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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 8, 1905)
TIIE OREGON DAlL,Y JOURNAL, PORTLAND. THURSDAY EVENING. JUNE 8. 1505. u L..lfOJ. MinjiiuKift oom. I ' .to saxb rial estatx.- f - to SAtav-rARMB, - -BAHPntirspimrra- ;;w v"x:T0 xo"1 ' 1 ibiii 1 ii n n n in---- esaaaaassnseauai aaiwii hwipi sii aa. w- - aa. i m mmm-- ' '' DURING TUB FA IB. . Elegant suuuy furnished rooms arc desirable, away from city aulas; all outside rooms. ai uwr i'v an nuinn, no raise curing lairi LHlt II dari free pbono. batb end faa. Call or huna J. II. Talmar, Russtll t. THH OAKLAND 6SM Washington, bat. Nineteenth an Twen- lelh; new, modern, (II outside fponi, elee . rle lights, shoos, free bathe; 60e. Tie. II par " day; rates by seek; reataurant la basclespt. NICELY furnlaheil room, la near residence on , Willamette Heights, ererloolrlng exposition , iravnai, surnieuiiig magnuiceni view u. mi .'Hand, Columbts rtecr and surrounding emis 'try; electric lights, bathe. Phone Mala 6703. KICC larca front roc ma, central location, .M per day; cannot, bs appreciated until seen; bark rooms, II per 'do 7 and there ara no dark rooms; ona Mora front PortlsBd holsl. jlW ana lua aevenin si. THI HAMANN, 168 N.'IBtlu, or Hoyt Newly furnished rooma. $1.60 ap; convenient location, , 16 niluutea' walk to fair grouuds; Morrison rar al union depot direct to bouse. Phone $410. FOR BKNT Two Urge furnished rooma; bam , sndf phone; contract during fslri one block IJ from restaurant, ona block Third and Fifth car line. Phone Went . 410 fourth el THE - HKILKR Hawthorne and Orand area.; , fireproof, elegantly furnlabed rooma, bath, booe, 6-mlaute care on both avenuee; .rates reasonable waak.OL.uouU; transient rooma. tCRMSHED ronma. centrally located; plees , ant surroundings; prices, reaaonablei gas, phono and batlw . 290 Jsffersoa St.. oppoelte - ally kaU. . , . aKIJXKW HOI HB, 164 Shermanr take - S ' ear south:- clean lodging, 35c; meala, 23c; fur. ,;-nl.hcd bouaeaasplog rwoaua with batb aad laundry. THK OA BLE Furnlabed rooma, light, airy, rea - aonable, with break fiat; 3 car llnea. Eaat Tn-mly-aereutb and TaggaH ate. Eaet 3803. ;1T coala you nothing to aecura rooma through the lawla and lark r'urnlahed Koom aaaof-la--tlum HUth at.. N. ai'hoM Mala 341. TIHITOItS dcalrlng newly fornla or d rooma New cottage, nice realdeac. weat aide. 3 block. . W.ahlnfton; batb, raaaonabla. 601 Da rle at. klARQUAM HOI'SK. 148V tk Rooma aa aaltc or aingle; bouaekeeplng rooma; gaa atoTaa' bataalactTlcllKliU IraoaicnU aoUclted. KKW furnlabed rooma, eTerytblng flrat-olaaa; 1 eiei?iriv Hgnta, gaa aud batb; n'ar UutelL ' maaent and tranalent. 3.14 Fourth at. THE MATFAIR Rlegantly-furnlabed ronma; near building; modarn coarenleacoa. Btark.- .- fifth.,- Mala 3u6T; 'J-.r...... HOTKL CIAT Jiait opened; everything new, modern eonTenlencaa; prlcea fiuo to II. per day. tlor. Recnad and Clay ate. KKAT furalabed rooma, raaaoaabla prlcea, for .. rent by day, w eek or month. Jklra. Jana, 23 ': Water, cor. Clay. - H RMSHKU moma for rent. Kaat Mth and I'nwrll ata.r oxer atore; prlrata family. Take Woodatock car. .- .- K1CKLV furnlabed front room, near fair grounda. 480 Nr Twenty-third at. Tkuna Weat SDM. . THH flLADHTONR 6134 Rarler at., fnrnlabaq riwimat under new maaigeiurBT; prlcee rea aonable. THK ABBOTT 228 H Waahlngtnn; newly fur nlabed reame en aulta or alagle: tranelenta. 4 rTftMNIirn ROOMS, drat floor, rreaonaMr . rent. 4TB Eaat Tenth at. J'aone Kaat 2n". 0 KKATXY -furnlabed moma. reaaonable ratea, 4 blocka of fair grounda.1 T28 itouierelt at. . i i , . KKATLY furnlabed rooma. reaaonable ratea. ISO Grand are., near Eaat Morrlaon. I TWO furnlabed rooma. oae aoltanle for' two - gentlemen. 8xi Knoft at., Alblna. . ,v. -JtOOIH.;(nr' rent,-, fnrntaned and tinfurnlabed. . : 0!4 aiHiria at.- laoua uiara i NKWI.V fiA-nlahed: ratea 2 M) to 13.90 per - wees. oeis emnin rirai ai. THK LEW IB. 11W loTH BT. Rooma" by day, ea tr monin, wain . ROOMB aingle' or ea aulte. Ml Eaat Twelfth at., near Taylor. --' FL'RNIHIIEi. rooma to rent. Mfl Rodney are. 80UBEB FOR ItMT FURIIITnRt FOR SALS. THE PORTLAND ALCTION rTOOMS aelle yrmt . furnlliirs for. you at you ealaeoee ar 311 . Flrat au For beet reeutla pbena Mala 66U. FOR BAI.E At a bargain, beautiful B-rooiji flat, elegant eeatern fumtture. low rent, all mortem coorenlcncra, aXOV, Fourth at. FCRNI8HEU 6-room cottage. Including upright piano, for sale, 'ton; rent of cottage, 113 per month. IV id WllUama ara. , . .. .. FOR BALK Furniture af "B-room cottage, near - fair grounda; poaaeaawm at once; pries 1290. Addreaa K 41, cars Jonrnal. . Fl'RMTl'RR of elx-room bonae. moatly new, . good location, rent 3n; Icarlng city. Ad dreee I 41. JournaL A MOER! Broom hone for rent: desirable location; furniture for aale. 34B Mont I"1""" FrRMTrtB B room cntreg ehear-rant- lid. Apply .lad Clifton at.t near-Wewt I'ark.-Boutb. FOR BALE REAL EBTATX. i RAfiOAINK FOR A FEW TATB. 2iiscre ranch: 29 aerea ctiltrrared. good dri'hard. B-room bouae, 2 harna, 12 head of ' cattle, apan of boraea, all farm Implementa, In riarkamaa county; would trade for T or 3-rooin bouaa la rltr, 6-rofm bouae, B kta, well improved, all klnda of fruit. -12, terma. ft-ronm modern cottage. full baaemcnt. , 1.H.V; eaay payment!. Bereral other nice riyr fiwnee. KoluirKan homes from 3 to 10 acres. Well ImproTcrt;. aim well Improred farma, good parrallia. " . HiiKliH-ea chances and good vacant lots Cheap. . - . Money to loan on real estate by j OTTO AV CROCKETT. 