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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
-- a - r 1 . 4 -THE OREGON- DAILY - JOURNAL PORTLAND. ; MONDAY 1 EVENING, JUNE ,. 5. 180S.- '' '1 'k r REE:LIVEzlOT5S -HOLD CELEBRATION -HixeTrs-of wbergriiflasTintf Fair; arid Are Received'and Goode and Meyers of Corporation and Commission. REPRESENTATIVES TELL OF Tuesday Dedicated to McMinnville, Hillsboro ' and Forest Grove, land It "1$ Expected That Crowds Will Be Present From . .Those and Other a A A ft e J,"'?TT"TTT J . . TOinOHT'S PBOGBAM. ' ' T , . , V.-, .. -, -?i-H to 'SO V. 'm. Orard con - "cert .by Innes' band. , bandatand ' A on uray pouievoru,.- -' torlum..lf raining. '. . p. m. Grand electrical illuml- nation. .. " . .. to 10 jv-m, PuMlo reception T in T. W. C A. building.-. Three of Oregon's prosperous Inland towns--Newberg. Pallas and layton had their Inning- today at the expoei . tlon. and the center of Interest shifted x temporarily to the Oregon building. .where brief exercises were held in honor - of the trio. ' r 1 The towns were eulogised In the pree- enc of a large crowd of interested spectators." while tto . Administration band under . DeCaprlo punctuated the - ceremonies with rQUlclcetep and Jubilee music." ." ' - The' train was late tn arriving; and It WSS sf"f IT nrlniik ina the 800 ex- curslonists.-half -of JKhom-Wor-New-. berg badges, arrived ut the exposition grounds: They made their way quickly to the-Watebwilding,,. where., the, band vil playtngTMxie." and President IL ' W. Goode and President Jefferson Myers stood ready to receive them. ' : .Mayor Jesse , Edwards of Newberg .. .assumed the gavel and. called the crowd to order In front of th east entrance. H first introduced - President . Goode, wno, orr-DenaiTr Tnrxpiw(:-wrtaTert)een "Worked l theixTSiirslon MAmA "th. nrnaMMii. t r I il m vlro t m" tn I . -. . . . . t . corned "the prosperous triumvirate to ' the blg'showr : The" president spoke " briefly of the worki that had been ac complished and told ifi ' people tey were free to ft warm over, the grounds and buildings and see whnt the world of in dustry is accarapliahlng... He expressed the hope that each and, every one would derive pleasure and satisfaction from bis visit . . . ; Building for AJ1 the People. President Myers was particularly hap py In extending, .on b.lmlf of Oregon, the hospitality of the Oregon building. ."It Is .here," said he, "ereeted by the taxpayers of the state, belonging to them, and Open to alL Make it your .home throughout your stay. - The doors are always open." : Mayor E. Blddle of .Dallas spoke briefly-of. the. resources, of the county which he' had the honor to represent, i . ptnuwwiiriy inn semen Qt . which 'includes the growing town of Dallas. He hoped that every home - seeker would visit thai locality before finally ' selecting a place of residence. R. It. Harris responded for Daytoru He said in ptrt: . . . . Patew, quietly and wlthoutosten " tat Ion. Is doing what she canto keep ""Step wth -the- onwarQ march of prog-reasL.Our-locallty Is rich In historic1 . association. It was the (Tome of Gen eral Joel Palmer, who- more than any other man, perhaps, conciliated the "tribes of the noTthWPTf, iii The days .when the pioneer was laying the foun dation, of the mighty siste, where in -God's- good Itlme roilli wlifcrE And chappy and pleasant homes. It was thetAt one ttme-the. writer of the letters home . or captain Medorem Crawford, an honored pioneer state builder, and of many others who contributed largely to the early development of the great northwest. Dayton rejoices with