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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
"V 1 ' THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, THURSDAY. EVENING. ' MAY - 4. "1905. "l t . if r Special Notice MAIL ORDERS During continuance of the -'HOMIWOLK'S PR. EXPOSITION BALE." Special Note 7" Each day's apeclala thla month are, abac- -advertised hens lasts over one day that day; FRIDAY. Beioroay- knd each day following . until June, 1 has lta own respective bargains. " PRICES ADVERTISED DURING HAT ARB - FOR ONIT TJyr, ONLY. Note the day. L2.uJM0.'?rB- MA IkJPBIJEBa. JdlLfinlxiii-IlUBd when postmark bears date not later than 2 hour of datit6fl?aer Jit wbtok apeclalewere advertised. . .. '.. -. . ' OLDS, WORTMANj ft KINO., " ' 23 iIORE jpAYS jONLY JOFHE GREATEST- SALE '-- I N - PORTLAND'SHISTORYX FRIDAYV MAY- 5th THE FIFTH Pi r.GREATrPRE-EXPOSITION SALES1 10RR0 I TO Will Add Impetus IMPORTANT NOTICE tUTo Suburban Friends and Patrons :.,-. A'acore or mora of letters wae received by the store TubllcRy Department yesterday from near-bjf-towns. written by patrons wno mace a practice- oi runmnf into Portland one or twice a wee to ao tneir snop plng In person. Tha trend of all wa that THEY DlD NOT GET THE PAPER CONTAINING OUR A OH. EARLY ENOUGH TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OP .THE WONDERFUL BARGAINS, and 'asking us to 1maka,the aneclals laat two daya. Wa regret that our plana will not allow ua to change the original poltey MMiderwMcHthr-PRE-KXPOHlTluiM a.L.t.a are being conducted that of arranging for. and adver tising a dlatlnct lot of specials each day AND FOR THAT PAT. ONLY; but wa respectfully call aften tlon to our MAIL ORDER SERVICts ana lta Br-iS-CIAL NOTICE in upper left corner of thla announce ment, alao to the fact that EACH DAT'8 BARGAINS ARE PRINTED THE -DAY PREVIOUS - TO - THE. SALE In the EVENING FAPERS,-that-reacb-ut--slde titT-n- In life, for tha, o'nlonk, fllnn Ing tea-table perusal. . "A . word to the wise," etc. SPECIAL FRIDAT ONLY-PREfEXPOSITTON SALE Ample Savings for Fri- ayEconomyalein Women's Furnishings v ' : . - " : F I R T F L O O B.J If.zSID GLOVES'FOKrOT CrENTa- ---Ladies' Mocha Kid Olovea, pique-sewed. 1 -clasp. i. Kinv and-colorsu Pressed - Kid - GloVee, full plqua-jwwadi-alaa-annie In Denfa-alylt,I-claap . - Prix mm, very durable glovea any of theae gloves are worth $1.2$;' special Economy Sale price.. the- pair-.. , , . . , ma.m .. 89e) $4.5-AND $5.e"t'MBRELLAB H,li-ZZZZZ Alot ol Flue AU-Silk Umbrellas, In black spar colors, eome plaln-Others with fanoy borders, 3 i - Inch alae. all are new and worth 34.60 to $S.00r , speclatr Econumy galerTncerchTTTTTr.-r. 92.98 lOo AND 1 So FANCY RIBBONS 5 CENTS' ""' Fancy Dreeden RlbbonaX lncb.wlde. In all col Z ore,- very fine quality and ourregular-lOc-end-16o value;' special Economy Bale price, the yL "6WEXC iHaww- Orlaatal Lacsa and Inaertlona, in cream and aeru. In-pretty, ahowy pattema, yaJuea 1nthe I to - - aoi; apeclar Economy Sale price, the yard. .19 ' TMTtROIDERT BANDS FOR SHIRTWAIST FRONTS; All UL infill i. wmt j x i m. nu luiiio ii vllli -" .dainty pattema. y nara divided, tnero into two lota, aa roiiowe: ' - -- i LOT 1 Embroideries