2I3H Wa.hlnglon. .Vhon5 BUck 2BT1. ro'flTLAND HEIGHTS. Our Vta are beautifully situated, command a magnificent view and are mock cheaper than any other, offered. Wa waat to aell. Beg Us before buying. 1 AMERICAN INVESTMENT CO. ' Tliona Main B383. '823 Falling Bldf. FOR BALB Elegant aubnrban-borne conalatlng of B acres highly Improred ground. B-room bones and other build I nga; alao 0-rootn cot tage, abundance of fruit and berrlca; 30 - mlnntea' el (la tit eltr.- Addreaa or call oa O. U. BchwerdtmaBB, care el . Bur Boa Co. , i-nons Mala B. . . - 'fR 'BALK a" moilera "corner , brick' Mock," S- - . piotj a no oaaeroenf. a auirpne'nie, w iww fumlahed; will aell alt or aeparats at bed rock prices; also 1 modern B-raom reeldence. rloae to Kuaaell at. oa Wllllama are.( good Income property. Inquire of W, 0. Beck, The Falling bldg. . " CHEAP to quick barer, a nice borne on Monta- eina car line; ole In, B lota, fine eon, goou bouee, barn, sbeda. rblckenhouae; fins well, windmill, etc., plenty of fruit, sll klnda; aacrtrice account party going aouth. Inquire 270 Alder at., cigar atore. FOR BALE 10 acres rbqloaJaod. 12 mllrs from "-Portland." suitable' tut a home; eaally lm- prnred. Handy to R, R. atatlon, boatlandlng and good roada; good soli. For particulars ' addreaa A. R. Folkeaberg. Bolbraok. Or. rlVE new evdera bnueea In HoUaday Park addition; alao 14 eholcs lots; streets Im proved, cement wslke, aewer. or will bnlld " feh "use Id ault cuatmaere: . ea eaay terma. n. u. arri ei mi r.iiioi oiug. . B-ROOM kouae, modern: fruit, flowers; alee 8 vacan) lots, beautifully located; a bargain; have to sell oa aeeoant business elsewhere. " fall- 40T Eaat Thirty-first aad Clinton; take Warerly-nicbmond car. t ROOMS, pteetered, painted, briek baarmeat, 1630; WoodUwa. rfcoaa Bcott $600. FOR MALIC Naw 4-room bouee, not quite eoav uleted; large lot, plenty of fruit. 7n h-aa than actual ooat of bulMlug; 3 blocka aouth of kuwart ata., Alt. kcott catUna. W. . Ford. BIX-ROOM bouae, large lot fruit, Jlouth Port - land: dtIc 31.300: half eaaai-wfll take con alderable of reat In carpenter'a or plaaterer ' work, i'bona owner. Mala oKat. ir.K. for rtieip hemea la city and ooontry, large and email farma la all parte of the ateta. llobaa Taggart. 10T Sixth at. " WHT aot buy a home when I bare as maay flna eottagea and boueee of (II deacriptlona which ran be bought on eaay termer Inquire H. Hprague, 122ft Grand are., room 12. FOB 8AI.E CHKAP 1 acrei at good gardea . land with a large barn and good- well oa It. 4 4 bloeke weat from Man aia.. Woodstock car Hue. Call at lba place, Kelly are. . feao 11110 DOWN. HO per month, buya IH.000 feet -f beautiful ground, rloae . In. rbone Eaat COM. Addreaa 411 Kaat ' Thirty-fourth at. 'i FOR BALE T-room bouae, lota, fruit, gar . den, ehk'kea-houee and yard, cbean; caab of lnatrumrnta; Caraoa helgbta. C. I'. Werner. FOR 8AIC B-room cottage,' modern, lot fa need, fruit traea. t blocka from car; caek at term, F. i. Ryder. MouUrllla. I'buna Mala 6Md. , ONE fire, ana alt-room bona for aala at Moa . tarljla; new; caa glre "terma on part, la : quire at 111 Ablngtoa Bldg. Owner. - ' - BOMEBTKAD rellnqlhment, ''flaa tlllahle land ' wltb hi-uae in . Klickitat- county, Waehiug toa. room Waahlngtoa. Bldg. , I1.TIHH-C0RMGK lot. atore building and dw.l. llng-bouae; rente for.2H cr month.. In quire 3U4 North Flghth et. AT Mt. Tabor,. T ' rooma and - batb,--barn, - chlrkan bouae; 100x100 oa car line; lota of fruit. Owner. 120 Third. - . ... FOR BALI er exchange. llVi acres tmprored, IV ml lee from Montavllla car Una. Inquire - Owner, 414 Belmont. . I-ROOM awdera cottage cheap: owner tearing 4 city Inquire owner. lfWl' lt. HftU at., K. Pkone Bcott A64T. - , ' . FOR BALE Modern, wall bntlt. all-room bouae; fine yard and lawa. Call and aea owner, aJB -Illylaloa.-at -' .j, ."iJ.. : ottaaa and 1 large Iota n cor. urand ara. and Sharer at. 8ea awner, 894 Sharer at. ' HOMEBTBAD rellnqnlabment, aouth Hood Rlrer Tillage, near Mt. lloofl, . r. 0. Box oJ. Hood Rlrer. Or. ' t HAV4 gilt-edged fnewsrmenta la real eatata I want to aell. Addreaa OOd Front at. i'bona Front 15A2. FOR SALE 3 bonnes and lota. 1 cow. 3 teama. harrvea. and Wagons. " B7S Dekum are.. Wood lawn. Or. - - - . FOH . BALK -room- soaaa oa ear Una with - acre fruit trees, ate. Isqulrs SOI Kaet . Blith at. FOR BALB Cbeap. elghtly lota. Lower Alblna. Call owner, phone Mela STTT. BTjarviis CHAjrcxs. - BARGAINS W WWT RIDB ROOUIXQ- ... H01ttEB. .ff.' 11211 B-room reeldence, coetly furniture, good location, rooma always full, cheap rent; a great eacrlflre. Hee tnrehtory at ofnre. ' 4A0 el ronma near Thirteenth at., modern bouee, jilce furulture. good income, reaeua able rent; a bargain. , lt 5 large rooma, ae bard-wood furnl- tare, rent BS: a anap. ' " - ORKUO.M A88M IATED EXCHANGE. SSBfe Waablngton St. 11.600 GIVEN AWAY.' Wa 'iMfei qui atneral urehaadlas haainaaa -for. aale, with tbe above dlacount on merrhan , dlae snd property. Ws hare a well eebrted ..clean stork that win invoice about iu.iJ; ' alo 4 lota and hnlldlnga that we offer at a -. bargain. Inveetlgate; one of tha beet op- Fortunltlea m Oregon. Ws meeabualneaa. nquire .Journal or write "ua.' "" ' ' J. W. and M. A. ROBINSON, Aahwood. Oregon. SPECIAL BARGAIN. A market busineaa for aala that surpaeees v. anything for tbe pries ever offered In- Port land: It Is a money making proposition and worth vour v hllo to inveetlgate: the reaaon ' i K-iiiii, an v , viii-iii.