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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
A 'I THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND. FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 3, ' ICC?. LAKE'S STREfiGTII LO AND BONIFACE," 1 A - NEW THRILLER EPISCOPALRITUAL IIELD MIERICAN POST IS lilUMLI lvi IHUi! C3j tfw TV1aUft3ra Sti. Tlu'DlfTenmt Stttrr" TIIISfJAN'SPORTIOH YOU AFTER SUNDAY GROYIKG DAILY 4U , 1.:.. - I i WHIPPING fyra,iiT - That Popular Author, Mr. Press "other Tale. J; INDIAN TO SUE FOR ; -ROOM ANDlBOARD Majuna't.Aborlglnal Blood Boils - WherrShe is Baired as -rr " Colored. -:" '-' .; -' rf-Mstuna;- ths-indlan actress, prose- r . - -'. eutes the suit- shit threatens, the. local courts will decide whether hotel, may :--- .. refuse . acootnmodat'ojia to thoee. wan : ' ' d ere re who have the price, but happen also .to .possess a,-dusky, brown, mu : 7r- latto br"Ceppiir"kln7The--fndtairnTlil '' claims ahe was denied entertainment at the Scott hotel yesterday and aajra ahe ... : will ek redreaa in court. - She la filling- an engagement ' at the .'; 3raud theatre thla week and desired to ' find a hotel to which, a restaurant waa . ' v t attached. Accordingly, ' through Man ager Erlcksonv of the Grand, appllca tlon waa made at the "Scott. -Whea Jn ' ffermed that the prospective guest was an Jnffhrn--thomanager of the , hotel . . . refused her ccomrmdtoDsiJ .. The Indian . woman lias "retained tha , . Arm of Spencer Davis, lawyers, and -.rifitlarna thai 'will not ask. money damages she says. b"t .desiicaja h8Wjlu - worll.tD8t hotel may not deny her accommodations imply because of her raca,. "We have play In Paris and London and there have r Stop at theh.otelrieirt.4 Among my friends In the great city. I have " Clyde"" Fitch, Augustus.-Thomas, and Mr. Opie Reade, the great writer; he make big play for me to atar In next season. Always where I go I am enter tain -by the., people,-very 'beat Tou goln' give big fair here. People like this will make-2 whole-world 'talk -that Portland It village, not big city." . "I did not refuse accommodations to theladlan wnmsn,". said B. W. Levens, proprietor of the Scott hotel. The rianRger called to see me yesterday and -told me that she wore a peculiar India costume all the -time, and It . waa that cted. It would .attract a -great deal or ourious attention tnat I did not-like for one of my guests. "Aa for her race, I make do dlscrlm- r tnatlnna.- ' When pupils from the Indian ii-? fchool come to.rortland rnapy of them r atop nt my and I have never ob - Jected. -1 am In the business and desire ' " to Dlese mr patrons. I did" not refuse ' lo entertaln the Indian actres,"it did '.. - refuse, to. accommodate her If Ish per slsted In wearing all .the time that strange costume," u . : . WANT NO SALOON ON - PORTLAND HEIGHTS Residents of That Section Pre :Z:a. sent a Remonstrance tcthe ; fr".Crty Council. ; ..g.. Residents on Portland heights abject . 3 to a saloonTbeing located at the observa f -? J tory. The Portland Height , Civic, Ira- ''provement association filed a resolutloa . '' with the liquor license coitfmlttee yes ;; . terday asking that no. license be '" ' granted for a saloon at that place. No ! ' : application having been presented, the ' T: resolution "was laid on the table at a ' 1 pieeting of the committee today. i Paul Klceker" was granted "af eslffOT: i- . '.' t j ant license for Its and ttQ Upshur C street, which Is very near the fair an- . ' trance. Councilman Flegel atated that ', T ha dealred thia license f ranted at thla ' ri itlme so that It would be included with I '"the others agalnat whlca the people t : ' - would vote, providing the question of .1 revoklng-the licenses jmhar' vicinity - 'came before the people" at Jhe..electloh. J ': ' ' V A restaurant license ' was granted Jred B. Reed. 171 Thirteenth street. A 'saloon license was granted to .the Oaks ; tavera at the foot of Spokane street, - ! The following transfers of licenses twera made: Peter Nelson to John By . 40t First street; H. JJ. Lau to Jetiji Puog, 894 Taylor street: Charles V "Fernau to John Hammer, 101 East Mor- , , rlson street; D. Martini to W. F. Bush, " -, .-, 1 First street; J. O. Trlplett to John Wenhelnck, 2S Davis street; C. Simp son Co. to Blinpaoa.& J ripiett, ii North Third street; W. Heckler td.Hensatm Cart. Flrat street.