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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1905)
- TII3 :OHZCON DAILY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND. SATURDAY-EVENING, MAY- 27, 1905. - OMITS FITCfiluS: DAZZLES OAKLAND McCredie's Mn Take the Third ; Straight . Came From .: Commuters.' RUNKLE'S PLAYING r ' FEATURE OF CAME Good Work of Portland TearVj Gratifying to . the ; Fane , : .V of This City. : . .'rt ; V ' Portland 6. .Oakland 8. ' -. ' Batteries Graham, and Byrnaj-Oarvtn ' ' and McLean.-. - . u Portland-, continued tn food WOTT 1 ycaterdar-ftemoon against Oakland ' and made It three straight -from that .aggregation. Yesterday's wr the fourth -successive victory for the locale, having beaten San Francisco-last Bunday af--.r -ternoon, and from the aplendld article of ball that the team la playinr atr pres ent It -will -take a ; much better team - thsn Oakland to take a fall put of the locale... The snap displayed in general -' work, the willingness to go after every-thing-, the desire to get on the circuit, the honest effort to bat with Judgment. ..' and steal bases daringly j-et carefully, cannot but result . in good ball playing . and more victories. Borne attribute the . successes 'of the past three " days to Multnomah field luck, but those addict- ed to luck dope of this kind could not "' tell whether good playing or lightning -bolt decided a Contest. The beet kind of luck is the playing a game with all " of one's heart and soul. deeply ...Interested in every play, to be In spirit, In every, movement Of the ball, and to be unceasingly at It from the pitch of -- the first ball until the last throw of the unit, Is the way In which ball team achieve success. - - . V"-' Yesterday's game waa an honest exhl - bltlon of how the national pastime ' ' should be played. - The Oakland man ' ager, ; displeased with two defeats, de ' elded to pit Oscar Graham against the losing spell. Manager McCredle msde no change-in his pitching schedule,, al--r"lowlng Garvin, who was not'extra well, ,' "to play in his turn, and the way In , which he lanky Texsn mowed .the mm-1 iHZmuteri-down was a. pleasure to .see, - Nine strikeouts are to hts credit, and with men on bases he was aa steady as -- a rooky In the second inning the Oak 7 landers landed the ball" in. the tennis : court, and with the assistance of 8n- other single, one run crossed the. plate. .This wag the only time, that the visitors knocked hits with the exception of the ' ninth -JnnevjeTFxajcks ajidByrne ; ' "'" Connected, the former scoring a few ' .minutes later on a passed ball. One of the jpleasanteat features 'of the LLgftme-wastlie-stas work--o8itnkl' at ' third base,-tHrshl"' timely two-base bit -rth the eighth Inning that put the proper stamp on-the-contest. - Runkle has al ways been known" to be an honest plsy. jt -- er, but secretly he came u for criticism on account of -hi" failure te" bat and also to Held up to the Coast League ... ftandard. Withal he kept pegging away .and .many predicted 'that he would soon strike his old-time gait. - His work at t - third' was a revelation and pleased Man ' " ager "McCredle and the fans' verymuch. TKverybywouldIkeoBeeTBunkle . " remain wlth,ttreJnrtland team, as he ie a decent fellow and most companionable. It is to be herpes -that he will continue the good work to which he treated the ' fans yesterday. Bchafley was on deck : again with bells, getting a three-bagger t in the eighth that tar