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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 7, 1905)
VOL;-II. NO. 8.-rrrr: "PRICE FIVE "CENTS.- mmm "PORTLANDS OREGON,1; SyNDAYMORNINGTMAY"' yrlDOl-FOURSECTrONSHrRTYlk . PACES. WMBM RSME1E mMmwsmmimMMMmmmm ISCISEN I Fred Merrill Will Run As an Independent, So I May Zimmerman. DIRECT: PRIMARIES , - STOP FRAU DS AT POLLS Machine Made Desperate Fight to Nominate Williams, Bever idge, McNary and Majority of Councilmen at Larger ' Th "tlrkola nominated yeattrdajr' f th- Xlr -4iot primary held in Fort - land, with precinct 0 mlaathg-, . and i "fw prwlncta Incomplete; - aa followar For Mayor Q0. irrWHllama. K; Dr. : rTor .AudiKrTi3&.;I)vlliw: HI i --:y-' Kor Treaaiirer J.US." tV'erletn, R-Z i.... ror tiiy Attorney 1 a. ucrnarjr, n. . For Municipal Judica Qeorge J. Cara- eron. Rrtiartea Perratn.-D. PSf LWAclimen al airae John "AT I -li- naod. R;Thoma trr, , K ; Qeorgr - M. "llyland. B; Daa Kellahar, K; J. P, har- : - Ward Councilman FHrat, Jlobart A. r Praaton, R.I T. J. Concajinon. D. 8ao - end, K M. Bullivan. R.; Charlea Xlurfin. lXTblrd, flww ft Punwlnr mat It, tUxth, & A. Beldlar. : H. PrkerfcjJ,8eventli. AGLRub; ; R.; Dan J. Shcrrett. D. Eishth, Frank 8. Bennett, R. Ninth,. A. K. WUIett. R. Tenth. L O." Roblnaon, R.; Vaughn; ' - X Mayor George H. Wllllama witi noml Tiated foi mayor by the Republican of Portland veaterdur In the primary lec tlon. leading hla nearest opponent, H. B. " : Albee, by l.OOo rotea. ' v ? Dr. Harry Iane received the Demo cratic nomination for mayor,. .. havlnB nearly three to . one over George H. 1'homas, , U A. McNary. Republican, 1 for city attorney, haa double the votea for the nomination that were given to E. T. Tagnart. J. E. W'erjeln, Republican, haa .nearly twice aa many-for city -treaaurcr aa J. W. Beverldce. and George J. Cam- 1 -eron. Republican, defeated Otto-Kraenmr for municipal Judge by lit For coun cilman at. large, J.- P. Sharkey, Dan Kellaher, John Annand and Thomas Oray.-"Republlcna. candldatea of the liquor men, were nominated, D. . J. forces, being defeated by George Hy land, wham on. the civic Improvement platform. . W. 1. Clemens, knifed by the liquor. forces III the north end,-ranlfor- priod of four yenr. -I, had atrong in the residence dlatricts for councllman at targe. " ; ' ' Owe of the aarprlelng lenulla1 Pf thr primaries was the nomination of Larry . . Bulllvan for the council by the Republi cans of the Second ward. : Ha- defeated Sam Wagner by SO votes." ' . Sharkey apparently added to his sup ' port by liquor men the votes of cltiieni who Indorsed him for his stand In. favor of the Tranchlae for the Los Angeles telephone company. The results show that tha liquor deal- : era centered their strength on the mayor, city attorney, municipal judge and coun-ctlmen-at-large candldatea of the Repub lican party. Their activity was appar VJ ent throughout the entire voting period. f A. F. Flegel and Thomas Oulnean were nominated by the Democrats for council-men-at-large. , .. . : ' . When the polls closed at 7 b-'r-locfc tha v- forecaat made by The Journal yeaterday that Mayor Williams would be re .nomlnatsd, and, - Dr Harry Lane- would win the Democratic nomination over r Oeorge Hi Thomas had been mads good. ' - Wllllama. Albee