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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY-JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, 'JUNE 5. 1005. --tT- -r--- TOWN TOPICS 1 Marquea Oread.. '..."A Romanes of TS" JioUk-o. ...... . j j . . . ;m. Cllmnera" l.welrs r Lyrlo... t.wslrs . ...,. r. .rBseget Wire ' .......... "Th Trlno. of Detertleee" Orsod BakH , ......Vsodeellle Vaudeville . Explosion attendant on the burning iif. an armature an th motor of car b 1 on th Broadway Una of tha Portland . Consolidated- lat evening caused I'M ii ut in w tin: 11 jar, lvtiu o. t. iiiiiub, its Clackamaa tret. East Portland, waa aerioualy Injured by being; thrown from the car to tha pavement. Mr. and Mra. Will lama occupied a aeat. In tha front of the car. which waa going south on Fifth street - Just after croaslna qrrjsoa street the accident occurred., , ; - - " ) ' "Oriental -Trade and Orlentaf pub "Unity." a aubject of special Interest in ' 'f Portland, ha a -been etaetgned to Stephen I.. Colee, editor of Railway and Marina Newa at Seattle, for an address to the convention of the Paclflo Coaat Adver - -tlatna Men's aasociatton here -July 11 and II. Mr. Colea haa written to the Portland chamber of commerce asking to be supplied with any statistics wnleh tha commercial Interests, her may de- ire to have treated In hla address. . Do you. we r a . truaat And. do you have trouble In getting a good -and per- ""fact fitting one a truss that la or bene fit "and use to your-7 Albert Bernl, the druggist, vSecdpd and Washington, has a truss that Is giving tha best of satta- faction to thoae that are wearing them, . and are also sold at a reaaonable price. : A little money goes a long way .when you let Albert Bernl attend to-your drug -;-wntgr": .: --tt - The union' evangelistic ' aervlces at UnlyersltyParlrwtlt continue "through this week. In spite of bad weather - here- has been" a large attendance and many conversions. . During the heavy - ralna the meetings have been held In the Baptist churPnTBut other were held In a Htge tent accommodating 800 peo ple. Mr. McCotnb will be at the park thla week, and next Week will hold meetings at St John a. J- ,-, Tha American Inn, tha only hotel upon the KpoBitlon . Questa ar supplied with passea to- Fair grounds; which csn ba-uaed, aa often aa they may wish. Street cars to tha door. Ask eonduct'or'tor point; of transfer. v-t- Restaurant open irom a.m. to iw p. m, ' ' Regular meals, .breakfast and lunch, 80 ! cents. Dinner. $1.00. Buffet and billiard room.- Mrs. f.T. MeCready, manage. : 'An- arolmD chichi Jell-a'thereorneT "TSTFIrst and Salmon, streets yesterday trfterneoirtruck,. struck Carmela Bal tano, an Italian girl, to the ground and --Inflicted Injuries to her head and cheat. rTha, girl l 12 yeara nM and . has Inat arrived from Italy. Accompanied by an elder, alster. she was on her way from- the Italian church to her home. Pieces of glaaa were removed from her forehead and ear by Dr. George v uson. At Paauet'a ' grove a three "month's 'open afr-campaign" has been openedby 4he-Honeaa"cmiroh. m meetings are under the management of M, L. Ryan. " superintendent of . the Hollnes colH'g'e at.Ralem, who will be assisted by Evan 's Relists Martha K. . Curry, Thomas C. ' Roarers. E. R: -Shelhammer and others. Ji large pavilion In tha center of the block la surrounded by tents. 1 L ' The memb'ri of the degree team of Kvenlna- flUr grange. Patron or hub bandry, which won. the prise, of 150 In Vorest Orove, havbeen.Bresented--lHr -gfanae ltha -aetofVeaolutiona thanklns them for their work. While nil the membera - were complimented, Master J. J." Johnson was- mentioned specially aa having contributed to the efficiency, or the team, i Jens 01senhia filed sullJnlbe state circuit court'Taralnai the city of " Portlandland school district Nol to , quiet title to tne east nan oi, io i anu I and the west half of lots ' 7 and 8. "-"block 0, Eaat Portland. The property la situated on Eeat Waahlngton street between East ' First snd East- Second and the defendants hold an old tax 'claim to It :. The directors of