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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 27, 1905)
-5..' r THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL.- PORTLAND. SATURDAY EVENING. MAY 27. 18C5. 12 PROSPECTOR'S LIFE - THE-BUiNKER-iHLL USED ROUND THE WORLD Waller Bafcer "& Co:s - SAVED ; MAY 6pcuiatlon.iinFuture of In dependent Lead Producers . . f - Jltl T - Faithfulness Tof" Mongrel Picked ypn Desert Rescues Mart in Coeur d'Alenes." From..Death7Hole. BRADLEY'S PRESENCE IN iU-FEDERALJEANS MERGER IMPRISONED IN SHAFT rANTABANDONED MINE Canine-Stands Guard Fait Should Federaljrk9Thi3-Mino :and Hercules Big Capital.-,. Wfluld-BellnYQlYed. 7 Bringing Rescuers ta Scene . l : :- .. - - - :rJ-T.'irr 7 : or Acciaenu. .:.r I- - .. . .. L.. BE ABSORBED Chocolate v ' v and: f J l2A L jj'Jj Years." W: ' "iccTrn nrjiM Tmm irnji rr : R m m m m m m k mm m m n i mmm SrcIl Dlnpttc to ThljMli . " . tors of this camp who are not on. the Inside of the big mergers being per i "' 'fected through' the. ;Amer!cir SmritfT --"' r: genrrttter-xampany. ' hav - been- vainly ''f:T speculating on the alignment after, the Indicated combines have been completed. ' Purchase of- the Federal company's ih . i tereata gives' a dominating; hand- In the ".': lead Industry of the northwest, although ; - ---rte'ract msr res BankerHar Bui- llvan and -the' Hercules are ;poth m the outside yet cause, many to wonder ' If the combine will not ajso ultimately ' .mbre-thee brtlllarproducers. Blintill Fred W. Bradley. mang.lng en: . rineer for the Bunker Hill -be thoaen preside! f--41e dralr-4 eueeeed Charles 8 weeny, the merger of his great producer . would no doubt precede tbj.s change or omciaia. Minucr Iar ofthe Hercules has re- cently been quoted- as holding; his mine at 10.000.000. and the Bunker Htll and Bull Ivan would no doubt bring a higher v figure since opening the enormous shoot en the 1. 000 level. 'Should -the Federal or Us holding ' eoncern covft tfiese ,' rhlnes. there, would probably have. toe n addition of lo,000;oo capitalisation to the existing $30,000,000 of the Fed eral. It Is locally bellevd that this " end is detred-,-TmirriiP surprise would r be created locally by announcement tlmL-ULWerein-lhe-big megger. : MERCURY FURNACE TO iiiripiinnei runiniT AVtUUttrtAnlptjrhJnfafi of contentment was - J Manager W. B. Dennla Of the big .:.--- Ttliirh Hntte purnury mnr, hr Xjsne . , countyrreached the city yesterdajr and :, la- rufthlog -hl arrangements for com pletlon of la model of Ui mercury fur nace that- Is to be exhibited-at the fair. r-' In a general way, the furnace Is dc scribed as gaa generator and furnace' combineV-l-whlch It ha,beeiT the pur pose of the management to effect abso- lute combustion - of Tutsi 'anaicave " gaser for forming- soot. 'The furnace " bulirwir for " xperTmenW purposes. and waa. on' original lines which "Mr. Denh.vnd-- Msr "mechanical -engineers .have worked out, and the tests still Con tinue; - . . . . 1. . . Early results" have' been' even more rfttfylngthan' the - manager expected, as tie was able to breath the escaping -dra u ght-from t h -"startr -wttnmirTnt ect- Ju Hi JTrispn''-"of any gas-: TVTien It' Js t renumbered (hat the fumes from .' cury furnace are popularly, supposed to lLJnietyt:pTilrmoOT.-iit: wtlt -readily . be apprerii,l;d that Mr. Dennis. .has -rt: achieved -. .