and -Glafk were ao equated the, factors In tha race. Mer , . rill was not Von.lifered a major element ft In the fight,, excepting that, had he I Dolled If, MP'pitnt tif the Renuhllrwn vote, ha probably .would have prevented Wllllama from receiving' the nomina tion, as It was conceded that ha was drawing' directly from Wllllama. A feature of tha election was the re- I .i, markabltf amall number of electors - not registered according to pontics who cast votea by affidavits. It waa expects that cloaa to 1,000 such votes would be rasr, and It waa In the first, second and - third wards that they were expected to appear in greatest fore. -But In thei warda, where gross attempt, at running . floaters wers expected, - there were - perhepe fewer votea caat by affidavit than In the reeldenoe wards, where Ir- rgularltlea are not commom" - - "floaters Are Derelicts. ; : Tirthe" fourth precinct, second "ward. - the polling place of -wMch waa at t2T Flanders street. "Irry" Sullivan had - prepared to win - his candidacy for rouncllman ' by voting a large number of floaters, "by affidavit. John Bain and r (ieorge Howell, Albee workers, wars on . the ground, however.. A voter had Jut "7rreaented an affidavit algned by six freeholders, when Howell, In the pres ence of tbs election board,, asked one of the six: i . s.' - . ( "Do yon know that man's namef i nDr. Harry Ltnv Democratic Nomine for Mayor.' ! i-AFoiii I W. I aaw I M . v t a I I I - . t . i. : ... . i "If Elected I Will Clva the People V " H AH TimeirVSayVthe "T"-- ; nee for After Xr. Lane had heard th. rsult of ths prrrarrlea,'1ie id: "v . v,. AS a 'candidate, before the people for the office of mayor of this city. It la but i fair oa my' part to set forth plainly and ithal u candidly,, what f may , be .- e- pic ted of me as. a public servant In rl)TselI. event that I am elected 'to such "Office. so -that in time to cone It may not tie aald of me, that I waaJn any -wise a party "To rdeeeptton - or double ' dealing. In asking for the support and votes of my fellow eltlxens. siJtc. ..-.. "As ' to who I anu-I.wUl. say-.bat-1 was born In Oregon, and have lived In Portland since IMS. ; I havemy Idoala as lu liuw plibllu effiee uliuuld li tan ducted, and they have not been. made up to meet this occasion; for I have held the same views all my life : and once chance to teat; them, and did so, and the aame la nf record. x fr Ts. easy-tfl- boaitfnafewllT -.. . ... . MATOB AUD. IBEA8. ATTV. i JLDOI t:: i. I I ? I i mvrt. X l: T Wz W: "M il m I . Pteclact 1... lit . Preclnet S. 2e lYertnct .... 12 Precinct .... : t2 Prwlnet ... '.' W i rrecinct 0. i.. Prerlnrt T..... . .' W .i'rtfrtnet .... Precinct ...,- a Prectwt. 10... "T ' Prevlurt ' - So Precinct It... 10 Precinct teclnct 14.,. ' ie Precinct 1 l-reclect 1 PreclDct IT... . .30 PrwclJct ,1H... , rt Piwclnct 10... . . A3 Precinct ... IS Peeetnct 31 . .v 1 Ifclnct .... " 10 Precinct .... Ill Precinct t4 ----- 20 Precinct a5.,. 4 Predn-t 90.,, V an trecnicr TT: I'rcctnct 3..jL Z3 Precinct 20... M Precinct SO.,. 21. Precinct ' . Precinct ni. .. T2 Precinct 3... " 2H Precinct M...' " " S.'l Precinct IW. - -. 41 Precinct JK:. m Prertnct-IT...- ' M PrWIixt '" T1 Precinct 3..i ? Precinct 40... . M Precinct t.-.. 