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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (June 5, 1905)
:v.... A' - THE OREGON 'DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND. MONDAY EVENING, - JUNE i 5, 1905. - ., . Z . .-,. . ,. ... .'r , 0?M)flI)QJO u 11 v.- M Portland's Greatest -Store 5th, 6th and Washlngtbal. -Streets IS S; l" 1 " s VS.. ii ii ii it i rii i i k-' .. i -w "xi -t i ii mm ii mi y v x. r. Aafn m z. .a-"-"Bw ' ' m 1 i is a a mum at a at at in. u a t m m- Bmw a. w. v ' w mmr m m i ...sswsasw. - i i .m-- - wv in Portland's Greatest Store 5th, 6th and Washington : Streets VISIT THE FREE CAKE-BAKING SCHOOL ON THIRD FLOOR LESSONS l6 TO 12 AND 1 TO 4 - . DAILY. - - Largest stock of unique Exposition and Portland Souye : nirs in the city at prices you'll like to pay. ' Pupi I 's Exposi tio rr Con test " T Standing of First Twenty " at 10 A. M. Tqdax Llllla"Ewing. HIGH SCHOOL. ..... . Metta SeWler, FA I LI NO -SCHOOL ......... Willie Stepp. ATKINSON SCHOOL, 11,14 10.210 s A MIGHTY SALE OF INTERNATIONAL s- r- FABRICS. PARIS MIGHT CHOOSE - " ' South Annex First Floor. FjORTHREE DAYS ONLY "meager lots, not" unreliable qualities, not discarded designs ! IN THIS SILK AND DRESS GOODS SALE - ... , .. And we might add not nctitiousvalues.T 1 " We should advise, people nrjit content with tak 1h g iaTnplesrDelayyour order aC day and nobody knows . whether a scrap of the silk or dress stuffs you want will J?e left. 4 ....... t . . Fred Steven. ATKINBON eCHOOI v.... .......- Ruth Milrphy. 8T. MARY'S .ACADEMY VtV ...... V . ........ . lynn Coovert. TORTLAND ACADEMY Adrian Smith. SOUTH FORTLAND BCilOOIi" Trenton-JohiBon. HAWTHORNE SCHOOL. ... Lillian Brown. THOMPSON SCHOOtr , . ..... : Dorothy Allen, LADD SCHOOL Maud,Thajrf, .THOMPSON SCHOOL Henry Feldman. HIGH SCHOOL LeU . Smith, WILLIAMS AYENUE SCHOOL v....... Beatrice MoLeaur LADD SCHOOL . . . Ida Dfhfle, HAWTHORNE SCHOOL ... LeoTSolrertnttn SCHOOL. .... ...... I ,noWfe"Elon;-lIOLLAPAY 5CII00L I.Hi Myrtle Hacmon, NORTH CENTRAL l,i:7 - FlratTwenty SCfctterlnt .TTi,111.7T ....... 6,18l Total ' ....17T.0SI hemount-to-be-sayef"varies betweerraaaiter-and a half of relarTjrices; rSilks for weddjng or reception - gowns,- fabrics - for every function,: - Rarely do you find such stuffs in a sale., It's not often a store offers values like- these the best way to KNOW about them is to SEE., - Plain white India and black Taffetas ; specially priced for " - - - -- 3 Days.1 Extra Specials WHITE INDIAS AND HABITUI SILKS. 'OortTlnche? wide, b&c t egutar-vatfl-SpecUl . . ...... 64c S1.23 regular value. Special ....... . 87c 36 inches wide, 85cj-eerular value. Special . . . . 36 inches wide$l25jegular-.vajue - Special . . , . T. . 87c For cool, washable Waists and Gowns the above are very desirable silks. 7 - ' . Black Taffetas, that have the Olds, Wort man & King sUmp of -dependability grades -that" have ha equal at these regular prices: - . ;: 21 inches wide, regular $1.00 value. Special, yard. 69c 23 inches Vide, regular $1.10 value. Special yard. , i72ic 2 inches wide, regular $1.25 value. Special, yard rr. 89c 36 inches wide, regular $1.50 value. Special, yard. .$1.19 36 inches wide, regular $1.60 value. Special, yard. .$1.29 36 inches wide, regular $1.75 value,f Special, yard: .