ted the ball sroll lng.A few more victories will put Port land up among the leaders. , . , ; -. . . Details of .tfama, ' .. , The first Inning passed without any results xor ciiner leani, uui i u w- ond luck was the Oaks and they chased one over the pan. Julie Strelb - . led off with a chance to Lou Runkle. who fielded him out at first. ' Jim Kelley . ralnbowed a Texas leaguer Into the ten- nla court and secured two sacks. -Wild Bill also pulled one to left, the sphere -clearing the wire netting, scoring Kel, and getting into the summary himself. Buck Francks shoved one between Mitchell and Schlafly, but fast fielding , : by McCredte held the Red Dqg at third, i :' Jimmy Byrne hit a sharp one to Gar- . ' vln and theJTexanJield Brick at third tt while-Jimmy was retired at - first, " Francks going" to second. Oscar " Ora- ham. who. la noted for his walloping pro--rllvltles in. addition to his pitching prowess. Came to the plate and struck ' out. , - Jake Atx negotiated first via being hit by a pitched ball after one was down In the. third, but Graham Melded Van Buren's-'bunt- in splendid style and At Ing to Btreib ahead -of .Van Buren.-- The locals tied up the proceedings on rsveral wild throws by Graham. Kelly IP YOU WANT THE HANDSOMEST "AND MOST EXPENSIVE T Ever brought. to Ore- gon,f FREE of all cost. see the IMPORTING COMPANY - . 19S THIRD STREET 4 j -t r ' . Thfe3ig Family Liquor Store ails CABINET f - ' , "OREGON and Devereaux, which allowed Runkle to score, T"":.:" ' The tie remained -unbroken- Until' th eighth when the local sluggers pro ceeded to break up the game. Larry Schlafly -connected with one that he liked and sent it whirling past Van Haltren clear to the deep fence and safely acquired three bases on the-swat. "Judge"-. McCredle , walked te the plate with the intention of duplicating Bchlaf ly's swat, but Graham beat him U it, and gave the manager life by tapping on -the funny bone. Big Jack- McLean wandered aimlessly to the plate, and puiitety'tiiffed on un tin snuui fm one cushion scoring Schlafly. - " Mike Mitchell attempted to sacrifice, but a pop fly to Byrne sat the first acker dowivand It was up to Lou Run--kle. who is playing a star game. Lou msde-guod with "a, CorKlng"twd "bagger, which, chased the two Macs over the register. . Devereaux stabbed Garvin's drive and retired Runkle st third. Jakey Ats was passed, but Van Buren's fly out to Kelly ended the fining. " : Kelly led off in the ninth with a chance to Runkle and waa out at first. . Wild Bill of the braxen locks, took three In effectual swings and eat crbwn. which made ltdook like curtains for the visit- "Spectators with a long drive over Van Buren's ' head,' which, netted him two sacks. . Jimmy Byrne made a safe hit, advancing Buck to third, from whence he scored on McLean's passed ball. Oa-J car, Graham again fanned ana the game was over. -. .; - . The off Iclal score follows: ; , PORTLAND. ' ' .r - ' . ab. r. 11. pa a. e. Atx. s. 1 0 I 1 C Vsn Buren. It. ,-v. , 9 , l r a. , i Householders ef. "v.... .S -:" 10 rSchlafly. 2b. . . . a t McCredle. .-.rfU-;-. . . r I 1 '-' r Hi Wan, e. .......... a i j iv , i w Mitchell, lb. ; 4 7 0; 0 Runkle. ab. . 4 i S 0 Garvin, p. 4 0 0, 0 a 0 Totals . ........ 4. .2 4 11 10 1 . ; :.V OAKLAND. M. PoTXe. AB. R. Van Haltren. of... .... . Kruaer. rf .....4 0 0 1.0 0 Cook, If.- ............ 1 0 fitrelb. lb. . 4 0 Kelley,' 2b. ......... 4 , 1 Devereaux. 8b. ...... 4 0 r rancKs. ss. .......... i Byrne, e. . .v a 0 Graham, p. J O Totals . ...'