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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
THE -OREGON -DAl illlff lifllfW IT RARE MINERAL ON LILLOOET K TAX "COrir.IISSRJN OF OREGOiT NAr,IED """"'Entered at the ana toff lea ef Fnrtiaa'd. Or. .fnr trananorttlloa through tee nulla a seeoad lIlH UlatUv. . - Peelasa (or alnrla nnlH' far I. 10 or 18- PP. 1 ent: MitN page. 1 ceat; 83 . . " " a vauiB. nxzrxoMxs. . Editorial Rooms, .....Mala M) - wi ma, ... ..... . . m ......Mala w ' roiriov inTHTiniiii avaaraviiTaTrrt , Vraeland-Beafamla gpectal AdTertlalaf Afeacr, '16u Xaaaaii alret. Aaw Juri; XrlUuo iuUd. t'aleego, . , ., ( . . STBSCllPTIO BATES. " '' -ji Tama bv Carrlar. Tha Pally Journal, with Bunder. 1 ar...$T80 lae lally Journal. 1 yar .U0 Tha ball? Journal, with Hundaj, uoatha. 8.78 '" Ine Dally. Journal. 0 wont tie.,!,.. t) : The Dally Journal, with KuudaT. 3 noatha.' 1.B3 "To Dally Journal. 8 aiontba. ........... I. SO Tne Iially Journal, with Muadar, 1 tnoDth.. .US asa Dally par week, dellrered. Bandar ' InelUdad 7, .77 Tae Dally .. ui auk rfallaarad. Bundar " IB r eieepted ........ .10 . Terms ky Mali. --Tna Dally Journal, with Suaday. 1 yaac-.IT.00 . in oauy journal, i raar. ............. ., . Tha Dally Journal, with Huhdar. awn thai 8. Tli Dally Journal. awntua...V 8.78 ;Tha Dally Jouraal, with bunday, ( awntba. J. 00 i- I'm"? journal, a aionine. . .-. . . ...-. ' Jh " Journal, with Sunday, t naouta.,. Tha Dally Jouraal. 1 month .60 Tha Sunday Journal, 1 yrar.i. 1.00 aa aauoay journal, moatha 1.00 - laa Baaal-Weeklr Jeitraal. ," . Tba Baal-Weekly Journal, IS'1' to 11 pages eaj-n laaue. llluatrated. fuU mark at re. ; fort. 1 year ., ...11.80 nruitiaucra annum Da Bade by drarta, postal . aotea. expreea ordrra and aaall amounte-axe acceptable la l and 8-ceat pnetase atampa. - r TKS J0UB.1JAL. ... P. O. Bat 111. Portland. .Or. WHjI IU JOUklfAI. MAT Bl TOUVD. The Journal t 'found oa aa la at the folk) Wall aT nlaaM BOISB. IIJaho2-H. Seller A Co.) W, CHICAOO Poatofrtca Nawa compaayt ITS Daar . DENVER, UTA KaodrtoK Book A SUttoaary aannany, SI3 Bnonterath atraat; i. Black. arDtB ana t artla atrrata. TtANBAS f'lTY Van Nor Kawa aomnanr .M,J???AP0L'-I-"naufb, AW Booth , intra arrrct. . ,'a u n nraataaa av taioa iqaara. "OMAHA Millard .Hotel Nwa atandi Ueata m nray, ma r arnnm atraat. BAl.T LAKE CITY Kanron tlnOl Maaia atal.ll Barrow Broa.. 48 Want Harond atraat. aouth. " 8T- J-OUIS Philip Hoatlar. 618 Locuat ftraat: K. T. Jatt, 808 Ollra atrart. SAN PBASC18CO W. . Ardln. Palara Hotal PWa atanjt mttA iruul if -. k - - " - amlth Broa.. 1M guitar atraat. and' Saint . roaiar m uraar. rarry duiio '"a I N. Wheatlry. moTrabla arwa atand, cor : BKATTI.B Ralnlar Orand Nawa, atand;' W. IW cnanaa, uotai aaattla Nawa atand. . ".POKANB, WAfn John W. Orabam A Ca. xawma. WASH Tantral -Nawa eompaayt VHTORIA, B. C. Victoria Book A (Stationary WEATKIE KEPOKT. - - Thundar-ahowara ara rebortad nrallr. in ; aaatara ((reroti. anutharn Idaho and la tha ; wi oi riireroa aortnara Cagrornla. Ela. . whara la tha Borkr nountaln and tha Pacific coaat alata-a no rain of umiu--u a.a ... - rnrrMj. Tha .trmpotatara baa rlarn la ' all r.-iHHis i -ma i-acinc Dortawaat. - Tha Indtcatlona ara tar nartlv ImmA mA oocaalonally tbraataalnc arratbar is -thla.dla-trlrt Krlday, with acattrrtna; thuwdrr-abowarf 7-u,.0?inU-",,"-ia -nauntalna. - - : auaaiAoi" uctwzs. -Prrd Gltibana and Itnaa I,. Tturbar. t " r. A. Bird and Anaml Darla. . rihart Hollaad aad ( hrlallna Johnaoa. ;W. B. frana and Lillian II. Lawla. . . Carl Rlohtar and Wllhalmlna Erra. - E. R. Bawlay and Mattla K. AaderaoB. ' r H. W. Bll and J Mai a Wln. .. . W, Rothrlck and Clara Knapp. I Waddlna Qarda. WXfcMaltht Ca r 'WiaH- rr, tnf ton alOf-lorTTourth and Waab4atoo ata. HAWKEJiin B. to - Mr.- aad Mr rtiarlaa E. Hawka. Hal Multnoauh atraat, a daughter. KNOWIJCSalay 28, lo Mr. aad Mra, A. W. 