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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 8, 1905)
' ' ' i 1 I " ' .' V. ,, , . V" ' ,-.:. .... U - , 1 V.'., ,'--! . . ', t .' i '- 1 1 . THE .. OREGON DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND, . MONDAY EVENING," MAY B' 1905V ISntsred at the metafile af Portland. Or.. t iiausmsutloirthroort tHr'SUU TU STOB4-T iaa -v. - I'uatagrfor slug's copltu - Jot aa , -ja -Tf paper, 1 ueut; IS la 80 Pf 1 cants; W fc 44 psfta. t ueut. . TEUcrHontvt-r-. r Editorial Son an. I, i Mini man. ...... ...... n iiniw.iiKila fcW Vrrrl.Dd B.Bjimla gpecU A4Trtlalfi( Ageney. ISO Nihiu atrial, haw Xark; Tribune bund ling.:. Chicago. - y , ' - - VBSOtimOV XATZS. ". -r.T " " ' Iu y Carrier. Tb Dally Journal, with Sundaj, 1 aar...T.M ' lb ball Journal, 1 Jtar 1.00 Tb li.llr Jourual, wlta Sunday, Month. I TS ""Tha Kail Journal. month f - Tb Pallj Journal, with Sunday, t swetbe. l.W . ' Tba Dallr Journal. - months.... l.sO Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday. aooatb.. Th. IkalW nai w..k. dalllMi tSuadaT Included . , , M Taa Dally, par waah. daHTsrs. Sunday excepted ..... 1 .' J' Tarn, ky lOH. Tba Dally Journal, with Bandar, 1 yaar...T.OO Tba-Batty Jogrnst, x yssx.-.-..-.-; . ; ....;.. 4.00 Tba Dally Journal, with Sunday, aaontha, .Tt - tl'hm llaltv Iryirn. I a month ' g.70 i . Tba Dally Journal, with hunday, Boats. 1.S0 - i n. itmnr jonrnii 8 "inontna. i .i t r r w lb I). 1 1, alljr Journa 'lb Dally Journal, 1 nvutth. ."V ... S.00 ...1.U0 lb Sunday Journal, 1 year., Tba Sunday Journal, ( month ; The eml.WeeUr Jeuraal. Tb Saml-Waakly Journal, to 13 pagee each laaua, illuatraud. nu) Barfcat vort, 1 yaar.. .11.50 imnit ilttaaea ahould be ada br draft, puftat eotaa. . axuraaa ordar and amall amount r ocaptabla la 1 and g-caat poataga aump. P. 0. Box 121, Portlands Or. WRZ1Z TBS J0VKM1X MAT BI I0OMD, Tba Journal eaa be fooad ea ul at the - following plarre: - - BOIMK. IDAHO H. tallar Co. W. B. hfo- lnfvr"' - " CHICAUO Poatofflo Kaw company. ITS Pear- 1 burn atravt. . DKNVKU. COI.O. Kandrlrk Book h gtatlonary rooipany, Bll SarantMntk atraati J. Black. -- gUtraolb and Curtl atraata. -.--, DUNSMIIU, CAL,. J. McCarTalla. -I VJCMKAU. ALASKA Foatdfne Book . KlKkia TV Van Now Naara aoBDaaT. EOS AN0KLE8 B. T. Oardnar, M South ' Spring atraot; OUra a Uilw, ituft Sooth "" , ' Spring atraat. . . itl.s.iAl'OLia M. J. Karanaufb, B0 South Third airret. '' 1 " 1 "' KEW YORK CITT Brantaao'e. Cnlon aqnar. "iueti nanrn Kaw eomtianv. - - fc .AM-lUlara Hotar Waw- at, -meg to stationery company, 1801 rarnum atraat. -SALT LAKH ClTf Kanyoe Hotel Daw ftind; Barrow Broa.. 48 Writ Harond atraat. . eoath. ST. LOl'IBrhlUp Boeder, Old Loeuet etraeti E. T. Jtt, soe Ollra atraet. BAN FBANCISCO w. B. Ardlng, PaUc Botol New aland, and 10OS Market atraat; Oold " ainlth Broa.. 330 Butter atreet, and Saint - Kranrl hotel; roster A Orear, Ferry build' lu; N. Wheatley, tsoTaable new atand. est' Der Market and Kaarnav trete.- SEATTLk: Ralnlar Grand Mew aund; Baa Urn r.ewa company RI'OKANB. WASH. Jnbn W, Oraham Ce.' TACiiMA, - WABH tttl THawe aompaayi . Hotel Tacema, Kawe atand. VI. KiHlA. B. C Victoria Book Iutloatry VIATHIB , KtPOBT -I'naettled, - ahowery- weather - or era 11 - tbl ' Morning In the atatea west of the Bocky moun Ulna. l.laht to moderatalr bearr ralna fall : generally during the aat Z4 houre throughout . t'alianrnla, while llgbt, aratterlng abower oc curred In tb ferine aorthweat. "At Portland i le ralntalt waa eiuiuauleil by tlimiilei. THe weather ln.lh -etatea of. the Bocky 1 moontitiTi 1 renerally fatrreicept la the eoutb--fm states, where llghta hewers are. raposjed. ' Mharp (mat and freesing "temperature ere rs- orteu ma morning la tae Dakota. i - The liuUratlau. - are -for con tinned eool. I continues: com, alunvary alh.t la tbla .dlatrlet during ta f next Sd hour. - TtAWWTmeT.H;f wsej," William Pawne. 