$1.43 THREE DAYS ONLY MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY. COLORED -DRESS GOODS--"- 'Cream silk and wool and all-wool Dress Fabrics. . Every newieaYeadiweight-inhesso -direct by us from thejest makers in the world. Our reffujar' $1.50 . qualijjes. Special for" Monday, Tuesday and ednesday- only, per yard ..... . .$1.19 Novelty English . MohairsT in Brilliantine and Sicilian weaves, all colors to choose from in neat novelty ef 4 fects. Qur regular $1.00-per yard value. : Special for nday, Tuesday and Wednesday only, yard . 69c Regular $1.25 values. Special for "Monday, Tuesday . and Wednesday only, per" yard , . . . . 89c BLACK DRESS GOODS FOR MONDAY, TUESDAY AND WEDNESDAY'S SPECIALS. $125 values of new alUwporBIack DressjGoodsin the followuig1 weaves : Armurcs, ' granite cloths, - whip- coros, serges, cneviots, crepes, etc. bpecjal for londay, luesday and VV ednesday only. Vard 87r $1.50 values of new black Dres-Goods novelty Pana- mas, serges,. Armure suitings, granite cloths, mode- leins, Henrietta, crepes, etc. Special for Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday' only, per yard.. -.$1.19 FREE EMBROIDERY LESSONS GIVEN BY EX PERT - TEACHERS IN NEEDLEWORK ART SHOP ANNEX SECOND "FLOOR. .Watches Cleaned fpr.75c-All work warranted, for one year. Mainsprings, 75c Jewelry Repair Dept. 1st Floor The Fashion Center of the Western Style World L vaoxajb uia nr zmr situtkir f ooit- ' ,' KOaSAY. Dipeetoiy- , TZMMV JIOOS-SCala m-SUUng Women'! Knit TTnderwaar. Women Hosiery, Boye' Walata and Capa,- Children' Underwear. Umbrellaa. Olovea. Lace. Rlbbbna, Embrolderiea, Neckwear, Dreaa Trimmlha-B. Notions. Toilet Sundrtea, Stationery, DomeaUca. Waah Fabrlca, 3untlns. SouvenlrB, etc. , TXMMT noOB ajovth Annex ulldlnr Sllka, Dreaa Oooda, Pat terna. . , t ,- . ( v ... ran ri.OOX Weat Annex BtUldlB4f ehoearMeh'a Outflttlnca. Jewelry. Leather Gkoda. Trarelera' and Tourlata" SappUea. Dreaa Stilt Casea. Baca of every wanted aort, Bella. Puraea, Faraaola, etc.' SOO9 TUXm Oread aJana Lariat Suit and Wrap Store weet of Chicago the atyle center of the Weatern Fashion World Mlaaea' and Infanta Wear Tea Rooms. , . noon TI.OOB a anexUndermusUns, Royal Worcester Cor- cii, ah omiicwur uwni, Douvenira, juunnery. .. . "Tai 1 TLJIOpm Mala and Annex Sonrenire. Chfna and Olasa ware., Llbbey CutlaairBavefwafe, Qdcka.. Kficnen PurnTiMna-a." i". irvn na ursniisware, nooaenoia Haraware Btatuary and Brio-a-Brso. "The Crystal Nook" and business offices. TO U ATM nOOl Main and Annex Carpels. Curtains. Run and Draperies. Souvenirs, Baby Qo-Carta, Beds and Bedding-, Toya and Games, Hammocks, Croquet and Baseball Goods. A White Sale That Illumines The Way for Followers nffte-4-A. The - PnegnalsdTalnaaln . thla tora'jlg White rets Afaln Demonstrate Our roiloy of Uaderselllnr This week. The fact waa never more convincingly dem- - onstrated than-in-thleJune. fiale of -delnty- Muslln Undergiirments. - A careful study and comparison has been - made of alt the mualln underwear salfs mow-' .In progress In the city, and in. not one of them has the Quality of the garments at any price equaled what you can get for the same money. at Olds, Wortman Kinra. You, of course, will do your own comparing before you buy which means you'll buy here. Read A few of the values. More-there are that do not reach type. Ladles" nainsook and rambrlo Chfftnlse, low round and square neck, trimmed tn embroi dery Insertions between clusters or tuck -an em brolder r -ed s-tn av or f I n 4 wn-roff - with hemstitched edre; regular price 7lic; special at . ... . .