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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
:v. ... ..L .THE OREGON DAILY -JOURNAL tT 1IAHY ENTRIES FOR SATURDAY'S MEET " Stair Athletes of State Institu itioni to Meet at Salem '": " Fair Grounds. -EUGENE MEN WILL BE -t -- ' PRESENT-WITH BELLS . ' -.1 L'-"' Willamette and J Pacific Uni verslty Will Have Their Best v " " Men Present. V; (Special1 Wspstcb to Tk. JoejraeL, . Willamette TTnlversltf .' alm. Or.. Jun 8. Th following ar the event .-and th names f tM men who ar to comptt in tho big track meet on Batur i 4T at the'Btate grounds: J09 yards dash Frleaoll. Henderson. Moor. IK of O.: Miller. Glover, Berch. :W, tJ.; Williams. Smlthson. (Jraham, X A. C; Huston. Peterson, P. IV ' Broad ' Jump irrsM. . -iHnanwra, - Moor. U. of O.J irfuntrry, Maiinw, . W. U.; : Moore. : Graham, Bowen. Ot 'Aid Peterson, Boyd. P. V. 328 yards hurdles-i-Frlesell, Moor, vnvkeadalL ITof O.I Rader. Matthews, Jorpted, W. U.: Cathay. Smlthson. Ora- hanw-0,, A..C: Maaon. Frtdeaux, f. u. y " 889. yirfePerklruCHAmmock.,.aalla vray, U. of O.; Elliott, Forbea. Ford. i.W. U.; Peteraon. Gate. Fletcher, P. U.; Greenhall. Van Clev. Devolt, Howard, " o. a. c. - -- - Shot-rTHltHifg, Henderson. Mcln tyre. C. of O.; Lrfiunaberry. Whlppl, rnratt'W. TT.; Walker. Bower, Stroub, ;Ov .CLi-XUnuntok,- Phillproohvr Lu rence, P.' V. i." Pole vault Wlnslow, Ktrykendall, U, of O.: Lounnberry. Jorated. W-U. ; Swan, Burns Gathy. Woodcock, Q.L.A; G; Mason, Boyd, P. u. - - -" -' yards FrleseH. VeB.fch. Moorea, U. of O : -Miller. Bobbins, Matthews, .' , W.. .; William. Smlthson. Graham. .-'O. A. Ci Peterson, Huston, Pi -.11-- -HnnBWHor, ' Gardiner. Mclntyres, ' TT. of O.t IxunbemrirJorstedL-?.-Bel- knap, Robins, W. U.;, Wei ker, Wilkes, , Bhepard, a A. C; Dlmmlck, PhlUbrook, 1 o TT . . . Mile run Woo3rMlcheH-8terenBon, TT. of O.: Shank. Colbert.. H. Belknap, vW. U.; Devolt, Stelwer, Leonard, O. A, C: Gates. Fletcher, P. U ' High Jump Frleaell, Miller, Hender on, UV4-of O.: . XounsbercyvWhipple, . Gran nit. W,. - V; - Moorea. Smlthson, - nwiin, u. a. iniiiDroon,- rrideaui, 7:r. vr : zz::: - - . 440 yards Perkins. Veatch. Wood, U. (if O.; Miller, Forbes. Ford. W. U.;Wil- : Jlama, Schroder, Greenhaw, Beach. O. A. .C.i Peterson, Huston, P. TJ, ' ' . ISA yards hurdles Frlesell. Moores, Kuykendall, U. of O.: Matthews, Rader, W. V.: Beldon, rkles, Smlthson, Paul, i. o. -A, c; PhlUbrook. Prtdeauz. P. U. Elacu Hug, Mclntyre, ' Gardiner, tT. of O.: Whipple, Nace, tiounsberry, W. V.; Abraham, , Stout, Bowera, O. A. C; "-IMmmlck, Phtnbrook, Laurence, PT U Relay-race -Veatch, Perkins, Wood. " Moores, Frlesell, Mclntyre. U. of O.; MUler. Shanks. Forbes. Ford. W. U.i ;Wllllams.Smttheon,-Orsnhaw. 8hro , der, Graham, Beach. O. A. C;. Peterson, Gates, Huston, Prtdeauz, P. V. INT EREST.CENITERS , " , INCOMING MEET iStx-clil DUpatcb ts Tbe lonruLV ' - Corrallla,-Or, June I There is great Interest In the track meet that will take place at Salem Saturday. . In spite of the fact that O. A. C defeated Eugeii here a week ago by. the Rectal ve.oor 'of 78 "to 44, there Is some talk by other towns that O. A. c. may lower her colors in Saturday's meet, owing to the entrance in the event of Forest Grove and Willamette teams, which, it Is fig ured, may capture some first places that would otherwise surely go te O. A. c. credit. The CAE. railroad la making a one-fare rate for the trip to the meet rday,, and as -there la plenty ef-een-4 lldence that the O. A. C boys will keep up their record a largs crowd of O. A. C, rooters will probably go to StUenu- - Harry Xwia ts Teuag Erne. -(Joerul gpMlal giae.l Wilmington. Del., June 8. A 10-round bout between Harry Lewis . and -Yeung ICrne Is elated for the Arena, o. la . local athletic -Ciuh-tonight. The- two met in a blz-round contest some time go and although Lewis fairly woo) the decision, Krne and his managers were : not satisfied with the result. The prea- -ent match at 10 rounds resulted front this dissatisfaction. Whether their ring generalship will laat over the increaaed route and whether LewUcan.retain.