-wonderful" advance In' his work. Ttie-fxill yalnw Pf" hl furnace stated tliat he has effected.' great eevn- rnotBy lttime, while perfecting tbe-oom-1 bustion principle. " ' ' The model to be ahown at the fair Is ( : ansured "wide attention among the en '' Itlneeflng' fraternity" of the country, as '3 some, of the prominent members of the ' .profession have already been to the ' v" mine to observe Its workings. ' LINCOLN TO CYANIDE ' HUNDRED TONS DAILY ; ' . ,L (SperliltDi.rwtch ta.Tbe Jnaml.V Pearl. Idaho. May 27. The manage ment ofthe Lincoln mine. In this camp, t expects to "have the 100-ton cyanide - - - plant completed within slightly more than two months. There will be five . tanks of S00 tons capacity each, which will enable the management to hold the pulp In solution something more than II days, which Is estimated to be sufficient for a perfect extraction.' The crosscut . . from the new vertical ahaft on the J 00 - level Is being driven rapidly, and when ,:r-r-eompleted.-jwtll enable- the -management to handle the ore wltb the new hoisting . pjimt. AU4Keratlona are being pressed with the purpose of getting the ... coin In good working shape within two .'.months, after which there should be ' nofurther troublA fmtn aiiir "r " ' otherwise, as bullion will, be all the mine has to ship to the outside world. .WHERE GOLD IS TAKEN FROM MINE AND FARM -I.JRalph W. Hoyt, cashier of the Mer-chsnts-Natlonul bank, Tiai-JURl returned from a tour of eastern Oregon and west ern . Idaho. After a trip to Wallowa lake. In Wallowa county, Mr. Ueyt went en to Baker City and Bumpter, where he had the pleasure of seeing two or three "collections of nuggets and native gold taken from the Belmont strike. In the Oreenhorna. At Baker City there was In the First National bank a pan of the gold, which had thi apearance of flakes - with -occasional stringers of wire gold . In the batch. Those exhibited at Sump- Keep a bottle of the Bitters handy if you would save a lot of suffering. When the Stonv. "ach7t4r or Kidneys sre un able to perform their work few doses will, help wonder fully. It never fails in cases of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Costivcness, Sour Stom ach; Poor Appetite, L!ver or Kidney IDs or Malaria. ' l ' look rem thh TSADS-MAU : r : ; --Worlds Fair Uraridrnzelct. I s Walter Bakcr&Qo. Ltd. Ckblbhed ,... DORCHISTM, MASS. a r HIGHEST AWARDS IN 4 0 EUROPE AND AMERICA ter also' showed the peculiar shape of the; gold, and makes an attractive ex- hiblL All of the tipper country Is In ex cellent condition." said Mr. Hoyt. I found the bankers. In hlghsplrit, gnrt business men gnTllT """'". humnm men genj especially noticea. wool is sowing nign, the clip has been heavy and stockmen are iubllunli The general Interesto east Tf"th Cascades are flourishing, and the year- will will be memorable In that part of the country. .Everywhere that I went I found the same condition pre vailing." - Mr. Hoyt fished In Wallowa lake f qr a short time, then, went to Baker and Sumpter, thence- to- Ontario and-follow- njmrtharrnr-ttic Boise eintry. Tvmxn-BO rwutna. iwaqb. 1 . WHHam Trevor,- operating -"-lif-jne' Seven. Devil district' of Idaho, has just returned home after consummating; the deal whereby the. 'aUotialCopP pany acquired 10 claims near Cuprum, nts'tMWinTMrrTri -frrr -t ne ehtpment of l.?00 pounds of ore to the fair for eghlbitlen purposes, and j says that worn -nr-tobe1 eommencea goon orflve-shafts on the veins, "having a depth of SO to 00 fecllr two" large open cuts from which ore has been shipped.-and two or three shallow lumit'-lM MTTtfVOf ay lhcrai dumps t present, some trt -whtdr weutd I the various probably stand shipment. When ore was taken from the surface workings before. It was hauled a dh distance in wagons at a cost of about M0 a ton for transportation alone. nrrxiTiaATzsra bokxkza. (Bpeelal Olipatch t Tbs Jooraal.1 Cottage Orove. Or.. May - J7. Two jpep are Investigating Bohemla'and 1t la thought they represent the Keswick smelter. . They have made one trip to the district and are again at the mines, having come In on the night train and left for Bohemia in the morning. The mining men of Bohemia gladly welcome smelter interests as they feel that more Is needed to make the camp per manent. The men