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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1905)
. -..- v - - - - - -, , ' ' , ,i -' : : ' l I. ! , . , i l. .mi . . - - t" ' ,' .. . 1 . . 1 ' . ..aa'.- - Ir i LOHG, STRONG PULL MAY- RAISE ELDER '-BewfterSirTeefTBtnf-After r' Hold" Proves too ' Heavy Yet NAUSEATING ODORS I! OVERCOME OPERATORS Confidence t Expressed That Steamer Will Be on St." Johns - Orydock Soon.:; - Hope la ''r w?H '"mjia'Tm 'a from the. roeaa on wmcn, ana. n 2IatW-fMth past four BwtJiJy terda y s effort to raise lar almoat proved aueoeaaf liU- Tha to lifted, alx-ieet. bat for aome reason ju.Jg.w- Steamahip George Elder in the after holdojU4Jiofca-impipd trar- : , Dlvera are examining the after hold. ? It la" thought that In a couple of day knowa-juaumhat-worlt should be dona--tn--orler-4oT-make-tha. task of lirtlna- the veael aucceaa. The Tlarvesl" Ouecn and the M. F. Hender nsrm-jirwrlrtnitrll - vatnla unttnlvlnt the POWW for-th operation t-tha fmi- The5Jd.ex.4iad Z steam up anfrrtngTll'rffnrly .part of . itha operatlong-Tin - appeared-confident .that tha ateamer would -be 'raised.:-A . - rmmbfTT; rtyer ir.en"froin Tortland f watched thewrk- r-r - '' .- Tha odora from the decomposed Z - freight are almoat unbearable. The men ; who are obliged to ba on the boat com " j)laln f the nauseating enielU, aBd-aay iliac nicy1 win ud... Binuif w Lmuctulongr. . Whan the ateamer-waa -ThezPine-Neeiile RbeiviUatt ress i-' ...The True) Health Bed "" Perfect Rest - Ia secured on tnjy-6f these Msttressea. Th- body la cprhforted and -tha' nerves : quieted by the .soothing aroma arising from thla efficient fiber. Hardly notice- -eH during tha day - -tt -aeema to-do double dnty at night In purifying, the heavy odora of darkness and reetarlng the exhausted energies of tha day. Tha " best arttcJe'of houaehold uaa, aver, per fected. Begin to slep-rtght. Investi gate., That'e ' aufflclent to prove , our .cause. ' . f - - The Price Is But $15 HYGIENIC MATTRESS CO. M OaUVO AT. TXOJTM BAST SIS. , I: - r. - : iif4 mtiriUr tha edor - was ' 6t fanslve that many of the workman war oompellad to seek temporary, rmm bj boldlnr handlcarchlefa uer mouth and MAM.. . 4, ' .- ' - i -v - - - A. MoFarlane, who la -'in charge .of . 1. jutnflllafit that fn tlft y rliT. thn Flilnr " nuvnuuiivi - - . . Repeated attempt no float- her bave a hTri1-- I. the ftrat time that tha a tea met-haa ever been moved. -ItrrUah eteamhlp Fernderfe. eaya tha neit time he makes the paaaase m)ra in ' to Portland ha will plck,out a oourae far to tha fortt-f-4h-AlutIatond in mtmaA f r allowlntbe track taJten by tire Tegular llfierf plying from" Uie Ta, elflo coast porta. Thta ha thlnka would ka tha vnvarfrtwo aajre snorter. "I would follow tha reat clrcXe,'l- .auditor. "and - conaequeauy ha Hintan" tobe ' tra versei many a weary league, v taken awh- a-rte tiua-time nwi v-. ...nniiml with the proper charta.. Thcra la certainty -TsH6rGir ayar 10 th 6n the Rocki Near Goble. orlentfTinaTtT1" surprising that aoma enterprising navigator haa . not discov ered it long before this. It la remarka ble the distance a man can aave Dy closely atudvlnr hla-eharf: I think that I saved at leaat Ja-wUeaby HghUy davlttnsT-rontha aual "eouraa-taken on this voyage, fronL tht-Whaierii lUt aai4Jhat .rr fs- ateamera-hve"'ll'wed Ilhft watci ljifftlj " emu Aleutian, lsianas. and-s fsr as knownnona-rrr tempted-' to go to China and JapanTby thltt-X"UTte .". Tt in l . g""41 -aaraaA