-nla akUl in a 10-round bout have ezcited jrloalty of the ring follewfrs, and a large crowd g eipectea to be on hand "to "witness the contest. - " ' THE LADIES Are invited, to come to our place and see the handsom- ." est China Cabinet- and Silver Set ever imported into Portland. This handsome - piece of furniture will be given away on, July 1. : . You will -find a lady clerk in attendance to give, you full particulars, or you can -telephone-ryow orders inr 'and. your coupons willbe sent with your order.-- " OREGON IMPORTING COMPANY 195 THIRD, STREET , Phone Main 380 PORTLAND'S FAIR CLUBMEN VANQUISH ", : JAPANESE PLAYERS Multnomah Team'a Batting 4-Scores a Victory Over - Visiting Yellov Men, . The "Japanese baseball team from the University of Waaeda near Toklo. Japan, made its appearance before" a Portland rm.A i, . .nmi with: the Multnomah Amateur. Athletie 1uleam-at-MulU Boman nolo . ,iuui irAvd . waa Dreaent. among which was a goodly representa tion of the visiting team'a countrymen. r,H th. antic, of the little brown men were heartily applauded. . : The Japs are a clever fielding team and are good baserunners. but are lack i k.tttn ahllltv. Had hey been able to meet the ball they would have trailed Mullnoman s colors in tin uubi, for "they excelled "the- oltjbmen in -all Other departments ef t he game eauept tn pitching, for Moore, and Downs are among the cleverest of .the local ama teur slab artists. The final score waa to X. and a glance at 4pe loiiowmg oore will show" how . the player per formed: .-..'j'.-i - ;, , MULTNOMAH. - - t . . . AB. R. H. PO. A. E. . 4 .Murphy, 3b. 4 rarroit, 10. ,...... Zan. rf. Houston,' lb." " . . f". J Wicltershank. If. 4 8t0tt,.C. ... f i2- i Crock, o ............ i o J Iiowna. D. 10 0 Moors, p. ......... 1 .Totals 93 1 7 i 4 WAB5DA. . , : . - AB. R. Hi PO. A. K. Hasarkawa. ct... a --- Hashldo, ss. 4 -01 ,. Oshlkoua. lb. 4 0 0 13 . 1 1 vnn.naki . ... a 1.400 BhlshluaHL rf. ' 4 0 1' 0 ,J . 0 UDora, . ..,.,..... v . v Kono. 0 0 0 1 Totals ,.;.IJ 1 iitli 1 rnis score binnings. -.-.rr--' - : 1 i t 4 k I I ' - Multnomah . . i...O 0 0 1119 0 3 Hits 1 111 0 0 0 7 Wamda .........0 0-1 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 Hlta . . ...... '..0 1 0 1 1 1 0.15 summart: S. Bases on balls Oft Iwwni, 2: olt Uao 1. Struck out Bv Downs. 7:" by Moore, 0. Two-bsse hits Fenton, Mur- nhv. Double nlay Btott to Houston. Hit by pitched .ball -.MoorSi'Pasaed balls Stott, ; Brook. 1. WUd.pltch Dow ns. Time -of game Two ' hours, implran Bankln. 7 AMERICAN LEAGUE. - u, ' . . Won. Lost. Cleveland ............ lf li- Philadelphia . . 1 17 Chicago . ....... .....23 17 Detroit-. . .'. .. . . t,. . . 20 . 20 Boston . .......... i. .17 . 21 , Washington . . 18 23 , New Tork ...1 . 23 St. Louis . ...........17 2 PC. .474 .685 .67T. .60 .447 43 .410 .3i - - : R. H. E. Chicago .Ju-.n'nm . .1 12 0 Philadelphia..-..:'. 1......0 7 3 Batteries Altrock and McFarland ; uenaer aaa swnreca. R. H.E. Boston" . . .'.,, ,V, . ,, ,,.3 : 4 . 3 St. LOUlS . ..... ,.,rnn,.i ri -Batterlsmneenand CrlgerrTell ana Bugaen, . NATIONAL LEAGUE., New-Tork DTWI i"-. 3 ' " 1 0 .TT Philadelphia . . ....,.,2417- .6Si Pittsburg . . ;v.2 . 21 .