2T, ead.faa. U. Ooodlng. SO. Wedding Card. Ingtoa bldg., cor. W. O. Smith Co.. Waah- roarth n WMQIngtoa at. BIBTHS. - JOHVgnx May J. to Mr. and Mr. Sylreeter Johnson. 1 Eaat rirat treet. a aubtar. Pt'HMIT May a. te Mr. and Mr. Sebaatlaa Rebuilt, of Portland, a daughter. - C0XTA0I0US DISEASZS. tVArvrt.F.V Var.4. Mary Wadtley, S40 Ralelgb - atreet. diphtheria. -SWKiKRT May 5. Mrs. C. T. Bwlgert, 1083 Tburman atreet. diphtheria. -MARTIN Mar S, -Tbomaa Martin, M Coach sstreet, measles. DEATH. POLAND April 5.Marrt 8. Poland, aged hg years, 2n Monroe atreet; cause, pnlmonary tulwrculoaia. Hurtai at larrou, naanuigton. . Cramatorlnm ea Oregon City car line, sea -Sellwoodi modern, aclentlfle. complat. - Charge Adult, H4; children, (2S. VUltors a. m. to 6 p. m. PortUnd Cremation aeeoclaUoa, lortlaud. Oregon. - The Edward Holms I ndertsklng eempasy. funeral director and embalaier. sao I aire treat. Tbone 607, J. P. nbTey A Hon.. hneraflrectore and enihalmers. corner Third nd Madlon treu. -KHee ef eeunly enroner. - Telephone Mala S. Funeral wreath and eat flower a (paelaKy at Hoae City Greenbnuee. Tweatyacond aad Kaat Morrutoo. opp. cemetery. XXAX ISTATE IBABBrXMr" Bn felling et -at. to William Holl. -He S " Iost U. W. ' Hill to N. E. Hill, andlrlded 1-5 Interest lota and 10, block 14, ttallroad Rbor addition and other - pntfierty 10 Hen Selling et al. to i. A. Brown. . lot l Mock , Kern Park 100 Ben Selling to C. A. Allen, lota g and 10, .' Mock . Kern Park ... . , S00 U. Hornby and wife to H. Smith, north H lot if, block 4. aubdMaon Klrrrrlew addition 12S K. Mseliowell to A, Floea, lot and T, nlork 3. Bnsedale 400 Uermsn Saslngs A Loan society to I A. Deknm, kil l, . 7 end S,. block TT, farter'e addition '8,000 Sheriff to M, ACaaey,- kit 8,- block 4. Klnsel Park -. 21 Inreatment company to O. Boa, kit S nd Id. block 4. Beverly 2AS B. Anderson to N. Benson, troatee. kH.. tr, and 2d. block WasOand addition. . 10 . E. E. Christian to r. M. hrlellan. M 30, block Id. Willamette llelgbta addition.,, J, W. Hrhmeer to C. Howe, block 8. Howe'a addition ,,,.... 1 A. MallHt to O. R. Addlton, lot 28, block 5, Arlet Park No. 8 80 II. Oatrrman and wire to -L. H. Boteer lota 1 and 8. block 12B. ' Hawthorn Park - 106 II. W. Schmeer to K. Hawkins, lots 8 sad. '"" w . block 8, Lincoln Park 800 C. WMtmer and wife to A. K. Wateou. IS and 14.- Moeh- 81, Bunny side .. 1.900 'J. W. Hyde te N. F, Noren, part M 8, block . Oak Park addition 800 M Terwllllger and wife totTerwllUgee Lend" company, andlrlded. H hit 4, yeiTi.wk 15. city . 28,000 K. B. Msnaneld and husband to N. F. s Koreas l"t S3, block 10. Tlltoa's ddl- Hon ...A 1.278 K. H. MrKlnney to M. MeKleney, lot 14, Mock 1. AIMn Hotnestrsd ..'7. . f. .'. -"00 Scottish. Amerlcsa Investment tcompany 'to V. W. Leadbetter efal., parcel land hrglnnlng . at 3ntereectlon of Ta-lor extended and eaat boundary line of A , N. King donatloB land claim, city . , , 80,000 ' V. II. Mlylh et al. to F. W. Leadbetter et l.. parcel land beginning at the In ' lersectlon of Morrison extended and - rest line of A. N. King' donation land rlslm.. clt,r .. 1 W, M. mlth and wire to A. W. Hollls. ' ' ter. To id, Mock T. William Aeenn sddltlo ..... ,. .' .'.!...,,.. 