-v i . v, m. . ' , you can dealjirectyltbwerddrea-l aa, aournai.. . . . WANTED Partner with IT0OO to take half Interest wltb me In putting oa the market an . anicis or great merit end very large proiita - hare eiclnelve right for etatek of Oregon. J Waablngton. Idaho snd Montsns. Call oa or aanreaa ueorge o. Miller, 1H Bllta St., Portland. Oregon. FREE LANDS IN OREGON. FERTILB soil, pure water, delightful climate; land of alfalfa, anolea and clover. For fnll Information addreaa tbe Columbia-Southern Irrigation Co., 63S Worcester block, Portland. RKBTAI RANT, doing mahlng bnalneas. ata . 0. long lease, rent A6; through fair, 4o a monermaker: condltlona compel, quick aale aea It tndav; petce K)0. Eiposltlon Leasing i.o., is outn at. - - A LAD i gentleman who baa a email amount of money to Inveat aa a partner to attend to office bnalneas' netting from 6900 to $1,900 anu upward per montb. call Z3)k Aorta Blxtn at. Phone Mala 3A20. THK NATIONAL FINANCING CO., 309 Mar. n,..- ku. iip..i.n ffr ripnntri trn-Hi atocke. mines, flnanoea legitimate furolabes-aafe laveetments and aecurea loaoa. If YOU really want a bargain In a nlee cigar, fruit Snd enafectlonery store. " good Stock, nice fixtures, eetsbllahed bnalneas. owper ' going to leave the city, call lm Madlaon at.' THE beet location In Oregon for a good hotel man witn tram so.nno to gin.ono, in tha een ' ter of the government Irrigation worka. Ad dreaa A. F. tluhlne; Merrill. Oregon. FOR BALE Interest In., very central No. 1 paying lodging bouae, "One who knowa tbe himlneaa; part caah and reat from proceed, of house. Call 1491, Sixth at. $aOO BUYS dairy, 20 enwe, horse and wagon, cana, etc.; S-year leaae: large bouee and barn; 60 acrea good paetnrs; IVi miles from town. Phono Front 2046. FOR BALK Photograph gallery: change In . bnatneaa reaaoofor aelllng; a bargain; must be enjd at once. Celt oa or addreaa 0. M. - llarrla. . Dayton, -Or, - - - - FOR BALB Eaat aide butcher shop, fully equipped; eetsbllahed trade, good location, long leaae. cheap rent. 270 Aider, cigar atore. XI ROOMS, ateam beat, does In. sell very cReaTf or trade for good property. Western ' Realty Co.. 616 Commercial block. Mala 4604. WORKWOMAN'S hotel. 36 rooms, rent $40; full of steady boarders; come snd see It: bar gain for $700. Andersen, lai Morrison at. GOING away; will aell cheap, express wsgon, r boras snd hsrness. with good at and. Call 37$ t Mill at., or Hotel Rhelnpfals. 23 ROOMS Corner brick, central ;ocatlon, only $1.9ii0. or will trade, 616 Commercial block. Phono Mala 4604, FOR BAI.F Steam laundry In good Oregon town-good opening; writs at oner. K M, cars Journal. FOR SALE Reataurant located In Rrlrkaon'e a fc. BcconOJoaBurnaldsits.ilnuu Irs fufj. '.vana. FOR BALK $229 taken restaurant on Waahlng ton, worth $H9fl. Inquire 405 Waahlugton. ROOMB, new furnl tors, In fins location, , will sell cheap. Call owner. Main 4491. , WANTED To buy atock of goorta fof caab ; moat be cheap. Addreaa 272 Sheridan. FOR BALE Rooming hon.e. n rooma, oaly 11.090; mnat aell.' bo Madlaon at. FOR 8ALIH01II.I AXO CARRIAOH. FAST mad horse for Sale'; will trade for real . aetata) gentle for lady. Address box 1-60, rare Jonrnal. TO KZCHAHOX. $20 ACRES level valley land, unimproved, for sale cheap, or exchange for boraea or cattle. 64 Labbs bldg., corner , td snd Waahlugton, - '" i-1 - - i i,n. mmm CHIROPODISTS ABD SCALP SPECIALISTS. MA PA ME KVXE AND . BHEPPARD Bcslp apeelallats, menlcnrlng .expert cblropc-dlete, anflteptie foot bath for burning" feet. Boom 6, 864 Morrison gt. OREGON FARMS FOR SAXJB I am a faraaer end not a towe or city abark. nor do I charge gio or fin autre on a rarm. mi im chj " or town aharka. but aell at tbs far mere' prlcea. I help the buyer In svery way I ran, " for I am a farmer of H3 yeara standing. We have tbe beet country and climate under - tbe -eun: thunder and lightning atorma no known to ua. UrSaa arren tbe year round; anr amount of all klnda of fruit. Write for free nrlrs Hats of my bargains- -1 IU gladly anawer all queetloua. T lire 3 miles southwest or nneriaaa oa my una. u wm coat yoa nothing to see- mr bargains, snd I will -treat you fair in all deals. C- O, : Bt'HUESH. agent. Kberldan. Oregoa SUBURBAN ACREAGE. We offer at a bargala 13 acrea. abont 4 acres of wbW-b Is- beaver- asm, all Improved, noma frnlr. arona land, sood road." rloae car una. s miles from centrt. of city aad 3 miles south of Mtlwaukle; will dlvlda It dealrcd. Cat full particulars-from AMERICAN FbOBS Mala 6383. INVESTMENT CO. .223 Falling Bldg) 4A ACRES. 34 In cultivation, H aero good tUni-er, good eoU, no rocka. Tlno Heat loo. geofl roao, nearer ail ainos or irvn, a oerw - good B-room bouae, gooa waver ano wu .ii a . i . aM i,w limit oini. v aniiv-w hibibipm -- . - Portland; will make Urma. Address tongeoy. Ullwaukle, Or., owner. . 6 ion ACRES 99 la cultivation. 16 acrea winter wheat, good gsrden. . bearing orchard, all funds of berries, plenty wood, goo rail fence, rrlgatlng ditch. 2 -room bouae,. bars and -eutbutldlnga, . noetofOce half mile, good school. Pries 12,000. B. A. Klstnsr. BBwck, Or. - . FREB LAND IN OREGON onder the "Carey Irrigation aYCl." lasa qireci irum evaia. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. S. cook ' m Co., zoi-aiaes at., i-oriianu, vr, JUOOD farm for sale; mod buildings, fln I running neater; located la WllUmetta valley, 11 mllea from Ralem; price 12.600, .: Addraat B. F. Tucker, Turner,- Oregon. : )' MAliHErfrt. COUn'1? Improred sndanlmproved - landa, acreage property, town lots, restdrncsa, ' bualueaa locatloturT etc. Don Carlue Boyd, tbs rral satata man. Ontario, or . BOMEHTKADEftS ws locate yoa on wheat or . Irrigation landa; real eatgtc ror ssie. mi w writs Van Cleave at acnoli. r.cno. u mauua u. Tintina n mm Tnrtland: auiul dwelllug ehlcken-houas, fruit trees, etc.; cbeap If taken quirk, rarticuiars wai Aiiaay oiug. 80 ACRES good farm -land.j $60 caab. alancs . itJ; saay terma: moat oe laaea uta For aartlcslars, call 20B Allaky bldg. i mm landa In fn-eron: eieuraldns svery dsy. - For Information Inqnlrs Northwesters Securi ties Co.. 1S oregonia.n mag. ' FOR SALE KISOItllXEOu-S -r. ICR CREAM, fruit Ices, made Quickly without i . . X. milk hii mif . H-W, ,1 II 1 1 1 1 . V , mwtwym - . aweet In hot weather; full direct lone., ,10c. .win, a l-l. - kn OCLA Pn-f I . nil . r ti 1 1 ii m nim-iiii. vw, . . BILLIARD -AND POOL Ublos for rent or for 1 nn -naviilenfa- JUE JIRy'BWlCK-BAiKB COLLXSDf .CO- aw joiru el., rimiiu. , ' WB print your name oa B0 calling oarda, proper else ana eerie, zoc zoo- ouaiucee carua, Brows Brbmale. S2w Flrat, Portland. Or, 18-FOOT gas launch,. 3t borsepower. com pletely equipped. In . good condition; pries S.HMJ. w. 4. twairn, .1. uwa-- w 4 TRAINEff fortune-telling Mrdaeultable for fair work. 41V. -North Tblrd at.; big money for some one; oe soia.eneap. - x - IF vou are going ramping or tlmheT-eruletng get a a eenlng-bag. a.-iiini - Amra aTlTerrla, STFIrat at FOR SALE New bostbousc Jut conpeted; tha tv-t Hiaterlal; alao one rowDoai-. lbii jara "" Noland. foot of Mill et. TET.EPnONE bracketr aro Tdnst Plnne.r Wood Mfg. Co.. B. Seventh. Phono Eaat 3106. PIANO, organ. Klondike table snd a grapbp- pnono for ssle; a bargain, iw rourin ai. NEW babr carriage for aele. Room 401 Tourny bldg., nccono ana layior. nam ooo. FINK Columbia wheel for aals cbesp. Room 2, 1 naniner ih lAiuimnic. PERBORAX. MANLT vigor restored by Dr. RoberU Nerve tilODUieS. UBf WWIH ,11. u.. .... V-, w . aa. u u,i,a he matL Agenta,- WooJar.-Clsrks A Co., l-ortlae!, in. MAN1CI RING by new rotary procese, hand mas . m-m wihratnrv hudv. face, era Id 'maaaagc; f re 'demonetra'tloo. Vllwatorlum. rooma 2-2 f Ij-nla Dlrtgr, Park an -Morrlsoa -as BOOKS! Hers they are:' Decameron." "Hep- timeron." "A Hot ismsis. raony "'". Twenty Tears a Faker." "Forbidden Fruit." 60o earb; llata free. A. Schmale. 228 First at. LOST powera re.toreq nv roe greax ut. Lorena a erve (onic laoieia; p-r o, 6 boxea for $1.29. Write or call a,t Eraeell Pharmacy, 327 Morrlaon. bet. let and 3d. BING CHOONG. Importer of Chlneae root medl clnea; sella Cbtni-se lea thst la certain cure for all diseases. 101 Second bet. Yamhill and Taylor. MRS. LILLIAN K. t RAM fblropodlat. manl. curing and abampoolng. Park 424 Ablngtou bldg.. Portland. Oregon. Telephone Clay 1752. WONDER WORKER" remedlea; No. 1 "pro- . teetnr" for all . remaie irouoira, si- wa Sixth St. - " MIBB MAK1, srlen'IBc msaaeuae. graduate of - Klnlaud; ladlea only. 4ii6 Ablngtou. lid. 6-T5. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlaei Alder at. t'bons main sooa. DCCITLT snd New .Thought books. J once' Book Store, 1 Alder at. - AtlATZSB. THK 1. H. riak Assaying offlcs Oreenley A Crsvrford, analytical chsmlata and metal Inrglata. 304 Waablngton at. ARCHITECTS. J. P. HOFFMAN, architect and superintendent . 1S11 Flrat at.. Portland. Or. BICTCLX MAilRS.- COLrMRIA, TRIBUNE AND CRESCENT. PORTING GOODS. EXPERT REPAIBIMO. - F. P. KEENAN. SOS THIRD ST. ART EMPORIITM. PROF. RICHARD MAX METER Portrait aad . landaeape artlat; laatructloa la oil painting, water color, etc., end drawing; art gallery ' coo ceded wltb atodloi pictures for sals and framing to order. B48 Alder at- Phono I6W. BLANK BOOK M ANUT ACTT;RERS. BOWK, DAVIS A RILHAM.. 10B-IU Second sc. Bank book manufacturers: .aganta for Joase Improved Lsoee-Leaf ledgers; are the aew Eareks leaf, the best oa the market. BATHS MASSAGE. TUB SNOWDKN BATHROOM 287 H Alder bet. 4th and 6ib; lady attendant.: tnb and vapor hatha, maaaage. electricity. Main 6o6. VAPOR and sponge bathe with msssags and magnetic treatments by experienced young lady.' 110H Fourth St., cor. Waahlngtoa. SCOTCH lady, formerly of Tblrd at., gives pawe ana maeaage ireaimewi at ror 4 error, raia a, ie Bipiin HOT., rxpert , masseuse, gives cabinet, stem .atha snd msguetlc fci!nielrrr-rPI91xWT sr., room ua MIHS MATRON glvsa bath, maaaage treatment; aklllful sttendsnls. Rooms B-B, IWj, Third. VOt'NG ladlea ties maaaage, tnb snd vsnnr hatha. 1 lov-. Fourth at., dir. Weahlnglon. CZkfxBf CORTRACTORS. CEMENT WORK .CP TO DATB, wltb men. elbowgreaae and atralght bualness. K.. U. Lund. from, 803 Commercial blk. CHAR, ft CARTER ft CO., cement eoawsctora, 646 Eaat Twentieth st Pboaa' fast 1676. "All work goaraateed. QHAS. B. YORK CO, renalrera and sialsra, removed to $7 Flrat. 3 blocks north. COAL ABO WOOD. CHUHCHLKI BHDS, bars removed from fool of Davia at. to 42U Kearney St., Bear tlarenlo. It la now the largeet woudyard lu the city, i csrryliig all kinds uX Wood aud ouaL Pkvua Majn 1)31. , r- ' ' ' WESTERN FEBD ft FUEL CO., ear. Front aad Hurt - ata.. dealers la eVmeette aad s tea at coal,- blacksmith eoai. cbsroual-aiut awka. Phono Mala 1013. ... , '. m -" """ . ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealers la cordwood. coal aud green aad dry alabwood. R. R. sad Al blna avs., 3 blocks sssl of furry. Kaat 674. ItUPKRT FUEL CO. Tbs beat dry wood la town- Don't forget to tibons Cast 146. 396 Eaat Eltbtk sc.. eor. Msdlaoa. STEEL RR1DOB FUEL CO.. dealers la aneV, eord wood and dry slab wood. Phono East 434. OREGON FUEL CO.; aU kinds of coal aad wood. , 344 Morrison. Phono Main 69. KIRK HOOVER. BIS Water at., wood aad ooaL Phone Mela 4IW. .- COMinSBIO HXBCHANTS. KVERDINO ft FARRELL. produc sad roatmla sloa aaerebanta. 140 Foat at.. Portlaad. Or. Pboaa Mala ITS. - . B8B e ro-gunst ciOARVo.-ai:! . -X v. . Dlatrlbutora - of -, ' . ',-r - - - k ' F1MI CIO A KB; - ' T - Portland. Oregon, - CLXAJIUfO AMD DYXIVO. PORTLAND STEAM CLEANING ft DTIINO Worka; practical hatter la connection: feather boas aad plumes clssned sad curled by aa as part. 811 Fourth. Phone Clay 704. T.OTHCS., cleaned and pressed $1 per month. Unique Tailoring Co., S4T Waahlngtoa at. H. W. TURNER, professions! dyer end S Issuer. . 606 Jeffereon sf. Pnons Main 3918. CARWET-CLIAJTIRO. HAVE- roor walls -cleaned; ws clean papered and painted walla; eattefeetlon guaranteed; prices reeeonabif; asfsrsncss. Bad 2U.11. CARPETS cleaned on the floor; we ratea no ' duet. I'bona Clay. avil. rree aemonatration. J. HUNTER--8team carpet and mattress. Cleaner. 690 Jefferson. Phone-Main 314. a , li " ' , ij- i ii lie i " CLAIRVOTAaTT"AFl AXKIST.- MADAME JOHNBTON-Clalrroyant. palmlat, card reader; I giro facta reliable snd Im portant on all affairs of real Ufa. Readings 60c. 68 Seventh at.. Bear Oak. - CARPXlfTEIlS. AHTJ TmiXiXl. A. J. AUTHORS and H. B. WOOD, earpentors and . bullderet repelling abd jobbing: -atora and ofBce Sltnrsa built. Shop 200 Columbia. Mala 828T. OArrs. ERICKSOJTS'RESTACBANt etercheat's mncb - 11 a mrto 13 a. m- under new management O. B. Evans, prop. Second- and Bamslds. THE OFFICE 2n Wsabtnrtoa at. PI Mala 771. Samuel Vlgneeux. TROCKXBT AND OLABSWARB. WHOLESALE crockery snd glasawwre. Preel. Hegels ft Co.. inn to log nrtb, cor. start st. DENTISTS. CY- CHURL H VAN. .WBHW. "MaVqn am Sixth ,and-Morrlaon. rbone Main 1760. BOO AND HORSE HOSPITAL. DR C.E RROWN.D.V 8..D.C.M. Dog. horse bos. prtal.aWT Burnslde Pbonesr Mshi40ei6:Rast 8686. DRE88MAJURG. SHIRTWAISTS, wool of wsak silk. Baas for $1.28; shirtwaist suits, $4.90, 463 Eaat Mar ket, raoae aaat aiui. KRISTER'S Ladles' Tsllorlng college: cur to measurer Allaky nail sou. m i MRS. McKIRBEN, srtlstlo areas and cloak making. 6.11 Morrteoa at. . DREBBMAKING Strictly ap to date) la teat designs. 43 Clay at, -ZLECTRICAI. WORXS NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING - Company. 80 Stark at.. Portland. - O. K. fof - everything la the electrical lias. Pkoas - Mala JSoa., . , PACIFIC Elecrrle Co. Engineers, aoatrartora, repslrers. electrle-wtrtng, enpplles. 64 First, cor. Stark. Mala K. R. H. Tate. mgr. -FURNITURE FACTORIES, OPEGON Furulture Msnnfseturing Company Manuraeturers ot lurnnuro lur too uaos. Portlaad. . Or. FURNITCRB manofacturtng aad apeclal arders. L. Buvsasky's furnlturs factory. gTO Front at. BOYNTON warm -air furnaces save fneL J. C. Bayer Furnace Co.. 396 Second. Mala -Ml. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP. FOREST RE8ERVR SCRIP FOR SALR ap pro ven, anreetrietea, ready ror immediats Bee; lowest prices. B. F. ft F. B. Riley. 606 Chamber of Commerce. - - FREE GOVERNMENT lAbTDI. J 1ST opened to settlement; fine, level, vsilry lanna; no atone or timber; water and anil Brat claae. Come In and let us locate you. Room 66 Labbs bldg.. Second end Washington. z GROCERS. WADHAMS ft CO., wholeaale grocers. asaao- racrurers ana oommissioa assreaantsv ganria and Oak ata. . . y - - ALLEN ft LEWIS, commlaalaa a ad pet dare mee. ctianrs. rrout snd narla ata.. portlasd, or. HOTELS." THE BKI.LEVUE 60 newly furnlahsd rooma. an suns or single. iiavs rourin. cor, Salmon. Terma, (caaogable. Mala 1040.' TUB L1NDELL HOTEL Market, bet. Third and locrth, Portlsad; entirely aew; European, and American plan; ftOo to $2 per .dag, Hotel Pendleton, rendlstsa. W. A. Brown, mgr. HOTEL Portland, America a plan; $3, $8 per day. HOTEL St. George. Pendleton; -leading hotel. BELVEDERB. Ljropean plsa: 4th aad Alder era. HOTEL, BE8T4UBANT AND CAMP XANOIS. HOTEL. RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES 4 YlbbsB ft Bcitoa a CO., oeteuieeoia ana "psbjurwses,.'ssewees-a4se boSs4r--ceoeesf sssi camp ran gee. gssulla stoves aad refrigera tors la tha city. RARDWARB. Portlaad Hardware Co, solicits opportunity ts gnots prlcee- 130 let, cor. Aider, male isns. HUMAN HAIR ROLLS. J. BORG, msnufactarer of bnrhaa balr rolls, ate. 426 B. Math. Pboaa Bsst 3311. ert-nlT 1 v il 'l r i in 1 ii ai 1 I I i ii aanalsaw 'USUIAHCXT" LAMBERT, WniTMER ft C Firs Isamrsaca aad real aetata, aarrsaaors to Arlbsr Wllsoa ' ft Co.; sfSees. west aids. 107-106 Sherlock bldg... Mala 1008; oast al.le dept. 44 Rasl ' Alder iClllsens' bsnkl Kast 401.. IB AO L. WHITI, Bra Inaaraacs. 306 Dekaa . BldS. ' - JAB. Mcl. WOOD, emptoyers' flablllly aad la , dividual serldent eursly bonds of all klnda Pboaa 4T. 303 McKay bldg. B. F. B ARTELS COMPANY Firs Insurance. 