'naowin, ui paarnia atraat, a aoa. - , - i 00TAOI0CT TJIBZABES. - . METEGEB Jnna T. Victor Mataaar, OattBaD -: road, nrar rlty llailta. typhoid iarar. " 1RII.YEH8 Juna 7. Aiifuat Hllyara. 433 Hoyt atraat, ararlaC farar. - - - . BNVDER Juna .8, Lcoaa Baydar, ' 83 tt Elrat atraat. mraalaa. - 'CI.AM0ROAN Jnna T.. tUU Olamorfaa, 133 -l'8HAW--Jirar-t Jaaatrv aTvrtaTu7J4J8 . i pwiur airrei. aipoinaria. . MrUty-Jiina T. Aulta Mulloy, 81 Corbett -j- atrvct, fcarirt lerar. - r "- - r: .. BITI TOT CEXETEET. " 'r S Bint la araraa 110. Family lota 8TB ta 11.000. Th only eataatary In Portland which - . parpatoally malntalna and can for lota. For fnll lnformstlon apply to W. ' T. Alacf anala. noreaatar eioca. city. w. u. udd, praaldant. rramatorlun- oa Orafoa City rar Una. aaar , Ballwnod; anodrrn, aclantlrla, eomplata. , Chanaa Adulta, 836; chllrtrao, fiS. Vlaltora 8 a. m. to o p. m. a-oriiaau vranauoa . aaaocutloa. , i wuauu, vrrBvo. ' - - TWTtdwird Holaiaa I'ndartaklnf roa-pany. ' fanaral dtrrctora aad ambalmrra. 120 Third airaau raoaa our. . J. P. Flnlay 8j tv. 1 funaral dlraatort and rrmninnan, wrmnniririM Mtfllaon atree flfflna nl aaaaly aaanwa. tTtliuliuM aTata ft. -- Fnoaral wraatha aad eat flowara a aaaclalt .at Kaa City. Graaobouaa, Twanty-aacoad aad aaai atomaoa. opp. camaiary. Clark Broa. for Bowara. tn Morrlaoa atraat. -j V - BE AX IBTATB TBABBEEBS- - V. B. Ludlow and wlfa to A. O. Wool. , f .'. bury and wlfa. lota 8-12. Inclualr. , block 44, Panlnaular addition 275 1 Point View Laud company to M. Ma bar. lota 1 and 2. bkx-k 2. Point View ... 210 , B. LMOlow and wlfa to A. U. Woodbury ' " V and wife, lot 8. block 44. Penlrtaular , addltloa . 50 W illiam Tarkmlrr and wlfa to II. BVhlr far. 20 acraa aactlona1 80 and 81. town. hip 1 north, range 8 aaat ........... 440 , J.' 11. Bettlrnilcr and wira to A. Jonet. - lot f , bloc 12T. fiartrtnarl addition 1 - M. M. Cain and wlfa to A. Schmidt, lot . Ubkvk - ajdty .... . 1 i R. I. Ectaraoa and wlfa to H. F. Car. atapa. lot 8, block 4. Marlata tract ;. -VI , Point View Land company to L. Damaniv : . lota 11-I6. Incliialra. Iota 23 28 ln- cliialTe. block X Point Vlaw 675 .Colleaa Endowment aaaoclatlon to o. T. and M ' JohnarHi. lota I1-1S. 'lnclualra. block 14. Collar PUea 878 ' O. 0. Wl)lla and wlfa to R. Kana, lot . 18. block 10, Portamonth 3 - P. M. Deknm at al. to S. Smith. I) ' -i-acraa aortloit SB, townahlp t aorta, " grange 8 aaat ... 1 , J. E. Scott and wife to R. Redmond. . W 4. block 78. Portland City Hone ' ' 8ta ; II M. W. Smith, admlnlatrator. to E. H. r Wamtna. kita 3 and 4. block 18, -lty-KrS8,0u0 - ' L. B. Phllllpa and buahand to B. K. Phllllna, parcel land bef Innln at In . t erection of aaat Una of Ept ' Elahteenth attended and cantar Una . Z ' O arraet. aati nderl ' : ,8 -i-B- Hothrooh awd -wlfa w-P,-f..Joltw . at al., lot 7, block 8, BL Johna Park . ; -dflltlnn ' 300 'I. A. Heard and wlfa to L. Kerr, lot 8. block 8. North Iranhoa addition .... 160 P. i. Bollna at al. to 1. W..8tarana at h al.. Ma 18, 7, block 8, St. Johna Park . addition 860 " B. 1. -Eckrana and wlfa to O. A. 4 Tborrraa and wife, lota 8 and 10, block .Sannyalda Land A Improremant corn pany to A. M. Thooipaoa. lot 10, block ; o. nwonraioa 1 . . 200 t J.. Krtfnoen ta F. Boaaa, 1 a era aectloa townahlp 8 aorta, ranee 8 -want.. J, 860 . RrlfBoen to F. Boaaa, 1 acre arctloa ' M. towiMhln 8 north, ranya 3 waat. . 1M Pi Boaaa to '. .Boraaaja. 1 acre aectloa . 8A townahlp 8 north, rane 1 weal ... 800 -. T. 8. MrDanM to A. U. Wrlaht. lota J? ."n ' B,wrk 't Portland .- Helhia--rT--,t.-.-rv--.-.7.-....-.-;.......-.-" "B50 M. H. H"ue and kuaband to 1. Volhaya ; and wlfa. lot IB. block B. Ballwaod.. 