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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1905)
; T - rp : -I THE r OREGON' DAILY JOURNAL; PORTLAND," MONDAY EVENING. MAY 8. 1903. "' -- - -- ' - I - - . '" ""- " ' - ' - - ' ' . '' - ' '' . ' - - ' ' V-e J , TODAY'S --SAlftlOPECEIBIS-: SHOWING: INCREASE Market Receives Better Supplies From the Columbia and . ' Willamette " Rivers. EGGS FIRMLY HELD rV AT TOP QUOTATIONS First Car Flat Dutch Cabbage Is in Dollar Berries -Su :i -. percede Jessies." " Fiout Blrsan, Ma X l rfWrHigl1 WHtrw -est--to- rurtisud whuicsai niaiketa Salmon receipts are better, ' rlhad- fontlm to iwjm. ,. Egg market U ta good (hap. . ..fiealtey and lews, : Potato turn. good tour. . , . . Oar hennas and car oranges, i- -DoHsr beta-lea sr coming. -:tZk Cberrle m In bettor all a pa. r,.-v" . Aeparague atlll very eceree,. " .-. Hap ar bow very qulet- ' Tuu 1b batter la improved. , -: lmoa Keoelpta Ar Better, Larger rcc10ieg-"w ft t?" ' la. Aba .salmon market today. Tha catch aloof the tolumbia Vbooi a alight tocraaa mod moat of tbla cam to th Portland market. Hbed eontlno to- abow a warv Una auuulv ml MM trouble la - aierlenreat In kaeulne: tha market moving. No. chance la prlcea. ' In Market la Good Shape. .ni m market I I very two aha I. " The demand ta quit liberal and eapptte re ol imid atoraea oueratlona are eon' tinned nut the volume today not quite a, tare mm aturlna: the Uat few due of the '.-.Iprecedlna! week 1 -.iea Th. nnolire market shows very hesvy ar- rlval and the price . nffrd eonalderable to iUi. Katallrra are atlll burin from Band to ,lay. Katallrra are atlll baying .mouth anil Ihla lea! arable a loch en hand. Many spring are being '"" .received. : -"" ' "r""""--'' Potato Hav a Oeod Tone." - f The" potete market shows a vwry V. , .. . ... 1 mtn-mm mrm nominal and rtTC tlmlly eTerythln Iq Uie potato n.arkeriaWTucfdiTi.a.T mitalde of the atata. Lomrpoo poian n... old tot want of - ortiatikv- ntw-oerr -r. athae .4w,tl ' alWMlt OrdaflnC nm, Wlnneaotaa are again, on their way - tOH th Partnc coaat.- bat win "robehr o -atrBlht throurh to Ban rrancleco. Onlona are Tory firm wlty atocka ill klnda aomlnnL :r : SnUhr Benia Are Oomuuj, Tbe llrawneirlea npw eoenlrut front California re of better quality. Jeaele bare dlaappeared "from tbe market end oollare hare Ukan their nlace. Oreroa berrlea are ahowlnc aiamall 1n-rlrtBJ the arrlla.t- wbat-tna berrtea need now la " warm weather. Cberrlee are comtnf la batter -ahan and tbe - demand la eomewhat fmprnred. Home fancy black Tartar- lanr-weia leieH.q Today rrem qe aan mmu eold quite readily at 1.B0 a boa while- the ct.raor e-rariee were eneted aweaad 11,25, , t lorlda toanatoetvare. la ood aopply and quality and demand both ehew luproraaitut. The Jlrat - ear of Flat Inteb cabbaa waa received thia ' mornlna from ftaeramentn. It aelmjilaner tbaa .ordinary trade. - Ituppllae ot aaparafo are wry email end prior are oeiua naun "j r3leillmeil !today and found a fair demand. "-" Hop An JtowTarV ttuUt. The atrurl 1 becoming flrreer tn he no --Tnarkei.' Tba NI oeaier are noiaiiuj ineir bona eea tlabter than erar. It la sow a fight to the death. Borne few order are la -the -marker, but aone are wllllni- te pay more tbaa - rallnj Mur No nataa bare been reported, - - Tone fat Butter la Improve: I There la a -rood feeling In the creamery hat HiiaTUT tbaa, a trrrk ago oa acconnt of tbe . . Hm amount of r tacrnr of lee cream by the la rarer ereamertea. Country eror -carter 1 very tiff and price -- ahe-ein aharp aeauaoa.' -.Tbeew aow.-a demand for thai product from vartoa oatald - lare. Tbe etireae market m quiet and only e- fair. - treactk f -W4.- A Beaton na patch aaya; "The feararee nf tbe1 wool market ar It notable etrengtb her end the centering oi iniereei in in weai, where It la reported tbe blgbeat price of lb eeom are being paid, and moer of th Beaton buying I now proceeding In Montana, which, putnld of Oregon, la practically the only atata i where, any amount or wool remain anaold. :': Few tarrltortee are offered byond tbe new - Arlwina woola. Pulled wool more freely. ' Foreign grade are firm." Today'a whole la quotation, a rertard, are fullowe: Grain, Flonrad rd. , eVHBAT Nominal: crab and red, SBc; bloe atem, Klc: valley, oc. .'.TTTT;. BARLET Feed. 124.U1 rolled. $2 X); brew- jBla--Wbola. M.0 cracked, t par I tOB. . BTK 1.H per cwt.. T . OATft No. I white, 2.00i gray,--a FIlt'R Keatern Ore on Patenta. M 6or84 AS; erraleht. ti.7B: exDorta. S3.DOa3.BS: Taller. 4.1U: rraham. T,. 4.00; l'fc.iil.Aiye, 5oa. lift); bilea. 2.TB. MlLLSTL'FFS Braiv, f IB 00 par ton: mld- dllag. $6.00; aboru. country, fu.ooj enofh $18,00. rf A I nmotny, r niameii vauey. fancy. 18.00: ordinary, $12.00; eaalern Oregon. $18.00; .mixed, - $13 00; clover, $11-00; grain. $11.00; cava i. ii.ootr Batter, Zgc and Poultry, . BrTTlR FAT weet. IStie; aonr, WHe, "rrTTEI fliy preauiery 7, peaTT Borf inid " rade, - 17 TSaiSc: ouUid fancy, 184 (iioc: ' or ill nary, 17 4e; Ci aUfornla, , ator. 140 144 c. ' EfHiB No." 1 freah Oregon, candled, lc; aa ' candled. 17ic. rilEESaWNaw Full eream, twin, 1S: Tonnf America, KltiMHcTtatern, 15c; California, I4n15c: fheddar. Me. , POt LTBY CliKaeu.. mlled. 14QISC per lb; bona. per lb; romtera, old. 13c ner Ih: ymna.lAe per lb: broiler. S4.0oQa.00 per dot frier. $0,50 per doa; dnck. $8.00 ti .00 par doa; aeeee. BOe? per lb; turkey. ITaiS per IP; uTCaaeo. uwa 2 SOei.00 per do IVia. Per Ibi, aqoab. , Hop. Wool aai ELde. . HOPS Oontraet. IIhjB. ldQlTc; 1004 crop. 4(aaic tat ctwicas 8324 , for prima and medium. - I - WOOL if clip, valley, mare to modlnm, ' - !StJl; u, 21023c; aatocn Orago. ua lCOriAIrl Nominal, 6cSle. . , HEKFUKIN8 ohearlug, lPftlne; abort Wool, . Sle; medium wool, , Sutf 40c; luug wool, bOctjtl.OO each. V - . TALLOW nime, per n, "4e5c; Ko. t and " greaae. 