44 Trectnct 42,. ... BT PreHncl 4... JOT Precinct 44. . at Precinct 4, , M pTKlnct 40... " '44 Precinct 4T... 1 Pradnct 4S... . ST precinct 40.. - at Precinct -M... M Precinct t... " 00 PraclMt M-.,. 00 Precinct M. .. M Precinct RA... tl PreHnct M. .. .30 Precinct T... 31 precinct M.".'."""f Tfft.1 1,013 -' . -. v ..-v . -.. :i.'..-i.-v txh : -V. , . the Best That Is Within Me at" ; Democratic 'Nomi- "' : Mayor.' do If given a place ofpubllc trust, "but If a man ' candidly , state, what he will do and can point, to tn.act that he has dona' the game thing before, It la pretty fair' evidence that he-can do so agata jf he tries. Thus much for my. fWlthreapect to -the-sdmlntetratlon of public affairs r will be equally can did: In the first place. If elected, I will uae but one rule and. ask but one question. Is 1t In the Interest of the city? and. Is ltrlghttIf It lsLIshall stand for. It. - This you my depend upon, through thick andthln,. regardleaa of peraonal preference or per.onal con.e- I i "i 1 'i f ill) Bind,. alnVf.lm,flril I , wm 1 stand for it. No man who keeps him self and his affairs within the rightful laws of the city has anything to fer from me or mine. No man who seeks to evade the ends of decent Justice, haa (Continued, on Page Six.) 1 VOTE " BY PRECINCTS v.. .14 J1 .'- 4 .....'. T . 4l M .j S3 ...... 2T . 4 ' . t- 4 c- H 34 ' ' f l 2T- is : iu T ' a'.'.-, s n to to , o aa ei t t to -" ao '.: .0 , , in a a : 27 . m. . 14 ; 34 : m ' it . 20 r - 10 t 11 sa . V 8 . IT. . TIS . ' B, 62 Vi8, T J 00 ' . OA ' . J 80 M , .411 3A 88 ' '. 3 10 e ' ,it' '11. ,. , -...... ..." no ; 40 1- 04 aa . - ea a, a h 40 '" s - s t 0 . ar : ; T - .at . st - ii4 4T m ' wo 41 ' ivo a ' ia as . ' a 8 ' - 30 r-; -'0 1. -..83 . . ! 8 14 JV - m V 18 . 8. J2 48 130 , 13T '40 8 - 11 T let j IT 8 14 t,i ao t , o ao a . iti ea 112 124 --;.- ;." in:. , 10 oa o a is - .; 0 ,' '.. 10 84 . 0 ! Ji- ' . 0"-. 0 --JS- 80- 00 J 3 , ..00. OO 8 28 IT -8T ' 8 8 -0 1T ,20 ' 8 M : ' 8 - f ; , 118 V" . M 00 . OT v3H-. H3 .j, 4 J, 13 ; -22 43 ... 14 . - .,; w T3"..aa - ii-L.8 -J4 -.' - "mtn, Tet " . t ' ." ia - ao';- 2- : . 20 0 20; - ,2t --18 -18-"- 1J 8 1W1 . 61-., OS 1T . 41 40 ' B . 14 - - 40 88-- 1 13 . 8 : ijo . o o. iia 40 ot T 82 .-42 0.., om i a 1 1 '13 , if.; . " -. 18---, . , Oil -: Zlr " . 0 '-,...'. ' 40 ;: 10 30 .- 21 10 4 2.... '1 , 10 8 j'1-,. 0 8" IO '-'"3 0O 80 8 - TO - 88-- 40' T 4 M 10 .: 8 10 M H.v-'lt.i,,. tn-f or j- 3 ... 1O0 . , 40 ' TO 8T 80 8T . 15 . .. 28 81 IT 8 18 ' v a .'. 4t .. i t ..- a as ' ,t ' 124 er--. m t 4t 44 it ' . o ; aa" it . 4 " a . t tf is ...... tor - ae-. - k . 42 . or " o 10 ar .' - vt . - ..... . f 0 ,22 w 8 T V 03 12 8 - 120 43 OS 00 4t . 18 T- TO ... 10 ' - 8 IS t 10 10, " 8l .IT ' 8 SO IX R0 41 -l 410 3 -SO 10 I ' IT 1 -----o - - - 2.1 ,.;rH-t-, . is t m -. --; ao i . : lot 4t . o . .it',. a ' -'so -. i ie 3 IT . 8 8 32 4 t OT .. i 40 . 8 H 3 ' 8T . O - 8 0 (. .. . ..-. , . . n 14 8 1M " 03 1M 114 48 4T 10 80 44 41 8 IT ; . r- 3 so- 84 V 63 -T-J 8--". O 110 " en - TO .80 - 48 ' 4r '21 --81 3- 4 1 10 , ' t I ' T 82" . 14 r V0 4---TtT.-.-.. --:.-14 1.1 ,v. f... &'- u M7.1S . ' 0 -; 21 5 8 - ' - 18! -."?. ' ' 8 T 20 T3 ' 02 . ' 82 " 20" - '' - T 4I 13 I 6 . 1 14 t . ,-jo ' -Tj ' oh - ..... ' -o.T.iwriM Ti ,-TJ".i- azzraa tr: . o . ::'---w ao -.yrrao 2z-r-. j - a ao.: a itt--n .18 - tit ttt" 40 r- i 42 , 00 il.' n at ' 30 . 