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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
W TV THE OREOON DAILY JOURNAL," PORTLAND. TUESDAY --EVENING, 4 MAY- 2. - 1905.;r:J .. MAY EXTEND STRIKE . , , , .. . THOUSAND ENGAGE Hr' -CHICAGO STRIKE RIOT ' ; y ' . f ' e f (Journal Hnci-lil S.riL I m GIVES PROMISES V -3F-IIICIIER-VMCES ll'LUCALBHMS ST . . - : .- aj. r. .,.' . II .. I I - ; ir . z Seattle BeerMakeraTMay": Call -Upon Oregon and California,. -.CITIZENS' ALLIANCE IN - CHARGE OF LABOR WAR : Non-U nion . Men Furnished . in Quantities by Organization L::,.. to Break f Strike ----- strike was declared yesterday. May . 1, """"being a lioiyayy the unions win diitVli . from today. -This -morning every brew - ery in western " Washington Ijjiffeeted. -in-ttTrinirTdral" blarit-fiuv "liTTtfie . help they .a. ntw mn huyeiiK beep ;pcured to take the tvlact-s of the, alrlk-la n rultri KrnntrJWnrrliiwnTTti' find era. i tw tai.tiia la given- out iiy 'association members., thai - all other . I'l"'l' lit t'' wimtrn pa.rt.-at-h"Stl are stmilitrly situated, and that they , , are not, ctntcwiied how lung the strike . . tams, --. ' 1 ., The Jocal ClUgens' alliance yesterday ' took charge of the matter for the plants, itgtrnr geuwta I r.-tHrCfgnfftaBTTtHy the National Association "of Manufactur- ntrwinu'VgPmg-tm- t nerTrrntrngftrjr-aTC "engaging andurnUniiig all the pom : pelcnt men the brewers say th Ui'Ol, 5 The cmuluynieot agents for the brew- " uers have established quarters tn the ;-tzz Butler- hotcl.--wheTo" they are engaging '- everyjrpiaa who pome to -them, fhe4 ; can enow inat no unaerstanas nis pusi- ness. JHretiorntOTlTlrTetlcent aa. to what policy they propone to follow, .Othr limn -to " exjit effsrjTif IdiatrtrTtrTTfr "utcohio. There la an Intimation given ";oUt that If tlitf ' fight is prolonged It i'wU extend all over-the-state and to Oregon and California. .. This "statement ' - was made by it member oftha union. BUSINESS OFFIC 4 Ouli.u go.-May-r.At-ta t CTroa 4 Taylor -streets thla.afternoon a 4- 'riot was precipitated by a negroO 4y driver on a Montgomery Ward Cov" wagon, who fired r lnto- caravan, throwing 'missiles. The negro was pulled fromjils Btat A wlTd ncrlmmage followed. In ,4 vwhlcH,the following - were tn; lured; . - rr-r ixonara ww, wmte, shot In the neck, probably fatally. 4 J J. W. Howe, detective, knocked unconscious. BUUbht, detect I ve, stabbed in the head. X : . H'x coJort'd,' men were seriously - Injured and a large Yiumber more ".or lesa hurt. T. -. . Twenty-five policemen arrtved- " ami beann clubbing JhsbyjilnuJ "TSff-A ITiousand people partlcl-. pa ted ln the melee. . Two otlier riots occti rre$L at - . Randolph' street araT.. Michigan uvf nue anil Mlnhigait avenue and ' - -MaUlBon street... in - whiub 18,000 pefiple attacked negro strike one leg broken. Harry Relnberger had hi .skull fractured by a, ; brick and a -score of others were ..wounded. BAKERS 11 1 n iiniiAv4 VAKMrAWN iniL-iiiLriiiu .1 - - 1 CHEAP-CRACKERS Western Baking Company Said --To Have Sold to N ation af Biscuit ComparTv rnBt y'a Tilnm no the National lilsculf iDanv of Chlcaro -meana - bnt 4 one A thing- that' there will be a warjieiweeif tl. f r.i 1 1 i. tne. tuc eastern trust mKrtnt ratuic naflijrnEnjbys "Pleasant Time' "With Friends. : AUvrtteIng-n-hemany'blciIiifi4 It brings formed thethenjs IoX.anterr J taihlng talks at thenrnt Wormal dm- ner 01 the forusnii AO en league at the CommeTclal yclun last ntirtit; bt ty-nve men. .rhemliera of the .league, - good checr'and oratory ruled, Rlnaldn ' : M. HalL1 the league's president, ; was toantniahter. rThafe. mettt-eard!