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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
FRIDAY EVENING, - MAY 23,, 16CJ. ,M -- hTingOuf-troleii jewclry-your-watchc8- and LEARN EXPERT CAKE-CAXKG XZVL For a limited time only can wp.cxte n t a Jib c "Clocks 4a,us for repair.' All jewelry wflrk, cfld women orPoftTaridtfie privilege of the FREE ' CIDS, WoaTMAN & KftG PRICES I . . .. ..... ' An expert jeweler in charge- First Floor. CAKE-BAKING - SCHOOL Third -Floor. Lessons daily, 10 to 12 a.m., 1 to 4 p. m. Baseballs, Bats, Gloves and Catcher's Mitts, ZUrarnrs at SpeeUr-Prices -PonrtfaFloor.""7 tcrlaT-IrraTriJ Oil Stoves atN Special Low Prices--Third Wrift tMW' WerS fr' 'CTWi!5 Sit' FVI A-f-2 A f : Re,ult of voting in the Pupils; Exposition Contest are 3DGClQ J - lJO LICC I - published in all local daily papers every Monday and-Thurs-. if:., .. . , , day evenings-and Tuesdayand Friday-mornings. Voting ends on Saturday, July 1, at' 0 P- m. in five more weeks. Twenty books containing 50 admissions each I tjrthe CewiS7and curie . exposition xnu-yy-xii vkn FREBo ihrleadingncoTitestaTits-lrrtnevoi ac inax Time, . : This Store Closes at 6 p. rawThe "Different Store. JThiaseDayKghrtWfelrt Closes at 8 p. rn." mz onzcoN daily . journal, Portland. W&fWiMrrf' li lt lGtlsJ mi mm i ll III 1 7 n rY 4M1MVW; Lawn Makers. Garden II '. :'4 A ------ - v' -A I lrr:;::::;r ; o:, A f 7 L Festival Hall, Exposition Grounds : "Home - Folk's Pre- Exposition Sales"End Wednesday, June 31, , . ..... at '8 p. nv - SATURDAY BARGAINS GET READY FOR MEMORIAL DAY - SATURDAY AS - ALL DAYS Only 3 More Days of the "Home Folk's Prt-Exposition Sale" Bar- rrr''-- gains. FOR 1HE GRANDE CANCELLATION S:-SALES1'::Z ONLY i DAYS TO THFEXPOOTIOST Economy Building and Hall of Fashion, Olds, Wortman ; V &"King's, 5th, 6th' and Washington Streets' Portfand's Prominent 1905 Expositfon Buildings "A AVees. 3 Mrpassingargain' 0 : Distribution Culminates Saturday ! - Every item in tomorrow's sale represents either va pur chase made with a view to Saturday bargain making or constitutes a special lot Jiponjwhich-we-have-foregon allneonsideratlens .oFprofit Every Hem is for Saturday 'selling only in several instancesT: whole week's prep aration has been necessary to arrange for such extraordi nary bargains some are the fruits of months of planning and special good fortunefor instance the cancellations "of Chicago's unfortunate merchants. Read air carefully ' , - , and profit thereby. , ' SaturtfaKBargaihs in the J,.T WEST ANNKJt FIBST PX.OOB X ,..--;,. ' 1-- - Kn' SlO OoU CUrta, SS. '-V A Mm t Mni Whltol( BhirU with tucked XronU, rttuUr lu vpclslt cacK . v .... . ..... : - ' Utn'm BOcr VnacnrMT, sac'" ' t-- tira'u Oxford Ory Blbrlgmn Shirts and brawera' wtth pin Itrlpn. wIl mad and flnlabad. refular value 10c; apeclal, rach....38 r:-: . - - ataa'a SOo VadanUrta, S9o. A' lln of Man'a 8prln Weight Camelahatr ; Undrahlrta, regular . ralu 19c; apeelal. . eacli ........ ............. 29 Woman's Sl.TS Oolf Bhlrta. "T" " . X1tM f Womaa'a ManBlah.'' Jlf 8hrta ia tan, whlta and whit with WacKandMua Ttgaraa, raTlf value frrgr'PXt-. each .............. ..... a 1.29 SUa-a SSa BoSr M en'r Tan Box. full fashioned: aof t and m fort bis,, eprlng and rfjiuamefelfhtfatiUTTalnB'SSc; apeclal,? iialriiisieey: SATURDAT CANCELLATION . gALE. specials in UieuSiiiairYaresiSliop ril -. i'. ' ' FIRST' FLOOR. .V . ' 'i . ' V ' Large aiae box Wire Hair rina. assorted alaes. heavy ml Invtelbla. - '.regular value te; apeclal. box.............. 8 '. .