4 10 O - T4 j-lV--jI T2-; 8 4 1T1 M- 121 113 . 87 Oi - 11 18 TT 10 0 ! K t .',,-- W-f.-ii.- r.l":. '1 121- - 42 01 : 80, 40 1 4i 8 . - . IT ,.- 81 10 - 8- -8. . , , si . ia i it --4 -.- - --T. aa - ai.-"; o.-;. aa".- at - - - 10 ' 13 18 to - a ' T .9, .. 23 v,;10 ..4.1.. ..'-a- -8T-.. " 88-. 01 ..TO .30.-.' 27 8 41 ,j,,2- 10 11 ' .24 8 - 8 . .81 . T 1 K! . 8T . ao , ..... . 84 in 12 ; ' '( 21 10 9 T , . 4T 21 10 23 ....V - ll ... 00. OT - SO - 80 43 30 81 .40 44 -3 ..... i Oy " 1 . 10 8T 9, I 00 20 , ' 00 ; m - - 8n ., 20 y -r 4 ' . 24 ... - 10 18 . ' 3 8 - a .m. ,;;; it..;. aa h. ea jSLV - 'ao.i-j-'ii8 ao .74 i -v -r- m ---c-l15. , ; i on so an. at . ia lft .awi lie 133 14a aa it- a "it "oa" '- 12 8 -' 25 ...e ,24 10 . ' 10 '-' 81 .... ..... ;--. y... ... ., ..... ........ ..... ..... " 1 44, H, 8 . 144 OS aa-" 87 e. oo . , KT ! Jl 14 40 :- Wr 19 IS .. . f 9t - !-' ta-, ao , tt::....- .li8a.; 2 sr. ? .'oo. v T ; 2 ' 8o -.- it': a' f ,, .,,e-so - -i4 - it-.r-4o- ,.. -'ia 4vi- aa rtoo -r-ts -.i.a 'a a- 4 on- -it- ta ia l .... -aa - a mi . oa ia a . -. tot mr- ,, 11 . -Tiea- - a k m :r;.-. ia 'zzL is ' - iv J--- ao ia ":.-C- . tt- . -. a.....f.- ia -:,- ao - .-10 ,. .... a ,..'.- tea "4 ... . 120 aar,...' aa . - at .arr,.4T---- si - - a - so- t - 48 T ,14 - 4T 18 10 127 - TO T3 . 84 47 ' , 48-.. IT , M 4t 10 10 24 - v. , ... ,41 It 81 , -68 - 18. T-. ' lOT""- TO 102" 114 . 80 ' . , 40 II 87 , 45 It - -.21 . '.. 0 , Tl . a 80 , TT ". ' 8 . -208 10 , . 1l , 478 ' 114 88'. ' 18 : ': 24. 110 , . 80 98 8 - '48 8 6.t ' 48 80--. 8 148 r.- 44. 110 e w J9 2 , s. . M ' M .'.m , in ' 0 . ' -S.- " 1 18 IT ..88 30 8 , .110 40 - 00 -- TT 48 22 i r , 13 2e"F" 10 M , . , 8 -' ' 40 10 , 88 60 ..... ....w' 170 TO 135 110 ... 81 62 IT tt ' "00 . X ' 88 40 aJ T ., 10 1, f 17. 4 It -Jw.-- 1ST u 03 fc- 14 . 11. -s.-,. Tit f 80 -S - . M .. -.- ' . 4 - 1 88. ,1 IT N 14 . 40 ..... .. 12T .. ST ion ., US - T8 80 g 8. i-- ' 80 ,.WJ5t . ' 8 ; , 10 8 1 48' 81 ' 23 13 . ... ., 8" , 20 8 M . 8 1 1 -- 60 M IT , 41 9o - 8 J 40 4T . 88 M 8 64 8 I 8 ( 45 - 28 13 94 S . ,l . I 11 18 v ... 8 . ; 9 ' . 47 8T , 34 , . ,, ' 14 . .4 1 1 10 18 8 ' , 8 ' 'e--3-- ..91 .'' 88 88 f IK : It . T -T., 3ft T . V :....'ll -1 ,.". ... l.tTt . WT8T 888 ' M09 640 , : 188 . T.02S ' 9,U T 4.828 ' 8.84T ... 9,918. . 1815 . ""fl3 ..." 3X4813 ' - MM.'-. '--484';--e4T - LAI UK - ' JtKUhJC NO LAV , ' - - ' Issue Squarely-Jqined-ky Advocates of Wide -Open Town.: MANDATE OF SALOON IS PROMPTLY OBEYED It Places Republican Party In At titude 7of I Representing the t North ErulVVhich Is . Bitterly " Resented, v T" f Three yeara a goJ b e"" alonne) .. a M chorchea ombinI to- e1ertthe4ton Oeorge II. Wllllama triayor of Portland. He wtl the reform candidate. He pro claimed It from "the .tump and talked It everywhara. ' The rfforffL flrmem hint at ilia word but the aaloon element. evidently better Informed, gave Mm Hi full and cordial support, when the cru cial teat came It . waa found that they bad made no mlatako. ' " "At lira elect Irrrr held' yeeaerday he-w renominated. i.-There appeared yeaterday morning In the Oregonlaq an. advertlaa mMitrpaldfor.,by the Brewers and Wholesale Liquor Dealer." assoolatlon, which.