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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1905)
.1 J - ' ' ' . I,, .-V- V -'- H1T ;r theToregon - daily jl journal; Portland, -Monday - evening,- may i. ms? It rr.t FREE WITH WANT ADS-FREE 1 NAL 6fficc for iniertion In -either daily or Sunday issues. ! ; there will be given free your choice of the following named' J signs with whose use H in conjunction with THE JOURv- - of luums. ett.'. 1 For Sale Furnished :z IRooms for HouseKeepinJ v ' 1 , P , - 4-.-..v. t - : ' v Unfurnished Rooms-r- Rooms:With Board - , -i. 1 - " -1 , r-l . - - - These signs are printed - white cardboard, in large, bold neat -ppearancerrr-" 7" fob bent houses. . tun itib Inr ealei 25-rnen furnlehrB hotel, . HO' also r wo earner. JO gcrss rich gardea r-Uni T.eer"Fortlana.sxpoeiiioB ueaswg vo., '. . IS Sixth at. - - . - KinniRLT TRANSFER-COMMISSION CO. ., Pianos aad furniture moved promptly by ea perteaeed men. n iam ex., aasin seaa. B-SOOM cottage- -nicely- furnished.- close In. hi! aide. HBfSeld Smith. lo5th Fourth it. - Phone cur iii. FOR not or aale, tbe Thirling cottage. Seaside hMt location le. eroeo. Pnons East 623. l-OK HEirT HOTELS. rcB'RI.VT Stores end 'hotel containing 114 outside rooms, oa Twenty-etxth it., hdu -s-maln ehtrance-and exit of Lewis and Clark fair. Apply I B. M. Lombard, S14 Chamber jmmcrct. jii .trail .it oii-hw roa'tnrt riaai."" rna brnt & arrra of land, all "In enltlTB' tloB. Eaat Fortr-thlrd and BcctloB Una roi. W. O. !. SOT The ralllna. rba EEUT XI8CEliltOUl. labu w win. - -tmtfc and Maraball; lod II Wan anfanaaii alao fnrolabrd and nnftirulahtd moow. lo qulra 34&k Maraban at.. paiaira TBNT8 Tanta your own or to 'rant; food farlll "" tlrs: modrata prtre. Clark 4aatla (rounda. alt. Tabor. , Baott 8TS4. BUSttESB CHAHC1B. A COMPUTE JloeirBltI1rid. tlttira : mandolin,, hn)oa and Tlollna. yoDUlar and rlaaalcal mnalr. adltlona; booka, lolloa and j Brblrmer Hbraryr Uo . romplrta riiroraaij maka ua ofrac. V. laakallia, aaaliuaa. 127 BaTanth at. BARGAINS la reatanranU and loda-lnf honi una x-auuranl aomt ooaDi n, kjf av'j i nnii 7rtini TtirDlahea aVMHi:' one v-raoaB farelabad ouaa, "!; mom bow at fair ata. f 1.UU0. . T. Uabla, 2U0f WTnaoo at., iwu ltltudy will Jf U Jureltufd..1", 5th city; at a arrat aarrltle; tha hooao nan .brlnliiff 9p4jBfgio4tpal!07 Third, at. ' B-romnT aiodara aottaga, t -lat'waa B room, hard-flolabad, nw hottaa; 1.10O. ZiJ-TattM OB both.. . JTEBTilfi anll,pora wataf.mtf rilaaa! land of alfaHa. appUa and aloTfr. ! 'for fall Information addraaa tba Columbia. Soatbare Irrlf atloa C, ban woroaarar aiaaa. a-na FOR BALE H Interaat la a paylnf twalnaaat party muJt bara H.000 or to lavaatt mA nMMiiiua ta rlcbt oartvr BUlt ba T fUhtr a workman or a aaleamaa. Addraaa WatU llarbls Worka. Tba Iallea, Or. A LADY or fontlrman who baa a aoiall amount Ar mnmr tn inrat ii a oartnpr to attand to ofdoa bualnaaa aattlntf from BSUO to $1,M0 . J . K H 091A K'n.l h Uk th --, Bwi luviiu ivwiu, w - - at. Pbona Mala 262U. rLANINOMIfcL dolnf ood bualnrar and wall loeatad In 1'oruaad, to(etnr wna aioca. iuui k mmhliuwv Aral laaa. Will b aold at bar- tain If taken thla aaontb. Add. R 81. Journal. HKIIB 18 A SNAP A hardwara, furnltora and aMKl oiiainaaaj OiU. i mm ' " A I OOS Ol. H.L.u, Wl TWO-CHAIR BARBRR SHOP; anapi d In. wrrtonr dntnf f ood Tsnatneaa.-1rat muM avll - - immeniatair on account oa ainw wu.iw., i. Box OXH, - Onisa Miy, Or. HHOK BTORR for aale In CoDdon. Or.; modem ed up to -data, n4 tock. od trada.eau trall located, oa Main at. Addraaa Lock l , .11 KUVB.VU. w wa.H -Boa No. 28. Condon, Oi. FOB BALE Grocery and crockery atora. In MUa about AXOUO. In a cood Taller town; a lea -rreldenco propertr. blocka front atora. Addreaa R 88, care Journal. rOR BALK Bawmnr andiabamB.OOfi capacity: fine timber ana pieuiy or oraera; a aplendld bualnaaa opportunity. Addreaa B, pan ui SUIIIUBI. WANTEO Pkrtnar, lady or fentlemaa. for food money maklnc proposition; a busller; no money required. Addreaa T. S, care of Journal. . FOR BALE A horaeannalnc and maral black amlthlna bualnaaa. ton la and atock: aood loca tlon. Inquire 0. U. Paddlaon, Twelfth and Krarett. . t OWNSh will aall larae roomlBC hoajae direct no aaenia: apeclal price for aula (ale. For ; partlculara addreaa K. IT, care ot JenrnaL 2;0n0 POR eetabllened paylna poultry bualneea) $2,000 yearly profit poaalble for tba rlfbt .man. Addraaa K. au, care ot aouruai. ata RRRttH Mttfil aell a barber ebotie. ood loca t lone; rente 1B and BIT; prlcea $175 ana aov. name, maf rwna i. HALF Mi tercet In food pari of manafactunnf . bualnaaa: lira hustler wanted aura than i money. B 8V nra JourmU. , . r WANTED ActWe partner with $S0O to manaire - Ilarbt manufncturlnf bnslneaa, clearlnf $12 ' per day. Call 427 Salmon at. , . 14-ROOSt house.' or morncrs ar hoMekeeplnc. central localloa. $l,O)0. Batfleld a Bmltk, uio Fourth at., room 80. . CI0AB atnre. neatly furnlahed. food location and forxl traoe. call at atora, n main si. - ileod reaaoa for- aculnf . 