2,000 . ej i flat yonr Insurance , nd snstrscts t ,resl . eat a Is from the Title Guarantee A Trust ao,av pan j, .Chamber of Commerce blinding. , - BtriLDtira pekmitb. .. CONRAD Mav SrVr fWag,- two. cottage. I'nlon annus between Raatt t'4ay ukad Eaat ; Market alreeta; coat. tnn. Oold .flows Into Ok-egon and around Ore fqn at all times r year. Fief erred Bsoiik Oaaned Ooods.' Allen Lewis" Best Brand. CARGO OF LUMBER c FOR GREAT BRITAIN La Fontaine to Tak First Ship ment fdrnlteff Kingdom - -In Five -Years. ; MILLION FEET TO BE PUT ON BIG CARRIER American Bark Hecla Has Been Chartered to Take Ore--e gon Fir to Manila. " A soon, as her freight beg Bis charged the French bark "La Fontaine. Captain Haumon, will begin taking lum ber (or England; It will be. the first ship ment of that product to be eent from the Columbia river to the United Klng- Idom for sbout five years. , The veeeel le under cuarie,rio oai- f our.-. Guthrie A Co.; to whom her in ward cargo was consigned. Captain itaamon says she is capable nf -handling Tit'Tl- kB,pintT up eteam. which TuO0,O(JO-Xrtt. It W"tunu lnt measure for'-fiie-I5hg iriuiiri, first- lumber shipment that was ever put aboard the craft; heretofore she- has been carrying (rain on the outward trip from - the Pacific coast. ; I Fontaine was In Portland harbor last year and sailed- from the Columbia river March 1, 1004. Another lumber carrier, the American bark ilecla. Captain Nelson, arrived this morning from the Bay City. She has also been chartered by Balfour, Guthrie ft Co.. and will carry lumber to Manila. For ur number-of years she . has been engaged in the lumber trade, and the captain state that she usually takes out In the neighborhod of 1.200,000 feet. Had the - weather- been favorable J she would have arrived here a week ago, but aha encountered a strong gale all the wny up the- eoaat and the passage waa lengthened out to IS days. In a flay or two she will begin receiving- her cargo at the Eastern ft Western mill. 'CUSTOM HOUSE FIGURES Although Behind March. . 'Domestlo products valued at ST.40I were shipped from this port In April, according to the monthly summary just Issued by Collector of Custome Pstter son. The showing Is' a very favorable one, ja compared 'With the preceding months of the.year MArchj.. however, stand at' the ' head Of the Fist with ll.lll.B8S to Its credit. z.-zr T'-rwceilrtw-'frrnw-clirtlew eni other gourreg for the month gmounted-to.t3aW ..9S. leea by- about $20,000 than In March. Thte le attributed to the fact foreign port. A detailed account of the traneaetiona la aa louowa: - Number of veenele entered from" for eign porta, li-.vesaela cleared for foreign porta, T: veeaelg entered from domestic porta, SSf vessels cleared -for domeatlo I prirt. )t-r ntrl.f t nt m.h.nill.. for duty, 118; entrlea of merchandise free of duty,ll; entrlsg for-warehonse,' ; entrleer far warehouse and transporta- tlon, 1; entrtee for-eiport to adjacent British provlncea, I; entries for reware- - tcrge. - " 1 ; Sntrlee f rrm warehouse ; for consumption, 80; entries from warehouae tor transportation, 10; entrlea for Ira' mmg.tgirsnpontirri wiihoiif apprau ment, fSj Total number of entrlea ,of all kinds, 251; number of entrlea for con sumption- liquidated, 147;; en trie for warehouse liquidated, 8; certificates of reglatry granted, .2; certificates of jen- rollment. granted, lleanae for jsoast I ing traoe granted, i; Hceneee to-veeseis tinder 20 tons granted, totsl number of documents to veesels Issued. - 10 Value of exports Domestic,- $837,401; foreign, - l(,ll(. ' Receipts from sll sourcee Duties ..on Imports, 236.391.18 fines, penalties snd forfeitures, 862.27; mlscellsneous - customs receipts,' 8260; storsge, lsbor snd csrtsge, 81; official fees, S28.80; toUl, 134.699. 