- 10a Cuba Toll Wae-. So."; ' - - Large aiie cube of 100 Jet. white and colored Toilet Pln.regul value JOoapeclaX. each. - Sa armest raateaara, Sol Ball and Socket Garment Faatenera. black or white, large or email lies, regular value Co; apeclal, dosen 10a Petroleum Jell7 -Bottle White Petroleum Jelly, regular value 10c; apeclal. ...... .6 S5e Tooth ''Braaaea, jto. Beet Kngllah Tooth Bruahea. aaaorted euts, regular value tie; ape- ' clal, each I2f - ' . SSa Shoe PoUahera, 15. Revolving FeTt Shoe Polishers used Instead of brush or cloth, rea- ular value tl?: special, each ....... ......... .15 . " - ' ' ' -- SO Soissors, SS. -v and T-lnch Nickel Plated Bcisaora. every pair ; warranted, regular . -value (Oo;. special, pals ......;....... 25 ; .. ,. Bex IS WriUar Paperra -- 1 . Box" Writing Paper, regular or plain smooth finish, regular value 15c;' special, box ., .'. Waxed :inaenPapar,"4 Package.: 'JL ; White Waxed Paper for wrapping lunches for plonles. etc., 24 sheets tin package; special at, package. 44 A-Monster? v Saturday Sale of Lads and . - .. Lassies' Stylish New Hats at About Half Price In - Portland's-Largest- and U Foremost VVomen's rel StoresGrand Salons, SecondFloor Largest and Leading Suit and Wrap Store West orarshanieTdChicago" Establishment. Saturday. the Last. Opportunity to Secure Handsomely Tailored Suits: at Half-Price ! All are in smart street styles the "very latest modeU of a 'well known, hieh ilass- 1J ew rYork - man tailor.- Th is-ris -thegreifest Suit valuithattas" t)ecn6f: will be offered in 'Portland this year--br we are tio prophets. All new not one' out of the tailor's hands two "weeks. ALL HALF PRICE. . V- , -' ' $25.00 SUITS FORVj . ii. . . . ?12.50i $35.00 SUITS FOR .tTh . A:17.50 $28.50 SmTSrFOR,uvvr.S14.25 $38.50 SUITS FOR.wiv.iilDS : : $42.50 SUITS FORl.251 , ,, ::-.,-:V- --Saturday Only Women's Pretty Summet Shirtwaists for 98cZZX -r-r-rfThat'Ari'' SpWndidJfrlucajit the Regular Price of $3.75. . 'TheTnosMxjtmtifuf and beautiful collection ever shown at he-regulaT-prices up to $3.75by-any-portland store. More than a dozen styles ahd very nearly 1,000 Waists. Made in7xquisite workmanship and peculiarly attractive designs. A- choice of-black satines." pretty lieht percales and madras materials, the-latter with light and medium grounds, covered 'with iloral and vine patterns, iaintyf rosebud and Dolly Varden designs, neat and attractive polka dotted and pretty scroll effects: In drabs, tans, bluesblackSjJjkck AlLhave stock collars and ties. inadeTTrDiaTted aridplain styles, blouse effects, with Bishop sleeves. Values to $3.75, "anhe hestin the-city at. the regular-prirrsV Spcrial.for.Saturday only att-eacht,,..,.,98 Women's New $6.50 and.$7.5Q Walking Skirts $3.95 Just 100 Skirts in the offeringrthe latest round-length pedestrian styles forsummer tramping and everyday, shop ping;' durably and dustproof mohairs and Smart fancy mixtures of mannish suitingsblues, blacks, browns, grays, jghtTalarkndTettyixed and buttons. The" best $00 and $7.50 Skirts in the cityv Specfal Saturday only at a choice for . . ...... . . . . ; .$3.05 SPECIAL "SATURDAY IN THE GRAND SALONS OF DRESSSECOND FLOOR. J; SCHOOL OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE" -rTOA. ROOM, Second Floor. . '" . Auspices Portland Y. W. C. A. ."' 'MENU FOR SATURDAY, MAY. 27. Tea Coffee .Chocolate . Milk in Bottles Permento Salad Scotch' Mutton Broth JCreamed-EggsAVith-Asparagus Tips - - Hot Rolls Boston Brown -Breads. llanvndwkhes- Bread and Butter, Strawberry Shortcake 1 : KTV - :el $6.00 "Bon Ton" Corsets z: paolal aaanraay-Qaly ta -BoyaI Wetv ajoae eeama Tlooa Aamas. - " Royal Worcester straight front Boti Ton '. Corsets airitabla . ror-.a ' maiUum alout J flrure. Princess hip,' made or white ,!