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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
--v-v. THE OREGON 'DAILY ' JOURNAL; PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVttmwu. . j- HUGGED AMD KISSED BUI PID NOT LOVE Suit Against Former Husband .'r-- Hat Warm -'Breathrr v HIS SIDE OF STORY -Orurbauch.-atlFather't CravW and Visit That War - -tr"'Not Proper.".Tv... ,-".' '" : .rr-r -Ww.iJ erttness tin and " ' d.rgolng a rehl""?"1?4- 1Mf.4,tftHrail.w QoUi darlM-nd that aa, never, promiaed her wu'a ;jemarry hetan tltheretore-faanad 1 not been guilty of breach ;of: promise 1 II! tllled to the $10,000 -:' a .h. claimed because he bflghfn. uau,.a - . .,.. I I I in gnmmr-r- t -1 -A he erfectionJL- I,, " ' 1 '' ' . u A I imwA frflnl after sue naa securou i -----:bli-ta-Chlcsgtr-hs-Curros ponded! '. her and frequently visited her. He had ;oie of the letters shs had written to . 'htm became he burned them. i Orer the -objections of. the plalntlfrs attorney he was allowed to, testify re- " stated that Mrs. Ooldle was not well. "7 ""and betted hlnT to cair and seC Tier, i -When he answered her letters he ad f dressed them to "Mr..-William Oold.o and called tier "My -Dear Jess." When i he vlelted her he put his srms around i her at teasf once and kissed her. - He 1 -"-k tot IhrM llbrtt, although he hn4 r not the least affection for her. and . 1 never Intended to remarry her," Once, when he-was in Chlcsge ha snd she rather was- burled; they were "full." j did 00 deny that they had resumed - rnaniateiloni21ie admitted mat nr '"""'had married again, after he had com i. plated his work jit tha-fit.-l.ouls -fall where ha held some concessions, but he did not tell the name of his second .wife, s It developed,-though. that ahe,can) " from Council Bluffs. Iowa. : Mrs,.Gollie concluded, her side, of the rase yesterday afternoon., fine had ob tatned the divorce from Ooldle- on the JrJwwMirfewfe' aJMudrunfraBnsss, and ... - had - been - awarded- altmony. - Ooldle Jmade. a settlement with her, agreeing to 'pay her $2,000- She' Waited him In St - ---'I.oula, and he visited her -In Chicago, and t8l her to come back t htm. r-Hs agreed t wierry her-after the fair, -. and aome of hla letters to her told her ; " I;to taka good care of herself Atec ths fair ha came "to Portland ana ens ioi- lowed. Bhe called on Mm at the Im. perls t -hotepand Twetth second - Mrs. Ooldle, wh told Ooldle that If he had Received hla first. wife, he should do something, .for her.-Me asicea tne wiv X. - - . 4 : 9 . . -. if)- , f JSC.; ! :- ' ' ; ' .' --. '''' ' . I , , . -. - " , ' : V 'r-i:f-1 't - r2i ' w V . 'i HARHETJ iR&HltRAHllRAHllKAHllKIKlllihHl'lBHJ &&m EgLH hwrasvri hrry,vl haccasinH t SI CLEANER REVARD Of LABOR P.eEWtyH.ealthJnspectOLjjnan Tingle J-inq$ jviucn to uom " mend In ShopaTT.-j: RETAILERS-WttttNG I U , -ACCEPT SUGGESTIONS HousewlvesiAreUrgetLlQ-iPat 'ronilia th Storet Wh art Food ---- s Properly Kept. " rBritih Premier Balfour pkytae jolf with the fiiherman. - The picture --hows the English premier.watching the result of the final putt ol his : opponent, ; George Buchtn, cjiptsin Lof AeJeamof ScotA "who recently played a match game with t the mW;ftehoe;;or ' commons, in jrfrich the parKamentarians were victorioua. tha i m II An in. .... - " - The opening- arg-umtnt for tha plsfn? tiff was made by W. B. McQarry this morning after Judge Oeorge had de nts - tnotlmr-ef thr-defemw-that-th jury "be" Instructed to trine; In a verdlot for the defendant. C. E. 8. WooS fol. lowed,fir the defenge. Ot-JV-Id lemas closed the cassjfor the plaintiff ttilt afternoon. ' ' ' . . 