........aa 1 14 - - SCORE BT JNNINGS. " llld'ini Oakland . . . .....0 1 0 t 0 0 0 11 -Hite ,.tXJ.JLLLU J 7 Fbrtiand.r":r77r:o oo vri v o a 4 Hits . . ......... 101(111 I , t ' SUMMARY. , Struck out - By "Garvin, t (Krucer. Orahnv-l,-Vn- Haltren. Byrne. Cook 5. utremrTDeveresTixTr-3asesonbaiiF Off Garvin: I (Graham 2); off Graham, I (Ats 2. Householder). Two-base hits Runkle, Kelley, Devereaux, Francks. Three-base hit Schlafly. Double play Graham to Francks to Strelb. Left on bases Portland. 10; Oakland,.-7. Sac rifice hits McCredle i. Van Buren, Byrne. -Stolen base Mitchell, lilt by pitched' ball "Ats. McCredlePMcLean, Conk., - Passed -.ball McLean. Wild Pilch Garvin." First -feeee- n--errors-. Portland, S. Time of game One hour and 45 mlputes. .IJmplrew.Kl0pf.-7--- r ikCmO COAST "tAOTOjew 5 Tfc CLOBV- TaHma Oakland Han Kriiwttco... 2of- .41 2T:2 . . BMa Bests BUI Thomas. ' w- . Los Angeles, May 27. Bill Thomas met his first defeat of the season yes terday when the Angel brigade "found him for six runs and 10 hits, while Spider Bauoi. who opposed Thomas, held Tacoma down to one lone hit and ahut them out. Nordyke waa theonlyTlger to reach first base. Score: ., 1. . J Los Angelee . .0 a 8 6 0 1 0 0 10 6 Tacoma .. .....000000004 0 1 1 Batteries Baum and Spies; Thomas and Graham. Umpire Davis. BATXOtf AIi KBAOVB.- " ' ."' Won. . Lost ' New Tork . .19 i Pittsburg . . 1 IS Philadelphia 17 IS Chicago . . ......,..1 r IT r Cincinnati ,V. -.. IS -IT St. Louis . ...... ,tXil rl Boston . , t,,Oill ' 20 Brooklyn ..14 Z4 PC. .771 .(59 .62S .414 .487 .404 400 .873 . 7 " At ITew York. , ' ' .,- . . . R. H. E. New York . ...,........,..... 4 Brooklyn 0 8 8 Batteries Taylor and Bowerman; Mc Intyre and Bergen. Umpires Baus wlne and O'Day.-! ' At ThnadelphlaT Ronton ." UJJKM....1...I 2 8 Philadelphia . . ' .4 10 1 Batteriee Fraser and Moran; ptrtin ger and Kahoe. Umpire Klem. AlCXBXCAar XJIAOUB." Won. LosL " P.C. Cleveland . . Chicago . . .. ,18 10 r .is .......18 . 12 .600 h-niiadeipnia Detroit . . . WKhlnton 17 18 .586 18 14 .13 17 17 .610 St.-Louis f .,.t.....14 1T 7-.458 New1 -York . 1 v .4J4 Boston ...... it .400 1 At . tools. : .-. 1 R. H. E. 2.V ?u'1! ' ..ajLi.f -! 1 t-tn j - 8-1 Washington. . . . . .-.-4 - 8 Batteries 8unhnfT, Buchanan. Sug den and Weaver; Hughes and Klttredge. At atotrott. mr r. h. e. Detroit . t 1 1 8-- 8-A Philadelphia t 10 I - Batteries Kill Ian and Doran; Bender slid Schreck. Atc,..-HR Chicago . . ...... . V; .......... 1 e 0 Boston . ................ , "... .9 4 4 Batteries Altrock and McFarland; Young and Crtger. 1, At OlevelanA. R. H. E. ...1 i a Cleveland . . . . . . . New York . . 4 4 Batteries Hess and Buelow and McOulra. - , orth Aiftalttake, 1 R. H H, Boise . .. ...... 10010048 0 II It'.. 1 Salt Lske .....0000000 1 1 14 1 Batteries Hodson, McFarland and Hanson; Jensen, Leahy and Suess. Um pire MeRae. yr- ""it OgaW " 1-.: -; Ogden t. Spokane 0; forfeited,, -( :Fat Folks. "flhavo reduced my-weight II pounds, bust Bin Inches,, waist eight Inches and hlpr nine Inches In a short time by a guaranteed, harmless remedy without .....1 hai m ?f ti b: z .6so .....I B 1 71 4 T 27 .WO W1 M Tl 91 27 .5 'e .ISLSLJJ La I) .t Wrtstld ZIUL JSl flL at 2 ,440 battle 1 6 l . 4) I 201 LMt .J2ti2324 25j exercise or starving. 