Estarnda school dis trict decided -Thursday night to Issue bonds to a'sum not exceeding f 8.000 for the erection of a modern schoolhouse. Notices of an election on the question of ' Issuing bonds' to the amount of 14.009 hava been Issued by the directors, but If this sum should be Insufficient an extra Issue of' 2,000 will be authorled,. -r Sellwood park, which will be used by . the G. A.'R. aa a campground, haa been cleared of rubbish and a' long frame i...M.i. I feflilnv mrmftttA in th center ofttirtOfreg f land. A famp ineHiig . will be held In the grounda for 10 days, but this will not Interfere with the prep arations for the veterans, when they come to attend the fair. 1 - Th foundation of the floor on the 'north aide of the Stephena' addition fire engine house has partly rotted-and the .floor settles when the horses pass over it Battsllon Chief olden, who exam ined the building yesterday, will rec Twnmend o the executive board that It be given an overhauling at once. "Th home mission quarterly of the Portland Baptist churches will be. held ' ' tomorrow, beginning st I0:S0 o'clock, at th Montavllla Baptist church. A basket luncheon wlU be served at noon. The Jun term of, the a'tata circuit court was opened today by Sheriff Word. Judge Cleland acted aa preald--rng-udge; Wt!am-Gr4mes,-whe was Gentlemen A wetek that la se heady, h llht ssi sebhy that R aukaa aa lattaataaeeus kit with - WELL-DRESSED MEN Omr VITAL, KIOXEL, GOLD TrTLLXD AITD.I GOLD, suxxiira rmoht $7.50 to 3100.00 .lUnieaiVer, It eetta aethl te leak. W like te "talk watoh," aayway, . JAEGER BROS. " i ilWTT.raa. nTtniAg. . .iev : tjO JJorrlsea Itreet. . aear . fifth. g.JatcL 11 - 1 "- 1 l 11 T 1 ' ' " ..,u' W OH IJEV ROAD TO BEGIN AT ONCE Oregon -Traction" Company Pre Lparea.taBralc-GfOund4of- Electric Line. MATERIAL ON THE. WAV - FROM EASTERN MILLS This End of Forest ( Grove Wire Will Be Operated When r Completed. , - - - Ground 'will be broken this week for the Portland-Forest Orove electrle line of the Oregon Traction company. Tha contrabtors will leave San Francisco for Portland tonight: Tha steel haa also been shipped from th mills at Pueblo and Pittsburg, and materiel will b on the ground in a few days -for th construction of th line from -Front street to th top of th hill west of Portland. - "Yea whave an order for : th T rails for the Oregon Traction - com pany's lltie and It will be filled at one. In fact, th rails - hav already bee a loaded and-started -f orPortland f rom th mill of th Colorado Iron aV Steel company at Pueblo," aald J. R. Bowles of Bowles it, Co., Portland agents of that Arm. "Th mills hav been crowded with work. and th entire otder cannotr-tee-filled -Immediately. - but wo will get enough rail her at one to eonatruct th tin to th top of the bill, and : the remalnder-of th order will follow as needed." Xh rails are CO-poundersth stand ard sis for electrle rosds. - These will be laid from Twelfth and Stark streets to Hlllsboro and Forest Orove. Th line from Twelfth- to Front, on Stark atreet, will be laid with heavy grooved ralls,-almUar to those put down oy me Portland Consolidated en Morrison street - Th groord rails for th Stark atreet line hav been Shipped - from mills at Pittsburg. Th: contractor,; .have-, been. tor., soma weeka preparing to begin and - push work to completion in the ah of teat pos sible time. Steam Shovels and the faatest tnethode of grading and con ftructlon will -b "employed. It Is. said by of fleers of the company that the' line will be finished to Foreat- Orove by D cember ' 1- Xhe PorUand, and, of. the line will b operated aa eoon aa th read la conatructed- to Balch'a guleh. where the highest bridge' limnmr Portland la to be built, before cars run to Killaboro. Timbers for th bridge hav been ordered and the building of th structure will be commenced, lmmedl-l ately. ' v . . Indicted for' unlawfully telling liquor In violation of th local option law at Montavllla, waa arraigned and allowed until Wednesday to plead.