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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 28, 1905)
... . y " Oaoa Moving 1 : 7 : olJ flfi CIRCULATION OF THE - OO 10 C r "JOURNAL YESTEUDAYIXZ, lJ VOU II. NO.' 'ill PORTLAND, - OREGON. SUNDAY MORNING. : MAY 28, IWtOUR-SECTIONSHiRtjY-SIXPAGES. PRICE FIVE CENTS AS THE MAYOR, SAYS IT WAS Hlfflli Ill LA East Side VdUrsIIBurlAard ' Hall nd"LoudlyApplaudrtheDemo "A Dollar Worth of fPcopleHoncyIs SSBncyjf Flv hundred peopl cheered Pr. Harry Lane, the people' candidate for mayor. last night In Burkhard hall. Union av Tnue andBurnld-street;-a ' the eat ld. as he uttered this sentiment! ..- "-: " rA flollar'a worth of wofjt tor' gol , lar of the people' money la a very. good motto tor.a .chief executive of the city oft"ortlnd." ZTws; "Every one who know of the dellber ationa of that charter commission knows that the central Idea was to areata a system of responsibility for the execu- tlv department centered upon-one offl- lal the mayor," said Dr.- Lane. --"In -- vlew-.f these facts,- which have -been written permanently Into the history of -themontclpalityrlt seems to me that tt t a -bit -peculiar now to hear my dls-msshevfnwit-forth-fftca---Mef . mayor pleading thst the wrongs be ad mits have charcterlzeLbJ--dmtatatra ,vtlon were not his faults although those wrongs arose In his own department and 'were committed .toy , the very persons who were the-oreatures ef his appointive ; power."- -. -- Keetlnf Apptandg M9ZrLl .. It was the ""sort" of a meeting thst " pleases " the commlttrThairman-'-en-thusitlc, thr hall crowded.-tha.audl-rnce In sympathy with the speaker; and . cheering to the echo the sentiments ut tared. ... . , ..." . - t- fluced the Elko quartet, composed of the -Misses L-inehan-an4 - EMglleh- Tonng road the section of the charter intro duction that refer to non-partleen muhiclpatHeotlonirBrtaTiuoted from The 'Journal flxcerpt from MayorWiJ llftms' addresses In IMC when ha wua supporting the bolting mayoralty nom inee. General Beebe, and when Mr. Wll- Ilamjr snid "We are all bolter. WhdMre-wht Is the' politics of a candidate this yeart Ye-Jtfe.iir-BeDUbllcansiand w are all Democrats. It Is only the party boas who cries party regularity,, thi yr, when we sll know that there 1 no pol itic Involved In the city election; only good government." ' , . . j- "That was when D. atoll Cohen war the regular Republican nominee, and Judge Williams roundly soored hlrmand advised every one to vote for General Beebc. the bolter." said MP. Toung. A. F. Flegel. candidate for councilman at large, stirred the audience to enthusi asm, when he s Id - "Don't forgot the council In thi elec tion. Elect a council that will hold up the hands of this fine clttien Dr. Lane . whom we are going to make mayor of Portlands Remember that th red-Ink ticket lav before you, and that the eloc ution of Us candidate means that an un- desirable element will control me local. TegtslalUfer ' ' A. N. OambelUCltUen' candidate for audi tor,- made- a - peeeh -of thre.- sen "NORTH COAST" AGAIN HELD UP ssB-issawas.sasBWjasaasBWssBssssBsi ' : ' ' ' "'J ' -' ' . " , - - ' . ...1 For Third Time In Two ' Yeart the Limited Is Robbed at Same Place, Near Bearmouth, Montana Express Safe Dy- , -. - namited and Portland (Packages Artf Stolerui-i (Bpeeisl DUpateh to The iourosL) ' Bearmouth, Mont., Ma 87. Th North Coast Limited, the Hnest overland train on the Northern Pacific railroad, was held up tonight at Bearmouth. Th xpres car wai detached from the train and run .thre mile beyond thi station, where th safe wss blown to pieces and looted of It valuables.- among which were many , package In trrtnslt from Portland nd coast points through to the east. It la not known at thi time whether the big overland safe of the way safe wad blown peiu-lf the over safe, the loss will run into the thousands. This Is .h third holdup of thi train Ih. two year, f ' - As - in the previous two--robberlea the bandll are supposed - to have boarded the train while It wa (taking water at this place. After the usual stop for water the train proceeded and nothing was observed out of the ordi nary until shout half .a mile beyond the station when th trajn wa undr mil neaway-."T tngmeer wa sua- denly confronted by two masked meh who covered hlfti and the -fireman with revolvers and ordered him to wp- th. ' train. The commands of the two high waymen wnr compiled with and th nglnrewwa then forced t ie compsny the . robber