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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNALi PORTLAND, 1.THURSDAY EVENING, MAY 4. 1805. - - , '. , D . J. '.I ..." i.i.w nm . rrr- J - 1 ! - RACEGOERS CTJOY . OPEIiG IJEETOS The Time Vill MS" AqueducfWas Popular, But Ja T When the Advice of this Portland ResidentLWfll'Help a.- - ----- maica - Is Drawing Bigger 'j tLThan Ever Before. lqil W" : V Come "NEW BELMONT TRApK"" - rr OPENS THIS WEEK Classic: Event of First Day Will .-.vV.. Be - the Metropolitan . , : Handicap. , j , V (Journal Special rlc.l . - 1 C n . A UI K, UmJT 1 II til WBaj . - meeting of tjie metropolitan racing sea--'on of l0t closed Monday, when th ; racing wa sblf ted from Aqueduct to Jamaica, and very follower of racing ' . , to th east haa reason to feet satisfied wUh..ihaauJtv- Bigger 1 ro wda toav ..- . watched better races than ha aver ba lora-bi-ta-ea In tlia opening-meet i ' areund New York. From the Caste . handicap on th Opening; day down to the ' last race on Monday there haa been -TV---''nothtn'"to be desired: T" '. :ini Hi. Cassias a work with -ftir nnr las -been flrat class., his -disciplinarian 'r meaaurea In controlling th Jockeys hav . received the approval of the power of -r-raelng.'-and -only-two horsee have die. ' played Improvement in form noticeable enough to be cUssed reversals. Aque duct thle spring hap lacked a Ilerrala, a BeMame,aLBtalwartor--a-OUeaWr-but, . everything considered. It haa been a -1 meeting- -0 grow--nthus1ssrtover,--aS - presaging the greatest aeason the sport -lias ever known. zr " V" " " The opening dayrat7an.ategrl.ava fulfilled the promise of Aqueduct. It may .. be said, however that. allOf. tbiaJar. garded by' racing men as preliminary to 5 T the qpenlng of the new- Belmont park, . which - will taka plac next Thuraday. - WMn-tliB running of th' Jf stropoMtan .handicap Ahe asott-wilt ba regarded as In full awing. . . V . Little Information fcar been allowed - to filter out of thefgreat racing stables " aa to their probable caijdidates far Bel mont. parjt's richest feature, but It la -. known that Auguat Belmont baa set his -heart on wtnntnf the" event with tha peerless Beldame, and that tha allkaof B,..rii Thomas mil lia1 la3Tt6rTWn.e 'little red horsey Hennis. - In thlg pair ' . Is centered a largepartot theraclng excellence of Vast year, and thay are tha nucleus of a, race that promlaea to mane ih.g opening day atJBelnQiit.paTgfamous -4n thoroughbred alator - Hardly a horse that wormed it way Jntajublla,ggectlon last year Ihrough, ,,the- medium of - hard races ; ilorlously - won of gallantly-contested, is missing from the list of nominations to tha Met- ropolitan. Back of th two great Cham :riJon-margin up : a Weld -of- WvO-er twentynve.- but their absence will-de-l tract only In a llght.dagreafromv-tnal7. Interest in the race. Given Heeml and 4amatar4nha t; publla- will turn- -out in - numner tnai in niimnera inn .have never been equaled ainc tha great f ourmilo - atrugglea ' between - northern and southern champions mora than ." centurr aao. - - " ' ' ' o TweTaaf-Olfls. Of 4he young horse : which ho-wn-lBlttaKa ToTmraoTar thr 'aa- . on may b-manlotie OaUam and rtrat . 'Water.- By common consent they are th JicatoOhJ-year-ildBft-iorra- o rar. That buying yearling. U tha- biggest ihd of a" lottery ha been amply 11- '. lustrated In th case of Oaklawn. lie waa obtained at en ofi tn yearling aslea last summer by 'Willi 8rleId,for 400.. At-the tlm a,:.numbet-ir.wil " known owner and trainers - guyed Shield unmercifully for throwing away Jji-jnony--tn-acraggiy looaing, awkward' going son of Farandole. -Now, ' I liowever. th laugh la all on th Shields aid, for Oaklawn haa won considerably afr.- Just ho stood th xolt really la there la no telling until h meet bet . ter horses. Of on thing there Is a cer tainty and that la that Just so long a the son of Faranaoi etays on me reet and will stand training he will be fight " Ing it out with the more expensive and fashionably bred youngsters. He ha a ""."world of speed and undoubted courage and -"ahonld- continue -etrrwiftTact wherevr properly plaeed. First Water has been recognised for weeks aa on of th greatest Juveniles in training. Had h shown nothing In work, th fact that hla owner refused an offer of-XO.QOO for-him waa con- vlnclnr proof that he la th kind tnat l , ahiiiOIt reserved for -tb big atakea xtt tha-year. In sporting the Bennington .colors at Aaueduot Jbirst Water upset the tradition that JuYnll of un doubted futurity caliber I nerr sent - to the post at the early metropolitan mealing. . . -. 