono 4, noo , 477.000 b,(W0 Cora . . .' Shipments 1 Wheat 218.000 2X8.000 Cora 1 211.000 - 381.000 -Clearance: Wheat. 00.700 Dueoeiei nour. is.aoo barrel; corn, 18,200 bushels; oata, 1,100 bushels. j CHICA00 GBAI2T CAB LOTS. Chicago, Jun 8. Grain car mta: ' Can Grade Est. 1804 Wheal - - A t 85 Corn ..znt 00 xn bnx Oata .152 84 146 ll Wheat cars todsy: Hlnneapous zht. tmiuth 6. ksar ago Mlnnespolls 7V, Duluth 23. SA2T FXAlf CISCO OEAIxT kaxkxt. . . Open, High. Low. $1.35 i Close. December. 11. aa i'. B1.8BH , HAKI December 86 87 .86 " .86 LIVESTOCK MARKET! HAS A NEW LIFE Passing of Meat Ordinance Will Help Values All Markets ' " " Quiet Today. Portland T'nloa Btockyard. Juoe $. Lire stock receipt; .. - - Boga. Cattle. Bheefl. Today ................. 80 Aon 173 Week ago " 175- 1,200 Prerloua week ..v. 50 Uonlh ..a . . 975 - The Ilrealork market tatumed new life today when - it became known that the city council had ped tb new meat ordinance orer the reo of Mayer Wllllama. Heretofore all bogs and real for the Portland trade bete paaerd through Front atreet rhannele but tha new lew niakea thla nigh Impossible. Say Beer. Ury Plummet: "The pecker bar g1ea-me to understand that they will be able to hamlle all the lire stock thst comes In thle direction. They tell me that they are now willing to pay 6c per pound for lire real of good quality weighing between 150 aad 20 pounds eecb. Those who lira along tha rlrvr and hare atork to sell csn now ship It direct by boat te the yards. Those Urlng la . the Interior csn sen It to agent In their locality, wh will ship It ta market in rsriosas," Th bog , market! re in In fair st 6c while L cattle are unlet at , former ralne. Sheep are Terr onirt toasy. rriceax-aucnsngea. . Official prices for -UrpstucAi Tioga Beet esstern Oregon, $8.00; blocker and China fata, $5.26; Blocker and feeders, 14.25. Cattle Best eastern Oregon, ateere. $.1 504$ 8.76; light aad medium a .era, $1 2Rt8.60: old and Urht eowe, $l.7Bj2.0O; ; stocker and federe. $1.76; bulle, $1.60.- I Sheep Beat fancy sheep, $3.26; ewe, $3.00; spring lambs. 4s4Hc. Calrea Oood reel. 150 to 200 poUndj. rough sno aeary, eec. . -ZASTEBbT H008 WEAK. Chlraeo. Jan 8. Ureatock recetota: Hoes Cattl Sheen ChlcaeO ....... ......Zt. 01 0 8.0fK)- J4 OoO Kansas. Oty... ....12.0i0 $.500 4,000 Omaha ..14.000 200 1.0O0 Hog opened wek. Kecelpta a year ago Were I3.r00. . Prlcea: Mixed and bntcners, an.noa 6.87H; roiirh. $4.7uu4.7B; light, $h.iaa.40. Cttle Steedy. t , - Bbeep Steady. . '. . Tark Caak . Coffee. New Turk. June . Caak- Coffee; . t EK Te; o. Bantoa, $ia., 8. IMS Meat Inspection Ordinance Brings Sorrow to : Front Street and Joy to Packers arid Live- ' stock' Interests. ' ; ' J . - T iOKERHESTIfc JIIE HEIV TAX LAW Albert Hatch, a Member of New York Stock Exchange, Ar rested on Technicality. TRADING IN STOCKS IS v" .SHOWING SMALL VOLUME J. Changes In Values Today Very Small in Either Direction Missouri Pacific Dividend. '. ADVANCES. . ngr ' Smelter Smelter, pfd ... Car A Foundry, IErla ........ ... ' Krla, M pfd , 14 Brie, lit pfd..... H Loularlll ......i. I Manhattaa H Norfolk ' l nammore H Alton Chesapeake Pennaylranla CUnadlai 4. Kudlna itaauin Hep. Steel UlRork la land H H Southern Ry... Tena. Coal . Vntoa Paddo 4iRty ...... Ontario A Weat;. i Kata, pfd ,. . . LO88KS. ' ... 