-In flaring typs made' thla an- nouncatnent: ' : " " - dorse the following candidates: "Vole the stfalghrilcSereha-Ten all pull together. , "Mayors George H Williamaf city at torney, L. A. 1 McNary; municipal Judge, George J. Cameron; eouncUmen-at-ls'ge, John Annand.Thomaa Gray. Dan K.ila her, D. J. Qulmby, J. P. Sharkey; coun cilman. First ward. Robert A. Preston; Second ward, vote for anybody; Third ward,' vote for anybody; Fourth ward, vote for any body :.JlfULward. J. Fanno; Sixth ward. Henry A. Beldlng; Seventh ward. "vote for anybody;-' Eighth ward, Frank 0. Bennett; Ninth ward, R. E. M'enefee; Tenth ward, E. L. Shaffer. ,' "These candldatea are recommended by a. convention at which the following bodies were represented: .Brewers' and Wholeaale Liquor Dealers' assoolatlon. Retail Liquor Dealers, Brewers' union. Bartenders' union. Beer Bottlers' and Drivers' union. Knights of tha Royal Arch, Clgarmakera' union. 'Look for the white ticket In red Ink for your instructions." - Practically tha,twaathe i ticket -norol- nated at the Republican primaries. The Instructions- were carefullyv-followed; a plurality "of the voters did precisely as liquor dealers' association., and ao there Is made apparent, what la by no means party favors an-ope town aa that term la understood and rjractlced 1n the north ' r -Tj T- (Continued on Page Six.) JL -FOR PRINCIPAL OFFICES. -r . - -- - , r ... y'V,, . " . .. . . .. ... sSvlf - - - ' - . fieorflc Hf' William. eiir Nnrninee'fnr Maya. t r 1 I - ku.a i f .t 1 L-rft II A l I I-1 - - - - . . . . -, Mayor Williams, in Cheerful Mood Discusses Primaries,' Says , . Machine Did ' Not Help - Him, -Expects Assistance of Oppo t, - r nents,-but Is Clamlike on Subject of Policy or Platform. Mayor Wilfiams was In a' cheerful mood and expressed.- satisfaction over' the re sult of the . primary election when; eeen at his home last night. " '-" "I feel under obligations to. my friends." said he, "who supported me in this can- vaas. and the result J. very satlaiactory. I have given to my competitors an open field, and have resorted to no expedient, to ' Influence publlo opinion, otherwise than to make one ahort speech. 'I shall expect the men who have been candidates for tha Republican nomina tion to support me in the campaign, as I . have.. beentairly- nominated, .and. no body can say that tha people -have not been free from machine or boss rule In making thla nomination. "I. have not asked arThan to support to the' people. TTnder theecircumatarrt the - Renno - "cans should support me, and- it aeemT to me that good faith entitles me to TTtnmr - Tro - pporTT When ' asked regarding his policy, Mayor Williams stated that hs had noth Hg to ssy regarding that at the present time. - BACX TO SA9TAVA STAJIO. W. B. Olafke, conceding -Mayor Will lams' nomination, said: "Evidently the people of Portland are satisfied with Oeorga H. Williams for mayor, and I- guess I will have to be. I would rather have made the fight as I did, and not throw down my friends. than to have entered combinations that were- offered me, and -won-the aontast pledged and wV handa tied. Mr. Will flams thought T wa better at 'running a banana business- than in running tiro ultrmfxumrj!Aj na so i win n. j thn bannna huMllicn.. I think thla "emyl8.t