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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 26, 1905)
- Till! OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 23. 18C3. STATE LIBRARY READY JUNE FIRST BOARD EIEETIIIG JdjdliQfmtIiJjKAL0ja4Efifj fmaognt Organization FormedJ "rrln - Best Shape 7 of AH States; -.Jf':. and - Governor ' Chamberlain -- Selected as Chairman., BEAUTIFUL-CABINETS - ARE BEING ARRANGED LIBRARIAN REAPPOINTED BY THE SUPREME COURT I: JSeveratStriking Features qf the ; f Exhibit That Will Com. ' mand Admiration..; , ." Salem; Knights of Pythias Re t: turn From Visltto Lodge -- 3 , ajt Independence. : . Spertal tMapstca te Tlia Journal) Salem. Or.,. May it. The first meet- VfLblro rCk rO r's"" O vv Li-It ;-?: Superintendent - Frederick R. MeUls tbe-Oroa.nilaarltxh!blt j rather tn a One lot of show cases and nets for the iilth trade, ore that will be presented to the public -The Individ- a inilhlnsj In'rit I fry'ths supreme IPltors "Wliti deslia special ar- - rng-emente are , given the privilege of ornamenting their exhlblta In thla manner, sslt adds rreetly to-the ef- - fectlvenees of the entire display, and. coats the state nothing. -,- -r. . A great pyramid of .'cobalt, copper and! gold ores from the , standard mine ls being ereuted, - and thla Is to be surmounted by a gilded vablnet show ing the cobalt and copper product In the several stages of reduction from the 'tim It 1s gathered as a concentrate un til. i,t becomes a pigment or ultimate ' mineral for, use. ' This will face the visitor on tils left aa he.entre -the buIldlngrBTidr-nrasenta- -duette lh tntlre exhibit.- ? The miniature of the Bumpter smelter 1 to occupy the southwest corner of the exhibit space, and will ornament this section in striking ' maner. Ibis . will be one of the most Intereatlng fea tures of the exhibit, and should attract general attention.-- Glittering concen trates a r being encased la the columns nf Uie main building which are set in the section devoted to Oregon ores, glass casing confining them and giving to this work a brilliant aspect.-' j i The Josephine county mineral 'exhibit t.wll te In the building to be occupied by he IgencriLlcaunty colleetton. as the coiumlaloner from Joaonblne thought It ..would be more effective -to keep every-' . tning rrom mat county together. Coos . will have its ooal in the Coos county bulldlDg. which is nearly . completed. -Hnm) n th nrlir fnimtui-..y to have a portion of their minerals kept -with general county products. -, It Is apparent that the Oregon exhibit will be first In-' plsee and little doubt .aama.3orsmata,4hat- It will be-ready June 1, r -7 - - ' , . . NEW ORE CRUSHER HAS -C?r?;.BEN F1NISHEDJ1ERE . I. U. Merrill, at the present time on nas paieniea a crushins; ma- . chine for quarts ores, which will prob ably be exhibited at the fair. He baa rompleted one of his plants of medium -ahee.-and lissnveir-tt several tests." at which he demonstrated that he.oould put one through ss Ucouldha,puiverlsed, -"linrtnat the discharge from the mortar was remarkably- rapid. The prlnclpl of Mr. Merrill's , machine will be- explained- later when he putg It.oa exhibi tion. He says that he has secured both a stroke and -grinding motion, - gives the., ttuafafr gspealal Wvaiue -for -anisiignjaUng- mills-and atnhe same jlm the spI wUh-.which pulp Is dls . charged prevents recrusbjng, so that this plant -win- hm n greet rrv 'a -r'tvten--mtTnt-oreT"- A machine' of comparatively light weight, and requiring but a fraction of the horsepower neccssaty with stamps, . It is said to have the crushing capacity of a 10-stamp plant, and the pulp when Issuing from the mortars is remarkably uniform-In else. - Much Interest has been manifested In the machine, which is said by Several - to embrace , the essentials of a good -gold ore grinder, and at the same 1 time does the work in a most economio manner. cbiTTtng-of -theate-library board-waajntd. In the office of the governor at the capltol yesterday. A permanent organ- which SlOtt- ENGINEERS EXAMINE EUREKA COPPER MINE "('pecUl Dlapatch to'Tb. iosrsaL) " Eureka, Or.. May tt. Since the an nunl meeting of the directors of the Kureka Mining) Smelting & Power com iany, which waa recently held, every thing at the mine here la dependent upon the reports that will be made by the consulting engineers expected to