128 T. R.' A. Ballwaod and wlfa to H. N.v RoMnaon at aL, lota 1 and 3. block 80, Hell wood I7S ' M. A,- Ounat to H. E. Nnbla. anbdlrlaloa , A Wit 1. block 8, Portia ad Homeatead tract 1 ..7... i. ' I 1. Danaarbarf and wlfa ta A. Bchajldt, Dominating Metal Heavy Alloy of Iron and Nickel in Pay :- Quantities. - - IRIDOSMINE ANP NATIVE" GOLD ALSO IN THE ALLOY Dredges on Fraser River Will 7 Look to Values In Uttfe - . . uSed Metals. (SoecUr Dtooatck ta Tba Journal.) . .Vancouver' B. C, Juna 8. An uuuaual mineral haa been found In Liillooet. at the clean-up on the Oreffga of the- Iowa company. ' which ia operating on the upper reaches of Fraser river. A quan tity, of heavy aand waa found, having; a grayish color and tnetalllo luater, and Dr. Hoffman of the federal geological aurvey, to whom a ' sample was for warded, reports that it Is a composition of tron-nlckeL alloy, 47 parts; platinum, 43, and other minerals. 10. The other minerals ' comprised lrldoamlne, native gold, magnetic oxide of iron, .titanio Iron, . quarts and garnets. The Iron nickel alloy ts strongly-rnagnetlo, and on analysis- was found to have over 7t per cent of nickel. . " '" ' There are nly two instances reported where minerals of similar' composition have been discovered, one at Awatua Bay, iew Zealand, where, it la aaao clated with gold, platinum, tin, chrome Iron, etc, and one on the Klvo, Piedmont, Italy, where it is also -associated with gold and other minerals. Dr. Hoffman proposes that this new .mineral shall be known as "soueslta," after F. Boues of Clinton, -who- la -one, of the -Oldest gold commissioners in the province, and'wbo has always taken a great Interest in mining. " - , Since it has been ascertained that this depoalt is valuable, the dredge company Is saving Its tailings. It Is also llKelj that a lookout will be kept by tnlnera on the river for the. deposit, as It baa been demonstrated " on . previous oeca stons that thes black sand, ""b many deemed worthless, is' heavily charged with gold and platinum. SHADE OF BALUETIS - HAUNTING WHITE SWAN 8paclat napatcb to Tba Journal. ) - Ban Francisco. June 8. The aanual meeting of the stockholders of the White. Swan 'Mines company (limited), the concern that was organised by Let son Ballfet, proved troublesome In every respect. ' Dr. . C- H. King of W abash, Indiana, president, and Ole Bear of Lake Mills. lows, resigned tnelr offices when it appeared that there was no prospect of peace bU ween, the warring factions. A receiver .may be applied for by the dissatisfied element,- or, there may bj another effort to secure officers satis factory to kit connected -with the com- rjanv. - - ' ; secretary C. H. Btuller seemed to con. tfol the-meeting. Me was successful In bavlng ruled out certain - eastern proxies .voted against his ..faction, after which he had a heavy majority. It was then- that ' the. two easterners resigned. No detailed reports were made show It j r. jng the financial,, of tha company- reasurer Scar said that there was but 11,800 in the treasury, but the expenses of the psst yaajv-over which there has been much - discussion, were "notre ported. Instead. of thta meeting putting am end to the troubles of the White Bwan, as had been expected, tha con- jfention- seems merey to Jiave.. marked but another stage of their, development MONUMENTAL SHAFT WILL BE SUNK DEEPER 1 am making arrangements tor stnk- lDg again on ha Monumental," ssld Manager C. J. Allen yesterday, while In this city. ' "We will go down another 100 feet and drlfV the ore deposit as we nu'i aone on the loo level,, and when thTai is finished, prepare for further depth." . Mr. Allen referred to the . Grant county property of the Blue mountains, in which there wss high gra"de gold-sil ver ore in the last work done on the 108 level below tbr lower adit- He -ssld that the reports of a new strike origi nated! from developments on the 100 level where the drift opened the inter sect I on pf tha flncnq a,rd No. Van, 1 his- is - the - same - -ore- body formed where the flucon intersects No. 7, it having a length of ZOO feet and more there. At the 1-00 shaft level the drift Has -not bean sufficiently-extjnataaV. (nraTffTnfl TuTITenglhofthe shoot, but It will probably be aa long as In the