1 . icorri rk Is KUtory. Morris park, bo far as horse racing tnnrrmtA to hlstonr- ha grounds are under lease to th Weat- Chester Racing association, they no longer are considered a a home for race ' : horses. When It became evident b - yond a doubt that Belmont park would be ready for It Inaugural meeting May 4 th knell of Morrla pgrk aa a rac rftourae-'was aounded.- It was not. however, until th horses that had wintered at the course were " sent away to th lxnr Island tracks '. that those who long considered tha West chester cours th greatest In theoun try felt that th end had really come. TheAtables were nailed up, th track entrance closed and the track haa taken on th aspect of an. absolute private .... property. - . - . The cours hills will b turned over, . temporarily af least, to automobile rac- lng. Already th BromoUrs of th meet there are at work to shape tha course - up for It nw purpoae. and oonh whir of -the racing machines will be heard where once the patter of thorough bred hoofs mad music. ' - METROPOLITAN-HANDICAP- - ' RESULTS IN DEAD HEAT . ' fjearnal gneeill Bervtee.) . Belmont Park, N. T, ' May ' 4. The Metropolitan-- handicap reamte d tn a dead heat between Sysonby and Rac King. Colonial Girl- ran third. . Tim, .- 1:41 1-B. Th purs was divided,, COSSACKS ATTACK AND -; " ROUT JAPANESE FORCE (Journal Special Service.) At. Petersburg. May 4. Llnlevltch re pert that on Monday a detachment of Coasack attacked a aquadron of Jap anese, killing on - orflcercores of dragoon and taking 11 priaonerv . . . BTASToausTf sroowa To vraaxr t Rvangatlst J. I- MeComb, wh eon ducted th street meeting for the Chap- . man revival brigade, will be th speaker St special meeting Saturday night al . o'clock at the Palvatton army hall In th north end, S6S Pavla stree :SS "Two" titled " Americgn v women who gre at law "over rent..- The upper pic fur 6" li that of : the Duchess de La Rouchef oucauld, r : who' waa Misa Mitchell, daughter of the present ten-: attar f mm OlljfgB." Th4 lower ptcT tur is that of the Countess Spottes- woode-Mackinv the 4anUof J of the duchess who failed to mike repairs, la the mansion- leased"tylhinatter. Thrnludi-ssenoved; charging her bills againatthr-land- lady, who declined to pay, thus in voivingaippeaLtp"lawr:i:S --tt.. I lit 11 fI1 I al tTl r"mtt. UUUU - - - .CHANCE OF RECOVERY His Assailant Waives Ex amina 'out Bonds." - liroughAttornef John F.-Xiogn,:who appeared as-hfa counsel, Joe Young, the aaloon keeper, waived Aprellmlnary aminauo noon on th charge of assaulting Kaaper Van .pranwith-il dangerous weapon with: Intent to commit murder. He was held t answer to th grand Jury by Judge Hogue and denied balk Young did not appear In court. - He was taken to the county Jail this after boon, where he will be held, pending th result of Van Dran'e Injuries. If th latter recovers and there now appear a fair cbanc for him to live it I prob able Young will be admitted to ball. . An official statement of th causes leading up to the ahooting and tha cir cumstances was given to a representa tive of the district attorney's offlc yes terday evening. lylhe, woundedman. II said -Young heard that" h "TVan Dran) had circulated stories to th ef fect that Mrs. Young waa being neg lected and Inquired of him about it, Tha question was. asked on tha aide-walk-in irontof Vsn Pran's aaloon. - Th latter replied that he had told certain persons Young should bo ashamed" of himself for not providing for his wife 'and their children and. ad mitted giving Mrs. Young money to' buy necessaries. - Ha- then -walked Into his saloon and was followed by Young, who drew out a revolver and begin ahooting. TOO MANY NAMES FOR -HONESTBUSINESS J. R. Davis, who haa Bailed under th namea of J. R. Davidson and John R. Dler, was arrested by Deputy Bherlft Orussl last night on a' charge of larceny of a horse valued at '- 160 from John Mock-of , Peninsula. The animal was stolen on April S and waa found In tha possession of a farmer at Sprlngwater, Clackamas county, a ' few daya later. The farmer told the sheriff that he had obtained It and a check for 111.