- -were- untqaa. . and. irtM-camerTTddlwrtn IrS'lng to guess bll of fare. The cards were printed L 1ngnaa(trTiiia,a Xtif way-nh1 menu read: - . Aahelt same -w' all rlair lt. 3iiat we worjc fof-One as bad af the : other salt-wttti this, please. In- It non-advertisers. The Western, Baking company, an In dependent' tracke manufactuxlng con cern, naa sora its plant on -f lie eant suit'. but everythlng-yotntw-to-Tthe-National Blettlt-ywupHnySs'trie''new""bwner" of the pwnt The exact consideration of TOttS-Tg-nnTlnoWn. Tte sule ofjtneVetern Bakina com- orn tbe wul'iu lew I tot j. owns factories in vnriona- coast" cities, but Its principal buslnesajs in this city. Portland la. lu the center of the wheat. pttKMng-country-the-aorrnbf whlclv crackers arrmanufac,tured-:-and Mn In probably the" main reason "for the big eastern trust locating here for its first ittxii Tlie-Watern Baking company was or- ..nU.J nuu,t A a an .m,ilX! .."V t,TVdt"'e,, ar0l?Vt7 rbough7 Vh rLkrrabee brothers and banquet tahK-s, and for several hour I M i k. itrnniun Its H. H. Rowe plant' consleH. of : two-story frame buildlna-at the corner of East Third and Bast Davis atreets. macrilpery Jsl UnkUt- be- the-moet tnMeYtv tltafc-meiey-4 could buy. . .- -i-" Ltw5 years, or by both fine and imprison-. Since Its beginning the compnybna been-'srtVorn irr "the side f-the Pacific SUggestibrt ..CaWiejdJriMIJlfXlU Jo Municipal Employji8- SYMPATHIZES WITH THEM : ON THEIRLOW SALARIES Some One PointsOutThat Candidate 'iorTMayor'Is- idating Law . Many are of the oblnlon' that Fred Tf- MeriHftatraidat foV the nomination for mayor on the Republican ticket, Is rullfy of violating the tity charter. He ra-writtn personal letters tu alt tttel members of the fire' and police aepart Htfent lnKhlrh he asks-fog their votea kand atatea if elected he will use his influence -to ' get them Increased sal aries, all' of which -la said to be com trary to the provisions of the city char ter regulating", employes under the mu ntclpal rlvll -arvlya- Tiia -letter . f al- low. in part: V-'-- -; ' 'Several rumors have' reached my ear to. Ilia effff' h" ' f'trv rtTr lated that If elected I would appoirman executive board and a commission that would .auake Biany changee la the nroi oollce and other departments In the city. Iwlsb to deny all such stories und to J. say to yoti that "r r""""" " whole are Derfectly aatisfactory to me, and I wUh to. say to youlurtbethat -If elected, and there is any possible way to nip . ths slgrte-of the police and fire departments aa-well-Aa the, street densrtmerits will r'e gulHclently to enatilalgorHlngmatr tn .ilva-jiroperly. If my voice In the matter win oo 11. TToTirrvote:ttrTtJnrwBribeyor . in id miles Mar ( If Vou ihlnk I would-beTrgtodmaT5rTor ,lhe city ofl Portland, and If you think It wouia oe 7.0 your Interest, put your X. opposite xne name -of Jred T. Merril for a regulated open town." -X . Section 328 of the chartersays that hoeter, being a public oinoer or ASIHg' in fiornlnauoii ior 6r wniid seeR tng tr nomlnatioa -or-appointment-Tor any public offlce, shall use or promise to uae, whether directir7T1nalrecly' anv official authority ' or ' Influence tTcTJJareaTTnfie way of eo,nrerring upon any- person, -er in oroer to ee-urn or any person "to- aecure any oflteir or ap pointment Jin the public enriceJorany nomlnatlon,-connrmaMon or promotion,, or" Increase "of ealary one conslderaon that tfievoTenolltlcal influence-r ac iinn'nfMiu lut named person- or any thr shall b riven or uaed in behalf 1 of 'ftnTcanillilata,- ofBuet.. or .nottttean. pHrty or association ur uw corrupt comlltion or eetisideralen. sHalt be deemed,7 guilty of bribery or an at tempt at bribery." . ' ' Buch Violation 01 me cnaner p lahablabv a fine of, not . lesa tban- nor more than-1 1 MOrot -impruonment Tir-rigteasthgn le days ui mule tnuii lt9 form jf a small newspaper.