96;. amount of refunds snd drawbacks psld, DISPUTE OF UNIONS. OralnhandlTS and longshoremen Jran blee Cans Delay to gerndeae. Because the gralnhandlers insist en trucking the wheat from the dock to the ateamer's tackle and the longshoremen declare they are entitled to the work, the British steamship Ferndene is Idle, and Just when loading operations will be resumed Is conjectural. t Longshoremen went to the vessel this morning for the purpose of loading her, but members of the Qrslnbsndlers' un ion were there with trucks, and Insisted that they would move the grain to the shlp.Then the longshoremen returned to their hesdquarters on thin side of the fr-ftAAAsjwAiAi 1 1 i w, sxs HAT RACKS r Bigf stock rjust7'recerved,7 ft . in nickel and . oxidized cop- a f per. They are new and ar- t tistic, and the price is from J ! 75c to $8,001 I nV ; JThebelorigin jtxtxy home and office. Special i Hat Rack., and i Umbrella X Stah.iTc6mbined. " - the I J. K. GILL CO. Bookiellera and Stationers , THIRD AND ALDER XxtA Things at "little Prices I , . T I ,klslVsJssJt river,' grid it Is,, said that o effort will be made to place cargo aboard the vea sel-unCU the difficulty is settled. . . " - The dispute between the "unions on this subject la of long standing. The longshoremen tske the ground that they have always trucked grain 'from the dock' and put all veesels under charter to carry cargo to the orient. They have hn doing -II me th. work cm the reg-l ular freiahtera . ODdrated by the Port lend A Aalntte rMeamehlpompanyr but the grnlnhandlers say they are entitled to all of the tramps. At times the grain handlere have Inatated on trucking for the regular liners, btit th company gave II the work to the . longshoremen, it s "i'fated. riiTKir than aaaume having. 1 he vessels put to long delays because of labor disputes. The exporters who are supplying the cargo-are rery snxloua to hare the dlfvj ftculty on the Ferndene adjusted. nq it is probable that the unions wlU be Induced te-griive at an. amicable under stsndlng. . . -TOLEDO IN HARBOR. Headwind and Poor Tnel Cause Loss of ' ..Tims 'o Trip. " ; Facing" a strong headwind for the greater distance from the Bay City the steamer Toledo reached port last, mgni Ing short of fuel, she had to put Into Coos bay. The ooal proved to be a very a- mA um. a..Im.s hsd areait time It required to reach the toiumois river.. ... ' , - ' The bottbm of the huir is also said to be In a very foul condition,, and tna vessel .will be plsoed on the -drydock end cleaned;- When thlg work hss been completed the steamer will go on her Inttlal trip to Grays Ksroor. n is planned to have her make two round trips a weekv The Toledo Is slmost. new. havimt been built at Bureka br the Fay Broth ers lees than a year ago, They are at Portland arranging tne neceasary de tiia in aettlnr the . vessel started on the route- chosen" for her.- Shlppere be lieve that the owners will-be able to build un a good trade with the ' local and aray"s Harbor merchants. She .la a fine looking little raf t, and when la .i believed .ahe -wlll show considerable epeed. She has spaoe for the accommodation of 40 paeaengera, a fuir carco of ereneral freight was breuaht from San Francisco; It Is be In a? dleoharsed at the Oak atreei from which Sb will be operated.. ALONG THE WATER FRONT. This .morning .the- steamer Bailey Oatsert-moved down to the Willamette Iron Steel-TroTksr where ThS Tinisn ing touches to her new-boiler will be made. It is belisved she wftl be resdy to go out tm The Dalles run In a couple of weeks. r . " ' , 1.. . jjyith . big crowd of eicursronlsta the stesmer sprervmader -t: and return yesterdax Thl afternoon the stesmer Alliance. h'""T'-f tr the California ft J?regon Coaat Bteamahio company, -will be placed Ion the drydock at Bt. Johns-for-deanU Ing and Daintlng. She arrived yesterday 4 morning from Eureka and way ports, alrnoat n day late because of adverse winds. : . i John A.Tlum.' examlney of merchan TITsb for " thvcBstomg-'Tlistf let of" Pon TownaandV and J6hn-Maguire. Jioldlngia similar poattloh at Ban.Fmnclaco,ar.