that-the nearer one" can follww tha gieat clrel-ha-lBarmatanrB3Wiii . v.a mmt hatween norta situated on onooalte aides of the ocean, , If the captain JaorjctJnbJ.alhenry rhafWUthtera" cperating from Portland rninnlrt - tha VOVgacTOS Uha Tclde In 14 Instead of II day, MORE. DOCKS NEEOEl Ownera of . ahuall Craft Ara BuUdlsf BdanOWMrBnt WTuurTaaj Are raw. oathouaea are-sprtnglnrTJp all along tha ater fronts By tha time the Lewla small craft will t)"TlylTiTTfrtha barbor. It-ia .claimed there will also - be small boata operating from every dock altu- atad near tha business part of . tha city, Tha fleet would b much - greatar. It ia aald. If tt were possible for the ownera to aeoura landing privileges. One of tha attractions In trie Minor shortly will be a number of warships. Those owning launches say that. a big fleet of boata will be kept fully employed carrying visitors back and forth to them. It Is thoughLthat tne street car aervica will 'be Inadequate to handle tha crowds andthat many people will": go" to .tha fair grounds in tha launchea. Bo con fident are tha owners of small craft that a busy feeaaon Is confronting them that they are making every effort to get permanent places from which to operate their boats." Some cf them are even Irylorto rent landing prtvllegea tinder- neath the, docker" -: - - -1 OREGON IN DISTRESS. German grhlp-oa-tha Way-to-ortlaa4 -"-'y iamared at Sea, A-Tuekee,- Jov4.eneral manager for the shipping firm of Meyer, wiiaon Co., received a message yesterday stating that - the German ahTp Oregon aalled from- aVatperalao for Ban Pran- claco ort. April. 10. After aiacnarging balance of her freight. The advices also stated that the Oregon put Into thej South American port from which aha last sailed In distress. It 18 the first time that any Intimation had been made that she had met with a mishap. Tha Oregon sailed from Antwerp on Novem ber 12- ' ' , " ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Member- of the Vancouver lodge of I. o. . O. F. No. t have chartered tha s teenier Jessie Ilarklns to, csrry them to KalaTfta tonight They will return tomorrow- morning- In -tlnie- for- tha steamer to go out on her route. - - Tha teamer Aurella will aail from San Francisco for -Portland on Satur day.- The Aurella, "has been ont -ef com- mlMlon or the past monia unaergoing repairs d 'having her passenger ac- ..nwirufhtlnn. anlRraeit.- - r- Bteamboat men aay 'that tne Cowllti river Is at a lower ataga tnan aver re- The Best A Scouring S6ap 7 t A Metal Polish ..C-'A GlasX:ieaner moved. ' " . . rMimiFD PA5SBf5ET-."."" . f to the Tar SasV THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL! V PORTLAND.. THURSDAY fM at Ik I. aaaann . Th Karth WaOt t only able to get aa far as Oatrander. four, miles above Kelso. At that point her freight and 'paasengera are trsna ferred to the little atearoet .. Cheater, which goea as far aa -Toledo. . .. -... v ... T . iiitimMrtMr lfirnl agMtt or t - ttw - camrornia Oregon I . - - . , . hfn cnmninv. waa a nassenger on tha ataamar Despatctw which alled Tr' .day-ftarannn , for Ursy a HaruUI-JUB. will return by rail on r riaay. Ta-McRath Co.