'Work on the ?oqutll-Tlver Jetty. near-Dandon. la now progressing;. The amount- available - ts,' J 36,000. D THERE There Will Be Something Doing at rFATHERSHOTBETRAYEI I TfirBus y Store THIRD AND BUBNSIDE : Open Evenings fenae .completed Its testimony this -moraine 4a-th- trial of John TtHlckensj been raceompjlshed, bargain F rMay All the odd lots of all kinds of Clothing, Shoes and Furnish ing Goods picked out and placedjon specially-arranged Bar-t, gain Jaoics ano-nuiigca tor unvuay - wwdisnt-ai-viicir (JUAKit.K WUaT Read :Every Wordbf This Advertisement It's V": i ; ' Money in Tour pocket - AT Til JKV9 TOXOUOW. I t B t rlacfc and Tan Rosa- f- 1 6 Hentst itched Ldnes ttanager- chiefs; .,. : '' 20 8uspenders, nickel buckles. 1 K t n v hrmt. . 'x " 1 Engineers' .-.-Caps.- - . . -'- T l6 Worklngmen'a 8trpn -Sox. ZSe'--Collar Buttons,' guaranteed. L gOgTiArm Itand". -elf- 1BC Garters, alik web. 16 Silk -Neckwear. - .... 3Vhatr5c:Buyj hat-lOcLBuys- T TH XTS TOHOBSOW. 254 Bilk "Web Suspenders. 25 Fancy Embroidered Hosiery. 25 Silt Neckwear, 48 atyls. - -25 811k Flexo Garters. 25 lrlh Linen Handkerchiefs, , - H and H-lnch, hemstitched. ' 25 Sateen Caps, largo four-inch visor., - 25 All-Woo! Half Hose. . What 25c Buys BAB0AZ rmiOAT AT TXB XUM. T54 Umbrellas, ItJ and Il-lnch, ' swell handles. -'' . T5 Imported Ulllr Keckwear, II tries. TK Wool Vests, all slses. .. '. 75 Imported Half .HoseerT; new. .J-, 75 Straw- and Crash Hats. 75 811k Suspenders tOuyot). 75 Contab Suspenders, new pat- -- terns. ..', -50 President Stispenders, name . on every pair, 1 Be Hllk Handkerchief s,- pUIn and fancy, botdars. 7B Spring and Summer Under wear, els colors. -BO Fancy Balbrlggan Under . wear, taped Sfsms. ' , BO -Overalls, . black, without bibs, fit) Boston Garters, in pink only. BO Work Shirts, In neat black - . and whits stripes, What 50 c Buys .. . at m an. al.OO All kinks of Negligee Shirts; in new patterns. ,. 1.50 Dress ShlHs. sofiAild. stiff front" 109 styles. S1.50 Helf-TWntng Gloria Silk Cmbrellss.. 1.25 Men's Kmbroldered Slip-, per. ,- 1 f 1.5 Mercerised Silk Underwear, t elors,sall fast 91.75 Ksncy Vesta, crash crepe, - silk and wool $1.0 Imported Neckwwr. fonr ... la-hands, puffa, tecks andquares. 9 1.25 Wilson- Bros.1 nupenfiers -Jinestrfllllt" l.OO Engineers' Overalls, seven Dockets. - - " ' - f 1.50-Samplft-.mti. light-spring shades, -swelL J f l.OO Straw Hats, s, maker's ssmpla line, sn snnpes. 9 1 .OOPr tnc.ley "Shi rta,- M a tnin- cent patterns. - What $1.00 Buys at m 92.50 93.00 and 93. BO Sampla Hats and ail oaa. ioib oi opring, Ijarsn-irtpclt. li.SO 92.00 Md 92.25 Sam- plea of Btrsw tists. new diww, 91.50 91.75 and 92.OO Negli ges Dress and uuung unir, niy four dosen. : - 91.75 92.00 92.50 Shoas In rsyr- new styles; anougn ui each sis to fit every lad. 91.50 92.00 and 92.50 Silk and Wool Uhderwear. ' 92.00 and 92.50 W6o! and - worstea Trousers 95.00 and 96.00 Odd Coats, frock, 14 to 80 only.; 92.00 and 92.50 Suit Cases, bronze' locks snd hinges. ' 92.OO and 93.OO Fancy. VSsts. the new fad. 91.50 and 92.OO Hairline All- Wool Pants. 91.75 and 92.50 Pure Silk Urn- Dreiias. carvea nanaies. r 91.BO and 92.00-r-Canvas Coata. - wool lined, rainproof.- " ' ' 91.50 and 92.OO All-Wool Out ln Shirts.