worth to $1.10; special Eoon . . A . k j omy sale price, , me yara uof LQT f Embroideries worth to $S 8"; special Econ- omy aaie pricr, in yara ,.,....,.M.ym,tn .SPANGLED GALI-OON8, 3 to 4 Inches wlda; also a lot of very swell Blacit spangled Trimming, wnicn we will eelk during the Frldfy Economy Bale at f Juat half price thta way; . Our II. SO value; epectal at, the yard. ..TT5 -Ourlle veluerepeolalat. the Our $2.60 value; special at, the yard, , , . . . fil.25 SPECrAt FRIDAY ONLY-PREt-EXPOSITION SALE JKomen's- Knit Underwear! anc-Handsome Hosiery: FOR MATRON AND MISS ?IR8T ' FLOO R '- ' . WomMi'a "Dr. Delmel" Llnen-Menh Vesta and Pants, -t vesta: long aleevea. panta ankle length, veata hand- mle linen, lace-trlmmed. t2 60 value;, gpeclaL- each ..-SI. 78 Same In Union Suite. tt.OO value ...$3.B6 Women's Pure White, Bwlaa-Rlbbed Cotton Vexta, aleeveleaa, neatly trimmed, great JOo value; ape clat at, each ....11 ' heels, double-sole.-pur best-Sec- hoeer-speclal.- Mlaaes' Flne-Rlbbed Black Lisle Hose, with finished foot, double knee, heel and toe, our regular 35c value; special, pair ...... . 23 SPECIAL FRI D" A Y PR E-EXPOS I TION SALE. The Great ro4nnual cTWay Sale of T Flowers and Foliage Occurs Friday in the Bi'ou Millinery Salons SECOND FLOQjt . ANNEX. r A 6000 . "' BUNCHES ' T" preTty FLOWERS J AND FOLIAGE FOR HAf TRIMMING" ItC-AND JSo " VALUES '. aei v Bunch Another crowd-bringing attraction In the busy Mil Unary Salons, that have been thronged all the week by eager buyers of the matehlese bargalna offered. An annual event thla one-day flower sale; we se lected tomorrow aaan opportune ..time to hold It. aa area teat crowds are an re to be here to share auch matchlesa valuea on Friday. . (000 bunches In -the offering Immense vartety. including Roaes. Violets. fialalea, Cowaltpa, Morning. Qlories.xAliPlaB1oaaomat, rorget-Me-ot. Lilies of the Valley and of the Valley and ini y " Se bnnches. Choice" I LC bunch., f. u.u-nu I aw2 ronage. , Alt 180 and 7ie for Frtdny only at, the .vl. - - to the Sensational, Sweeping, Selling Campaign Now in Progress at This Store! l8rthe-greaUtrniercnandisIng movement .bargains unparalleled. - We ,are"bpund to set a new precedent, in the volume of. selling ever done in any. May month by ANY WEST ERN HOUSE I The continuous large growth, of a business becomes,a subjectCof publicfatelrest becausecotftinuous growth signifies a high sending of .meriv and (the general public the careless public should be given ;these"guide posts to theworthiest gtores.-r"01dsK Wortman & King money is no better than the money "of . other."stores. says some one. -True, but if we lay it out better or, decide lo sell goods at a less profit than demanded elsewhere, then we serve you better! Exactly the position this store occupies; fend never was the fact so forcibly demonstrated as 3n this unique, competitive "BIG MAY-FAIR" now in progress at the store. : - ; - iWEzWANTTO : mnjwivinrBEDtD atp1cial prices Each day, this month a new, fresh list of special values will be prepared and toldlof in the daily announcement in this spaced Not an item wiU be sold at Wan regular price EXCEPT-ON DAY. ADVERTISED. . WATCH CLOSELYREAD 1 OUR ADS. AT TENTIVELY