1 Atrhleoa xt IBrooklya 8U Paul 10. H. W. Colo. South Hllll. Central N. V. Ceutral .... Ul'iaa Steal ail .. (Furnlahed by Orerbeck, Btarr 'Cooke Ct Well Htreel. K. V.-fc In., a Thla wa "erjr- quiet day of trading, the" aalea to noon on xne etocv exchange amounting to le thaa -2OO.000 shares. There waa not much doing, tba closing - flgnrea showing but tew changes' In either direction. Albert He ton of tb Arm or c B. Boos ma a A Co.. 20 Broad atreet. a member of the stork exchange, ' waa arrested aad taken Into the district attorney office. . Thla la to test th , aew law la regard' to 'the tax on Jtocka. Arrsaaem.wte -are being- mad' -for an appeal oa a writ of certiorari to Juatle Clary of the auprem court. There tha caee will be Bnally taken oa appeal to tb court I of hlgheet resort - Tb regular dlrldend oa, Missouri Pactoe baa beea declared. Todar a of floUl atork - DEBCBIPTI0R. Aaaconda Mining Co. I08H Tosvl Anntl. Copper Co.. .",., Atcbleon, eom,..t.... 1 1 y 80 H 7H 79H do preferred ; . , Am. Car 4 Kouudry, e do preferred.......... An. Sugar, com....',., Am. Smelt., com....... 101 haSM SS4 88 H 88H 07 IMS lion 118 107 188 44 lloj 183 100 H do -preferred. IB 117 Baltlmor A Ohio, com IOT'. Ilrook lew-Rapid Transit 6S . 00 62 ransaiaa I'aciric, com; Chicago A Alton, com. do praferrtd. ......... C. O. W.. com 148 ; 146 147H 86 as I SB I8( 18H , . 1 . , ml .1. r.ui 17a!172HUIit tl. A-eii-W., C0UI..V..V7 nvi t oeeapeaaa a una). . . , . Colo. Fuel A Iron, eon. Colo. Southern, com... do Second preferred.... do firf preferred. .... Delaware A Hudson... DeL, Lack. A Weatern. D. A R. O., com ,.1,... do preferred.......... Erie, com 40HLoLa preferred. . 66 H' 78 4l do tint . preferred, n. 7014 Illlnola Central 160H Ionlerllla A Nashrllle. 14 Met. St. By... Manhattaa Ry. 119 ,.1164 I164HI1M J164 Mexican Central Ry... Mina.. st.vp. ete. u. Mlaeourl. Pacific, M. K. A T., com...... 27. do nref erred . ui 1 01 l40H!li5 Hew York Central, Norfolk A Weatern, com. do preferred.. ........ North American N.'T.T Out. A Weat... 51 U 614 60 i-enniyiraaia - arnrrmom 184 100H m4 V. u., u c. uo loot 100 rreeaea cteei vsr. com. do nref erred . 01 i sow Psclfle Mall Steam. Co.. Beading, com 86TtMH do 2d preferred....... do let preferred.....'. 21 81L 81 ' Ben. Iron A Steel, com u do preferred , 71 27 H 2ei 88 81 i' Bock Island, com Rubber tiooda..........! ggai Souther a Ry., com......! 81 do nrererred. ........ .'I Southern Perlatt,. I 62( 62 H do prererrea..., St.-L. A B. F.. 2d- pfd. I 4 84 Tex . Pacllle I 82 Tena.- Coal A Iroa....l 75H 82 T5 87 U T-, St. L. A W., com... ni do nref erred ..I 6dV4 BAH Cnlon Pacific. com.....122H 122 do prererrea .-. U. 8. leather, com... oo preterrea U. 8. Rubber, com... U. B. Steel Co., com. do preferred 1 Wheel. A U K.. com. WllHlODefnCenSft com do preferred Western I'nlon Tel, 88 Wbirowi ...... .. 1H do preferred ., Total sslea for day, 286,000 sharee, CaU Boney. 2f82 per cent. WAX! STBEXt OOBBTF. . New York. June .Tba Wall Street Journal aya: Americana la London ar firm, to abor parity. Th Bank of England' rata la unchanged-- Kanaaa City - Bouthera April - 1 earnings Increased $508. J. U Low and Margin Hughltt hare resigned from the Equitable board. Ontario A Weatern dtrldeod expected next week. Borne weatern buying ot Atcbleon. a.. and other storks, ta anticipation o tha gorernment crop report. Steel and I roe trade adrlcea contlaue very conaerratlre. Stock a re plentiful In the loan crowd. Peace rumors are plentiful and especially la St. Peteraburg. vt mmmnn la acarea In the loan crowd. Twenty-eli made for tba fourth week of Msy snow an srerag groas Increase of 13.80 per cent. Bom, taakera aspect firmer money rales before July. The bsnks loek-i ta the sub- ...nrr sine Frldsr 12.480.000. TwelT lr duatrlala adraaced-dl per cent. -Twenty aUra .railroad edraaeed .Tl par cent. Bsa Frsnclaco, Jun .Official ete morning m. nat Bid. BIU, Montana ......