arrive fh.M ( afiflursnea At ahnnriant Taiinnltnfl -for the season's operations. When the engineers have inspected the property the plan of the work for the year will berlaln selected - aa chairman - of Jhe board, President Campbell of the Uni versity of Oregon and Professor 3, It, Ackerman ' werj absent. Mis ' Isora. librarian of the Portland library, will act aa temporary aecretary. The secre tary's salary. is $1,200 a year.. . . . Thla board. waa created by the last legislature. - - - ' J. B. Putham was reappointed state librarian by the supreme court yester day afternoon. This officer was for merly elected every two,yeara by the legislature, but hw was changed at the recent session, and he is now named court. Tti rourt also set Monday, June 17.' as the date upon which the examination of applicants for admission" to the bar will be-held. Twenty members .of the Knights of Pythias lodge of this city returned yes terday . 'morning - from. Independence, where they had bcerL-toaasUiL lnlba Initiation of a large class of candidates. Those going over from, here were J. A. Carson, J. O. Graham, R. I. . Stlnson, Fred. FIsK, K W. lUixard, F.. P. Par tington, Albert Toiler, J. R. Dlmlek, J. A. Finch, Thomas Maplethorp. F. T. Wrlghtman, H. A. Johnson, H. H Tur. nev B-H Anderson,' Ott If adHck, Kills Richardson, . Otto Sphellburg, Oscar Johnson.- Frank Ward, C. Ik Johnson. - HILL'S ROAD CALLS IN AIL" PASSES IN STATE No More Free Transportation in Washington on Account of ri--SKf Commission Bill. ' ; - (peell Dlapatek to The JolarsaLj . Stf ttja. May 88, On Juna B. fouxjlsjrg before the new railroad commission law goes Into effect, the Great Northern will call In every "pasa In the state of Washington with the exception of those Jield by employes of, the road, t While there haaoeen no announcement otner than that the-policy of the Great North- em will be followed., the Northern Fa clflo and Burlington are expected to do the same thing on Ihe same date. It 1 the Intention of all three lines to op te the letter of ..tha-eommis-lioa-law. and the orders sent out from thr yf fica of JameiFy.-HHl IriiCfc- Paul are much more sweeping tnan it was expected -hey ' would be when, V- two months ago. It was . announced ' that Aside from the employes the only other persons who will be allowed to' ride- on free transportation are witnesses called by the railroad companies in mat ters they have pending before the courts The understanding of the order here Is that It Is the Intention of the Great Northern to recall every pass along its line from St. Paul to the coast, except lng employes. Upwards of 7,000 persons will be affected If such an order ls.jen- forced. . ' ' BAKER CITY COMPANY EXECUTES MORTGAGE ' iinoii. The Mountain Clam hu been ehm -te?t'd"rora trip" to"Tha propertyPwhenfconilits of tti Bg-piant-TioIectrlc-J X ' .t (SoecUt Dltpetck te The JoaraaL) Baker City, Or., May 2- The Baker CI tv Light A Power company, which recently purchased the property of the Baker City Gas Electrlo company of Baker City,' yesterday executed a mori rati to the Germantown Trust com' pany, trustee, to secure the lesuance of 8 per cent lb-year aeoentura Donas. Theproperty or tne new company power plant In Baker City and the water power plant-on Rocir crek,1rt" Baker county. The bond Issue ' Is to enable the company to improve its plant. It be Indicated. ThererU a dealrrw-nief!' rumored thatt "t"Pb'r part of some stockholders to hnisten the production of copper,' but untlll the en : glneers have given the property a thor ough examination It Is Impossible to predict whet they will advise regarding ..reduction worg. wora Began iwo years see on a new type of reduction plant, but has never been flnlahed,, and it is not known whether the plant will be practicable. - . ; ; RICK COUNTRY BEING " , OPENED IN THE NORTH Northern Okanogan ounty,yash ington, which Is being exploited by the extension f the. Great Northern rail way aa It seeks a route up the Slmllka meen and an through British Columbia to the coast. Is regarded as one of the promising mineral dlatrlcts at the pres- ent lima. There hare been many good mineral deposits worked superficially In this regim especially along the Rlmllkameen. but owing to the Isolation of tha district the work -was necessarily 'limited. Since th Great Northern as let contract-for-tha extension front Orovllle