soil, perhaps longer, ss Monumental shoots strengthen with -depth. s , Home After Sfaay Tean. miners - of -tha Sumpter district, Is .n Portland en route to Scotland, where ne win spend several months visiting. Mr. -Dewar. With Clark Tahar. Anrirav Elliott, and a few other inrvhrnra of tne oia acnooi. din tha nrat lncatinn work In the Blue mountains. - They Iota 8 and 4. hlnek 8 IMeailal . . nA a. naioai aai wire to toe welllnama com pany, norm w real lot . block 102. L'onca'a addltloa ...r..... -arm rmiiiui jruai company ta it Kal lot. north SB fret nf waat U in 8, Woclt lTr Eaat Portland t-.. i tBB nroiiiaa-Ainerican myeataient toaipany, . , . 1.IO., ro aa. aicrneraon. ante s. 4. and n. bwi ii, n ma matte rtrifDta addl. tloa - 1 7. ft B. B. Yoaiaaa to Fidelity Troat aompaay. - lnri iana aa t-ainr real oeaiunlns . rortneaat corner lot 4. Mock 11, Doacaer'f kddltlea 1 Get your inenranee -an8 ahatraeta to aaal calm from tha Title Onarantea Truat aoai peay, Cbambar ot ' Commerca building. PILDIH0 MIMIII, j IIBN'KPRR-Jnna t. J. P. and R. B. Menefea. flweuiug. rioonay araoua . near Tlllaaaook atreet: coat. 82.00O.i- - - , - COOI'KR June 7. K. J. Cooper, dwelling, Ha at Taywr eatwaaa eaat Tbirtr-nrtn ana Eaat Thlrty-alitk atreeU: coat. 81.800. WADK Jnna 7. H. T. Wada. eottaia. Com- mercui pctweta . umi na.atuuaotaatreau; coat. Il.m A Nil BUST KIM -Jnna T. Mra. U. Anyerafeln. dwalllns. anrner Eaat Twaaty-elghta aad Bel mont at reel a: coat. 81.800. M HOI. l.NI June T. J. W. McnolUncl. . dwelUns. Eaat Klrnteentft batweea Darki and Conch atreeta; coat, 81,8in. ELLIOTT anna - 7. i. Elliott, rapalre t dwelling, corner Dwhasi araaua and Bleteatk atraat: coat. 8100. BRITTH Jnna 7. Mra. B. Mrltta. ' dwelling. Wetnier Datwaaa saar aonrreejtn ana Eaat Fifteenth atreeta: coat. 81"). rarloas righttkg. For seven' years." writes Qso. W. Hoffmati, of Harper, -Wash.. "I had a bttter battle, with chronlo stomach and liver trouble, but at laat I won. and cured my disease, by the use of Elect rti Bitters. i unnesitsiiagiy recommend hem to all. and don t intend in tha future to be without them In tha hone. They are certainly a wonderful medi cine, to have cured eUrti a bad caae as mine. Hold, under guarantee to do ha same for you, by Red Cross Phar- nacv. AlvtK a . t Oab atraat.. . an-, m bottle. Try them today, When Well Known Port-; . - land People Tell It . So Plainly. TVhen publlo endorsement ia made by a representative cltlxen of Portland the proof Is positive. -Too must believe It Read this testimony. : Every backache sufferer, every man, woman or child with any kidney trouble will find profit ia the reading. .--r-W-. . ; .' Tr ' W. H. Waldron'of TV. H. Waldron Co., real estate agents, ItO Middle street. says: '' "Some months ago I began to experience a dull, heavy, .aching pain in the. small of my back. Procuring a box of Doan'a Kidney Pllle at drug store I used it and was aoon freed from all pain, - While my case was Hot - a severe one, I know .-of 'Others where life has been prolonged by "the use of this valuable preparation, Doan's Kidney fills." ' : - .. ..'.' . For .sale hy ' all dealers.1 ' Price 89 cents. . Foster-MIlburn Co, Buffalo,. N. T., sola stents for the United Btates. Remember the name DOAN'S and take no other. - ... staked the big Cracker creektodr nd most ot the promfhent producers of the district,- and have been Identified with operations there since the late '80s and early '78s. . Mr. .Dewar will- be in- Scot land all summer, and possibly remain away until next spring, as he has an nually plowed through tha deep anowo of the Blue mountains for nearly a half century, and says that he would enjoy a little change for one season. - . "TT' Stamps- Xrop atoon,- 1 (Special Dlapatck to The Jooraal.V Oeiser, Or., June I. Albert Geleer is About ready to commence dropping a portion of his stamps. Within a short time two or three bettertas will k put in commission, and the continued favor able developments give assurance that the entire mill win be running berore the summer has passed.