1 wsnt to ten you sll about It Enclose stamp, and ad dress. Mrs. Charlotte Woodward. Ore gon City, Or. , Preferred BVeoek Oaaaed. OootA AUen A Lewis" Best tBrand. ; J : .' .' . ' . t -: - 1; my r - ml :-m ikt 3: wl mLmi'm fee 1 : 8 ..... M -7rr; If; m" ' m i"! lis sTrjrr ROBERT E. TOD'S YACHT XOSw Zjy'r IHISTLK-IN-SAHJNG-TRI WAS" - , y SHE APPEARED IN -THE IN- -----A;:NrVr- tZjT TERNATIONAL RACE FOR THE 1 rf J-& - KAISER'S CUP ON THE RIGHT S f ' T ARE SHOWN LORD AND LADY " " H ' VJ ' BRASSEY PHOTOGRAPHED y . .',: r 9N THE Y A C H T SUNBEAM JOCKEYS INJURED AT ST. LOUIS TRACK - -.. i - (Joernal Special Berrlee.! - -i ' St. Louis. May 17. In a collision yes terday Jockeys Smith and McMullln were badly Injured at the fair grounds track.- Smith is suffering from concus sion of the brain. Resultsj tFour snd a half furlongs Auray won, Bees Chancy second. Pints third; time. Five and a half furlongs Oman J, won. Df. Scharf second. Dullnda third; time. 1:09 8-6. , - Foui and a half furlongs AJ Russell won. Pr. Gardner second, LoyalFront third; time. 0:5. - .. Six furlongs J,- P, Mayberry-won. Sovereign second, . Jake Banders third; 1-ttm4 -1 : isr Mile Bavarian won, Borak second, Sorreltop third; time. 1:45 8-6. - Mile and 70 yards McKenna won, Varro second, A ho la third; time, 1:49 2-1. - At Oravesend. New Tork. May 27. Oravesend race results: , . - Five furlongs Last Cherry won,: Du enna second. Toots Mook third; time, 1 :8. ' . Six furlongs Escutcheon won, - Old England second, ' Chimney Sweep third; time. 1:11 2-1. Mile and sixteenth Adbell won, Ana. nlas second, St. Valentine third; time, 1:48 l-l.-jr ---rr -7-r-;:-' About six furlongs Right and True won, Monteaon second, Jerry C. third; time. 1:10.- Five furlongs Phidias won, Phyllis A; second, Leonard Joe Hayman third; time.. 1:02. ...... ....... ... About six furlongs Phoebus won, Hy acinth secdnd, Berscha third; time, 1:1). "-' " ' :a Kaasaa city."": Kansas City, Mo., May 27, Kim Ridge race resultst . r -.;-.- r-.-f..-..... -r Seven . furlongs Dr. Roberts -won, Oleeman second, Feby Blue thlr4U,rtlmo, 1:88. . i " Four and -a half furlongs Agnolo won,. Jurist second, .Reuben third; time, :l. - .-..I'.. - - .-. . Six' furlongs Ootd' Bsll trenr MaeO second, Dollle H. third; time, l:im. - Mile and. 70 yards Leila won. Sarah Maxim, second, . Helgerson " third; time, 1:4.7.. .;. Mile and a sixteenth Thistle Do won. School Craft second. Mod red Law third; time. 1:14H. Airship ' finished second, but waa disqualified for fouling. ....... vt XralsvtU. .. ' . Louisville. May 27. Churchill Downs race results: .v - - Five and a half furlongs Copperfteld won. Nervator second, Hot Jhirdt time, 1:04 2-8. Five furlongs Wreiins'.. won, Two Bills' second. Romari Rya third; time, 1:08 8-8., - ' . Seven furlongs Full Sway won. Colo nel Jim Douglas second. Congress Hall thlrB; time,'. 1:21H. Handicap, seven furlongs Pretension won. Stroller second, Early Boy third; time, 1:28. v -k Four and a half furlongs Float -- . 44ee44444t44444 e- sTOTXCZ.TO AKATXTTBS. . All notices of amateur base- e ball . games, challenges and sth- e letlo events must be sent to this office before 9 o'clock a. m. on the day for publication. Ama- e - teur " manag-ers - should -psy-at 4 tentlon to this rule, ss the keep. e e tng of It will Insure a proper "report of their doings. The 4 e - Journal. .. - r---------- - won. Can' Trome second. Princess Flush third; time. -1:68 8-5. ; " " " Hi)-nmMiM won. Itasca second. Bonnie Sue third; time, 1:44 8-5. . urlEGOfsJlEADY-FuR- MEET ATCORVALLIS ' ' (Bperlal Dlmpatch te The Jearnsl.) University of Oregon, Eugene, May 27. Manager Whlttleaey, Trainer May ward and the university track team left on yesterday afternoon's train for Al bany, from which place they will take rigs for Corvallls,- where they meet the O. A. V track team on the Corvallls oval this afternoon.