--rfvetljr-inornliHrsrid . reported for duty 'at the sub-port on' the - fair grounds. . MARINE NOTES. - Astrla,-r.y May.-fo bar report Cape line down.. ' .. . - San Franclaco, May 2. Arrived at 10 a. m. bieamer noinnis, iroro ronianu and cosst ports,- for Port Loa Angeles. " Astoria. Or.. May T. Arrived down at -midnight and sailed at 10 a, - ra. Steamer Aberdeen, for nan n-ancisco and coast ports. Arrived down at I a. m. and sailed at 12:45 p.-m. Steamer Columbia, for Ban-Fnincirv-o. Arrived down at 4 a. m. and sailed at 1:80 p. m. Barkentlne Amelia, for San Francisco. Arrived at S and left up st 10:40 a. m. Steamer Whlttler,' from San Francisco. Arrived at 1:20 a. m. and left up at 1 p. m. Steamer Toledo, from San Fran cisco. Ieft up it I a, m. American bark Hecla. . . San Franclaco. May 7. Sailed at 1 p. m. Steamer Oregon, for Portland. Ar rived at 10 p. m.--8teamer Redondo, from Portland. Balled Schooner Vir ginia, for Portland. Balled at I p. m. yesterday Steamer Francis II. Leggett, for Portland. GRAND CONCERT FIRST "EVENTATFAIR GROUNDS The flret epeclal event of any sort at the Lewis and Clark fair grounds wss the concert In the auditorium, at tended by a crowd that filled that build ing. No., admission fee was charged, although Portland has heard many con eerts efj'ss eweHi -tor-what are eww sldered large prlcea. The program In cluded orcheatral. selections, male and female choruses snd solos by May Dear born Schwab. Stuart McOulre, Big. De Caprlo and Ethel M. Lytle. The raising of the price of admission at the gatee to 26 cents evidently had no discouraging effect, as the grounds were thronged all day. The Oldsmoblle racere from New Tork to Portland started their long lourney this morning. Ths operators sre Percy Megargle of Buffalo and Dwlght B. Hue of Detroit, Homer Davenport stsrts for Portland on May 15 with his priceless collection of birds snd animals. To commemorate his leave-taking he gave a barbecue yefcterday on his farm at Morris Plains, having as his guests 0O or more dls- tlnglusned rrlends. SPECTACULAR FUNERAL OF FRANK GUGLIELMO The funersl cortege Of Frank Oug I lei mo, who ' died on '-the scaffold st Salem on Friday, passed through the i prlnclpsi-streetg of-theclty yesterday, preceded by a band. 'Solemn dirges sounded aa the. procession wended , Its war toward. Mount Calvary. --The eorteaj -Included -De-'eprlo'e Italian band, followed - by eight car riages containing clergymen and mourn ers. At St. Mlcnaers church, Fourth and Mill atreets, Rev. . Fsther ' Alexander OstelH preached a sermon In Italian and then In English over the body. After the services In the church the procession pnoceeded. to the cemetery. At the grave there- wsa friction be cause1" ot the refusal of the grave diggers to prepare the vault for' the sum speilfted In the murderer's will. After s6m wrangling a compromise wss resrtisnf, "whereby . the digger removed enough of the mssowy to permit the Interment-.The vault- ie Still uncovered, f The ' streeta were llrfefl with people S the procession passed, snd men. women- aniiJch ildren- peer4 , surlously at the hearse. . ' tnreiva tin nisi Examinations for the following posi WeBcomme to Pwtllaiimdl!