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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1905)
G" 1 , - J - M I Tvotnvmarw: 2, 1905. SIXTEEN pages. PRICE FIVE , CENTS. .. - .1 ' : : 1 Zi. ; 'niTIIMIIlTAi' X.-..iJJaUwattka--WI, Mar t N tips can be given-In Wisconsin. The ' I -' ' ': ' " '-w " JL 1 1 1 L i"l4 -9ftt bill raecntlr paaaed br tba. ia;tUttar and. ntiia br Oownor ' , ; - 7ffyJ' " '""-X"'' TS & " . :-, ; '. ..-i.-, IP- tfinll I L'o provides that no gratuities of any kind can be given the em- " T l.iiU'r. 1 TIWV'"" ; KjSSMs " ''' - J.' I If -1 1 1 1 111 I Z Ploy-t nr Arm by .outsiders without danger-of arrest- and fine. - : V ' Ar'- J) V 'J2uLJi) SSTOJJSSs' flwA " i - 7- ."i.iT j I. I mj mjl WJlj X " . While the bill waa-aimed originally at the practice of.paylngommjjjJ L . ." Ppnr JmPtl ' VjS--JT " " m" . X stons to tmployes of Urge stores tnO-Xorporattons jliM"a1imuehce "went a ,,1- : I IrZfi&K ' ' Wttv!i : - - ' ': ' ' .Jireg.t-war ! trm. puteMfof goods. It la held that the law-applies- - f 1 &Zf-Smi. IVKwJw SW-t A ' ''" 1 llmaasw 1 , "TTtT e iQUniLytfl-tln.rlvtn anil mi a m-.lij.j 1 l..-. H-Kt. . . -th.- t - 1-4- .11- llr1,Ty -. -. VVvWW VW r "Witne:sTcllS"Crarid-Jury That Rcselin Tried to - 7Criie Elliott.- GEORGE HOFFMAN IS ; . i FIRST TQJELL THE TALE Juror SayJthey Witt Sift td the Bottom Every -Charge of Cf- - f iclal Corruption That la -Zuir: Brqughyfori Jhenw Iriveatrffttion of alleged municipal cor- ruption feegan thla morning before the county grand Jury. The eaaa of Coun , . ! cllman Charlea E Rumalin ws th first - tsken up. and wa stated that-every available acrap of testimony would b i.aaJUt.wftuldUUirQw, light m thai Hefted attempt tturaeijn mane w arium ""William C Elliott, wba ha wa ctty aa. glneer. to report adversely on tt Maney bid for the Marquam gulch viaduct con- -j,- . . . rK ... ?We purpose going Into tha tnveetiga tlon thoroughly.", aald ona, of the Jury -mem "The members are dctci mined -to- aro to the bottom of all thes reported ctaof. corruption and Isy-the -facte bar be lore tha public. I am Ire t aay that! hava thought ther hava baen Irregularities, and am aura tha attyatlon Justifies our shifting all rumor and separating truth from arror. . -of ona thin- the people may- be aura f-nr lay the blame where it o eaardlwaa-or-tha-ofrtciai rang ro bustness or social position r nii -u4. Tba Urea haa coma' tomato frret"but the truth and know whether v.. nn ih.M kii bean aueh a meaa -of I "corruption a a moat people have "bean lad to believ. j- ' y,"" w- .. vate. tiow that tha lnvestlga "i4 ha. kun h ueoola will learn tha " rt. Whatever ara ' thoae- fact. -wtid . v..v.r th affect. . they . will be learned officially and given to tha pub- - nniuM trm tha Wul. ' Ex-City Eng'aeer .WlHlanv C. Elliott waa caUed 4nla afternoon- to teatlfy re garding th offer Councilman Rtfroenn la alleged to' hava made to him to di vide $,ooftwtth him If ha would re- Jaetrthe bid of J. J.,Maney, of -' - .K-t vr-ttn fonatruct ton ' company, ! v.Mt-U'aahlnaton. for tha eonatme .. li,. u.rnuim rulch Front street - brldjethua allowing -the bid ot i ltTra4 a-tha-JoweaMtd beftre the eiecuuve bonrd. . . : Elliott aweara thai vRumlln labored "wiui l,tm--rT7 4vr ",h Maney bid. ana max, ismna tlm to do ao. offered him part of I ..1.1.1. n.matlifi atated waa available as a rewrdfw them tf they aucceedad in relection 01 me nin uiu. ' Tk. .nttra forenoon' was devoted to e amlnatlon of Oeorire Hoffman, of tha m.9 UArrmin Mrni.. wng UIU concrete work on the Marquam vn