2 ij2Vc. - ' 1 1UTT1M BABK 44 per lb; bnyluf price. HIDEIV Dry bide. No. 1. 16 lb and an, , : lelSiaj per Ihdry- kip. -No. 1. 6 to lA lit. 14c; dry calf, No. 1. auiler B lb. MQ18c dry ealted bldea, ateera, ouud., 00 roe or over, IH9 t BSe Bo to 60 lb. Btv'4: under 6o lb and ti eowa, S(38Vc; atara aud bulla, aoand, 6$i7e; ' , a , ii UHH ,o .a ii Ik, oa - tc: calf, aonud. under 10 lha. 4ailc; green - ' tunaaltedllc per lb laaa; aulla, lo per lb leaai bora hld-a. aalted. each. - $l.i3al.7B; dry, ' each. $l.0i)Ql.r.0; colt bide, each. SBatBoc; tmt eklne, common, each. lOQIBcl Angora, - w ltb wool on. each, 2Scl$1.00. - W"" ; Fruit and Vegetable. '' ' POTATOES Beat Oregon. . $L18jr0i car i Iota, lo b. eountry, $l.ooU1.10; aecond frade, ' "T $1 00 per aack: ,buylir car Vita, hoe: Early Boae. 10otl 2f.l aweeta, -crated, $1.7; new . talU'Ttua. . c per in, iilM--S.ii; bnrer- price, rmntry7t4.1o; Anarralla. u ll: garlic, euine per lb. i-OflT FUKMit Kkl ITS Applea. eitr fancy 9rwiTiror, lorlm 't co, iMUbllabBd !.. , l rXXAT AJTP tlTOC BB0KXKS. Boon 4,- Oroanoi Flmr. ciaiusb or COXKXBCS." . v OVERBECKpSTARR Sc COOKE CO. Membaro Chicago Board of Trade.- ".'! - ..,v.v '.J- omjLX-r..OTXMOjracoTio,:TM-Aji soirps.- . 161 Third Street, McKay Bulldlnif. Portland, Or. I' ' "W PO A STXIOTXT OOUMiaaiOK BTBJKXBB, CooUllUOti Markete by Private Wire. Quick RErKBENCES LAdd A .iU'OOa BMAera mat. MiUkajt R MARKETS MONDAY-PRICES IN- "TH tWHfATMARKET .AJut---tJjAl,., e Mny. July. rhloacn ....... 14 I .M A 4 ay. '-'4 I A d Bt. Lott...'.-.M4B e Kannaa City. .X6HB 4 New Yorlf. .... .M .. San KranrlacO l.S e ""Mlnnfariolln ,. . l.otK Duluti. Per cental. - Decembt-r.' fancy Orecon, 1.00?I M per bor: cBeair radeH Toe per 0a; orannoe. narel. i.u0ifj.iw noi: bananaa, 4V.UOC 4ier-b: lemoua. choice, i.T boa; fanry. 1 00 bni; Hmea. MoiUan. 6Ae per 100. pliuaoplro, $4.(ioi5.00; cranber rlea. eaateru. tll.uo uvr 1)1)1: aUawherrlm. Ore- "(ou. lkr per h : nllfonla. $1 4ji l.S per craie; rnerriea, ai.xoui.ou per not. . VKGKTABI.FH Tuniloa. rfteiHiie bet ark eareuaa. 4t.uwV 1.4t. im eaekt- beew.-at. St per I aaaai upwaan aaiiiakaai Bin in exilian taiiha Orermi pet . ew U , La 1 1 f urnU. : 1 U la truce, notnouae, 1 X.Vd l.&o per crate; areea peppera. Jc per lb; I hill pepuera, 1617 lb! celery. t.TOU4.uu per erale; louauiea. r mntia. II ititiit; Meiican. ii mm a mi? -t-rft; Hrthibeana. lit-; raullllowrr. California. II. Totx. . crate,- rhubarb,. llliC per lb; horaeradlab. 7aiae' ner Ih: anrtrnta. Ac: artl rbokrev 4OT50c per Otaj; feoth.tuae lettuce, $1.06 yreen onlnna, lA'azde per da: aeparaana. 7"l i7.V doa hunrhi-a; Walla. Willa. $10oA1.25 per box; aplnach, 8c' per lb: areen corn. $1 5o louc, (.aiuoTDia, DEI Kit FBt'ITS Apple, evaporated. . TO per lb; aprlcota. Vstl.V per lb; aacka. Ve pa ii Ihiiwi MnnWLri'tallnn n Para. -r French- lUuiWt ner lh: fiiW.rtHfrittrJa tl l216Ue ner lb: California white. Per lb piume. pitted. per in; naieo, aoiaen, no per tt; tarda, I1.B0 per 1Mb boi. - " ' Orooarlaa, Kate. Xtc. SHOAR Rack baala Cull. M.20T- oowdered.; frull franalated, e.on: dry granulated, (l.WSr-beet franalated. to.ttamtra C, S.6: imliten C la.a: blile. 10c: U bbta. 25c: lulea. 6e iilTaac ni aack baala, teae ZVc pee wi tor caan, la oaya; manie.. lefaiec per io. I'llKfCR la..kai hfinli III tl. MALT KtrxHalee Ite. Ha. oar 10a. Il.e UbU, dairy, ua, 111,00; tooe, 110.75; Im ported Llrerpool, boa, tlT.UO; looa, flt.So; i f ro w, .lira u 'in, vum, . o-. - - - .- - ; 0rti5.bOt-'ulk. " J20rT1W7ia0wiT5.Wr MckaTTneadwijr'iiiider atrenath of May, bat the pi oue. Uotisflc. I ration of the elalble flaurea aeemed dl SALT Coarae Half aronnd. 100a, per ton. rf.oo: Wn. per ton. - fT.8o; I.leerpool romp rock, 16.o6 per ton: Bo-lb rock. 7.JH; looa, tf 78. AbnT orlca. -aoolr to ulrt ( M im ear lota. far loti at apeclal prlcea anbject I OHAIN B AJS-lcutta-$3.T5a) 0O per 100. BICE Imoarlal Janan. No.. 1. 4Vc: No. 2. 4c: New Orloaua. bd BWUoc: - Adjax, He; Creole. 4c. BEANB Bmall whit. 4c: larc White. $Hc; pink, SSic; bayou, $J.00; Llmaa, 6ViC) Mailcau reda.Tc. - NUTS Peanut. 7Vic; Jumboa. V per ; raw, saioc per. lb; roaaud. -; cocoanut. SBUDOc per doa; walnuta. 1431Be per lb; pin nnt. 10l2He per lb; hickory nut. 10c per lb; cheatnuta, eaetern, 1641 He per lb: Braall nuta, Jfte pet Mu-aibert. ISgiaaper Ibifancy pecana 14j ISc per lb; almooda, 13150 per lb. : . raiata, Ooal 0W. Xta.U: ROPE For Manila,- 14e alaiMlard, l4o; aiaaal, 104c; la tie brand alaal. Vc. - CUAX. OlL4'earl ot AlUal . n Caaaa. S0S4 pel gal;- water white. Iron, bbla 16c per gal, wooden iSC per fal: headlight." 170-dra. caaea 22We per gal. UABOUNIi W6 dag. raaea S2e per gaL lroa bbla. aide per Aali tovelce 2-1 ie per sal. lroa bbla 1HC per gal. ' " " " TIBFENTINK lu caae S4e per gal. bbla 81c ner al . . - t - HK.-vxiMiV u-leg., . cea ao per n iron . fea e"'"per ' g-kl, WHITE f.EAft-i-Tun lola.-Tt.a nee Mii.AOOJb fcta. 71ieler Tbrlear lon.,S "per Tb! " WIRE AI'LS-Praeat bae at noo. LlNBtaUl OIL Pur raw, In hhl 61c ner gal. caaee- one per gal; genuine, kettle boiled, cava SMc per gal, bbla 6,'le pet gal; ground cake, ear kt $20.00 per ton, lee tbaa car kite $do.00 per- too. ' Xaata, Tialvanl Trovlalena.' FRESH . MEA1 BcwfTTtf 4 H 4150 per lb; l per lb; '69 ' ' ." 191 cow. 8W4C per lb; mutton, 6j7He and Umba, wltA pen. itsivjt per m; veal. ifloc per in; poor. ,u,a II, ""aaaaaaMBn HAMS, BAOON. ETC. Portland pack 'local) bam. 10 to 14 lb. 12Ve per lb; 14 to IS lbs, 12Vc per lb; IS to 20 lla, 12Nc per lb; cottage, 8 He per lb; breekfaet bacon, 124017c per lb; picnic, Sc per lb; regular abort clean, un amuked, ie per lb; amokedV lot per lb; cleat backa, unemoked. Be per lb: amoked. 