the people" of this great- city In the con summation - of their " hopes-Srtd desires to fittingly commemorate the achieve ments of Lewis and Clark.' May this , exposition result In all the good to the northwest hoped for by Its most ardent friends.. Ms it carrylo the world th message that here Jn the boundlens west there are possibilities of material development which will ultimately make " this country, "where rolls the Oregon.', an empire within Itself.' r Spesking- for Newberg. Mayor Ed- Visitors to the Exposition Cannot " fall to, lie Interested in our exhibition of Clothing for Men end Boys. Every these mother erlli appreciate Children's Sailor Sdit They-rotne In Blue Serge and Fanry Mixed Cheviots for ages to-10 years. . , DaytdrTTom in .Keunion at the Entertained by Presidents. THE GROWTH OF INTERIOR Cities'of Oregon. - - -' ' ' '' . 1 wards said that no town had mor rspldly during ths 20 .It was Incorporated. !' "Our. advantages are Jim I ha. 'W r located on th wards raid that no town had ton ahead yeara since nltles." satd the -river in a beautiful valley. Our resources are grand and too numerous to tell you of. We want you to (tome and see. . . Come and look at the largeat walnut garden In the world,' ext door to us. Come and ItmtIe -at-an acre -of ground that baa yielded Us cultivator $400 in strawber- Iriea this .season, i If you want a bom. I I don't overlook Newberg. We will treat you right Our schools are right. Our laws are right. We have demonstrated that a, temperance town can grow,' for we have a water supply bo perfect that the people will not drink anything else. A selection by the band brought the exercises to a close and-the .Visitors began their Inspection of the fair. The hostesses of the day at the Ore gon 'building are Mrs. Jesse Edwards of Newberg; md Mrs. W. T. Gllkey of Uayton. Until " June 17- Oregon's cities will have- special, dsjrs, two or three towns to each day. - Bl Crowds Expected. Tomorrow wilt be MoMinnvllle, Hills boro and Forest Grove day, and It is expected that special ceremonies will take place In. the Oregon building, ln clud in brief - addresses, - muslo by-tho Administration band and s reception In the- main hall upstairs.- - The excursion. bureau, under Colin H. Mclsaac, is practically one month ahead in its work.. All the towns between San Francisco and Portland, LaOrande and Portland - and . Snnkane ani Portland agents., and on the special days,- which bavebeen arranged -.hi the order best sulted;-to railroad excursion facilities, it la expected that hundreds of people will com to Portland from the places. Buslneea will be 'suspended In mbsiofT the cities to which., special days have been assigned. - Forest Grove will hare a representa tion of S00 tomorrow, every store In the place- having agreed to close. Hillsboro and-McMinnville will also send lars delegations. A reception by the wo men of the Lewis and Clark club of Washington county will talre place from 1- to. 2 o'clock and there will be' a public meeting In the Auditorium from a to 1 o'clock, with music and addresses. OFFERS REWARD FOR--. -ARTIST BLACKMAII FR (Journal Special Berries.) Oswego, N. Y., June t. John J. Ton kin,, a. millionaire, has offered 160,000 reward for the apprehension of the .person who hss been writing htm black mailing Jetters for two years. The .wrlterdemands large sum of money, aiiSriTrreBTTTh4-lf--4ieloea jjotre ceive It, little Rosamond Tonkin. It years of age, will vanish and never be seen sgaln. " The writer of the letters Uavldentl tan arnitrBeveral of the letters con- tainskatches otj the girl, which strike