-hae concluded neirotlatlona for a couple of Kuropoan cargoes of fralahtjiinl a.ra. now caatlug about "for- tonnage li which "to bring tha aoda to-Portland. One bf tha -car-- IIU Mia other made up larf!ly: of pi lroi-n firm hrteka la at Npwcaatl on Tyna. the aohooner Beulahieri-ina for Ran Kranplapo. ' " ' "r In tow of- the Harvest Quean, tha French bark J,a FontatnewM leave up tha river of Portland tomorrow morn tngv. It waa tha Intention to tow bar up today, but the yueen waa employed at tha Klder wreck. " WUh a general cargo and a full pae enger list, the steamer Columbia la due tonight from the. Bay -City. ." ' John A. flum and Jamea V'. Magulra. In tha cuatoma aervke at Taioma Srxil nafv r ritm lin y, irBjicn.., .... trajiofflrrfd toorllaad-teremarn -onrn after the exposition. They win ba ata- ttoned at iha -aub-pot -on . ina -iair grounds. Tha afoamar W. H. Harrlaon. operated bv tha Elmore Navigation company of Astoria, will come Up the river today and mo on tha drydock at fit. Johns to rw-'elva a general overhauling. Cantain M. Barkle-r of Liverpool, who has been here for tha paat alz -reeka looking after the interests of the Brit ish ship ponadalefleftUst night for his home. He, went by rail to victoria. and from there will take tne l anaaian Pacific railroad for r Montreal,--from which port he will sail for Kuropa. - Today thework-of -loading the Brlt- labr-eteamshrp rjerndws :;if a started. It will be a week telore sna is reaay for the sea. 1 -Tonight .the nteamera Roanoka and RedcdoaHirr southern coast porta On .Saturday the steamer Alliance is due from Eureka and way porta. Ij-jurp Anuaro.. T-os , cabi-t- After - spending .. J a . week at Aatprla attlnafwr ay favorable opportunity to repair the-governnientcabra"runnlng over to North Heao, "ysctjLsirecaaicj; Bealg-feturnev tnis morning.; having ljeert able to carry out his plans. Tha bar waa so rough that H-waa oael- bla to do the work only at greai naa. aayaita wka1 ntnirajt uw.iiiwpe thaiyej weelmgd.'and ia aafely buoyed ao that tha fishermen will be unable to. aei tt adrift. -It la riot known lust at what point the cable haa been damaged.'- In order to ascertain thla. It will be necea aary tojrun a'ateamer alongside the Jn ana Tiirk- tnin In rder that It may-be- closelv xamtnedl : Mr. Beals will prob- ably return tomorrow and wait for mora lXayorbJe condition.". XJOSTSOTTSa a zuk Mark Omyson." tha II gnt house keeper a.trBt root ion Island, haa been feeling Tinweir'for "the paat -week or two and the fehder-Mahsanlta. wni TMon mm "to tnrtlAnd. where "he can reoelva medical attention. Three othetJteepera-are-t th-stfni station. They are aa Isolated that when one decldea to take a trio a JanitiLjiaB.iabe. "rAiherea.nd placed at his service. Tney naTw- anmtt rw boata In- whlch they make frequent visit s to Th shore, -but that ta about the xtent of .their travels. v - r AatortaOxiay aArrlTsd ..and aalled at a. m. Steamer Despatch, for Aberdeen. "" " jganranclaoo. May 4. Arrived at I a. m. Btaamer Oregon, from Portlana. r Eureka. CaL. May .Balled at 4 p. m. Steamer AJllanca. for Portland. Astoria, Or., May Arrived at ll:0 aT" m. Steamer- Columbia, - from - San Francisco. ; San Franclaoo. May i-Arrived at noon Steamer Asuncion, from Port land. ' Astoria, Or., May". Condition of the bar at I a- m.- Smooth; wind northwest; weather cloudy. l PETITIONS FILED FOR , L0CALT0PTI0N ELECTIONS Petitions for local "option elections to be held In five precincts on Monday, Juna 6, have' been filed with County Clerk Fleldaby r If yotera Pf-preclnct No. 64; rotera-of preolnctaNo.-oi i voters of nraclnct No.' 57: 55 voters of 'prfrln"t n. t ( South Mt Tabor 1. and . yotert ot.preojnci jxo. stock). , . . .. AmofUnhe weTPXn3n people who alened the petitions are W. M. KUllngs- worth and M. K. Thompson, of precinat No. i; A. F. Flegel, Charles E. York ml W. T. Vaughn of precinct X6.