- The develop ment crew is active in the upper work ings of the - property, a ----- -Work ea Ooldea als. - ' . (Special Dispatch ta The Joaraal.) Cottage Orovs, Or., June I. William Wechter. in-company with-two-other stockholders or the uoiden Kuie, ten yesterday for ..e property. Work will be resumed at once. Mr. Wechter, who lives In Balem, sutes that- tn com pany la in good shape for the. summer's wofkv Twin Bo.a, Bettea. flpeelal Dlapatck to Tba leoraaL) Cottage Orove, Or., Jum's. The Twin Rocks company's mips of Bohemia Im prove with all work a.ys Lewis Hart ley, wh Is down from tha property. PRETTY CHINESE GIRL? ESCAPES SLAVE'S LIFE Mongolian Maid AhTSou, 'Who Fled Portland Prison, Js Sent : to Live at Mission.' (Special Dlapatck to The Journal.) - Seattle, June 8. When the steamship Umatilla left port yesterday morning one of her passengers wss Ah Sou; for merly of Portland, the Chinese girl who for two years haa fought against de portation that she might escape a life of slavery Into which she wss sold by her parents, Bhe In being takcn,-unjer an order- of Judge oilbert of the Nintn United States circuit court, to Ban Francisco where she will be placed in a mission there1 to remain until the United States supreme court passes on her case, and for the first time, de termines whether or not under the con stitution it is possible to send a woman alien out of this country knowing that ahe Is going to a life of slavery. The fund raised by charitable clti sens is now being used to perfect her appeal to Washington, D. C, from the order of deportation and John P. Hart' marTneFattofheyrwnr guasrifrargue the matter. - , OTTINGER TO FIGHT -NhW SUA (Special Dispatch to The Joornal.) Seattle. June . On the arrival here of A. Ottlnger, owner of nearly all the ticket Scalping offices In Washington, a fight will be Inaugurated to defeat tha antl-scalplng ordinance passed ' by the council lsst fall in order to Insure a low rate from the railroad companies for the Lewis and Clsrk exposition la Portland.' The bill la tha aame as was passed In Portland and went Into ef fect In this city today. The Ottlngef office here sold tickets all day yester day and proposes to continue, thus fore Ing tha railroad companlee to take the matter into court - , ' . . . CORVALLIS IN MIDST OF A BUILDING BOOM W-wSkaWaWaaBBaSaSBaw . -(Special Dlapa'tr to Tba JoarnaLi torvallls, Or.i Juna l.-Nevsr In tha history of Corvallla haa there been such a building boom aa at present - Every man who can do even the commonest carpentering Is In demand, while experi enced - men have more than they r can handle.. New residences, principally -of a good class, are going up all over town, and much property ia changing hands at a good profit to the seller, who In turn buys elsewhere In the community and goes to building again. COMMENCEMENT-TONIGHT.. AT PENDLETON ACADEMY (Special Dlasatck to Tke foaraaL) Pendleton, Or., Juna .The eight, eenth commencement exercises of Bt. Joseph's academy will be held this evening at Frasler's theatre. Mlsa So phia Rabbonlblts graduntes, the subject of her oration being "Traditions." In addition ahe delivers the valedictory. Miea Georgia O Danlel will deliver the salutatory. A drama and panorama will be presented by tha pupils. - - - - Oommeaoemest at Albany. ' ",' (Special Dlapatck te Tba Joaraal.) Albany. Or.. June I. Today ushered In commencement week at Albany col lege. Tha Initial event on the program wss a Concert by the students, of the musical department Graduation xr rises of tha commercial class will be held Friday, ; - , - . CPING LAW 1 1 One Democrat and Two Repub ' licans Selected and Duties - A -i Will Be Manifold iz: CHESNINMUS FOREST " w' RESERVE IS CREATED Friendly Mandamus Suit to Compel Monthly Payment of v-';;. Employes Commenced. tSpadal Dlapatck to Tba Journal) . Balem, . Ot