10c per lb; Union butt. 10 to 18 lb, nnemoked, 8c per lb: amoked, 0e per lb; clear belllea. nn amoked, lie per lb; amoked, lie par lb; boulder. Sc. ' LOCAL LABD Kettle leaf,' 10a. 10H per lb; 6a, 10Ho per lb; 60-lb tin. 10c per lb; team rendered. 10a, 9c per lb; Ba, c per lb; tuba, 6c per lb; So. Hc pec lb. CANNED SALMON li)lmhla river l ib talla. tl.dS: 1-lb talla. It 1.80; fancy, l ib Bata, 2. Oo; 1. ik . . ... a, oa.. a - n t.ii. M.i, a i T. AUaka tUa. pink, bo90c; red, $1.60; nominal 2a, tall, 82.0&. FISH Rock cod, Te per lb; flounder. Be per lb; halibut. Be per lb; era he. $1.26 eerena: atrlprd baaa.- $lu12- pee-Ut catllah. te per lb; aalojoa, Chinook, Sc per lb; ataelhcaua. Te par lb; herring, Be per lb; aolea, Se per Ibi nrlmuv Jo per lb; perrb, B pr lb l abad. Be per lb; ro abad. Sc par lb; abad roe, &Oc hLpiack coa, oc per jo; iir mit, lb: lolwtera,. 16c: freah mackerel,-Se per rrawflehv 20c per dot. Bonodere, Be per lht turjeon, 7c pr lb. OTSTERS Shoalwater bay, per fat. $2 28; per aack, 7c per lb. CLAMS Hard ahelL . per box. $2.00; raaor dams, $2.00 per boi. cattleTquarter CENT LOWER TODAY Tone in Livestock Market Today Rather Indifferent Hogs Are Not Coming. ' Portland In loo Stockyardi. May 8. Llveatork rcelpu: , - " ' Hoe. Cattle. Bhuen. Tody--t.-f.-v,......v........ ... 278 ... ? eek a go .... ,,, , ,,,,, . , . J 2S -J . . Prevloua week 60 2at B0 Tb tone In all Ih branchea nf the local live stock market today la rather Indifferent. Ilnga r quoted fair with receipt of lata nominal, while abeep ar not any too atrong. The cat tle market ehnwa the only errlvala touay and tbe price la practically 2nc tower. Official price for llveatork: ' " --Hiiga Beat eaetern Oregon. $; blocker and hlna fata, $3 25; a toe k era and .acdera, $4.Bfl'u'4.71t. Cattlo Beat cuter a Oregon ateera, $4 00: light and medium ateera. $3.60; old and light eov,a. $x.tai2.7l-,' atorkarw and feeder. $2.00; bull. $i fnx . Hheep Heat fancy abeep. $8.TBB4.0O; 'wea, $$.Ao(3.7htwtng iamb, 4 Sc. CKICA00 K0OS L0WXB. Cblcago, May &Iytveatnck receipt! -s Hog. fatle. Sheen. Cblcago ....... BS.UU) 2l,t- JM.otai Kanaaa City 7.0a . n.iaai . o ono Oinaba B,oia X.uutt 8, Mai lluga Opened 10c to, 16c lower, wltk 2 oou left over: recelpta a year aa were 25.i"Ki. Prlcea: II I ted and batcher, (S.2Ara6.BS: (o4 nd 4)avy$.V4oH,SJlB; rough and-beevv, fe.ioffl $.26; llaht. $6 20186.60. v w fattl Stea-.IT. , . Sni-Hcak. f u "- " rt -- comitooA imrnre-iTcxs.-.- Ran Franclaco. May 8. Tematork atocka. clue morning aeaawMi: . hid. Bullion ........$ .81 Belcher - .10 Onn. Cal.-Va.... 1.H0 Ophlr ...w,... .H t'aledon1).,lB.a 84 Mexican (on. Mercur ..T.S4 SetMrpion , .16 Bid. .$ . . .11 . .89 ' . .21 vaeeraH.... I'.M.lWl --, ,T1T I'filon Con . . . . Velbrw Jacket Kiejieofler .8 Hale A N oreroa 80 Andra ,22 miomi jmbs n A'Priituia, CHICA60-VIIEAT IMPROVES Combination of Events Gives to Pit a Decidedly Better Feel- ingrtoToda7s" Sesslori." JULY OPTIONS SHOWING " THE HEAVIEST ADVANCE Unfavorable Weather Abroad Starts the Market Up Un- dertone in Corn Better. . "MI1SUAT WHEAT M.TrtKf!Tr IFurntabed by Ovarbwek. Starr A Cooka Co.1 ' t'hkago, May M. Logan A Bryan My: A combination of eventa aave to tb wheat market a decidedly better ton which laated all throurh - the eeel.n. - The nnaettled polltteal eltualton ' abroad, where ' eablea aud a little nnfavurable weather darted the market op. and on .'ipectatlon ot a large decree ae In the viable ani.Dlr. which waa fulir reaiiara. au belad the aentlinent and Induced aome abort rVrPfrtWrSPJaW-t3b1t4bW" ifdr--i64'vrto4staa' home to th-trade that atocka are email, and no matter what tha h afreet may 1e tor w rarer wheat, nreeenr atocae are in a fab way to be eihauated 4xfore any wheat can com to th market. - (Mitalde marketa were all atroog Nutwithatandlna that wa are practically oa. aa eaport baala, bearlah aentlment la atlll quit prevalent: aud ererr advance mecta - renewed effort on the part of th bear. Todaye .trade broadened -oat- materially and anggeata not only ehnrt eoverliif. bnt aome good, buyibf " for the lottg aiaonwt. Tit market eeem to act well, eihlhlta more anap and wltb' very llttl eaeouT IgvmeBt could do better. ' - w Corn Vadartoae Firm. - Tbla market atarted atronc inDii fur urea aeemed dlaap- rlntlnr, -e they were luoklng (or at leaat OOo.OOO buabela decreaae. Thla cauaed aome rlllne. mtfoa tb whol tb market (how a -firm undertone; Write tbe receipt are being taken ear of by th dally ahlpmenta end th concefitratea lnllay eontlnuee to aupporftha price, we doubt very much If any headway ran be made at tbla time on tbe abort aide. All tblnga coneldered, the market Inoke (troog and eeem a If It could be put higher. Caak Oats troa. Th aot market - wa atrong -early. nbe- quently eailng -of f -petry trom - profli-taklng and again tbrotnrh- ermpatby; wltb Torn. There aeema to le a belter lumitr for th caab atuff and caab people are atlll Inclined to cover abort ci mmltiuenta on tb way. Wbll preeent light receipt eonrlnu tb. apeculatlve market u likriy-ta niattrtaru-a rw '. aUcTpU7TeTrrrt.'':y " -. In Drovliton,extremaly Urge hoc receipt and a cunaequent decline In the prlcea of 10 to 16c haa bad no effect on the apeculatlve market aaldV f i un1 a little eaeter feellns at the opanlna. W believe the apecnlatlve market haa Ba om better. Today'a official market: -VUKAf. Open. lllali. ll. 1 L0 May.. . . .82 -34 2 .h84 July.. .84 A J4Maai COBN.- Oct.. SHOUT BIBS... Hay. .7.06 - T ST T.47 July, Sept. ,.