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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
. , . Wj'. t. ' - I 1 1 ,',.. . : . "THE ""OREGON DAILY JOURNALTPORTLAND, TUESDAY EVENING. MAY 1805. v . . ' j " 1 f V-V - J. ... --4 T t i. :: i- - iEIGOI OF CREW ! - DIE OF SfJALLPDX IDaadfurrScourgi- Breaks -Out . on British Steamer Fernde t nel atari. f FIRST OFFICER HUNTER L:- AMONG PLAGUE; VICTIMS Vessel Arrive "and Will Carry Flour, Barley and Wheat -- jfrSto3apan; comes they interid to Strike tha telling blow of the war. No people could be mora corrfldent of ultimate victory than they, but tiny have -tho laoulty ot lac all of their plana to tltamMlvoa." Whlio 1 JapW Captain Fisher' visited Nagtiya. vhin 4.000 Roaaiana ara held aa prisoners of war. Among them la General Smirnoff, - who "was In Porf Arthur during the siege. The skipper aaya -tha prisoners are 40teated,-aad. do not hesitate to say that they are' glad hone tbnt ttie war wouia continue in- plenty, to oat and good treatment at the hande or. Their captors. mediate points, and from now oa It will bo possible tor her to set bock to Port land by :I0 in the evening. - - To Javt Jier rudder readjusted and ra ce I v a minor repair the ateamar Reso- luto la at tho Supple ahlpyarda. .-, i Captain Decree M. Shaysr will leave tit a few dara for the upper Yukon Xxlvar, whare he his Tun steamboats f orl4 " VUnna, May J. A. report f romo) -." HTe tho Japanese cat tho Russian .squadron', into a hole and at theljf ; mercy tho great naval battle which tho world 4a looking forward to will occur. aid Captain Flaher, master Of the Brlt- ten -gteamohtp-Frrndene-whtch reaohed port tnia morning from iiororan. japan. 'Tho little brown men are watching - 'their opportunity, and when tho time "" :i ! . -jBHaaajawami j- ;- --",7---"- As i-a -suggest! ve - we " ding "present or anni 3 etsaryl-irift itTcan'-aK ways W relied -upon t--;. Iease2ZItsj:beJiiityof .uC?igT anu coior, oeing -I o different, from, the " J Ordinary, creates it as such. .- V je.r therefore -cordially anvitt all who are particular as-to he spiendor"nliatrp f e- vails, for a purchase of us represents excep- . tionaL. value . for -the .. quality ai price. Fddenfreimer Jor.Thtrd and Wa ' I . ington Streets ... - V jutaox aotnmc jowojt Diamond Importers. . OyHCtOM antlne but after beina thoroichly dla- lurected waaalven alean out ot neaitn, Thla la the flrat vlalt o the Fern- dene to tho Paclflo coast. ' fine made tho trip across tho' Pacific In 20 days. Heavy weather ' was encountered tho greater port - of - theA -distance. An American steamer and several whalers were spoken twq Jy a of f the mouth f tho Columbia, river bound weatwara. A r.ounln of the engineers had an ex cltlna experlencejfhlie conrtnK up the I river, J-fmrof Iho -valvoo-broke,- and they had to occupy bertha on top or tua hcBr-ttMstlh-iialn:-4helfJeat endeavora to "prevent too much steam from eaoaptn:.