-r54 ' Corset" Covers,' of fine cambric, with rows of embroidery -ln.Mrtlon.f rows- of Torcnon lace Insertion and Torchon lace edging Hi neck and armholea; regular price $1 0; special at . 63 Ladles' Knee Petticoat a, of fine eambrle, with . .deep lawn tlounoe-. xtluatera of A fine tucks each and deep fine Swiss embroidery; regu lar price $1.60; special at 984 Ladles' fine Muslin Drawers, with 3 clusters . of. fine tucks and deep embroidery rume; regular price SOc; special at rr.ZtS4 Ladlee' fine Cambria Petticoats, 22-rn-h lawn - - flounce, I rows of hemstitching i between -clusters of tucks, 11-lnch embroidery edg. ing; regular price tl.lft; special at. .91.39 A lot of broken ltnea that have accumulated - during our. May salea, consisting Of lAdles' t eowni, Skirt. Drawers, Corset Covers. Short Skirts anr Chemise; Isee or emWol . dery trimmed, or In' plsln effects, with tucking; (regular price. 11.00 to 11,15; spe cial at ..5Te . Chlldrea'spresse J oxJtML. Children's Dresses of white lawn or nainsook, embroidery or lace trimmed, at yoke and bottom; ilies from month to t years. They- ere slightly mussed from showing., but for rapid selling we have marked them all at one half price; re'gutae price from $1.00 to $5.00; your choice at On Half rlo Infants' fine white Lawn Bonnets, all close fitting styles, trimmed in lac or ruchlng. some In the Dutch effect; all slsesr regular An International Dress Exhibit WORTnr OP A GALLERY ' r Orand Salon of Dress Second Floor. xj-jkozt ays x.-A2xra woacxxrti anian zitabijsiiiiit wn OP CXXOAOO. price $1.00 and f 1.10, special at ex tAdlea' Petticoats, of fine cambric, deep lawn flounce, 6 tucks and deep blind embroidery .T1 and lawn tlnder-rufne; regular prioe tJ.00; : special af t ..fl.29 itmruii zzposxtzo -jtx .avaoxAiw- OB TTTZKDAY. ' Lewis- - SS Clark Pillows Everybody want one Lewi and Clark Pillow Tops, sUmped In Oregon grape design with pictures of Lewi and Clark, Oregon t seal and mottoes. Top with plain back to matoh, .. all the flos necessary tor working same - fJO keln). a full sis diagram showing -t how. ths colors are to be used and color -Vcsrd; regular price tl.tS; epeclal " f ,..07 In the charming and-tastefully arranged Sec ond Floor Salon, amid most Impressive setting. nd faahlon surroundings you'll find thla week the most comprehensive gathering of stylish and authoritative gown and other apparel evatw shown in this Exposition Cltg, equaled by none other similar convention weat of the lakes. r. For those whose Interest leans toward exceptional values we've arranged special feature for Mon day, Tuesday ' and Wednesday. AMONG OTHERS A GREAT THREE 1 I DAY. SUIT. SALE $35 and $38.50 $27 Tailored Street Suits Very latest models of Tnntlt vnrlr manshlp, Pansmas. Serges, English Chevi ot and 'Mixed Bulling ofmaonish"rrect. Plsln blscks, bines end browns and fetch ing shepherd check in black and white and green and white, and smart mixtures, i Blouse and tight-nttlng Jacket styles. Tuxedo and mllltsry effects "both se verely tailored and trimmed irt braids and tsffeta. Those you psy $36 snd S3H.60 for are but S27.9S for only three days. Sale of Shirtwaist Wash-Suits Linens and Wash Fabrics BaTTXB Tn AKESTA OB "WHITS