-' Frank Frlasel, the contested athlete, was taken along, but It Is very likely that he will not be al lowed to run, as the Corvallls manager, has reconsidered . his proposition about allowing . this - man . 40 run and has re tracted. The Oregon men are going to almost -certain defeat, but they will go Into the meet with the asms determina tion that-won ,the Washington contest The team is further weakened by Hen derson, who has-been doing the high jump at about 5 feet 7 inches, being compelled to -remain at home. Hender son hurt his ankle In the Washington meet and can scarcely bear his weight on" his feet . , Tomorrow will be the ninth time that Oregon- and O. A. C. have met on - the track, and six times ' have the teams from the stats university been, the vic tors. The team that left today Is com posed of the following-men: Hug, Oard nier, - Frissel, Moores, Perkins, Miller, Woods, Hammock, Kuykendall, Wlns low, Mitchell-. Mclatyre and. Vest ch.-- HARVARD OARSMEN z.. - -TACKLE CORNELIANS '""i (Joarsal Special Benlee.t - Boston, May 27. Everything - is In Readiness for the Harvard -Cornell boat races to le rownf on the Charles "river this after norm. .The -race will -be rowed over a coarse 'on and aaven eighths of a mile In length, beginning at the lower end of the Charles river bssln and fin -rahlng at the Longwood bridge. Just opposite the finish a grandstand with a seating capaoity of 2,000 has been erected. , ' Hsrvard Is naturally the favorite here and a large amount of -local money ia being wagered on her chances of suc cess. Those who have seen the Cornell crew at practice, however, have formed an excellent opinion of Its condition and form and the Harvard money la finding plenty, of taker? , FIRST TO RETIRE Jet friesls OnlyOne ln Over Three DecadesTo Quit Ring - Wirr Honors. - MACE DID SAME ACT - MANYyEARS-ACO Engrish-ExChampipn-Quit-on , "Account of Age, Jeffries No ' Worthy Opponents. Jim Jeffries Is the . first heavyweight pna-titiit. tn rrUrfl wi'h 'he title nf cham. pion Bines the days of Jem Msce. nearly 84 years ago. Mace won the world's heavyweight championship. London .prise ring r.ulcs, by defeating Tom Allen on May 10, 1870. The battle tooK place near New Orleans. Mace winning it in the tenth round after 44 minutes of hard and clever fighting. The battle brought to the ringside the beat known sporting ana nstio men in tne country, oui iw principals la ti-e.fllr with the-exception of Mace and Al Smith, have passed the - great - divide. MacelS- attendants were -Jim Cuslck and Jerry Donovan, With" John- C. Heenan as bis umpire-. Allen was seconded by Joe Coburn snd Sherman Thurston, with "Dad" Ry es umpire. Rufus Hunt officiated as referee and Al Smith held the watch. On May 11. 1871, Mace and Joe Coburn met for the championship at Porf Cover, CWbut after-dancing -around- the ring one hour and 17 minutes, without sherltTofl the county stepped into the ring and eommanded"hoetllltles to stop at once. Referee "Dick" Hollywood, the bantam-weight champion of America, or dered the men to fight it out at Kansas City, Missouri, on June 2, but as he overstepped the .rules by- not ordering the men to renew, the Uattl within i week. Coburn refused to obey the man date,-but offered to fight within 24 or 48 hours. Mace proceeded to the place t appointed and as Coburn failed to ap- pear the referee decided that Mace was entitled to the . stakes. Stakeholder Harry HJU, however., . refused to give them up and finally a new match was srranged. This battle took place at Bay St Louts, Mississippi, on November 80. 