- fac Prized " product of; the' Columbia . "never peeled." . They advertise when there Is something v "" - doing. "May be French lf so. so they appease - - - the appetite. y '" - Here's a tip six-Inch single column "7- about right -; Tou reverse it Hood, Rlver'a re -nor morn of ' an Alliance -'ltn the 'Natlonai Jllscult company Ijaye .been, started. Now that the Western company .nag passed Into the hiTrnls of the eastern trust the trade looking for a big fight lnfcrack. era. with fireworks n the shape of price cuttings ever-y day or ao". Just now tfiv Western Haklna company'a plant Is J Blnsed.-the tiew purchaaera taking a look over the storks. ' -v ;; MERRY CHILDREN WILL STRIVE FOR PRIZES -Cfe-iolr t hat'erFreneh- Not Limburger loo bad not thenols , kind. , ""The kind not advertised on Foster &" : Kleiner billboard -; - Wh,IIe the foast waa : on. telegram were brought In and read aloud- Fred Merrill wired the league, asking - fo support on the grounds of being an ad - vertlser. ' Mayor Williams telegraphed . that if he were re-elected. Shafet would " TTe. appointed "chief of police. yVi. IX W heel wright-wlredOeorge Vj Kleisrt that his billboards' would Just have-to " come down. Brown Of Halelwood In " .formed C, C- Chapman that the domestic science women were abroad, and that - : they, would get hlm"Tt-iie didn't watch out. Uqud . refrcHhments, do- . f trfl-by Rliimaintr mffrh were in ac tive service,. Kmmet C. Brown of Tull ft Olbbs spoke of "It Pays to-Adver Isrnrtiizjy tittle of HrrWoTr- -man st-rKing, -repondel to the toant 'Department 8toreAdvetlejibjCU told of .the-iJJevelopnient "Of Oregon and Her Resources." Colonel R. W. Rich ardson make a short good roads ta 111, . and Wt'oopcr Morris, .1L. C. Wortmiu and C. J. Owen reaponded to calls for speeches. , " - " BURGLAR MITCHELL WANTEaiN SEATTLE When Detective Reslng arrested Ray Mitchell for entering. -the residence of - Mrs. J". P. Bartha. on Urand avenue, and stealing money and Jewelry, he captured a thtpf.-who Is wanted in Seattle. This morning Dtecttvs Snow and Kerrigan - discovered a-gr1t-at- th" Northern Pa cific express offlcet sent here from Se- 'attle by MItchcH.crmTalrrlngeweiry valued at f 200, a nnmbrr of articles of clothing tnd a Colt's revolver. Chief of Police Delajiey of Seattle was notifled'of Ihe arrest of Mitchell and the dlsr-overy of the atolen property. -He promptly Identified the Jewelry and askei that-Mltchetl .be held-unUI an of ficer can ibe sent for him.-' - The Oregon" Humane society will giv LtS-llth.-annlveraary. entertainment at the Marquam at T:30 o"clocR "Friday 4f- ternoon. May-13. Tars annual affair Is looked forward'to with interest by the school ' children and their parents and the theatre Is alwaya well filled, un der the direction of Robert Krohn, physi. cnl tralnlna supervisor of the"lult- nomah club, classes 4rom the various' schools will fake part in the "program. as follows: Stinnystde school, clnss of 0:' I.add school.' class of 9v Falling school, class of J4: Stephens school class of 14. The following cash prises will be awarded:" Special prise.- Ilft. 'for best composi tion by high school pupil, on 'The In humanity of War." ' Thirty dollars contributed by. thfi Tt P. Thompson estate, to be divided lnt fmir prises, two of $10 and . two-of 15. zTflxes of framed plcturea awardod by the society. bee rooms In the MacKav building, said "A week ago.-wewere conceding thnt Williams had the lead, anA.that were the prlmarlea held then, he? would have a -safe -plurality. Since that time wa ha been getting In aoftie active. work, and have instructed out workers to make careful polls of the precincts, and these Tlrn8jbave:Peen uoerauy ais r "We art clatrhlngToday, ontfiOaaia BRtTrsrrottJiris:i:Ai.Dr- . GUNS ON PERSIAN GULF - -tJottrsst SpeeisI Servlet.) Paris, May I. According to the Con stantinople correspondent of the Petit Journal a report Is current that a num ber of BrltlMh . sailors with guns have landed at Kowelt on the Persian gulf and raised fojMiflcatlg.ns and holated the Br?nin'-TTSgV The porte has protested to. the British ambassador and British foreign office. BELASCO GETS INTO -HARNESS AT ONCE Phil Rogawav a local tW wrlgTi C has dramatlsetr'Mrs. 