experiment In politics, and mat i nil m wamn lie pa a wnqi- date. liowever, t discovered some very r palgn. and thankful." for that I shall always be . . , AX.Xr XAXX.I ' I have nothing to say .excepting that my friends remained at homo and Judge Williams' came out to the polio," said II. R. Albee. aa soon aa tha returns In dicated the mayor's renomlnatlon. "That's the plain and simple statement of -the situation. Therefore. I say,--'All hall to the winner.' I think there wao a amall vote cast and that a larger vote might have brought a different result. I will not run Independent, however, under any circumstances.", DEPEW IS CHAMPION 1 DIRECTORATE HOLDER (tpeci.l rnspatch byLeaMd Wire tTe Josra.1) .. New York. May . Chauncey M. Depew still ho'lds , more directorates than any man In the I'njted States. The directory Of the directors just published gives the number of such held by him ao 73. or one lee. than last' year. J. P. Morgan la ltth In the list, al though he haa Increased hi. number by eight In tha last 12 months. W. H. New man standoeecond to Senator Ipew and William, IK. Vanderbilt comes third, f C0NDUCT0RSSPECIAL7 T . - , -PASSES BILLINGS (8reHl Ctopstet to Tbe Jeara.1.1 Billings.. Mont, May 8 A special train consisting of 10 coaches bearing delegates to tha Order of Railway Con ductors' convention In- Portland passed through Billings at 8 o'clock thla, even ing. The party numbered more than 900 and was composed of conductors - and their families frorna.ll the southern states and Mexico,. '"' "" -' m ir ' ; AMX9U0A9T aSMS TJT aA9US. (dspyrlgbt, ilearst' News tervW y Iam i , - Wire to Te Jusrasl.) u Paris. .May 4. The collection of American precious stones presented by J. P. Morgan to the museum of natural hlatory. here la attracting a good deal of , Interest among' French -lapldarlns, who ars beginning to wake up to the ar tlstio - possibilities -of - the - Ajnecicaa JurorFIaiis ; Prosecutor r . ' fee : : v - ''-- ai " " aorinaiiierence to nan Mtviyvu m , , , 1 SHOW GIRL RECOVERS 7 -: ACCUSTOMED BUOYANCY Eva Booth- Believes Actress lnnot cent-" Coroner Says Young" ! ; (SneeUI DtopstrktyUsse4 Wire to" The Jooraalf New Yorav May . When eeen In tha . Tombs - today tha former "norodora"l gtrt had racrjvee y"ywr and was Improved physically. 8 he was able to ' take solid food" Tor the first tlnaa" slnc she heard the Jury announce-lts -dls-.r agreement, and she looked forward Joy- . iui:y to tier release on Monday. ' -m nearty- well now."-saM Wan. "8 ftd-.i Can, limk rtark.salnHy aa all that ' haa happened. 1 expected tha Jurr to find ma not guilty, and I am sorry this ' yerdict did not acoult me. i..zir-. "But tha . 6.008.0U0 persons In, -and ' I around Oreater New-Vera. and others millions throughout the country who have read of tha case, believe ma Inno cent. I ant oontent now to rest In tha iblef -ofc the people that t am not golttr ana to-prove in tne future that ther me. 1 --"As soon as I ens released I shall gov.. home to Washington te sea my mother. Bhe la waiting for me has been waiting ' for me all these weary months. - After I have visited with- her a long time and I have re.tad It will ba time enough to think of future plans." Lawyer Levy, Nan's senior counsel, . . says he believes Nan -will be" released Monday, with