$2.70 Midway 1.46 McXamara .... .7' Belmont ...... 110 North Btar .... .60 Reeeoe ., , en. . - .OT Oold Mt ...... .14 Jtm Butler .... .65 Nerada ........ .1$ Ton.. Kites d.00 - Red Top . W Ooldfleld .48 Sandarorm .40 Sandstorm Ex.. ,14A Ixine star 16' T:k "Boy T;..T.':i Adam , Mohawk .....$ .06 .... .22A Dixie i. Kendall .17. .17 Columbia Mt ... lJumbo .,.,,. .78 - .16 .27 .00 ' .76 : .06 -.87 .88 .41 Jnmb Kxtea .. Black Butte.... Sllrer Pick .... liolden Anchor. Ray O'Brien.... Ophlr Too ..... O. Bull Frog... iHamoad&rld . .. Horn COMBTOCZ MIFTBO STOCKS. " ; Saa Francisco. June 8. Cometork atock. official cloae morning aertlon: .' Bid. .1 Bid. rtnlllon ... .88 Srsg .41 Belcher .18 iPotoal 11 con. Cal.-Va... 165 It'nlon Con .40 Ophtr .87Tellow. Jacket.. .12 ( aledonl .45 IRxcheqner 60 Mexican ..1.05 Hal A Norcrosa 1.10 Aadea -. -.23 1 4corplon .12 iUrHf putee. 1 New' Tor. June 8. Sterling market atesdy; demand. 47 Jtt-4x dorav 87- -- OVEBECK, STARR & COOKE CO. Mam bare Chicago Board of Trad. ' " ..-..i r- 0BAXBT, SraOTXnOBB, OOTTOBT. STOCKS AUTB BOSDa. ' . 1(1 Third Strewt VfaKay Bulldtng. PorUand. Or. WB BO A STBIOTliT OOVafTBBIOB BTBUTBSS. ' . CMtiautraa Market by Prirate Wlr Quick Barrio. RKFEKRNCK8 .Ldd - - lUtoa. bankers, and Ualtod SUtaa MaUocai Bank of JPortlaao. ige Journal' Branch Offices- ASTZBTIBEM EVTB wilt be red! red ' at regular mala ofBca. ratea at the following places and asat ta Tb Joe real la tlsae for publlcatioa la tba Best leeoel BO ATB. . ". - B. A. Preetoa. dru(lst. 2M had Tkar- so a a treat a. Neb Hill Pharmacy, 680 CJUaa atreet, . corner Hat. A. W. AUea. pkarmseUt, 16tk aad hUr ahalt stiastg- ' . B. Jacks. ooufrcrloBerr." 600 Waab - lag tea aueet, araee lath. . SOVTK. ' B. F. Jones A Co., draiflat, Fran! and Olbba atreeta. . . , Cottsl Drug Company, Flrat aad Oraat . atraata, " - -c, XAIT SlDK. .- TuttU' Pharmacy, B8 Mlsslaalpai ara bus, corner Sbarec !. ' Kichola A Thompeoa. 128 aVaaasll alraat, eoruer Alblaa arenua. 'anck - Drug Company, earner Hew thorn aad Grand arena. J. A. Dirk, tnbaacos, 234 Crosby (seek od ateel bridge). . B. F. Fulton, confectionary, - 274 - Baet Buraaide. earner Union areaue. Ingram A Busk, tobacconlata, US SraaA . araaaa, - StrYBTSXBaV J. nC Worth, pbarmacUt, 806 Belxaeal atreet. .. BBOOXXTaT. - - Brooklya Pharmacy, corner FwH aad . . MAIwaukta gtrMtS. . . - v - : ILLUBTKATION K0. 4. ' "IU .OLDEST -TBTTBT CObTPAB 1 X ,'.'-. 0BEO0M." ' .'.? I Resources over $I,0()0,0fl0 -'-Ton4 air going to trtTeirToar'ar uneer-' tala how long yea will . be away. loa do not want poor fund to be Idle. Call oa a. Procure a certificate of deposit, payable oa 0 days' call, with Interest at 4 per cant per aanuo. When yon think'' of turning home ward, call your certifies ts by msll or wire. AJ the aad of 00 daya we will pay the certiorate with Interest to that date. . We thall be glfd to answer questions f you will call oa ua or send for book of . - - ,1X1TTBATI0S.