- J., L. Post, Indicted for the larceny of a watch valued at ISO from the dwelling of E. A. Hacker, -and Charles McGlnty, charged with assault - and battery- on FrancesA McGlnty. Ma-lfe.wer . also allowed until Wednesday to plead. The trial of Joseph Toung, indicted for aa-sault-with a dangerous - weapon on Kaapar- Van Drgnr was set for Jun 18. Th t1tl of third rice president of th Northern Paclflc railroad company has been conferred on Charles M: Levey, formerly knowa) a assistant to-th president of that road.' Th new ap pointment la a promotion for Mr. Levey. That it la well merited is the unanimoua opinion of railroad men on th coaat Mr.. Levey haa executive, charge of the system in the Paclflo northwest with headquartera at Tacoma. The extensive betterments and enlargementa contemp lated by this company will be under hi Immediate supervision. - , - : Th Portland chamber of commerce haa - a postof flee substation located -en the ground floor near the restaurant en trance. It la called substation No. 8, and Charlea Franklin Is in charge. The station . handles - mall. . atamps, money orders and registered letters, . and.' ha gained immediate popularity.. Tourists, a well a city people, finan cially embarrassed, will find the Port land Loan Office, 74 Third street, th aafest and moat reliable place to trans- set their business. Rate reaaonable. Oregon City Boat tto round trip from Taylor street, 8:10, 1:80, 11:S0 a. m., 1:80. 8:80 p. m. From Oregon City 10, 11:80,- 1:80, 8:80, 8:10 p. m. I6a round trip Sundays,.;. r dlamonda and Jewelry. - Collateral Loan Bank. 29 Washington St. Eatabllshed IS years. Lowest ratea of Interest. , '. Steamship Alliance aaila from Coueh street dock for Coos Bay and Eureka Wednesday night,- June- T,nt- 8. F.-P. Baumgartner, agt Main 8(1. Any watchek cleaned, 81.00: main spring, 81.00; all work guaranteed on year. Metiger & Co.. Ill Sixth street - Moffett Hot Springe." $1.80 day: 18 and 810 week; baths, 26c. Take Regula tor line. 'Try a meal without meat at th Vege tarian cafe, 105 Sixth street "Aniley Feinting Co..- 860 Osk. WANT NO COMPETITION IN WASHING DISHES Oriental superstition caused R. A. Proudfoot proprietor of the Creamerle reataurant-considerable trouble yester day. . - A few day ago he- installed a patent dlahwaeher In th kitchen of th restau rant at a cost of 1280, Several Chlneae ar employed in the kitchen-and they refused to work unless the machine was takea-,out No goodee," Insisted th cook, "some- blody - gettee Jiand clut heap . bad.Te savvy? Ev'lybody quit If you no take him out" Proudfoot removed tha machine rather than loa his cook snd other Chinese help and placed It on th edge of th sidewalk. . A short time arterwara Pa trolman Rellly notified him that th machine would ha to be removed from th aldewalk or the Civlo Improvement club . would "make a roar, "I guess that machine I a hoodoo," declared the reetaurateur, aa h aent the machln away to b stored. '. . , Fatt Train Service. Th Canadian Paclflo haa Inaugurated a fast train a err Ice. placing in commie slon th Imperial Limited. Thl train Is up-to-date In every particular, carries both standard and tourlat sleepers, with a ojining-car service unexceuea. Three snectre that threaten tftby's lire. --noiere inrsntum, dysentery. diarrhoea. Dr. Fowler's Extract of w id strawberry never xaua to conquer ihm. . . : , DEALERS : - j - COMING J FORCE NebraskaAMocI Arrive - Nexfr 6atuHayrr Big- Special Train. . LOCAL MEN PREPARING i WARM WELCOME FOR THEM Middle West Men Will Spertd Three Day Enjoying Sight -' In and About City. A special train aarrylng the members of th Nebraska' Lumber Dealera aaao elation on a tour of tha Paclflo north west will arrlv Saturday.. Jun 17. and Portland lumbermen a re .making ar rangement to entertain them during their atay of nearly thre daya. Lum ber mill men all over Oregon r and Waahlngton wUl Join In a welcome to the visitor. A program haa, been ar ranged bv th following committee: Lloyd J. Wentwonth. Portland. Lumber company; F. Ransom, Eastern A West ern Lumber company; Oeorge M. Corn wall,-the Tlmberman; Frank C. Knapp, Peninsular- L,umbereompany-C- W. Thompson. Win River Lumber com pany J. it. Letter, Bridal Veil Lumber company; E. H. HaDignorsi. rorumo. Peaturea -of th entertainment will be a daylight boat 'Tide up the Colum bia river. - an - inspection of Portland harbor from steamboat deck, a street ear ride ever the city, a -visit to th ezBoaltlan.