- To - the eilTtnlKirOT May their stay witn us he pleasani ana promaDie, ana.ineir convenuon :nippy einujBucgcssiui -one. wa extend them all cordial invitation to visit bur store and make themselves at home. We're at their dis posal any hour "of! the. day. Especially would we like to have the ladies visit us. Our store is one of the things they should spe before going home. Come any time V ; " ' '.-""y;.-. iJ"V''- Special "TermsiSale T Bueies RANGES i-Wej have -MrenewecUour-apeclal offer on Buck's Ranges. .We -want every housekeeper to know that we WILL DELIVER, and set in your kitchen, WITHOUT ANY PAYMENT DOWN, any pattern of, Buck's Range. ; You have the use of it 30 days before commencing to pay for it. II, At the end of that time-you pay $3, and thereafter $1 a weekjintil the account is paid. $5.00 Down Jhen $1.00 a Week II " " ' , , . . j. . . : ' - r-rr - ' ' ' - ' "' ' " I Welcome Welcome 0. R. C. glgl- 0 R. C. J tions will be held by the Uhrfed Statee civil service commteslon: Band leader. In the Haskell Institute, Kansas, at a salary of 1720 per annum) cable fore man. In the signal service, at salaries from IBS to 190 per month; engineer and aawyer, In the Indian service, st a salary of 1840 per annum; gardner. In the department of agriculture, at a salary, of 1720 per snnum; marine fire man, quartermaster department-at-large, at a salary of 1540 per annum; malrorw-Indlan service, at- salaries from 1400 to 1720 per. snnum; repairmen, weather bureau service, at a salary of 1720 per annum; scientific assistant, de partment of agriculture, at a salary of 184410 VU-2L0 per snnum. and wagon maker. In the Haskell Institute, Ksnsas, at a salary M7 20 per annum. Information regarding the examina tions ma be -obtained upon application to Z. A, Leigh, postof f ice department, city. y, - . Preferred Stock Oaaned Ooods. AUn aV tjewls' Best Brand. UNIONFISHERMEN " ., BREAK THE RECORD 1 : (gpeetal Dtopatrk teTae.l'osmal.) r. trnlon. May .--t"hron broke the record Saturdsy on the sue or trout caugnt with hook and line from Catherine creek. The first big catch was made by John Ross, who landed " rour-pounar. Bhortly afterwards Joe Wright pulled out a trout weighing four pound's and two ounces. Hslf sn hour later A. N. Qsrdner hooked snd landed the father of them all a nine-pound salmon trout, 82 Inches long the Isrgest fjsta of the kind ever knowtr-to be caught from Catherine creek with hook and line. "X Thank the lord I rrled Hannah Plant, of Little Rock, Ark., "for-the reKlef I got fom Buck lens Arnica Salve." It cured my fearful running sores, which nolhlngielse would heal, and from which I had suffered for b yeare." It Is a marvelous healer for vruta. burns and wounds. Ouaranteed at Red Cross Pharmacy, Rlxth and Osk streets, on the wsy to the poetofTlce. 26c, . , , - -.s - Order of-Railwa the whole Refrigerators Save Ice . t ; :- , rrrWalls that are-sc4ut4-"Boa-conductorsiand. a total exclusion - of f heat - by air- tight doors that, is what you get with "The Glacier." "Those two things mean that your ice will - last - nearly twice as long as in the or-jdinaryrefrigeratoril'Gla-ciers'are goodto look at built well and handsomely finished, they look .well any--where. We have them. with zinc and porcelain linings. Come see them. $8.50 to $75.00 - i . . mm mm SPECIAL Teeth - r EXTRACTING EXAMINATIONS CLEANING FREE DURIIVO ALL THIS WEEK The Boston Painless Dentists will give the lowest prices ever known In PORTLAND for strictly hlgh-class dental work. Don t put It off. but -come In at once. Good work at low prices, guaranteed r u" y'ar"' nM made i. world-wide reputation, for the -BostgrPentlstsliMorrlsoiw-- 1 111 "Dther dentlsli come snd go, but