off her features with remarkable exactness-- '- 1 : produced series of pictures, which he Sent at regular Intervals to the father. The pictures represented the events the artist said would follow . the failure of the parents to send the money de manded. One sketch showed the girl being chloroformed. The police and de tectives have failed utterly In their search for the blackmailer. CREEK TRIBAL TAX - . .CAUSING PROTEST . I, . (Journal Special govlcs.) Muskogee, -1. T. ' June g, West, captain of Indian police, has re eel vea UHlerS tlOt to Tulimlt to arrest hv city authorities, but to proceed-to collect the Creek trTBRl fax from the merchshts. arrant are ready-for the arrest of Mayor Fite and other tltr friHi charging Interference with federal of flciala. Cltlxens are protesting vigor ously to the president against the ac tion of the federal authorities; I S SUED CHECKS ON. - t AN IMAGINARY BANK ("pedal Dispatch to Ths Joornil.) Coeur d'Alene. Idaho. June s H.rP. Palmer clalms to be . the. artist - who Issued two checks for $10 each on ths First National bank of Books no Katur. day, to local business menr- who found after Palmer left that no surh hnlr dieted. He wasarrested while tnarv Ing a car for Spokane. He ha. h.n married a month.-' -. CAPTURED THIEF T .1, MAKES CONFESSION (Joiiriml Rpeetal Servlee.) Tekoa. Wash..; June 8. Cl eve fthsm. bo, -who recently arrived here - from Missouri, stole ISO from the room of Mrs. D. Halley at the City hotel yes- leraay. lie was arrests J Inside of a few hmrrs on the reservsUon (rfnf.. and turned over the full amount He was Pound over tn the nnrin- . . v-yi!--u-- Tr" AMALGAMATED ELECTS H-Y0UNG ROGERS DTRECT0R ) (Jonrasl Kpwlsl gerrtce.t y- -Jersey City, June 6. At the annual meeting of the Amalgamated Copper (company todayjthe retiring board, was rt-ciuriea wiin tne escepiion of F. P. Olcott, who was succeeded by Henry Rogers, Jr.Tbe" report showed a Sur plus resTs of $80,t4i,71J. OZLAT IK BOaTDIwa. (Joernal Special Swrlee.) " New York, Jane 6. A 1 defect In the mortgAg is responsible? rr the delay In the Isstianre of the 150,00,000 Western Tsclflc bondsj i Instead of placing the whole arhount nsi the market It Is re ported that only, $18,000,000 was placed, th other JS,000,000 being taken by th uager writers, - RUMORS OF PEACE ARE AGAIN RIFE Belief Prevails in Labor Circles fhateamsteriTStrmr- Is Nearing Endw ONE DRIVER WAYLAID ;? AND SERIOUSLY BEATEN Employers' Attorneys Ask for Ar rest of Twenty Union : i .. . Strikers. - - - v (Joersal Bpectst Service.) ' Chicago. June 8. Hppa of peaca In the teamsters'' striks was revived to day although . Saturday's '. conference brought no results and Attorney Mayer asserted his . clients, the employers. would decline further conaulations with the strike leaders' tending to a, settle ment, but still the belief prevails In labor circles that the end la approaah- lnr. ' - ' Judare Oroiscup today granted a stay of execution In the cases of Mulligan and Donahue, the express teamsters wbower sentenced to Jail by Judge Kohlsaat for refusing to answer ques tions In the Injunctions! proceedings. The men were admitted to ball. Their cases will now be heard by the United States court of appeals. - Albert Johnson, a former member or the teamsters' union, but now a driver for Lyon 4 Healy, was waylaid while going to work this morning and beateu Into unconsciousness by Ave men " be lieved to have formerly been teamsters for Lyon at Healy. Johnson may die. Attorneys for the employers -today filed affidavit In Judge Kohlsaat a oqurt alleging violation of the federal strike lnjunotlon