(53 Chicago .. ....... ...28 24 ,.489 Cincinnati . . . , 22 Z 23 .489 St. Louie . ...........30 28 .444 Brooklyn ,.......... ,18 80 .333 Boston 14 23 .323 . At mttsoarr. . .. . R. ILK. Pittsburg., 3 S 0 new 1 or ...... , .o it j Batteries Flaherty and Pelts: Math- ewson and Bresnahan. Umpire O'Day, ..- - . A gt. Xonls. . . v ' i . R. H. E. St. Louis . ...................4 14 i Philadelphia ri . . . . .7 10 8 Batteries McFsrland snd Zearfnss, Plttlnger and Dooln. . Umpire Emslle, At OlaolanaU. -Rr-H.5: Cincinnati., ............ Rrnnklvn . . - . . . ..883 .4 11 I Batteries Harper, Ilshn and Phelpa; Mclntyre and Bergen. Umpire fiaus wine. , .,. , At Calcag-o. R. H. E Ch lcagn ,,...101 8 BoKlon . , ...i ' 2 4 Batterles Ruelbach. and O'Neill; loung. ana otreei. umpire iviem. . AMERICAN ASSOCIATION. Won. Lost. .27 - 12 PC. -.7 .833 .828 .472 .439 .883 .113 MllwauCee . . ...... Columbue v -s , , . . 37 18 Minneapolis . . ........21 St. Paul. .............21 Indianapolis . . 17 13 1 19 23 2 2 Kansaa City . 18 Toledo : 13 Louisville . . 12 WESTERN LEAGUE. -Won. "Lost PC. Sioux City . ..........29 8 .742 Dee" Moines . . .a i . 17 14 .843 Denver . 1 8 1 S 6 4 5 Omaha . . 17 14 .. .681 St. Joseph . 11 30 .3.15 Colorado: Springs 9 23 ,281 College Basebau.. R. H. 'Jt ... : 1 1 Tals Dartmouth , lit 4 - 1 - , magatta at Galveston. : ..' . . IJearaal BsecUl gsrvle. ....-- -' Galveston, Tex., June 8,--A three days' aquatic" and athletlo carnival, under the -direction of the Galveston Regatta club, was Inaugurated this aft ernoon under . most favorable auspices. The opening events were four-oared barge races for men and women, fol lowed by swimming and divine contests. Tomorrow, will . be t devoted to athletic. sports at Sportsman's . parky The big event of Saturday will, be the single shef! race for.tha championship of. the south. . . Xndsoo. Will Coaeh. Hudson, Tho was th best drop kicker that the Carlisle Indian school, ever had, has been engaged to roach the Indian football team this . fall. He probably know the game as well as any player ever turned out by th school and should be sble to turn out a good team. - -- la Mat tJaaaa. ' Millions' rush In mad chase ' aftr health, from on extreme of faddiam-4o another, when, if they, would only eat rrood food, slid keep their bowel rgu ated with Dr. King's, New Life Pills, their troubles would all pass away. Prompt relief and quick cure for .liver snd etomarh trouble. 2 Bo at Red Oross Pharmacy, Sixth and Oak streets WHAT CITY SPORTS ARC TALKING ABOUT Lulln- Fighting Came .Until i " mi ',,as-Si' L'J . juiy wnen rixz , ana Schreck Meet. ' " BRITT AND NELSON - - t MAY: BREAK OFF Cornell Students Feel Important ; 0ver Her Recent M&nyjjZ Victories. - - (Journal gpfrlsl gerMce:' KesC3.'orkr- June i. Ther seems to b something of a lull In th fighting bame Just now and will b until th Sttialmmnna-flrhrerlt and Britt-Nelson bout are pulled off. f Fits shows his old-time form In his fight with Scbrsk -on July 8 he can falrjy lay claim to the title - of. heavyweight champion laid down by Jeffries. It' I not on record that anybody but Jaffrlea ever did take th freckle-faced Cornlshman meas ure and before any. on els can lay any claim whatever to th abandoned 111 he will have to argue the matter n th ring with th man from Cornwall. Jlrhniy Brltt Is looking after easy money, too, and agreed to take on th winner of the Hanlon-Corbett fight. - In cidentally, it 1 Mnted that ther may be a bust-up In the' Nelson-Brit t Aght. Brltt does- not fancy th Dana's engag ing In so many slx.round boots. lie fancies iCmay affect bis drawing pewer. There is good money on this side of the water for Jem Bowker, th British bantamweight, if he should .decide to come over, and ther is a Jilnt toat h contemplate - that - very-- thing. HI