- frr Jg. ' . Extraor4inary, Bargain- Friday Bargains 95.00 For I10.00, t It-OA and IJXOO Wool Suits, not many of any kind, but a great many kinds. '95,00 - Buys Castor Beaver and Tan Covert Over and Top Coata worth 110.09 to I2t.00;slses 8T to - 41. .. -;;-- . . as.OO For Ounmetal Oray Crava- nettes. in the real ' Simon, Pura Prlestlr. : - - l.BO ros an Oddg and Snda ef Biaak and. Colored MVB XATS 91.95 "For Toe, Lace and Oxford Hand-Sewe4 $I.M- asd 4. Sprlny .- Hhnes. . ' . - -"; ' - 92.05 For ISjO and $4.00 Cuatom Mads Shoes and Oxfords, newest -lasts and - toesr- perfect-fitting ' tana In all shades and patent eott, russet, cslf, cromo and vJcl .In .1.0 shspes. These nrlces ' are good Friday, May frthp only tJont egpsct to get these values sfter the dsy saver tlsed; cause you won't . . Tha crusade for clean markets has be- gun in earnest? and Testerday Miss XII- lan ; HzTlnglC deputy health, omcsr, i.rt.,1 on her tour nf InBDectlon. Every- wheTSTTtr fhe( courtesy and willingness. H'eV.evsn eagerness, to o Her bidding. t Tna reception acooraea ier -iuum markedly from, thst received on tne pre liminary trlDS when she first learned tba true stats of affaira that resulted In her aenolntment. - Whether It waa because Lipjuiy changes n twiia and. the marknt- men wars neuer Dreparea it visitors, or whether it waa becauae the rain had aettled tha dust ana tney coata polht with pride . and kay, --No- dust fllea here to nettle on our meats." or whether the gleaming Star that showed on, her coat waa persuasive, would be hartiQaay-hut..crtalalt..waa.,that she was received as an honored guest and urnd to coma aaaln. "It waa aratlfvlna." Miss Tingle said, "to note how many marketa have prof-j itel by. or suggestions. - uerare mere was hardly a Store thst did not have piles of vegtetables and fruits on ths sidewalks and on the floor lnto which In- aulsltlve dogs could poke their noses. Now in almost every c plaoe they are raised on boaea and Shelves." '' ' i Oiame ths laadtnr aTOcara7Tiowvelr, had not followed thla sugfestion, . ana tha afflrr -mustered ih all hee dignity 1 m-mmtaA a rhensa hecsnsa-- stray dogs.-"- - , : .. " Bora Vld Wot Sea Sla-ma. nv never have "dogs In hera,' clerk said. In a superior tone. ' 'Maybe not, but you navs your vege tables out there in ' ins aoorway, ana doss passing- bx wilt want to Investi gate." . - - The clerk was rentlr tolerant "No. th Anrm never corns Into tha The (ifflrtr looked about to see 11 there was a Ttfo trespasslns allowed' sign for dogs,, or a. chean.-loyT with-a broom-to- drive-them away. Beetng r either. -she niislit- hsvs lnrerrea mat habit had become atronf-wlth the ca nine race, butjs she-BUrted towara the proprietor's office, a dramatic thing happened. - Two man gy-looking pups w. ikwi in maieatically.-and started complete and thorough Investigation of everything reachriiAnd Jheclerk, with tha tend-to-your-buslnesa air, went on selling goods, blissfully unconscious, le-ninr of the storesvlslted. - tha market men pointed proudly toores-J laiiiT vessels of olives and pickles, neatly covered with ilass. fairly shining with rC UlC VftllKin nlllnHTFH Its- one-week-old newness, and tne at wi iiiw w"!.' 1 . , v. ..r.