and asking th arrest of 20 union - teamsters, among them Daniel Gerrlgan, accused of assaulting Strikebreaker Corry. expected that on account of -Che recent rioting a hundred or more arrests for contempt wiu be made. CHIMES AT FAIR PEAL r OUT NATIONAL AIRS Th great chimes in the tower of th Government , building on the peninsula begaa to peal - yeeterda y -a nd through out the afternoon and today sacred and national airs were wafted ,. over the grounds. Th chimes ar now heard easily from any fart of th tlr:- Yesterday they began to peal at 1 o'clock and only sacred music war reti- derea. - Sarly this morning they rang ana. at ' intervals of one hour tbey ren dered national air's, such' as "America,' AsTAJKnaSTS iUESTIO, (Joarnsl 8pcll Service.) Marseilles. June 1.' Three .anarohlsts. two of ' them Spaniards and- on an Italian, recently arrived from Paris, have been arrested on suspicion of complicity in the attempt on the- lire of Alfonso In Paris, May II. , iQtrrtAwi cruoToa usiosti. (Jmil gssslsl ginks.) - Boston, -June 8. Jefferson T. Cool Idge has resigned as a director of the Equitable. . Coolldg favors th Itlc reports. .. .. . r HOTEL ARRJVALS. At the Perkins: O. T. ttoMtoa sn4 I. N. Vnif, (toqelllei U glBgewsss, Mttl; H. ' Walter. Marslineldi R. H. Meclellsn. Los As- (les; J. A. .Kearney sad C. N. Oskse,-dan (iuetz and lf 8n 'rncloo! W. Csmp bell. Ooldfleld, Nt. ; J. R. Blssehard. Baa Fracetscoi Jallus Kespohl, Qulne; O. J. Oese lias and wife. Hood HUerl si. Baroon, Anh- Isudj Lee Bush, RlTrll; II. C NeCelloeta. HI-Pso; Jsmee-Stewsrt snd son,-Aberdeen; M. N. Oeuuv, alcsltBDTlllsi H. Tjler, Los Angeles j o. W. Heinour, Spokane; T. W. Ulckes sod H. Bkalfa. Sllrenon; H. B. Ulblei." geallle. Al tte Imperial: L. Blnfermsn, Seattle; r. M. Kolsbt. MarsbOeld: H. Wilson and family, Oakland; W. T. Hblelds and wife, Is Angeles: J. H. Bee man and wife, Onld Hill; (. J. Hiws, Spokane; T. C. Brans. Pltubun: D. Atwater and wife, San rraneiseo; L. J. Palraatell, Hillsboro; 0. Uardy, Fresno; H. B. Wild and wife, San Diego; J. f. Btltb and A. 1. Adams. Klrbfi t. W. Bowers. Wbltnaj; Mrs. D. B. Boodsraas and cblld, Belma. Cel.; W. O. Gragf. Canjou City: H. 3. Urf and wlfo. John Dar, VV. li. Fleming and wife, Mountain Home. Ids.; 1. M. Kerne, Afedford; Wllllsn Goodrear and wire. Htarbeck, Waab. ; Miss Cora O'Orork, Coeur -f-Mfii; Ida.: W. N. Miarn. nttaburg; u. w. Abbott, Hcdrord: O. D , ( I 1 1 n a4f. Um' ... 1 1 ,1 L- 0. fl'in, "II" .11, " ' 1 ' VIIJ, I.IK and wife. Balem; O. W. Uixos.. Eajrene. - AC in fsrtiana: n. si. tlllott. u. m. Llmer. y. H. Troupy and wife. B. Lauea and wlfs. L. r. Bcott, r. al. utu, k. Hxieantbsl. I. w. Bsraberfar, Max Lewis, C. B. Le Veeke, Leon Kluus and C. E. Loaa. all of New Vork: C. D. Dnnesn and wits, F. W. ThompsoB, tienrctrl Uarfliurr, a. l. Boor, usrsr Hoffman, Artier. A. O. Krusll and wife. I. t. I'atrlck and wife. O. A. Blanebt and wife, O. W. II. aptterson. Helen M. Pattenon, Mrs. Omar i. Humsbrcr, W. Jnnklna. i. B. Bteoeel and H. i. O. Boren and children, all of Baa Kranclaeo; R. Wbltcnrob. Mrs. r. B. Hilton, c. Z. Bllthea, Mrsr F. L. WhealeT,- Seattle. - .-- QAMM Ii m SOUTsTWaST.