- Councilman -f legel m"bveFto pass a ' rr solution revoking the licenses of the Orpheum. asthi're-was some question of the legality of tha. former council pro ceedings, but no second was secured. POOR PAY RECEIVED r - BY MICHIGAN MINERS TJoJrssI gperisl gr,te. , Salt Lake. Utah. May 26. In the con ' . . ir ' rentlen of the Western Federation -of i Miners today, : membera of the executive I -r-. i committee were named . as delegatea , , to' the Chicago convention of Industrial , - unions - June 17, with f uft - power-t to act and becoming a working power in f t ' '- .' the new movement. " i ui-, r : r V Organiser.-Kennison imported on the .jalatrlcts. He declared , .that skilled "... miners, carpenters and blacksmiths are , . receiving only f for a day of 11 . hours.! -,; - -" 4 WORKMAN SERIOUSLY- " y r 'Stabs' Chinese jcooks ' Mary'svllle, May 26. ' A workman ' at the steam" glrovel -camp at Daguerre Polnl.-l miles,, east of : breakfast time this morning, became displeased". 'Over the meal serted Mm ', and attacked the Chinese coolfs, stsb 1 tbtng three of them with a fork). At least " ona of' HIS Victims" Is" expectedio :d. ' ; The man's name 'Is, not known here. -He , escaped. " ' ' HAMBURG SAID TO BE . : ::kEPlNG THE endymion ... J- (Jourssl Bpeelsl errlee. y --r , ' - New Trok. May . The steamship Celtlo reports by wireless that at noon ''Wedneaday the Hamburg' was leading . the F.ndymlon by la miles. The En - -' dvmlou was miles from Sandy ' J -;r XTSTICB , TJT SBtriTT DBAS. ' 4Jtrstl gpedal gertlee.) f ;New Tork. Msy ;.' Icharles , Van Urunt? presiding Justice of the supreme ..' kf '.'rurt of New. Tork, dropped dead ef 1 the Braoklya bridge sntranct this after neon.- .. . - - ...... ., Dr. Henry Van Dyke Holds That JQAakeA-fl nistihr.tinn Bt tweeTTRolers antLPeot SIMPLER FORM ADVISED FOR THE PRESBYTERIANS Creeting.jRecelved From and Ex tended to President Rooser- 7; velt by Assembly. (jotrn.j gpnelcl Smlce,) I .Winona Ikar-rJadMay f flwl Presbyterian General assembly tills morning In response to a letter from Secretary Loeb. In reply to an Invitation to the president la address the aaaem bly. extended greetings to the chief ex ecutive. . Hon. Henry P. McFarland, president' of the board of commissioners of the District of Columbia, again ad dressed the , assembly, oonveying the compliments of the president..--.': Dr.. Henry Van Dyke, author, reported aa chairman of the committee on forma and service, recommending a simpler form of worship. Van Dyke scored the Episcopal church for Its liturgy, declar ing that the Presbyterians must choose between the Episcopal and tha "Dolly fVaj-don" form of worship. ' The Episcopalian ritual mshes a diet lin t Ion Hewaen"tlie-Teot)le' and? the rulers. - In our country the people are the rulers, and, pin chief saaglatratis regarded aa our servant A' message --was reeei vedr-last -wight from President Roosevelt ' expressing The hope that the day "would coma when all branches, of the Presbyterian church would be united in one great body. ; The reading of the message was greeted with great""applause. " Supreme Court Justice. Harlan presided at last night's meeting. . . - ,' The proposition to reorganise the young people's societies and' bring them undr. the Jurisdiction of the church lnatead of -be Christian Endeavor movement waa referred to committees to report at the neitt session. UNUSUAL PRIVILEGE IS GRANTED BY POPE General of the Jesuits Permitted to Celebrate Mass Though Minus an Arm. " , (lonrssl Bperial Berries.) New Tork. May it. Information '. ha' been received here from Rome that the pope will accord to the Very Rev. Luis Martin, general 'bt the Jesuits, the ex traordinary privilege of still celebrating mass, although his right arm has been amputated. One of the strictest rules or -me noman catnoiia cnurcn is that in regard to what are designated . the "canonical fingers" of the priests... These are the thumb and Index finger of each hand, which alone are allowed to touch the -blessed -aaoramcnt, - They - are especially anointed - with holy - oil wbaa the priest Is ordained, t ' 1 'As stated In the cable dispatches soma time ago. Father Martin, owing to cancerous affection, had to have his whole right arm amputated. This would ordinarily have prevented his ever cele brating maaa again. - When the pope learned of the operation and that Father Martin was rallying from the effects he said that "so beloved a. priest should not be deprived -of .the consolation of his daily mass," Another priest will have to assist Mm at the altar, however. Of all the cities of the world;1 New Tork haa had two notable Instances of the ecclestasleal ivaVue. set on the "canonical fingers." Father O'Reilly, the late rector of the Church pf Our Lady of Oood Counsel, in East - wineieenio