RESPOND PROMPTLY and buy your goods this month at WHOLESALE PRICES1 SPECIAL FRIDAYfONLYPREEXPOSmONzSALE A GrandiRound-ufr - GRAND SALONS OF DRESS-i-SECOND FLOOR, LARGEST AND FOREMOST 6UIT AND WRAP STORE WES-mi? "CHICAflQ 1, uits Tfiat Sell at -iromiijaiSOf J1U BE VI OJ'ETTXT ONE tSREAT BPE- CIAL 6ALEON JlDAY"AT-ANXB SOLUTE CHOICE .FOH-V.T 7 We have oongregateSl .every suit left over "from the paat wlnter'a selling In one group and shall offer them at - a most astounding aacrlfloe on frlday. Just 00 Tailored Suits comprise the of fering, every wanted and favored ma terial, included, every alae In th lot end every faahionable color represented. Not a ault under 120 In nrlce. most rf them are the regular 128.60 .136 and 3.50-vsfues. 9Hey ar alt In good ' siyies. plain tailored ana an amart trim ming effects. These eulte are partlcu- larly adapted for present wear, for trar-. ellng and vacation garb, and for wear during the eool summer evenings while ""doing5: the- exposition: This si-fs beyond dispute pre-eminently the big gest bargain opportunity for suit buy-- era orrered this year by any ri western house. Just think 'kvl I 1 1 V of it! TOTV JZO to $50 Bulta . t as rni TTi 3 SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY-PRE(-EXPOSITION SALE - A"-HalfScore-of-Savings :4 Pick-ups From IstFloor Small Wares Shops LIGHT-WEIGHT SUMMER DRESS SHIELDS White Nainsook-covered, ell el see, Nos. f," or 4r special ror tomorrow only at. pair. jo THREAD 7 BPOOLS FOR 26 CENTS . Beat American Spool Cotton, for hand Hr aewlng machine use, in black or white, all sizes, 200 yards on the spool; special at, 7 a pool a for 2&t 20 HAT PINS 1 CENT . . Jet-Headed Hat Pins, extra long and heavy, reg. val. 3c; special at. each.i, .................. .lf Or. per doien 104 100 PIN BOOKS CENTS Pin Books, containing 480 best black and white. Kngllsh pins, assorted sites, reg. val. 10c; special at, each -. 6V 6o'TOILET SOAP 8 CENTS , ' Turkish Bath Toilet Soap, a fine soap for the toi let or bath, reg. val. 6c; apeclal at. cake .3 SCOirRINO SOAP 4 CENTS Monkey Brand Cleaning and Scouring Snap, acoura a nrl tw.llahe ....vtklnr1- kntl.l fn. 'Trlffav It. jr r ' -----. . - - - . i-PV. , . ..'..., .,Vf7 MlRR&RS'lO jCENTS . 4-1--.- TX ' Diamond-Shaped Mirrors, chipped ' edge. ''-easel back, extra-heavy plate, bevel glaaa, 2 Vir.lpches In else: special at, each 104 BOe.WTfWORS 21 CENTS - Ladles' Full Nickel-Plated Scissors, 6 snd "7 Inches, guaranteed, reg. val. BOc; inert at atr pa ir-.-. . rrr.TVTTT. :. .77. .TTtr.T .it ...... 29 l I5a OX. a RITINO-PAPKR-lt -CCNTS- Speclar eala of odds and ends In Box Writing Paper, plain or ruled, reg. yal. 25o; apeclal at. b OX r . . - t i 1, j inn. , . . r i 'y ii 1 2 a) SPECIAL FRIDAY PRE-EXPOSITION SALE "IN The Man'SrShop W E 8 t A N N E.X FIR.8 T .FLO O Hr V LIVELT QUARTET OF BARGAINS THAT APy rbAb BTKONUlil TU THRIFT! rVILM, Ur I THE MALE . PERHUASION. " A line of" Men' a Mualln Night Shirts, In trimmed .fronts, also In plain styles,, reg. yal. 76c; apeclal at, . each -. . ,vrh.,..rv .894 After last week's sale of Men's 8160 Fancy, Wash Veata we find the line broken In a lees and only 14 left; apeclal, whils they last, at, each 904 A "line of Men'a