June 8. The Oregon State . Tax commission wss appointed yesterday afternoon "and consists of V. W. Mulksy of Portland, W. J. Lch ner of Baker City and C B. Beabrook of Mar.hflcld. The members 'of the' com mission were appointed by, th board consisting of .the governor, the secre tary of state and the atata treasurer, and each of these men named one mem ber of tha commission. Mulkey, Re publican. Is the choice of Moore, Lacu nar, Republican, of- Dunbar and. Bea brook. Democrat, of Chamberlain. ' The law creating - this commission was .passed at the last session .of the legislature and provide that It shall be cpmposed of three members, -not -mere than two of them of tha aame political party. Tha law provldea that the com mission shall meet In the capitol nest Monday, elect a chairman aad appoint a clerk. , . . ' Tha commission must examine the reports upon assessments and taxation. the collection of revenues of this state, frame bills -amending tax laws or the constitution to bo submitted to the next legislative session and codify -the tax laws. The commission aa 17,000 at its disposal..- - -- -r The commission has-power to sum mon-before Jl. any officer of the state connected In any way with" aaaeasment and taxation and officers of corpora tions and the like. Falling to testify ranks ss a misdemeanor, false testi mony as perjury. -5s Each member of the commission win receive 11,000 a year and i not disquali fied from holding any other office not Inconsistent with this. Haw' Tores ateserrs. Land Agent West yesterday received word from Washington that the presi dent haa Issued a proclamation creating a new reserve known as the Cheenlnmus forest reserve. It Is situated in the northeastern - part -of -Wallowa county and "withdraws about 110.000 acreairom entry or -settlement Of this amount about 12,000 acres Is school land, but aa a great part .of this has already been sold, only about i.eoo seres Is now avail able for base. The reserve embracea the following townships all east of the Willamette -.. meridlanr Township a north, ranges 84 snd it east; township I north, rangea 44, 48, 48, 47 and 48; township 4 north, rsnges 44, 48, 44, 47 and 48, and townahlp 4 north, rangea 46, 4, 47 and 48. . , " Opinio endered, ..J'-'.. At-the-request of State Treasurer Moore, Attorney-General Crawford yes terday rendered an opinion -on. the ques tion whether an inheritance tax la to be cald on deeded Drooertv. tha deed to trh-tiXFi rrect after the death of I tha grantor.- The at torny-general held that ther-deeds were made in contempla tion "of death, and therefore the prop erty is subject to tha inheritance' tax. Mandamus - Bait, mandamus suit to compel the secre tary of atate to pay tha atata employes monthly In accordance with the Kay law paaaed at the last session of Jhe legis lature, was filed in- the circuit colirt yesterday. Judge Galloway set Thurs day aa fhe day-for hearing. The facta ara all-canceled and only points of law are to .be considered, t will reach the supreme court in about two weeks. MOTHER ACCUSED 0F 7T KIDNAPING HER CHILD (Special Diapateh to The JoaroaL) - Seattle, Juna 8 William Smyth of 804 Sixth avenue has aworn out a war rant charging hla wife, from whom he recently secured a divorce, with kidnap- lng4aelr - -year-old sona warded M m. by the eourt. IT ef erred 8rtock Oaamed Ooods. -Allen e TawU' Bait Brand. flCHAVANAC IttARS. . ' sP III SIC. SICHEL CD. CO. M Third Street, . Distributers ON SALIC EVERYWHERE. CLAIRVOYANT VAN CORTLAND ALWATS CONiUtT TBI BIST. Others eoaae and go, eat Van Oartlasd ramalss. PROf, TAN COBTI.AND. I08H Waahlagtoa St.. eornar at Fifth.' TBB WOMKtT YOU CNTm T1I8 PARtvOK HB W1I.U TPLL TOU XOI'H SVl.u ' N AMR. OB, OCCl i'ATlOW, TOt lt MATiIKH 4 IAIDE NAMK. AND VROU AND WHKN VOU tVlTX MARRY and what roil called tor, ltkml aaklna a auaallna: will tall tha akaaa et roar taraafliaart ae anrtalof too waat te kaow, Ha aaoaa roe aair