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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
asnnsnaTanafaaTawsllllM , , , j , i ' I !. - V' . '. V ,' r; " T,?TC' oregom daily tournal. Portland. Thursday " EVENING. .'MAY. -4.. 1SC3. TACOuIAV RAILWAYS AFTER COPPER ORE St Helens Has Prospect of Una - - Within Twelve Miles of ":' -: T Mines-... .J(s--- THIS WOULD DIVERT At,L' TRAFFIC TO THE SOUND ThevTheve-r fall Unless the Castle Rock Route s . - " '- Encouraged, - Portland" .;-: :, Has No Show. - - -,:xta"" reports: from southern " ffMb Ington Indict great activity -mangemH of the Tm rsllway, which I projects r into the Cowlit basin near Bt Helena thta year." Nothing ha n glvn-ut publlclr regarding th4engtb of the Mr . r.nalo contemplated for J06. butjnin tn,, m-n ""ch wWa-lh situation tat that th 8W Helena xopper irne wttr hav y lin-wlthln l to -'. of their tunnel by the cloa of the aummer. -; , Th ect of thl work la n ortlnd intereate. a th. outlet for north. Had a Hn een constructed from Caatle Bock up the Toutle ex- X tendlng'the present lotting roadr Port land would have had an. even break with Tscom la competing for ore and gen- ' :.ral tram of St.-Helena, or poaalbly an advantage, owing to the character of the haul In thta direction. - The en- eouraglng development In a few',tn" more prominent fit. Helen copier mine leave no doubt In th mlnd-of mining ' men that the district la oon to have - . heavy, permanent tonnage of jOra or -' gt- topper natt for th rk8tron . ' rein arbelpg., JJenad-at -depth, and th grade of ore lndlcatea that ft will be eagerly sought by the melfr- Bt. '-elenTmt9nr-TPWrdfth ' ""J" ln- district moat directly trlbuJrsrte" " Jnhlhe th work It contemplate "thla ear and ther I nothing don from . . - f..ti Pnrk direction for thla olty, - th. trafflo will, for th present at leaW -'Ue, diverted to Tacoma. nerves they Jeaae through the vein,-and thua aljay Bj pwkWII heartaefc.thatuhntlem for business several daya at a time, haa been my llf experience. I found nrat relief in Ir. aillea'A4i-'4n'4U, ana since then I invariapiy warn- iiwmmi or taking a pill when I feel them coming OP. E. 11, . MUUBLJtnii n inunr, in. Rnlil mi minntM that flrat package. will benefit, r money refunded. -. ,..- J dose. !6 cent, -Never old In bulk. MADE F1RSXCLEAN-UP J vjb - flrat clean-up .at the Oregon Securities mill. In Bohemia. wa mad on th drat of th months- eaid T. H. B,,nni tht morning, following hi re- ." ' turn after a week" trip to th district. The exact amount ef-bulHit-neBrea -rfrom thlawork wa not stated, but for tlm: tha-the -plntre-uinln;. th mintntmuM -wa -entirely satisfied :"with-reauluC Work- U: preliminary- to entering, on. , th .moi pflrmanent rurr on Tnimpjon-retrr-or. In hle-fetnoth drift a'r in excellent or, and it 1 b- n-nnnFa6rTtaljnllLjlluIcEiX- nnanihi ' machine being uaed on the main level. But tOf stamp wr rommiaaton. but ther 1 aaauranc the other 1 dropping befor long.' anen fOurP,B'5-?!j..." nTo Bohemia d'laTrioU ndTea In f Id th purpoae-of making general Inape- lon examined an lnilxidiuU -property 2et. t wor-H aaya tht anow haa almoal mtlrrlr rt aapixar-1. mif Mt init.MB " rn tilone. are there patches. The win """" ter haa been unuaually mild and prlng all rnarta end trail 'Inr good on 4t4n: Mtning nltr ere--ttiy en- couraglng to resident of th cmu. M rupect to ari9o1ienilr-do-jrt best wort A- 'i -Aches of som kind ar th fcrltge of early ... .k. Infant Slid the COllC. the mMdl - aged and the rtlsjselng.i, miserabla headache, to the aged with nervous, musoular -and rheumanc poms. A remedy to relieve in all caaeanuet be founded on the right princini, that account Tor the wonderfuLi res of fT" i ' and MJ p DivMiles' Anti-PninrPnis o-eur all case of reat the Pain Source Ihlug AJUQ,rjll aJLCOJ ijz. lhe. lrrlt n the tension, Duua up Kt the blood coursing an furnish. with.: uch iddltional data a could be obtained from tha official mapa of th government and tate , Thloetion of Cottag UfOV l in western boundary, while the -eastern end la well beyond Bohemia district Th drainag system of th country la a' fined with abaefut -accuracy, ahowlng th nuroerou trearoa rialng in ins Calapooia rang at this point. Th ur reyed mining claims are aennea rxaci' ly. and for'Ui llrt-tlm on I bl t view a map giving an Idea. of th com pact locations In th heart of th dis trict.