11 ROOM flat. ery- central, well located for roomers durlnf fair. $1,000. Hatfield a Baslth, 13H Fourth at. roont 82. FOR BALE Flrst-clas meatmarket In food oration and ttHn one butlnaae. iBqalre at 718 Williams are. . FOR BALK, CHEAP A food, elean, bualneea. Call Hnnday 10 to IX 280M Grand are., room e). l-rtoa $400. -r :,. m - n RARE CHANCE Grorera stock al laeolce; lot and buHdlnf, . (U.700... Inquire at 880 "Eaat 'Y Waahlmttoa at. WANTED Partner with $211:! bualneea brlnflnf . la $B to $20 yer day. Call at 20ay, Flrat St., elty. . 0R ea la cheap, fond rastanrant. cnalre and tablea and email aoantaev-- 412 MoTraaon 4t. BARBER 8HOP for aale; 1 chair; doing fsod oalneaa. Answer T. 3, rare Journal. . j BTORB show for aale or rent, 208 Morrlaoa . at. E. L. Melton. - . FOB BAXI HOBilB AD CABBIA0EB. FOR BALE Good 'i Western Feed aV OUeaa aad Hoyt aaaraaa waroa. taaulre aal Co., oa Front St., bet. BTBrAH wood team and Wlron at a I ii anigaia, at Eat Gibbs fta 4 H .. . .. -. Rooms II .feir Jenttl on - good, heavy, substantial blackjtypc maktng-a-very -TXa7Aio- TO TUB INDIES. '- , Whom It may concern : ' This la to certify that I am a man of So years aeeklnf a wife -ao oomplate the happlneaa of a nice' home, , which' many youof ladka toret; Irar-owtnf to the drenputancaa 1 prefer a lady with means who la wllllnn to Inreat in food enter- . prlae; age preferred, 20-2S; welfbt, iaB-l0 lie; only la dice wltb aunny dispositions need ppiy. Aoareaa r a care aouruai. BOOKHI BOOKS! BOOKfr The kind roi . looklna fori "Decameron." "A Hot Tamale, " "UoaaTa ConfeealonV- "A BocUl Laoa." "Fannie Hill, ' iTe Beauty spot." one eaeai UaU free. A. ajchmale. 2 klrat at. THE Matrimonial Reflater, price 10c; deacribee many reetdenla of thle aeotloa wbo wlah to - marry; explains now to join eocieiy. mier- aute JntrAduclof Society, box 10TV, Portland. MAXLII'Tlfdr raatored by Dr. Roberts N niobnlea. on nwntn a treatment. ix: - moatba, $B; aent eecurely sealed by mail. - Afenta,-W oodard, Ctarke A Oo.i Pom and. or. LOST pow era - restored by the f rest Dr Wireni s Kfrre Ttmtr Tablets; xae per a hoc, ui not UahIu. tu, 1 , mnA OA BTOP dbINKINOI Ouaranteed cure: aend 60c Ublet form; mailed In plain package; has - cured thousands. I L. Ca-. 014 Grant eldf ., 3 Ban fraDdaco. tal, hn m.NtT areata all dlaeaaea with areat euo. ceas; no ump; cree aooseoav- uquor ana aaorpblne habltn. Bee me. awtk waaninfton. PLAITED. DRESS BKIBTS made from $9 up; perfect fit a apeclalty.. hlalstere' Ladlee1 - Tallorlnf Collate, Allaky Mdf .. 26S Morrison. A SCIENTIFIC masseuse flree magnetic and masaafe treatmente and aioonoi Datoa. ban - Flanders, eeev Sixteenth at. THE BPRINGBTEIN MRDICtNB CO., 11 De- hum bids r-ttowe Main land, . . -. BALM OF FIGS for all female dlseaaaa. Alder St. Phone Mala 4822. OCCULT and Mew Tboufbt books. - Jones' Book more, zwi a Mar st. FOB BALE TABatB. aanuaia-rarwf aw a acriv ava ii'u ,uu, 21 ml lea frona Portland. 2 from car line; 7$ - aOaa rich black loam bottom Mfid. 40 acres In Boa elate of eultlratlon. . bal. 85 acree r partly cleared aad la pasture; crop eoBatata of A acree earlr notatoea. 1 In aweet evra. --rn Tjeane. a i wneet, z-a in oata, a m "frhirfd "7 IrT" ttrnenT and outbulldinaa. -team bones, wagon and - harases.- A. head Cattle hoe a. chickens and bewe; plenty farming Hmplemeata: Una etxeam ' Sow by place; Bne Bablng. .. Price $33 per acre. Inquire W. W, Kirt, Bovm 1. fiaaa. -ntoa Bia$. ' - " . ' : - A naimaim ti n nan 11 la eultlTatlnn. k-room house, good barn. U'ovd borse. cows. 100 cords wood, houae d furniture and farm Implcinenta, i4 Bills rrocn rieeaant oum. trice ldt acree. 4 mllte from Portland, H mile from email town, 47 acres In crop, saw mill en plsee, 2,000.000 feet or timber, lair acre, en easy terms. B0BEBTB si WIBTZ, . r -' " Greaham, Cr. BARGAINS 120 acree food land, only $400. so acrea coofl tana, onir sznu. ISto-acre tract, mile from town. B-rooa honae. barn, frultbouaa. orchard.' atrawberrlee and ell small, fruit, rick aoll, fooa water, 40 acree. pert red Ar timber, smalt bouse. 9 acree partir clear, goon water, aw". COWLITZ C-OFNTr LAND CO., Keleo,' Wash. ao-ACRrj farm; 20 acres fine bottom lend. 2B acrea bearlnf prunes, o acree cnernes, o scree - Bp-plea, etc., bal. pasture, food houae, barn, tl mv rrnltdrler. dallr mall. teleDhone. water Piped to buildlnga, 4 mure to two towns ana - R. B s, Bne "tocstlon. otrr-lBealley; a bargain. Price xo.otx Aaoraaa r. a., Carlton. Or. . . FOR RAr,n Farm consisting ef 1.480 acres meadow; 400 lerel and can oe made into meadow, balance pa atnre lead; Irrigation eye tern on the nlace and plenty of water: also -40u-bed of cattle. 