(0 In a trade with J. R. Da via at Oregon City. Ho had presented th check at tha Ore gon City bank and payment had been refused, aft Davis had no funds on deposit there. ... ----- -. - Davidson traded tha horse he had ob tained from tha farmer , for another which ha sold in Portland for $40, and gave the buyer a receipt, signing - th nam or J. R. - Davidson. By tha re celpt Deputy Bherlft Orussl -traced him to a house on th east- aide, and there he learned that Davla had gone to Oat man's station, where ha had leased It acre of fruit Isnd. The officer arreated him laat night while he, ws at work. Only th charge of larceny has been placed agalnat Davis, but In Clackamas county a charge of passing a worthless check will be preferred against him.. acAm.Y ramsovax. George C. Blakeley of Th Dalles Is a guest at th Portland. ,' " Mrs. P. 8. Darnaton of Hood River Is In th city, r..:-.-- - Mr. ami "Mr. Frank Wiggins of Ixt Angeles ; r - at - th - Portland.- Mr. Wlgglna is a member of tha California commlssion'-totthe Lewis and Clark exposition and his wife is hostess o th California building. - George Romitey, a prominent lumber dealer or nan lk city, is in Portland. accompanied by his wife. 11 M. Ooa of Medford Is at . th Perkins Jar a brief stay. . r - tt.C "Eaktn of Dallas Is visiting Port- land fr a short while. Mra. C. A. 'Monell was taken today tn th North Padfla stertnm Trrr- a operation for appendleltla. . ; Preferred Oaaxaed wood Allan Lewis' Best- BrgBd, - it;- - r if fi r - i SMITH WANTS TO COME BACK HOME Defaulter Offered Financial Aid by Horseman Woman Is Released, t U (Jonraal Soeclal Service.) UiMla Mij 4 ni wirrt J.-Bmlth, tha defaulting tax collector - of San Francisco, under arrest here, waa called on today by Barney Bchrelber, the well known horseman.' who offered umiin financial help. Smith as collector -was oneeoffered abrlbe IF he would"nelp nut Bchrelber out of business, but re fed: Bmith satd-that- all that hs wanted was a chance to go back to San Franclaco to atralahten out his affairs. Plnkertcm detectives sre seeking soma trace of th $54,000 which It Is reported Smith got lust before his departure, Offlcera are expected here Saturday to lk""th coirectorback. "The SmltS woman ws released Wednesday evening anil wgnts tn gq B" ii SALT AND PEPPER SET IS EXPENSIVE Costs Vancouver Man Fifteen Dollars for Purloining From 7 Restaurant Table. . (Special Dlapatrk tn The Joornal.t Vancouver.-Wash.. May 4.r-A aalt and a pepper cellar cost-H. L, Banner of Rldaefleld tl& yesterday. Banner en tered Van Atta'a reataurant and ordered dinner. According to hla figures the prlc of the meal should have been IS cents,, but tha checa caned ror z cents. As he left th restaurant ha took a aalt and a pepper-cellar front-the table, put ting them Into hla coat pocket The res taurant proprietor missed the articles sndJChlef of PolIeeBa.teman wai noti fied. Banner was arreated soon afer ward a he was entering a Main atreet bualnesa bduad. He stated to Officer Bateman that ha Intended to return th articles and explain hla actiona. He was fined fie and costs, amounting to IS, by Justice brthe Peace Harris, which he paid and was set free. RUSSIAN BATTLESHIPS - ; . 7 IN MALACCO STRAITS (ionnial Speelaf Service.) ' Malacca Straits Settlement, May 4. A Ruaslan division, consisting of four battleships, an armored cruiser and a gunboat, accompanied by five collitrs, passed Malacca at 4:10 o'clock this af ternoon bound south. SAisa askxsuos nm. The SS cent admission .rtil at the fslr founds goes Into sffSct next Bun day morning Instead ' of Monday, ss stated In lat night Journal. Monday waa th day decided upon at Nrst and the nhang was mad too 1st for alter ation yesterdsy. '',' i 1 Very?ew people sre entirely fre from backache.-- It doe not take mueh . . . 1. - LU; A 114,1. MbM Id Ofraniv um monry. A inn- strain, stooping positions or hardjvork. many aches and pains promptly follow. a . I .nil. .nil h,M . nftW every kldnev 111 , can be relieved -and cured.