-- : ' ' . -r Thla vear ther will b eapeoMil ae- mand for accurate Information .of min ing, and th-work of aom of th dis tricU ln getting out carefully prepared map 1 appreciated by tno engaged in exploitation. Where thla Is aoppl men ted by- miormation or an equaiiy authentlo nature regarding the. mine. dietrict will nJoy - th - best xppor- tunttv of commanding - attention ana getting visitor to look-at- their -mlitl Ing' properties.. Relief and other maps will ba in, demand and several - of ths tnen-rtost actively engaged in exploita tion will use them at the ore exhibit and other publlo places, BADGER !SREADX0a. HEAVY MILLING WORK r -(Special IMspttch to Th Joeraat) - - eukanvllle. Or.. May 4. Shipment of ore and concentrate to tne Dumpier smeUas fssm the Bunges aala . have commenced with prospect of no further interruption from the weather thla year. Ic has been out of Granite Moulder and the diversion ditch or tn Badger company for soma time, so that th water power, la avaiiaw Tor in comnreaaor and -concentrator. Thi stamps Installed In th mili f or Bull of thWood r will be resdy for their 3uty this spring, andlh compressor plant -was -a tat -completed' r work be form operation'- mnipeoad , laat winter. Th Budrsr -concentrator had a capacity of 78 -ton daUy prior Jr thjd4UlnAll"t'n tMiitiHln.i nrA ;11f TlOW h brOllffht I ln' up to near- the capacity or in largest mill of th dltrioU-- PLAN FOR ROSSLAND'S - MINE CONSOLIDATION :1s' Bargain .Eveet of . the -WedkS . . or. AnPVTMn OM SATIIPriAV WVTf MTMrt MAV ft. TTROM 7 TO 10 O'CLOCK. v THEM. DONT FORGET this xvin anniv vtAKiviKaixu ( rnmnu. w ,i v..., y" 7; " ; T i-i.. .rss-rz.. y " ' ' : -; - Couch just like cut, covered in best grade velour, hardwood t L - fttJfj t z(Tzt fV t x v" ' " ; COUChj"".' WOrth ; $15.00.V J . ...':irT . Ti 1 lJ.,-r-,--r. -- - . .'-.),! - . viU' 'B t J " " U ., ;l.-GEyTZ I sows- 173-175FI RST STREET 2 29th Anniversary- Op Tills Saturday venlag, rom Z tp lO. ening You are" cordially invited to attend our Grand Opening this SaturdavIevenirtitOet one of thflsfbeautiful Lewis and Clark I Souvenirs -and see 'pur immense stock of Beautiful Furniture. ever taken from the property- It 1 In what 1 known as th second shoot. This lie to the east -of th first shoot tappetl,- and ln .thpposlt ilJrenoald the ser pentine oroppings. ' High-grade-gold-copper In a vein thnt-hs a -width of on to rive rTer-TWa found In mis - worau and shipment were mad to th mjslter, but. recently contract war let for wood at the reyche, and It Is presumed to e management a Ihtpnllonrtd atart iip"aTrormnrTOs(r-itmF -this ycar7 -''- neell Pttoitrh The oraal. I Rossland. B. CMjr4.-r-"WhIl llferl hav been no ront development Indi-; - iattng-"an:- early: merger- of "the- 1st Bov Center Star ni war sagi mine, tno connected with the -propertlea rtat that thla-deal , will b carried through wan I it la powlbletoiget-Hh gntrollnr ttfr Uresis together. The plan or me con- niMtlnn 1Tfira tlD.0Qa.0tfl. Jorpora.J tlewi In whleh farmtr Le Bel Inter You Cetj a Full Quart. Aa honeat quart bottle of is fin a liquor as ever passed your . Una when yon buy th D. O.- rye whisky we sell. it "is an appetiser, toma th am time, and I a general favorite IREWERS PREPARED: FOR A LONG SIEGE No FinanpJal Assistance or 8ym- pathetic" Aid But : Along mes of Boycott. - WORKING BY HAND ON : T RICH BELMONT MINE V .