-JJV'hen port was reached they- fell into i deep slumber from which It was almost Impossible to arouse them. Tho captaiiv says this 1r realty so. . Tho ftajner-4o-under oharter to Bal four, G uthrle' a C Tihd" thi Multnomah' mllUt transport o. rg o to Japan. It was the Intention to." supply. lier with a flour carao. but It la shid that aho will also take out wheat and barley. Jhe Fecndeno Is an average alsed tramp and capable , of handling .00 tona. . The other vessels of the same line are the Heothdene, tho Ivydene and the Myrtle- dene. Before reaching M or or an, and ' Juat before she was chartered to proceed 10 t'ordaed. -smallpox . broke out -on the Ferndene. from whlcl) tight te,tha re sulted. .Tho captain, and nearly all of tha crew were 111. - - I-." , 1 ' . '' Flrat Ofncer Hunter died shortly After tho steamer reached Mororan. and 'seven nriui e urn waa uie rrtiuine jm Uutlsa. The ateamer was held In 4ur- tho IaS aeven seasons between Dowson and 'W'htte Horsev He.Jia JusUeturned f rort Phoenix, Artiona,- -where he spnt the -winter. : rr- Barkentino Portland arrived 1 yostor- ancnor near tho Inman-fouiaen ,mui, Where, aho-will- take lumb From Ban Francisco tha ateamer Aberdeen . arrived -yesterday evening t Aetorla. where aho will discharge A 40- lorr locororrtlve -md a tender, for use. on the Columbia. River Astoria railroad, 8ha also brought .10 logging cars, which will be unloaded at the aama place. She la expected hero tomorrow. WORKING ON ELDER. Another Bf fort WUl Bo Sfa&e to Balse Another effort-will bo made today to raise tho ateamer Oeorgo WJElder. The steamers M. V. Henderson and Harvest Queen left for the scene thla morning A&Cja-m harsaTrXoajWlnithopowV or to operate tho pumpe. Repeated efforta to raise the Elder from tho Jutting -eocha ..have reaulted in failure. - It 1s aatd that the bottom of tho hull resembles a sieve. A coffer dam haa been, placed under her, and -whewr- the-vra ofthFhold ir 1 believed that thlgwltl elevate her above tho rocky prong. Grtat auantlt'es.of freight are aillL In tho hold. Much of tt la flour.-Trhlch It is thought la "as good ii:twt aa tho water penetrates the "sacks only a short distancewhen a hard crust forms, which prortectahe : remainder of th prodKUl Balfour, Outhrlo Co. have chartered the French bark Crlllon, 1,7S tone, to load general cargo at Antwerp for Port land. . The vessel was under charter 10 the same firm-last year and took out a cargo of grain to Falmouth or Queens- town for orders. She reached Queens- town a short time ago, and Is an routs to the. Belgium port. "'- ' '" In a day or two tha British bark Pin- more la expected to sail from Ran Fran- :o for IMitlaiid." BUS WTrr-hrlng a part cargo of general freight whtcb was reoeived at - Newcaotle-on-Tyne, con signed to Meyer. Wilson at Co. tXm -Ttrnradar o en in g t ho ot or-o- dondo is ocheduled to sail for San Fran cisco with S00 tona of grain and 160.000 feet of lumber. Captain Ahlln reports a roush trip coming up tho coast - V ' "MARIN E"N0TES7 Astoria; May f Arrived at t and left up at 10:10 a. in., ateamer Aberdeen, from San Francisco and coaat porta. Arrived at f and left up at 1:11 a. m.. ateamer- Roanoke, from"PortlUa Angelea and ooaat porta. Arrived at :I0 a. m brlglnttne Lur- line, from San Franclaco, Arrived at t and left up at :2t a. m Itearner Despatch from Ban Franclaco. Arrived from San Franclaco. Sailed at 1:11 a. m., steamer Oregon, for Ban Franclaco.' San Franclaco, May I. Sailed at EIGHTEEN KILLED IN UCLASH WITH COSSACKS - . - (Jearaal Special Service.) e ' tlrodk."RuaaU., stales that a de- tachment- of Coaaaeka clashed" "rtth 'A -vrowdo labororf to killing II and wounding .