-- -Jtead'abdut Kr " . Portland;" Oregon, Inspector of freight for the Trans-coniineniai company, a man wh Is very well known among th railroaders of the coast, says: "Doan Kidney PUla ara among- Xha- few- pro prietary remedies which do all that la claimed for - them, and .they have my thorough confidence, l usea mem ior backache and other very marked eymp-tom-er-kHney trouble whloh hsd .an- noyea me . ('i iin'inn.. a . i i i n v.m wasjrespanaiblfoF--th whole -trouble. It is several months. since I used them and up to,date there has been no recur rence of the trouble, -t have, recom- - J i.a,m a m niiMh., t tfA hnL'l about th freight house, and I know JX, tneygavntbanprairTlwrrTh eyce r talnly must JyeJeaa.4laa4-with thg results. -.:...'...(... - v For sale by all dealers.- PMcs R0 cents. Foater-Mllburn Co..' Buffalo, N. Y., sols agents for the United States. Remember the name - DOAN'S and taka no. ether. .Llf- PORTLAND BARBERS" UNION tOSES CASE ActiongainstJpnsoriaL.Artist ChargeLVVithViolationiof "SundayLawpisinissed4 (Special Dispatch ' te" TSeoraat) - ' Oregon City. May 4-Th case of th State against Ernest Case, a barber, conducting a 10-cent shop, ehsrged with condnctlnr business on Sunday., which has been pending In the justice court SOme time, was aismissea yesieraax I'll thelXsJUtf a..0f . th prortutln; ia eatab- Yimh thA. ph,rm The rait Wtl broa- cuted by the Portland' Barbers" unload in tn coumy courv J u j , matter of the estate of Grace Wllllsms, William .J. .WI1""'. ba administrator, filed hi flnat report and the court"set June aa the day JOtJthS-ttnaJ ettt ni e 1 1 1 o t tht j-t iZATX Dearaeott, a-flnalaettlement was de clared and ths administrator's bonfla- men. were reieasea Tn th. olr,i1 Mnrt veeteritiev Wllllm Gller, a native of Austria made a dec laration of. hi Intent Inn tn become g ,clL--Isen. of ths-Unlted State. - :. FISHERMAN APPEALS : "FR0M HEAVY FINE Is Assessed rQn HundredlPpt Z lars on Charge of Fishing i Without License. Stlpp i yesterday -af ternoon- for -- fishing without a license. lie was iouno-gumy by th Jury and fined 10O by the court, lie filed th requisite bond this morning and took anappoal to the circuit court. Some time ago-Johnson waa prose cuted "for fishing during ths closed sea son and escaped punishment becauaa th prosecution - failed - or forgotto prove that tha C'lackaraaa river la a tributary of th Willamette river. Th trial yesterday waa proaecuted with vigor. Tha district attorney waa assisted tn presenting the charges by Attorney-General Crawford, who hap pened to be In Oregon City ton other bua lnesa. Fish Warden Van Duaen waa present and took a lively-Interest In th case. ' . - - --- :--"f' WORK PROGRESSING " 0N-THEFISH LADDER tSeetlal Plapstub to -Tbe-JoTSSt-y- t Oregon City, May 4. Work Is still being don on th fish ladder at 'tho falls of tha Willamette, It ia claimed that with th water at the present height, the ladder la working well. Th chsnnel -will be mad still deeper anci everything possible will be done that can be with the limited appropriation th season. -Eighteen large aalmon were een to go up the ladder within one hoar last evening. Fish Warden Van Dusen, who is now at Astoria, with Attorney General Crawford, arranging th bound ary tin with th Washington authori ties, will return to Oregon City Satur day and will take up th fish ladder problem. SH00TIN&IRESULTS" IN CLOSING SALOONS (Special Dlspatck te Tse Joorasl.) -The Dalles, Or., May 4. Th city council at Its meeting last nlgbt paased an ordinance closing, aaloona from 1 o'clock p. m. until 6 o'clock a. m. - Thia was, brought about from the result of th shooting affray last ulght-Nlght Policeman Crate I resting easy; and If no complications set In will recover. Summers Is still In Jail. He I held without bond awaiting the result of Crate's wounds. xosromAvois. Countess of Mlnto In National Review. I have been totd by a Canadian that In discussing with an English general th possibl!ltrvfjendlng -troops, -from England to the far east via Canada tha latter raised. tha objection that It would not be desirable for them tor travel over United States terttoryl I have-' been told of an English official having con doled, shortly after XcKlnley's assaasl natlon, with a Canadian on th loss of his president. I have myself beard an educated Englishman express to a Cana dian ' audience his surprise at finding modern civilisation existing In a coun try which he had till then believed to be under permanent tea and. snow. Mintin ajtd pmamrBtiss. (Special DUpatck to Tha Jeeraal.) Creston, Wash., May 4. An old -and destitute German woman waa found lylng'-'hwtr-ths rxnrottd track, here last night. She aaya she has no friends, snd was taken Ml Charge by officers. ' " John Day valley fruit was not Injured as much as was supposed- ?wenty. free trips to be divided among the 0 most pop-; ular persons m OregojijindWash LlSTHEOVRNAIwlIlpay railroad and sleeping car fare, hotel bills' for one week, ad jrnlssions to the exposition for one week and or amuse ' mcnts.l . . .. ' " . 