(gpselal Dtspitch te Tae IxnraaL) ; -i Tipton. Or., May 4. There la no ceaaal tlofl In th work of OUy ana Kermaw. owner of th Belmont property on Vincent creek, where the rich urfc . trlk wee recently-made, ' Th men continue to . ecur good return from crude band work. It 1 reliably tated that they hav ecured H.OOO to t,000 In this manner since th flrt clean-up of $2,00 to $1,099 wa made. A the rich grad i In, sight and th men were poor they seem determined to continue thi work until they hav acquired aome thlng of a urplu. by mean of which they will be able to prosecute more - clentmojperatlona. ; ?sts will b repreaeniea ty (s.ouv.ouu Istock. CenUr Btar by 1.400,60, Wf I Ragle $J, 000,000, th Trail smelter $1.- 000.000 and th Bnowaho by 100,000. Thi would lnvolv th cloalng of th Northport meUr. Whiclt 1 located. In th atat of Washington, and doing all the smelting of -th group at Trail, which now receive a good portion of th tonnaga of th Center Star and War Eagle. Ther wpuld be a heavy gurplu eft for Improvements and further equip ment. : :ACCURATE:MAP-0F-THE . : - BOHEMIA DISTRICT -Haft -eolwlX of thla city hav pre pared the flrat authentlo map of the Bohemia mining jlistrlct, lnjannd Douglaa counties. ' Th work wa un dertaken In aaaoclatlon with A. 1. Le- my. i irlin " r"""f " ' th camp for many year. . Th engineer hav mad urvey of practically all of th patented ground In Bohemia and of many claim yet unpatented. Th map oontaln th Information these surrey EXCITEMENT IS KEEN OVER 0LYMPIA STRIKE (Special to Tae JoaraaL) Olympla, Wash.. May 4. Rich quarts hag been dlacovered near Little Rock, ll mile aouthwest otjthta . cltr. and many prospector have secured lea r?rjtHeiu?Javsfun!h.'in? land for a period of 40 year. 10 per cent of th money produced to be paid to th timber company. . , : PSYCHE IS READY TO "PRESUME ITS MILLING (Special Dispatch to las Jrsl.l- Tipton. Or.. May 4. At th Psychs mine, which Manager Fred D. Smith of th 8now-Crek.- rcntly bonded, late work ha opened om of th beat ore With all who value a good, pur whisky. During th -10 . yeara - alnce -W . occupy our. present locallon . out-Cxm -ha . b com, a synonym; for honcaty and truth. Why t Because we jiever misrepresent goods, buf price, are .the same .to very buyer and -the qualtty-of- our wine and Hquor of th highest grade: v'a de- nver-pwag free to aJtpaTTs-of-the cityrr For th convenience or ,our-patrona w In order that out' customer should noff'?S b annoyed byWieir frequent and un timely -oaller-end-rely eolely upon our telephone, number Main IM. through which "you -" can obtain. prlc of our good at any tlme nd assure you of th best and most atiafantory treatment. T. Oermanus, the family liquor dealer, X2s Moirlaon treew - ." -'. - .-(Special Dl (patch te The JoaraaL) Beattla, Mar 4. Ther will not b a" ympathetlo strike In connection with th brewery troubl In wester Wsh- and f;ainWyTaiT77rhlaltmnff.l by Business Agent W. J. Alter of th Western- Central - Labor - union- - which. at It meeting laat nlghtj maeraeq tne tanorr taken: Jy th " varloug brtwery union and promised to give them sup port. ' Neither will there b any demand on. : -th part.."