- and ' inspection of th varl mi. lumber mills In ' Portland and at St Johns. To Insure that every detail of a cordial welcome Is attended to the following large committee on entertain ment baa been appointed by the Port land committee.:" . ft ft Cobb.- Phllio Beuhner; R; B. rver. J 'S. Bradley. J. C- Orlpper, "W. 1 C Frajicla. R. LK Iaman. W. B. Mackay, J. B. Hamilton, A, a. uruxmacner a. E. Wrenm-C T. Hogue, 8. Baum, A. A. Courtney. H. H. Jonea, C, H. Jackaon. (ieorge W Collins.. SamueL.ConnelX.. A. Neppach. F.-M.-Schmidt George H. Beatow, M. W. Perllue, W. Bt Fech helmerM. C Banfleld, George C Mo-Donald,-0.-H. Carleon. A. S. Douglass, George W." Cone.rT.' K. Campbell. W. R. Hume, W. F. McGregor, . 8. Froslld, William - Eecles, JTank Davenport Frankv-Murphyr-Oeorge- Palmer,- George Mtnddard. Frank Geddea. Ben Reed, w. B. Jamieson, W. D. Plue, E. D. Kings fey, O. E. Streeter." Georg E. Johnson, John Shaw. R. B. Bryan. R, A. Booth, O. M. Clark. .- nNrTREP0Rr0FHRS"r ;- CHRISTIAN CHURCH Th First Christian church haa had a very prosperous, year. Judging by tha brief report mad by the paator. E. S. Muckley, at the arvie yeaierday morning. Th report I 3- duplicate of th one that will be made at the atete convention of the Christian churche to be held at Turner, Oregon. Jun 88 to July t. and 1 for th year ending Jun i. 1905. Last vear 41 member wer added-liy confession - of , faiths and . 8t J Utlieiwlse. making -atetal el lit aeeaa I alons. For local sxpenses the sum or 84.418 waa ralaed. t of which waa for-,Xh-ulidng-undr"l,?TT""w8S glvea for mission and benevolences, th larg est offering ever given by the Kirat church. Thla make of 84.608. which Includes the 800 glve by the Ladle' Aid eoclety to the building; fund, but doea not Include th money raised by the Christian Endeavor society. The Rihla achool or auxiliary to th C W. B. LM which would lncreaae the amount fo I I a.. A- txtne . . . - H U , . V V . V w. - - - - --Mr-Muckley-spok encouragingly of th progress of the church In the spirit of giving and aald: . L While this amount doea noi repre sent th limit of your ability, it ahows a substantial increes. While ypu have given more liberally than ever before, you have given apparently with more pleasure. This is a good sign. Nor does the number of accessions represent your ability to save people. Larger things are till expected of us." PORTLAND WILL NOT BE OVERLOOKED IN FUTURE Arrangements have - been mad by Major IL J. Gallagher, purchaalng and ahlpplng agent of the Panama canal commission, to advertla In Portland for all futura-bld -forlumber and other materials needed in construction "of the canal. Speciflcatlons have been received by the Portland chamber of commerce for blda on leather. . Major Gallagher, replying to the chamber' lettera and to requests from the- Portland Lumber Manufacturers' association for the eatabllahment of a branch purchasing office in this city, states that he haa been trying to secure th appointment of an assistant pur chasing agent," to be located at San Francisco, and that such assistant would attend to th Paclflo coaat business. CHESTER TOOK MOTHER'S MONEY TO SEE THE FAIR Police Officer . Scallen Was tt th station, immediately outside the fair grounds, Saturday, when a report waa received -from central etatlon describ ing a boy who had atolen II. 2& from his mother with which to see the fair. A sergeant-waa reading the descrip tion to' a. detail of officer near th main entrance when 8r alien auddenly left the ranka. He walked to on of th gate and from the crowd laid handa on a very little lad, who was very much alarmed. Th lad had 11.18 and 'was in th act of purchasing a tloket. His nanj Is Chester Ridge. He was returned to- his home. Rolled Barley $23.50 Per Tort Madfrom cholcV eelected bar ley, carefully eereened and cleaned befor rolling: -80-pouad acka. No Oner artlcl can ' be produced. . , For delivery, add 80c per ton. Pacific Grain ; Company ' Talrteeata and Kearney itreeta. . Telephone Main 8807. LUMBER WRECK OF ELDER SOLD FOR $9.