443 Sherlock bids. Oregon Pboas Clay 136,1 TUB STAR LOAN CO. ' Aaf salaried smploys. wage-oaraat, caa gat sat his note, without mortgage Month. U Month. Week. IS0.00 Repay to WS SIX. 93 or ta.69 of 69.99 $29.00 Repay to aa 8 6.69 or I S3 or il-66 $16.00 Repay to as B 4.00 or $3-09 or II.W I1U JaCKiy aiog. F1VR pea -eenv- mousy ;- ws bnlld yoa a or iosnyou money oa yonr property: m peymenta; Inveetlgate! open Saturday - inge. Kooms 10-it utna Diag., znH MONEY TO LOAN es resL persons! and col lateral security; special attonttoa to -Mattel itloa to an a w,. si eBortgagss; aotea bought. C W, FsUet, BU4-B FentoB bldg., 64 SlXtb HIGHLY rsspectebls - piece where ladles and . gents saa borrow money oa dlamoode and iewelry. Collateral Loan Bank. SuSfWaaa-. tngioa sr. r-aono ttuea Tl. 1 39 LOANS snd toward an all kinds rity or to salaried people oa Weir Dots; lowest ratea; no publicity, no daisy.. 1. Ablngtoa bldg. Pbona Red 1730. MONEY ADVANCED selected people, teamsters, ate., without security: saay pa; mania: lateral- buelnees In 4fl principal cities. , Tolmsa. 3X3 Ablngtoa bldg. CHATTEL loans la smonnta ranging from $36 to $9,000; momlng-housea a aiieclalty.- - New Era Los a ft Trust Co.. 306- Ablngtoa bldg. - LOANS at lowest rates oa ferulture, pianos; anr security note purchased. Eastern Loss If Ace. 440 Sherlock bldg. MONBY TO LOAN In Urge er small aaaaaata . oa good security; lowest- rates. - William G. iteck. DOT Falling b!d. MONEY to loan In Soma to solt si 6 snd 6 per cVnt. W. J. Clemens, 378 Stark st. Chamber of Commerce. LOANS oa furniture, pianos, other securities, lowest rates. S. W. king, room 46, Wsak. bldg. Mala 8100. THE CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary loans, from three to six mouthe; conlldent'a'. 817 . Ort-gonlaa.- - -- MONEY TO LOAN on -Clackamas county lands. E F. aad F. B. Jtllcy. 60S Cbamhsc of Com - merco. , . PORTLAND REAL FBTATB LOANS. 8 AND - per cent. - W m. Denholm. 326 Falling kldg. MONEY TO LOAN. 6 -per cent. Northrop ft King, 310-311 Commercial block. "LOCKSMITH. BROWNE'S IN TOWN Expert locksmith snd 1. 1 - . -1 i nui u. i. i . ...... Clay 822; night phone, llaln S.1M. KEY fitting, caat-lron bearing snd general rs- Pilrlng. J. H. BIcbsrdsDB. BUS Fourth at hone Hood . lTg$. . KTSICAX. SELF-PLATING PIANOS Cecil la a self-play. Ing - planoa proemonced tbs beet by ksadlng mnaldans, alao Ceclllan plaoo-playara. B. U. Wllla Mualc House. 950 Alder st. SECOND-HAND muetcsl Instruraants sf sll kinds gt lowest prices, cash or lustsllmoata. Fisher Mualc Co.. 100 Tblrd at. ' MR. AND MRS..H. A. WERBER. banjo, mando lin, guitar Instruction. Main MM. 178 W.Park. LF-HSONB 90c Piano, guitar, banjo, mandolin, -vlntlnr tH F1rst.cor. Matn: Mrs. Martini 3 MAONZTIp HXALIXO, MRS. L. H. HART trssts sll dleeaaea, atomarb tronble. nervoueneea and functional weak nee a. - Conanltatlon free. 2wivk Park, cor. Jeffereon. hctYary znrsua. PREPARATION of deeds and mortgagee a specialty; prlcea reduced, la. A. Frame, SIB, tbe Marquam. - . - OVERALLS. BOSS OF THB IrOAD OVEBALLS snd mechsa. - tea' clothing; anion made.. Neuatadtsr Bros., - mans tartn rare, fort lend, cae. PLUMBERS. DONNERRER9 ft RADEMACHER, aaaltarg plumbers. 84 Fourth st. Both pboaea. FOX ft CO., sanitary plumbers. 391 Second bet. Mela aad Salmon. Oregoa Phone Mela 3001. .FHOMGRAPma JaOURTS.-. f. U-WOObWORTHr Mfg.. 166V4 Fourth St. Ths latest at y lee of Mount Board. PIANO TUNING. 4EOROH ANDERSON Expert plsno tuner and repairing. Inquirej laner wuaic TPoV Kea vox PLATING. EASTERN ' PLATING CO., 82S First Gold, surer, - copper, nickel ana arses pistiag. Jewelry work specialty. THR OREGON PLATING WORKS. 4S1 Wssh- Ingtoa st. Pboas 3976. Pellsbtng, plating and lacqoerlne. PAINTS. OIL AND GLASS. F. R. BEACH ft CO. Tbs Pioneer Pelnt Cs.1 window-glass and Staging. iM Flrat sC Phone 1334. . RASMUBSEN ft CO. I CO, Jfibhee- p.!-.. oil ill. Heco n d snd Tsylor. PRXNTLVG. BL'SHONU ft CO. Front ana Stark in. print- Ing, iiiaograpning. nisna oooaa aaa. otnes supplies; work done en time: moot osmplsts prlutlng ofSee la the weat. Mala 104. ANDERSON ft DUNIWAY COMPANY, printing. lithographing, blank books. Phone Mala 17. . Km Alder at. PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT. E. R. B. MULDER, exnert acconntsnt. room 441 Sherlock Bldg.; Don a a oneneq, aajoateu ana audited; booka kept for email concern.; msrle. US rsts charges: aret-ciaae rsreresces. main woe. ROPX. PORTLAND CORDAGR CO. Corner Foartsaath aad Northrop at... Portland. Or. 3er ROOFING. TIN ROOFING, guttering repelling snd gensraj joouina a. a-ostll. sis eeiiarson aw RUBBER STAMPS. P. 0. STAMP WORKS, 34B Alder St.. phsae Msla 710; rubber stsmps, seels, stencils, h uf gags. trade check. ; sead for cetalogaa. STREXT FA VINO. WARRRN Ooostructlou Co. Street Paving.' aids walk and croeswslks. T16 Oregoalsa bldg. THB TrlnMad Asphalt Paring Cs, of PortUaA OfDco aba worceater Blk. - TOXAOZ ABD TRANSFER. SAFES, pianos and faraltarw- moved, iicked ready for shipping snd shipped; sit work nar.ntMit' Wr-aa LsIak l.rlb .S..n n. wgrehouee fc4.atorag. 