-:., tt th ! brewer fof financial aaslsUno f rs-4h- West- n Central, i -t-r- Tho - statement ls : mad that - th brewer ar prepared to carry on 'a war and It will be ntireiy along the line of a boycott. Chief -Cook of th fir department SPEND SUNDAY, AT SEASIDE. (Only $1.50 Via the AS C, ,R. R : -Sunday, May 7. ; TCalCaT i l"XId erlreer"h jTHa jT S u r Ing the week and - purchase- tickets - In advanc of next Sunday's excursion to Seeslde and avoid the rush for St Union depot Sunday mo: 1 for tickets I - HSiDS. BftlL of Uoketp limited to seating capacity of eoaehe- wd-every-pBsenger is assured a eatThe"Tta 1 deHghtfulrth cen ery besuttful, th oson refreshing and you have flv hour-t th beach, ' all for $1.60. Train leave union depot s a. m, returning leaveacSeaslde i p. m. J(0WTAA J)IIXOATIS HAM2D. (Special Dispatch io Ths -Bose man. MnnI . May 4i Journal.) Ml FrnMa Ball and Mia Mabel T. Horpe hav been chosen to . rapreaenC -Uu-'tttt colleges at the new Northwsst Student confer, nc to be held at Gearhart Park. Ore gon, thi week. ' COWSUIVlPTlbw JMD PWEUIVIOWIV "are prevented and cured by the greatest of all, and atrictly scientific remedy for Throat and Lung Troubles, Coughs, Colds, Bronchitis, La Grippe, etc., via t dr.-kimg"S mm For COIiSUMPTIOII, COUGHS ARD COLDS - Cured of Pneumonia After Doctorn Failed - 4 j had been 111 for some time with pneumVnlia, writes J. W,: JleKlnnon of rrTalladegs Springs, Ala,, Mand was nnder the care of twa doctors, but grew no: better until I tried Dr. Klng New Dlseovery. The first dose gave relief, and, by continuing' its nse, 1 was perfectly cured.'' ' : 50c r?iS??i-r CCTTRIflL DOTTLES FREE-vl 2K SLGCOBIM ENDED. OTJARAKTEE11 p . 1ND OLD BY , A . a- RED Cri0SS PHARMACY, SIXTH NtfAK JSJREETS ha suspended Lieutenant Pstsr Xump of Engln Company No. -1 and Oeorge Valbush, pipeman of Truck Ho. 1, for playing th ho on th brewery wagon which wer passing th tatlon. Secretary Shield of the Cltiaen alll anc charged that th wagon war drenched for the purpoa of whlng off th revenue stamp and getting the brewery in trouble for delivering un stamped br. ' : -T MYSTERY SURROUNDS: " ' FINDINGTOFCOFFIN (Special Dispatch t The JoaraaL) -Seattle - May- Myetery - eurrounda thlndlng on the shoreaof - Vaahoa Island of a rough cofflrt In which one wa th body of a weif "devel&p6d"mait The bottom of the coffin, befor th body waa placed In lt.:was filled with fin gravel and th Indentation plainly how where th form of a human being rested. Quick Urn on top ha destroyed every vendg of the body va to ths bone. Th authorities uepeot that murder wa committed and thi method adoptedTd. jSlBprrs -rjf the ooriisai box appear, to hav been in the water probably not more then a month. Th gravel apparently wa used to sink it. " PERMANENT HOME FOR": TROUTDALE LIBRARY (Special Plapstdi te The Journal.) Troutdale, Or., May f .Arrangements ar being mad by th Woman' club of for- permanent home for ths llbraryi For thre yeara th library has been pushed from, pillar to poat with no permanent location. - Th women hav leased a piece of ground. outh of th depot, from th U R. s N. Co. and money 1 being raised for the construc tion of a building. - Saturday night an entertainment wa given and tS6 raised for' th cause. The club think that ther will b no troubl In raising th remaining amount necessary. - t ; -; Inch at a time . w - hav : r fought out war Into publlo fa-V. "wear It hag been a hardull. - iLonf JUltCoyjwiirTiepi Ing tablespoonful with, cream aiidFTrow wilt apprcclat our,1 . guocea. 10 cents a package. .... i Vt all orocsrs. TWO RESIDENTS W- ALBANY PASS AWAY Otto J. Clelen Dies of Peritonitis 1 . arid Mrs. Elizabeth Buck - - - ner of Asthma. " . ("paclal IHspatcb to. The 7eoraaL) Albany, Or, May 4. Otto J.. Clelen Of this city died laat night, aged 17 year, of perltenltla, following typhoid fver. Hr-wa -horn-in thla city ' of - pioneer parent and lived her all hi llf. He leaves a widow, a daughter, a son, on brother fcnd on sister. H waa an en campment Odd Fellow. Th funeral will probably be held B under. Mr. Elisabeth Buckner died lir-thls city at t- o'clock thla morning of asthma, after an lllneaa of jevarsj year' duratton,-ngd-71-year. Sh leave a husband, flv gana and four daughter, all growji. Th"funeri will b held on Sunday; -rr. r-r . . Burglar IrTeVI to enter th resldeno Tf-Ror,key-Tcnaon" Hirriighir