-H: B. Lee Paget and Frank A. Snow of precinct Na. 87; .11. C Bmlth. Oeorxt U Curry and H. J. Hefty of precinct No. St. tha last day upon whloh petltlona-far local option eleotiona can ba filed, na tha law requires tnat tney must oa pre sented SO day before the day, of eleo- tion. . .. i , TWO DEAD, THREE HURT- IN A MINE ACCIDENT ' .. (Jon real Special Bervlre.) -Duluth. May 4.-Flamea thla morning destroyed the Fifth Avenue hotel. Three bodies were recovered and two are still said to be In the ruins. One of the vict I ma waa John Wele. .'.11..'.. two sia t imra. ".- (Journal "pedal Barries.) Baaaemer.. Mich.,. 'M.y 1. Carper kokla and Jack 'Nolan are dead and three are seHously Injured at the Iron ton mine. They were overcome by powder amoke and fell 100 feat from a iaaaer. t i Scotfrtng Sop Matt FAITHFUL SERVICE SHOULD BE RE WARDED Henry-S. Row - WaADegfjved - of - ar Secon ; Ter mmi Mayor by the .Manipulation of Part .linenieav : HI5 DOMINATION " ON SATUR " DAY WOULD BE A VERY' ". " PROPER ACT. . ""'f;' The Public Now rlaro an Oppor tunity to Express Their.. Ap " proval' of His' Orflcial Acts tfiirarMTor. A-. faithful public servant -might-well be. aald to be the "Nobleat work , uit Ood." 'In these times of moral con tagion. It la quite easy to refer to thia candidate, or that, aa a man of the gen eral make-up of our distinguished pres- t.tant, .fil -mf)t ta nplratlon Whl-h foUowa. such act of - official- honesty, bravery and faithful regard to official duty, as those that have marked the aamlnlatratton-fr- our pTovedThe- dora,- It W but "haturRnhat thoee seek ing -official - preferment- In -ther lines should -undertake to gather to their sup poTtthr friend of . honest government by proclaiming themsejves lollowera.or flch a distinguished leader. Z. . When -a-Lmbrarwav of any, kind strikes a community. It la eaay to And I I supporters and' followers, but tt re quires courage auu geieruunaiiun - tu first propose - and to carry forward - a reformation of any character, and great. tlon required by the man who undertakes to battle At a time when the charter of the city of PortUwA gave to the mayor but llt- I tie powerr hen " Incompetent public aervanta largely. -preqominatea;TTwnen rumors of graft and official corruption were frequently heard) when an enor- mous tax waa being gathered annually from jhe public and renklaaaly,and. cara.. leeely apent, Henry 8. Kowa was elected to the office of mayor. ,.- - -Ai mtyerrMfE-Rewe-at-enee' -applied himself to tha task of thoroughly clean-, tng our municipal stables. He . sur rounded himself with such honest, cap able bualness men aa A- I Mllla, presi dent of the First National bank; W. F. Burrell,- manager of Burrell Insurance company; William MacMaatera, finan cial agent of tha Scottish Loan com pany; Richard Williams, a distinguished lawyer; A. L. Maxwell, a railroad man, connected with the O. A N-Co.i A. II. Breymanrpresldent of the ; Breyman Leather company; C. A. Cogswell, a re tired capitalist, who composed hie board of public work. And It was declared to be his purpose to Insist upon - strict honesty In the discharge of every official dutyr strict economy In tha expenditure of the people's money and an honest and faithful fulfillment of every public con- traet. " ' The result was an honest, faithful and clean administration, a large saving of pnbllo moneys-value -received for every dollar epem ana an acanowieagea di tarment in. every -department etUie-eUy go vernmUnt. .