1 -r1- The contest closes at" midnight on " June 30- Read . the conditions and start the ball rolling by sending in nomina tion blankor-yourcandidatej " " LI The Time Is Short Gettq THE TRIPS WILL follows '" ;C--0WIOT.'--; 1 Benton ahd Lincoln counties. . 1 Clackamaa county ..' , 1 ' Coonnduiry--cnuntlss. . . .'. a "Columbia and Clatsop Counties: 1 Douglas county i t i X "Qrant,Harney and Malheur. coiintlrs -. 1- Josephln and Jackson, counties -Klamath ahdLakagountlearIll Lane county i..,......:.,.., 1 Linn ':countyjv,,,i4jg X ai tdnditionsofe5iOHC Th bssfs on whtctr'-CTOdlt -fneygeyts-eente pM In aavajme flip nWrnd subscription t " the Daily and Sunday, pally, Sunday . or Semleekljt-adit -Any person residing in any , - enter thf contest at any time prior to June 19. 1MB, provided their ' nomination is properly Indorsed by two well-known cltlsens of their - district. -.. , : , - S. Evefv person who enter this contest must be properly noml-T nated on blank printed In th Is paper, before rote will be counted. A nomination blank can be sent In by any on wh desire t "iKrtrrtnat a person, provided th person I properly Indorsed by twe well-known clttsen of th county In which they live. Th parson having th largest" number of votes In each dis trict will be entitled to th free trio. tor-ta-district,- S. Ballots clipped from THE JOURNAL must be voted within on week after Issue of paper and no vote win be counted cnleaa th person is nominated. List of nominations will h published ' frequently. " and if your candidate Is not already nominated, fill ut and send in jiomlnstlon blank at once. Only en nomination blank la neceasary. -.- -(. - - - S. ' Any contestant may obtain votes outside of their county or "district, but they will only be credited to th district they ara' representing. - ' . . T. - The rtrnt Is reserved to withdraw Thli of fefTrem any" dis trict where there not mora than on candidate entered prior to -fw-irA tOSr-awd wa employ. i inemuer of mployg'rsmn7?"6f" - THE JOURNAL can enter this contest. 1 " 8. . Cash must accompany all subscriptions, and no aeounts will be opened nor vote credited unless remittances are snt'dlret to TirB JOURNAL, Lewis and Clark Contest, Portland. Oregon. Paper will be delivered by mall, agent or carrier, aa requested by sub- aorlber, 1 ; . NOMINATING BLANK The Journal's Lewis and Clark Contest On of thest blanks must be sent to THE JOURNAL for each candidate before votes will be counted. The names of all " candidatea will be published and only one of these blanks need be sent in for a candidate, t ' " 'V J I hereby place in nomination ""'" , (Name) .............................. ............... ...... of . . . ... .j ........ . ....... . . (postoffice)as the most popular person In. county. -J iU i Nominated by. . ....... . ' Indorsed by . , . . . . . . ......... , Occupation ..riT m, ... Occupation Date. . IMPORTANT! Address all letters pertaining to Free Trips to the Lewis and Clark Fair, end send all nominations and subscriptions "to : --'. ;--,r,:"": ' Lewis and aark-Contest Dept.- - t expense, including Worlc" BSD DlVIDltD AS - - - ji -' omwQir. - Moiiu; tilllgnfana Wheeler -counties ..............,..,'. 1 Umatilla county . ;.7Y7."." .. X Vnlon and Wallowa eonntlaa. ril X. Wssco-Jhariaan - and OoofcTg :;:;ounties iT.T. i X l-Washtngton sndT Tillamook counties - Tamhill and Polk, counties, .... 1 9TOM. Kaataaw-Waahtns Wea tern Washington- for votes will be given isena ota I ot th t designated "localities can"' -at ......... ,4 . ,.......... . . . . . . . . . . . . , . , i..V.. f i Ti. 1 ..- , , . . e. . ... . . t. 1905., o " " - I 1 j7 'k- i - ' m '