(!S0 Junk Dealers M. Barde & Son 1' . OujnrJtr-Try-ty: Raise Her. BELIEVE SHE CAN BE i - MADE FIT FOR SERVICE Underwriters, by Holding on to Steamer, Lose. Over Thirty : Thousand Dollars. - - - M. Bard Bon, Junk dealers, bought th steamer Oeorge W. Elder, this morn ing for 88.000 and will try to raise her. If successful, she will he repaired and sold to th highest bidder. .Surveyors will be' sent to Goble this afternoon' to examine th craft and If their repdrt la favorable a wrecking out fit will be shipped there at once, and th work of floating har . will be started. By falling lo sell the Elder Immedi ately after she went on th rocks th underwriter hav lost more than 8 JO, 000. In-addltlon to this they-wtH -bar to pay the Harrlman Interest In the neighborhood of 8180,000, the amount for which . she ' was Insured. ... Local mariner ara-rvtdd tjf their views a to wnetner or not in ciuor floated by th new owners. can be EMMA HAYWARD SOLD. One TaatMV 8rtamer oa lllver Will Be . Sianuuitled and Turned Into Barg. For a mall amount th Shaver Trans; portatlon company sold the .steamer Emma Hayward this morning -to-Cap-teln' James Good, owner of the steamer America and Republic. The Hayward will be dismantled and con verted" 'Into a barge to carry elabwood from the penin sula to Portland. Steamboat men- recall the time - whan the Emma Hayward -.waa -ths-awlftest steamer on th river. Until about five years ago ah was operated by th Ore gon Railroad Navigation company. Finally she was condemned and waa pur- ohaaed by ..the Bhayex 01neHer englnis were removed and.ilaced 4n- tne nnran 1 Dixon and the Hd eiift haa don errlce sine os a workshop and storeroom .at the foot of Waahlnaton street. r the was built for the O. R. NTcom pany In 1871 to -ply-on -the Willamette and Columbia rivers. - Fora number of years' she rail between -Portland and As toria? Captain- JJ.j I. Deott, nojr oi Seattle, waa at th head of -an opposl tlon line. Wsnttng a boat to compete with tha-Hayward ha built a vessel which he christened th Fleetwood. But despite her name she was unabl to lead th old craft which has' just been sold. Afterward tha' O. R. & N. took the Hayward to. the aound, where she waa operated for several years In connection with other ateamere which the company was running. .-. '. CHEESE AND BAMBOO. oa-tna, vjaiai! JLatter Arrlv oa the AlUaae. On"of th shipments' brought by th Alliance is a Carload of cheeae from a factory at. Coquille, the flrat of th product ever aent to Portland. Hereto-, fore It haa been shipped to San Fran claco, but th Alliance people hav se cured concessions -from the railroad company by which they are now able to Quote a through rata from Coquille to Portland, and from now on It Is aald tha many - similar shipments; Will be sent north 6nth steamer. Few people know thatTambo poles are grown In Oregon, but It la said that the f wampa near Marahjleld are full of tham. A large number were d lac har red from the Alliance this morning and will be placed on exhibition In th Coo Bay building at tha fair,- They ar 18 er 20 feet in length, and Just aa fin aa those produced in the Philippines. A collec tion of Coos Bay coal for exhibition purposes - also arrived on the atearaer. Soma of th chunks weigh 250 pounds each. A full list of passengers arrived from th varloua point down th coast. CARRIES BIG TIMBER. JTorthland Taking Sticks Over Seventy Teet Zionff to California. P lelaflyMAngmbeTa-'are-ljelri t placed aboard the ateamer Northland at the Inman-Pouleen mill. Some are more than 70 feet In length. It is understood-that the lumber is for the Im provement of the government yards at Mare Island. The Northland la loading for San FranclacO this trip; heretofore eh has been taking cargoes to San Pedro, Just before sailing north two of the larger oil fuel tank were removed, giving space for carrying 60,000 additional feet 'Of lumber. At the time ah was provided -with -the tank- It- was th Intention of the owner to operate her between San Francisco and points In Alaska. Aa she ha been placed per manently on the Portland route It will not be necessary for her to have such large-space for fnel.