street, tost 1iis life br ills effort to save a canonical, finger. He Injured his thumb while flshlns and bloodpolaonlng act In. He refused to have It amputated and thus lose his right to say mass until It was too late to eave hie Ufe.: .... The Jesuit missionary, Father. Isaae Jogues. who It Is expected will soqn be canonised as New York's first sainti bad his thumb and four-fingers backed and bitten off In the most barbaroua manner by the Mohawk Indiana. He- escaped from captivity ana returneo o ,urop. Pope Urban VIII. hearing of hie muti lated hands, sent him a particular dla- to celebrate mass. IDAHO FOREST RESERVES T CREATED BY PRESIDENT A - (Joornil Bpeclal Bervlet.t - ' "W-.hlnton. D. C. May 2.--The pres ident has signed a proclamation creat ing four foreet reserves in Idaho, two Independent reserves and' two additional to present reservationa. i no reserves created are Henry a lake. 750,000 acres; Welser, 2B5.000 acres; addition to timer Root. l.iGWOQ acres; ddttlo-to-Yt- lowstone, 176,000 acres utner reserves will soon be created In Idaho aa recom mended by the , forestryi bureau and Senator-DubolSrA.ll-weJe opposed -by fienator Heyburw. and the entlrs state administration. ' " ' - :-' r PARKEfT-PAYS-rttGH- ITRIBUTE TO LAWYERS 'Iournfl Srleclsl Service.) " i- Chicago, May St. Afton B. Parker, the recent candidate for the presidency and ormer. member of the supreme court of New York, paid a tribute "To the Lawyer In Public Ltfe Today." In an address- before the annual -meeting; of the Illinois Bar association. The New Yorker declared that a lawyer held the highest place In the world and took the leadership of political life. In war and In peace.-He said that oh .account rr . J" ' T.:.i or me nign irivu- J"j lawyer he was under great obligations, and should at all -times' be; -the guardian of public Interests. . ", ' ' . "' ANOTHER EFFORT TO RAISE THE ELDER FAILS e attempt te raise tne steamer El der, -which Ipu on a reef at doble In the Columbia river, failed thla morning, and It la probable that no further at tempt will be made for some time, snd perhaps never. The Klder went on the reef aa aba waa coming up tne river January 91. and several trials have been made by different persons to raise her so as to enable her restoration to com mission, f- " . i JAPS COMOSVTBATXsTO. ' (Journal flneelet service.) i Petersburg, May . -A dllpatch front the front ssys thst the- Jajns are concentrating ea the Russian left. Charles F. McCinty Mistreats et.heart, lrnultffl and Beats Wife. - PLEADS GUILTY AND IS - HELD TO THE GRAND JURY Distressing Tale Toid by1 Frail Womarr-With -Black "Xj'L Eye:to Judge.; ; - 'v f - Charles F. McOinty la tne ftrst candt- data for ithe. whlpplwi pew law. He was arrested yesterday on complaint of Ms wife, Trancea Mc Ointy. who charged htm with assault and battery under- th code. ' Pleading guilty this mornrng. ha -was held to the grand 'Jury by Police Judge Hogueln bonds of $200. i 1 If JJcOlnty should enter a , plea of gaity In ' the circuit, court or should change his pica and there be convicted Of the offense charged, he may be sen tenced to whipping. Sheriff Word would then have an opportunity to carry out his cherished plan of letting the wife ply the laah on the man who. maltreated her., v '., It was a aad story that Mrs. MoOinty, who Is a small, frail woman told. Her right eye waa swollen and discolored, ehTpTiasTzTfig the statement ehrmflaerr i was -woramg in . a resiauranv waKrsasat.gaorawsnto..(foralae4Jp said. "Mr. McUlnty Induced .roe. to marry htm tne-eme-te-reruina tsst July. - Ha told me nis ioiks were inae pendently -wealthy, and that be would Inherit a fortune... These were lies. - "But" I tried la make thejeat of 1t. I went to work in -a restaurant on Fifth street. He Is wslter, too.- and I se cured him employment tnere. Lately he has- worked elsewhere,. Kvery pay day he would Insist that I take my money., and in the evening accompany him around to places of bad reputation, ... "At. the Msse ha would apend hours lnwatchlna- thft women perrormers snq commenting -on -thelr-4lgure, He told me wsa a fool to be working for such small wagea as were- given a waitress when I might make enough otherwise to enable, himself and me to lead an eaiy, comfonmbia-nfa-anarHare-sBrrood clothes and as much monoy to spend as other people. - ' . . " Tuesday evening I felt bad and did not-go--4o-workv I did 4ot cease my employment, but merely secured m brief vacation. This angered my- nusDana and be came home .and " told me that we would both starve. When I told him I did hot