nght with "Pinky" Evans showed him to be a fighter and he would undoubted ly draw her "If tie was matched with some of our good little fellowa V Ithaca Is hardly 'big enough to hold Corhell, after a week ago Saturday. It was her day everywhere-She -mada a sweep of it on .track, water and dia mond, winning the Intercollegiate cham pion, meet at-Phlladelpbtaveeptarlng Xhm eight-oared junior college race of th American Rowing association at Phila delphia, and the 'varsity race against Harvar4 .;atr; Boston,, and beating Man hattan in the base ball games at Ithaca. The eight at Philadelphia aet up a new record for ihe course, going th dis tance in 4 Imlnutes 84 seconds. .two seconds better than th performance of the Argonauia of Canada In ' 1903. At Boston, the eight won .over Harvard by even lengths. - k . Charley 'Courtney, by th way, doe not think much of Harvaro a crew this year., After the race, he said: "The Harvard men have not mastered th ele mentary principle of rowing, and. they are la bad shape, unleas herolo measures ars adopted. Their rowing Is very much below . th . standard aet by Harvard. The men are not only crude In the zecu. tlon of all part of the stroke, but hav utterly failed 'in assembling th vari ous parts when-racing. "-The, men were a fin looking lot and good enough to row rojr the world s ehamp.onshlp, but their tutoring muet have been of the dory Order, jforI learn that Wray waa sj) iienerman in Auairaiia-- Cornell is now confident of taking first place at the Intercollegiate rowing meet at Poughkeepsl on Jun 28. The ahowlng at Cambridge leads to the be lief that ther -will be little change In th .'varsity crew, before th .intercol legiate regatta at Poughkeepale. - Th eight appear to be an ideal combination and capable of sustained and vigorous effort . Th men seated In th boat at present avefag in Weight 17314 pounds and are within, a quarter of an inch ot alx feet,. while their average is a trifle over 23 yeara. This- I an Ideal Court ney crew; mature enough to stand bard four-mile struggle; wetT leTup and not much over 170 pounds eacl). Court ney aoes not.' eeitev in heavyweight oarsmen, and "believes that . candldatea weighing 190 pounds or thereabouts are seldom able to pull their own weight. - It now look certain that Tale la to lose Trainer Mike.; He told. the mem ber of the Yale track team, after the intercollegiate game In Philadelphia that he had decided to accept th offer or in university -or Pennsylvania, and to go there at the cloe of th present atnietio season. The Yale Athletic asao. rlatton hopes to get him ta reconsider. Murphjr ha been promised a professor ship in the University of Pennsylvania at a fenlary doubu tht -whlh he iras re ceiving. Jt he. decides to accept the Pennsylvania offer It 1 probable thai "his successor win b Michael Sweenev. n MnleMfl "fllrecTor "il lhe"' High school; Pottatown, Pennsylvania. Murphy waa secured before ly Pennsylvania In th fall or 1S. Pennsylvania. won the Inter collegiate championship In th prlng of io si. wun comparative ease. Then fot lowed championships on track and field In 1898, 1888 and It 00. some of -the record made by Red and Bin athlete under Murphy In thes yers standing today. Murphy returned to Tale In the .fall. of 1896. The following year Tale failed to win the Intercollegiate meet, thl being th only Instance that th re markable trainer did not win the track and field championship of America for eitner Tale or Pennsylvania since 1894 But Murphy's presence soon - asserted ltaelf and Tale proved all-powerful -In the championship Intercollegiate of 1902, 1903 and 190, th Blue winning inese ineeis. . - - - . WINNING RUNNERS ON COUNTRY'S TRACKS - (loans! gperial gerrlea.) - New- Tork. Jun 8. OraveaanA mo. result: About all furlnna-a rimiui Montreaon second. Florence third; time. i:iz i-. . . .