- PORTLAND TRUST C0MPANX.0F OREGON .(Thlrd BtreetjJ. rboaM.ila.; 464V- BEN J. 1. "CO H ttS'.l'ZTTT. Prealieil H. L. rPITTOCK.;-.. Vice-President B. LEE PkOKT.v.... ...Becretery Jr-Or trOtrTBA... AasHlaiit Becretxry arxrrnis w WBBFOOT CAMP. Ko. 66. Woodmea Of tha World, meet erery Frldy arenlng 'at W. O. W. ball. Tenth and Waahlngtoa at. All members ar requested to be present. ' Refreshments will be sereed. A royal welcome extended to all rial ting neighbor, JOS. HHWItU. U VI. A, U BAKBLB, Clark. 261 Third. COLt'MBIA LODOR, No. HA A. P. M A. M. Special communiraiioB this (Thursday) arenlng, at A o'clock, Maeoele ' temple. Work In K. A. degree. All K. A. Masons larlted. By order of W. la. , B. 8. PAGL'K. Secretary. THE new city fa hi era to meet. Mayor-elect Hsny Lsne wilt poealhTy cn a meeting of the council-elect to determine - tha most . populsr barber shop' In the city. The meet ing will be held nt Rogers' Barber Shop. - 266 Alder at Tba public larlted.' MINNEHAHA TRIBE, Bo. A -ImproVed Order Red Men. The regular meeting will b held '"In the aew wigwam. -Willamette hall,-No. C OTTO W FUTURES ARE FOURTEEN POINTS UP rWml.KsA hr Ovrhek. Stsrr A Cook Co.l New York, June 8. Cotton future closed II set. higher. . Today a official eoffoTrarkr! wrr-"-" . Jlnen. Hlah. low. ClnM. y.snar . 824 8M 824 887ittM Febru rj 6 M March 8ai 848 Ml June 71 7 7te Jnly 7M S10 TP2 Aueuat 7B5 812 74 September "7 S4 802 October .-SOT. 824 Sof v- k ei aoa aie - BIB- OdiltSdO Urerpool Oettea Higher. Ltrerpool, Jun A Cotton future eloed ateady, I pointa up. WE WAY to better things In trocarlee, and to lower prices for life's neceesl-- tlea. K you are not gettlnB th - satisfaction you deelre In ; theg ; partlcalara,- w can render, you . material aaslatance and save you many dollar. Our service: . , row ballTarlag dally la not -equaled by any large store in this country. Don't Judge us by a Saturday order or a .. holiday ' order. ' We , do ' a large bue- iness, and . are (axed ' beyond our capacity on those days, and . neeeeaartty our deliveries "srarAtl" late. Give ua your business fof on, month, and w will stand on .. your - Judgment. '.'i-'-; F. DRESSER & CO. WOMnAWDm ailATIBT -r"";' .... OSOOSBT. ----- ;'.. . SeroBth aad Waabioa-toa Bta. J Bast rifteeath aad- rodway. Seaside; Ore. powartvo. sonnrs BJ oo, " (EaUbllahed !$$. i AT AM9 BTOCat HOEIIB, Btoeraa 4, Orosnd Floor. CTaTAAlBBm OF OOanCBBOB. - J fvyt oecono siree. as ouwva p., mum . a y- aaurauay oreaing. i r u. i , bi tmHBsei mraaar I i u 1 1. CAB8TENBEN.. Chief et Baoorda. , S4AIQ46 7B04IOI 8O7ift08 610011 814fl6 821 ft 22 82nfl27 L : " i ... . m : f ,-, ' . I BOTICE. " ' - -I " BITWATIOlfS WABTEB TEKALX. IN th reuaty court of the tat of Oregon for Meltnoaiah eouuty. la the matter of the eetat of Sarah L. Healop, deeraaed. Notice - 1 hereby gltea that Kuilly Leil.ilua lort rlrte, admlultrtrlx with th wlU anaexad, ; of Ihe" relate of Sarah L. Has lop. deosaawl, has filed la the county court ot.the etsta -of Oregoa." for Multuruuah county. er filial account and report ea turh aduilnletratrlx, ., and aald court haa. by order duly made and entered, appointed Monday, the 26th day of June, 1005, st the t -''fj'irl' In tha city at Porllaud, said county aod alsts, s tha time and piece tor bearlug objections to asld account, and for tha "settlsmeut of th earn. ' EMII.f - L'MOINB I.OVERIP01. - Admlnlstrstrlx