- From th New York World. Sportsmen who do not mind traveling as far as the southwest for their quarry may Ilk to know something about the prospects for good hunting In that far away country. Th open gam season in Arltona far the year 1904 and 1905 is as follows: Quail, bobwhite, partridge, pheanti-itpr-rlV aTroustOetober 1 6 to March .1; ducks, geese, brant, doves, open all the year; trout, not less than six Inches long, Jan 1 to September 1; black bass, strawberry bss, crapple, September 1 to December 1. ' Three male deer are allowed in on aeason; 26 ducks and 6 quail in on day. The sale of game Is prohibited. Quail are abundant all over the- territory -and good hunters generally bag all th law allow every day they go o.ut. There are slxdlfferent kinds of deer tn Arizona, the backtall, whltetalt, fantall, mule deer, burro deer and Papago or spotted deer. The most common are the, whttetail and fantall, whlcn ar round everywhere, high and low. In a' few years the big hornor; mountain sheep will hav beeri extermi nated. The hunter stands a good chance of running across a Jaguar, jninii, cou- gar or one or -tnre-unds of bohor wildcat to lend variety and splue to his trip. In northern-Mexico, in th state of Sonora. the same game Is to be found and there no restrictions are placed on th kl,ltng of sntetop. Dally they may be seen coming across the border, the msllnt-of-nt1op shot down by 'th ruthless. ' - C ASTOR I A 'For Infants and Children. The' Kind Yoif Hara Always Bought Bears th Signature i!ii?s Store QUA ' That's what you of our Mattresses are We know that a Mattress reminds you daily of the .pjawhought8.1or.lh Having this in mind, be the first one to come We have them at Wool Top Mattrefses Cftttftn TPP Matfres8ea. Wool Comb Mattresses . ... $150 Cotton Comb Mattresses. . .$8.00 HAIR MATTRESSES' MADE TO ORDER J W inaka, Jlalr MattMssea and-iuallty, in prices rang- 1nir from SO) to 91.00 per pound., PHONE EXCHANGE 34 MOrtEY RAISED FOR SACAJAffEA STATUE Today Necessary Amount-Tele graphed and Monument Will Be Shipped at Once. 4 Just before the banks closed this afternoon th sum of ll,000-wss tele graphed to New York by the Saeajawea Statue association as tn nnai payment to the Henry Bonnard Bronxe company for th casting of th monument to th Indian heroine of -1805. Tomorrow morning th statu will be shipped to Portland. On its arrival tier it. win bo placed on t h lie kevlew terrace In time for th unveiling ana oeaicaiwu on Sacalawa day. July 6. Th laat dollar of th $,000 which the monument ha cost was contributed yesterday. There had been a balance of $1,000 owing for some time and the women have worked Industriously to raise that amount. The following con tributions were made towardth-remaining 11.000: T. B. Wlldox. 1200; C. W. Ledd. I1S0; Misses Failing. I ISO; Mrs. C. H. Lewis. HO; Mrs. W. S. Ladd, H00; H. W. Ooode. 80rl Mrs. W. B. Ayer, ISO; Daughters of the Amerjcah Revohitiori, 150. Contributions hVe been sent from every state in - the union and from Alaska -and Hawaii. The women of Washington ,. ,.hav contributed mora generously than the. women of Oregon toward th fund. 1 - WASHINGTON COUNTY C0MES TO FAIR TUESDAY Tomorrow Is Washington County day at the fair and mesy visitors are ex pected from Forest Orove, Hillsboro and other towns pf that county. The pro gram will b given as follows: -MuahV- Innes' band; address of wel come, exposition official; address, "Wash ington County." Hon. AV. K. Newell; piano olo. " Bplnnlng. Bong" (Wagner), Miss Wllma Wagner; address, 'Hills boro," Mayor B. C. Cornelius; address, Hon. W. "N. Barrett;, vocal olo, Mrs. Frank Cbnpmandrlres,.',fofest Orove; Its location and - Hesources." Judge Mollis: sddress. 'Torest Orove;- Its Institutions and Homes." Professor J. I R.-Itobmnonmusld, Innes' band. I INNES WILL GIVE FINE ' CONCERT TONIGHT Innes has arranged a splendid ym. phony progrsm for tonight whlnh will in. I - ...i -I t rnrtons rifbtUu;. 