- " MARINE NOTES. San Frnnclaco, June 8. Outside at 10 a. m. Steamer Francis H. Leggett with log raft, from Columbia river. Astoria, Or., June 8. Arrived down last night Barkentln Kohala. Left up at 7 a. m. Har ken tin Tarn O'Shanter. Outside at 7 a. in. A fouf-maated schooner. Outside at 8:80 a. m. A four-, maated bark.. Astoria, Or.,. June 4. Arrived down at midnight and sailed at t a m. Steamer Redondo, for Ban Francisco. Arrived down at J and hailed at 8 a m. Steamer Aurella, for San Franclaco. Arrived down at0:8'f--mnd--eiHed -at--4:80 p. m. Steamer Roanoke, for Port Los Angeles and way port. Arrived at l p. m. Barkentln Tarn - O'Shanter, from Ban Fratrctsco. Arrived, at 1:40 and left up at 8:20 p. m. meamer Alliance, jrom Coos Bay and Eureka. San Franclsoo, June 4. Balled laat night Steamer Caacade, for Portland. Port Harford. Jun 8. sailed Steamer Whlttler - and barge Santa Paula, for Portland. Aeloiia, Or., June Arrived down at 11:80 p. m. Oarman steamer Numantla, Aetoiia. Or., June 8. Condition of th bar at a. m. Smooth; light, aoutheaat wind; weather cloudy ALONG THE WATERFRONT. v - Small boat In . the harbor wer kept buay yeaterday carrying visitor to the revenue cutter Hugh Mcculloch. --In tew pf the Ocklahama'the barken tine Kohla, left yeaterday for th orient with lumber. -,' It la- reported that th torpedoboat deatroyer Perry will ehortly to ordered to Portland. She waa here a couple of week last summer . With a full cargo and a big passenger list th steamer Columbia will- sail for Baa Francisco tonight. Laden - with lumber-for-China, th German ship Henrlette moved out In th stream this morning from Ih North Pa clflb mill. She will , leave tomorrow. Report from, th ectuth' atat that th little ateam schooner Sea Foam, re- y eoH-eetgrtianrt, "ta H umiliig- around vrything of her elx between San Franclaco and Point Arena, Taylor. Toung at Co.- report that th Brlttah ' ateajnshtp - - Waddon which reached Port. Townsend .th, other day from Japan, waa chartered thla morn ing to lead lumber on the aound for th west coast of South America. - - A four-masted bark wag sighted this morning off th mouth of th Columbia river. . So far a known no vessel of that description Is due. It la possible that It is th British bark Dumfries shire, sailed the -other day for Mel bourne, which may have been disabled and put back" to the river. - UOOSTT AaTS BATT IK SAT CITY. Officers of the -steamer Alliance, ar rived this ' morning from Eureka and way ports.- state that they met the Franc I a H. Leggett 'off Cap Blanco and that eh waa getting along eplendldly with her mammoth log raft. . making ruuy six knots an hour. There waa no wind and the sea waa smooth aa glaaa. Th ateamer reached the Bay City at 10 o'clock thla morning,, which la much earner than, wa expected,- ' " "Y AT THE THEATRES. : "Racket's Wife" Clever. -TheT Inipfre - etoek - eempaay- Is -pre tiag "Raekot'a Wife." fin old fares baaed od OosMatlc Jars, this mk. It drew two large audita cm yMterday, and kept Umb la a ad Tanrad state- of hilarity. , Mlaa aiootroea plajra Mrs. Toltnan admirably, and ae tha han-pwkad huabaod William Harris pleased imnMDMly. rrank MoDtgooMry as Racket, Oforia Berrell aa Obadlab and sftta rtiamtirlln Clarlc. aeortd bits; es uiniL Tb. Incidental -aonaa ot Lr- Athry - were - s elMela fMtor f -te rfornuiM- . "Kack.t a .wire" wlU be prM afteraeoa' ead eming ef tha wnk - - . "TheCHm,berV Tonight . This evralng Cljda Fitch will be repreaeate at ib Balaaca Uiaatre-br-what-is-(Mrarally accepted aa bla beat play, "The Climbers." Thla play will afford excellent opportunities to the Belaeco. playera. .. Aa Importaat featere will be tbe eeenle effrcta. This la the flrat prodnetlna of "The Cllmbere" at popular prlcee. Lucia Moore will be seen ia the role orlglnatrd by Mla. Mlnitiim. John , Salnpolli. l(jif.n Urmondr, Clarace Monl.lne" and Morgan Wat lace hare Important patta.