- T.22 .. T.46 T.2T t.60 T.22 T.4B rBIMABT, SHIFMINT1 AUD CLE A AX CIS. Chicago, May 8. Primary recelpta: '' - Today . Tear Ago '-. - Burn Boab. Wheat If (t. 000 190.000 Corn 178,wiO 410,000 Shipment weret Wheat M Corn Total clearance; 83,600 buahela. JOO.OOO 222,000 -3O7.OU0 -818,000- Flour, lXauO barrel; com. CHICA00 CASH I wTtlAT,.. Chlcaro. May i. Caab wheat: -Today- flat. Bld - Bid No. 1 red....... No- 8 I ed: WVin No, I hard NoS bard No- 1 northern No. S northern No. S aprlug... SAX FEAXCISCO OBATB? XAJtKET. . Ban FranclMO, May S. Qfflclal 10:80 . m. market: . r- v ' r-TfHEATr- M'UA 86)4 WOBXB'S OBAI 8HIFMEBT8. Chicago. May S. World' grain blpmeat: Laat Week - Prer Week La at Tear Bueh. Bnah. Wheat 10.944.000 S,82H.0O0 Corn ,,........8.022,000 8,800,000 On paaaage: Wheat "".68.144.000 ......... Corn 8.949.000 Buab. 1,746,000 88.904,000 . 8,182,000 CHICAGO OBAI CAB LOTS, Chicago, May 6. Grain car lot: Cera Grid Eat. 1904 Wheat a .. 10 as Corn 99 1 68 '147 Oat ... 88 IS 84 .; 69 i-j.-. Llvmrpool Grata Stock. Liverpool, May S.Oraln atocka: . Today . Tear Ago Bnah. Kuan, Wheat Cora . .4,804.000 a.OHH.Anfl 440,000 a,B6,0U0 Amarioaa Grata Tlalble. Cblcago, May 8 Oraln vlalbl annply: ' Wheat Decreaae of 3.l94.oon baahel. Corn Drcreaa of l,077.IKrO boahele. -Data Itccreaae of l.otW.uiO buabela. UTEKFOOL OBATB MABKET.- . Liverpool, May 8. Cloee: - Wheat, Miy, & Op; July and September, i up. Corn Meyr-d upt-Julyr Sd usv .' - Wianfpef Orala Market, "Wlimlpet. - May . Cio; Wheat. May. Be He; July, oo ve. 8 AX FBABCISCO LOCAL STOCKS. Baa. Franclaco, lnai eloael May 8. Local atocka. " ' Bfd. ' Aak.. Centra Ccar!a Water -T...rr.-..i.r.- 4214.-- 48 " Hirln Valley Water 88 . 88 Mutual Electric ,1.,. 121A 18 San Franclaco Ua A Electric ...... 86 ' 66 Mi iiiaai owner ,,,, Honoke Hitgar . ., 67V4 )' iS 86 88 X3H llulchinann Hngar. Ma ka well Bi-rar r ........ Onome.. Sugar . . Paauhau Sugar ... ... 22 Alaaka rarkera' California Win Oceanic nteamehtp i'aolaw-Btate 1 elephoee-. , , 96 76 4 8 r,,,..IHH -.. - fOlTLAlfP BAtTEf 8TATTMIIfT. rtetringa ,,.$96 1SA8 Balaacea, ................ M,StS.$8 J . Open l'loae t'roae : ilaln I V 7 " ""'Today Today Hat. Today 1 h Il-Mirjl If.,. ' ! ' e rrf ." '.oi.TT V ala a ar n-ii u) .' w lA'M 1 1 la . La- I I . a a i n.T-" ,r w J . .f H "i 7p t lay..7.'i .VT-vBH -w'V rum t ltJ..., ,47V, .47V, ,47Nk ,47A t rJept..... - ,46'4 T .47tJ . v .4 ,4 ' B I - ----..- ' - PATS. r- May..... ,nt4 .284. --.28 r j JulyrrT,r-. . : 20 W .2 (J Aj 1 Sept., a..' ,2k ' -2M " M I MESS TOBKr I Mav:::..:.... . ..... una il tjuly 126 12.87 12.2a HSJ rVrpt...... J2.60 12.B7 ' 12j0 1 ! A I A A May..... .... .... .... , T1 July 7 27 T BS . . T.2T T.S t U ., W i. . TAi 5.-1 "V 7 --) I .$ ,tl4V $ .nBtj $ .94 rt. ....... ."ui .ira .tw .91 .B8H .91 ...97 .96 ,9S .97 .92 JW .96 .87 Onen. High. Low. CIo. May 7..$1.4 $1.46 $148 $146 ..a I 9n4 1 2814 1 1. f BARLEY. May A. 1 184 B December.. .86 -Mfi "Cattle-Market Show Only Arrivals In Local 1 Stockyards-Today-and Price Is r a1 Quarter" Cent Lower Hoes Come Slowly, -. f PEOPLE-S-GAS-IS THE- HE AVY LOSER Drops Four Dollars and Seventy. Five Cents on New York """Slock" Market Today." " . SEVERE DROP IN LONDON THE PRINCIPAL CAUSE All "Steel Issues: Are Weak " and Lose Tennessee Coal . .. , Is Raided. . . : Anaconda iKatv. nfrf . . a'. Amalgamated .... ;Mle'aourl Paclfte ,. V Atchlaon--.-.-r-- V INorrh American " wngar V Nor foTr "treat '!. ' g fiuelter (...... Ill Onlarb rlo A Wat Jlt ,5 -4 Brooklrb , ,-. S Reading. Bait. A Ohio ..... 1 iBork laland .... t'olo. Fuel ....... ltiHoulhern By ... (anadlan Pacific.,. lVt.Ht. L. A B. W., Colo.-South , 2d p. IVTriae.A FarlBe rjenver, pfd 14 Hteel Great Weatarn HIHtwel. pfd Kri , . Erie, 2d pfd . . Krle. lat pfd. Penuaylvi enuaylvanla.. i . is uae, IjWrleerinDnr"Bfeel . Hi Ueo. Hteel. of-..--!- ula. A Naah..,. luiSoutbern I'aclnc .. 1. Manbatun l' Tenn. Coal 21 Metropolitan H'ntoa Pa cln 1 'a Mexican - Central.. - U.Wabaah . 1 Katy ,,.....liWla. Cent., pfd 1 (Furnlabad by Overbeck. Starr A .Conk Co.i Wall Htret, New York, My n. The 7 loner - nrlcee 4a tb ... London market at tha opening eqd a - continuation- of that feeling throughout the day ewept the market today barer At tb ckxe the1 Mat allowed bevv decline. ' I'eopl' Oaa waa heavily tradaxl la-end 4n -4 V - patnte - free Baturday'B price. Tennea Coal waa another very weak feature, th cloaltut being 24 polnta otfv Tb oreel taane were all lower. Tnlted State eomnvoB loalng 1 point, while, tbe pre ferred loat an additional point. --- tewraB Rrsaa eayj Trader a were met tn morning with a reared Loudon market, and tbla coupled with other unfavorable condition, th foreign Political altuatloa and the action of the lllinola legtalamr In paaalng advene Icgtalatkm oa ga tPartTra, pa need an nneaey feellna. Taken aa a wbol tb market for am time ha been auMttlrd. nd while underlying eoiidltlon In a way abew ome Improvement, they are not all that could b dealred.--Tb hurt Intereat muat be large and a denionetra tton agalnat tbern could eaajly make sharply ulrher prlcea.. The rally at-tb lka o6ked like ahort l-roTertog.-. - . ..- Today of octal atock mrkt; ' -.- II lUSOElFllOHr- Anaconda Mining Co.... 1107 HOT lloa Uat-. Amrr- Crrf Xo.'.n'TTTai 81 01 Am. Car Foundry, 94 i4 9S 84 97 88 96T oa prererrea. Am. Hugar, conf..." 1834 184 -!S14 not, ill! 109 V 1104 119 106 no pret erred 119 106 Baltimore A Ohio, 105 &U14i69 anaaiaa fact tic. . com. i.n 146 1146 m Alton, cum do pfefefred".'.". . .' :' C. O. Vf T com , 19 u, lTwt 19 19 mi., wit. at. r,.... Mltr! I7a C. m N. W.. com.... 218 Cblcago- Terminal By. Cheeapaek A Ohio.. 18 'is 1T14I 1T 47 47 (4l Colo, - Fuel A - tron, com 42 43" 26 41 25V 42 26 ioio. eiournern,. cms.,. no "indprreTrd7 824 86- 824-S- 00 rirat prererrea. 