1871. and resulted in a draw. The men put up a fair sort of a battle for 11 rounds, but stalled so much In ths twelfth session that Referee Rufus Hunt stepped into' the nng and declared, ths fight a draw, expressing the opinion that "one was afraid and the other daren't, That was Mare's last fight, and aa he was 40 years old he concluded to retire, The old fellow Is still In the land of ths living and recently took part la a box- ing entertainment tn England, donning the mitts for a -four-round bout with a young heavyweight c r i Mace -retired because he thought he was too old to fight, end Jeffries. U hs stands by- his statement, - retired be cause there is no one Xor. him to .flxht. It was expected by him and others that Marvin Hart would prove. In Ms recent battle with Jack Johnson, he was made up of champlonshlp timber, but his showing sgalnst .the big black did not warrant his - being pitted agalnat the champion. Three months ago Marvin, outside of Johnson, wss really -the only big man tn the business to talk shop to Jeffrleej Iut he failed to del Ives- khe goods, and as there Is no one In sight capable of giving the ex-boller-maker an argument hts championship title, from a puglllstio standpoint, ; Is worthless, .. .... -- . . --7r r i- 1 " ; COHiraCTAXS am cxanows. , (Journal Special Brrlce.) " Huntington, Or., May 87. The thtrd of a series of three baseball gamva between the 11 a it I men's, composed''' of -employes of1 the Oregon Railroad Navigation company, and the Oregon Short -Line railroads and the Cornmor dale, aomposed of city players, was acakee aU light sad SnsTy. C50IMG-1: &01N& t ! - (jONE 111. BeTe';" T--Mads WiU laee ft- tl WEWBRO'S DON'T KLAMK YOUR MIRROR Mr latlH essMl tkil sOrrers sear 11. at irltMMM te Mdk hair sstni-- -Xla. j Par afue ear teey- sss , SMetr aad -attraAlTaafaa dcapolM ,-br t rvaMTal of sraat eenbfuls ( allgkttr dU.uW kair that emld k eavM. If yoar sUrror ewild talk It areuM elaad with rea te ae rat H. lead lOr.lumst to BEIPIC1BE COIefl etrelt. Mldt. far stsMle The GRAND That TotaUDifferent Wheel t Have more un-to-dsta and original sUSZm than all other bicycles combined. . eroeketa "BSTWaZsT MAlJrt It's the good quality XJrS23B-ihatcounts on makes them run easier. Guaranteed for the sntlrs year. Cost no more than other high- Come in and let us show -you the not wish to buy. 1 ' . . ' From S2S.OO .makes lo S3 selling SECOND-HAND BICYCLES CHEAP,; orasr arBirtjras An svxbay. oona akt tub. JJ FRANK M. JONES W.B. KERNAN, Manager fanimaiinniExiiiiuimiuiniinixxxsxxxxzza played here Thursday anoTresuHeonh a victory for the Commercials by a score of 7 to 28. The first game-was won by the" Commercials fey a acore of 8 to 7 and the second by the Harrlman'a by a score of 6 to,. The Commercials have been declared - ther champlona, v. . r .SPORT4NalDOSSIP A subscription has been, started for th t)enent or Edward VAtt Buren, in or. der that Portland's left flelder may have bis pants washed. All subscriptions wtlthsrar1tnowledged In the columns of Tfiiirntal. mi Everybody is glad that RunkTe pul up. such a- brilliant game yesterday, potn m ths field ana at tno Oat. - .' e e , Teddy Corbett. who was secured