With tha Will Annexed of the katate of 8srsh-U- Haatap. tsssd. Dated May 17, lku6. . NOTICa) OF BALE. Tke aaderslgBrd, trhstes la baakruptry of tbs eetate of A. J. Cranwell.. will sell to the hlgheet bidder for rash oa tha 10th.dsy of Juue. 1006, all of the iiersooal ' property of said bankrupt, consisting .of stork ' of Jewelry odd fancy goods, nlckel-ln-the-slot mschlnes And also dxturee. Seeled bids ac companied by a eerttdrd check for 10 pea cent of the amount of tba bid to be presented to the undersigned st the office of Bsuer A Oreene. 627 Chamber of Commerce, Portland, "Oregoa, before noon of said loth day of June, .. 1005. Ssld ssle to be auhlert to cnuflrma- '. tlon by the court. Blda will ha recelred for the atork and lit ure separately or Jointly. - Inrentery may be examined at ofdee of nn-deralgned.- l. U WHITE, - Trustee In Bsnk- ruptry, Dekura bldg.' SEALED blda will be recelred at tha school rlerk'a office, city ball, up to 12 o'clock m. on Jdoaday, June 2rt. 1605, for beating and reutllstlng the following school buildings, . rla 1 Shsrer School bulldln Multnomah School building, Srllwood School building. A - certified check of lo per cent of the amount , of the bid must accompany .th aame. Plana and apeclflcatlona can be seen at th school clerk's office. The school board reaerree the ' right to reject aay and all bids, , Thomas J. Jones, architect. BOTICE of B took holders' Meeting Tb aa. - nual ' meeting of th etorkboldrra of , tb Oregoa Iron A Steel Company will be held ft the Office of tb company, room 88 Sher lock building, PortUnd. Oregoa. June 20, ' 1806, at 11 o'clock a. bl for the purpoaa f electing a. board of directors for tbs ensuing yeer. and the traneactloa of such - other bulaeg aa may legally- com before - th meeting. A. B. PATTT7-L0. Saeretary. Portland. Or.. Msy 23. 1906. BOTICE OF TSTBTES'S BALE Of VESBOaTAX. ':" BOPESTT. . ! - -rlotlc Is hereby glrea '' thst 'ia" pursusnc of th order of the court and direction- of the creditors made and had In tha matter of the bankruptcy ot Speer Bros., the aaderelgaed trustee In bankruptcy will sell st public aue tlon. for cash, subject to cooflrmttfoa and re rlsloa by th court, oa th loth day of June. 11M6, at tha hour of 1 o'clock p. as. of ssld deyy-at tb town of - AureeeHle.-Merton- county. Oregon, the following deecrlbed personal prop, arty, to-wlt: . . A ' . All that certain atork and stocks of goads, wsres. msrchsnrllrs and f'-'"--- .-.A ..A belonging to Speer Bros, located st their store at Mekaaae aad at -Aumarllla la aald Marlon county. Oregon. - ''.'. Dated at Saltm, OregoA tbla 81st day of Bay, 1206. ,, ; f WI DTTRBIH. Z.0ST abd roTxn FOUND A place to bar hair met tresses rem) - rated and returned same day. Phone Mala . 474. Portland Curled Hair Factory. LOST Bay horse In Irrlngton. weight 850 Cunds, no shoss. brand I - Notify Portland srket, Tark aad Morrlaoa at. ' LOST Key ' ring with keya. Finder will rewarded by returning to 312 Alder, . FOUND Gold pin, cere Journal. Initial 0 on face. . X 47, BXL1 WABTED atALaV MANAOERS wanted for our efftcee la all large cities thiuugooul Oregon; w psy rent. Hbersl salary and commlaaloB; essh deposit and (ef ereme required. Addreee "Maneger.". 