-iJI.u. Mr. Row .was not a follower.' He took the lead, proposed and carried for ward these reforms in the face of op position, and at a time when there waa no one above him In thla broad land of tours, from wnom na-cmtioKaTni splratlon. Such courage and power demand reo- f fighlUon. He did hot pursue Ihla course because It waa in the air, or because it was popular, but becaaae he conceived it to be In accordance with his official oath.- -t Cheated Out of a aecond term by the political manipulation of - tboae whom he had deposed. Is It not proper at thl time that the people, aa a deserved re ward for - faithful service, should re turn him to the offlceT .- ROBBED FARM HOUSES ' BY THE WHOLESALE (8peelaTMipitcli te The Journal.) Hlllsboro7 oTT May 4. A young man whose name Ja unknown here waa arrest ed "near Oaaton, In thla county, yester-jlax-evenlng, on a charge of burglary of a dwelltng-hcJuae,- Jlf terho hadbeefl placed In the custody of an officer he confeased, but refused to give hITf&me He said he had two associates, who es caped In tha direction of Newberg, and that they had robbed five houses within the laatweek. He had on his person watchea, rings, silverware - and -many other articles. . He eald that he waa new hand at the bualnees.- but hie as sociates had been ao engaged for many yeare. He waa 'taken to McMlnnvllle, where some of hla acts had been com mitted. . " - ' The party three waa coming toward HlUaboro, and had robbed five houses between McMlnnvllle and tha place near Qaeton. . . J . . . - . . 'mtlB IT 1 TOBJfABO."-- rrtfooraal BpaclU Servlee.) -'-JI,,,. . Omaha, May 4. Three persons were killed and.eU Injured by the collapse of a three-story building, occupied by the Omaha Casket company, in yea terdays tornado. Tha dead are: Jacob Klrschner,, L. M." Martin, Henry Dletl, employee of tha casket company. ' ' " - i - - - Should Be ashamed. -From the Pittsburg Dispatch. .. Cholly Chumplclgh I'm not afraid, dontcherknnw. to esy what T think. Mies t'uttmrlTlntl- Tmrmey not be afraid, but you ought te feeashamed. . aTT.armT aw aowav EVETstNO. MAY t,' "STORK PARTY" IS SOCIETY'S LATEST Brtde ' of 'OnrearAn'rroxinces Coming Event In- Unique.'. - 7: Manner, L GUESTS SIB.MILK ROIVUTHE-LOVlNa CUP Innovation Introduced by Mrs. J. Sloat Fassett In Daugh- - -r-ter Honor. - -,;:r ;J - - .; w---,-. f - ... ""'. -'- . v . ... ... . . ' (Journal Special Servlee. 1 7 Elmtra, N. TMay l.-An innovation In the way-of social entertainments haa been-Introduce d hre by Congressman Mi-X-flloat Jassett. It waa-a "ork party" for her daughter," Mra. Frederick Gray HoDgaon, bf Atlanta. Georgia. Mra-K(Mlfian cama tatrt a. weak, ago to visit with "Her parenta.uAe-a aend-off for the daughter, who la a bride of one year, the Kassetts invited all her chums of former daya to their homo to a "stork party." There waa no inkling of what ft waa all about, until the Jl 't, uahered Into tha dining room, j The table waa handsomely decorated, but the most striking decoration waa a huge- stork-- irt the -center of the table with ita beak graceru(iy pointea in me direction of Mrg, Hodgaon'a chair. Tho place cards were decorated, with picture of a stork. The cltmar came -when the loving cup waa sent around. When a taate of Its contents revealed that the cup field Only milk not - a smile waa ahown. Each one took the hint rfhd the cup journeyed along- ao every diner touching hla lipa te the liquid -fcad-the-aame