from St. Paul, has wired McCredle refusing to come to Portland. . Ha. is In a win ning club and cannot be blamed much for not wanting to change, but lls possible thst he mey" yet be induced to come to the world's fair city. . e e .Ely Catea Is slated to pitch, for Porti land today and if he can beat Smiling Schmldtty It looks as though-. Portland would make a clean sweep of the series. . e a VVin Frenchhaa, athU own request; received a two weeks' Isyoff to get his arm into shape. When he accomplishes this Portlsnd will hsvs one of the best pitchers In ths league back In the game. ; . .- e e 1 SeattienaTtakeFyOung Boyleof San ta Clara college back to the fold. Boyle wss with the etlwashes a short time last season and- made such a good impres sion that Russ Hall dectded to give him another trial. r, Bill Dunleavy, the crack left fielder of the Oakland team. Is out of the game fot Sl few days with a boil on his foot Cook will plsy in Duns place juhWhe Vann Peter Jackson at the end of a 15-round boutrat "Marlborough, Massa chusetts, last evening. - - e e Two accidents marred the card of the American Jockey clubs races at St. Louis yesterday. Weird fell and se verely injured Jockey Ghormley; and Broadway dropped dead on the track after finishing a race. ... e e ' Ther Western Washington.- Livestock and Agricultural association will for mally open -Its new grounds at Centralis with a race meet on Decoration day. - e e , . At the meeting of the National Asso ciation of Amateur Billiard players It was decided to hold the 1808 champion ship contests at Chicago. . ( ' e . - After three dsys of play the Metro politan Oolf association's,. annjial tour nament has nsrow'ed down to two men. Archie Oraham of Peterson, New Jer sey, and Charles H. Seeley of Stamford, Connecticut. These .two 'contestants play the finals today. - .-- ,e - ,. . T flchlafly's corking" three bagger In the eighth, was the beginning and end of Oscar Graham's troubles. ..Lsrry is a terror with the stick and on the bases. will fight 0'keefe" ! -insteadof:ryan (SpecUl' Dtopatcb-to The JosrsaL) . Butte, Mont May 87. Word was re ceived by ths Silver Bow.Athletlo club last night that Jimmy Gardner had changed his mind about dinting, Buddy Ryan in Butte, June 12, Miners'! Union day. and would meet Jack O'Keefe of Chfcago In" SttirXake that data. Oard-ntr- gave the club no Intimation what ever as to why he. concluded to pass up Ryan.1 Both Gardner and Ryan had sig nified their willingness to fight in Butts and articles had been mailed -to the two mep. Gardner's change - of . front ap parently followed the reoelpt ot the ar ticles." -. - - - : 4 - "v -SAxnc rarsAT wtt.t.sttt. (Rpeelsl ..Dispatch te 'The JoeroaL) Salem, Or. May 27. Tha Salem High school team .defeated the Willamette university at baseball yenterday by the score of 8 to 8. ,..-! i - . Mm IMbls tna-Mtiy. - -- Herpicue yeas hasr art tbe sssabtafls. M eea se am with Kairhre'e Pwies was Bills lcrafce that 4aaM Soil, krlttle aad hair, aba OaaSraff MS m hair. Dastror the ws ead the hatra aatoral luster and ahuadaaM will Nturab Kamloos raseUs. Aa exeulaite hair acyae- PRIZE Winner features Or TAXXTB TO - S aaer. the' XAOTOXJI, and ' : - - grade bicycles, but are worth Racycle features, . even if you do . ' . . '. 