'Tor seven yeara," write Oeo. W. Hoffman, of Harper. Wash.. "I had a hitter battle, with -rhronlo stomach and liver trouble, but at laat I won, and cured my disease, by the use of Electrli nuiere. i unnesitatingly recommend them to all, and don't Intend in th Bitters. I unheal! future to be Without them in. aha kniiaa Tley are certainly a wonderful medi cine, to have cured such - bad case as mine. -KollY under gustantee to do the same for you,' by Red Cross Phar mecy. sixth anil nfr .ir..). - aa - aooius ik il. Utnt today. . - A I. - i -- - --. b. u m TY AND think of when you come Mattress-buying, and that's what we are prepared to give you. ' All made to wear. . The. ticking fUling and making are all the best to be had,. i-. - we want to sell you a good Mattress at a fair and reasonable price. ' We want our store to to your mind when you think of buying Mattresses for it is "The Mattress Store." - r- all prices, but here are some GOOD Mattresses, the kind we would $3.00 . . .$3.80 Felted Cotton, .v. A ... .,$13.00 Feltfd Cotton (AriTickU$110a: "Windsor" Felt (Art Tick) $16.50 "tenx" Felt ....... , ..$18.00 rtwi . i i m u EXTRACTED, FILLED OR CROWNED ABSOLUTELY WITHOUT PAIN By our new discovery applied to th gums, w do dental work without the suffering usually experienced while hav ing dental work done. The very best dental work at the lowest possible cost consistent with first-class work Is the secret of our success. Examination free. Our price are the lowest, our work th best and guaranteed for ten years. Other dentists come and go, but th Boston Dentists remain th sams re liable, up-to-dat dentists. BosferFPainlcss Dentists 91 H atorriaoa at, Ojrp. Meier ft Trial - and Old roontoi. - HOURS :30 a, m. to p.. in. Sun day, 1:10 a. m. to 11:10 p. m. ' olude Ooldmark's Interpretation of K Ildasa a famous "Sakuntala." This com position was first rendered by th Phll harmonloaoolety lnViemis tn JS.' Bach "Air for th O String," and Mendelssohn's "Spring Song" will be among the numbers as well as Tachal kowsky's "Pathetic.' offering the Alle gro Con G rax la fend Adagio Lmbentoso movements. Mm. Emma Partridge will alng a,' selection from "Queen of Bheba," and Kryl, the comet soloist, will render Wagner' "Dreams." If the weather Is unfavorable . the eoncert wlll be. jtfven'ln Festival halL CALIFORNIA CADETS TO MARCH TO THE FAIR ' The Congregational cadet,' numbering of-BiThr'!"llfornlav--wlH - begin their march to Portland on June 13, ac cording to a letter received by President ,, . , v.T,fci(-.i. r, th ..., coneree-atlonal church at Eu- reka, who la fathering the project ' It Is a unique expedition, Th cadets were given an opportunity to take part In th trip as a reward for faithful at-' tendanc at Sunday school. The ages of th campaigners range from 1) to II years, and whil th aim Of th lad will be to make a rapid tlm aa possible, allowanc .will be made for th tender ness of youth, and at least one month Will b consumed Jo. th march. On of Many Odd Waima of Consumers, From the Saturday Evening Poatr . Ons of th oddest of consumers' whim relate to th color of egg. Jn Boston brown egga sell, for a cent or two oer .dosen mora then white eggs. white the opposite I the. case In w Tork. .If whit and brown ggs.p mixed a dnsen of thm will U for less Afeaa. a doxen of lthr.crUd, la COMFORT store you bought It of. If it is a 0rfNTC2 VAN CORTLAND ALW1IS CONiULT TBI BEST. Others some snd go, bat Tan Cortlasd remains. PROP, YA CORTLAND, OS tt Washington St., corner of fifth. THH UOhTRMT YOU ENTKR BtS PARLOR H" WILL TKI.L YOU TOUR ' rt'LL NAM I. AOE. OOCl-PATION. YOt:R MOTJlEK'S MAIDEN NAME. ASD WHOM AND WHEN YOU WILL MARRY and what rim called for, without aaklng a qaeatlon: will tall the ram of your sweethtsrt or snythlng you want to know. Ha sends you away much wiser sad happier than when yoa called. ROT, YAH OOkTUUrD. ' Bavea Tsars la Portia n. Ths Olive, 094 Waahtnrtoa St., ear. 