I1UI" TUESDAY AT PBIOES TUT DL OAT OOMLTHTiTlOaT, Another great sale of Household Linen atart thia morning with th same war cry that 'we lave proved in muslin underclothes. ' Every piece-1 at least lower In price than you Tan get equally good for anywhere else In a Whit (ale, snd ths bulk Is a great percentage lower. Linen are staples on which th margin of profit iasmaJl. so that when you get them even little under price you are getting them at very near cost. The quanltiea are very large and the va riety of patterna and sites o yarlou that ther great scop of choice. For boarding-houses snd hotel .aa well as households this is an opportunity not likely to se repeated In many months. ... . - Table XJnea fo 430. - Heavy Cream Homespun Linen, kg Inches wide, . extra good . wearing quality, especially adapted, to restaurant use; peell- aaie- Pflc.yrl . . . i, M 42 Linen aiapnn Hack. $MO TAXTTBS TOO BVT TOM tXBB. .' (7.50 TAZ.VXS TOO OT TOM SS., Material of Prettv Chambray In light blues, graya and tans, plalnted front and back, plain and fancy trimmed styles, skirts In umbrella flare and plaited styles. - ... Another Famous Shirtwaist Sale Monday i' BAXJTTT, BBAOTXTUXi WBn WAISTS BBOVOTIOBm. . WhItXa.whrDotted Swlssesrilsnd-EmbrolJersd Linen and Mexican Drawn Work Effect, beautiful creation for th summer girls wear. Special for Mon- Isusl fl.SO values at 1.S9 t'sual $4.00 value 'Vual;$$.00 values at. ...... ,.il2.3S I'siml $8.00 'value Usual $150 values at., ....... S2.89 Usual $.10 values t..t.., .82.99. t 1 5-3 5 at. ...... ..1-4.98 STBCiAi, nrosmoB iiu or Exquisite American Cut Glass Third Tloor. A superb array of gracef urdeelgha"lxcluslve lo"7hT JhaTjlfferenr "BldrffT" is world-celebrated Llbby Cut Ulass. a June exposition of surpssslng beauty 11 In the Vases, regular value $ J 60; speolsl, each!,. vanes, regular vaiue ; special, earn. ..; iiwiu, wen,,, , J.OO; speclsi, esch. , JM5: P "f. r :.. 16 00; special, each 1.00; speclsi, each i.vv, Kitr.-iai, rsn . . M , ........ . special, esch . ... i , special. o fecial, each.. . . n.rrr iww n irKiiinr t. ui n.u. sttwiiii Hrn. Merry tinwis. rsguisr vaiue Berrr- Bowie, regular value I).... niri P. .ii t a , vaiiia 97 no an.nLI ...k Sugara and' Creama. regular value' $.$(1; speclslpalr!!!"! PilIRn wn'i i"mi, ,,ui?ir in. l".pv; sperm I, pa 1 r , Hugsr and Creams, regular value IX l; -efieclal, pslr, , . . . , ., Sugarapd Cream, "regular value 11.00; special, pair. ... i ............ . Vases, regular value Vaaes, regular value Vases, regulsr vslue Vases, regular vslue Vases. regulsr vslue Vases, regular value flower Centera, regular value $21.00 Flower c enters, regular value ii uo; Berry Bowls, regulsr value $ $26; special, each. v; s a k. ....i.i . w ...... n .......... mi-r mi, m ........., , ... ....... . 11.00; specie!, each. .V.V.V..W ...... . Hemmed Linen Napkins, with fancy striped border; special sale price, the doen ...85 Tanoy xanea Bureau Scarfs. A handsome new line, priced at each.............. 35 p to fl.XK - - Special Saia ez- Dainty whit Good. We- offer lncnmpsrsble vsluee for thla week' selling In our busy Whit Good Sec tion. We wish to call your attsntlon to the quality and many beautiful designs of thee goods. This Is- Indeed a most favorsble op portunity to buy what Is needed for the com mencement gowns and for dresses for wear during the hot