-'- shipyards, where shj - waa overhauled auul repeirea. one naa oeen equipped with a new and larger wheel and several minor, changes - have been made. The bladea of -the wheel are lined with steel to prevent them from wearing out easily when they com In contact - with - the boulders st tho bottom of the river. When loaded tha, vessel only draws 14 incne IJtmOVIl BTQTTCaV The lighthouse board has given na tlce that about May I. 1S. a fixed white lens lantern light, known as In dian island spit light, will be established In-II feet of water on tho southern and of the aplt making off from theaouth- weatern and of Indian laland. Humboldt bay. and at tho Junction of tho channel to Kureka. and tha channel leading to tho Areata and Mad rlver-ehanneia, i feet abu e thar-watr7ontha red and hlark tiorlsontallr - atrlned four-Dlle atructUre. crossed with slats and eur mounted by a .lamp house, reoenuy erected. . BTBB OBJlBTBBKD. Mover. Wilson it Co. have chartered the French ahlp Hoche to, load ateneral cargo Tit KOtterflam for Tortlarid. ... Thla makes aeven ahipe thla firm . has under charter to, coma to Portland Tha others are - tho Plnmore. Thistle. Oregon, Bordowle, Falls of Pee and. Afghani stan. . - -r -' CHARGE WILL NOT BE 7 PRESSED AGAINSLHER 11:30 a. nv, steamer Columbia, 1 or Port- land.i;. - . . L, - ' Astoria. - May 1. Arrived down It tfflp-TinarinniM H p. "ntftumtfi Asuncion, for San Franclaco. Balled at l p. m., schooner Hugh Hogan. for San Francisco.- f Left up At :o p. m British, iumik Ferndene. ' : Aetorla, May 1. Condition of the bar thwest weitherxlOTdy. Mrs-' Illlle .Petersonaccused hy-K. A. - Boody ot stllftlng, wiU not be tried on the charge, and "her caaa was continued Indefinitely thla morning vy Pelfeor Judge Hogua. : Shi Is at her home at The Dalles. " Thar seem to ba doubt that the de fendant, who is represented as a wen bohav"Mr lndutrlouswpmru Intended up. hutwas carrying them along a bargain counter with the Intention of buying, them. She had aireaay pur chased a -number of other articles. , OsT OBBOOST CTTT BUaU. In about two weeks the' steamer ' Al- tona of the Oregon City Transportation company's fleet will be placed in service between Portland -and Oregon City, and will make three round trips a day. Since AL0NG;THE-WATER-FRONTf"t -wmw-Vun has hoen only on -It was ll:S0-o'cock last night when the steamer Charles R. Spencer arrived from The Dalles on her first dally r"oad trip. Tier agent says Sliej Hd ta WCTt r'Thefigoha oflhe aama line went cn manr:.landlnga on tho way tip,, and -it was after 4 o clocK When she rescnea the upper": terminus of . , her run. Ar-" rengemente have been-made o thet Jie will stop .at only -half a dossn inter- Altona will be given a thorough -over hauling. It is supposed - that traffic will bo much greater this year than, last on account r tns rair. the -Cor vail la run this morning In place, of the Pomona It la the first tlmt that aho has been In aervloe for tha paat two months. The ether dey - she wss launched from tha waya of tho Portland Manager Kan of the Western lm -porting Co. Returna Fronr-r :aBusiness;Trip!" Jamas M. Kan, mahagef'Weatern Im porting company, has Just returned from a six Weeks' business trip Into eaetern Oregon, Idaho.' Utah. -Montana and Washington M- Kan f Inda : that he people of these ststes are very"nthu alanttc'over ths tTrts and Clsrtt Talr, snd thst they will come Aa Portland during the-aummer in groat numbersi The house which Hr. Kan' manages has ordered large Importations of Jsps- nese and Chinese curios. They expect I a snipment or enony onairs, ivory gooas, clolesOnne