00 !4ll4MHVt4M4 14- D. AK. O., do preferred 28 211 28 2X 85 Erie, com r 2 ilid pre f erred ') BSBai. 66 do first preferred... 7741 78 rn I 77 Illlnola Central... Loulavlll A Naanvtlle.. Met. St. By Manhattan By....' Mexican Central By..., Minn., Bt. P. A St a. M. do oreferred-. .1 ... Mlaaoorl Pacific M. K. A T., com , ion 148 166 J 1ST 167 14 116 lt 20 116 j 148 144 1151U8 llt)4 lo.'t 1n.1v. ltu 2o 20 116 110 116 1 26 67 95 26 66 14t 96 98 24 67 140 78 25 66 00 preierreo ..l... ew lock central Norfolk A Weatern, com. North - American N. .. Out. A Went.... 14 76 I 1.10 76 100 76 100 (100 U2 47,f47 4 Pennsylvania By. 1H6 lfl!lS4!i:t4 UoZilo4tti iiMt!l.i.-l( loof!02 Preaaed Rtoel Car, com st4 38 88 do preferred Pacific Mall Steam. Co.. 86 "ii" 92 98 S64 88 91 Reading, com 91 do 24 eraf erred Ben, Iron A Hteel, com.' TrspiT-'TTl, 84 jfrj I do preferred IB""'"! - lalend, coia,,,... 13 273128 2714 oo preierreu. ., Buhber (Joodtii..j.i. do preferred. ........ . Southern Hy., com do ;rferred. . Southern Paetfle.,..,..,. do preferred St. L tit F.. 2d pfd. HI. U A 8. W., com.. do preferred .... , Tex A Pacific Tenneaaee Coal A Iron. nn4;ins nrMtmrit 29 aV 2 95 87l 68ia 80 117 'i2 67 81 81 1 117 117 1117 ....LlM 22 22 66! 66 22 57. i 80 nr1' si T7 11-4 38 64 T., Bt. L. A W., com oo prererrtM Union Pacific, com. 18 118 UT 118 9T do preferred . SJ-ea t h er I do preferredT nu. 11. 107 87 106 l. B. Bnliber, com..... On preferred ...rT I', n. Hteel Co., com.... do preferred Wheel. A L. B.. eon... do 2d preferred do lat preferred Wtaconeln Central, com. do preferred Weatern I'nlon Tel.. . Walaah, com. .......... BT 804 97 16 20 o4 48 08 19 40 BT '30 96 16 20 io 46 98 19 41 8T 96l 97 16 18 20 20 1 38 20 I 2" 46 46 93- I 9:i 164 16 39l 89 do preferred j I'nlted Bute Steel Comosny. oreferred. ex- dividend of 1 per cent. - - -Total ale for day, S62.6O0 har.T Call money 2 per esnt. TOBOFAH MTBIBO STOCKS. Baa Franclaco, May 8. Tonopah stocks, clo morning seaslon: Bid. Bid. Montana ,..,...$4.10 Lone Btar 8 .10 Midway 1.6S Adama 10 MrNamara .40- Mohawk .24 - Belmont 1.25 Dili Tt North Star 68 Kendall 23- Beseu ..; .06 Oolutnbla Mt ... .41 (lold. Mount... .IB - Jumbo .77 Jim Butler ... ..94 Jnmho Eiten.-.,. .16 Nevtd . "Aaaa-. .18 Black Butta. ! Ton. Kiten .... B.28A Kllver Pick 15 Red Ton 38 Hold. Anchor l, . . .80 (toldfleld . ... ...u.o. Bay O'Brtea-,,. .06B vtandatorm' ... .BOA I Ophlr Ton .... .aaA. Sandatorm Ex.. ,13 I o. Bull Fro ., .88 North Htar .... .18A I Diamond Field., .66 Cash Boy .20 1 11. imestske .26 B08T0X 0PPZB STOCKS. Boston. May 8 Official copper cloae; f rll.l, 1 tw Hid.. Adventure Allous . . ,$ 3.60 Mtcblgaa JTT78 11.00 . 19 BO ' . 12.60 " -. mt.fto -. 641). 00 . 16.ISI Mohawk 48.60 28. 60 Atlantic",.,.',' Bingham 7T... Calumet ...... Centennial ... Copper Mt ... Copper Range. Paly Weat ... Pom. Coal ... Franklin Cranny , (Ireeiie Copper Green Gold,. Mae Old Don daceola -T, ,. Parrot . (Julacy Hanta F Hhannnn ..... Tamarack .... Trinity I'nlted Copper I'lah '...,,., Victoria ..... Winona Wolverine .... - 91. on--2:1.00 96 110 , 1.60 8.00 K 110.00 3 . Si. 87 4262 8 Ml 10 .28 . 106. oO 40.00 .Total 12.60 78.00. - 6.00 " 8 BO 28 76 850 T.7B Burling Bat. New Tork. My 8. Sterling rate: 486.TB; 6t day. 484 78 . Demand, AXZKICAB STOCKS IK LOHDOK. Iaindnni May 8-t p. m. -Anaconda decllaed Atchlaon declined 1. preferred declined ; Baltimore A Ohio declined ; Alton declined !( Chepeake A Ohbt declined 1: Bt. Paul rlecltned : Erie declined . firata declined ; Illlnola Central declined ; LnnlavHIa A Naah. vlll declined .Hi Katy JccUaad . prafarr 84r 88 t 84 Ner- Tork Centrat declined 1: Norfolk A W cetera dedluad 14: Unr devlloed Horn laipnn nccniird fa ; Houtuem l anna iWllnrd TA; BoutharB Railway rdecllned- 4 J I'nlon raTnc declined 1; I'nlted Ulalca Hteel declined Hi preferred declined H; Walmab declined preferred dec-Unrd . IC0TT0N CLOSING IS ; SI tAUY. ANU SIKUIvU (Fumlahed br Overbeck. Starr A Cooke' Co.) New Vara. May S. Official cotton cloalng: Onen, llkrh. Low. Cloae. January . ...... 783 79 : TM T98f98 February, ran .." Tarrn -May , ajtfr TM TTS T.V TtalAIO lima . Til -TtO TIS Tnxetnt July Augnat . . , Heptetnher October . , Novemler December 767 T71 '756 . T71i72 THB T76 TH3 TTTt79 7HH 784 : TH7 . 74iuK6 T7 8 784 T76 T86j8T 776 T9S - 711 72ie .: - Llvarpoel Cotton Higher. IJverponl. Majr S. Cotton future closed 4 to 6 point up witsr-tB mar ajuiet ana eteeay. ' VEw-.TOKX COFFEX MAKXET. New York, May 8. Offklal coffee cloae: Rid. Aak. I Bid. Aak. May ...... $a.iaiXovemlMr ..,$7.25 $7.20 Jnn .T..T6.86.tinecember ... T.8.1 T.4 July 6.90. 8.96i January T.4r T.45 Augnat .... t.oo 7. 06 1 February ... T.4.1 KeJiember .TBI 7 151 March T.45 T.BO it totMir . .1.20 T.2BI . Teralg Coff KarkaU. "Tfew tork. May 8. The F.uropean coffee mar. keta are itnchangHl. Receipt were' email with aXjaffcJmt---ttf- Rtrr-wnd -Brito;gs1nat'm.oon bags laat jrearT'BWi waa hi 111 and ueehaiigad ana Baniua ruie aieauy ana nncnangeu. ' ' ' ' New Tork Oath Ooffa. New Tork. May 8. Caab coffee: No. T Bio, 8c; No.