-.Mr,t mtm in no wise destroyed when they louuiz avowed - thnthwjKJiaaiiaefl . them all along. Cheese, which had been before neefl-tr-niesr--war tir atlaSs case bread, which,- as the oflloer remarked, 'cannot vei f well fro scrubbed or boiled to remove the. Infected dust and germs from the street," was In covered boxes; .the, ice chestsjn the meat mar?, kets were clean and ventilated. - Such changes gave encouragement and showed 'that already something had Ml) AT POTTER-" IRSELP DEFENSE Dickens TIla Story rof rime yThougrit Potter. Was Draw- ut Revoiverr-rsr: Mufdered-Watr-Vtofated -Pled toUemaln Away ancJ In- , faulted Aged Prisoner', y ; mm TRADING STAMP -D.- & ; It-Trading TStanips OF Potent POlilic Benefit Jiifl ITRAPIKQSTAIIP We announced the first of the week the commencement-of our Special Sale J,orMayi,r Qm wmrtioTOfIinglyerxndabl-j jnerchandiae at very wwest prices nas peen .PicnuW ma&airi!dHX:careful perusal c materluy assist economical btiyers."- .' "i V-rj: T" . v -SieoeOTB 4-AOKB 9-S.85 Ladies-Tan -Corerv-Jaeket-wKhr double stitched seame, llnedjHiroughout -T with Farmer satlniloubls-breaeted -and i 8C -coiisrtoss 110.00 value, for, ,., . 7 " w Sja W COTS OX COAT 96.35-LadlesB0, Coat.: - IT Inches long, made of tan covert cloth, collarleag style, front and back trimmed with cloth straps, f ln-. lBhed" with small buttons, neer Shaped $f3!? r aleerea .with cuffyjoaiuf for...W"wu- M.-wim' nniawsia 3'l Gents' Faney Striped Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers, a iuu eiaee, a perfect tlttlng garment summer weight 35C JOo vsle for, garment.-. ,.i-ijriTi frm,uWM TSo OMITTS UlTSBmwaAm 45 Dsrby, Ribbed. Llsla Flnlshed Balbrlggsn Shirts and Drawers, In colors of pink, bluk and tan, Just o rightweight je... " ani glova-flttlng-BeTraluatorHianntr-;rT;'v -05O WATST 25Mlseaan4 ChMdren t,!ttl Banty--Ty-alt, mads of Arts cambric with full front and double side gores, two rows f buttons and pin tubs for boos supporters" . v.- ' St 800 value iur,, ... SSo ItOTS SOU 19 Full line of alios In ihs "Boys' "Iron Clad Hose. Darby ribbed, fast black; you know !what they are and how they-wear-r; . 19C ' I6o value for, pair..... . . "-f- Sl.aa omwra PI VAJUS g9f crepe Of r arises ncnea wWa.-inauwja-new ana siyuen cuinu, ths season; this la a beautiful una ana wormy - vn. r?; of your attention! LIS value for, yard,,...., vy i jut koninim TATTXTA OS That Beautiful Soft-rinished Hlgh-lAister, Moussellne Tsffetaavarlfc-j ' Inch warranjfdi ws. hve-lt m ciacK omy. i in. wldrtf you-want ev-allk that -will wear, this QRf ,' is tha"goods II. JO value for, yard. ...... We Give Trading Stamps With Eycr Purchase rvirXCall'a 30 "Magazine A swan monttly of l a a free copy a on raa&bm' Sheet for Stay.. 7"::"JC - SO XJLDXBS' xbaa lSHe Lad'es Hose In fast black, rerutar made Maeto feet, double heels and Joest lull, vHf flnishedj-a stocking tlurt-wlir wear TAC JOo vahi for, pair. . . . ...... . ... IM WillT .25 Boys' and Girls" Skeltotf Waists, "-- made cf extra heavy webbing ' snd fins satin, two rows of buttons; ws have thsm In afl slses- - St 2 8c value for.... , t.s.. v'vv :40 "OOTTOSf TATTBTA 25 This Is a pretty Una of Wash Taffeta, It inches wide, nloe soft goods with Bint Tinlsh. In a full line of colorings and pat- 2SC terns 40o value for. yard.......... vs. Msan itsWt'htr this Una of Pongee In jla"n MAXtnTHeeaiaa-tliejagja that wastHt a nanasercnier ana wear tia X 78o value for, yard. a handkerchief ana wear e iron 4 r McCafl'sr .Patterns -Tba latowl and . vprtneT patksxna - fo - giJU 1LUTJT T5w -'- Cotton Blanket. Just heavy .,auh for now. -in colors of Ted, gray and white; they are splendid value . 7i?f 11 91 valna for. lair....;..;...