feel like working, he said he would give ma aomethlng to complain about, and struck. me. I 1 IIV IJ UPli.lIX, . iiv j " " . v. . . .. , hung his TieairwTien The complaint was read. and. when ssked to plead, an swered "guilty" In a barely audible tone. You're-about the most) contemptible soeclmen of humsnity. tharbarbeen be fore this court for some time," declared Judas Hosue. "What do you think should be-done with- hlnv Mr, Haneyf' Bert Hancy. the asslatAnt district at torney, answered that be believed Mo Olntv should be held to the grand Jufy snd the court given a chancer-tolet him sample th whlppltighpost'-Judge Hogue smiled. .1 1 " r-Tht Is -lust what I was-tMnklng,' he remarked. "To the grand jury with nrmt - Mrr McOinty. IfTiappei but I am glad wa have, found you. : . -. . .. fall has been Jhard.- -. i -r? LEARNED COUNSEL-IfT - RUMELin LIBEL SUIT Henry t. McGinn an dt Teal A Minor Will Defend Journal if--- PublisTiing Company." . Henry E. McGinn and Teal Minor Will represent The Journal Publishing company In the suit begun- by Council man Charles E. Rumelin for I40.000 damages, aald to have been caused by publication' of facts relating to Investi gation into the councilman's alleged con nection with - municipal corruption and the proceedings 'before the district at torney and the grand Jury while the 3 quiry wss In progress. Colonel C. E. 8. Wood appears as counsel for Mr. Rume lin. The complaint has been filed in the circuit court and In due time the answer andnther plesdtngr-wlrr ilkewtse be filcaV after which the case will coma to trial. P0ST0FFICE OPEN FOR t BUSINESS ON MONDAY postmsster . Minto announced, today that an extra force of from 18 to 30 workmen would begin tomorrow moving the postoff Ice fixtures into the remod eled building. ' He announced positively that- patrons -of the -postoff Ice-would be served at the new 'building en Mon day."' "'"" "We will do everything In our power to -acoommodata- tha- public," - ha- aald, "arid wtlr-try to handle the malls from the new building on Sunday. But it is hardly probable that everything will be eemploted on that' dayi and I eawnet make definite promises before Monday. The people must tolerate great deal of Inconvenience Sunday, though of oouTSe-fre will give them every assist ance, .v -f "1 DAY GETS NICE TRIP i .IaF0R GEORGE RANDOLPH After a delay of several days extradi tion papera were secured from Governor Chamberlain thla afternoon and Detec tive Lay leaves for Buffalo. New York, ttonlght after Oeorge Kandolph. who Is 1 ..a - m wanted here for obtaining money by false, pretenses. Governor .Chamberlain had been led to believe that Ilandolph waa wanted tonly for - defrauding Ben Belling out of -lit. but when he dis covered that seven other merchants had been bunkoed and that the aggregate amount secured wss 2J. 80, he. Issued th proper papers. .I": .;--..t. Several other detectives "desired to make the -trip, and considerable die satisfaction exists on account of Chief Hunt's choice. - Detective Day claims priority by . right of first ascertaining the. identity of tha alleged criminal. BARON ROTHSCHILD - EXPIRES IN PARIS llnntnn tnselal Hemjee.t ;' ' Psrls, May J.Baron . Alphonse Rothschild, head of the great banking house, died here at o'clock this morn ing. '; Baron' Rothschild was -in-charg of the interests ef the house in Paris. From - Monday , Until, Thursday fy-PeopteWtttrPasSeTMly-: Go to Fair. SALE OF COMMUTATION TICKETS VERY LARGE Descendant of One of the Lewis and Clark Party Found in" Washington. - The'7 department of admissions .- has hadeclded that only people lioltllnf jpasses will be admitted after next Sunday un til the opehlng day, Thursday. ; . Commutation tickets will be sold at Woodard. Clarke & Co.'s until May 30. Yesterday's receipts from this feature amounted to tl.161.S0. After that date all matters pertaining to commutation tickets wlU ba attended to "at the fair grounds by the department, of admis sions In the Administration building. - The management' has changed the data of the day of Eastern Star order from June f to 12. - June 27 to June 21 the Paclfip. coast Unitarian conference will' be in session. . August .8 has been set aside ss Oregon Orape day. The exhibit' of paintings, now being installed In the Fins Arts buildings, will represent all, schools of art. ancient and Wvrww' ft . A special train of three cars, contain- piy on. iuua s iaae. wui rrivv nuruy. -The following gsnerai order . No. i haa been issued from the headquartera of tha Thiol Infantry, Oregon National guard: ' . "Headquarters, band, hospital detach ment and companies. B. C. B, K, H and K will report at"tha Armory, Thuraday, June 1, ltot. for the purpose of partici pating In the- opening parade of, the Lewis and Clark exposition. - Assembly -will be at o'clock a. m. The' dresa uniform will be worn with leggings and canteens. Field and stafoMlosrawlli- report "mounted to the colonel, and non-eum-missioned ataff. band and field music to the adjutant at the same flour and place... , - v.:1 . . "By order of Colonel Oantenbein." 