- 4 8nt. 8c. . - - " WALL ITBEXZ OOBBIT. ' New York. May 4). Th Wall Street Journal y:'- American atocka in koooon era, weak. fenerally a point below parity. ' Japaneae boada n London are weak. Several 1 nltrd State 8t ejlanta hooked up to the end 01 the year. American Can company officiate report con aiMuplloa larger tbaa. aver. Brook ly B Rapid Trauatt intareat oecmr tory aave tne caan in tbe bank to pay tb franchlae tax. important meeting of Euilttable director without axaeu tlv officer' today. Preaaed Steel Car bttetneaa for lwoS la eatlmated- at $23.On0.oon, the large! except' 1903. Fortnightly aettlement beglna In London on Wednesday. Bettar demand fur atocka dn tbe loan crowd. Interboroagh aella $,r of 6 per cent. 8 year gold nntea. The banke Vnel ta th aubtreasnry on Friday $118,000. Twelve Indnalrlala d'llned 63 per cent. Twenty active railroads Oecreawil 61 per cost. . Z . Bow Tetk London Sugar. -New' Tork. .Mar A Miiaar--RellnaA- aa. cbansed; London beet augar. ateady. Dyspeptic What da you think Is the bent thing for the appetite? - Heartyman Food. EITHER. LARGE OR SMALL ORDERS Are always given, the promptest attention at our-store-on-Wtst j?ark and .Washington .. s&cets. We make it our religious duty to 8ee-4hatalIgr4U'wujuad-meaU soldirom ,,our.9tQrerethe freshest the market affords. Note the special" prices we quote for this week - - - - - , . ' -HO" Jm On dozen Boxea.farlor Matches. 6 can American Sardines. 25 - '- -6-Tiwna-Tarctlet. -f - S 3cii ' Condensed CTmf Sd'jlpaer io- S-lb. can "Solid Pack Eastern Tomatoes. 25 ; T lbs. best Eastern Rolled Oats. - 30 10 ' pounds - good Broken - Rio. . Two I -lb. cjins Pork and Beans... 20- Can Baker's or Ohlrardelll's Cocoa. - J 'W deliver on Eat Side every day. Fellows Grocery Co. Pbone Mala SS96J 8T4 Waahltrto t. JtXZTIKa BOTIOB. I 41ABMONY laUDCE. No, 13. A. T. A A. M. Stated communication this I Mondavi eve.. 7:80 o'clock. Ma- aonlc tempi, Bd andAlder- ata. v" JTS- Work In ii U decree. All at. U. welcome. By order W. M; - BUFVS R. RALL. Secretary. IVANH0E LOrMlBy No. 10, K. ef P. Regulsr convention tonight at 8 o'clock In rythlan hall, eighth floor Marquam building. Vlaltlns knight cordially In vited. L. VESEY, C, C. FRED P. HOLM, K. of B. and S. HILF WAKTED MALK, COMPETENT btrycl repair man, ene who It eiperleneed and can do brailng; rood berth for right msa. Csll st store. The S. H. Bralnard Co., 123 Orand are. . WANTED 8 good, live hustlers to represent a new line her; will pay food eemmteehia. Call 280 Grand ave., room 60, any evening from T to 9. . WANTED Mattreet-maker and boys to lesrn mattress-msking; good vmgr. Petera A Roberta' Furniture Co., 40 Front., en. Datla. STANDARD -SfwdSe. men' --trw-pect list, r cur all chronic dleeaee. Electrical a poll - ncea, batterle. belte. Headquarter 91 lat. WANTED An eiperleneed solicitor for city; permanent pool I ion; good enmrolMlon, Call . beU 8 and 7 p. " , 'a Third at. , I'LASTERERS wanted st once, No.. 613 24 st.. florin roriiano, net. t in ana wta st. CsU venlnfs. D. E. Jsnsaa. School telegraphy A electricity: pupils wanted: also position wanted for graduatea. 306 lat. DETr7CT'ss -Mm to learn; we guarante work lo our puplla. R 801, 268 Morrlaun at. WANTED $ ftret-elaa marble and granite eut , tera. Blacalng Oraulle (o., 26T Third at. YOI'NG man wltb aome expert nc. furniture factory. Apply 106 North Eleventh at. CARPENTER wanted; $6.98 to Bret-elae men. Twenty-fmirth and Aah, eaat. KELP WANTED FIMALE. WANTED Gentleman would Ilk to meet yonnf . lady who la. ansloua to set lute gymnastic or rrobetl buelneaa. Addrea X X Z, JonrnaL BITX'ATION wanted by middle-aged ladylfo Jake charge ef morning honae; first-class ref a ranee given, i'bon Main 8118. WANTED Cotnfretent glr for general work: family of -tbrw., (nil 356 N. Thlrty- at. W ANTED A woman to do weehlng. Call at T68 "Heift - Bnrnattle 6r phone tc-aet 42- A WOMAN capable nf taking charge family boarding boner. ' M2 Clay at,. ef a InKnerT WANTED ExperliBced ' body . lAitBdrF Cev - . - . - - t'uloa 6-ellned s4 r,W? JournaU Branch Offices ADTZKTIBEMEKTS will ba received at regular main office rate at the f iilla win 4wa .jpjii aa 11 te Tbe Irrnrnai--la time far publication la tbe Bait taanei - KOBTH. ----- J- B. A. rreatoa, Oragflat, 28d and Thar, man etrecta. .. - .. " Sob lllll Pharmacy.: 880 OUaaa itreet. ' A. W. Allen, pharmacist, 16tb Sod MT!-- aballetreeta. - Bi U laiki, iialiallaaiaen 699 .Wsih Ingtea atrsel, corner 19tb. , . .... .... - BOTTS. - - B. F. Jones A Cov" druggist. Front iCottel Lrug Cam pah'y. First and OraBt" . alfeata. . ' . " EAST SirE. . Tattle's Pharmacy. 853 Mlaabwlppl S Ve nn, corner Shaver atreet, Nlchola A Thompson. 128 Uuaaell street, . corner Albln vbu, Isnck Drug Company, corner Haw thorne and Grand avenne. t, A. Dirk, tobaccos,. 224 Crosby (aat . end teel bridge). . - B. FT-Fulton, confectionery, 874 Et Burnsldr corner Union avenue. -- Ingram A Bush, tobacconist. 188 Graad -vuu. ' STJKKTSrBE. "' I. E. Wartb."harnjclst, 999 Bslmont -."SW -M0iatl-r- -Brooklyn Pharmacy, corner Powell and a Mllwukl -stretta. " Safety I thai first thin to think of; profit next. Money In the bank la either 4afa-rn86fer-tio" tntddlo ground. -to ozaSxiST mvBT ooMw,ArrXBr oaxaoa-." .. Resourcps Over$ 1 ,000,000 ! safe; our tntcment ahowa -this. Send for our book of .:- ,: . . .: -"-lI.riTJBTmATTOWB Whiort-oxplttlrm-lK'iTr we) fntte-rtter k.ln. i...lli,.'Taa ,la..ait that Tift V -m t In 4 r-r ""M 'M""' "1 " drawn at any time oy living kx-rum number of days' notice. J PORTLAND TRUST COMPANY OF OREGON To Third. Street, i Hg?L7hT"CK?f: t.;J. President aa6Bat4B1aBaaBBBmMS B. LEE FACET. J.. O, WLIUi..., 93 Grand Avenn. . PEon IJaat 813. TU la from Muaaourt.'' XOTICK. etaea rwroauTy-coirTnt the stste of Oregon for Multnomah county. . Ophelia A. Elliott :on. I for Multnomah county. . tlohell A. Elliott, t . . . , " , , . a a Wna r, 1 1 aa oe t n At . it. lai-w auu uuu - nlatnttrea wa -ttaerv Nnrthmn Lntl VallaUV L- f-igham. fleiirga, yr'"-l'"lMm fld.ylllam Vallannlngham, defemlaiit. liliisrry Ei.SM'thitiiJLntle Valtandlngham. George Vellaudlngham and -WTlJiam Villa nrt tnaham thai.. ideaMtaa above named.