- siaA fiua OOTXJUi T5w-4 German. Turkey- Red Oiled-Boiled Fringed Table Cover In a larga assort - - meat f patterns, warranted fast colors, . -i 7 C J tVtt value for, achi.jtJijvjev.f.V,V 18a' aVAWBf TH4 Pretty assortment of Colored Uwm, It Inches wide. In figures and stripes, nice serviceable jroods, faat colors 16o valua for, v. . 1VS 50 KTiei 25 Genuine Bootch Madras!! (nchesj eHrty tiandsoms litis Ul 1 COlOrT'TS-dtffcrenlsficdn :25 c. stripes. warranUd to wash iOo value for. yara. e s. iWHITBIlNDIAzUINOlN: There -IS WO a green many ym-w-inv - -r -;-r,..- ..i: T i... n. rf ;:. ....K JOo valua India Linon. for. yardr-rTr....TIZif . vaTJandfa Linon for. ysrd . . . . .77.h,10 - 0ts1us India Llnon for, yard.,...,, .,,18 LnJ an mm -f Special Dtjpiteh to Tlis Joiuuaf.r McMlnnvllle. Or May i. The de rop'the murder f-Marvin S,-Potter at Shetidan. YtmhUl county-November 16 ast, and rested Its case. Closing argu ments are being mads this afternoon and the case will go to tha Jury before night - .... ., ' The defense . began- this morning -y putting forward witnesses to testify to the bad character or rotter, jjicaena. tha ased defendant, was then piacea upon, the stand and told the story of -the crime, t - Dickens testified that he snot rotter because the latter had ruined his It- veer-old dautrhter. When the matter came to bis ears, the. dfifendanthad hunted Potter up and tha latter naa sa-tnrtted-tha- accusations made, and sals that he loved the girl and -would keep away from her until she wss IS years old. and then- marry her. . Potter had violated thls promise, end whenac costed by Dickens he reiusea xo marry the girl snd said that Dickens might take bis "daughter and '-go to hell with her."- defamrna her character o-ine child's tsther and boasting of his crime. Dickens - stated-tnat t'otier reeenieu tba lsnguags he tDlcaensj usea in reprimanding him, snd put his hand In hla hip pockeU-Dickena ihought-for-a revolver, whereupon uicsens nrea once and then ss Potter fell, sppsrentiy try rates nta ' liann, uira ..a in hoth bullets taking effect. " . , - .. , 1 .1 The case was un oiueeu r mw fense snd Attorney R.-U Conner msde plea for the prosecution and Senator O. C. Brownell summed up the evidence for the defense in the strongest plea ever heard In McMlnnvllle. Mcrxary, xor the stste, and McCain for the defense, closed the trial. , . Evidence presentea yesieraay enuweu that on the day-of the crime Dickens and Potter were first seen stsnding in front of a llvsry siaoie. wun jonae Phillips. They walked around the cor ner opposite Noyes' depsrtment toro. Dickens warned r oner xo evay mmmj front the hotel which he conducted, and to leave his daughter until she was old enough to be married. Potter defied ni.k... end refused to leave the girl whereupon Dickens fired. Roy -Xn jCrermproor Cases, ... . One point was glyen" special atten tion as the deputy visited the various fruit stands and ' groceries. She asked ths men to do what . they could In ths matter of etrawberrles, which -many housekeepers are refusing to est, be cause they are exposed on the walks and gather-so muoh dust. The plsn sug gested -and looked upon with favor by many of the market men ia to ahow only a xew. covered with glass, and to dls- plsy an attractive sign stating that berries are kspt -for sals Inside. This plan. Miss Tingle hopes. In time will grow to begeneralinih jnaUof other fooda. "jrlrj: . ..: Soma meat markets In ths esst have no meat displsy at all, but advertlss a-h dar with. Dlacardaiwhat euts thsy have for sale. The butchers visited ao- oepted ths wisdom 01 this pisn. ' "It only ths housekeepers knewr they aald. "what we are forced to sell them because r their wtrearelsnssr they would demand--changerWe can put out a fresh cat of meat In Aha air and nht. and In a few hours It Is crusted with a black coat The next day we eut It off and put It out at tha same pries. t,, an much wssted.' and these blsck aci'ana are used y " most butchers for the sausages tney mass. 11 rar 1 . , refused to whitewash the cellar In an other. In such cases tney tnougnt ner star might work some " wonderful changes, and doubtless - with - the-fle termination that Ilea Dcmna tne sw i win. ' - . . ; i .. " Buy rrom Clean Karkets. Tne onlr complaint met with cams from marketmen who said thslr efforts j were thankless, as houaekeepers did not discriminate, and the tmusenoopors' rep resentativa had to assure thsra again and-agatn that many do diecrlmtnata and that more would -aa they become educated. Miss Tingle said tne women would oon find out the places -where palnswere taken with the wares and that the tecommendatlon of such mar kets would spread. - - I am glad, said one wnoieeaie men merchant to her. "thst you have been sppolnted 16 ddhls worS. Do you know, youTcah do "more good from your housekeeper's standpoint, going and see ing -what Is done wun mesis aiier mt meat inspectors have passed on It, than a doxen meat Inspectors could do. The met Is all right when the retailers buy it, but ths abuse comes aner ne , tne maraoi men rtwun men said tney never aia of the mixed meats mar-are mamiiao tured in ths shops. ; sratelUoas Cnta Cheap. "Thers is anothsr point," said one. m an alsd when a woman comes In and asks for the cheaper cuts of meat. They do not sesm to know thst there Is twice three times as much nourishment In them Jn-POrieroouso BieoM. iuojr use no Judgment In buying or cooking, snd as so many come In a hurry to get . .... w rive or ten mlnutea before din ner-tlme they cannot get the reslly nourishing stews, which tske a littls .1 f.nnk. but are only one third the nrlce. And we have to put the price of choice ateaks at an impossmie ngure to make-up what we lose on ths cheap cuts and to make the. supply meet the de- . UM Ul.. ''"r. " . i.i.. Vlreil Hussev. WW" 01 ' ""-" .'" .:.'.'" Bimpenn. ' " ... - I ymA visited berore poimea ou meir im eye wltnessex th shooting described naaji- surge. Hnm ana some emiewn ..e nnsUccensful battling With., thelrf landlords. The dralnsgs was In. a bad condition Tn one place, and the landlord grown old, and 1 1 that this Is elthei . : -.1. - n Ths following compoee me jui' . Aberhathy. J. T. Wttle, T. P. John- em lamaa itsrurr. . af vru is v R. Forrest. F. A. Thurner. O. W. Harty, W.-C. Hembree, C. CarterrJ.; Bertram and -J B. - Fletcher, REVIVAL -SERVICES Don'tU waste money and AT EPWORTH CHURCH Ukrchances in bjit KvangeUstlc services were begun I DrornigOUOUsly. Schilling's Best tha - Eb worth M. E. churcn. corner r - - entirely. safe; at your-gwr .ni antpndld interest,-- the singing, led I 1' . ;. ., nrwfttrkrtr. -wvrMlvr Elliott, wss iuu 01 ''' I -1 4 Mr. MCComo spoae irum . rtr. aicoraa epui.o ...... - . -.----- . , 1 .... - t -' , Men.