'Ev 'C. MRAxtSr .J "Captain. and. Adjutant.4; Vha i-expositioH officials have just learned .- that a direct descendant of tha Lewis . and - Clark - exploration party is living at Eagle Cliff. Wash tngton. His name is John Logan, and he is 80 .years of age.. He remembers tha descriptions of -tha Lewis and Clark Journey as, related by his grand par enta 60 years- ago. An effort will .be made to bring the old man to the expo 's It ion. 1 ' ' T FRISSELL WILL NOT " ENTER AT CORVALLIS Amicable Atrreement"" Reached Between O. A. C. arid U. of 0. Mana . . (Special DUpstcl. Ui The,3i CoryaUls Or., May 2 . PubUshf d atatementaTo the ef HecOharTrlasell Is to enter tomorrow's meet here- are With' out-Totrndattoft and-nTitrns."" Tliei s is 'nn amicable understanding betwsen the Univereltyof Oregon and the - Oregon Agricultural -college-managers vwherein It la agreed that Frissell is not to enter Unless this arrangement is changed Eu gene will go into the meet without him. Two . years - ago Eugene on a. protest prevented Cathey from taking part in the annual meet as a point winner for Oregon Agricultural college on exactly the same ground . that now renders Krlssell Ineligible, and on account of the contract Itself, Manager Whittlesey In abetter" to Manager Htlmson today distinctly states that Frissell 4s-ot. to play. - - ' - - It is the purpose to pun on me meet according to contract, and do the same at the atate meet, where Frissell has a right under the state by-laws to par ticipate." Asv Frissell would go against Williams and Smltnson in tne xzv aasn and against Smltnson In the low hur dles, it is not considered here that he would cut a serious figure save in me broad Jump. The meet. Is attracting wide attention locally and win be wit nessed by a big crowd. It Is expected to be fairly close, though estimates are In favor of XDreson -Agricultural-college. P0UCE AND FIREMEN. TO PARADET0M0RR0W The first annual parada- of the.flra and police departments or this city, which -will take place tomorrow morn ing at 10 o clock, promises to do a not able spectacle. The entire fire depart ment, with the exception of the flreboat, which will protect the waterfront, will be 1n line, Including ii pieces of ap paratus and 150 men In uniform. This will be the first time the city of Port land ever had an opportunity of view ins; the-full -paid fire department, r- - Tha men will appear in regular uni- Uform and will ride In their acoustomed places on the wagons untn tney arrive at1 tlie renewing aland in nont or tne city hall, where they willwalk for one block. .... . " J i " The parade will be " headed ' by 10 mounted officers, which will be followed by a band of SO pieces. Then iwlll fol low It patrolmen In dress . uniform, commanded by two captains and three sergeants, and tha fire department. The line will fornuat Sixth and Sal mon streets. and will go north on Sixth to Burnslde; 1 thence eaat to Fourth street; thenc south to the city htfn, where the mayor and city officials' will review. the departmenta. .After the re view the companies of the Mr depart ment will go to their respective head Quarters, as It was not thought advis able to leave the city, unprotected far'a very long time. .The police department will" give a few maneuvers before re turning to headquarters.. : .' DR. LANE TO ADDRESS r 1 MEETING IN SELL,W00D - Dr-Harry Lane grid William -A. Munly will address, 4he eltlsens of Sell wood at a meeting to be held thla even ing In Firemen's hall. A crowded bouse Is assured, , for Dr. Lane - has been greeted everywhere by. large audiences. and Mr. Munly W noted as one .of the best campaign kpeakers In the state. TBIIXt XS OlaimiD. Balfour. Outhrle Co. have chartered the French bark Mirhelet to lnsd on tho Clyde and kair dirert to ,Portlahd. The cargo will be pig Iron and fabrics. 