Soft NegHgea Shirts, with soft at tached collars, ln plain colors, graye,v tans- ana blues. reg..vaL 11-00 special at. eecfcT KSe A line of Men'a Medium-Weight Ribbed Balbrlggan Shirts and Drawers. In ecru shade, broken alsesr -pecls for Friday el, the garment v ....... -39f? ever inaugurated by , any; Portland store I, Its IMPRESS UPON EVERYONErHATTHEXIST"OF ITEMS That are Splendid larPrice - of - $3.75 Dress Second Floorr Another of IHbse ocaslons -of OLDfl, WORTMj more "Or those wonderful . Shirtwaist Salea, which . never fail - to . draw , reoord-breaklnc crowds to tha big Second Floor Apparel Salona. We have received a second shipment of pretty ' Shirtwaists, the. result our garment-buyer, and fourth their worth aa a -4000 waists. ' Made, In la-plalted-ndiplIn atyIea,blouia effecta, with Bishop aleevea. .Val- ues to IX.76, and the for Friday only at, eachVt.'. . SPECIAL FRIDAY ONI.T PR Bj-EXPOSITION SALE Women's Undermuslins "an-dChildren's Under- waists . ANNEX SECOND' 'FLOOR. LADIES' FINE CAMBRIC PETTICOATS, 23-Inch lawn flounce, 12 flno hemstitched tucks, 12-Inch Swiss embroidery, In the new English eyelet de signs, regular prices $3.7 and $3.60; apeclal -"at . . . i . .'. ..$2.38 CHILDREN'S- FINE CAMBRIC DRAWER8, cluatere of 6 fine tucks, 1-lnch Torchon lace edging, con tinuous strips on sides . . - 1 ? . Ages, yeara7 13 ' 4 6 8 10 13 14 16 j Reg. price.. ..2fio 28c 310 84a 370 40o 430 460 40 ' Special price. ISC Sle fMo B7o SOo S3o 3o Me 40 "AT ROYAL WORCESTER CORSET COUNTER CHILDREN'S UNDER WAISTS, of heavy English drill. In white or drab, all alsea, regular 26o valiie; special at , .VJ.7 SPECIAL, FRIDAY ONLY-PREr EXPOSITION 8 ALE Iii y ash Goods . Realm , .'-"" FIRST FLOOR. " ... PRETTY 6O0 CHAMBRAYS AT $4 CENT8- L-Jrattjr-flllk Chambraya. about -40 pleet s -Iw-the-lotr-f -one of the moot popular fabrics of thejjresent sea son for making up the pretty and attractive eum erahlrtwaiata and sulta, a splendid-wearing ma terial," in colors Including light and medium blue, .champagne and light and "dark grays, regu val 60o) special for Friday only at. yard 7.-7...... .34e SCHOOL. OF DOMESTIC SCIENCE TEAROOM SECOND LOO., Under-the Auspices of Portland's Yf-.W..V"A.: - (J'Vlenu for Friday, May 5"th Tea. , Chocolate.. Coffee. - 1 Milk In Bottlea. ' "C)m Chowder. 'Fruit Salad. r-f- ' Ham Sandwlchea -' -Ho RollscX . ""TjCemonHe. ' ' ; Rread an4 Butlerr-' . v , .. matchless ecdnomies are legion its genuine on friday only SPECIAL- FRIDAY: ONLY PRE - EXPOSmONTSALE Women's Pretty Summer Shirtwaists; :for Values at the. Rcgu- - - Grand - Salons of : for which the houae of a particularly fortunate nnderprlce purchase by shall place them on sal tomorrow only a about one surpassing Friday attraction foe the Apparel Sections. 4.i.;:,STVW--4i,1. - I- I 1-5 The moirt bountiful and beantlful collection aver ahown at the' regular prices up to 11.76 by any Portland store.