Mr. Jerome's consent, on her own recognisance. . A Brooklyn manager haa Offered Nan . Patterson 1788 a week to-appear for If " weeks In vaudeville. Althou'gtt .he has aald aha never would go back on the ,": etage, poverty may fore her to 'change -her determination. Kva- Booth, consul-general of the Sal vation Army, called with Mr. Levy on Nan Patteraon In her cell at tha Tombs today. . A ' Mine Booth had a long talk with Van , . and when leaving aald:... ; I am convinced from Mlea P.tter- son's manner and her talk that she la not-guilt y f wiurdecr Kreea by- espeiH once, and I lay claim to expert knowl edge of parsons.-1 should say that aha. Is not the typo of woman who kills." IWetrtct Attornev Jerome and hla clilof assTotanV W lllltllf fltllll. iiiiirh cutor of Nan Patterson, received this afternoon a stinging "rebuke for their- wantng Indifference to tha fata of tha lnmrXagnftLJ&orua girl In XtU&t porting to be from one of tha Jurors. This Is a copy of the letter which was , sent t Mr. Jerome: . Juryman ttebukea Jerome. Mr. Win. T. Jerome. District Attorney. . City Dear Sir: I am one of the Jurors In the Patterson trial. For obvious rea son. I don't dl.olo.e my Identity, al though I do not believe that I am In any manner amenable to the law for -expressing my views to you as a prt- V. vats cltlxen. The statement made In , tha publlo prlnta thla day to the effect that you and your asstatant prosecutor, - Mr. Rsnd. havs gone away for a noil- - day over Munday. entirely unmindful of the fact that publlo business demands your attention, and for which expected - attention you are paid you salary from the public funds, demands a rebuke, es pecially a I nee your absence from your -duties . brings hardship unnecessary hardship upon ' another human being. I refer to the fact that the counsel for the defense In , tha -Patterson had f hopes of consulting with you-and your assistant today regarding the ad mission of the defendant la that trial to ball. In the public prints this after noon you are quoted aa being too busy and too tired. I beg to be allowed te tell you that I and three of my recent associates In the - Jury boer- hsvs fully" concurred with me In this opinion ThTfili "TBIT" Mf. "Levy. Mr. O'Reilly. Mr. Unger. the recorder and aver? ona else connectefrwith-the-rase are efjuany 18 " tired ss you are and that your aaaump tlon of carelessness' aa to tha final 41a- .. position of the Patterson cane la, to say thfleas't. a serious lack of Judgment on -u partr" . ''While t have: been naked not to di vulge what tranaplred In the Jury room, it is generally known that tha Jury stood eight to four 1n favor of acquit-7," tlng the defendant when tha Jury was discharged. .In view of thla and the very general demand that'lthf prooenu- . tlon -a thla. defendant should not take ' ' the form of persecution,' three of . my fellow jurors and myself call upon you to either promptly admit thla defendant to ball or decide against atich a pro cedure, but not to allow thie careleO Inactivity on your part and on the pert Of Mr. Rand to become a matter of pah Uo record and publlo ahame. , , ' "(Blgnedl -ONri or THW'JrnTMr.t.' The remsrkuble asswrtlon ltit "Csesor" Young held 'In his dwn hands the re- XConuouej oa Tax gix. 1- 1- -4 M.. '' V -I