- he ssld. "possess power to da ScrnUme!SBcStJre nQteX? nod-by-Mn-aiis- ofnteHectuat soitity.T - " , wealth and innuence, but be who is neg- fravarant : quite the contrary. isctful of hi. .opportunities J...rr IV,. pOnibl tO UOa WM inn iai- US iua CUlCw JJUWVl-VHVuaa .r..n.. indfiiifflt. Ths grest object Katiho'oowa,r flavoring ex of Christlsn seal showtd be the salvation .0 r '.-.-.-l C- of iouis. snd for hegiect of this object tracts and spices pure and best and yet economical; soda com MO The rind holds us scconntsDie. wr. rnmtil mtilfrl for this evening Is: power of Ood lllustratea in tne ronvr slon of Jerry McCsuley." The-sflTo-stng-ing of Mrs, J..S..Hsmllton wss a touch appreciated Teatur4 ot the service. - mon. RHE IrAhI iRAHllRc&TII IBfil1Bai1llt511 r IV JUKI I-" a-rmi IT. wA-i l.rr -rUTJI IZT.r, fJ lyi--JTrrci iTOftfilTMirJl I rv-fjxp gsj WaT-ea gg DEADLY CLOW AT special: privilege CrualTf uatr DecidesIIPrivers Must Not Buy DrlnkaJVith M embera' Money SOLICITING HEREAFTER "WILL BE VERY DRY WORK Is usually proflt.- But If you are liaeiy tn unm in on them at any moment they Will have tO gtVS UP SUCO preclude vi working In old pieces or meats. . - PAVEMENT BETWEEN . RAILS TQ BE REPAIRED bfficlals of the Oresron Wster Power Ik Railway company havs assured uity Engineer Wsnser that tne pavement oe tween the railway tracks on First strset hot ween Madison and Burnslde streets will be repaired Immediately. - The Portland Consolidated Mauway company la said to be planning to abandon Its tracks on .the etreet. and that company will hsva no share tn tha Improvement. Property-owners along tns tnorougn- fare have been protesting for weeke against the condition of ths pavement between the car rails. Tbers were deep holes sverywhers, and: lt?ras dangrous rr tm. tn drive over' it Hardly a day psssed thst accidents caused by ths condition of the pavement did not oocur. "On-First street Trom Msaison sireei south ths tracks ars used by tne ron land Conaolldated Rartway company only, and the street committee of the sxecutlvs board ha threatened to splks .ila rrom tha tracks to prevent the company from operating ears over the road unlees tha street is Improved ac cording to tha provlsl0ns,of the railway franchise. It Is expected that definite action about this mattsr will ba, taksn st the meeting of the cttyiexeejitlye board tomorrow afternoon. ATTORNEY SHOT AND KILLED-BY- FOOTPADS . iSnri.r tnaaatefe ss Tee JearsaLt nt point. Jdaho.. May 4. F. W. rnhni. vounv attorney of this plsce, WSS Shot in tna anoomen oy uiguwex men Isst rnlght snd died soon after. Two thusa held up two(tn!U employes, m hii- mnnev snd let tha men go. They met Sholxe artdftpld him of their treatment, but he went' on, soon meet- inc the thugs. A gun shot wss hegr4 by seversl people.' Sesrch is being made for the murderers, put uers is no ciue. Firms That Supply Saloons With Mineral Water Make Spirit- -Breaking Order.- - -' ht' lae FARMER KILLED BY . TRAIN AT SPOKANE Falls, Striking Head on Point of Switchiron and Is 7T"7T Crushed. - - Not ons of vour ordinary trusts thst gobbles up all competitors, but a trust that nrevents the axpendltura of -money over the polished counters of saloons on account of patronage given oy tnese sa loons. . A week ago ths four nrros in tnis cuy -h.t furnteh the saloons with mineral water that Is,-syphons. from which ths f esUvs high-ball la made got together and decided not to allow their solicitors . . further expense accounts. For Which resson were is ine aeuce 10 ymj. - it ueed to ba that when a-city solici tor in other words, a driver tied up his team on the outslds ana enterea a barroom he was able to thrown down a half dollar or ao and Invite everybody to have a drink. After which courtesy hs could conscientiously ask the bar tender how many dosens of syphons ha could use. during the dsy. usuauy ne got- an-ardsr.