- - Urglnald . aUaoo will portray the. young ohappU, is which rote rerdlnand Uottarhalk achlen dlttlnrtlnn. Thla Play will also serve to lntrodnce to Portland theatre-goers .kflu . Elraner Oordoa, who -will continue with the Belaeco company, r'g Notable Numbera- Thls afternoon tb -Star will present a vaude ville Dill in wnlcn there M not a aingle art that will not be ' acceptable to amusement eeekera. Richard and Cathart, tha Roman ring artlata: the three Jordans "in a comedy aketrh; the Flnnlgana aa entertalneraf Russell and O'Netl -In a akttch; Johann and Mutt, "the musical bell bora"; Ray Ogdea and company la a playlet, Henry Miller In mimicry. Richard Burton, the Australian baritone, and ihe ataro acopa . wlU nuke a. program; that la hard to beat. . ''! . Feature Bill at the Baker. "The Baker offers foe thla week a galaxy of novelties. "Jones," Irresistible in. hia mono- Ingne;' Blasehard sad Atlmeas he a elseea skit; Mme. Alfrette -ia clever is her aerial trapeee- act; .llnl . wlna mark apple nee aa do tbe Bant Bros, la their acrobatic act; Jean Wllaon'e new picture ballad is good; Smith A foot keep the audience ta good humor. The Hakeroarapa eonrraeee aa an star diii. Every afternoon at 8:80 o'clock, and svery evening at T:80 and . .... . - - At the Lyric The hyrte off era for this week "The Prince of Detectives." a sensational comedy drama SoaiHled -oe some ft Sherlock Holmes' ad ventures.' A detective story is slways Interest ing and eapecially an If it contains a eb.recter j a well known te action as is Sbegeeea Heimee. Thls bill will continue ellteek. wlttr a aiatlnee every- day-st- :80 o'clock.- K real me at 7; HO snd o'clock. The Arabs at the Grand. The Hadji T. Ben Mohammed troupe of Arabs le tbe headllner at the Grand thla week, closely followed by the clever Rene fsmlly. Douglass end Ford, eastern cn medians. Eddie Ernie, the world's champion monopede. Wins Trade Mor row, the great operatle vocalist, the .Metaler slater, character chanse dancers. Joe Bonner In a sew Illustrated eong and tbe'grandlempe with a fnnnr motion picture entitled "Tbe Blgamlat," are all .entertaining. .... wHERrto dine: The Empire is th plae to go for your fin meals. Neat and clean. Th Cabinet attrenaoTis. ' From th Balttmor American. Whatever else may be aald 'about this cabinet. It .cannot be sccuatd of a mo notonoua personnel In office. sawsawwjsjpsesa aweaweweaweawjawe NEW LINE ExtensionTables " The Very Latest Thinfjs Mk,J(kjedestalound or sqliare. TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. SPECIAL-PRICES l rormerri Hew Yrl Faraltart Ca. ,184 -O Flrat Street CovetlB I CLOU I I ZTTWffil.. Wfcl -- tkeaa, 11 lf.:2sJis r- T. B. MEN'S AND BOYS' OUTFITTER 383-385 East Morrison Street Free-Lectures: on Cooking AND : PRACTICAL -DEMONSTRATIONS - Of tb'vrtoos aaea for coUaary purposes " - . . of tha CHOCOLATE -and COCOA Haaufacrared by Walter Bakery Co., Ltd. - D0RCHE8TEB. MASS. - s (Eatabllshed 178a) : " Will be given by ; T - ; Miss Elizabeth K. Burr, (Domestic Science Dept. Bostoa X. W. 0. a.) Parsons' Hall 19th and . Washington Sts.,' Fertlasd. 'Or. Daffly AU This Week At 1:80 o'clock in tha afternoon and 8 o'clock in the evening. Samples of Mtss Burr's preparations, such aa Cakea. Puddings, Meringues, etidas, Moufflea, lea Cream, -BaTarlan Creams, ale., will be served at each lecture, sea- aha wilt " rx"7 pleased fo answer all Inquiries regaratng tne same. - a mrrerem menu win be prepared mnd served at each lecture. Bample-cakea of the Walter- Baker Pre mium No, 1 Chocolate, tbe Vanlla Sweet Chocolate and little aample eana of the Breakfast Cocoa, also a book of "Choice Chocolate Recipes" will be presented to all persona -ettendlns-theeo lectures, and -alt who are lntereeted In aclentlfle cooking should not tall to eome, aa they are FBEI TO AU. ' - Morrison Street, between Sth snd Tth. Tonight sad Every- Klght Thla Week, Special Price Matinee Saturdsr THE CHARMING, ACTRESS, . BERTHA CREIOHTOk IN -The Revolntlonary Drama, "A ROMANCE OF '78." Prlcee 81. Tlic. (Kic. oc, 23c.. ts are Boer selling. - Belasco Theatre PHOWI MAIM 811. (rormerly Columbia Theatre) 14th and