-- blue and wllte brocade broclie, .;' -! -10. regular prlue t.6rTpe- clal at . ....... ...i.r,..... .$a.0T CHILDREN'S COATS FOR HALF I Iraccordance2" usual custom of planning a special saving for buyers of Children's" Apparel on Saturday, "we shall offer a very exceptional opportunity tomorrow for selecting v : . " v . - . - y .''-:' CHILDREN'S SPRING COATS" AT ONE HALF- PRICE! The offering comprises the largest assortment and most elegantly appointed stock of Children's 'Coats in (the city, a Une unsurpassed on.the coast ; every material and color approved by Fashion, plain tailored and trimmed, ranging in a price scale starting at $3.50 and tunning up to the little aristocrats at $25, Saturday buyers may pick their choice AT HALF PRICE $1.75 TO $12.50. - .2 An Extraordinary Saturday Bargain at the Linen Counter 1st Floor $1.50 TABLE CLOTHS 98c. o"" time. "Things couldn't have happened more mapolnc out of destiny. Dame Fortune entiled ' until she lsunhKl the other day, and ''the Joy ltl spread among hun dreds of lime womon tomorrow wnn win wcoma possggsor o pretty new Hats for a song-., Maters and patera who pay tne nai duib win ' share in the rld feerfna; it slvea one to save, to get two for one. t find tnoney on one"a front stoop. 'Twaa this wayi A bl eastern "manufacturer eold over a hundred dosen cWldrerta amurf, pretty Hats to a welt known Chicago' millinery house that canceled. He wired bur buyer, who took a day off from, the New Torn office and went to the factory. Then came a telegram to us: "Have shipped hundred down Children's Hate. Biggest bargains ever." We knw It meant great bargains but were hardly prepared for such extra ordinary ones aa these have proven upon arrU1. They are Indeed The greatest ever'V-'end pleniy for all." Popular up-to-the-mmuie stytea. among them Buster Browns" and Seashore Bailors for woye, girls and misses. Best quality Canton, Jap and Milan straws In both plain anfl fancy styles, crowns In square round and bell-abaped.-nmmA attractlvalr In pretty ribbons, streamers, etc Kvery Hat a ..positive value a Its regular prioe;, marked special for Saturday aa follows: V I ' . . ... - i . (0o Haw ror.f. To Hate for J ;...,.,.30c 1 1.00 Hate f or . r ....' m 4 . .. r -i-j 11.15 01ata for...... VS2 ' .': Hata for A-TB , nxTA mPTiT. aT.Ti ogiBiMri ranrtria HATf at oara . rotrsTX err on ATumiAT.;. :' We want every child In PorUand to have a new Hat for Memo- rial day., we prove it by reducing nr. imm pw. vi. vmniin Trimmed Hats one fourth from tne usuai iir f"- In the Art Shop Among the Decorative aarrala VhuawXo aarnrday Pick era. SKCOND FLOOR ANNEX , w 114 vva- r -w - - - v mm rairoT aoxaa ro wmtiu op tse. ... 'Faner shaped Boies with 114 f birch bark, regular price 7Se spe cial at ...,...;,....,... A.-r.i..............39 A lot of about 100 Table Cloths, in fancy drawnwork and - r : figured damask, size 54x60; regular value $1.50.rrr . . Special, one day only, each. ........08 THE GREATEST CHANCE OF ALL THEjfEAR "To stock up on Bedspreads-Towelawand Towelingr Crashes and Cretonnea and Dainty-Wash-Fabr ica This bargain epoch ends Saturday at closing time. Housekeepers, hotelmen and restaurant folk are flocking here daily for a share get yours. -lz 4:--' 75c BEDSPREADS 59c. " ; ' " ' Honeycomb Bedspreads, for single beds; regular value 75c. Special, each ......... .". . : . . . 7 . . . 59 Same, full size, Marseilles patterns. Special at, each 84e ' $1.65 BEDSPREADS $18. 