- and all other unknown or non-reldul. It anyH inch there be. who are brtrs or devlaeea of Benjamin F. Cat on, dree seed, or Interested In bis estate.' z -laa nam ofthe atate of Oregonyon tha county court of the atat of oregou r tnlri.owiali nwiirt 1 at Ilia I'uurtroom -tboreaf. 'at th. cliy- of Portland. In aald county and etat. Tbureuav. the latday .oiJuo. 71903. - at B:an A'eim'k t rha tbfnoon ot thai then and thara to ahow caua. If BUT there 1 ha. atha tha. nroiataof that certain writing - nteooriln to be in laat will ot Benjamin 1 F. Catoo, deceased, beretofor on tb 16tb day of March.- 1906, allowed la aald court. BhomA wnr "h vacateil. levtiku mA .,M w,ltln aclared to b th laat nwm ot eke -aid ItMJaiutii r.Xbjndeceied, T Wltnea my hand and toe. seal ot aaiu cimn heretofore efflxad thIS 2a th . oay. ol April,. A. 190B. - -.. . ' ' Seal ot County Court. F. 8. FIELDS, Clerk of ..the Couuty : Court ...ol Multoomaa County, Oregon. DEPARTMENT OF THB INTERIOR. Washing ton, D. 4J.J April 18 1906. Sealed propoaala for tbe conatructlou ot arhoolhouae at Klllla noo. Wrangeit and Jackaon. aontheaatern Alaaka, for teacbera' realdcmea at Klawock, Prince of Wnle laUnd. and Shaken, aonth eaatern Alaaka and for schoolbouaee with n teacher' realdenee attached at lieerlnd, oa the Arctic coaat. and Halue and Kek In aontheaatern Alaaka. will ba received at th department nntli 2 o'clock p. m.. Saturday, June 10, 190S. and will be opened lmine.ll- - ately thereafter. In the preaence of auch bld- dee ae may dealr to fttend. Blank, forms of proposal, embracing DclDctlou, may b obtained on appllcatfnn to tb department, or to th comiulaalouer of education, wber - drawing abowlng detalja may lie Inaperted. TlsDr" and specfflcstlnm '-mav'tlso be" an nd obtained from Prof. William A. Kelly at Sitka. Alaaka: at Juneau and Iwmglee fro pi Llvlngaioa -F Jonaa of Juneau and frotB Abe napeetlv - VnltM Pta. ca cnmmiaaionrr at Ketchikan.-WranfeTt. Skafway. Seward and Valdes. Alaaka. B. A. Hitchcock, eecretary. KOTK'B dlaaiilutl in ef parlnerahlp, Natlee la berebr given that the partnerahlp bereto for existing between John ttagen and B. R. - Mead, under th firm nam of Tbe O. A M. Bottling Company, baa been dlaaolved hy mutual consent; end sll tb bnslnes.- debts - snd credit ot Mid firm ar aaaumed and succeeded hy John Gagen. Dated this 25th"dsy of April 1908, " VOH!, V,AfJES - ' B. R. MEAD. FTJXEXAL NOTICE. LEVT lo this city, on Msy 8, 190B. at th family residence. 29o Lincoln itreet. Ann Levy, beloved mother of Mr. J. Shermsnsky, Mrs. H. Blstt. Mrs. M. M. Ohet. Ttlll levy, 8. J. Levy, Harry Levy and Ixnila Levy. Funeral Tuesday. May 9, 19. at 2 p. m.. from th above residence. Friend respectfully Invited to attend. I'leae emit flower. WEIN Jacob C. member Oregon Fir camp. No, ' B.086, Modern Woodmen of America. Funeral - will be conducted -fry -Modern Woodmen from .- realdence, - 2117 Eaat Thlrty-eeventb itreet, Tueaday. May 9. All -neighbor! pleaae ar range to attend Meet, at ball Oregon Fir cenip.- V bt Tuesday. HARRIS At hie family residence, 660 Hoyt atreet, ill. E. Harrla, father of Carrie, Ike. Lena. Tlllle. tlennlr, Francla. Rot and arah Harris. Funeral 460 Iloyt atreet, 2 o'clock, Tueaday. LOST AXD roUKD. Cither Lost or Found advwrtteemeata. rata wards for 11 teats." aaoa, H 11ST On Third St.. bet. Pnatsl Telegrsnh of fice snd police ststlon, a sliver, filigree bolder . fountain pen and a gold Pn with gutta perch . bolder. Reward If returned to r. L. Perklna, Journal nfflc. LOHT Thursday, email nnrae corner Blxteenth and Savler; contained bahv'aJnd lady' ring and email change; reward If returned to 613 Savler at. ) .. e LOST Weat side, email seal brown cocker -eiuinlel wtcb! aerawers to Babi.reward. Tel- Cohone- Esst 979. ' a FOUND A piece to hsve heir msttiesee rwe vatad end returned same dar. Phoa Mala - 474. Portland Curled Hair factory. BITTATIOXS "WAKTED MALK. AN eiperleneed colored man a nit wKt want - permanent altuationa aa cooa ana Duller or 1 IimMM mani-, can eeiin heat or fereneee, Ad- i dreaa George W. I - , UT Tal. UUU'BI I ,la Tale, 4649'St. Louie ave.. Mt. lexiiay aio. FIRST-CLWIB eereimae la open for a penpoel tinn; five yeara In paint aud nil bnaliieoa; ne objection te- tearing tuwnj Addrea T 11, csr Journal. . A MIDDLE-AGED, eobe- and Indnatrlona aalea nan vmnld like poaltlon of aome kind;- can glv flrd-claa referenr. Addrea T 86, r Journsl. WANTED Poaltlon as mechanical draftaman or to do work'St home', Invention developed. Addrea T. 11, care of Jnunnl. CARPKNTEIl wanta fnh or repair wosk. ot smalla, . Jisia $998.- - , , . (. large SAFE MONEY a a a f - BUI WABTED MALE OS - Flit llLw- . . . m I - -- -- ----- --- - - MEN and women to lear barbae trade la 8 weeks; hatrdrewlng. aaaotcoringl- graduate ' earn $16 to $26 weekly. Seattle Barber Col - lege, 121 Waablngtua . at- Seattle. . WANTED Ladle and fcntlemen to have calling and buatneaa canla printed. BOe 100 and $2.25 . 69 Sixth at. Automatic Preae. F1HHT-CLA88 aaleaman ' tor ahlrta uuncrwear Th 8ITCATION wanted: molber v and daughter, I- rooking and acorjd work; prlvat family. . . -Ti D"" ' Jd a 1 a 04 1 a..- YOLNU lady would Ilk the rare ef jt child -arena Adilreae S 8t i al E1T1AT10N wanted; experienced woman paatry . conk;, wage $40: good refereuce, 830 Yam- hill. ph,,a Main,,, 6.111. . -. SITlATItN-wanted; neat, mlddl-ged woman, . Ilslrt hxiaework. car of child. 