818 Grant Jldg.. Baa FraBclaca. EXCELLENT opportunity to prepare for comlnf clrll aemr exsminsuons; salaries anw ie 2.700; call S to 11. - Kdgar u. Busn, sie lumrre " "t-, UP-TO-DAT8 prepeeeeeelBg young ma a to ae - high-grade proieettlon In Oregon; thorough " lnatructloa glrea. Addreee K 44, Journal, School -telegraphy A electricity i paptla waated; alee position wanted for graduates. 306H la. DBTECTITE8 Men to learn i wa gaaraut work to oar puplla. - B 801. 266 Morrlaoa at. WANTED Hotel-runner, tha Irrlngtoai 675 Irrtng at. Apply to H. C. rinrtelL WANTKD Huetllng aollrlter: good " pay for actlr maa. 198 M or rteon at. . WANTED Sign painter. 21tVi Washlngtoa at.. corner lirst, upstair. HEX WABTED FEMAXE. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. Hotel, restsursnt, offlce.atore. bakery, laandrj - and-Tarolly patron solicited. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICR. 48 Washing too st.. room 7. cor. Sersnth el , Phona Main 2c2. GIRLS wanting employment, each as general housework, wattreeeee, rhamhermslds, cooks, cell on Scandlnarlan Employment Co., 270 Burnslde et. Phone Msln 80R8. WANTED Ctrl and women to. work In fruit. caeoery) good wages. Apply to Hoi roe Canning Co., Eaat Eighth and Dlrlstou sts. WANTED Immediately. experienced eeennd . girl; wages $25; slao unatalra girl, 230 Tamhlll. Phona Main 6418. WANTED Competent waltreaaea Immediately;, $20 per month, board aad roam. Americas Inn. - exposition grounds. WANTED Operators on shlrtwstste and skirts and shlrtmskera. The Bpcncer Co., 12 loth at. Phone Mala 66R0. . , EXPERIENCED ladles' flothe . irnners, slao . asalatant stsreher. Psclflo LaandryCo. Flrat and Arthur eta. OIM. for general housework. Apply betweea T and 8 errotngs or and 10 mornings, 650 XreretfSgt. WANTED Immerilatelr. rery 6ret-clsss family .eonk; ware $40. 230 Ysmblll t. Phona Msln 6413. - QOOD steady day ehsmbermsid wanted at 47 Sixth, north. Hotel Baranac. Call after noons. WANTED Olrl for general housework, email - family; Sat; call at once. 900 Park at. " WANTED First-class sbtrtwajst-msker. 284 Ysmblll. A. Llppmsa. lady'a tailor. WANTED Olrl for general housework; family 4 adulta. 786 Irrlng.- GIRL to do honaework from 1 to 2; wages $11 Cell 651 Kearney et. ..1 JL . - WABTED MALt ABD FXHALE HELP.' BEN and women to lesri barber trade la g weeks: katrtlreaarng , manicuring; graduates eera $16 to $25 weekly. Seattle Barber Col lege, 12) Washington at., Seattle. WANTED At once, a bright, energetic, pee . eentsbl man er woman, a good talker, te - tsks up sn attrsetlrs proposition. . Inquire - 733 Chamber of Commerce, a a. as. WANTED Cbristlsa-bom, for old lady who muat hers good care; references. Address - K 60, ear Journal. CAM.INO aad bnalnesa cards, 60c 100; $2.13 .,1,Giiq.- SOH Sixth at. Aatomstle-Csrd Preea. -BITUATIOMg-WAlfTED kfataV- W ANTED Position by young wisrrled man aa 1 clerk, bookkeeper or trarellng-mss; ex S. perlrnreA Addreee K 60, care Jonraal. POSITION a ateward. hotel or reetaurent manager; experienced; Al reference. Ad dress K 49, care Journal. - , CARPENTER .good all-round workman, wishes work, or will ex will exenange worn wuo reuapie party. Box 64, Sell wood. BY experienced grocery aa teaman; beat refer eficee. I eo, rare journal. WABTES AOEXTS. AGENTS WANTED To aeil lour auperlor high grade anraery atock; aew and complete out fit furnished fr: ceah weekly; write to day for choice ef territory. Capital City - K (freer y Co., Balers, Oregon. WANTED Specialty aaleemsa to ell oa com. m lea loa to dealers, an entirely new' ertlrle " of greet merit spd splendid seller. Call o or sddress tie 0. Miller, $49 Sixth et., ' ForUaad, Or. , WANTED By married wemaa. charge or . roomlua-bouae: resuwtabl place only.