- i Five and a half nrlnn won. Martus Caius second. Hie Rri.v. ley third; time, 1:08 3-6. Mile and 70 yards ProneV won. an Between eTOiia.BirTJtrigtTilrl; time, 1:43,2-. I - The Clover' stakea five f.irlnn.. Transmute won. Runnlna Wat ee nmnnnA Bell of Pequeat third; time, 1:03. - Mil ana a lurnong Major Danger field won, De Resak second, Onatas third; time, 1:87. Mil and a sixteenth Captain Bob won. - Ismalian second. Tachtlnv nirl third; time, 1:83. ' . At SVoal ratr Oroaad. Ft Loul. Jun 8 Fair ground race results: ' i. - Bix furlongs Feltement won, Hors" Radish second, Osee third:' time, 1:13. jBIg furlongs Henry. Bert won. Dr. Bcharff second, Tom i Manklns third; time,- 1:14 3-8. " Mile and three-sixteenths Th Cook won. Unci Charley second, Plnkerton third; time. 3:00. ' Six furlong, handicap Luretu won, rW.'...v.., -L i; USE Rather a rude 'way to asjc you to drop in andJnspect- Tour line of Men's Furnish- ings and Hats. :, We just -put itt this way so'yoii would be sure. to learn of the ex tra good values we are offer-' L ing.this week in high 'grade '. furnishings fpr rrrent,; Here : are a j'few t price iterns " to; . make . a - visit interesting: Lisle Hose, in all ! "' new fancy patterns y U t .Cluett Shirts $1.50 to$2.00 Two Special Numbers in Summer Underwear ;50 THE SUIT .HoteLFerkins Bldg. J. P. Maybe rry seconds iBlaatlo third; time, 1:18 2-.: . ' ... '-: MUj and three ' furlong Cotillion won. Lacy Crawford second, Hubbard ttrlrdr timer :22.' ' - ., - Mil and a sixteenth Judge Brady won, Jocll econd, Mynharr third; tlm. 1:48. -z: ::'.::ZT': "'. At aeattU. l'S Seattle, Jun 8. Cloudy; track heavy. Result of race: Flv furlongs Silicate . won. Lady Bimbo second, Bath Beach third; tlm. 1:04. - ' - ; - ' " Five and a " half. . furlong Ed LIU $1 Robinson & Co. tn r w An Riulnl fn second Dorlca lh1rd-" oattsnes . . MUler - and Dash wood; burn won. Koaouo seconarjTOcargq-,,,,,..,, m4 aBahaln tTmpir Pr- tlme,-irie. -t Jrln. - Mile Gloomy Ous won. Edrodun gac ondTTBaTteHTrffrtlme. 1:47. - Mile laabelllta won, Exapo second, Amlnt third; tlm. l:44H - Mil and an eighth Budd Wade won. Llberto econd, Malory Tonpey - third; tlm. 1:88. ' -..L,:,. ..; Seven " furlong Step Around won. jlxt F, M. econd. Ripper third; tlm, i:30H. . , .. :. f. SPORTING GOSSIP. Portland lot th gam at - Lo Angele yesterday through Inability to hit DoliyXIray." One " WOuldnhlnk after McCredle Interview at Ban Francisco that th Portland manager would enter th gam and do something In th line of baseball. .... ' "' When Barney Oldfleld, the fellow that doean't care, went foul of. th .fence at th Harlem track the other day and was brought up all standing, hs asked) "How fast was I going?" 8om day Barney may ask that question and not har the anaw'er.-- : . - e e Otto Floto I the only Sporting editor In th country who print hi own pic ture twice on hi own sporting pag in oneJisue . The epltball cannot be usetr-iiryewTPiympic Atnietio club ha arranged a ark by order of the health officers. ,Thla rUllllg IJ1 jftVOr Of Ifie iSutllc" tealth will certainly have it ill effect upon th pitcher. . .. . - r': - e - Charley Rellly. manager of th Bait Lake team.-has signed Bob Edmondson, the great hitter of the Texas league, Ed mondaon led th Texa league last year In hitting with a .840 average. He is said to be a great left fielder; and the faatest man- in that league. Rellly has also signed Toren. the Los Angeles twlrler in th Coast leagOs. Thes men ar to report In Boise thl week. .