80 boraee end ell farming Implementa; place at well ImproTed. . Write or cell at place. Paallaa, Crook county, Oregon. L. V. Bailey.. , FOR BALE Highly ImproeM farm of 1M acrea, mcatea on toe wiiiameue, witn a mile of rlrer frontage; also fine lake and grore; suitable for rich man's country home; 10 mllee by rlrerr 22 by railroad. - Price $ per acre. Add: reaa Owner, 101 Front at., City. FOR BALD AT ONTARIO Choice, nnlmprored lande aad acreage tire per try: Improved rarme, towa lota and residence nronerty. Addreaa Don t'arloe Boyd, tba real estate mac, On tario, Or. FREE LAND IN 0RK0O! ander the "Carey irriiuoa am. Irvo oimr, amw i,v. Write today. Booklet and map free. B. 8. Cook A Co., 2A1 Alder at.. Pi t land. Oregon. HOMESTEADERS We ran locate you oa wheat or irrigation lanas; real eatate tot eaiw ibii er -write, van vteara at acnoii, atcoo, uaiuua county, Oregon. . FOR BALE 240 acree, a good dairy ranch. rery well improved. For particulars address O. H. Wood. Oreton, Tillamook county, , Or. FOR, BALE Hop farm, four large lota, Balemi eottagre, noutn rortiaan. ror . turtner partlculara see owner 462 Williams are. FOR SALE! 60-acre farm near Oswegn. Mag rimltb, tbe Baroj reatauranl, lofl Fifth at. FOR aoothern Oregon real aetata, large or email iracta. iiniara Clayton, itoeeourf. or. FOB BALE aUBOXXLABIOUB. BOrBRBOAT on hull, nearly new. In first-class condition, urge and roomy; euitame lor pri vate family or publlo resort on river; Borne one looking for a bargala ahould aee thla. 1ocated Fulton atatloo, opposite the Oaks. BILLIARD- AMa. POOL tablea for rest a fat tale ou eaejfparmenta. THE BBUMBWICK-BALKE COLLEBDBB CO 48 Third at,. Portland. WE print your name on 80 calling carda, pro per sise aaa atria, aoe. sou Doaineaa raroa, at. Brown A Schmale, 22 Flrat, Portland. Or. FOR BALE Block of Attachable Ball Bearlnf nun company aioca, anean. Acoreaa stex CM, Vancouver. Wash. ; FOR SALE One Btandard in H. T. 800 eolta. direct current, $100. inquire at 40 Third at. FOR BALE Heifer; fresh, 2 years' old; flan Scotch collie pupa. Phone Scott, BBS. POMERANIAN Splta Bupplea And hreedlnf atock tor aa let- Inquire 413 (II lean at. BNAP New bonaeboat; must Ball.. I. F. Howard. -ltd Madison at. Addraaa NEW aad second hand rseh reflate and aafe; easy terms, sua a nicer at. FOR BALB B-ortsva organ, cheap, at 1Q05 East - (salmon etv vail m torenoom t - - A SMALL black aad tea puppy. Louis Torcsf, Orsnd tneatre. 11 ' ' m 1 riRBT-Ct.ASS aafe, tm $140, for $R. I'M Flrat at. ,-.,. FOR BALkVbGood milk nr. 228. Inoulrs tat aTlftll fU '- , FOB Bllt-BIAX UTATB. tmm- m wmit -v-y - Advertlsemesta parts tn tag ta Baal Estate, eae . tune mot ' u weeoa w sa eoava - FOR SALE New and a vooaa keoseai bath. ftatlouary wasfastsnd, concrete basement, gas ., and, electric lights. fujaAcaV- 9Use tinted. r 1 pauLrr. 1axs hedrooma with elbaeta la aaua. waae fluster, --ntaiiuuai j araaniuue Baaumeat; as Unlun aee. ear una, me aais ate etrvlce j near food acboal laws, atreeta nprevea: nousee now open toe neiwu"". mm iut-llm..!. InnulM Owner. U. B. feiemler, VU Tkltd st. or at residence, So2 Vulon are. north, one block aouth l Bvaaaa. Bonn BkBalHee fectloner with u lota, ai ceener, car Una; also a fully equipped butcberahop, 1 l?t. pa car line; also ether food h"''""- ealdcnce property on snduesrcsr Hue this thriving town, only 4 mllra from Port land; poetufflre and public school here; water .Bialae fas street a, Take Mount Dcott car. t eft at Arlota, or. UoatnbcB a cumunguaiu. 20 OB 40 acrea. 80 mllee from. Portland, part - clear, aoane. Bne Jjleavardajn, ne stumps or Sravsi, very sue sou ena veay cip.. :. B.-and boa Handing; why pay $78. to $1M per acre when you can fat this at $3 oa your own lerans r . . . . -, FOR BALB Qturtir block southwest corner guom Jwuae jnd 2-story barn, $.0Q0l terms. - fl.lMiv -ouwo alio umishw - -- - meats of $1,000. Msll A Co.. M8 Bast Burn, sine, er teiepoene rnvan- ,wnMf. B TO 8-ROOM modern booses, new, with laetje - f renads, Monte villa, bwsi- tu 2,ovu am aiia 1- am n g'JH. Two new. modern cottages. Thirty-eighth end Eaat rlalruoe, down and $26 aaenta. Budren. 1 North Fourth, flay USi. DO VOO WANT A HOME V We have B new. mltnwmm hnllt an lots 60x100. -tatontsvtTUr VrttSr25 dowa, $16jer month. PWUllllW, wri mw, .w, w" , 150 flue building tuts cheap and on eeay terms. N.yhprague, 122A Grand STB., room - - FOR BALB 10 acrea choice Mad. 12 mlle from Portland. -eultabie . tor A -bomej eaally lm proved. handy to B. B. eUtiod, I.atlsnd1n , and good roede: food aoll. For partlculara address A. B. Folksnberf , " Holbrook, Or. I HAVH s new, modern, 7 -room houae oa sst Thirty -second it., aorth, worth $S 000. In order to raise a little money will sell at $2,400; $400 cash, bal. easy terms. . Addreaa P 82, care JonrnaL . - IB ACRES 400 feet front-electric line, email house. 2 acrea clear, lae aoll, la ay Bne, 10a . esr fare: for quick, sals and tt caah, $1,200; mast have money. Address P 84, care Journal. 10O ACRES rich, level, Irrigable land, with i th. whole; rleht fn the Irrigation area: $2.60 per acre..; A. B. opvrauuvruuao, ew FOR SALE Lot B,' block :-Thlrd "Jr aaaiTiua io s.eji( trorimuu. ' 7 r . n r nwunn. ei4 Centrkl Office bldg.. - iravenporT. iow. FOR" BALE 43-room bouse- and corner lot. Sun. of owner. 