230 yam hill. 1'bone Mala 6418. ud knit Boeneea C., 12 I aula ar j 'l -SITPATIOBB w-ABTEDt-FIMALX. ' " VOITKO lady dealrea poaltloa aa atenogrspber or general of See work; aome experience. Address 8 37, csre.JournsL ' COMPETENT womaa, good worker, wants work r- l.a Ik. . . , .1 ..I I ....... Phnn, ' ..aj , a,w uuwi. MHln 1625. v. - EXPERIENCED woman wanta work, by tha day. Artdres 1ST Montgomery St., or pnou Main 4378, . . ... KKMARI.K woman "Wants dsy work, aa help - rlaiirant or hotel. Addrea or call 93 Wood t. ' BY l lady, aaatatant . bookkeeper. ' accountant 1 or of flew work. Phone Main 6008. f WANTED TO XEXT. BOOMS I - ROOMS I .ROOMS! W want flrat-claaa fornlahed room, prl- - vat reel Jrne preferred. Bee a at oncei - wa ar clualng ear Hat: oaf gueate will pay ' top rate fur flrat-claaa accommodation: . w chart a email conimleeton aud (end yoa . Srst-claa people: book your room now with II. C. Bower. Portland Hotel, or the Lewie -.A Clark Hotel Co.. 1HS Blitk St., Oregunlaa . - bldg. Phone Main 298. BOOMS la all parts ef th ctty, tnralabee. Apply 220 Goodnougb bids. EXPOSITION ACCOMMOOATTON . BDBKA P. Coder dlraeltna of tb Lewie and Clark Fair . . - Corpora tloa. . . , "Pboae Mala 6268, BOOMS wanted In all part of city; w do not rent your ronma, we send yon applicant. Lewis and Clark Furnished Room Aaaocla- - Moo.- 181 "Nurth Blxtk w.'- - ..' WANTED -Par Ij ta 'pntn e reataurant ; amaloar. oi a atoraroom. earn jnxTtr reeif one racae -- I. ""'", i- -t .rruie-.. WAKTED By eeatern party, fornlahed cottage IW . auburb:.-permanent; beat refernce. Ae - dees - B 2ft,- care- Jottmai. WANTED REAL EST ATX. WANT KB Lcl ee he and Ion moat be cheap foe eeebi. i Addrea t 81, ea Jonsnal. ,. WANTED FINANCIAL. $350 TQ .8500 loan-wanted on gilt edeed real , ' palate . or chattel - aacurity, . 1 to 4 .years; alralght Intereat; no agent a commlaalon. Ad dreea Borrower, S 34, care-Journal, . WAKTED AGEHTH - WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED More aprayhaa" whitewashing: tnr vnjty outfit on tbe coaat. M. ii. Morgan A Co., - -Mil -2241V FOR HIRE - for pleasure partlea Gaaolln schooner Evs; terms reaaonarilef now irinf - V t the tqyt- of Tburman. . . , SHORT ORDEH Printing Hoi J. Rrder. l-a4tBiJSbtn.tpnjta, 6lsln 6536. WiVTKD Geotle. Toumr bora 7iir- -caeh rrs der VI I Hnaeii at. I'hon jrai atr79. WANTED Few .canaries, male or.fefnsljXJtat 8 27, car Journal. .. . FOB BEXT H0UBLXEXF1X0 BOOMS. -tOmsbiaarUda -t t!Jll18otlnn.yste-"ai rnmsni.1) bonnet laundry; block Irom i. car. 84 BnsseU.- THB LINDA V18TA. nicely futolabr t i-ia-Leep- . Inf and alngl room ressoosble. rirtn. . FOR RENT Fnrnlsbed bousckeeptnf rooms. ln- quire. 180 Sherman at. . FOK XEXT FURNISHED BOOMS. THK OARItND 621 Waablngtoo. net. nineteenta ana Twen tieth: new, modern, sll outside room, elec tric Ugbt. phone, free bstbs; 8tc. TV. $1 per day; rat by week; reataorant In basement. THB MONNATB8. 288 Flrat at.; alngle roome from II ta V; furnished housekeeping suite from f 1 .78 to BB ner week: room per -Bight, BO and 25c: tourist selldted. FURNISHED -boneekaeplng suite. $8 ep; else -. trsnaleat and board. - Coldamltb, eor. Oold- emlth and Albtna ave.' Phone Union 6232. MAKQ'iAM HOUSE, 146 6th Room ea olt ' or (Ingle: housekeeping room; gae atevea, ba tb, electric light I teanalanta ollc4ted. TWO Terr. airy. . front ronma, ground floor, neatly fumlabed.- 46 North Thirteenth at., ' west. bet. courb and Parle. RIVERSIDE HOTEL 846 Eaat Oak at.: fur. pished and unfurnished housekeeping rooms; - ?dgl"4T.- Phono Scott 864.- - NICELY furnished front room with ua of kitchen: alao front room foe sleeping. 846 Biirnsld at., near Tth, NICELY -FCBNIHHED, bay-window, front room In private family; ewntraily located. In- . DESIRABLE fnrnlsbed housekeeping room by . week or month; gss, bath; near fair. 5-14 . Overton. THK OLAPflTONB 611 Sevier St., fornlahed rooms; nndrr aew manaasest; price rea eonable. NICELY furnished room, wltb phone, $2.60 per week aad BP. at 290 fa. J.ff, ae. bath. CLEAN, cheap fnrnlsbed rooms and lodgings - BB Elfbteentb St., 8 blocks from fair grounds. CHEAPEST and beat located rootna In Portland. .- $1 week a p. Oilman. Flint and Alder at. . ELEGANT fnrnlsbed room for 1 or 8 gentlemen, private family; ga. bsth. 661 Taylor. ' i BOOMS - AXD BOARD. YOUNG men. If yoa want to board and room In n permanent n flrat-claaa bona, where ens, wber J will remsla f re bow. -cell I St., rar - . rate are exceedingly na, an wll tb ear a next earn mar aa thy are , at tbe A a tar Mouse, ni neveata . of Madison, isi. mam aau ELEGANT sceommodatlons, rate by day, week or month; dining room: price right Th Irving, cor. 18th nd Irving. Mala 6420. . THE LINDELIe New fsmlly hotel, Markst, bet. . Third end Fourth; steam best, electric Ugbt, porcslsiB baths; exceedingly low rates. . . 170 TENTH ST. Nicely fornlahed large front parlor; alao emaller room: gae, bath, phone . reasonable; board If deaired. riRRT-CLASSproom and board. 16 ner week. S02 Clsy, , nan; Fifteenth. Pboti. Msla B09U. HOnaE FOK BEXT FTJBBITTfBK FOB 8AIE. , EIN1 furnllur Broom bona, bieement: 2 year' leeae, rent $:6; exchange for. anburhan cottage neat cat line,- 74 Third. Main 85S7. NEW furniture ot 6 room bouse for isle, $; . honae for rent, $15; large yard and fruit Tr( cm to can Adrde 8 39, Journal. Ft-RNITI'BB of a room hem a for aale cheap v it taken tbla week: rrut $40; com, and ; It; a bargain. 47 North Ninth t. FI'BNITVNB ef Broom bonae. entirely new and modern; rent 126. 104 Twelfth St., 4 doors from Washington. FOB BALFi Furnlturs of 7-room cottage, twice t.178: rent 12o: clo la: no scents. Aildrwaa T. 36, esre of Journsl. FI'RNITt'flf! n-rtiom bone, good realdence part ...of c1ty..fl5u. Hatfield -ABtuilh,. Itlu. Fourth at., room 32. j ' . ; . . FOB SALE 12-ronm, fornlahed irnlahed bonaa. elf-AJ Jhiqiilr B35 Flander. - 7 ent 660. giiodleaae, I tUl Bittb. - , V ready for fair; bargain. I FOR SALE ,4 rocni... rent sail Dt low eoM. - iu : a