aummer months. - 33o In tea of 40o for Persian lwna. Persian Uwni, 48 Inchea wide, a fine, sheer, rnqptrabriojQXdttJe nd.wlaU. our 40c value; special at, the yard....33 Persian If nil. Smooth, silky and beautiful; our too val ue; epeclal at. the yard...,,. ... . ... .25 " Trench Zrftwn. " i r 'Ot a pretty, ahner quality; our IBa value; ' . L special at, the yard .......284 r Dainty Walsttng. In white; silk finish; our too value; ape-' clal at, the yard 75 Wew White Testing. : Our loo- vslue; special at. the yard. ...... .40 ' .wuite Plquee la ell sis Cords. Our 4Se valuer special at, the yard ..384 Our BOo value; spectal at, the"yarL. . . . , .441 -Our 0o value; special at the yard . 5o Special for"" Tuesday Handsome JylTfimrned Maxine Elliotr Hats for Tomorrow we shall feature a rar nt fering in Millinery, embracing 100 . artistically Trimmed Hats in the popular"Maxine Elliot models. """io" much in demand for summer wear. , ingTahaperof mTexhip-trtamedltlri Dcauuiui nowers ana riDDons, in a color range including black, brown, green, blue, etc. splendid actual $5 values. -t' Special for Tuesday r 1 only, for. . . .'.$3.00 74 'v i vvt in iur 1 7 25,000 Pairs of Women's Hosiery J0fLltSS THAN IMPORT-DUTIES AB AMSBXOAJT COMET FOB AMXBICAB WOXM. :,. The Royal Worcester Am American Corset for Anerloaa Women. ' At a bargain price - Tuesday. - The prod uct of -Worcester, Mess.; a hustltngr bustling. Bay State city. The superior In fit and etyle of any American make of Corset, with all the mart line of Paris ian modal. Tomor row at a bargain prlca. Read:' n o y a 1 , Worcester Summer Corset, In a ew model. Prin cess hip, new high -' bust snd hose sun. porter nttsched at Mp and In front; msde qf. nne wane Batiste: sue from IS to jo: regu lar price $1.76; special at.'.-;.. 91,97 9 7c l ATT 'FIRST FLOOR. A great Exposition Sale of Women' Hosiery from famous mills across ths broad AUantlo is on here tomorrow a result of a monster purchase from a New York commission house that was compelled, to cancel the order of a big Chicago retail house. It promise to be the biggest and most successful sale of anv we have ever held. -'Turns great good -for-, ana us orougni ini nosierw here at Such absurd It low price. Th kai. gala speak for themselvee. Bead I Women' BOo Boee o. Women' Fine Maco CottonJlQe. opera length. full finished, regular value 60o; . - special, pair . . . . . . '.J.'i. . .. .... : ..i..;;.294 : Wemea'a $IJ0 Boa 4. -( . Women' Extra Fine Plain and Dron-Stltch .. Hose, opera length. Bnlshed foot, double, - .mm -Tnnpnr nira-imnnj rs aisr ., value $1.00; special, pair .,...49 A Woman' BOe Boa ate. Women' Pin Black "Maco" Cotton Hose; else ' H ' and only; regular . value loot special, pair 29e) 1S. h W - .A. Women' Plain Black . .Lisle Hose, medium A . ' Wright, nnlshed foot, double sol, spliced 1 heel; regular value lie; ipeclal fit ; 42 Woman' too Boss no. Women' Splendid Wearing Black "Maco" Cot ton Hose, ribbed top, finished foot, medium nd heavyweight; regular valu 10c; .PclaL pair ...334 ' Wemea'a SO Bee U. ' Women' ' Blsck -Msco" i Cotton , Hose, ' with .white "Maco'' ol, high spliced heeL French toe, medium weight! regwlsr valu fOst . apeclal, pair , ZZi Women' SO Bom Me. . Women' Fine Black Lisle Hose, very Una , gauae, srllced heel, double sole, French tne; regular value 19c;' special. tkle ,.,,,.,.,,,, '