--.. A South Dakota man won a wife by fighting a bull. He ought get along all right in married lif. V If the Japanese balltossers who at present ar 'visiting this eity could only hit the ball, they would hav little trouble In downing M. A. A. C The Japs - Held brilliantly and run baaes fleetly,, but cannot bat with any degree ot proficiency. . Dombls-Xeader fox Sunday. - Th baseball and lacross .double- header which waa scheduled for lae't month but was postponed on account of rain will be played off next Sunday aft ernoon at th Vaughn street baaeball grounds. Th contesting" - baseball team will be the same as scheduled before, the Schiller and the University Park. These teams., compris . th.J)t 6f ' th"local "amateur talent, and the gam will undoubtedly ' be an exciting One. - - - - r Th members of the Portland lacross club hav been practicing hard for th coming contest,. for It will dspend upon th showing msd In thl gam a to who will maka tip the, team that to to represent Portland In th lacross cham pionship contests thl summer. . latormatioaal Oolf. (Joeraal gpeetal Servie.) Imdon. June 8. Th British onen golf champlonahtp began auspiciously on the Bt Andrews links today In th presence of devotees of th gm from all petf th British tslea- Th pre nc of Willi Anderson, open champion oi in Lnitea mate, and Alex Smith, former holder of ,the Pacific coast and western championships, has resulted in a keener Interest being taken In th tournament tnl year than ever befor PORTLAND 10ST BY.' ONE SOLITARY-TAILY Two-Ba22rJn.JSIintli Inning Scored th Win- ; , " .nlng Run. - (Jearsal Special ervlee.) -Los Angeles. Jun Jt. Los " Angele utpttobed Portland in yesterday's ama and only .succeeded in winning out in the last half of th ninth Inning on a hit by pitcher And a double by Dolly Gray. Bert Jones waa ob tin1 firing line for Portland and while tpuched up for 10 hits, managed .to hold Uthe Angelic ones down to a vagrant tally. Th visitor - were unable to touch 3ray when a hit would be dan geroua and consequently Buffered a whltswaah. Sohlafly waa 'ordered out of th gam In th eighth for disputing a decision of L'mpir Bray.,. Boor: LOS AMOELE& ; VT7T AB. K; H. PO. A. IS. Bernard, cf. ........ 4 16 0 0 flood, jo. ........... 4 r 9 III emitn. ID. s l i t Dillon, lb. 4 0 0 8 1 Cravath. , rf. .v...... t 1 1 - koii, u. ............ e a v v Uraahear. as. ....... 10 14 I Bples, o. t 1 , 0 3. 2 Gray, p. i 4 0 3 l I Total .31 1 10 27 ,'. 'PORTLAND; . , AB. R. H. PO. A. E. a n A 1 A At, ss. ..... . . w . . Van Buren. If. ....... 4 O - I 1 o 0 0 0 -0 0 1 ' 4 1 0 Householder, cf. ,. 4 McCredl. rf. McLean, c. ..... ..ISO 4 . 0 10 0 .' s 0 Mitchell, lb. ........ 3 Runkle. 8b. ......... 8 0,0 f -0 0 - -ori- o Jones, p. 4 1TI 0 Ca,ies, p.vi7 ;.V..... ft" Total 1 i;r;vr.i3 . . 10 o One out whan winning run scored.. . SCORE BT INNINGS. - ; . 1 2 3 4 8 T 8 .... .0 0000000 1 Los Angele 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 3 3 1 i-e-i 1-110 Hits . ,1 3 3 1 ! 1 11 10 Portland r ....... 0 4J I 0 0 .vr.O 0 0 1 0.0 1 0 1 3 - - BUMMART. " - -Ptolen bases Sole 2. Two-base hit -Flood, .Van Buren, Gray. " Bacriflc hits Brakhear. Smith. . Left on bases- 1-os Angeles. ; Portland. I, uanea on balls Off Qrav. 2: off Jonea. 2. Struck out Br- Gray. -1 : .by- Jones, Double play JoAes to McLean to Scblafly. Hit by pitched ball Spies. Tim of game One bour and 36 minutes. . Umpire .PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE. CLUBS. Tseom ...... Ban rraarlM 7! 61 34 .507 Si .0)4 .5114 Los ansele .. Oakland , FortUnd Seattle .. Cost ... .401 XZI .400 aoi2Ri)OlMl!l3!175 , . . . K !?.w.-t.,t Tiger WtB waaUF.