- Mora than a doien atylea, and very nearly esqulalta workmanship and peculiarly attractive de- algna. . A choice of black Satlnea, pretty light Percales and Madras materials,, the latter with light and medium grounds, covered with floral and vine pat terns dainty rosebud and Dolly Varden dealgna, neat and attractive twlk dotted and pretty -ooroll-effects. In' draba. tans, blues, blacks,' black and whits, pinks, green and gray colorings. All have stock collars and ties,, made 98c beat la the lty at he regular, pricea - Speoia SPECIAL FRIDAY ONLY-PREfEXPOSITION SALE 4Jseful-andVFimely-SpeH xials Fnday4n-the House furnishingJStores THIRD FLOORr" GLASS VASES Clear Glass Vases now ts the time to buy flower season Is. here - 8 In.' high, reg. vaL lOo; special, each...... ..54 13 In. high. reg. val.. 16c; special, each......lOt 322.60 DINNER SETS $18.78 Austrian China 100-PIeoe Dinner Sets, decorated . with email, neat, pink flower and spray, full gold border, fanoy shapes, light, thin, china, reg, vaj. $22.60; special, set .$18.75 J5e SILVER POLISH 18 CENTS '"' Mertdea Sliver Polish.-made by Rogers Bros. (1847), in airtight glnas Jar a Bright s'lver adds " to the table decoratlona. Regular value 25c: spe cial. Jar 15 ,0o COAL-OIL LAMP STOVES $7 CENTS-- J . Coal-OU - Lamp- Stoves,- convenient."" economical, braes wlck-tubes,- do not rust; caat-Iron oil tank, wilt not leak; one burner, regular value 60o; spe T clal. -each .... i ........ ................ .3T A BIO LINE OF BLUE-FLAME OIL AND OASO- . OWE STO VES AND OVE.N8 fOH- . ' . ; 8UMMRy.8E. wfl? .JBPECIAL FRIDAY OXLT-PREV EXPOSITION SALE A Trio of Exceptional JiZxilues to Interest Thrif t jr Home-fitting Folk -, .: DRAPERY AND FLOOR -COTERrNO " STORES. FOURTH FLOOA... - lit JAPANESE MATTING It CENTS . ' Japaneae Matting, plain, and fancy, choice of 16 pattema, reg. VaL 30c; apeclal, yard ....... .224) ir.60 BRUSSELS. LACB CURTAINS $3.88 - Brussels Pattern fates -CurtalDe, 60 Inches wide. 8Vi yards long, 10 of this season's best styles, reg. vaL $3.60; apeclal, pair .$2.35 tJ.75 TABLB COVERS I!. 9S . . . 4 -; Chenille Table Covers,' 3 yarda square, just the tMng for1 the dining table, reg. val-31.7; spe , 'rial,, each . . ,.i ................ , $2.05 0PBCIAD FlUDAT ONLY-PRJU-EXPOSITIOM SALS Suitings, in Colors and -Blacks: Dress Goods Store. 8 OUTH ANN EX FIRS T T LOO R", 84-INCH RAINPROOF SUITINGS,' hard-twlatedi" all pure worated yarns, In neat Invlaible atrlpes and plain coverts, weaves especially adapted for rain--r-coats, skirte and ahlrtwslet aults. all wanted col L ora to aeleot from, embracing modes, tans, navies, - . browna, -greens and Oxfords, our regular 61.76 .yquaiity; special, fop Friday only; yard. .$1.35 . 46-INCH SHEPHERD-CHECK PANAMA'S." ths most sought-for-fabrto shown thts seaaon, (TbtoT com binations are green and navy, black and white,' gray and white, brown, green and white, navy and. whltei tie wu and -white, etc--" "" ." " "Regrtt.60- grader suertoj for Friday onlv. vd..l.21 "Rag." I 55 grade; special for Friday-only; yd.. 1.04- Reg. 81.00 grade; apeolal for Friday only. yd. . ..81a BLACK DRESS GOODS FOR FRIDAY; -" - Imported Black All-Wool Chevrots. Serges, Granite, Panama and Neat Flan red Panamas; alao a large ' aesortment of Panama, Voiles all wararnted fast' dye, our regular 81-66 grades; apeclal for Frlday only,, yard .......... .93 nBPECTAErBJrjutYTNTPRaVEXPX8m Karest bort of bilk Values SILK STORES-SOUTH ANNEX." T- S T ;F I. O OR. ; . . - . J00 yarda of New Suit Silks, all