1170 East - Msdlaon at. Phone BooU 8418. . . . . ' i.., n. K..t Ki.hth at., worth 84.500: will take lca ; lnveatigate. Inquire at 8o0 Kaat Wash- ington at. - 4-R00M houae, barn and 80 hearing fruit trees. lot 60x1 0t, about s minasjaa- waia to ear una, $400. Hatfield A Smith. leoVa Fourth at., neat- 22 3 . , : . CANNON'S addition offers you the beet poeal- leements ror yoa e eoieia a eaesp Call 808 McKay bulldlug and obtain delalla. OABDBrTBAOTaV-a4nahtP- B eO-fout totaT-$IB a month; water pipes to eacn xracx ; nmnc line. Be fare. , F. C. Little, 107 Sherlock bldg. FOB BALE $2,500 for block pretty ground food o-room Do aee; feuu aowa, rsi eaaj irruiei east side, -close In. R 89, care Journal. BoD unwri, io a montn. ouye oicw. piece auv email chicken . ranch See owner after 8- p. m., or addreaa 411 Eaat Thirty-fourth at. $900 TAKES 8 Iota, 2-room house, fence, beauti ful location, in euouro. aoarw vn hh Thirty-fourth at.; or caff after p. m. - cheap. Apply ara) Montana aee. RV.p a aces. 2 blocks to car. nssr school smsll paymenreasy icrma on oaiaocw. . iu SSVlVtn. anna unaBmcwi " WANTED-40 fellows to tske up claims worth B3.UOU earn: no ciaima lett- ra o noaina. ava dread' P 83, care Journal , FOB BALBWI-room "cottage, modern, lot fenced. fruit treea. bloc as rroro car, case er ierus r. Tr Ryder.- BttmtaTlne, FOB. BALB New 5-room cottage, modern: don hie floors, gea. beaemrnr ana nrepiace. iso East Main St.," Bear 20th. FOR BALE, CHEAP o-room houae with nice vera ana gooo outnauaingsv iivi nssc jao; rlson, cor.. Forty-third st. T-R00M bouse, Bast 7th and Florence; Urge grounds; rent ain. ruuu. oni vi,i, w veil 05 Commercial block. FOR BALB or exchange. 11H acrea Improved, milve mi. nv...-. w. - --- Owner, 414 Belmont. - $1,660 New 6-room cottage and 8 large lots on t)OT. ureuu .v. w-. . - 884 Shaver St. FOR BALB S-rooni houae en car line with acre trail treae, eta, i squire au aai Sixth at.' LOT 100x100, two new modern boueee, one elegantly furnlahed ; electric ngnt. asa eantiy 7-ROOM house, 'full cement basement, bath and fee, fl.atH. uattieio nmitn, loot, etn st, WoontiAWN. tsrsrrcTiiilce'Tots on ln . -1 1 - n a u.HhM,, ar.a Pmim kU. HOUSES bollt on ssay payments; furnleh lot If desired. S12 commercial mug . main iweu. 8-ROOM honae Including furniture for Bale; lot 60x100; 734 Jubnaon at. move aiain osio. A -mom bovee. I block from car line; price $1.00. - See owner, lllS Kaat morriaon. f .' m..'- .J .fyr-wa aa 20-ROOM honae, newly furnlahed. centrally l . . . AAArmmm ft ft.1 -m lit JflMm. 1 fOrt SALE Honae and lot. No. 211 12th St. Apply to i. Y. Bronsufb, 144 sta sr. FOR BAI One lot on Etst Couch st, chesp for cssb, st ZI, care journal. FOB SALE 0B EICHAB0E. POR SALB 0B EXCHANGE Improved farm of 160 acres, io miles rroro coiviiie, Btevena county, Wssh. Addrsse B. E. Crosby. Lasts, Oregon; " : - r ntPLOTafEXT AQEXCIXB. SCANDINAVIAN-AMERICAN BMP. Office- Real estate, rooming houses and bualneea cbeBcee apeclalty. 270 Burnaldk. Malu BOSS. PACIFI0 COAST EMPLOYMENT AGENCY Be movea to 12A Morth Becondl at. Phaae Bed 181. HANSEN'S EMPLOYMENT OFFICE. FOB MEN. 28 It. Second at. f Phone Mala 1528. PlbNEEa EMPLOYMENT CO. Labor eontreo. tore; neip rree to employera. IIS Morrlaoa. HELP wanted and supplied, male er female. K. o. OKA KB. 2orH Washington at. CIsy 445. ALPINE EMPLOYMENT BUREAU Help fur. uisuea area, joe rirer. sc. raone mala jvil. IBS MORRISON Columbia River Bmp. agency; aaiiieq ib oor rurnianeo. l-Done -Main hot. 'ARcxrrtcTs. P, HOFFhtAJI. architect artdV-asiperlBteadeBt. IS1 Flrat at.. Portland.' Or. - . AABATXBB. THE 1. H. Flak Aeaaylng office Greenley A Crewrnrd, analytical rnemlata an- Baetal lorglata. 204A Waarrang tonat. '- ASPHALT rATTHO, inn Trinidad Asphalt Paving Co. ef Portia ad. Office ,6o5. Werceater blk. AtT IMPOBUm. PROF, RICHARD MAX MEYER Portrait and lanrisrspe art let; Instruction la ell painting, water color, etc., and drawing; art gallery rmnaiwed with studio; pictures for aale and framing to order. 848 Alder at. Phone I6AI, BtAMK BOOK HAVtrrACTVlZEft. HOWE.. PA VIS A KILHAM., ino-IU Berend at. rteaa book gseBntaetareeei egeete ron Joaee Improrad Looee-Leef ledfers; aee the , new luraka itnt, us Beat aa Um Buktt .. ., . 7R- The Journal s Lewis and Clark Contest THISrC6UP6NSdO0irT07 ONE VOTE -rrVgttfrTm er ONE VOTE FOR. P0ST0FFICE COUNTY , , . y . .. . . . , .. . .... . STATE . j v . . , ; , , . a. . ... NOTE Thit coupon will not be counted utiless the pertori flajned . r " is properly nominted. If not oominAted, fill out nomination blank and aend in with coupon. , . - BATHS MA88A0E. FRBNCH rediee give bathe and maaaage treae mant SOB Fifth at . Phone Main f3.' 1 at BICTCXJT TZAXEXB.- COLUMBIA. TRIBUNR AND CKERCBNT. BtJ BtOBIlNG COOUaV-BXPItHT HBr'AIHlrlGl- s. r. Bva.B1r4a.r4, avb itiiau nr. BAUD. rJTBTB iTMZjrrKa CHAS. B. TOKK A CO. repairers and platera. removed to 81 First. 2 blocks north.- CLAXBTOTAJTT AFD TAXltrST. MADAMB JOHNSTON Clairvoyant, palmist, card reader; I give facta reliable and ln portent on alt affairs or real lira. Readings 60c. 8 Seventh at.. Bear Oak. ' ' 0I0ABS AJTS T0BA0O0. ESRERG-GTJN8T CIGAR C0.-e- 1 Dlauloutora of . , FINE C1QAR8. " - - ,- - PortlaBd. ' Orefoa. tZXTLSA AXD JIVUDl mt . AV.UVW uu .... W TT JJ I ', WrMW aad builders: repairing and Jobbing; Btore and of Ore Aituraa ballL. Shop 20 Columbia. ' Main 62WT. , . -lIL'IIJODa A 1 1 UI ... . I OEMJEXT COkTTBACTOEB. 