to th express car. Arriving there th malt, luggage .and express cars were detached, and at the command of th leader of the j bandit., they! were run -about, a - mil further down th track where a second top wss made. , , I Th engineer and firemen 'Were left 'under gimrd and therwbhers, two or . mora In number and masked, went to the door of th express car.,. Th car Work for a Dollar of - MottoThat'Gatches therpwdr5 tences.. and expressed mucjLln-a-ftw word, aaylngx ' " ..r- v "Remember one-thing the city audi tor 1s the mayor's second self. He nec essarily knows everything done-in the executive department. - Have you -heard. "onCudTfor ' De'vllri ever -,- uttering one word of protest against the now well known irregularities that have marked the administration that . is on trial be fore-the people 7l' Council,-declared: "If I am elected I will stand forjbetter faculties from the treet railway companies, for a -demand for equitable compensation" for all fran chisee -obtained from! thecity;" : 1 -Charles Petrain.- who -ia running for th office of municipal Judg(-outllned his theories of how that trust" should be -discharged,-- counseling -r-flrmness I wnxeg -witn kinoiw.grs& i Dri-B -At-Brownr candidate for coun cilman. fef erred to thetirrlng of senti ment, for. municipal reform all over th country, and asked If Portland, like Philadelphia," desired to be content -with conditions as they, were until Mayor Weaver came forward with a program that now is attracting the attention of the-world-'r- 1 --lj ; , i Senator C. W. Nottingham, Republtcaa, waa la the audlenoe and answered a. call to-tba-plattornw "No-politics In elty -a(- rairs, wasni slogan, ana with force ful utterance ha emphasised the need, of votin foenbetter- conditions, rather han AM.rft Ta AmmajmA "uecaus you people elected , -eitnensv ticket four years ago you got the present charter,5" atdrlis; "The delegation elected by .the citlsens secured aetlon such as resulted In the drafti-ng of the clty present organic law T hold that the'publlo graft with gambler la Just a bad as a private graft. "You cannot taint one part of the city' government without lalntlng all of tt. Elect Dr. Ioine mayor and, the citlsens' candldates-to-theJ councll-and I will-guarantee that-they will not run. away in a cowardly man ner when a special meeting, is called to act on m matter asked for by 8,000 citlsens of the city." . - . . , , . ; Dr. Lane held th attention of his audi ence for- nearly an hour a he outlined hl views of the present contest. There was no word of, abuse for his opponent. "I believe that Judge Williams Is a very fin old gentleman." said he, "and personally I have nothing to say that Is derogatory to hi character. But-1 think that he alng a song, the- tun of which I pitched! by some other worthies behind thje scenes Whitney L. Boise, Jac"k and Ptte Grant and Larry Sullivan, and these! men don't select songs that are In tune with the harmonies you like to hear. . : " "'On thi very ground. 40 yearskfo, I used to go fishing, right around here where the cfeekrarr"Tr6m Sullivan's -(Continued on Pag Six.) . wa occupied by the expressman and the electrician who cares for the light service .with which the train is equipped. A command was brusquely. made by th bandits ' to ttu express messenger to open the door. He hesitated and was Informed That the doos would be blown open and the car wrecked if he delayed. The. mes senger then opened 'the door. Coverlpg the two men inside .with revolvers two robber entered th car pnd Immediately set to work on the safe 'after divesting the messenger of his keys and securing the weapons In tfcoeaft-Ht wss the wnrk of but a few moments until th safe had been prepared for blowing up. . Taking their prisoner Into, the further com partment of the ear, the robber llgfhted 'the fuse." There' was a heavy explosion and the big Iron box fell apart -Hastily gathering. the contents Into a bag carried by one of the robber the men made their escape after warning the train crew to remain silent. ; The conductor of the train perceiving j whet wit happening TanaH" the" way hack to Bearmouth to give the' alarm. The country In which -the robbery oc curred la 'wild ranc) desylate and with a few hour start It is almost impossi ble to overtake th bandits. Two and a half years ago Engineer O'Neill of Missoula, wss killed In hold up near. the same place of tonight's rob bery, and carcely a year ago the train wa galn held up, diamonds, express