0.00 are equal to other for 40.0 " li 309 OAK STREET AMERICAN HENLEY" BEI NG ROWED TODAYS --. ... , r (Journal Bpcclsl Service.);. Philadelphia, -May SI. Thousands of . lovers or aoustlw-eport lined 4h banks " of the- Schuylkill today to;-:wltne8-.ltf-races of the American Henley regatta. Auspicious conditions 'surrounded the Opening , of the , regatta, -and everything; . pointed to one of the most ' successful events of the kind ever held on ,thjt fa , mmrsSohnylklrt -course." 'ear la hardly, tup tq fh pcttuinM of ths promotors, but' the contestants era regarded as evenly 'matched init soma Interesting contests- are therefor -expected. Interest centers chiefly In thsj showing of the Vesper Boat club sight which is going to England next month -to- contest in the Henley races on tha , Thames. -, . ,; , NEW COAL AND SAWMILL , Vr PROJECT FOR CHEHAL13 (Special Dispatch; te The Josraal.) - Chehalls. -May 27. Another. coal andl sawmill project le in sight for Chehalls, -Some time ago W. B. Lowtie and othea Chehalls county capitalists -bought tha Montgomery tract of land, about 1.00U acres, across the Chehalls river west oC town. - Ths land has a fins coal deposit on it and many years ago this was quit -extensively worked for local , coneump tlon. Owing to lack of transportation, though,' it was finally abandoned. There Is si so about 25,000.000. feet of tlmbea . on the property, and an endless supply of timber on adjoining lands. The mat-, ter 1s being considered of building al spur scross the river from Chehalls to tsp this property, develop- the- coal field) there and slsobuild a J)lg saw and shlngTiTmnrto cut up the timber. Th mtlr would llkely-be-bo tit-at-Cheh all,- It Is possible that if the spur is built u exteiiggn ss tu tap ina mines now being worked by the Crescent " Coal company of Tacoma. which is shlp- plng msny csrloads monthly. Th bridge across he river woutdV also likely) : be built for both rail and wagon pur, posses, affording another crossing placa, -for the big farms west of this city. i, J, (la acennnt ot Its frlshlfilt hldaoosilM. Blon4 Potonln( Is eoBuuonly railed the King of All Dlarsm. It mar lth.r ha hrreilltsrr er . trartrd. Once the eyatein la tilntel with It the dlaviae nay manlfpat Itself in the fnrm of Srrorula, Ecsema, Khraniatle Pains, Stiff oe Swollaa Juliita. Eruption, er (pr Coiored Buota on tba t'aca or Bod. Ilttla I leers la the Mouth or on tba traisue. Sor Throat. SwolHa Tonalla. railing etrt ot tha Hair ar trebmwa. and flnallr a leprooa-llke Dacay of the rih and Bonro.' If roe hT inf of thmie tltnl l.r m SSOWX'S BLOOD CVIS ImnWUteljr. This tr.atm.nt Is practlrallr the mult ot life work. It contains no d,neus drugs or Injurbwa nedlrtnes of say kind. lr ahva to tha very bottom of tha dlMase and . orers ont . every partlcla of- Impurity. Sooa avory aim-and symptom dlMpnvara. compUtalg and forvver. Tb Mood, the tlawea, the hwo, tba bonca and tha whole aratrm are clniwl, purlflrd and rtore4 tr perfect hralth, aad the .. . patlvnt preuarrd aow for tha dmlra and pi.,,. - ot Ufa. BIOWW I BLOOD OUBC, 1 ix s bottle last a month. Made njr SB. BB0WM -, 35 Arch ,t., Phlladrlphls. for sals la Porto land only by Frank. Nu, Portland Uolal Phasa siscr- Follow Our Advice and youll do tha wise thing-1 Make yvttig aort anddaughter gelf-supportlng. OI vl them , a good commercial training, andj thus help them i avoid much drudgara' In after life should they become obliged to earn a livelihood. - . ? -' We offer complete Bueinea and Bhor hand courses. , . T , Behnke-Wnlkcr ' Business College; Statb aad Korrisoat Sfs, Poriuaa. . Open all the year Iy and !;' Call or send t' catafogue. ' Bicycles BLOOD ROSON .V ... "' .