1 CEMENT WORK UP . TO DATE, with men, eUKjwgi'oase- end etrstgat bualnaaa. Kr-6. f ,noi4tpmt ai,y Cummtri'lsl blk; CHAS. R. CABTER A CO... cement ooturactora. oo . lutat ..XWtfutleth..aW fiQtaat, iiilta- AU work guaranteed. -c- 1 - COAL AJTS WOOD. CHUrXttiyEY BROS- have removed from foot . or Davis St. to M Keerney St., near Eleventh. - Ittanew-the largest woody a rd ra the clly, eaVryitif all kinds of wood aad coal. Phune . Mala 881. 7 J&- - - WKHTEBN FEED-A FTJBL CO.. aur. Fruut and Hoyt sta., dealarg la aomesti ana stress coal, blacksmith . goal, sea reus 1 - aad Phone Mala 1018. - - ALBINA FUEL CO. Dealere In cord wood, coal aad green aad dry elabwooa. it. tt. aad Al blna are.,' 2 blocka eaat of ferry. Eaat 574. RUPERT tL'EL,- CO. Tbe beet dry wood la towa. un t rorg ar to nnnne aaax ivoo. sau Kant Eighth at., ear. lUdlson. - CALL UP Best HO. East Side Blabwood Oe., dvalera la au hlnda of aiabweod. au2 Eaat Oak at. - . BTETJU: BRIDGE FLl.-XO dealers la eoeL 4 wood aad dry alab wnode'hona Bssf, 424. "OREGON TU RtTrt. "faff k tnda of coal aad wood. 4 Moi-rtaro. rnons Main tn.- - - KIRK HOOVER. 818 Water at., wood aad coal. - rnone atsin eoim. - CLXAYIV AJTB OTXUTa. PORTLAND STEAM CLEAJfWOT A 3TEING - Worka; practical hatter la connection: feather boaa and plnmee cleaned and curled by an ex pert, zii rourtn. mene cuy Toe. 1LOTHE8 cleaned and pressed $1 per month. . unique Tailoring io., as I Washington at. H. W. TTRNER. professional dysr snd elesaer, . BOB Jefferson et. Phone Msln 2518. CAE? ET-CXX AX-IB 0. STANDARD Steam Oarpet-Cleanlog Co.' Carpets elsaned. refltted, aewed and laid; mattreea feathers renovated. Beet Third, north. Pacific ata. Phone East 20. Marrlmaa A North. HAVB yonr walla cleaned; we clean papered and painted walls; aatlaractwa guaranteea; prices reaaonanie; references, nea jus. CARPETS cleaned on lha 'floor: we ralaa no duet. Phone clay 831. free aemonatration. I. HUNTER, steam carpet. 850 Jeff. Mala 214. OOafMIB8IO7 nKCBUlTTB, DAVENPORT BROS. Geseral eommlaaloa m chanta: frulta and produce; oonalgnmeutA. aa. llclted; prompt returns, loo grout st. EVERDING A FARRRLL. prodnce and comaale. aloe awreneate. -440 rrent St., poena no, ur. Phone Main 178. 1 CAFES. ERICKSON'B RESTAURANT Merchant's ranch 11 a. m. to 12 p. m.; ander new management. O. B. Bvana, prop. BeconaaBulilirnalila THE OFFICE 2S5 Washing ton at, Phone Hals 771. Bsmuel Vlgneaux. CROCKERY AJTD 0LAB8WABX. WHOLESALE crockery snd glass ware, Praet. Hegela A Co.. 100 to 108 Fifth, esr. Stark at. DOG AND H0BSE HOSPITAL, DRvO.E.BROWN,D.V.S..D.C.M. Dog. horse hoe- pits), 287 MslntooB:sst aima. DBESSMAKTJfO. MRS. 0. F. LOWE, ladles' and children's ear. nenta. silk waiata. wsista ena wrappers; un- derwesr mads. 113 Eleventh St. Pbona Msln 2127. ' r DRENHMAK1NQ, plain sewing, shlrtwslst sulta, $2.00 and up: children a dreaeea, prices very Chliaran a arnan th aud Lovajuy. reaaonable. aiain eofhf. BHIRTWilrTTSr wooI or" waah Bilk, made for 81.25r shirtwaist suits, $3.60. 483 Eaat Mar- , hat. Phone Eaat 8281. UP-TO-DATE dreaamaklng. ladles' tallorlnf; casta a special!. llooinrzi7 Aiisxy oiag. KRISTER'S Ladles' Tslkwlnf college; pattarna cat to measure. Alisxy bbu euu. zoo aiornaoa. MRS. McKIRBEN, artistic dresa end a sloes. mating, aei Morrison sr. - DRESSMAKING Strictly Bp to daU; lataet designs. l cut II. rXECTRICAL WOKXaV NORTHWEST ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Company, BOB. Stark ew Portieeo. -o. K. roe everything la the electrical llae. Pheae Mala UknB. . 4ft- PACrriO Elertrlr Co. Eng1nsra. ettrarthra, repairers, electric wiring, supplier, ee a irwx, aor. Btark. Mala 8W. R. B. Tate. mgr. reBKrrUEE FACTORIES. : OREGON rnrnltare Manafacturlng oompsay Manufactnrera e: rurauura. tor ue waoav. FCBNITURB manufacturing and special orders. I Ruvensky's rural l ore factory, ara sroai ex. ' FTJBBAC1S. BOTNTON erana-alr fnrnecee Bv fnel. J. C. Beyer Furnace Co.. 2M Beceea. mala eni. SBOCXBS. WADHAM8 A CO., Wholesale grocers, maeo- fartorera and eemmtaaloe mercksnte. Fearth and Oak ata, . ALLEN LEWIS, eommlaaloa and peedoce aieef eaten (a. iron I ana aistis iiv. rartuaa, vr. A Btfgfe may ii. J.. ....... F0BE8T BEBZKTB BCEIF. FOREST RESERVE SCRIP FOR BALB A p . proved. Bnraatrtcted, ready for Immediate aee; -bweet prices. B. F. .A F. B. Wlay, BUS Chamber of Commerce. 0ABDEVZBB. GARDENS made aad kept In order, hedgee trimmed. i'bune erdera Joe Noble. Main tsw. XAJOfAJf BATHS. - NO'S BAMMAN BATHS Oomer Seventh aad IVashlnatoo sts. 1 flnest snd lsraest bathe In tse eity! elegant neoa rnr tne nigni ir oesirea; expert meaeeura and 4&lropodtt. XARDWAXX. Portland Hardware Co. aolldts epportoalty to quoU prices. J8B 1st, cor. Alder. Msla 1884. HiTMAJT HAIB, B0; LtB."" J. J. B0R0, mannfactarer ef human hate folia, etc. 41M B. Ninth. Phone fCaat 221 L HOTEL, BEBTATTBAVT AID CAMP BAHOE8. HOTKU RESTAURANT AND CAMP RANGES Orlbbeu A-Bextua A Co.. Meveoteenth and Upahur ata., largeat atock hotel, reauaraat. eamp raagee . gaaullue smvae aaB refilgeiB' tore la tbe city, HOTELS. THB LINDELL HOTkX Market, hat. Third and Kourlb.. Purtlaud; entirely new-bandaomaly ' furnished; American plan. $1.50 day ap. Bout Ptndlstoa, Pendleton. - F. W. Wait, mgr. HOTEL Portland. Amorlcanlanl $8, SB peg day. HOTEL St. George, IHatretoa: laadlnf BoteL BELVEDERB. Luropean plan ;4tk and Alder eta. , M8TJBAJICI. 