orders and money to an almost fabulous amount being secured. For this the rob bers were srrested and are now serving sentences In the Montana penitentiary, fleorge Hammond, one of the convicted men, wl41 be tried for th murder of Engineer O'Nrfll. - n r m. A- 7W !.. fir "Bid yom ever a vntrlloo.uirt W1L sorry as S am to say It, BtayOT th past three years.' Trent Joha at. RUMOR OF BATTLE IN SEA OF JAPAN Silence of Tokio and Reports of Cannonading Lend It-Color. ,. V JAPAN SHUTS OFF NEWS BY STRICT CENSORSHIP St. Petersburg Jubilant, ' Claim ""Jjiig Victory for Rojestven- - -sky's Squadron. . (Special Phiptch to The Joaraal. "'- New Torkv-May"I8. A special from Toklo dated Sunday,- 10 a. m. state that history was mad at the entrance t tr t he sea- of - Ja pen': yesterda y- and 1 being made today, in the greatest naval contest of modern times. While some of th main result were known In Toklo last night and evening newspaper were permitted to issue extras containing bulletins made, public by the imperial navy board, the Toklo government for reasons of national security prohibited the transmission of any news by1 csble that would Indicate " results . so far aiJitivri njt thi renanrKliln' unnlles equally to th mlnisjera. qf .foreign powers..-. . ... . .- ' Th"-world wilt possibly have to- wait another , day before It; learns even the skeleton it the fact of the stupendous drama, which beiran shortly, after day light yesterday 190 miles southwest of Bhlmnnesekl. 14 Is permltffd to say that at 4 o' elook last night the scout ships of Admiral Kataeka reported by wireless The ' pnros ch ofthe Russian- Ba tner snuadron from a point north of the I'ku island and the-southerly entrance to the Btralts of.Corea. ; , At sunrise th Russian battleships were Off the promontory of Harado with cruisers In the tenter and three coast defense Tronclltd on ' the. weeter-llne. At 10 o'clock in -the morning they were west of the Island, of lkt. which Is In the eastern chaihjel through the Corean straits Into th sea of Japan. It Is reported that the Baltic fleet unk an American . steamer ' near" for- ( mosa. tt Is announred tiat the Japa nese fleet found th Baltic fleet- at Te uehama yesterday and that subse quently cannonading was heard. - fit. Petersburg dlnpatches State' that tt Is persistently rumored that tha fleet of Togo. and Ro)estvenky r fighting and thst the fierce battle has been rag ing since; yesterday morning. - The naval battle, it la. thought by et- " V. 1 ' 1 . "I ' 111 I lili jmi,ih il (Continued on Psgs 81xi , a ia .a show, holding a mannlkin on sis WUllsms ha simply bees th maaalkln, Oearla' speech la Oome kail last Wsdsesday sight. i. . : LAW OR . The question before the people in the coming election l vry simple. ' - - ,lt ia this: Is there to be a reign of law or a reign of lawlessness? Th people have had plenty-of chance to .learn In the last three year, of how -Chief. Hunt . obey and enforce . th - law.'- They bav , hervd the operation of hi .kan garoo, court from. which he has pre-- umed to turn loose crook and thieve have- noted -his los and Intimate have seen officer who have presumed to do their sworn duty. degraded to beats in the far outlying prec Inct where they could do "no harm," They have seen the department honeycombed with disaffection and in competent subordinate elevated to place of trust and responsibility. - They have seen a system of dete table espionage practiced on th men. They have seen them mad the vlo tlm of queer regulation, forced to , d res In exaggerated styles, to buy clothing when they needed none, and to pay. fancy price for th same. They have seen the'7 hurdygurdy houses flourish' and their victims sttll further victimised and deluded by th socalled off leer of th law.. They have seen the chief of police himself In th saloons after hour, but they have never seen anything; com of It in the, way of prosecutions. ' . -Ar we to have law and ordinance to enforce against citlsens of decency and respectability and are the law" against the vicious classes to be Ignored T It I for th voter i to say whether or not the laws are enforced against all classes alike, whether, they are to get a dollar' value for every dollar, of publio money ,jrhO"trie to improve tn moral condition oi tn city is to be regarded, ""a" liar and scoundrel.-" " T GERMAN ARMY WINS AFRICAN , . By MaleoUa Clark. 