-1- Tacoma, Wasb., June 8. Roscoe MU ler was easy for the Tiger yesterday and th champion won eaally Tacoma madeu nine two-baa hit - and Kordyk made a horn run. Score: Seattle . . .... .0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1-1 Tacoma . . . 0 3 0 0 4 11 14 1 Batteriea MUler -and Dash wood: ' OaklansV. Torf tt to Sala,7 , San Franclscov. June 3. Dilatory tao tlca on th part of th'a .Oakland team caused, th forfeiture of th gam y--j terday to Ban. Francisco, Th scor-: ..r ' i . H. E. Oakland . . ...... ..10 0 1 3 8 8 Ssn Francisco 1 0 2 1 04 4 1 Batteries Mosklman and Byrne; Whalen and Wllaon. . Umpire Davia. , PACIFIC NATIONAL LEAGUE. At Slogans. TJ TT JT Spnkan 7 1 0000 800 10 17 0 Ogden ...... ..000300000 3 9 3 BMterlea Mclnnea and Stanley: Hastings, Cattleman and liausen. Um pire MacRae. . . At Sola. : l J - " Rs He S Boise.. , ....,,.2 0 2 10 2 0 0 7 12 Salt Lak 00000000 0 0 8 4 - Batteries Hod son and Hanson; Toxer, Thornton and Leahy. . , . . , . NEARY AND HERRERA WILrMEETTONIGHT Jraal gpeeUl Berrlra.) ' Grand Rapids. Mich.. Jun .ThA nrnmllrig mM f-rr I and alao for th visiting Elk wha are her in, great number for their an nual atat convention. Th main bout of th evening will tiring together Charley Neary Of Milwaukee and Au- rell- Herrera of - San - Franolseo- for- a 10-round bout It will b th first tlm either of th men ha fought in Michi gan. Both hav been' training faith fully alnc th - match waa mad, and from all appearance ar in fin fettle for th contest. Under th term of their agreement they will weigh in at 130 pounds. Oa th Taanla Court. Th result In th Multnomah Ama teur Athletic club's tennis tournament arc as rollowgj r " - " " Macleay (ow 18.1) beat Scoble (Rec. 18). 7-8, 1-8, 8-3. V , -Mora (ow ' 18.4) beat Crowell (scratch) 3-2. 1-8. 11-t. - 1, Rudy (ow 18.4) beat Kimball (Rec 15.3), 8-2, 8-2. . Wilder (Reo. It) beat Webb (Reo. 15). 10-8. 8-7, 8-4. McAlpIn (ow 15.4) beat Kerrigan Reo. 15), 8-1, -t. vt 4- atOTXOS TO AMAntUWM. . 2 -' . 4 4 All notice of , amateur- bat- 4 ball game, challenge and ath- 4k 4 - letlo events must be sent to thl 4--offlo. befor 9 'clock a- my tn 4 4 the day for publication. Ama- tour roanagera ahould pay at. 4) 4 . tention to thl rul. th keep- 4 Ing ef It will Insur a proper 4 4 report, ot their doing. Th 4 JournaL 4 f erred srtoek Oaaad Ooaoa. ' Allan Lwla' Best Brand, BLOOD la tb went disease e earth, yet the esslnt to nlr WRgN KOU KNOW WHAT TO IX. Mi ir have Bl nni spoia . s . we lores is tn a leers, falllu Ulidf;,!;;.'? bene peine, es- Dd doa t know It ta KUmo POISON BtMl te DR. BROWN B Arch St., PblU4lthla Pes., for gKOWH'8 BLOOD CURS, 42.00. ear be BMieUi. gnld I Partus aiy bottla; laau oa rraa aa, rertlsad Hotel raaraMey. . r . hotels Ajra besobts. ootel 36th and Upshur Strest4i NOW Opposite Main Entrance to Lewis and Clark Exposition . Only absoluUly flrproof hotel adjoining grounds, equipped" with "electrlo callball and apectal telephonlo communications for patrona Uni formed porter and bellboys at all hour at guests' service. :"Rates'$lQDayandlJp W. H. LATTIN,' 130 Elegant Rooms Open for Guasts - SPECIAL' RATES ' BY THE DAY OR WEEK Beaohed .by th Orxoa Watax - Fowr 81 y. Oo. TroUey Xa. Wrlte'lir Phona t, B. .BCAXTXaTXS. 3aaagt. . Sataoada, Oregoa. HOTEL DETROIT 00TT1)."77 Cor. 07th and Thonnaa Streot. JvC GRIFFIN. Proprietor. . Reached by all car line. 1,1. i.'. Rates, 31 per day. - Rooms with bath, I Land 84 per day.