1 LAMBERT. WHITMBB A CO aire laamrartce and reel estate, aucciaaora to Arthur Wtlaoa A Co.j offleaa. weat aide, 107-lUB-8herlak -hide.,: Mala 10OS; east side dept.. 404 Keel Alder (Cities os' bank) Eaat 401. IF A AO U WHITE, fire lratoiice.-800 Deknm . hid. y. ' . IAS. Mcl. WOOD. 1 emotorere Uabllltr and lo I dividual eerl4t ineety bonde et aQ kinds. fhona ST.. aoi BtcaVay bldf. I. F. BARTELS COMPANY Fire Irararanre. 448 Sherlock bldf. Oregon Psoas Clay tad. - M0BET I0T,0All. -THK BTAB LOAM CO.: Any-aalarlsi employe, wage-earner, can fat an. -am noia, wiinsei mortgage Month, U Month. Week. $80.00 Bepey to tu $18.88 er $8 5 or $3.88 $25.00 Repay to-ea 2 ASS or $.1.85 er II. OS $15.00 Repay to us I 4.00 or $2 00 eg $1.00 810 McKay bldf.. .....- FIVB per cent moneys we build yon a home or loan voa moner on your Droperrr: nsonrnir I ' payments! investigate; open Saturday -even- - Inge. Rooma 18-17 Labba bldf., 237 H Waah. MONEY TO LOAN en real, personal aad col- lateral security; apeclal attention to coat tal - mortgagee; notes nougnt: v. w. raust. - B04-B Fentoa bldf., a Blxta sr. HIGHLY respectable piece where ladlee and gents can borrow money on diamonds -'and Jewelry. Goiisterai ien Bang, gov nasi) ngton at. Phone Black Tl. TUB NATIONAL FINANCING CO.. 208 Mar ouam blda.T - handles bonds,- etocke, mlnee. Buancee legitimate enterprises; furnishes aafe Investments and secures losnv." $5 L0AN8 and spward oa all kinds of ssca- rity or to salaried people ea ueir note; lowest rates; no publicity, no delay. 218 Ablngtoa bldf. none Ked 1T2B. i-1 MONXY ADVANCED salaried people, teamsters. etc, without security: eaay payments; larg est business In 48 principal cities. Tnlmsn. zzb AMngton niaf. CHATTEL loane In amounts ranging from $25 to; rooming -nous ra a specialty, nr Era Loan A Treat Co., 208 Ablngtoa bldf. WR bay life Insurance polldee and Ply mors "than companies Issuing" them: also buy theta subject u inerte. at gv. earn Journal. -- LOANS at lowest rstse oa furniture. Dlan any security notes purchased. Baatera Los a tffice, 448 Sherlock bldf. MONEY TO LOAN la Urge er small amounts on good security; lowest. ja tee. William (e. Beck, aor railing bldg. MONEY to loan In sums to suit it 8 and 81 pn rent. W. . flcmcu. 2n gtkfk sCT . Chamber of Commerce. L. I LOANS an furniture, pianos, ether securities. lowest rates. 8. W. A inf. room ao. Weak. bldg. Mala 8100. THB CRESCENT LOAN COMPANY Salary ' Inane fonm three re, al , aaontha! Mini an t' . I 217 oregonian. MONRY TO LOAN an Clackamaa eoantv land. B. F. ana F. u. Busy, eon uiambet ot voov. merce. PORTLAND REAL ESTATE LOANS. B AND 8 per cent. Wm. Denholm. HO FaUlhf bldf, MONEY TO LOAN. 8 per cent. Northrnp A King. 210-211 Commercial BlocB. TO LOAN 8100 to $2,500 by Char Ira BlrateL h luira et.. room s. $tv to lend oq pity er taburbin property. r in. care jotirnsi. BTtTBICAX. 8 ELF-PLAYING PIANOS Ceclllea self play- Inf plsnoa pronounced the beet by leedinf tnaalclana; also redllan plene-players. B. U. Wills Muale Henee. 860 Alder st. " SECOND-HAND musical Instruments of all k I arte at lowest prices, rssh or Installments. Fisher Muale Co., 180 Third at, . THESE are hard tlmea; prices are going Wwer; caah or tins, levy's Music lioaee, lit rourtn et.. Y. M. C. A. bldf. LESSONS fine, piano, glitter, banlo, mandolin. violin, airs, m artln.- B4t- rtrat, aor atain--I MR. AND MRS. H. A. WEBBER, ..banlo,' maado- 11a. guitar instruction. Main 20R8. 178 W Park. MAONXTIO HXAXIXa. I - MRS. L. H.1TART treats all dlaeena. atomach trouble, rjervotraneea and; filnctuaaal weaknaaa. Conanltatlon free. 811 'Tourney building. 1 " v HOTABT FTBLIO. PREPARATION ef deeds aad mortgagee a apeclalty; pricee rtauced. tt. A.. Frame, BIB, the Marquam. riVHsxas. DONNERREBO "A RADEMACHRB. aaaltary piamnsra. ee lairtB at. Hotn FOX A CO., aanltarF "plnmbera. 281 Second bet Mala ana Be I moo. Oregon Pbona Main Boot. FLATTED. EASTBRB PLATING CO., 828 Flrat Gold. silver, copper, alckel aad braaa. plating. aewerry wore specialty. (8. 481 Week. I THE OREGON PLATING W0 UK I Ington at, Phong 2675, . Psllahinf , , pUUnf I ak n l la Annaewixt 0TEKALLS. BOSS OF THB ROAD OVERALLS aad meckaa- le clothing: union made. neuMadteg nrus. ' msnnTsctarsra, rortiaaa. or. FTJFIJ0 ACCOUhTTABT. tW Sherlock hide ? . . Aneneil. edtaatael aai suaitea; aoota Bapt tor email eonreree; Bou rn, chargea: Arst-claaa references. Msla 2VdS. viABO nnrnfO. IIBOBOH ANDERSON Si pert plane toner end r.i.,r i,,..i --- ... n- a,r IBXJTTTXa. ICHBONO OO W4 'UTid )rnTh eta - nTtn. Ing. Uthogrsublng. blank t books anil office 1-auppttee; work done on time: most eompleU - priutauf ovnee rn ue weai. aaain lue. ANDERSON A DUNIWAT COMPANY, printing! lithographing, blank books. Phone Msla II. at Aider st. BAXVtS. OIL AJfb OLASS. ' - NaerhiaeashjBBBBay F. E. BEACH A CO. The Ploaeer Paint Can wladowglaaa and fUsltf. IDS Flrat at, 1 1 .Phone 134. ' , BA8MC8SEN A CO Jobhera. paints, ell, flaaa, s essh and Boors. Second. ndTay lor. RUBBER BTAHPB. r. a 8TAMP W0RB8, 84 Aider St.. phone MsIb T10; rubber sumps, seals, stencils, big- gaga. ireaa..cnecai Aena TIN ROOFING, guttering, repairing lad fsnsral , lobMng. J. LoatU. 