1 Extra, large heavyweight Bedspreads; regular J value, . $1.65. Special,- each -. : r V. vv r. ? 1.2S a m nrmennu no t aa . t Fringed Bedspreads, with cut corners.. fo: " white and colors; regular value $2. Special t p at, each . . . fr. . . V. . X .fl.59 ,1,: MARSEILLES BEDSPREADS. Marseilles Satin Bedspreads. Three special values at, each. . .$1.69, $1.90 and $2.24 :: 25c BATH TOWELS 18c. Bleached Bath Towels; extra weight, hernmed7iV - 20x42 inches ; regular value 25c Special, each . . 18 . 30c, BATH TOWELS 24c4 Fringed Bath Towels, size 24x50 inches, very heavy and absorbent ; regular valui 30c. Special, each, 24 . ' 17c BATH TOWELS 12c ! Heavy Cream Bath Towels, sue'J20x40 inehesr ' regular value 17c; ; .Special tt each. 7;. 12 r LINEN CRASH TOWELING 4c YARD. 100 Pieces Linen Finish Crash Toweling. Special -at, the yard ....... . . . . .4 Jo : HEAVY COTTON, CRASH 4c YARD. J 300 Pieces Extra. Heavy JTwiUed Cotton Crash.:- Spe- -r- rial at, the yard... ....... ,;r. ...... ..4 THEGREATEST SILK BARGAIN, OF ALL THE w - YEAR IS HERE FOR SATURDAY A word to you Reader: Can you use Suit Silks now? Do you ever expect to use any again in this life? Better 1 beearlyl tomorrow and - share - these only about 115 patterns that s alt - -15c CRETONNES 10c. i 5,000 Yards Best Quality Drapery, Cretonne, in floral and oriental designs; regulars yalue15c Special at, - -the yard, ............. . . ... . . . . . . .10f .o 15c wash Voiles ioc. 10,000 Yards Wash VollesTuTchecked and flake effects, -all colors; regular value 15c Special at, .the yard .HlO A Colossal Silk Bargain at a Lill.put Price 1 J .$L00ND 85cSUIT SILKS. All in new 1905 styles, full color assortment to choose . from, such as reds, browns, grays, greens, plums and navies. Special for Saturday only, yard J . .49 AT HALF PRICE IN THE SILK STORE SATUR DAY HANDSOME NOVELTY SUIT SILKS, All new, this season's styles and colors.1 - 75 Suit Lengths and our entire line of short remannts, ranging from 2 to 12 yards 85c Values for . . . . . , .tv . v . 77 .7. 43 $1.00 Values f or. . ........ .... ,' , 50 . $1.25 Values for. ....... 1 ... h 63 $1.50 Values for. . . s- t.-75 "L75-Valuea for.Vi ,,,,,,, 1 , n n n. i . . 88 H $2.00 Values for. ....... - . n . . . $1.00 FOR SATURDAY ONLY. Extra Special for Saturday! , IN PRESS OOODS SALONS SOlff II ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. Colored Dress Goods ' Regtilar lOo valuea of novelty dotted Mohairs, all-woo Voiles and1 Heather Tweeda, In Invisible stripes and checks all colore to choose frnmi epeclal for Saturday.- the-yard. only;v.-.-; .31f 14-Inch All-Wool Suiting, our regular tl.SO grade. In all the newest colors and patterns; special flor Saturday only, the yard. .. .96f Children's Bargains on :t Children's Day Salaty Walte Sklrta aid amaaery Sreesee at Vader price Add Seat to Batarday's Sal ia ta - aalor StoTe. - ' ". f . l - - SEOONO FLOOR ANNEX SECTION. " Children's fine cambric circular Skirts, with waistbands,' cluster of ' S tin tacks, t-lneh flounce, with SH-lnch embroidery edging Ages .... t ...... .........4 yrs. - yra. yra.---' yra.- llyrs. Regular prices ....H IS tl.40 , tl 41 Special at L1S S1A0 IU1 .