-: , KlamatK Hot Springs suaxxTOV comrrr, oAXiroariX. Elevation, 2.700 feet. Twenty miles from Ager, n lhe California A Oregoa route. Hunting, fishing and acenery un. aurpasaedv"' Hot, swimming, steam, sul phur and mud bath. Open all the year. Further particulars upon application. - - XDSOW -mmOU.. Proprietor. Beswlck, Siskiyou County, California. pie are groping In th dark). Let ua -h. lighten you concerning the beat way to equip yourself for your (battle with th world. . W offer coroplet. Business and Shorthand cours. Our graduates ar all employed. . . . ..: : - ' -Behnke-Walker Business College Sixth aad Xorrlsoa t, PortlaaA, Or. Open, all th year. - Day' and night - SUr.ECUSEFOaPJLESi TOBtlaT ns preduoe smew sad ttai frhls form. m well as Bllad, BUXIa ar PratnuUnc Pllaa are nm av or. osanMO' Pile Rrnly UaratdTBSSMIaoraaat kv SMIL Tr.Uaa fi aa. Wrlta tm asoat jonr sais. lumamu, ynnana,, raj Estocada I We e erewa ssd bridge work wltbeat pals. Oar 10 rears' experience Is plat work eat ables as to fit roar nxMtk eosUortakly. Dr. W. A. Wis ka fohnd a aafa way te extract teatb, sosolataly wltbeat pain. Dr. T. P. Wlee-ls aa expert et gold filling a a erewa and brMrn work. RxtrecUag Crae wka plataa or brl4xe ore airnVred. , WISE BROS., Dentists rania' Bnudlae-. ear. Third aa4 Weak Ita Oraa srealngs till p. at. Saadejo treat t te 13. Or. Mala 302. OB. T. V. Will, ThlrTeeh statri's -West tire traversed -armorocitiesf-sy,ow population hii J upWAida 1 on the Rock Island System than on any' other Wetttrn road! , From Minnesota to Texas," from the Rocky Mountains to the Great Lakes, it is Rock Island country.-The Rock Island System' occupies a strategic position in the western railway world. ' , ' Going somewhere ? Get a Rock Island folder and study the map ten to one your destination is on the Rock Island or reached by way of it. Note our several offices maintained Jn, the Northwest: .S . , Portland, Seattle, Spokane, ,',' Butte and Salt Lake City. ; U f The Rock Island is reaching out for busi ness and solicits yours. - - v -'-- ; :'-r a.. t TheK Followihg ' Prices are COALS ! Peacock Rock Springs 7.50 . 8.00 Kcmmerer . . other eoala proportionately low. Do not pay mor than 83.0O for th - ' . -- beat acreaned aoaL n - . 1 i..-... . . -- I The Pacific CHAS. H. H0TOJ AIO BZS0BTS. " t r-' " """'TTrr' Fair mount OPEN General Manager 1J- 26th and Upshur Street IFo Portland PORTLAND, OREGON. Amrkaii Plan $3.00 Day . - . - ansa trpwara. - r "- HEADQUARTERS FOR TOTTR-' - ISTS . AND COM M rRCIAL ', TRAVEXERS. , r Special rates mad to famlllea . nd alngl gentlemen. A modern " - Turkish bath eatabllahmen In th' - siVtvta .X. a MOW, Kaaager. Hotel Eaton- - Oeraar Merrliaa-aag West .Park Street. '" :. NEW ' fTiae-oiety fornlabed, elrgantly aqppa7 Srsoraot,. gre nlnates'' walk froip keart of shopping snd buslneas dlatrlrt.- all large, alrr. eutatda rooma, - ata m k pa ted. elsctrle llahta, tcl.phona In eac apartment, eta Larffa offtrrm. knnglnf. smoking, writing, ladlra raccpttaa parlora kooua I am rail by mall or talepbone, i Private .eaufkas meets trains aad steaaM,. Room $I.OO to $3.00 a Dag . .. , Special Bate t Oesuaarelal stta. . . j- Mmg. VAX BATOal. ;'-lll TFormerly et Hotel ReOpatk. gpokase.) PALACE HOTEL 5: I. n n Whether he goes by land or sea, the traveler will find It a delightful trip to Ban Francisco, where he should top at th ' world-famed ' Palace Hotel and enjoy It many attrao--tlv feature. For fuller information writ - te th Palao. Or see . I 0 I a u A J 1 3 0 7'i,."a"srsst.r -"v -at ' th Portland Irrforfsnp' tlon and Booking Agency, Hotel Portland. 1 . ... and territories of the Middle by Rock Island lines.There" a. h. Mcdonald, PR. W. A. WMB, atlsxaxantsnxsxaxanxanm Genera! Agent, Rock Island 8ystm, 140 Third 8 treat, Portland, Ore. prices' -1 REDUCED Retail, Delivered to Consumer 7.5Q 8.00 Coast Co. CLAIM. Agnt ..'.', -T- - , ' W- ' S4t WaShlngtOB St. 4lTong S3 and 837 T X A4Va As4sxslxs1aa HA m m mmm A A-aVAaVAAAAA.AAA.AAAAAAAA a. m. W ' '.' ' " ' - . ' ,