but wer frightened way ! orncers Wrrnotlfled"na mad"" " aearch but they "had-Iaappeard. Tha-lntruder r supposed to hav been tramp. - Farmers-will sue smelter for damages t mMMMMM w. . . . f rrr i ar . - a nniroc .: J - The Following Prices are ; Retail, DelljeiTtb Cjsume5 JpckRpckSpring& other- coal proportionately low. not paw mora tnaa t.u ror in . s ooat, - , -t . . - - best acreened 'iSk eameLg.MaeCAgal -rw--sjsaaaiaij ' ;-7-;:r- CHAS. H. CltlM, At - tj i : --WLmflumm SSt.a BTal ieeees iinseseeeeeeeee e ? Ve Larg or tAnrsr mu sxzmTS, SaurnvwAZsra asns UTJITWAUT nmil also Ladies' Underwear. La die' Swi-Rlbbd Vest. Fin Ual Vests, long and hort leve. low neck, all . eolor white, pink and blui all la jPrioe ... . -, -r ., -vup.i. From 25c up to $2.25 : THE WESTERN IMPORTING CO. lss-iTo rxTTst mnt on, ou Slret Xmportora of Ohiaea : and ' Japana - araa, xvory, inotar rramss, ttag-, rong BUk, Ikv rosTorrzoa. Cuios, Umalal rilipate as (The Juueaal.) - Olympla, Wash, May . J. T. Brown, anattorney. of Colf a.y7hlngtorvla In th "city preparlpg to Institute a damage suit for $50,000 against the Northport Smelting :V Refining Com pany of Northport. Stvn county, Washington. 'Farmers, in the vicinity Of th smelter claim that their crop ar ruined annually by fume from the melter. Th atat board of highway commls 4onr met Inthls city yesterday and appropriated $16,000 out of the Ute fund for the purpoa of road con struction along th north bank of th Columbia rlvr In KllcklUt, Skamania and Clark countle. ' be. t. r. wnx. We erew end bHa- work srltbeat pal, Onr II years' experience la plate work n sble a te fit your swath caaitortably. Wwe aas foaad a ssf way t a T. P. Wlae is aa assert at gold ennr' and brldae work.. ' Sztr whs plata ar bridges sre eroend. WISE BROS., Dentists Faillac Batldlag. ear. Third aa Waah gta, -Open eTeniage till a. m. Bondaya frost t ta IS. Or. Mala ao. extract teeth, abeotately wit hoot pais. TJr, sola mi bridge work.. " tr trading Ulng at4 srss SB. W. A. wns. WRIGHT ft on. 49i4 Wasbingtoa Btn oi. Seveatk Of&o Wtta atat ok Co root of IU. SSBTTIBT that relieve u pain I oimh Wood, per aenloperai , .. Wm. - toad. ... k ry Slab Wood, per load.m...'.al.50 Box Wteod, pr Abov kind no. not apply to North Portland or th Height. WOULD KILL CHILDREN-, TO KEEP THEM FROM SIN i BjsBaaesBSaaaaaas (Rpedal rtfiCch'roTtt''JooinaLV Beattla, May 4. -Mrs. Annie Johnson, suffering . from rellglou excitement, threatened to offer up her three chil dren a a sacrlflc and aa a result ha been committed to the atat. asylum at Btellaooom. - During th Chapman r. rival he proposed to her husband that they -offer -their, three children a a o rifle tq. tfod and at th am time do away with' all danger of their falling Into a sinful llf when they grewjipr-. -'" WTXT. zxroax ttjcsxb. (SpaHaJ Dtipatrh t 'fta JoanaL) ' Vancouver, B. C, May 4. Between 7t.000.000 end 100.000,000 feet of tim ber, according to reports -furnished toy the separata ruialng-partlet-la being purchased on th north arm of Barnard Inlet by American capitalists, who Intend to export th log to Pugat aound thi summer. ' Th" deal 1 now tmfler -wy and It I reported that It will probably be concluded thi week. Th major por tion of th Umber 1 fir of eicellsot Opposed to Occupation Tax: VOTE FOR For Mayor -X.. . ... ' 1- --- -T-;- -- T"'' Oi the Republican Ticket at the Primary Election imnr . , rrnim ' r- ' I .- ......... yet Twaaty-riv ?tar Tajoatyet ef Terttaai,' . . ' w; ' '. ' :.,,. i - ; my .platform ; :.-..,r--: , v I aM In favor of iul right In conformity with law, and special privilege to none. ' Thi city td ba run on a thoroughly bualne basis, and th occupation tax ordtnaac should at one b repsaled aa prsjudlolou to th growth nd welfare of the city. ' . "v 4-Wt it.- j. . . -".r . --'J-' 1 ' V 1 . .j..; . . .;