urprlee. - - OVER A BILLION LEGS rr : CAVORTED ON STEAMER Miwi ssFTteeelaV- tatvlca.' K New' fork, May. 4. Over legs cavorted through the bold or -tne steamahip Satauma, carrying 1Q.00(W0 wiggling centtpedea. The crew or tne vessel waa kept from mutiny only by I LsstabllaMnir a centipede ' tUliu, duiliml which tha Chinese killed aa many of the pests aa possible and' drove the others back to the bales of rattan and bundlea Of hemp from Which tbey had emerged. , Tha Satauma came from '"Manila via Tokohama but It I believed aha did not take aboard the eentlpedea in any large numbers untlt ah -rteelwed a eeaslgn ment of rattan at Bingapore. , Bhe was hardly out of port three daya when the first" centlpedertrame npi througttth ventilator. To - venitlate tha " hold a natch was left pen that night and the centipedes came, on deck. The Chinese who had no fear In their heart a were aent to brush the centipedes away, The hatch "t '"" Anm tOirOa AXTDTBOsTS OBT. .: - ' - Joaraal Special Servlcal ?-N,arTorlt,May 4. Arrangements hare been BOirtpiete6rltmrhem6-' ration ntaht of . the . one hundred and ftwenty-flfth-antveraa-y-ef-tBe-blrtlt f John Jamee Audubon.. Tha cnurcn 01 the Interoeaelon. where memorial serv ices will .be held, overlooks what waa foerlyIkllflWOiZ3aiatfWnaT. name given to thatpart neareat the Hudson "brtfie "tractj or 1 1 acrea 'nee owned bv Audubon. ' - Among those who havaecepted 4nv4-j tatlons - to. particjpaia n -ae imoriai exercises are ex-fudge Alton B. Parker, Richard Watson OUdef. Ernest Thomp-aon-Baton, Bishop Greet and Professor FrUBTt M. Chapman, presldentof the Audubon societies. ; t " ZaTSFBOT TJaV-TaWASVaUBS. - (Joarnal Special Servlee.) Waahlngton. D. C, May -4AaalaUnt Secretary of the Treasury Keep starts today on a" tourpf generaj Jngpeotlon of aeveral of the aubtreaaurlea of tha west, hla object being to harmonise any difference that may exist among the national banks "and other patrons of the sub-treaaurlea. He will visit Cincinnati, St. Lou la, San Francisco and probably Seattle. . .-. WaJrrSHOaDS-XTJXaU " ( joaraal Special SerTlce.) London,-May4. The Ea tlf "Dun raven hag published a pamphlerentltled the "CrlBte In Ireland" In ' which he inakee an argent-plea for aelf govern ment for the green tale and denounces tha present system of government. - icra. ateklaley ' Today, , rl McKi.ha. "; that From the National Magaslne. terrible Wow, her hair la a ljttla whiter, her arav eyes not quite ao bright. Her expression la aail aiiot'wlien ahg spsaki there la a slight quiver of the llpe that Indicates something of the great grief ever preaent , with her. 8he goea to drive nearly every day and everywhere and by evlry ona ta greeted with tgndcr and aympathetlo cordiality. Her gen eral health la Improving, and she la now able to take an Intereat In all. the household matters eonnected with her home. , . -. . . r " lrond ol Her toaelyX.lfe. From the Atchison Globe; 'JYou are worrying youraelf unnecea aarlly about tha old woman' who live alone," writes a snappy woman to the Globe. ' "I wlah to aay that I live alone, that I am paat 70, that I have my gar den In before any of my nelghbora, that I have my work done earlier In the morning, that I - keep - my r house and lawn looking better.' that I never dis turb my -nelghbora by nelaa- ef -quarrel- lng Or bablea coming irora my nouee, and '' they . have Tie occasion to worry about me." - From LIpplnoott's Magaslne. A wellVcnown Episcopal bishop of high church tendencies wse glyjng '- a dinner to a number of hie clergy not long ago. In arranging for ft with hie English butler he waa aurprlaed to have the man aak. "Ia they 'Igh church or low church, airT , . . - - "Why, what possible difference does that maker' tha blahop Inquired. - "A great- deal of difference, sir. the man replied. "The low Church they eats tha moat, and the 'igh church they drlnkg the most, elrr " .