The Boston Dcntlstt reifiala tRS Same reliable, up-to-date dentlata. . Boston-Painless-Dentists-- i itommiso bt,o. kszxb m tatc ajtd ou osTOTrxc Hours 8:30 a. m. to I p. m. Sunday, 1:10 a. in., to 12:20. p. m. - WOMAN HORSEWHIPPED BY A JEALOUS WIFE x 3 . .. - 8pelal Dupatcb to The Joarnal.) . Spokane, Vath.r Mt I. To bshore whtpped In broad daylight on a business street In Spokane la the fate to which Nellie-Maud Bellr a -young artist of 22. waa subjected Saturday evening. The young lady had been out making calls, when 1st. In the afternoon ss she. was going down" Third avenue,-Mr, ilames Mitchell with her son passed her In' a hussy. Mrs. Mitchell alighted, took the whip from. the socket snd turned to the girl, who ran. tor several blocks and y-Gonduetops I city of Portland to our worthy friends of. the road. . ... 4T j ,a j3 SPECIAL SALE Go-Carts - Go-Cart buying is very "easy for youthis'sprirrgri We started the jjieason wlth an attractive cut in prices and we've kept, the same reduction on these goods .lever since. Of has meant a big cut into our profits but that's your benefit. There are still a few of these carts left-rail in.- perfect condition and up to date in gear " and " furnishings. If-you need a -Go-Cart, now'a he 'tima to buy economically." 25 "fo"40"" Per Cent Off Extracting and extmlna-' ' tlon TstZB SILVER FILLINGS.'... 35 .GOLD FILLINGS. ,....75 GOLD CROWNS.... ,93.00 FCLL SET .....93.00 BRIDGE) WORK. ,4.,. 93.OO Reclining II " II 111 Free then, stopped; The woman overtook'her and gave her a beating 'In front of the First Baptist church, exclaiming. '"Tou will, steal ray husband, will jtouTL Miss Bell says there la no reason for Mrs. MltctHtssctlqn. Aoroats the Stya. - TronT The Louisville COurler-Journet.' Alexander the Great. Hannibal. Julius Caesar and Napoleoa Wer reading the latest wsr hews. "Bay. boys,", exclaimed Alexander, "It's lucky for us that we didn't know anything about the Jsps. ain't It nowT" Bet yer life,' wss the ferverlt chorus. Si they adjourned to the nearest bar. NEW IDEAS IN - - 5 PORCH TURNITORE Don't wait until midsum mer to get your porch furni-: ,t,yre. Cpmtnoy Jwhjleourl stock- iove.wand complete. "Choosing is 'good now and . you will have no- trouble in finding what ' you ' want. Later -on you will have a limited- selection and no" such range of prices. - Here are some, items of pricing. - Old Hickory - Chalra....,.f 1.T5 fO.OO Old Hlokory - Rockers.. $ 3.28 tb f 6.BO Old Hickory Settees...... $6.0O to f 25.00 -Old Hickory - - - Tables 91.50 $6.00 Oak and Maple .'" Chairs Sl.BO to SIO.OO Reed Rockers . $2.SO to f 1B.OO - Oak and Maple Rockers $1.60 to flB.OO Osk and Msple Settees $6.00 to f 15.00 Osk and Msple Tables...... 9S.OO to 915.00 SUMMER RATES - - o. w. p. a t. 00. Hotel Estacada IX EFFECT fROat AFBIb BO. tMlglng and Brrakfut ................. I 12s Roum snd board per daj. ............... IM Room and tioard per wssk... in 00 Moo in and board saw week (tire psrsoas). Ss.ou flrealifsst m.mih.h..hi.i.mwm - -AO Mincbeoa ......... . i.i,i..w,. - Dinner .71 ' . ChUdrea-BSdav years asd set easts. kM z A spedsl ticket, Ineladlng trellay trie ssd dlaner, $1.78. A apsdal tlrket. Including trollay trip and en dar'S board. 8.8. ; - Xtrkata oa sale at tb ennipanr' efflee, mtST AJTD AU STBUTS. Pboa or wrlM L. E. MARTINIS, ,sUsagri Dr. B. E. WRIGHT The SUISalTtriO- .' MITMI that -rf in' usuif. vyvis- tlons. 49Vs Wasbiagtoa t,. oox. .. Seveatk. Fearaof - mind . comes , from, . peace of stomeah. It's easy to make peace. . -Aw rmoy , pudding .la a 'delicious peaoe. maker, ,Ven cauls a packsge. AT ALL CROCSr.3.' f Al r ;s , - i St..' r-, - t-. - 17