4Ceyrtbtr-MeraNei. servicer- sy -teased Wire te Tee Journal.) " '. - Berlin, May 21 -After days of suspense, during which time It wa expected to hear from Mouth Africa, at- last comes the good news that the end of Ihsurrec- tton-nr-titr llgbf. ,. German troops' have, according to a dispatch Just received here, defeated the two half-breed lead ers, Henry Witney and Jacob Moranga. who after having been dulet ... fojr some time had again taken up arm agalnat Germany. : - After a battle which raged ' forfour hour th united Hottentot and Herrero forces. were driven Into British territory. where they were disarmed by, the British constabulary., 'Also the dkngerou hordes led by Isaac and Cornelius, who had eoras to the assistance . oft th rebels, were crushed- and .very few escaped. -. The fight was "unusually hlondy, no quarter being, asked or given. The dis patch has been received with; great satis faction hw, not only ! hecaus ot-th - ) ' ' ' : TEUTMt IA0IE3 ArtO GtriTlErtEfJ A.90UT t(XH AOMim: j L .-- tlAft - AMD lap and making it appear that th mannlkla and it is th Tentriloqnlst who ha been r - LA W ? without pretense of trial. They relations with-the gamblers, They spent and whether every man f Z CAMPAIGN victory won. but also because It show that, the-cape authorities who-hav: been accused of assisting th rebels are now doing their duty. ; v Several tlmej before Morenga and Wit bey have fled Into British territory and hate been permitted to. reorganise their shattered follower for new 'attacks ' on the German , colony, and several com plaint have been made through the Ger man ambassador In London. 7' 9ATMM ooroir Banrsirs. ' (Ocpxrlfht, - Resrst Hews ' Serrtee, by LeasX .Wire to Tb Iwul.l 8t. Petersburg. May 7 It I reported that Father Oopon-haa'returned I city, anxious to sgaln take paiH to this In the proceedings, of th workmen, who. how ever, ar disinclined to accept him . a leader. - They affect to disbelieve the story that he ha been visiting the revo lutionary center tn Hwltxerland and also I.ondon and rrl with a view to making th general organisation closer, n . syy a. 1 NO a. wa talking sad dolnf foolish thlna-at doing th foolish and had thing u HAN OF SEVENTY SENTENCED TO HANG Judge's Voice Falters as He Pro nounces Death Penalty on - IT-Z: Miles I Fuller.-S CONVICTED OF MURDER . 'OF HENRY J. CALLAHAN Aged Prisoner Trembles and Is Assisted to His Pris on Cell. - (Bpeelal Dispatch to Tb Joarael.) - Butte, Mont., May 27.- Mile Fuller, aged 70 year, was today sentenced to be hanged July 14 for th murder of Henry J. Callahan last October. Calla han was f'trmerly-clerk-of the-federal court and he was waylaid and shot by Fuller; who after shooting the man re turned 'and cut his throat. -This act was- observed by several neighbor. Trembling from head t foot, the aged prisoner with his flowing white locks and long beard cut a pitiful figure as ha heard his donm pronounced. Judge Dolan' yolc faltered until It Wa feared he would be overcome. Fuller Intimated to officer in th courtroom! that he purposed to kill himself and three death watches were- - at - once placed -over him.' . ' Fuller ant looking blindly Into spare at the conclusion of the Judge's words and when touched on the arm by a deputy preparatory to hi his cell in the prison his frame shook like a Jettf. He was supported t hi cerl nH -when onoe-lnside-awd -releeeert from the hssistanee of his guard fell gently forward across the" hard .prison boil, his eyes flllel with tear. "While heretofore Fuller ha borne tip exceedingly welt -under the weight 'of hie year and the atralftv attendant upoa his trial he seems on the verge of physical collapse. -v . . . . , ; . wawt irrtxrrir batsvX (Special flieh to Tke fosnial.) Seattle. Wash.. May J7.8esttle. Port land and -Tacoma, JubUm at a -banquet here tonight decided to ask for av dis tributive rste for eastern Washington. WXTTrUtW BBID SAXLa. Special Mspatrk br Leased Wlra tn The Journal) New Tork, May 27. Whltelaw Reld. who was appointed ambasnsdor to Oreat Britain nearly three months , salle. for his new post this mor.-.Ing on the teamer rhUd':"v J Civic Honesty .Triumphs Over Machine in Knock: ing Out Gas Steal. PUBLIC TJPINIOW FORCES GANG TO GIVE UP FIGHT. A Thoroughly Aroused Philadel phla Rallies to the Suppo of Mayor-VveaverLantt Lease I Withdrawn, .. By William stoat. .. - ' (Spedil Dispatch by Leased Wire to The Joursall aPItl4ld)lphls;si Mtiy ' Te-" OsnFW' hOflalt5( as triumyiieu. iiie ms neai wa.. Suddenly shelved tfiis ternoon at th end of a two hours'- meeting between Boss Durham and Thomas Dolan. -preei-dnt of the -United- Improvement: xompsny; 10 whTcTTTte cllyr ga plant was to be handed over for 7t year. Dolan wrote a letter to-the presidents . of--,th select end common coun cils. formallyjwithdrawlng th - prop- : -osltion, and that's ith ;end, of th Job. - - The Surrender o -the gang Is complete. and .' absolute., The mayor's Victory la crushing, and farreaching.