com'Jn. thaararir latest mattes ana designs, neat stripes and checks. alao a large assortment of .new figured patterns. Taffetas. LoulsLnee snd Chlfforv Taffetas, -alao Diacx-1 .rioiaS-ana mn d Boles -every yard detendabJarrn"g atlka, " our " unequaled f 1 .00 luailty; special ror Friday only, rymrd-. ... ...71 10 pieces of Yard-Wide Warranted-to-Wear All Pure TZ Silk Black Taffeta. In the soft chiffon Tlnlsh for gownsand rth harder finish, for skirts and lln Ing, beautiful fast black, our regular 81.60 grade; apeclal for Friday only. yard. ........... .$1.19 'BPECIAL FRHSaY ONLY PRE6-EXPOSITION SAXJB -OT .Women's :PrettyrBf ace- lets -Purses and Jewel CLRT-AISJLE-rJHnESI y 1 a a a? t,o o A aeaaon of elbow aleevea and pretty plnk-emd-whlte bared arms as displayed by bewitching femininity calls for pretty bracelets and aids in adorning. In our offering tomorrow wa ve planned to make pen, nles do ths work of dollars In buying of these wanted accessories to summer dress. A GREAT - -""-' '-- SPECIAIe SAI.B OFBRACELETS -TOMCTRRfsSTT "IN THE JEWELRY STORE. One lot of assorted styles of Bracelets Nether- - BOIeiTwTre and bangle in rhlldren'a mlsaea' and 7 Indies' sixes, valuas up to 860 and $1.00. for one nay only at ......M.1,.luuil.l9 One lot of assorted styles of Bracelets, Including '1 signets, chain and Jeweled, In sterling sliver and gold-filled, valuea up to $1.S; all go in Fridays One lot of rich Gold-Filled Nethersole Rray-elets, In "-Trtatn-p!eree ftltgree and atone set tings In Roman - - and roee-gold finish, high-grade goods, values up IoJ.0ILanaaa 1. yriday only. ..... . ... $1.29 ; LEATHER GOODS. -tm-Tbr-br"aJSorte?I styles of "ladles' . Combination . Pocketbooks, in black, brown, tan and gray, val uea up to $1.60 and $1.76. Included In thla lot, go at a choice for, each .,.,.,493 Jnelol lirTrerry Fmt ChmwaT.lhed Jewel Pockets. regular !o valuea. for .29e And the regular 46o valuea for. , .. ,; . . wr.vr. 19a (Friday only.) SPECIAL. FRIDAT ONLT-PRE EXPOSITION SALE In Art Shop and Junior Apparel Store ANNEX SECOND FLOOR. T CUSHION TOPS OF HEAVY VELOUR VELVET. In pretty designs, colors light and dark green, terra . cotta, light and dark red, regular price 65o; ape clal at .......... ..v4-ay CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES, made of fin ging ham. In. Ruasian style, trimmed In white pique. -- fancy braid and heavy peart buttons, colors pink or blue and fine white stripes, ages from 3 to s years, regular price $1.26;. special at .j.8Td SPECIAL- FRIDAY ONLY-PRB-EXPOSITION SAXJS; Good and Fashionable ' :ShoeS;f3::;:: THE FAIR-WAT FOOTWEAR SHOPS. . -WJC 0 T ANNEX FIRST FLOOR. BOTStt:T-SHOE9-$t J- "-7 jjoysr box fair and viol Kid unoes. solid leathers 'and stylish lasts, made by one of our best Ameri can shoemakers, alsea to 13 Inclusive, res. vaL $1.76; apeolal. pair ......$1.24 WOMEN'S $1.60 OXFORDS 13 CENTS Women's Vlcl Kid Oxfords, patent tip, medium round toes, easy heel, all si sea, reg. vaL $1.S0; spe cial, pair , tZi WOMEN'S $i.00 SHOES $2 SO Women's Lao Shoes, vlrl kid, low heel, psent t'l. alsea IVi to . reg. val.13 00: special.- pr...( ) Same Shoes In Misses', alsea tl'i to 3, rex. val -.' special, pair .v....l.LJ 7.-.