are 8. P. Fellman and W. W, Adam of, Berkeley. Cali fornia. nxttvr mm noDvcxira. (Special IHnpstrh to To Journ!.) Iralrle City. Or., May 27. The Pres ent Meed will probably produce steadily during the summeron a small scale. Superintendent W. E. Glffo.rd ha In augurated shipments to. the . Sumpter smelter, and aays that he has enough oro- ln sight to continue the good work. fThe ore Is understood to have torn from the latest strike made In the prop- -rty; when the management found the extension of th-ld shoot beyond xnuii line BOVAsTXA DZSTaUOT PAT BOLU A recent estimate of the total num ber of - men -working . in., the Coeur d'Alenes this year la J.000. - Some of the. large mines have from 250 to 100 men each, while many prospects not In the producing list employ good forces. The Coour d Alenes have started forth With the apparent assurance of breaking all previous records, Including the record smasher of 1904. , AjrOTXZm KXU bxfobtxs. gpecls Upitcfc to Tht'jparDSl.) Baker Cltyr-Or... May 27.v Manager George W, Boggs of the Mayflower, Cornucopia district, reports an appar ently entirely new body of ore three feet in width on the footwall of his vein. Mr. Boggs saya he ha ordered a 10 stamp mill and other machinery for the mine, which will be here In time to be installed vwhlje the road are good. . : MADE L0VET0 WAITRESS " THEN DEFRAUDED FRIEND (ftpecUl DUpatrk ' The Jonsjut.) Sea t tl eJlax --Myron THeleofnb, the Oakland, California, ttuslness man, church worker and society favorite, who created a sensation In that city m week ago by making love to a pretty restau rant girl, Miss Lydla Sen roth, and when when!' it became public mysteriously dis appeared, was In Seattle for several 'day last Week.' . '. ., r-.rr-rT! .:ei:'' .P.'OVednesdayJia. entered the. Quake Druf company's atore on First. avenue and shook hand with Robert, B. Cal ley. secretary of the company. - After a short conversation ha asked Mr. Calley If h would Identify him at th bank so .that he might cash's. I to check. Know Ing that Holcomb was one of th stal warts financially Calley had no hesi tancy In doing so. Testerdsy the- check Was returned f rom th California bank protested. ' T .'' " Slnce cashlng the paper Calley ha seen nothing of Holcomb and while It Is nenevea ne is ntui in the city 61 wher- 1 HELLIN'I TOOO CO bout is unknown. - -r s - A - . " VY" vw . : ,.:' (Jooraul Rpeelal gerTlee.) Manvel, May. IT. George LrfWig. a well known miner, owes bis rescue from a terrible fate to the faithfulness ' of mongrel -doa he . picked up' somewhere on the deserU Long was In the Pro.vl dence mountains prospecting, when ie came upon an abandoned claim in wnicn a tunnel had been driven, some 26 feet an4:aU.lh-f ur.thec.ljDdihMt .gunk perpendicularly to a depth .of IS feef.v Long groped his wajr Into the tunnel, never suspecting the presence of a deep shaft until he gtepped-Jnta It and fell heavily to the lower level.. The shaft had no timbers or other means or raDCa'nd he set to work to cut. out ratcpg wheid-thejhaft, but the rock proved too hard. All- 4ht night- nd a good part - Of the next day Long remained a, prisoner In the black cell under the ground. Oc casionally the dog would come to the tunnel, whine down the shaft and then lewv.---- ' x-.Ji. .- Jt rr-. - When the old prospector had given up all hope and was contemplating the use of hie knife ratherthaa face alow star vation, he heard a man whistling to the dog. Then be descried a light feebly flickering against the ledge above the haft and the next he knew he was ly ing by a eampflre with James More iand and two other prospector bending over hlra.