6fS.cs ; iUJlrat.fc C. M. Olae n. rbone Mala 64 T. a O. PICK. otBee SB First St.. between 8tark IM l.k sts., pnons ova; pianos and rarnlture moved snd Parked for shipping; commodloas ire-proof, brick war bo use, . Froat aad Clay ata. . STORAGR spars to let la our new building. sis tv a Ter at. aigier) Milling txmauaaiaa Oampaay. SHOWCASES AXD FIXTURES. SHOWCASKR at -erase- desCTTpftont beak, bar ana atore oxturee made to order, ine Lata Msnufsrturlng Co., Portland. SOUVEBIRS. THB MORGAN CO. 100 to 113 Second art., M floor. Mannfartursra and Johbera of Lewie snd Clark snnwrnlra; booths snd street ttaada fitted ' sot complete. SAFES. FOR opening lockouts aad sat barf alas ge J. B. Darls, M TblM at. 7 k . komo loutbiy Cvea Wasa. XI."" YOST TIPIWRITER HBADQUARTKRSW 43 Fourth Street. ' - Wo rest, repair, aall, aicuangs typssTtltsrs, ' All supplies tor all machines. Standad machines $26 snd a to 816SX In yoa want a eteaaa-raphsr oe typist! Ws hare Mat of good applicants. .... . wroos Black 3871. BLICKEN8DORFF-R typewriters. - suppllss. rs. palrlug. Roes ft Boss, Boo Stark. Mala 1670. txrwix KTrprtT. CLEAN TOWEUI DAILY Comb, brwek. soaa, 11 per month. Lawrence Bros.' Towel Supply Co., roor Fourth and Coaetj.:: TRANSFIX ABD HAUXINO. OREGON TRANSFER CO., 184 North Blxth. Pbona Mala SB. Besry kaoUnf snd storage. POST SPECIAL DELIVERY. No, 300 14 Wash ing tea st. rPbooo Mala BBS. . - TIMBER. piaM-fiawi-i-ea ee i. 4 Wi' r ai" - 1 TIMBER clalma. T.000.000 feet fir, on log ging atraaia nesr Columbia river; Inexpen aire trio to ace land; locating fro $79; beat pronoaltlnn In Portland tixlay. For parlc- ulara, call at room 808 Allaky bldg. : y WE bavo for sale Banta Fr. Ba Fraaclses . Mono tela - forest "reaerv; thla will enter timber lend; also 160 Mloug ecrlp. which will enter uoeurvered laud. Maglanla ft Son, 327 Falling bldg. HOMESTEAD ' relinquishments; S.OOO.OOO : feet fir. near roe at, Improved, reasonable fee; In vestigate quirk. 206 Allaky Bldg.' , FOB SALE Two . bom ee teed reUnqwIeaaerat . claims: second growth: will sell cbeap, . M. P. Klelsoa., Hotel Rhalapfahea. . FOR HOMESTEADS, timber clalma and sorts spply to 806 Commercial buck. ' TURKISH BATHS. DR. MOOR EFI ELD of Stockton, Cal-.bae otiened s Turkish and ateam bath st bob nrtn st. TTOLIlfS. Wgaoo. aloMn-wiakeV-SH-l rvnalrert work Brat Maes. 38 Ruaaell bldg. 4th and Merrleoe, - WALLPAPER, MORGAN WALLPAPER CO..- 1S4-1BS Beesad at., set. xamhiii and Taylor, ratan, - ' i . TTNATCIAL,' MRTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF ORBGON, ru. low iniHU or. - Tbe Oldest Trust Company la Oregon). ' --- BEHOIIRCKS OVFB Bl.W.UO. General Banking Bnalneaa Conducted, . aeviiige uenosns neceivea. mi certificates laaoed. elao certificates of Milt payaoie upon itl uaya can, oo ubt or SO dava' call with Interest at (Va. 8 and 4 per cent per annum, reepestleelyi Call or send for book of Illustrations, It EN a. I.- con KN '.-. President H. L. PITTOCK .......Vloe-rreeldent B. LEE PAGET i.;..-. .. Secretary J. 0. GOLTHA.. .Asalstsnt Secretary FIRST NATIONAL BANK, " OF PORTLAND. OREGOV. Dsslgsatsd Depository and Financial Agent of the .United States, Peealdest ... ....!. A.. I MILLS Caahler J. W. NEWKIKK Aaalsrant Caabler. w-i-.-T.-irrrriiWr-S. ALVORD Second Aaalatant Caahler B. F. STEVENS Letters sf Credit leaned Available la . Europe snd ths Esstera States, . .. .. Bight Kichsngs snd Telegraph Is . Transfers sola on nsw tors, voetoa. tnic.go, ot. Louie. St. PauL Omaha, Saa Frandaco aad ths. artneiosK rnnta in -the etorthweet. ' :' - Sight snd tlms bills drawa lu aoma to suit em ljonflon. r'arla. rlerllu. -1 raakrort-oo-tbs-i Main. Hong Kong. Yokohama. Cope oh ages. cnnattaaia. prorthoim. at. . pstcriBurg, M sow, Zurich. Honolulu.-' Oolisotlons Made ea Favorable Terma. ' I IRTrKD STATES NATION AX BANK. eaiivaaii aann. OF PORTLAND. OREGON. U biOXTKwTST COR. THIRD AND OAK ITS. - - XiaMasta a Oenersl Banking Business. DRAFTS IRSL'KD Avallsbls In All Cities of. the United States sou Europe. Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADX OH FAVORABLE TERMS Presldeut .-?. C. AINSWORTII Vlce-lteeldsot.,; .........W. B. AVER Caabler R. W. 8CHMEKR AaaUtaat Caabler.... A. M. WRIGHT LADD ft TILTON, BANKERS. (Eetabilsbsd ra list.) - Tranaactg a General Banking Bus!) Collections made it ill points oa favorable terma. Lettcra of credit la.ued available la Europe and sll. points In ths United St a tea. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic Transfers Sold oa New nor, waablngton. Chicago, Bt. Loots, Denver. Omaha. Ba n Franclac, aoA asonisna. aaa- oeiifaa - i-Tiinmnia. Exchange sold on London. Paris. Berltm. Frankfort, Hong Kong, vofcobama, Manila and lionoiuiu. SECURITY SAVINGS ft TRUST COMPANY. 366 Morriaoat., Portland. Or. Traasaets a Geaaral Banking " iimii SAVINGS DEPARTMENT. Interest Allowed on Tims snd Savings Deposits. Acts ss Trustee for Eetatee. Drafts and IcUera of Credit AvaUahJgt JB.-AII . , i aria ex tae . norio. C. F. ADAMS Presides! L. A. LEWIS....... First Vice-President A. L. MILLS Second Vice-President B. . JLBITr. .....Birr-tarr GEO. F. RI.8HF.I.L Ariiatsnt Secretary M' ESCHANTS' NATIONAL BAlrlC. PORTLAND. OREGOH. i. FRANK WAT80N Prealdnt R. U DURHAM Vice-President H. V HUH Caahli GEORGE W. HOTT Aaalatant Caabler Transacts a Dsasral Banking Bualness. Drefte and Letters ot Credit leaned Arallable to -All Parts of tbs World. Collections a Specialty. ORRIS BROS, ft CHRISTEN8EN, J sirat ntreex, curiiana. wr. Otter -Slit-Edge Investments la Municipal aad Railroad Bonder - Write or Call. MORTOAGE L.OAN8 Oa Portlaad Real Kststs at Lewast Rates. . Titles Insured. A bi tracts Furnlahsd. TITLE OUARANTEE ft TRUST CO. Room 4. Chamber of Oommeree. 