212 Jrffersoa st. - BOPE.' PO HTLA N r X8 D AG Fotrrteeath aad Northrap ata., Portland. On, BATES. FOR opening leckoate end Bate bergalue fa to J. E. Dsvla, a Third at. ea i i . ,i i, i 1 1 i t . ' BH0WCA8E8 ABO tTXTTTUS. 8HOWCABEB of every description; baak, -est aad store futures made to order. The Latka Manufacturing Co., Portland. ST0BA01 AXB TRAXBTXB, aaaai ei, SAFER, ptaooe aad - faawlliai gassed, paefeee reedy for ahtpptng and snipped; all work ..guaranteed: large, 8 alary, brick r B re-proof warrbouae fag atorage. Office 128 Flrat st. V. M. Olson. Phone Main 547. 0. O. PICK, offlc. 88 Plret St.. between Stark - and Oak ata., phone BM; plaooa and furniture " moved and pecked for ahlpplng; eommedleo Z Bra-proof, brick wararmuae, . Front aad .Clay ata. - , 8TORA0B snace to let In our new building. 1874 Wtae--etBlglar -adlHIrag- 4V Commlaetoa uompsny. TTHBIB. GOOD timber claims la forest reaarva, opening aooni Iocs tor going with party May 12j no tee tin niug is made. Phone Mala 0741. FOR BALB Two homestead rellnqnlshflient cieimai aeeana grew th r Witt eeii cheap. ft, - P. Me leoo.. -Hotel Rkalnpfahee... . . zr FOR HOMESTEADS, timber da I me and eerie eprxr io e"o ijommercisi oioca. TIPIWBJT1IS. YOST TYPE WHITER HEATK)rABTER8- - 82 Fourth Street. Wa rent, repair, sell, exchange typewriters. All supplies for all machines. Ptandard machtrjea $28 and Bp to $100. ' Do you want a stenographer or typist! " we -nave list .of gaod. -k t, PhpneBUck 2871 BLICKEJSPORFER JypewrttersfBppUee., ra pairing. Hoee at Koaa, goo Btarx. ualB itnti. TOWEL BTTTTXT. sAaweaaSBBBswsjssBaa CLEAN TOWCLB DArLT Comb, oruati, aeon, II per month. Lewrenca Proa.' Towel Supply Co.. Fourth and Coach. Phone 428. TBABBFXB AXD HATJXIXG. OREGON TRANSFER CO.. 184 North Sixth. rnone main au. tlrevy nauunf ana storage. POST SPECIAL" DELIVERY. No. 2D0V Waah , IngtoB et. - Phone Main BrU. TIOLIIIS. J. A. WESCO, Tlollu-maker and repairer I work Bret elaaa. 25 RueaeU bldg. 4th aad Morrison. WALLPAPER. MORGAN WALLPAPER CO.. 184-188 St.. bet Yamhill aad Taylor. Portland. FTXAJfCXAL, rraST NATIONAL BANK.-' OF PORTLAND. OREOO. Dselfnated Depository snd Financial Afent ef the lalted BUtes. President A. L. MlLIJf Ceahter J. W. NEWKIHK Aaslataot Caahler W. C ALVORD Second Aaalatant Cashier ...R. F. STEVENS Lettrrt eX- Credlt lesued -AvsllsbU la Europe snd tne Ksstern Rtstee. Sight Fxcbanga and Telecrauhla Tranafera sold on New York, Boston. Chicago, St Louis, St. Psul. Omaha, San Franclaco and th principal Bolnle In the Northwest. Sight eud time bills drswa In sums to suit on Laxxioa. pane, Berlin. Frank fort-on-the-Mala. . 11 una Kong. Yokohama. Cooeahafea. ChrUtlanle, Btockhotnt.- St. PelctTburg. Me auw, r-ttricn, Honolulu. . OoUeotlona Hade ea Favorable Terms, . u . POBItAKB TRUST COMPANY OF OBEGOB. I - Me. 108 THIRD ST. The Oldest Trust Company la Oregon. . a r i i a i . ajuju , hi We conduct A general banking bnalneaa. Ws eceivs savtuga deposits. Wa Issus time cer tificates and certificates of deposit psyable poa iu usys- can, an aaya can er wa aaya calL with Interest st 8A.. 8U sad 4 ner cent per annuas, reanertlvely. Call or aead for aur book of ILLUBTRATIONB. BEN J. I. COHEN Prealdent n. ii. piTTOt'K Vlce-Prealdent B. LKR PAUKT. Secnury J. O. GOLTUA.. .Assistant Secretary UNITED STATES NATIONAL BANK. OF PORTLAND. 0REO0W. NORTHWEST COR. THIRD AND OAK STS, Transacts B General Banking Business. DRAFTS 1AHTEJJ Avallahla In All Cities ot the United States , and Europe, Hong Kong and Manila. COLLECTIONS MADS ON FAVOBABLt TERMS PresKlent J. C. AINSSVOHIH Vice- I'raaldeot. ......... n, i ...... .W, B. AYER l aanier. ,, .-, Asslatant Csshler.f. ....B. W. B( nklKH ,. A, M. WB1UHT ADD TILT0N. BANKERS. ' . , - (Eatahltshed In-1158.) ' - Tranaactg a Oanaral Banking Bualneea. Collectlona made at all polnta ea favorable terma. Lettera of credit issued available la Europe and all polnta in the , United States. -Hlabt Exchsngs and Teleersnhle Trsnafers sold oa now .org, Washington, Chlcsgo, -St, Louis. Dearer. Omaha. San- rranciecv and kl ...... . a.ul a.lll.H'C.I.Ml.1. T Exchange Bold on Ltrttrkm. Parte. Rerlle, Frankfort, Hong Kong, Yokohama, Manila aad iionoiuiu. . SECURITY SAVINGS A TBCBT COMPANY, 888 Morrison St., Portland. Or. -Traaeaots a Osnsral Banking Bus lusts. . BAVllfna nrWABTMif ifT. Inter aet Allowed on Time and Savlnga Deposits. . - Acta as Trustee for Estates. Drafts and Letters of rTedlt Available In AH Parte ef the World. C. F. ADAMS ...President L. A. LEWIS.. ..T..'.'....... First Vlce-Preeldent A. Lr MIU.S. Second, Vlce-Prealdent ft. Q. JWBIT2... Secretary MEB0HANTSr NATIONAL BANK. , PORTLAND. OREGON. 