-i-.. " ". But all this Is changed. Since the companies got together and decided not to spend any. money among tneir eue tomers thers ha,ve - been- weeping - and walling and gnashing of teeth; -threats of boycotts and all that sort of thing. If tha men who deal out tne camonaieu water want to make an impression with tha proprietor at present they must ex pend thslr own salary, which none of them can afford to do. Tha rule goes so far as to exclude the expenditure ot the firtoe of a drink even when a bill la col ected. A brewer's agent comes along on the first of -tjhst month and collects an uwAunta but knends at least II be fore leaving the saloon.-' The -mineral water men must hereafter collect their accounts, with a plain nhanks." PRESIDENT SNOWBOUND . UNABLE TO MOVE CAMP . tJoernel gDetal Servlca) Olenwood Springs, Colo., May 4.' The snowstorm of the psst two days continues today. Ths -plana of tha prea. idenfe hunting- party are inaennue in ronseouenre. - He may not be able to mova to the esst divide today- n ao. count 6f snow on ths rsnge. In thst hmm ths president will return by way of Newcsstle, where he will taaa tne iram I a. ..,. . 1 . .. - Joarae V-gpedat- Srrlcs.T Spokane, Wash, May 4, Henry Tlptke, a farmer, residing near Odessa, Washington, wss killed st ths North srn facltlo atatlon In thla-city at an. sarly hour this morning while trying to board the North Coast Umlted, was on a car" which -wss cut out of -tha traln hera and when he aaw that he was on a sidetracks descended snd ran for a coach of ths train. Instesd of trying to mount by the steps hs Jumped for the drawhead of the approaching car. lolling hla balance and fwll'"g "n sharp snd of a switch rail. The force of the fall drove tha iron wte-hls head and thcMiBiu uusligd lllin down, though . the body was . not run over. i The man waa dead when picked tip -and hla body -waa removed to an un- , dertaklng parlor, where It will be pre pared for burial. BLACHSMITH FOILSu- - THUG WITH IRON BAR : : . ' -- -- . ' (Special Dispatch to The Journal I ' Colfax, Wash., May 4. -John Williams, a blacksmith, atarted . to drive to hla home, to miles from here, -last .nlgi)! and when In the suburbs of town.wss held up snd told to glvs up IMS money or .his life. , Williams hsd a piece ot iron ln.bhf hand shd. struck ths thug,' who immediately ' fled. No ele.: Williams had -considerable money. -, , .1 1 There Is a fair prospect that a $10fl, 000 woolen mill. employing over 100 people, will be established at Stayton. -5 ECZEMA FO R TWO YEARS Little Girl's Awful Suffering With : -flbli Skin Humor. Sleepiest -: W.tti for Bother - ,t . t . - f v 8PEE0Y CURE BY CUTICURA "My littls girl bad been gnffefTng; tot two years from eczema, and dnriof ' that time I could sot get a night' sleep, aa bet ailmentwai very severe. ; X bad tried eo'maiiy remedies, de-. riving no benefit, I bad given p all bope. But aa a last resort I was per- -. suaded to try CnUcura, and one bo of the Ointment, and two bottles of tha Resolvent, together with the Soap effected a permanent eureMrt, I. Be Tones, Addlagton, lad. T.f ii . j - - - I