'Load ing will commence at once Dr. Montague Shows Where. j , uemocratio : Candidate i is Drawing Votes. H!S OPPONENT STRONG 1..: ; ONLY IN , NORTH-END Independent . Republicans Will - CasrattoUorDecentT Town Candidate. i Evidences iiiultliUjLthat Dr. Harry ta.n'.xandlilacjL t or nvu y oFts-sia tn g uviiui uaiijr. A iiere, are many inuica tlona of. wldeapread defections among the Republican voters from their party nominee, and It la plalu-that party lines will be but little observed in tha elec tion. , B, W,-Montague, chairman -of Dr. Lane's campaign committee. Is con fident of a sweeping .victory.-... In speaking of -a forecast of tha elec tion published this morning In the Ore gon Un, Mr. Montague aald: - -"That article gives an erroneous view of the Campaign, because It ignores the fact that this is not a party fight, and that a . very - large and important part ef Dr. Lane's support comes from inde pendent Republicans, of whom a con siderable number are . supporting blrn openly in every possible way, and per-naps-rtr-rimprArTnan pressing" their determination to cast t1iBlT-notg-TorrTJB"btl'reTeCtI6nOsy: He win have the -support of practically all"element-bf the Democratic, party, and the Democratic vote is much larger than would "be Indicated by the- Novem ber election.- I estimate that the strictly Democratic vote may run to 6,000, and a larger proportion of It wilt go for Lane than has. been given to any Democratic candidate of late yeirfe, -With the excep tion of Governor Chamberlain. "No candid observer can fall to set that the current has set. very strongly against the element in the Republican partyWhich Ita a p Williams n-woml-I nation, and which hopes t use him to serve Its ends, Everybody wh6"waa- ln. touch wlth the campaign, of a. year ago, for examplaJiss noted and recog nised the fact-that the-movement-for T)r! T.ann is much stronger than thaf Tor Word and Manning, which resuitenn their triumphant- fleet ton. And ett-the other tisnd the machine which waa then equipped and well organised, dominant and secure is now- a discredited and shattered wreck.-- - "Very conservative figures ey the Lane workers ptit his- majority at 1.000 and tha reaction In. favor of Mayor Williams, which - was expected to., appear On his nnenln of tha cam Dal rn haa entirely failed to tnaterlaltser't-We. are- aware -at i ainLja.jcxoflct oppotitlon In the. norttLi, end. and we are preparing 4o meet and minimise It. although we have found unexpected elements cf strength even down there among those" 'who. resent. Tiat-so ncTr-m"PrbpTTnyrra th partiality of the administration s policy. But our most earnest efforts. have failed t discover strength for Mayor Williams In any other quarter, except among bis official family and bis purely personal following. .... ' -- ... "Outside of a few" of the tough pre cincts we wilt carry mora than halt of the- precincts on We west aide, and on ff east aide such canViSs-arwjcliajM "beeir-sbla to make shows results-ao m.K Ilk. Hn.nlTnlty m. Dr 1jb that I hesitate to tell you what they are." - ftlf-! M9ntar"e attention waa called to tho reports that "WlUlama 'men are offering; odds that their candjdatawill be elected: " .."Oh,: yesthe betting -proves . that Lane will be defeated Just aa the same people proved by the sitme method that Word and Manning would bodefeated last year. Public opinion on a moral iasua-is -always -sealed book to the politicians of a majority party strongly entrenched in power." , "T"------ A year ago Republicans were OrTerlng odds of two to one against both Manning ind Word. A considerable amount of money waa placed at theae odds even the night before the election. Frank Baker, chairman of the Republican atati central committee, is credited with hav ing dropped .considerable sunt in such bets. - ' ' 4 VAUGHN NOT GUILTY, SAYS JUDGE HOGUE ContemptjijD Against me Aixorney was iox Established Beyond Doubt. Police Judge Hoguedeclded This morning that Attorney W. T. Vaughn was not guilty of contempt of court. as charged in an affidavit subscribed to by Edmund Qless. After reviewing the case, judge Hogue uses language showing that his original conclusion relative to the guilt of the defendant - remalna unchanged, but that he dots not believe the evi dence sufficient to convict. He con cludes, as follows: " ' -. ' ; It means probably- that uless-hlm. self was guilty of contempt of 'court. even though- he was not under oath, and ought to be punished if his moral responsibility were sufficient to juwtiry It, but In this connection bis unfamiliar' ity'wlth English, his moral standard and bts opportunities for knowing his duty to the court must be considered as well ss his proportionate degree of responsibility as compared with that off1 the defendant. It is tna opinion or tne court that Oleas should not be punished If the defendant