-r - The dog- attracted the prospectors t the mouth of the tunnel, by hl whining. ArtBe"bowomof- the -siiaft -weTround human bonea, thought to be those of some poor fellow who had also tallen Into the hole and perished, j WILLAMETTE TO HOLD . SUMMER NORMAL TERM (Special DUpatcfc lTkeJearaat'--'Balem. Or., May 2f. Willamette uni versity Is toTOnduct a siimmernoxiual ool--atrrthfbenniorali of July and August.-The sesolon ' will j;beglnlJune JJ and'wIlI continue Until Anguat 10. This determination was reached at a meeting. f - the faculty on Wednesday, May 14. . , rThe reason for the Institution of the rummer school this year . waa the In- demand f o - teuohers through- out this state" and Washington, and the ge which 'wlH-be- glreii to -Httmients-tjy-'reasomi'f-the- f reejuae of tn Jaboratnrl made a specialty. , A strong faculty has bcenr'-solected. -1- wllk bejcowiposedf Johh'TI. Coleman, I. V.. president of Uha urfierslty: W. H. 11 n baffle, Ph. rlnclpaU C.-O, Boy en serreta ry ; Mary A.TM-." and other "leachers who f epe- l-echlngr SOUND LUMBERMEN AFTER PANAMA CANAL BUSINESS (Special Dispatch to Tse- JoeraaL) Beattle; May J7.-The, Pacific Coast Lumber Manufacturers' association at It monthly meeting In the Butler hotel yest erda y decided to establish - a.- pur- VhaH7iV"agency at Seattle for the Pan ama canal ' business. Sound . mlllmen have already received a contract for fur nishing 11,000,000 feet of lumber for the canal and additional orders are expected. The agency- would act as distributing medium, placing a share of the, orders with mill that can get the stuff out on time. . CAPTAXW CBBXSS XJTJTTBID. (Special Dlipstch to TbeAvaatT 1 Seattle, May 27. At 4 'o'olock yester day afternoon Captain John 0"Brlen of the steamer Olympla fell from the deck of his vessel to a plls of lumber 25 feet below and Is lying at Providence hospi tal with physician unable . to aay whether or not he will recover. Every rib In. his body Is broken and he has sustained several severe Internal Injur lea. Captain O'Brien. waa one of the best about to be appointed commander of the Hill liner Dakota, when she arrived here next month. ABBBDBZVB TSW TACTOBT. r (gpteUt Dlipatck. in The WmU Aberdeen. JV'aah., May 27. Aberdeen I to. have 7 new box factory. " The neceaaary bonus ha been raised, the land purchased, nd clearing the ground has begun. It will be known aa the Aberdeen B"bt factory and will be run ning In about 60 days. Mr. Meyer, the owner, ha gone to San. Francisco , to buy the necessary machinery. "irwr'Ajci cxri'TJinMT '(special Dispatch te The Journal.) . Baker City. Or.. May 27. It 1 now an assured fact that Baker City Is to have an evening dally paper. The final 'ar rangements nave been completed and on June 1. E. P.-Dodd of Pendleton will start the publication of the Baker City Herald. He ha purchased a Mergen- thalrp tmachtne and other eauloment and will occupy the charters' of the old Baker City Herald on Front etreet. If you want a good food Jbf your babyr fbed that i en. -dorsed by physician, a food that . contain a larf amount of difestibl ' constituent, a food that feed, a food that will . nourish, ustain and pro- m6t th growth of your baby, try Mellin't Food. ' W will send a Mm. pie for you to try. , . H.nia's feed Is, Ike OIJLT lafaats 'H.. wklifc received the Craai rHia, N the hlkrt award of the LnUtau Par. kae IspesltUn, St. Lewi,. I904. UUk r tbaa , gU medal. , - B0JTON, MASSj tt- . ' " - f -'--....-.: ; . ' . . . I . J. made tomed of the THE 25 O :. o o. o 0 There, are EeoriomiG . : - - ReasomiSo Too I ' ' , . "" beyentn A large proportion of the visitors esfanolaifeGel up of persons who are to the comforts and conveniences Electric Light. They will PREFERENCE in the selection of accommodations to those places where they can obtain those comforts to which they are accustomed. The best is none too good this Call up teleph tell us your - Electric- Co0 . . .. and e 13 and Alder Streets tp the accus - year. c Cr c Cv c I Cr. .C.. c 0' 4 . -A "V -J .iJU...