to the British Columbia bound ary, and given assurance of proceeding; through tne Bimiiaameen . vain yesr,, some heavy capitalists have been at ' tracted. - President Underwood of the -Bri,rlsh Colombia Copper companyrand aaaocla'tea ar reported to bave finally tied up th big Sunset group of copper claims at Princeton, which Is presaged by students of the northern situation to be but the pioneer movement of a heavy Investment there later. -. WATSON WANTS MINET . ' TITLE GIVEN TO HIM (Special Dtaeetek te Th JoareaLt ' -Baker City. Or, May t. A. P. Wat son, a mining ma a of Gelaer, has begun suit sgalnat the - Keystone-Belle and Gold Boy Consolidated Mining company to rescind a -contract made between "Watson and the company In- 1I8J, by which he Sold them the Keystone and Belle quarts claims near Gel ear. ,.. . .. Watson alleges thst th company has failed to comply with th terms of the contract, and he Wants to have the deed which he gave It at that time canceled ' ' . ' 1 t - ' lng a street railway line in Baker City. YOUTHFUL HIGHWAYMAN ;;. HOLDS UP SMALL BOYS --"--.".", saasVsssasa ' (Special Dtasatch to The Journal.) Seattle, May 28. Charles Nelson, an 18-year-old sand spit resident. Is a can didate for the state reform school. He was committed to th city Jail by jus tlco Gordon yesterday for 30 days, after he had informod the court that he had held OP Adam Luke, three yeara younger than himself, and taken 10 cents rrom him. Nelson hss twice before been In and set aside In order thst he may re cover tiy to . the property. Theae claims are supposed to be extensions, of the famous Bonanza. . r v- nrsraorara xsas unra. Michael Sullivan of this' city waa in Moyle, British Columbia, the past week, end stated that he wna "Investigating, lie devoted moat of his time to exami nation of the Aurora, near the St. Eu gene famous lesd producsr, and tha lo cal Impreanlon there Is that a deal a pending for this property. In Portland the Jnlaslottot Mr- Sullivan- la-not known, but as he hag been connected with .the - Ladd Interests, It ' hss been aasumed that., he represents those or kindred Interests In his work at Moyle, ! ' Btnrr xm aonirzA. ' igpeeial Dlapatek te Ike Joaraal.) Cottage .Grove, Or., Msy if. Al Churchill departed yesterday for his Bo hemia property, where he will prosecute work during the summer months. , Wal lace Hartley has juat returned from a trip to In mines, and last evening de part ad fo Portland, where he will re main a short time on business. - , MOM axUfOWT GKXJ. (gpeelal Mtrh te Tile earaal.) ( 1 Baker City. Or.. May . Messrs, Gil key and Kershaw report another rich cleanup from their Belmonr mine In the Greenhorn camp, the result ot a few days' nio, ' ' .. - . v i - . r-- r m v a m i l i m . mm--'- - . w -aa, . mm m SB ? f VUUUVI UHJ4 V-TV v vnicago Great- -WL -,- -Tr 7 Sunday the; S ' vyl'h-Wirr Stftri-in thf'Minn a nt th-.Minrir':"..Skr X rock of rip-ht. a. bea- I r - 0 . iK . X con beht to a safe har- I ' Sjf 69-71-73 Third Street, Between Oak and Pine X . 'y -ii - ' ' -:--'"-f---.-..- ; - . . to the four quarters of the. The Chicago -Portland's est top-to-toe Outfit' ters for men, boys and children, handling - the largest volume of Men's r and3oysi-Clothing, - Hat, Shoe and Furnishing busi ness of ; any 'complete outfitters on the en- tirej Pacificjcoast," -and atill growing; -TO ALL VISITORS. - THIS ESTABLISHMENT WILL-BE AN OPEN HOUSE. INVITINQ-THE INSPECTION OF 'ALL. A DEMONSTRATION OK THE POWER OF LOW PRICES WILL BE SEEN IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF THIS ESTABLISHMENT. AN, EXAMPLE-OF THE r PORT LAND -VALUE-GIVING IN MEN'S AND BOYS' APPAREL THAT CANNOT BE SURPASSED IN ALL AMERICA IS NOW IN FULLSWING;,A SALE THAT, WILL RESOUND AND ECHO BACK TO THIS CITY- FROM EVERY STATE IN THIS UNION. -THIS MEANS THAT THE CHICAGO OF PORTLAND, OREGON. SELLS THE VERY: HIGHEST- CLASS OF MERCHANDISE RS LOW IN PRICE AS IT CAN BE BOUQHT FOR ANY " " WHERE FROM BRITISH COLUMBIA TO THE GULF OF. MEXICO OR FROM THE PACIFIC TO THE ATLANTIC The Greatest Suit Sales Ever Made: by This ; $1 1: Will buy a -better Suit than has ever been of-' - fefed in this city. Blue serges, black clay wor- -J I 1 . . . t 1 1 t J ' - sicusK- uiuc nu uiacK unnnisncu wursicus, uqui ble and single breastedstyle9 1 ptire all-virool hand-tailof ed, also imported tweeds, cheviots, double-entwisted home-r spuns, cassimeres and-pure all-woof and mercerized wire-, -twist fancy worsteds a paradexof styles; 100 strong made by Brandagee, Kincaid & Woodland The Acorn. Not a suit in 'the entire lot but is a goodv$15 to $18 value; but The Chicago is a store of live, up-to-date principles, and just before the world's fair we wilj 'demonstrate to the public that we have-no equal in the Pacific northwest 'as givers of big values. ;.We want the trade of the appreciative . public, and will get it by. givuxgithe liest clothes for the money to be had anywhere. We fit all sizes andhshapes-1-rrren to 52-inch bust measure. 