herein is not to be eonvlcted. , - ' ' "After careful-ronslderstlon-and re view of all the testimony and of nil the circumstances within the"""Personat knowledge of the court. It la the opinion of the court that tha chsrge agalnat the defendant herein- has--not been estab lished beyond a reasonable doubt. The defendant will be found not guilty." FALLS FROM WINDOW r AND IS FOUND DEAD Mike frky, aged 84 yearsan In mate of the Home ffflT the Aged, wsa Instantly killed at an early hour this morning by falling from a secdnd-story window of the Institution. rr ' Just how the accident happened is un known, as there were no witnesses. The circumstances plainly indicate, however, that, the death was purely accidental. The deceased was -very -rnflrm, and had been Weak-minded for soma time. ' The window Is large and Is located close to tho floor at the end of a hall ways - It reaemblea a door in many re spects. The supposition is that tha old man grew restless in "the night and that between I and 1 o'clock this morn ing Walked to the, window and fell out. It was about 3:30 o clock ' when an other inmate arose, with the Intention 0PfTesient to ft!aTotiieiiisjnt on Pago "T HaifdsoiTie t urlcislTSIippefs:- rsrjioot STtop HOSTS OF BARGAINS THE) BIOOEST TALUie TH. OOOD SHOES EVER OFFERED IN '- . , - ':'V PORTLAKDl -. ... r ,'-,; : .'. ' . , "''. ; " '-'. i-.c.r i. " '"Saturday la Bhoe-Buyers Day.;. " ' "Vy or TUatj-iu vx-iwrnui tin wxrx bvt rvn- : , C iau r-oug OT S3.M Tor th benenfrrftl! : who pouldnot -get out to shop on aceount of the heavy rain of last Monday 'and avail themselves cf the , opportunity to get . a' pair of Imported Tnrklah Slip .'pars' Free of Charge with Shoes . purchased to : tha value of tl.50 or more, we have decided to offer the same Inducement again on . Saturday.--, Tour choice - of tan, black or red. ; .V "T"""; ' " lUsses aa OaUdrea'a "Tfaeo Ties." - - " Misses s-nd-Chlldreri's patent colt "TReo Ties'r for atreat wear . Blses S to. I; regular value; apecrlal, pair. .......... 00 Blies s-to 11;-regular value tl-60; special, pair.... $1,10 ' ' " OU Wosaaa'g flO alBses), SMS. In S styles, kid Congress, serge top "Congress and kid lacs, turned -solea regular value ) 1.60 r special, pair, . ....... t. .... . 91.23 '" Women's fa.00 Oxford Tlesj for S1.SO. ( ' Women's brown imitation seal and black vici kid Oxford Ties, with . ..-turned soles, medium' round toe, with tip-and stylish heels; our regular $!. 00 value; special at. .the pair......, ....fl.60 - i-. " Womea's S4-00 athoes fo S3.00. ,Wmnen's kid toxed-Shoea with French matt tops, laes style, sewed -. welt, military heels: full run of sixes and widtha The daalgn. of these boots is entlrely uew vaiue j,.uiv pir. These shoes srs of vlct kid. with patent tips, sonars foxed, lacs, style. The sols -feather lalbese shoes is "of tha beat.. CHILDREN'S SIZES i to I; pur reguTart.7arvaluet-special at :gHle-tato ll;umt regular 1.00 MIPSK8' SIZES 11H o-our . . . Woman's S3.M -Women's -Osfrtrd-tlee-'Patent-ool-wlth att opa.- largw-eyeWitS'" and military heels; a splendid shoo and our rerular 13.69 value; special at, - tho pair . . ..s.-.TmtTninrrn-,2l3S ; ' "T- 1 i S1SO Osfords fot Mem Sa.TS. ' ' ' , ; Tan genuine Russian calf Low Shoos; slse valour ealf and vlei kid- Oaford ties; a largo, assortment; regulsr valuo IS.tO; special. .. . pair- r -. ''. . $2.TS - - t moT M.o raoo Saoos H.TS. :" "- '." tanned for this climate; ,our pair Saturday Bargains in Kitchen vr Uteifisils . , - , Heavy -Wire Potato Mashers; special at, each......,. Hunter a or victor - Bievea; peci Btiaker. Biners.. extra. neavy;jpouisa..: -IMsH- Mops:- special - at, mmvn , 4-qt. Granite Iron Sauce pan and Coyer: special at ach,..,.4o- s..t nnnit iron Kettle and- Cover;' beclalL each .SOo- "Iron Skllletarpollshed; special at, each .....25 Iron Kettles, polished; speclsl at. each -.68e) Dutch Ovena, polished; special at, each. ................. ,.,TSC PoMa Sad Irene, aet-A Irons, stand and handle; special at, set.,.79 -Asbestos Iron Holders; special at, each. n.. ,-.-... "" STJaCsTjai TOf sUk - V- - Gasoline and Blue Flams Oil ruil burners ?; " l .: ' Lamb Stovea; special at each ..VTV. ..?. 35 Oaa Platea; special at, each ................... ..?t....Bl.40 1-Burner-, Bfue .iname un oiove; of taking a walls around tho grounds, and aiscovared tho body. .