ware, new brass goods and Lewis and Clark aouvenlr trays. They have , the largest Una of eurloa In the -City, and thelr store will bo tho jnecca of eustern vlsttora during tha fair period. SELLS CHAKCES'TO ESCAPE FROr.l JAIL Sheriff Word . Makes Charge rrAgainst Guard Johnson of MATTER TO BE LAID - - BEFORE THE GRAND JURY Officer Importuned Prisoner's iBwthaf-fof-Money tb6eoura Krasma's Release-i-i; - Charges that James F. Johnson, guard at the county Tockpile, promised to secure tha release of Ed Brown, llas Kraemerr for ai.raoneyconalderation, wttl ' ttrobably bo made to the" grind Jury by" 8hrl rf Word.' . Tha facta on which tho charges will be-based are two letters whloh Kraetner received' rom his tho hands of the sheriff, and the state mtiit which, Kraeroer hlmaelf made to tho sheriff. . In: his statement Kraemer aald: - Ml 'When I was working at tha rocknlle J6Tinson"toid mt- that t -was -t man .to be there breaking rock, and aaked me If jny folks rera -well fixed. I told him tnV brother had aome prop erlyBoon after my- brother earn up- to sea me, and ha and jobnson haa a tain. A fsw dsys later I discovered a plot of tha- prisoners Jto .escape. - One of tbem had gotaaey to the handcuffs, and the plan waa to eet all f , them free, and when tho gang returned to Portland they were to make a dash ror liberty at a crowded Intersection like Third and Sal mon streets, where the guards would not dare to shoot for fear of hitting passers- by. Whan I told Johnson of tho plot ha said he would obtain my pardon and It would coat me nothing On -April IS I got a letter fronr my brother,-in which he said Johnson was foo mysterious and his work waa 'too raw."- On the 18th I got another letter, in which ho aald Johnson had wired him to aend tllS by exnreas. - Brown had not promised John son any money, and aald he would not g1ve-anyraHrrthwis'htJ6hns&lirwa 'a "When I waa taken"oflf the rookptle I met Johnson one rooming and asked him If ho had got an answer to his telegram. He asked: "What telegram T Tho tele gram la a forgery.' . Since then I have not aeen him." i - - Kraemer, aa ha 1a known to the police. ( served sirmontns or a -years aen- tence for. larceny committed while he waa drunk. ' If necessary, Sheriff Word will have his brother Isnd to testify before the grand Jury, and wll also secure tho telegram which Johnson -4s alleged - to - have - sent ta Brown.-J- .'-."!. --.J UHBBLB r "DBAB. Mrs. Julia Llndsley, mother -of Mrs. -Thorburn Ross, died today-at "the homo- of her daughter, aged 71, . Bho was the "widow of the Rev. A. L, Linda- y. D. D...1L D.. pno of the most dis tinguished clergymen who ever resided n Portland. - lie was paator of the Flrat Presbyterian ehufchMrs . X.lndaly waa woman -of -remarkable strength of T)hsracterrwho by- a life of dewtlon to high Ideals won .hosts of friends.-,, i a AVwr Apparel Storc. one-storen-PorUandwhlcH-oXfcrsttarihe: men every new style conceit in clothes. ."';u "-r CHESTERFIELD SUITS can be bought only at re4n-4h 'state of Orgon.---Th ey -are . - - - V .. .-. - . cent better-made and better fitting than-.anyother- "make of ready-for-wear; clothes.