$lQ S1J Oaildrea'a Watt I) resets at H prloo Baturday ealy. Our entire stock of Children's White Dresses, of lawn, India linen i and organdie dresses, trimmed in la re, embroidery and ribbon, -- from th plala to thw moat elaborately trtmmed; agea from 4 ' II yeara: Including; Misses' Dresses, a go-between the girl and " ladles' diesses. All Saturdny at .alalf prloe.' Lewis and Clark Opalescent - Emblems Reduced to 50c Nothing eould-be prettier , or more fittingly patriotic than one of the official opalescent emblems of the Lewis and Clark fair on the rlasr-ef the front does t our homes. ,; Tn ordar that:U may pro-" vide themselves before the fair opena on Thursday next, and the visitors stream In. we shall place on aale at the Ploiune Shop. " on First Floor, the OFFICIAL LKWIS AND CLARK , "EXPO" OPALESCENT EMBLEMS, slaes for any glass In door or win dow, easily placed on anys smooth glass surface, the regular 85o - emblems at, each t ...... ,iv .504 tn wnreow BitruT. ' BATtjRPAT FOURTH FLOOR. Bargains That Will Interest the Housewives --rr -v - S3.7S tUoa Onrtalna, $IM. Ruffled Nt Curtains trimmed with lace edge and Insertion, t yards long, 4S inches wide, regular value t7i; apeclal, pair... .$1.65 '' 10K) Brass Beds. S6J5. . White Enameled Brass' Trtmmed Iron Beds, three quarters and full . slxe, regular value "110.00; special, each. . $6.35 Olds, Wortmaa ft Bin as4.M Sewing- Machines, tai.aS. O., W. A K. Sewing Machine, high arm, drop head, ball bearing, with Golden fflik cablneyjegulaxjaluatZtail sperlsl. each. .2a,28 SATURDAY BARGAINS IN THE....;. ' . Jewelry and Leather Goods Aisles ' . WEST ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. .....,... . SBo Sonvenlv Coffee Speoas, Ble. ' A large assortment of Sterling Sliver Coffee Spoons with a great variety of designs In the bowls, Including the different Fair buildings. Mount Hood, etc.; and in many stylea of handles, reg ular value sic; special,, each ..... 21 Bhlsestoaa Bar Ftns. . . A lot ef pretty Rhinestone Bar Pins tn S sties, regular va1ua Ie, zc and ioc; apeclal, each ................. 10e aa4 f0 . aso Broeehea, HHe. lecge assortment of pretty Brooches in many "different "atyleaT reg ular value Sc; special to cloae out. each. . i . . . . . , .jaHtt ." ..' Weeaam'a TSo leather mrses, lt. A"fine of Women's Purses fenveloce strie Menir regular value 7c; epeclal, each .in.:., , . ... ..... .: . . . .39) -Woeaek'g $14H. Parses, tao.V A Another line of Women's Envelope -Purses, with Strap hand lea and inside fittings, good quality leather, large slae, Oregunr value 11.50; special, each .. ... .08 Wosaem's SUM Carved leather Belts,' Mo. '' i A lot of pretty Mexican Carved Leather Belta, talues t Mi. spe cial to close out. each ...... :lJ.....-,.S9t - f . . .. . Saturday Bargains in Knitwea Aisles EXCEPTIONAL VALUES IN WOMEN'S "AND INFANT8' KNIT J. '. j UNDERGARMENTS AND SUMMER HOSIERY. Weaaea'e BOe Valow artw no. Women's white lisle Union Suits, low neck, sleeveless, kn'e length, with dainty crochet trimming; regular value 60c; apeclal, suit ...r.e 39 . Wosaem's 15s Tests Me. i' Women's mercerised lace striped Vests, slevelese, with plain, neat .trimming; regular value 25c; special. Mekrw rrr, r m n . 1 9 s. Weaiea's SSs Boss lso. , Women's black lace lisle Hose,, seamjess; wears eplenindryrtrrnlsr " value 2errapeclatr'irr '. .-j. . .. tS4 tmfaats' to Boss 11 He. ' , Infants black lace seamlesa Hose, assorted stytee; regular value f 0; . apeclal, pair .......................................... 12m Just received by expreaa, a new line of, Women's plain tan Hostery, worth SSa and ISc pair; also sew tan laee km, worth o pair, , A BZTBA SFBOXAXr &AST BAT, BATtrBDAT. . 1. . Wosaaa's SOa Blose SSo, 1 ' ' A line of Women's Hose, In fine black Uiro eottoit, with white double sole, medium weight, and Black. MiM Cotton lime, ftynt weight, ribbed top, double aole; also Klsck Imprtel Onii I.lele v i Hose, full finished; and i Blackl LUIn Hone, with luce hx.ta air I all-over lacej all 'new gooda; our regular ill vein; sperirl , pair . I . ) A' - I. .7