- - Markey was taken to Coroner Finley a undertaking rooms-and. will bo buried under the direction of the Bisters of Charity. The deceased has o relatives living, so far as known, ,;t REFUSED HIM MONEY - AND GOT A BEATING rarreTJonaughy told tho polios this morning that because she would not glvi' D. C. Hudson monoy. ho went to her house, brutally beat her and knocked all her front teeth out.. She has been advised to swear to a complaint and bav a warrant Issued for bis arrest. Mrs. McConaughy lives 'at 6 Elev enth street, snd Hudson at -tho-eoraer of Fourth and Yamhill atresia. She has known bin for soma time. She could -assign no reaaon, sho said, why Hudson should goto her houM ondjle mand money. x-r - , BURGLARS RANSACK -'"1-; R. ArLEJTER'S HOME r The residence of R. A. loiter, at 0 Multnomah street. was broken inio oy a. burglar yesterday afternoon and a pear cravat pin, a cravat pin set with a topas and small pearla. a ladles' gold watch and pair of opera (lasses were stolen.- '''.' " . '' " - Tho hOusV was' ransacked from gar ret to basement. . Several other daring dayllsJit .burglaries have recently been reported to the police. 4 "'. SAXXS TOB POBTXJUTD. The United Btates revenue cutter Mo Culloch Sailed from San Francisco for Portland , today to be present at the. opening ceremonies of the exposition. Tho MoCulloch is tho only vessel thus far-offlelally-detallid by-the navy-de--pertinent to attend the exposition. She Is a vessel of mors than ordinary in terest, however, having been with Dewey's fleet during tho victory of Manila bay. It , waa tho smoke and sparks from tho Mcculloch, Jthat warned tha enemy of the passing of DeWejro ships Into the bay at night and guflr were trained "On. the cutter, but wlUf out effect, i : v' "v .i. jaoob svaiora o?m. Jacob Kamm,- pioneer- and - the old est steamboat man In Oregon, has ten dered to tho Open River association tha free use of his steamboat Norma, now, at Rlparla, for an excursion to the open ing of the portago railway, it It can be put in order for service, by that time. The executive committee of tho associa tion appreciates the courtesy shown ihctoi Mr. Kamm has taken a lively ri tercet In tho work of opening the river, at have all , the old river, men. First nor Wert sVaaes, Ilf BTTL18K FOOTWEAR, siois to m taxtjs r- OB OTJUU and pretty. our regular .o - ...- rrnn, .ti... i eja.wr aad Ofcn&rea's Skoes.'. valuea)ulal at. the pair, f l.f0 t! i .yaiue; special at. tne -. . ... . i ... . .ia,i . Oxford Ties M.M. "- regulsr ! values; special. w ' " Btoves, hlgH' graa.. oconOmicaV- pcii s i-sliu MYSORE TODAY Oregon's Clever. Artist Returns and Meets Hosts of Hitfld"- '.l . - . - Friends. BRINGS SPECIMENS OF FINE BIRDS WITH HIM, Cartoonist Says He Is" GlarJ to ' Be Back, and Probably ( Means It. . With as much emphasis as tha pre!' dent ever dared to use, Homer Davon port, said he was i"de-lighed"4o set back to Oregon, and hoped . he never would leavo .it again. " Davenport, farmer, and - Davenport. v cartOOhUl the giant 6f 'em aU-joiue o( Bilverton, Oregon,' stepped from a train at tho Union depot last night and . ' a r 1 1 4. .. W ' ' O T T "f j - . r. - - 9. DAVENPORT inquired if hie birds wro all right. The birds were In two special cars with the r animals, on another train,' and Daveh- ' port had instructed that messages await him here as to their condition. It was -all to his liking perfeotly satisfactory. And the big farmer-artist wsndered up town, accompanied by Mrs. Davenport. ' renewing acquaintances with newspaper men whom ha left years sgo and had seen but once a year ago alnce. Tha Davenport' farm will be one of tho most Interesting of tho tawls Snd -Clark exhibits. , It will occupy a pictur esque space St the head of the Trail and frr that' space- members dr tha animal s kingdom which the artist fias gathered and bred for the past two or three years will be seen by thousands of slght-seers who are willing to; pay the price of ad mission.' . r ,' .- Mr. and Mrs, Davonpott art aeglatorid at the Oregon hotel, but Homer's op pot- . tunltles 'to examine, the surroundings -of his temporary domicile " have been limited." He hd scarcely alighted from -the train when Oeorga Baker, dragged him. out to tho miniature farm on the " fair grounds, and explained the arranjr1 menta he had mad. for housing " the -beautiful feathered creatures which fol- ' -low the cartoonist and upon whln tho ": admiration of bird fanciers all over -America hss been centered. " Mr. Davenport will visit SltveBtmi be fore the opening of th fair, and hia fatheswlll occupy the Joe; cabin which l haa .been erected in the space atldtled"" th exhibit. Homer also will be there, "V explaining tha various traits of the ani mate in his private preserve, I , ' "HA:.. i. . - . '..C ' i 7" ... . i 7V 'T r r 1 -v- 1