- You -will. admit nhftetnfyIretVyottvaifitt 'the front of any coat breaks -back- or, gets out of shape in one year's wear yoirgeta new -suit FREE, - Prices rangejrpm ?18.00 to $40.00 a suit. ' FINE' TROUSERS, fancy cheviots, beautiful-attern3,-irrwo"rsteds,-r Priced - g4 .OOztQlg 10.00 i ? a pair. - FINE UNDERWEARJriibalbrjggansoorens,: linens, lislesnd silks, union and two-piece suits. ; Priced from f 1.00' tp f 18.0O'S"it-'v PIeasedJ6ayojportunity1.oLhowing.our. v.i: choice selections ofyeverything in men's apparel.; 269-271 Morrison Tomorrow, Wed nesday, May 3d Mooaardy Clarke $ ' Company's Befrlns 12 sharn Ends t sharps Sixty-Minute No of Striking Reductions from Reduced Prices ! .. ' .Trade , events like" the'se mid-day, mid:we ek sales are what have helped -give this store its reputation aa Port- r land's economy center. ""Nonfof ;'thcsa- prices are made: tu . meet competition they're far below . where competitors have the nerve - to goThey're made as extraordinary in-. . ducements to get you into the habit of using .these lines' of 'goods ..on their merits: ' .' v ; 'Z Scan these values," item by item. T Compare every price and every qual- ity withjwhatou are in the habit of paying- . . -v r J ':'Z:lH: ' :; . Then, remember to come early, for -these unniatchablc bargains absolutely rwill not bVavailableor one instant af ' ter the gong clangs the end of the noon : hour. . ' - - - ' ' .' ... ' . " ' . Liquors - Regular CreamRyfrqutrtl '. , .11. IS Paul Jones Bourbon, quarts......... A, Old Hermitage, fives. ..r.r. .... ..... l.H Chicken Cock, boltled In bond, fives. 1.1 AOarden City, fives...,. ........ Dower's Extra Special Scotch...... Cloverdale Burgundy , . .10 Duroy Tort i . . . '. '. , . . . , . r . . California Port, quarts...... 11 CaUf omla Port Wine, H -gal Muscatel, quarts .......... .10 Special... f .OS 1.03 .93 .99 .23 . .58- .19 .38 . .3T KAS-PA-RILLA Try a botUe. tones up your system. It Rubber Goods ToiletArticles 1 KAS-PA-RILLA The sprint med-N icine for this climate. . J . : .r Sundries : Batcheller's Bathasweet Pompellan Cream Sorated Talcum Florida Water Antiseptic Witch Haiet . t-Ounee Perjume Atomiser,' filled . , with English Violet Water. ...... Eopey'g Cream Violet Ammonia.... 2. Tetlpw'a Swandown Powder. T. ... . .. TetloWs Gossamer Powder....,.'.., Ayerg Hair Vigor, i , .It .tt .tt i .-' .10 1.0 .18 .SI ".is ; mi SpeciaL $ .15 . .00 .20 .13 ...... .33 .50- .ia .10 . .04 . .11 -Quart Fountain Syringe, red , . . , S-Quart Fountain Syringe, white. r-Cjwrt Hot-Water Bottiarrwlrttr f-Quart Hot Water Bottle, " f HSI ted 1 Regular. Special, ..12.00 1.T .83 red, cloth ..'.v:....... VaglnaU Sanitary Spray Syringe..... Cloth-covered Sponge -Balls, all eol- org ........,........,.llo and- - W A I t- mm I I . r r mM JbmST, 1.58 I rto- . .BO- .00 T KAS-PA-RILLA Restores the liverN and bowels., to a healthy condition. Household Drugs Soaps - - - - - "'"'Regular. Special. Flower-Seeds. Is, 10e and Ho per ' t . package .L. ....... . 3a EACH, Turkish Bath Towels, 40-la.. ..I .10 - .11 Turkish Bath Towels, it-ln..t. . '.14 , Turkish Bsth Towels. '4t-In.....0 "t" .31" " 29 Kl fit's Juvenile . . ., , .'. ... .". . V 1L11 Record Soap .11 Societa Hygienioue , .. .40 Imported Almond Complexion.. .11 Be poll .10 Falrtiank's Glycerin Ter....ii "LJ) Bhakefa Tar Rose Glycerine Regular. Special. I .11 TtaKTSO Floor Paints, quarts. ... . . . " ,4' Rainbow Floor Paint a, H-galw..... .71 Pyregraphre-OntWs . . i . 1 . . ... t S00- Gem Safety Rasor....... 1.00 Austrian Court docka..... . .. ..... 