--a- Wkera the Daage Xitm. From Clnclhnatt Commerclal-Trlbuna "Marrying on a salary haa been the making of many young men,"- urged father. . . . - "Yen, ITtn'ow thaf-replled the spoiled on. "But suppose your wife lose her salary. Think what a position ft reaves you. In." . " , ' ... ' . "Didn't t sea Jack kissing you' last rrlghtr -W-.. "Yea, ma, but. he had toJlu-,nu me te de 1L" Houston Fost siiotolufolp A!R-TIGHT7-BUCKLrPR00f AND BSOLUTELYaNITARY; ' The doors and racks white enameled, something you'll find InjiooAhex---l TangerTniriftot only makes, it easy to keep your ; -oven as sweet and - dean as a china dish; but the ' white- enamel retards radiation and reflects heat ; A - You don't have to turn a, pan of. bread to have it ,bake evenly. - Your roast will not dry up or" shrink in a Buck's Oven, itVxeally a self-baster.-: :. J.. ; .. . A ' ',::. !,. 1 ; .." . .-V 1.. The oven is 'only one of the many good points v of BUCK'S RANGES. Come in .and Jet us tell you rthrDthersr: SPECIAL TERMS-SALE- Remember, - werwillnow-deliver-andrsetrup rifl1 your home, all ready for : Range ' or Cook ' Stove, we do- this --without anj t - ' J " 1..a aka.a.. .'.l, S- Caen piymcni uvwu. - uui JmoacyouU be satisfied.- NO.CASli. PAYMENT REQUIRED YOU PAY-?5.00-lN-THlRTY DAYS z0QIAJiEE1C3HERM IXSSStCSZtlm IS GOOD I Thc Kind You Have Always m use top over ow years, 4 SJ- ar All Counterfeits, Imitations and ''Jnst-as-g-ood" are butt Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of -Infants and Children Experience against Experiment - What is CASTORIA .. 'Castoria Is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare- " jroric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. " It is Pleasant. It fL . contains neither Opium, Morphine- nor other NarootW trabstance.' , Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms -. and allays Feverlshness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind Colic It relieves Teething- Troubles, cures Constipation . vand Flatulency.; It assimilates the Food, regulates. the Stomach and Bowels, caving healthy and natuxalsleepe , -T - The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend ; . . C C N U I N C ASTO R I A ALWAYS Bears tho. -rnln Uee For Over 30Years. srjwpaTic zzaoTja eaownra. Tha .Epworth league, TTwenty-thlr-l and Irrlnrton. held Ita montblr business meet In last nlajtit. Offlrera were elect ed Tfnrv tha enaulnc slmontha. On Sunday evening:. May 2S, there win be a aubllc Installation aervica, , Rev. U..T. ...... . ... r. -: In all Buck's Ovens are use, any. pattern of Buck's uii.1 tw iua ai : , ' MAUY0C3 0rfNTCLU3 Bought, and wliich has been nas Dome tho slgnatnre or - has- been riutdernnderiiIarer- sonal supervision since Its Infancy. Allow no one to deceive yon in this- Signature of Atklnapn. will ba InsUUlna; officer.- Th heacue haa mora than doubled its nTra ber.hlji since , the "Orfanlcatlon of Kim worth -churnh and la still enjoying t steady trowth... ' J . .1.1' "''! . ,, . , ' - A flmirlna: mill will ba erected -at-Cline falls this summer. Always Boipril f .s.