'E. R Dye's famous novel. ."Tbe Conquest," and has aub roltted Ills, play -to Fred Belasco. Mr. Belasco will read the play between this and .Monday; and If Itis up to the stand ard of ' the Belasco productlons.wlll present It "in tlfta city during the week of July . . , IS m lv . y?r 1 Jaifi ft av vFitt irir tv W a . t K--- V 1 1 11 .,v m Wins K)TA.i;itMii.f Mr. AIbee record as a member "f the-ouncil lias vtSttSZ im 4rrTnriroirc;Tantinose-wJio- Mpiserrt afxleanerand better rortIaricTHe Has consistently ODDosed all measures that tended : to -compromise witji vice. He believes in reasonable laws and their enforcement. He wants Portland's city government dur- ; ing the Lewis and Clark fair to be a credit to the, people of the west, and not a reproach. He wants the crowds of visitor to the exposition to carry away a good impression of Portland. He ielieveg-in-qua--fights-tu all arrd8pecial privileges to none He does not mtend to give special protection to certain . con cerns and close up the' smaller plac, H t nritmntMA-hy- His any clique, ring or mathineT record , is a clean one and his. '" '- - v;; . : . work inecitxjCOUjacilJiaa. produced sllltJ.-HOsTIie'only candidate tor mayor who has come out and openly defined his .. position and taken a definite stand. He is not astride of any fenceandthefe isno ambiguity irTuis platrorinTlIe sUnds for Portland and her interests, and is opposed to aU those.thingi. wljkrhhaveusedhe-srdalsaTnow tarnish the city's name. . .The past twa years oLthe xitynadmihistratiort have not been , ' such" that men-speak of it with pride.!tJs.a..aorry blot 'oniPoru lands fair name; and it still rf"Mnuei. J Tr" 'arge -mimhw-nf z; licensed rsaloons that surround the entrajicelQ-the-expositionr- -have-causeda feelmg ormdignation throughout the entire Ctyij :In spite of protest.of citizensAO move Ja being made to1 revoke .thfSfi liCff"". T?" A hfttr rnnHkiQnAapr4at-awr4 4tiry-4 busy uncovering the' rank violations of existing laws and further , scandals are threatened. - - . -Votei s ai eurged3gjpay: attentionTd these matters." They "aTe oiTvifar Importance, and all who favor good government, a .clean city and .the enforcement of.the ,1a w-are urged to votL for .Mr, Albee at the puinaries cm jjaluiujy:' eiared -inellglbla. fnr mrY posl-L-UmD-a4auit-caa8guB eases tion under the city government, for Jt)U. silk umbrella; 12. bualnesa suit; 35, s, rur rug;. I, smoKing years. -At the headquarters of the mayoralty candldatea today-poiKlc4ane-were.--btey making estimates before tnannat -ci rnrt "tner-nut vtitBi'S to the: uilinailm on Saturday. II K". RIddell, at tne Al- of fhese, returns, that Albee is at least even with Williams, who of course la the chief oDDonent of our man. Thie claim Is made In the knowledge that Albee has been steadily gaining every day. Our theory Is that Williams began the cam paign-with- ttls-strength-al the maxi mum. He tbn iiaa an no couio gex. Every -JvotrJthar-tiaf -been withdrawn and given toother-gandldateshaa-'cut down Williams- following- wtrttr ana Rowertherefore,' have merely been aid ins- the Albe campaign, for neither can get enough to secure the nomlna tlon. . : "We are confident that before -the week ends we will have gather f lclcnt-otes to land Albee tm-tho ticket.' 9 is csrxaia. e Howe neaaquariers Thomas "We are not doing much loud talking, hut we have some flgur to present to the voters which show that when Henry, S. Rowe waa mayor of Portland the city expenses, over wnicn. toe mayor .naa conttol were less than before or sine. We havef takerrfrom tho records these figures: , - "Kxpenses such ss we have indicated. 