- Ad dress k 4M, care Journal. . WANTED Position a stenog rspber ok book. keetMH- hr - roune lade .luaL uut'4lf colleas. - I 'nope. Jecoiv. AlUi, COMPKTENT women, gd worker, wsat work by the dsy; slao expel lenced Iroorr. Pboe Mala .1625. rHmiWiN-ee-te-ndttdy tn;ToJflni-houe. H M," cera Journal. - EMFLOTMEBT AOEBCES. PACIFO COAST EMPLOYMENT' AGENCY : pemored-nJ2Vk,Jlorth Becoad at-Pttoaa Kea 101. . , .. .... - , UAJIahN S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. . - FOB MEN. 26 N. Second at Phone Mala 162A. AMERICAN Employment aad Reel Estate Agee. ry All kinds ef help furnlsbsd free at ' rhargs. . 184 Burnslde St. Black 8361. PIONEER EMPLOYMENT CO. Lahor eontrso tors; bslp free to employera. - 215 Morrlaoa. HELP wanted and supplied, msls or female. B. O. DRAKE. 2o&) Weening ton aj.Clsy 446. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help for alsked free. 152 First at. Phoaa Mala ltJlf.. 186 MORRISON fotnmbla Rlrer Emp. a saucy skilled labor furnlahed. Phase Main 8268. - WABTED TO EE?. oVnKRSAND" AOsTNSwlii find It "to their " adrantsgs to list their rscsnt houaee aad tlate with oar Free Rental Department. Our . - eaeant- bouse directory haa become a recog. - nlsed tustltntloa la Portland, hundreds ot tenants being weekly ; pieced' la eultabla qusrtere. . We - meke no charge Whatgrrr and- owners should tsks adrsntsg of thla eerrlce by calllug at our rental department r and filling, la aa "Information Blsnk." it ? you hsr a -recant bouse., pbona the per- - rlculars aad leer the rest to us. Wa won't allow It to remain long Idle. ' . , H. E.,EIWAU)S. HorSKPCRNISHEB, ' ;. - Free Keutal Depertment. ' - t - ' . 186 to 11 Flrat 81. BOOMS la ell parte of the dty. furatshed. Apply 220 Oondnough bldg. EXPOSITION ACCOMMODATION BUREAU.' fader dtrectloa of th Lewla and Clark Fslf .. Corporation. . .. .- ' Phone Mela 6266. - WANTED To rent hroerlegMetriine.- eomplete,, ' to' to H.-P., double engine preferred, for light plledrlrlng aae; name lowest price for 16 er deys' Use. by the day; renter : - respnnsrhle. Addreee K 46, car Journal. WE hire cell arery dsy fof rscsnt house and furnished house; list, your property with - ua; we will da the rest, ttoban xaggart. 107 Sixth at. - - rY ANTED To rent hoo of S To ), looms, I "Ihout-Nor. 1 ; muat be on weat side, good . I neighborhood, good yard and not far from ' I business center.. . Phone Mala 2123. Addreee 4A3 Hen' St. CIVE ua your room to rent; .w are bar. Ing bsny cells for furnlahed aad unfurnished rooms to rent. J. L. Wells Co., 04 Orend srs. FOB BENT inSCELLAaTEOTf B, PHOTO. STUDIO, furnlahed. and 1. 414 Ablngtoa bldg. Inquire bet, 12 Phoae Clay 632. WABTED MISCTT-tArEOUB. ' WANTED More spi ring and wbttawaahtngf the only gesoiln ctimoraeaaa air anraylna outflt oa the taat. M. O. Mnraaa A C 876 Mllwaukla at. Phone East 2311 : - WANTED To bur a modern Broom cottage la j good aclghborhond. Room 80, BussalL bldxw I rourta .snq .aiorrisiiu. SHORT ORDER Printing House F. J. Ryder ' Second and Waahlngtoa ata. Msle 6686. . WANTED Gent' ticket to Sonkene: middle seed, light. Answer K 62, cars Journal. BOOMS to paper. $3 aad up. pap tr Included! city. ' palntntbem aie i up.