1. FRANK WATSON Preside-. t U DIBMAkl t ice-rreeloent W. HOYT j.... Caahler GEORGE W. HOYT ...Aaalatant Caahler Traaaeete oenerai Mnaiag Drefta and L-ttera of Cretllt Issued L Aasvllahla to All psrto or tne worio. . Collectlona i Bpedslty. , M0RBI8 BROS, A CHRI8TXNSEN. t 1H Vt First Street, PartJsnd, Or. Olftl. 3 lit Edits tnvestmente tn MunlclpU and Railroad "Bonds. Writs ar Call 1 MOKTQAOQ LOANS 0a Portland Beal EsUte at Leweet Bated. ..Titles laaurad. Ahatraeta Furaiahed. X7TLB OUAHAFTl TIUII CO. . 8, Chamket ef Cvnuaaroat BAJXAOAB TTHXTABLEB. AMdUMONPAanc:-; 3 Trains to tbe East Daily 3 . erTareaieh Pellmaa stsndard and eourtat sleea ' Ing cars daily to" Omaha. Chicago, Spekeaet - ilnc euro oauiy vat nanaaa uityt through Pullmaa toarlat aleeplaf ally conducted 1 weekly to Okie a i chair cere (eeata tree) to the E UNION DKPOT. 1 Leaves. g aaua iperaoa' ago. . RecltalBB Eaat dally ' Arrives. - CHICAGO-PORTLAND SPkCIAL. ttBTr.BS"' Dally.- Far the Eaat vU Baat- Dally. -i.: IDA BPOKANBi n via For Eaatern Waahlng ton. Walla Walla. Law-I laton, Ooear d( Alette and Great . JNcftbeca 8 -18 B. am. Dally. 2 00! Dally. pot nta, . ATLANTIC BXPRESS. T-18 a. I gag LPS gastt-ni Ington. ""TDan. tTJatU. Columbia Blver Dlvlelo FOR ASTORIA aad way points, connecting with atmr. foe n. --a A 00 b. aa. About '- Dally.- . iLw1 ,Bi,'Ji'"''.B-j8ti'4sjt 'tolo-.-'Aah-st. doch 1 10 n,i n , ex. nunday. l OOB. Bk. faaahlU Blver Eoute. "anus, trregoa City and Yamhill RlvirlT;' a. . Daily. 17 3r" R"t sad M?v Ash-st. dock. (Water parmlttlne ex. Bunday. BnahTAleee Bsnte. FOB UEWIBTOft,' Ida.; and way aolnu from Rlnarlm. UP. . h. . . 4:00 a. m. " Ml.t Abont 8 pa Tuesday Tharaday Sunday ' Wadneadsy jrviany TICKET OFFICE. Third aiid" Waehluf toe," . . " pofme aaaia nx -V Tvst-n4ts taaoerai rsaaaagaff " Lovee, UNION DEPOT. Ante OVERLAND BXFBE88 tralaa. tor Salasa. Baa a burg. AehUnd. Becra- 8:80 b. I mento, Ogdea, Baa Frae-j 7JB B.B clero. Blocs toe. Los A4 gales, SI PBBO. Hew Ue. leans end the Bast. Morning trala t aecta at - Woodbnrn aall MHl Inat., 8:80 a. aa. with train tor Mt-ff:18 B. I Angei, B 1 1 e r t e a. Brownsville. 1 1 1 1 1 a. field. WandUng aadl Aatron. Albany paaaenger m 4B. necta at Woodbura with 10:18 k. I Mt. Angel aad SUvi ten local. - Corvallla baaasBgay. 7 80 a. m. 1140, .rfl. l1Wa.a. Bhcrldan paaaang ar. a .za a. . -..UiUf. - IfVa-UJI. -.aaww. . IMMia. ) Vertlaad-Oaweaw Suburbaa Bssilsa and TaamlSJ -lueiaia Teas. V -SOUTHp- Depot toot -of Jef feraea etieet . -ri Leave Portland dally for Oevreew T:80 a. at: .... I8 60. 8:06. 8:66. 8:20, 8:28, T.4B. 10:10 p. m. Dally (except Sunday). 8:80. 8.80. 8:84. 10:28 a. m. dilO, 11:80 p. ax, Sunday ealy, 8:08 a. m. Returning from Oswego, arrive Portia ad dan , 8:80 a.- m.1 1 55. 8:08, 8:15. 1:88 8 55. 11:10 P. m. Dally (except Sunday) 8:28. 7:2ft, 1:10 J. :. 10:' -10 11:46 a. m. Bxceot gk m. Buoday only.. 10:00 s. a. latavea rroua "a m ovpua fur wiwi mam .sw-r- medlate points dstly (except Sunday) 4:10 p. B. rrlve Portland lu:io s. m. The- Ind.oMCt4Sce-Monmorr Mr-See - opera tee dally to Monmouth aad Alrlle, eoe Bectlng with Sonthera Padfla company's tracks at IHiiaa and lndepenoence. Flrst-claas fare from Port lend , to SeciBUxato and Baa Freacisen $20. berthe r, assaaa tiraa fsre $15. eeoord-claae berths 2 60, T4.w..a ta IniBtarn BolntS and' FtiroVS BIBB 7a pa a, China, Hoaoluro and Aostralla. City Ticket Office corner Third and Wash. Ing Mn streets. Pbona Main th 1 a W. ST7N0EB. ; , SMeVrl. Cltyxicnex Afsei. - - " TIME CARD OP ".TRAINS . Portion dt- CN10N DEPOT. Departs. Arrives. Pugvt Bouad Limited, for Tacoma. Seattle. Olymola. South Bend 8 :20 a. at. diB,av and Gray Q ax bar points. North Coast Limited. for Tacoma. Seattle, Butte. St.- rant, - atln- eeapolla. Chicago. N S.OO p. xa. Tore, Beaton and points; Eaat and Southeast. Twin-City Express, for Tscoma. Seattle, Spo-i sane. Helena, at. paui, Mtnneapolla Chicago. New York, Boatoa and all polnta Eaat aad 11:41 p, gf. Sourbeaat. .Paget Bound . Kanaas rttyfit. Louis Special, for Taeoml. Seattle. Spokane. Butte Bullosa. Denver. , Omaha, Kaneaa 8:80 a. a. f:0t)f.8t. city. sr. Louis and all polnta East aad aouth east. All tralna dally exeent a Snnrk branch, A. D. CilABLTON. " naaiaraBt rjeaeral paaaenger Agent, -228 Morrlaoa St.. gor. Third. fortlaaA Or. ' Astoria & Columbia . River Railroad Co. Arrtvea. ' 11 l A 8k,- 80 8.1 . - t. 0. MAYO, 0. F. aad P. A., Aatarla. Oe. 0. A. STEWART, OimmerHal Age at. 848 AMst atreet, t'kone Mala eve. Tlok.Oae Zt XipA tV XPBma 888. TrancorttlntntkI -, -. aa2 . Tralnx Dally ' -. - ..FAST-TIME Hl,rt fcArVl.1 3, vriiv-'v euaas aim poikm KAAT. Divllght trio- through th CaataadaT and Rocky BieuntnlaA For full p -Blare, ralea, folderajpte, tail eel eg A-e, 122 Tin-l-!-. L-rAeV,' - Lea yea. UNION DEPOT. -t ... ,' 100 a, ta. For Maygers, Rainier, Delly. Ostsksale, Westport, f. 1 .. - Clifton, AatoHa. War. J " retrton, Flavsl, Haat- mond. Fort Btsveaa, j. Gearhart Park, Seealde, ' Astoria and Seaahera, T 00p.m. -- preaa dally. Astoria Exprsaa. -r '- A i