1893, $627,198; 184. $2:,03; lg!5, $S7,360: 189, $530,fi5r 1S97. $5!2.733; 1898. $567,863; 1893, 1501.029. and when Rowe was mayor. In 1900, they were $469,146, and In 1901,'Rowes second year, only $484,251. Since then the ex orrises "controlled bjr the mayor fiava b&n l0i-$JJ7,82J:- 1S0S, $57.474; 1104, 1771.(65. ' Our precinct returns are satisfactory." : y. - Olafka'a av Olnek. ' riOiafke? boomers are making a special point of signatures of voters to the membership roll of their club, and are claiming more than J.000 already. They assert that when their Jlsta. -have been brought In at the end of the week the tolal will approximate 4.500. lt .woa the opinion today that" the vote of the liquor-dealers waa going wlth-vlr: fual unanimity to winisms, r" ' THESE NUMBERS ARE" T r. ..: THE.WINNING ONES It 1s estimated that the .Elks'-fair added -the sum of $4,900 to the fund being raised ' to furnish the ' temple at Seventh) and. Oak streets. The follow Ing number-won the prrielaflSlgnHte and the lucky people may secure-them by railing on Mr. Howe, the treasurer, or J. Harvey O'Bryan, secretary, of the committee: ,- .Ticket No. T2. wine pttcherj 7, buggy and harness; 13. gold watch; 177, white seal; Mission clock; 235, elks' head buttons; 115.. pair , blankets; 15. picture; UI. berry- pet;. .14V. elk tooth cuff, buttons; 402. clock! $4, 'diamond elk tooth cuK buttons; Z4t. leather chair; 404, rase L. C rye; 571, case'' L. C. bourbon; 111, elk pillow; (01. drawn work; TdlOiat; -i4. stelir. I7S,- chPlri 100. clock; iU. Umbrella; J.. wedding cake; (4, steel range; 111 'piano and pianola: 2)5, box candy; :. silk night robe;. 620, pajamas; 144, box candyr 2, tobacco Jar; 177, case Burgundy; 4(7. tahourette; T4. bsk rocker; ' 5J2, . rye whisky; $41", esse 'sauterns; 121, tneer- j; ..-- , .. 1, . , schautn pipe;- 70T, "laca" Tiahdkerehlef ; 272. gent'a diamond! ring; 164,. baby buggy; 461, -life membership B. P. O. K.; dress suit; 13, fur rug;. 2, JackcHritr-fta.!: If. buptneag lull; t5r- sllk umbrella; infancy vest. t t The prlae of $100 forlha -boothreal-ixlng the largest sum of money waa f W.W" tO t'T prwslrle iivmr 1 Litto TVlndfsUes. and 1160-fot the must beautifully decorated - booth to Miss Fleckenstela - - Assuming for the "sake of arjrumnt that you could Jj cured equally as thor 0UgMylTtd theaply with medicine as ' - InfllB illtl The r -',-,.-r A -. ... V 1 1111 . "... I WITHOUTJiaNty BIG CRIMINALS CAUGHT v IN VERY SMAlL NET In the arrest of William Barrett, A 8. Stafford and O. H. Hnnlc-ijtjhn. pfillrs'l hava learaejhariney have captured I " You TW8and perhapa a trio .of the- most notorious and accomplished bank, thieves in the country. The men are accused of stealing $175 from the cash box of the rathskeller at the Portland hotel, Barrett la said to be wanted for bank .thefts at Milwaukee and Baltimore. - WANTSTARLY TRIAL - z: FOR MRS. CHADWICK Journal Special Service.) Cincinnati, Ohio. May 2. The United g'nt"lfPlirt Of tpp-rW '"'rr ""w' ""'"T ad vlsement.. a motion- of the Vn 1 ted States dlatrtct attorney of Cleveland to hene thit .r.ftii nriv.Mng. in Uui of Mrs. Chad wick at the June session. Sullivan claims that Justice will suffer If 4 he-ease la not lieanlt)gfm's nie Uc- tober term. ANOTHER BANK CASHIER t- SPECULATES WITH FUNDS tjooresl Special Service)-""" '"-.U Kansas City, Mo., May 2. The State bank at Waverly was closed by the sec retary of state today. The bank ex aminer found a discrepancy of $30,000, twice the bank's capital. In the- ac counts of Cashier Le wis, who left town week ago. It Is reported that Lewis has been speculating. ; . BALTIC FLEET SIGHTED -NORTH OF KAMRANH BAY (Journal' Special Serrtee.) Hongkong. May 1. The Deva Wongse. which arrived today, from Fankok, re ports sighting 21 vessels of the Russian Baltic fleet on April 2t 60 miles .north of Kamrahh bay. - - - - WHY ROOSEVELT WILL -RETURNTO CAPITAL (Jonroll gperlal Service,) "''"-.. Chicago. .May . Secretary of-j. the Navv Morton and Secretary ..of the Treweury ShW hve been summoned