-- flv day, from being the "most " negative offtelat that- ever- -held qf flee under -municipality," h"7" ha become foremost-.. smong lhl mayors of ' great .American - cities. . Single-handed he attacked an organise- ra tion of 20.000 officeholders, completely put together and ruled by an absolute . . autocrat perhaps-the- most - powerful -potittcal -organisation ; eerbu!lt up In , the" history . uf--Amertcan after" Ave days of bitter fighting the autocratic head of that organisation to day -;rB-4i " whi ts- flag j r,V Sorham' XUne Broken. .. - Darbatn's , line were - broken la m doenElceTrMlleutenant were de sertlng him In groups nd poTltlcalan- nihiXatlon stared him In the face. With an eye to the future he surrendered. . Philadelphia 1 wild with joy. Ring ing cheers greeted the announcement of the surrender all over town. Within an hour after the lease was withdrawn the mayor alighted from an automobile in front of the Union League .club, where, he- was to review th parade of a local military organisation. A great cheer went up a .Weaver's well-known face and form were rooognisod. Tha crowd- surged around him -and for five minute the popular chief executive wa swallowed up In a roaring mob of 10,000. who slapped him on th back, shook his hand, waved hat and handkerchief and. danced in a mad frenxy of Joy.' . Bully bojy.,John!" they shouted, "Hurrah for Weaver!" - "Now that they're down. Jump on them!" ; ' . "No mercy, mayor; run th rascals out!" - (-. , , Weaver Sets Ovation. . Weaver wa so overwhelmed by th' ovation that he looked frightened. "That's all right." some on shouted. "You're smong friends." The mayor burst out laughing and slowly the police pried htm out of the crowd and escorted him to the bslcony of the league, where his appearance waa . the signal for another .cheer.. There were repeAteaTatts-fori but he shook-hie head negatively and retired from view until th procession arrived. ,- 'i , In an Interview thi afternoon,' Weaver aid: ' 'I regard thi a splendid victory ' for th people. The credit belong to them. It show that civic -spirit still -exist with all Its oldtlm fore, and can-trfumph over all evil If tt 1 only properly exerted. I cannot discuss yet the political effect otf thi victory. Th future be left to develop itself." ... . Wild Bajolelaa- im City. - ' -Ther 1 wild rejoicing in Philadelphia tonight. Mass, meetings called to protest ". against the lease have been turned Into meetings of thanksgiving, bonfire hav been lighted all over and the kv Is alight with exploding fireworks. It Is a fitting climax to . a most remarkable series of manifestations of publio entl ment. : i ; . - " Philadelphia for the past, five day has been a aeethlng caldron. Not in Its history has the city been, more attired ' up ,. Now that the end has been reached it may-safely be said that ther have been periods during the antl-giia agitation . wnen fniiaaeiptiia waa perilously on th verge of actual riot and bloodshed. - Had the gang attempted to carry out Its -plan to force the lease through over the mayor's Veto next Thursday, no one can.. tell what the r result-would have' been.' " Bnt thwt-hr-all'past bow knd'iha tlm "" for rejoicing ha come. .. , "The little mayor,'' they say It In a glorifying sense "has- .. saved the - city from'- belns' plundered ofr-o,. 000,000 and ha whipped the gang." The first, rumblings of the .crash were heard last night Statement after statement cam In from member of the council ' of their- break with the. machine and their Intention 'to atand by the mayor. With Jaw set. Durham. Penrrme an,l the reat of the s-ans. met In (be- Arrarfa building and doggedly affirmed that they would "Jam her through." . 1 But this morning brought still more de sertion and by 11 o'clock lbs m)rr , larked but-U votes in 'one chamber an t seven In-the other to win., and, ss matter of fact. If he got ellhe.- the U or the seven It wss all hw needed tn pre vent the overriding or nis veto, lur a i saw th handwriting on ths wall. A hurried conference ' f a few minutes later Inl and Heger. the two favorite t" -r ; 1, . t