Wash. Tonlaht All VVesek BECOXD WEEK BELASCO ITOCX COMPAVT, Presenting for the First Time at Popular Prices. OT.TBE rTTCH'g oreaizst plat, The Climbers ' . f.a.. . , - Price Eveelng, lSe to- T5c Matinees, 15c to BOe, - . Next Week ARE YOU-A MASON ? Q RAND THE MTBTFalOUS ft ARABS 8 RENEE FAMILY TRACTS MORROW, ' Veoalist. JUTEHU.E BOUOR RIIRr EDDIE ERNE, atonepade. DOVOLABS FORD, Comedlana -- MXLXTER SISTERS, Raiabew Due JOE BONNER, Pictured gong ORARDI8COPE. "THE BIGAMIST" General atlmlsaloo,- !). Eeenlug, Susday, hollrtare Few front seats, lower floor. Sue. Dally matinees, 10c. - STAR THEATRE PROF. HENRI'S RTTMFPIAN PORT AND GOAT CARNIVAL. 1 ft n irir a fTi ia JUOOLINO JORDANS i ot a ooi- RXCTtARD HENRY MlttE ' SUMMERS ft WINTERS LA BARE RICHARD BVST0H - STAROBCOFE "V."AV Admlaslon, 10ci reserved front - rows, Sftcj eeata. .SSc. 8 bows 2:80, T:8W and p. m. BAKER. THEATRE P.' HOMFJ OP GOOD ATTRACTIONS. .. KSATINO , FLOOD. .Msnssera, . ZANZIBAR BLAN CHARD anaiaia " " SAL YIN I , lOSt AiFRETTA HWr BROTHERS JFAN WILSON KAJLMXY HAINES BIOORAPH - BARER S ORCHESTRA " Performaneee 8:80, T:9U and 8 p. 'm. - Adatiaalsse 18 CsaU to Aay Seat. . PMPIRP THEATRE, BlTlfiriG ith and Morrtaaa. MILTON- W. SEAMAN, Resident Manager. Matinee every say at tit. ' Oneenlnf erformanee at 8:1s. Empire Stork Compaay. ADMISSION lO CENTS All this week the blgseet laughing success ef the sessoa, ."RACKET'S WIFI." Evtry Use a laugh, " Every aceae That Gentler men Want"- Men ' ef fashion gentlemen of dlscrknlnatlng taat well groomed men- ta general oipect mora - of -their- clothier thaa of their UUor. ; . Men's Sack Suits .$10 to $20 In an unusually large assortment of handsome fabrics. In plaids, stripes, .mixtures - and plain weaves ' Shoes, Hats and rurmsnings Bargain of Quality aa wall aa of prtc. ' - . - W eater to thoee who wish ' to be ' well dreesed without extra cost. visit M worth, your, whll. W shall b glad to JTOUi WEST" LYRICTTHEATRE ..... Keating A Flood. Managers. Week Starting! Mondav. Tana 5 ' The Prince of Detectives'. A STJBATIONAL OOMTDT DRAMA X - ' . POffaV ACT. Admission 10c TOrAny Seat 10b LEWIS AND CLARK OBSERVJt sTQRr JtHu CAFE, PORTLAND HEIOHTS. Take Portland Heights ear andj gi Hawthorne Terrace, one block from Mo eUmblns. Electrle elevator. !lael Sea beaatlfnl effect ot Dower fill searchllehC rfrea hop of tower. lou can eat dainty touch while viewing the moot Baagnlftcent scenery -In America. Open 8 a. m. te p. am. - Admav sloa 10 cents. ' BLAXIER BROS. CONCERT ; lYRRT NIOHT. 4S-S4S BUBJtSIDM. WBXOXiESJOlCB, riras art- ozj A. D. G. RYE AJIUB ...... UtiLM AUAiaVg " 288 Morrison Street Stein way A. B. Chase Estey: Emerson Starr Heller ca Co., Richmond Etc, Eta. Etc. fPIANOS WORTrT BTJYINO' PRICES WORTH INVESTIOATINO TERMS MOST SATISFACTORY Dundorc PianoCo. " Steinwajr Dealers ,: 233 Washington St Tuning CS. Polishing- Phons Main 6427 .No-Urging With-Us- Our clerk are pleaaad) to ahow you the kind, of goods we carry and try to fit you perfectly. Har you will Bnd prices marked in plain figures. All w ' ask of you 1 to remember- well what ' you have aeen at other atbreei and oom pare them to oura. You wtll buy from ua without urging. Our stock cooalata of. th .newest style of Man's and Boy' Suits, Top Coats, Panta, Rata, Shirts and Underwear. Also a com. plete line of Ladle', Man', Misses' anl Boys' Shoes. W run two stores, on corner First and TamhlU and th other corner Third and Davla. ' JOHN DELLAR, Propa Ther hag bn"Ahd wllPb ho change in : th prlcee f Mineral Water, Soda Water, " Siphons, Syrups. to.: th ', "aara price will be maintained all report to th contrary not . " withstanding. .-; STAR BQTTLING WORKS - -no SCaU 630S. 81 Tirst S8 For modern dental work. World-r nowned specialist. , Ixwst price consistent with flrst-class work. Oo to th NEVYORK DENTISTS - roTmrs awo kobjusosT tb. Open day and night, from 1,88 a. s. , until-10 p. m. Closfng-Out Safo! UW r retiring from bualne-e s-' 111 eWsej nut elf of our I..v ' Children Fancy iry ukwis at mi thaw cc.:r. Don't' mis It. feme row t ), ar unbro:.i?v , I SagSBMBBMBMBBwBwRwRRagSRBTeaHaTSBVSBBaagBJ zt L .,..