aiacia . wieea aad saspler tbaa waaa yoa aallad. - 0r. TAM rjOKTLAlTD, ma Tears ia forUaaa. Tke Ollra, 08H Waaklactaa it, ear. fifth - waaamgioa sta, LOW FEU- LOW FI2I3 Of lee hears a. a, te T yv a., tally Sasiay. i mm UVJ CillforFruTtlil Botlli. Prtci;50c.Dd$I.OO. 3" RED CROSS AVegctablc Prcpatalbnfbr As similating the Food andBetfula -UngucStooeosaiilBowelsof Pronvoles Digesllonbeerful- ness anflKest.contains neimer Opium.Morphine norlioeraL 1VOT KARC OTIC -. - . etr. Java JtmMimtJB Aoerfecl Remedy for Coiistioav non. Sour Stomah,Diantca. Worms .IxinvuIsions.FcvtnsIv furss arid Loss or SLEEP. "TtalSlmlto Signature of NEWYDHK. "T7 JJCLL XXAtt can or wKkBsau. i.airiSniWTrii"S:T7rTr-;j ::..:7. rr-i hi Tiw r I.. ... J IN A WEEK We treat successfully all private rar vous and chronlo diseases of mac: alao blood, stomach, heart, liver, kidney and throat troubles. We cure SYPHILIS wttheat maaaury) 4s stay cured for- -everi in 80 -to 40 dayev-We rsmovi STRICTURE, without operation or pain, in 1( days. We stop drains, the result of self, sbuse. tmmedlstely. We can restore tha sexual vigor of sny man under 80 by mesne of local treatment peculiar to ourselves. ... We -Cure Gonorrhoea in a Week , The doctors of this Institute are all regular graduates, have had many years experience, nave oeen anown in Portland for It years, have a reputation to maintain, and will undertake no cast unless certain cure can be enacted. We guarantee a cure In every caae we undertake or charge no fee. Consulta tion free. Letttrs confidential. Inatruo ttve BOOK FOR MEN mailed free la rjlaln wraoitar. We cure tha worst csies of pile Ja tlon. Cure guaranteed.. If you cannot call at omca, write for Offloe hours. to I and T td I. Sundays and holidays. It to 1 1. DR. W. NORTON DAVIS & CO. Offlcee In Van Noy Hotel, 12 H Third Street. Corner Pine. Portlarwi. Or. ' Scott's Santal-Pepsln Capsules A POSITIVE CURE yor Tn flamstatloB erOstarra of tba Blail.l-r an4 blaaaaad kid- aara. mv vva. mv wmm. inliklf and samaoaiitlir tha worat raaaa of 4iaairrBea aia aaiap'ai aavimv aw oaf ataallns. Asaolatalf larniaaa. awld by srnff lata. lica 8l"e. 9. Dial I, foaa- mu, .i.w, a waH 1.1 THE SAMTAL-PEPSIM CO. DallaroaUlae, Oaaa.. . ky Veetara, Clarke Ca. . . - ' I"' For Sale or Exchange for -r City Property A flna farni and ranch of to acres elnse to Sandy nostomre, well Improved. good land and water, rattle, norsas, wsgrm, hog, chicken, baas and farm ing Implement end hoiiaehod gnpde; "n good road. Thla 18 a bargain at per acre., .... J. L. Wells Co. fee Baia gradually tlgMenln Its colls around Lung Disoaoo whether In tha form of Cough, Bronchitis, La Grippe Pneumonia' or Consumption, slowly but surely increases its hold, until, at last, conies death. . - . ; ; There Is only one genuine Lung Specific, which posltlrely . eures ail these Diseases, and that Is i:.'".";--.tir-""r " dm ;cto roc's El (nl For CONSUMPTION. . C0U6HS and COLDS. It acts directly upon the inflamed lung tissue; heals, strengthens: and' makes it .well. --.;-t:-:f---r-rr-t--;-;.": . , - t--x-.,., Had N6t Slept for Months-" My wife," writes X T." Gray, of Calhoun, Ga., "had not slept for months, because of an aggravating cough. Two of the best physicians failed to help her, but Dr. King's New Discovery gave Instant relief, refreshing sleep, and entirely cured her." ; . KECJOMMEJf DED, WAWULKTatKO AND MUD BT . PHARMACY, SIXTH AND For Infants and Children. This Kind You . Have Always Bought Bears the "Signature of two. ot-lhret rest men ts. without opera question blank. Home treatment. uo . on. Gutnrs B100D !? NERVE TONIC A TAB1.OT TO tAI8 AT MSAL-TIalB, Actlna ea the Sle8 anC karris H replace the loss 1 in Vssi Olaaaie, Oaarwerhee IImIIISi v, T Oalm H miH 8trtftm, sot fat). , T Saaaaae Wmkmu$ frmm 4nf Cavaa. . T Crtmtt Htrm fare. . T Impnv tea Uramerp, To tea Mia 'e 91 MnHhi 8a.av . rateaf7afra JiUaktlhtr AetlM. To Cure AMaea 0aaaa, To f eateev Uoor goats. To aaa tkln 0aaw Ta Car Dympolo . illlontKooo C Caaataatiaa. 