1 - . J ! RAILROAD AND STEAMBOAT TIME TABLES Ticket Ofle 1SS Tkirl Aoaa SSS eeaa. TraaKascontlneriCal -k Train. Dally & FAST TIME TO SPOKANB. BT. PAUL. DULUTB, MINNEAPOLIS, CHICAGO AND ALX. POINT8 aCAJIT. Daylight trip throush the Caaeacle Snd Rocky mountalna. For full partlo ulara, rataa-foldar sv te call on9t BeV X. XtlOXSOaT, City Ticket aVft-ta ItB Thlr 8 tree t, FortlaaeV , COLUMBIA RIVERA : SCENERY Spencer Line Fast Steamer, ChasrRrSpencer - Dally round trip to The Dnllea from Wa ah Ins ton street dock at T a. m., except Friday snd Sun-dy- '' i ' Tbe wltsewUad of Amerloa. -jiost BfaerBllloaBk Boeaery la Uia Woild, SUNDAY EXCURSIONS' - to tbs four-million dollar j Cascade Locks and Return Leaving foot of Washington street at a. m., -arriving home st . p. m. t: Round Trip Tickets 1.00 ! Telephone Main 14JI. . '' S. W. B 11 3101! aV, Oenerat Aiansgar, Portland, Or, irYFarxiTTj RAILROAD AJTD STEAMBOAT TIMX TABLES. mm , . w and union Pacihc 3 Trains to the East Daily-3 "ThroaTgh Pullman" atamUrd snd aoarWt a leas ing cars dally ts Omaha. Chlcsgs, Spohaasl ' tourist sleeping ears dally ts Kenans Cltri . throogh Pullmaa tourist slseplag eara (Bsrssee ally eoi.docted weekly to Cucac. Reclialae. ohaar ears Isesta trso as the . East AalU. UNION DEPOT. Arrlrae. CHICAGO-PORTLAND - SPECIAL. B'1S i Dally. 1:39 a. I Daily. For tbe Eaat via Has. . -loatoa. SPOKANB F' VBB. For. Eastera Washing ton. Walls Walla. Lew- 616 f, I Daily. letoa, Coatir 4' Alee Dally. san eraat Roxlbsra points. , ATLANTTO iipiph For tbs Bsst vis Uuat- 8:18 k. m. T '1S aV Wkm Ds. . Dally. inaloa. Oelamkla River Dlvlslea. POR ABTORIA aad war points, connecting aritK North Beach, atr. Has aalo, Aah-et. dock. a ! a. aa About' :. Dsllv. aa. Sunday Saturday. 6:00 Bk Bx ea. Sunday. I.ll;on p. - Tamhlll Rrvsr Routs. POR nimmu i. - v " UI..IM City and Tamhlll Rlrer points, stmrs. Rath sad . AalMt. dock. ' Water parmlttlna-.l To a. ax Dally. T-JHI Sv aa. Dally. lax. Sunday ex. Seada. Snake Rivsr Rests. POR LRWI8TON. Ida.. 11 "rf,BtS froai Rlparla. . Wab mmn. 4:00 aw av Tuesday . About 6 aa . Monday 4, WednesjfaS i"rr i ' "" aura, insrsaay 7 -ai nawiaioB.fg.unqa Saturday tlCKXT OrICE. Third aad Tirh'rg"" . imuBf aaaua f la. A. h. CRAIG. Osasrsl rsssrursr Arret. EAST SOUTH lsvsa. I CNION DEPOT. L-Arrives. OTERLAND BXPRRSS trslaav for Balssav Ria. burg. - Aablaad, Sacrs-I 8:80 . ax. vie a to. Oadeak Saa rras- T-JS S. elsco. Stocktoa, lee) Aa-4 Seles, si rasa, nasi ur- Issas and tae Morning train aecta at Wewdborsi dally - except Sand a SsSfta. aa. wits - xr a is - tor ml Angel,- Stleertea. Brownevtlls. S p r I a B- fluid, Wsudllag aad Narroa. Fnansa naaailla ae wa. "6:00 B. Sbleweu at Woedbnra wlul 16:$B B-Sb Mt. Angei aaa suvi toe Iocs!.- . a. na. I Corvallts psss.ncsr. S ;S6 p. tot. 4:60 p. m. I , Bberldes pssssngsr. SB a. Be. e Dally. ' '. - - tsallaaa Oaasga Igbnrhaa Servtse asal TasaklH Oivlaloa. - . Depot foot of Jeffersoa etreet. Loire Portlsad dally for Oswego i:o a. as-f 12:60, 2:06, 4:00, 6:JO, 6:00, 6:36. T:4A.- 16:10 p. m. .Dally (except Sunday), 6:30. 6:80, 8:6, 10:29 a. m.; 4:00. 11:80 p. ax. Snndsy only.. 6:00 a. a. - Returning from Oswego, errtrs Portland dally B:.KI a. m.; 1:56. 8:06. 4:66. S:2B, T:.1n, B M, . 11:10 B. ra. Daily (except Bonnar) S:SS, t ad, 6:80, 10: 10. 11:46 s. aa. Bscept Moadsy, IS ,86 p. m. Sunday only. 10:00 a. m. Lnrea from aame depot for Dallaa aad tntse anedlste points dally 6:00 p. aa. Arrlva Port land 10:10 sw-av -' 1 " " Tbe Independeoce-Meomoork - Motor - Uaa operatof dally to Moaraouth sod Alrlle, ona, seeling wltb Sootbsra PsdSe oosipsay's tracks st Ibillss sad iBdepsadeaca. ytrat-elaaa fars from Portland to Sacra Sara ts and Saa rrandeeo $20. berths $3; asosad-eiaaa tare 616. second-aloes berths $1 60. Tickets to Ksstera points nod Karate akw Japan, China. Bonotala and Austrarls. . City Ticket OfBce corner Tblrd aad WaaV Ingt'-n eteeets. Phone Mala Til . a lev STINGER. . . JJOIIAH, -City Jickst Agent. -su. Pass. Agent. TIME CARD OF TRAINS Portlands DA1LT. CKION DEPOT. il'tniArrtve. TellowstoBS Psrk-Ksa sat City, St. Louie Spe cial fur Cheballa. Cen tralis. Olympla. Graya Harlair, Sonrb Bend, Ta- SiSOsV sv j:N B, Bar coms. Se-ttia. Booksns. Iwlaton. Butte, Bill-' Ings, Denver. Qniehe. Kansss City. St. Lou la and aoutkeaat. North Cos at Limited, electric lighted, tor Ta coma, Seattle, Spokane, Butte, Mlnnespolls, St. Paul and tbs East. Paget Sound Limited, fiar Cheballa. ' Csntrslls, Tacoma and Sealtle 2:00 p. to. 4 :$0 p. BU T:00 a, m. 10:56 p. a. only. Twin City Kxnreea. for Tacoma, Seattle, Bpo-J ssne, tieiens, Butte, Tellosrstoeie Park. Mln 11:48 p B. 6 &0 p m. nes polls. St. Paul and the Ka.t. A. D. CHARLTON, I . Aaalatant General Pssseager Ageat, .256 Morrlaon St.. Cor. Tblrd. "" Portland, Oregon, ;- Astoria & Columbia River Railroad Co. la.1 fUaiaxT. l-vet Q066(MjrMBsle-s .... - Lesveo. UNION DBPOT. Arrives. - . . 'a , 8:06 a. B. Por Maygers, Rafster, I;16 a. 6V Dally, . . Clatsksaia, Weetpost. Dally. . Cllftoa, Aarorla. War. - ' reatoa, Plsvel, , Haaa aaond. Port Stereos. .- Gesrksrt Park. Basel as. - . . Astoria aad l ..afa Ripreea. -. i. a MA TO, O. P. aad P. Aa A starts, Oe. a A. STKWABT, Onmaserrlal Ageat. 86 A Ma Street. Pboas) ataia BUsV - AND THE MARIPOSA E1G TCIES Are reached from tlie main line of ths Southern Purine by s mountain drive over oiled roads In rough California's meat beautiful . Senary. Xef ua piss your Itinerary, make your sleeper, g'fge snd hotel rsservatlong and arrsngs for your Btopoeer, C M. fUlnser, eity t: ' t eot. Third Snd vVaghlr-''" ' YOSEMTi-