by wouM It not be niore convenient (to say nothing of the relief the stomach will experience-from- not- being- compelled to receive and 'assimilate. In the best way It can, the innumerable Ill-tasting nostrums which are dally preacrlbed"Ty physicians . of the : varioua ,,paths"llo be cured by the Harris system of treat ment, without medlclneT '" answer aured of - ' "YesI If Irwa only aa- A SURE CI RE By the Harris ayetem. By consulting. this scientist you will be told whether or not your Ills can be-eure. Many people cure themselves f fter receiving a course of lectures given by Dr. C. W. Harris. In many cases you can receive the lectures and perfect yourself In the science OF HEAUNO1TH0DT-JWEDICINE f of less-money t han -the- mod ieine alone would cost you. ' rati at Bull " 21-2 Selllng-Hlrsch building, 186H Washington street, for sensuUatiun.1 uf to make 'gnaiigtiinnu for -the lectures. ' , Ar:ttewclasil"1sTiow-TormIhg. the President lo meet "him In Chfcago on Friday, when the executive arrives from-the. west Secretary Morton will bring for the presidents the latest Infor mation regarding the situation- in the far east. . It may be stated on the high est authority that-the United States navy department-expects that a great naval battle will be fought this week, end whatever" the outcome peace nego tiations will, occupy an Important posi tion. - '. - -J... . It Is autlfbritatlvely said by a close friend of both Secretary, Morton and the president that, this Is the, true rea aop of the-prtsident's return to Wash rhgton. Secretanr Shaw:unoxpectedly 1$ 3 as) ,.nilDl t. Fiber attress XSe True ealthBed WV $15.00 imtdi Txa irxTxs, ; . - coicroxn rn or, 1 i , . bssts tu xant. - -, The best articleof household use" ever put"Th the"-home. '' It' paves the housewife both Work and worry. - To know It Is to use It. Be wise. Hygienic Mattress Co." jmim arx. Phone East 112. Do Yoa Patronize the If Yoa Don't; Yba Should - OooU teeth- sre essentlsl . to . proper MASTZOATIOK- Wltlmut giswi tsUI IHTI CgflBftt b Without thorough masticatloa thara ' cannot be perfect-. DIQXSTIOsT Without perfect digestion there cannoV ' . be proper AggratTT-aTiOir Without, proper assimilation ther etui ' not be , i , . UTUTZ02f ' Without nutrition this"tBhots Without health what ia ' UTII - Call and consult a reliable and oem- potent specialist In Dentistry. oou cmowng OOX.B rTLLDTCW .....fS.OO f5.04 $ ii.oo .504 NewYork left Washington last night for the north west. He will come to Chicago Friday to meet the president and Secretary Morton. ''..., L, SumuM. resident imanaaer of the Equltkbte Life Assurance koclety, who went to New York to attend the con vention of mansgers of the society, re turned yesterday. "H : says . the- com pany's troublea are - not so serious as reports have-made them. TXrefen geeek Oaaaed Crooda. AUen A Lewis' 9est Brand. DeTTtal Parlors Fourth and Morrison Sts. -. . ."Over Sealey-Msson's." Open day and night, from :! a. nv ' to 14k p. m. Dr. B. E. OTMIlflO SUTU1 that relieve al - pain In- dental Opera tions. f. ' 349V4 Waahlntrtosr Sk, eox. geveata. T'oiiKa, the! usual rhcat Tor vanilla, costs one or two cents for a certain, amount; Scanning's Best, vanilla a dol lar,; " '''"'.".'zr" ' 1 One is strong; the other is I fine. One is rank: the other is delicate, r In evert he less ir four fifth of "vanilla" - is tonka. The 9S cents accounts for tt. 1 V.. ' .';. : :-'V'-vi",' , . Opposed: to Occupation Tax VOTEFOR V,"V Spencer v For i H. Cooper Mayor Oii the RepubllcaniTlcket at the 1 Primary Election . - ' " mvcia x. coomb' Tar Twtsty-rive Yeers a Taxpayer ef VerUaas. ' " I am in favor of equal rights In oonformlty with law, and special privileges to none, . This city to b ryi thnro'ighly business heals, and the- occupation tax ordinance should at once be repesled a ptejudlcloup i t f MY PI-ATf70RiVl snd welfare of the city.