'Tlfth . - and Waahiagtoa sts. LOW FEB L.OW PEE Oflee honrs a. (a. te f p. si., 4allr ft tnaday. It hsa com, th nw dessert, dalnty, brown and delicious, nd at a ' price within your reach. To know it I to love It; to eat It. We leave, that to you. - package. ENEROX - lOe -a AT ALL GROCERS Dr. B. E. Tb lornniio SBsTTU that relieves all pain In dental opera tion. , tav WaaUngM - o. SeveBih. Nw England, wher brewn egg ar favored. It la said, to be not uncommon to color th ehell of whit egg with coffe decoction or some dys stuff. There I a thoroughly accepted popular" belief In some parts of th country thst dark colored eggs ar richer, better fla vored and mot nutritious than whit ones, though the notion ha sot th lightest actual basis la fact. - Q0 CLAIRVOYANT good Mattress' there re -.. r -..-,.,.,l,.,rr- recommend you to buy: -Cotton Mattresses, 80 .$7.00 Cotton Mattresses, 35 lb: ..".$8.00" Cotton Mattresses, 40 lb. . . .$9.00 ' 'Hair Mattresses, 30 lb. .7. .$15.00 OLD MATTRESSES RENOVATED r W renovate and matt over'- All-Hair Mattresses at very reasonable - prices. T'l ' pnon us and w will call ,' tor any mattress you want -don tfver. ., . ,t- " PHONE EXCHANGE 34 C. GEE WO Th. Qrcat Chlnesft Doctor Is called great be. cause hi wonderful cure ar so well known . throughout the United Elates, and because so many people are thankful , to him for saving thlr llv from OPERATIONS He treats any and 11 diseases with powerful Chinos herbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetable that ar ntirely un- - - kslll known to medical science In thle coun try, and through the use of these harm less remedies. This f amoua doctor know -th action of over 600 different remedl- that he haa successfully used in different -dlseawee, - He aruarantMS to cure catarrlV- asthma, lung troubles, rheumatism, ner vousness, stomach, Uvr. kidney, r- Ral trouble and all prlvat diseases, undreds of testlmonlnls. Charge moderate. Call and see him. . OOmTJT.TATXOaT TBI Em. . . -.U Patients out of th city writ for ' blsnk and circular. Inclose stamp. Ad dres . THE C. 0EE WO CHINESE . MEDICINE CO. - - . - 15t Alder street Portlsnd, Or.- Stair- way of 161H Alder street leads to of. Bee. . Mention this paper. . su JV is GONORRHOEA. GLEET, STPHILIS AND HYDROCKLR, VARICOCELK, LOB8 OK MANHOOD. RHEUMATISM. BCZKMA. ASTHMA AND SKIN PiS EAHK8. We want every-man afflicted" with th bov d I senses to honestly in vestigate our special system of treat ment, W invite In particular all who have treated elsewhere without - oc- cess, " all whose - caaes have ' been abandoned by family physicians and en- called SPECIALISTS1'; all whose trou Die nav neen aggravated and madi worse by th use of BKT.TR FRKH TRIAU TREATMRNTH and " so-cauea erM;ini.B. e win xpialn to you why surh treatment hss failed to cur you, and will demonstrate to your entire satisfaction that ciireyou ksfery. qulrkly- and" nentlw - frnr rnunntil will -rtmf i nently:-Our counsel will oost nothing, and w Will do by you a we would wmh you to do by us If our ease were re- , versed. Writ for our horn treatment If you cannot call. The DR. LIEBIG STAFF Boon and T Winchester Konse, Third . and Bnrnsld at., rortlaad. Or. ' ZSTABLIBaTZD 187. - PACIFIC TENT & AWNING CO it iroBTX raiT tA let. Bumalda ft Oeuoa. Awning for tore and resi dences. Tents and camping outfits net our prices. 'A W - i it x x OB Mala. Iff i, aei i TZ SB sss