- bos , FOB BXBT H0tJ$EXEEFnil BOOMS. K- weeds far 16 ssata. CAMP O ROUNDS ta tha city, 800 feet ebore the rlrer. 2 blocke from rar; brl at tents and "bede; table board reasonable. Address Sky.'" land Cottsgs, Portlaad . Height. Pbou Malar 6083. , TENTS, furnlffhed or unfurnished; ground rest - to pilch your owe tent, $3 per month: fin -prirate ground. - Lewla and Clark camping grounds, Mt. Tabor. IlKins Scott 8754.- ' , LAROE new elegantly furnished housekeeping roome. sultshle for Urge psrtlea; gss range, running water.- Tba Lewaedale. 608 Alder. - ATK2 North Berenteenth at., a aulte of lr. Blahed mom for light housekeeping. - tor . psrtles without children: price $3 per week. THE LINDA VISTA, alcely furnished booaekeeo. lag eno aingie rooms raaawnwe. wne r"'w BOOMB AB D B0A1D. S ROOMS and board; excellent conk; nee of phone, piano and Urlng room; large hath; rrferencea exchanged; aew house, -eurmrhs e " csr Hue, esst side; strictly flrat-cla. Addreee I 6o. JouraaL FES. we can accommodate a dfew mora table, hoarder; bom cooking and arerytblng Srat class. Aster house, Sereuth and , Madlsoa, Phone Msln 6231. THE JULIAN COTTAGE 267 8e rentb: room tor trsnalents, $t per day breskfsst Sirred I . Jefferson car, get off at Berenth. THE IRVING Elegant accommodatlona, BO exorbitant charge ; dining-room In con nection ; prices right, t or, lqfq anqlrjjp, THE HELENA dining roome. board by the day, week or month; reasonable ratea; Strictly, iltelssa. 271 Fifth st.t opposite city baH, BOOMS with board, day. .weeh-or month, rery ressonshle; nice large alcore, apltebl . fof people. 602 Clay. Phone Mala 6090. THE LIN DELL New family hotel, Marks, bet, - Third end Fourth; steam beat, electric light, porcelain bathe; exceedingly lew rstea.- S BI.OCKS from fair room, board, - print jesldeoc. 822 Qulmby, -er Twenty-fifth. ..Al car i - - - - - - : NEW furnlahed rooms with board In prtra ts ' fsmlly for 2 or $ young gentlemen. . 60S Mill at., - BOOM and board at Clay and Water ata.. Be. . 828. M. Jsr. " '' FOB BEAT FLATS. ii i i.i-i. i - -, , -, - - - - - '- M pint RENT 2 new modern 6 -room flats fof .. $l6.6o. Including water; ,no children deelreA 625 Mill t, v . FOR REXTsJBotw. J-roont.fnyiuahtA.-flat. - MS Mill St. i'i' ' - FOB BEBT HOUSES. FOR RENT June 10, completely furnished 6 . room. cot tx, $60 month, weet side. No. 2 North Eighth st. . Call from 1 to 8 p. m. KADDERLT Tit A N8FER-COM MISSION CO. - I'laeoe and furniture mored pmmrtly by "aae perleuced meu. 110 Third at. Main 185. - - FOR RENT 2 modern 7-room- bonass na Esst Thirty-fourth st. rent $20;. 0. Beck, room o7 Tb Flllng bldg. . TEN-ROOM - modern house. In ale aelghhnr. -hood, prirate family of adults; refereecee. 447 Columbia at. FOR RENT Nicely fnrnlahed. houae wltkla,. --wa'klng' mtnct fulr grounds. Call . Msln 4100. - . FOR RENT Lerge, handsome house end grouad , art top eg Mt. Tabor. Apply. Hynsoo, Journal -office. , - NICEI.T located 6-room bouse, low rent, furni ture foe aele. Inquire 740 Union are. FURNISHED honse, 134 Grand ,r North. FOB BEBT FARMS. FOR RENT 6 acre of land, all ta cultlrs- tloa. East Forte-third aad Beetle Uae rosd. W. 0. Beck. $07 Tke Fsllln. FOB BEBT 0FFTCX-B00B. OFFICE room for tent. Call from 10. a. m to 6 p. m. 61 1 Dekum bldg. FOB BEBT TBrtrXBTSHIS BOOMS. GOOD Unfurnished1 rooms, snltshle for offlre or sleeping-room; secosd ioor, , Kama bldg.. rtae at. . . , . r V -- i . - Y w W.,.B, aAm ry-yrw : A,