1 . rr $15 - GiveS-f. you choice of a world ofhieltcla ." . I ? 1 I . . 1 c 4 . creations in aouDie ana single orcasicuvouus, wort h$20. 8.00 BUYS A GOOD ALL-WOOU HAND-TAILORED, $10 OR - t ' - 'n ' $12-:SUIT.-' Great Half PriceSale OiitingSuits TT... -. -.. .4...: .-. ... . - -;-ej .... .,- - - - - -We ill inaugurate the Summer Outing Suit Season with - a sale that will move you to action at once. Commencing - tomorrow we put on half -price-aale-SOAll-WooOutingT 1 Suits in men's and young men's styles, sizes '..'33-Ltp .40. in small lots carried over and all sample suits sent to us to select by this season.. . . . - .Will take choice of all-wool, tailor-made,", plain-, and faftcy light and dirk colors, worth-$10. " - For choice, of all.-fine. $12, $15 and some even better suits in this lotr Hand-tailored, splendid - styles, homespuns, cheviots, tweeds, wool crash. $5.00 $7.50 We show the newest Quaker Gray Gunmetal and the craze ; ... of the hour-Broken Steel Tip Grays. ' - - -most exhausj:less varietyL of Brandagee, Kincaid & " '"- Wood's ivery latest "tailor productions at-':. 1 $20, $25 Or less than two thirds merchant Jailor prices. . Your Footwear ... .-- "oughratthrsnstoiinsurescomforffyTe, service and low prices. Blucher, bals. and Oxfof dsrin tarrrchocolatey blatlrand patent - ; leathers, also viri, colt, calf, etc. -z-. $3.50, $3.00, $2.65 $2.35, $1.85, $1.65 ii Boys' and Ch ildren 's In Blucher and bals.vitan or 'black. Special ', ..-- - values, - :- , -J-. ; - -191.35," f 1.50, 91.65, 1.85,- 92.00, , - 92.25 and 92.50. - . -; ' ZTlEvery.J: pair ; of 1 Men's or 7 Boys Shoes : bought at this store is. guaranteed. , If a. pair H Tgoes -wrong a new pair free. T Furnishings Portland's Largest All -New Stock. 50 Negligee, Golf and ...Working 'Shirts, ,-the -1-most extensive-variety -J j . a. - - ' ana dcsi values in tne city. ' ' --'" , 75 Golf and Negligee, a N most . handsome assort ment of -the good' and nice kinds.-""': 1 91.00 Extra values in silk bosom, brilliantine. . silica, penang and mad-. 910.auetts" most! Se lect styles, golf and neg- jl'tTee. r-rr '---- ; 92.00 Mohair,t7pbngee. '.'French flannels, etc. - 92.5Q Ture pongee and ' . cream brillian'is.-etc.'-f Underwear Ne Aw e.a r Vhite or, Farrcy Wash -.7 Vests, tterr'-Z . Mothers Tomorrow you can pickup some exceptional gocid things, in Knee Pants Suits and save money. Tf" Will take choice of'small lots of ei)leOi) Buster. Browns, Norfolk or Dou Ible . Breasted'"Suits, thafselir,fgu1arly up ; tO $3. ': . -; '' -:- ).! . M J "Will contain several lines and e)iWeU3 broken lots of elegant all-Wool Materials that are worth at least $1. , ' "Several new arrivals ifxjyctra quality hand tailored Knee Pants Suits' at 93.85, 94.85, ". ... . :f" 'and 97.50.' ;."' ' '.. ' Y I III I I V 1TICII nuii 1 Tomorrow will offer; some exceptional fine oppor- .'"". - - ,s-, tunities. . h -r- r7" Of" -Will takc-boice of several full lines of )t single ancT double Jbreasted $10 Suits, and lots of two, three ana four of a kind that were broken-during the Easter rush, worth up to $12.. Q O C V Will be power. Sopie of the" very fyaOd -handsomest $12,r.singie . and, double breasted: styles, and all small or-broken lots, worth up to lSSergesnfinishe worsteds and fancy mixtures. ' ."'..'. 1-'- , - ,ifv4s:a- " ' " - ' A Hat to Fit Your Face-r30 Stales,' 30 Shades and Colors' 4 - - .... - T - v-7 -T--.-, 4 n'7: HAT f vf. 1 Panama Hats Kilimartin f8.Co.'fjRcal Pljljtpl Water-woven Hand-shaped Panamas S3.85 "Pot choice af ;sii-ha()es-ef It Panaiha Hats, unbleached. Wl display the Panama Hat, best atoeir In .all rsdes up to. each 92S STRAW HATS Sennits, Milan. 1 Usnllav stvt ror;o Ktr-an Straw, all styles. r--. - - ',' : 1 ' ' ' T " -'-J A , 1