1.70 Toilet Paper, roils, pe rdoien. . . . . . . .10 .40 -1.25 1.25 l.5 25" KAS-PA-RILLA We know exactly what Kas-Pa-Rilla consists of, for we j)ut it up ourselves,' from the prescriprr tion of one 'of Portland's best known physicians. . L-t P Dickinson's Witch Haael..... Belected Bird 8edk per poupd nmmuniH. pints .... 4 M :,,.. 1 .55 Wood - A leohoi, pi nt s . rr. : . ; . . Rose Water, 0-os. bottle ' Hay Rum, 0-oav bottle. , Rose Water: and .Glycerine, 0-os Bicarbonate Soda, one pound.,,..,. .Regular. I'M SpOcial. 9 .13 .oe . . .04 - -.13 ,13 e 1., . 20 -; .13 . . ' .1.1 .21 .13 .20 .10 .10 "." .20 .it Leather Goods Catlnara, per rake.'., rairy, per oosen .oe .27 .04 .05 ..OS 01 I for ,10 l ' .0 - .14. " , " .33 KAS-PA-RILLA A" saparilla compound. . ' Cascara-Sar- Photogr ,.:z aphlc Goods --- .- .. Itegulaf. ' Opera Ba gs -. . . . .", . 4, . ; .... .V, ..... 1 1.60 Combination Purae and Card Case, " aasortmsnt from $1.60 to 14.00. .-.V J . Men s Coin Puraea. . . . . . . .,. . .; 7; 3.f5 Dainty Japanese Card Cases, leather - lined t.-...-,. ...jj,..,.,. 1.10" Special. . i.TH ; .03 .50 - Adapted to This Climate KAS-PA-RILLA is peculiarly euited to the need for a spring medicine es pecially adapted 1q this climate."""'7; Stationery . .r - - r Regular. ' Special. Persian Lawn Paseterlea. .......... I .11- . Gerard Wove papeterles...,. .11 ,13 Scotch Raglan Papeterles.t .yv . . , . . . .00 .28 Dainty Note. ,f ,i .IS.- . .19 Concord Iha Tablet Pencil Tableta .1. Dennlson's Crepe Paper Napkin a, ag- sorted designs, per 100, , .10 i ..oo OS I for. ,05 .10 . " : ' - , 1 'Regular. Wire Photograph 'Display Rack..., . .11 ' Twin MaU, all glses. .01 -; Seed's Traneparaney Plates, Sx7, per 4fo !... . i ' ..'.".".'.w. .". . .v..;,-1.40 - ; Fas'tmsn Bollo Hardener. .. ....... .11 Eastman's Sollo Toning Solution.... JO Oelatlne Prlntlng-out PaperjmH4,, ; par grdaaTTT.T.T.7 " Oelatlne Prlntlng-out Paper, IHslH, ':' r greas;. ,,. , .' SpeclaL .02 : .TO . .15 ' .15 - .00 KAS-PA-ROIDS Same as Ka-Pa-l Rilla, except lrt tablet form, ; Brushes .60 Regular,' BpeclaV Solid-back' JflllUry Brushes... ...r.HIO 82.05. .Cslhilold-back. Military Brushes.,T-4,0O--- S.90 tow Willis Solid-back Hair Bruah.. .0 ; ,50 II -row Willis Solid-bark Hair Brush. 1.41 '., ,9a BohaJandla, aolld back Kal 3mah., .11 . ' ,19 Hand Scrubs ,.... ".. ., 10 '.03' -A WITTER One of the most powerful medicinal waters known."" bottled exactlyaa Fit comes from the jsprings. "r" This natural medicine is a positive remedy for stomach, liver, kidney and" bladder troubles. :v.:. . It is also peculiarly effective for rheu matism, eczema and all skin and blood disorders.' . . " - - - ' - - Witter Water is bottled at the Witter Springs, - in -Lake xountyfifomiaV" . just as it bubbles from the side of the hilL The efficacy of the water haa long been known to thVlhdians and the set--tlers iri the: vicinity - but it is Only of --late that the medical profession has - learned of the J exisjence- of this mar-7 velous liquid. Analysis shows that the ,. water , ia a highly concentrated blood , purifier., , T '. -J -fr In aggravated -eases the waten in-; duces nausea and eruption in. its actiona l - on the impurities in tne body, but these .' symptoms soon pass away and witJT them the worst-of e impurities. Con- t tinued use of the water, beginning with small dosea-and'gradually increasing, -' will cleanse the system Recommended and for sale by -fH? WoodardtClarke & Co : Fourth and Washington Streets - r: ". -V ? . . : .1