0L0 SY D8UCQI8T8, 08. BT WAIL ON RECEIPf . ' . Of Mice, 780. A SOXj SOXES tl. sa. aosAJtKO co, miLABLrmiA. a. Closing-pujt Sale ! We s rof retiring from business and will clnas out all of our Ladles', and Children's Fancy Iry Ooods at .. Ull TaLAJt" COST. ' , . Don't rolsa it. Come how while lines . ar4 unbroken. , L MINQ & BROS; 83 Sixth St. AM J jr For Over feV T h iff Vo a r oil f s!b I II II If I QUI w; I Kill TM ftwUVteMM PaajWfc WW 'HI 9tT9 your wm c OAK STREETS. Painted Shingles 'Advantages' gained by " using our machine. y Shingles a r a painted all over when dry, thus forcing paint Into " All the" pores, rendering- them we.-' terproof. This prevents tha n a i 1 a ' from mating, or the shingle from warping, or rotting oft under the lap. . They can be laid M tOVt Inch nearer to the weather than other ahlngles and still give better, .a-auaiHciKm. mm paint uaen ia ufHrtured solely by us and Is espe cially adapted to protect roofs from moit aqd , fire. It containa no creo sote or other ingredient injurious tcr tin gutters. Our modern process ,'enablea us to paint tem all over ss cheaply as you can. paint a few. inches on the roof. We invite you to esll at nur fac tory and aee for yourself the merit of our process, or phone your ad dress and our representative will call and give you, full particulars. ' Black Diamond Paint Cb7 Tl Office and Factory, ETtth and Main, 'i - rhone Saat S974. CeGEEWO Ths Qrsat Cbinesa Doctor . I .ll0Hll- eadse bis wonderful cures Are so well ' . known -throughout-the -United - States, r- and because so many people are thankful to him for saving . their Uvea front - ' v OPERATIONS He treats any and all - dlaeasea With . M powerful Chinese , - I ntTba. roots, buds. tiarka and vesetablea that are entirely un- known to medical aclanca tn thla coun try, and through the use of the harm- leas remedies. This famous doctor knows the action of over 00 different remedies tha he has eneeeesfulty used in different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung trouble, rheumatism, ner vousness, stomach, llvsr, kidney, - fa- - - male trouble and all private dlaeaae. Hundreds of -testimonials. Charge moderate. Call and see him; - - 00XJTATTCT TAU. Patients out of ths elty writ for btsnk aad circular. Inclose stamp. Ad- drssa -. - .- UHEC-0EE-W0LCIiINESE ""MEDICINJ3 CO. lit Alder street, Portland. Or. Stair way of 15 1H Alder street lead to of. See. Mention thla paper. OOaTOaUaUKOXA, OUST, ttrklUI, aTTVetOOBXaB, TAaUOOOSUB, ZaOSMI Ol -KA8XOOS, BJUUBtATlaat, ZOXXBtAV, ASTKsta. and SKZV XISKASX. W want' every man afflicted with the above diseases to honestly investigate, our special system of treatment. We in vite in particular all who have treated elsswbere without success, all whose esses have been abandoned by family physicians and so-called ' '"SrSOXAlV. UTS," all whose troubls have been ' aggravated and made worse by. the use . of bkts, run SLAacrua, rmXAX. raxATapiaTTB and so-called vrnuw . XOS. -We will explain to you why -such -treatment haa failed to cure you, and Will demonstrata to yourentlr satis faction that we can curt you safely, quickly and permanently. Our couneel . will cost nothing, and w will do by you aa we would wish you to do- by us if our cases were reversed.' Writ for our, home treatment If you cannot calk - The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Booms S and T Wlaohsstsr aTonse, Sd aad Baraalde Streets, jaortlaad, Or. astabushsd lira, -( Every I7c.c.n , allutaraeud it ahoalit tamr I shoirtthe arooitarfiil MARVEL whirunf Sprsy I Ibe now Vaataal erHaaa. Jmjtt. sM Aarfaina. baatAaf. rWtmMiWH. b fnnH SUPI1 U ABIKIm aVOwDC Sta VltT, w4ll Mffed aUatm fCSf UStrtilaatl VTiiwMle4. Ft full tartteulara and dtrwaiotia la- C Taluahlalola.lla,1avai, t OX. a at. sse sr.. iiwiuml FOB 8AL BT W00DA8D. CT-Akkt CI.. KODAK OeVSlOAAO yNO ' mm ViCr.. t- wiN)'., aa .Hri oa-M