Front street brldlte- ,-KlUott waJ called . . tiw. netwtnae. and aat n the banclTbefora tha Jury-room until noon, when he waa dlsmtnaed with In- - atmottons to return at t clock. John u.m.i n tha concrete firm, waa also subpoenaed. Waa rhantom Oomvaay. Oeorge Hoffman related the .detalle th. smirloua contract Into which the firm antered with George F. Heuene and J. R. Ilowles, who algned tha-muna '' of the Pacific Conetructlon company of Waahlnaton. y weorae r. uur. I Jom.v Ih-tael. 11 ai UlPfutend late that no-auchotnpany exlated. and that k. vtnfrmana really had no contract that would atand before the law. uafora the dlaoovarT waa made, how ' aver the Horfmana laid the concrete la the bridge and when they attempted to - collect for their worn iounu mai . had only Heuaner and Bowlea peraon- ally to Whom tO lOOa IW mmr jr, Thn flrat began an equity milt to com pel payment and later , had the case dismissed snd began a law action to collect 4.509 from Heuaner and Bowlea aa indlvlduale. The examination vt Oeore Hoffman Trae merely to- laytha " foundation of tha Inquiry Into Rumelln a .connection with tne pnoe Thla morning Prealdlng Judge Frsaer, ; on pleas of preaaing bualneea. excused Ira B. Allen from tha Jury and la Wa ' place appointed penumbra Ketley.vwhe waa sheriff of thla county for threj terma aeveral yaTigo. " . -waa alao axcuaed and Frank a Hlgglna appointed to serve In Me "lead. Hir " gins formerly waa employed In Ladd a Tllton'a bank, t r . ' . . METHODISTS ATTACK - : -THE DIVORCE,EVIL " tinanml Special 8erlee. --- -Iutvme, Kt, May l:-The'arlil-fJ-nual conference of the bishops of tha X Methodist Rptscopal Church North has 4 put Into affect m new divorce rule, which ... 1 provides hat no divorce aept for the round recognised by Scripture- shall be recognised by the church aa lawful, and that no minister shall solemnise a mar ' rlaga where there la a divorced wife or basband llvliig.ei.-etiftJn caag vt luno , cent partUar" .. STOCK GROWERS EXCEPT TO MEET PRESIDENT . Uottrael Bearial rvlee. ' Denver. May S. President Roosevelt ..Is expected to be here to meet the many stockmen who a see n bit for the annual convention of the American Stock Orow era" association, which meets Ma ; I. Mufdo Msrkenafe of Trjnldad. t'olo.. la prnctlrany the only man mentioned for preaiarni- 1 peraon giving an employe a present to have a recommend of .the aoods II II I H " t I'M?- T I fc-XXmxW K. I I IT f th giver. Merchants Are asking for copies of. the- law. US see Just what X I I 1 "4 I IF It fir ' . ' 1 r vNTWXvOT KWV- -1 X They mrc-np asatnet. among JUlnor employes, there Is aomitemtlanr leet-X - I -1 I -ytl'Utt'" ... kf B tvi I I X they be ehut out of tips whluh ln'miov ciief aiaaanattrpsTtrehatewXIlj - I I ' - JA '. I rW '"1 lwY I I .111 V. A.r 1 'V 1 1 ' II IIS. IH .1 STV iVHWUlUlVT'Sil I I T 1 I III . Ill- "V r' , ylAM'aV" ! J -liV (I "Vi l 1 sT Ij. WBIUH II I T Tlmwa -e I 1 1 ry - vWi'iUL. -afw'.i.i. . mkup . " v ii ir w vwww-t-t wWiftM 'Li:.' xhJi II Sft rar-.T jWv ? at 'ir -S V I irf fn ITT rV. 'WW'.- IW.'il riflnr,A II I -X "S -f- 'nilV?V 1 1 ' -: lllllf II II el Hlllllll I I HI. ALEXANDER ASKED. TO LEAVE EQUITABLE Frlck Investigation : Committer Requests Insurance PreslU : K dent to ResignLl :i HYDE'S RETIREMENT IS : TO FOLLOW SHORTLY Vice-President Tarbell and Dis cordant Agents Will Be Elim " inated From Control. f Jearsat Special gereiea.) :. zNrw-Tor.-May I. President Alexan- krt in resign frssa tha aiawrtshte tiytHB Frlck committee, and -that be ahoulj imtuce Vice-President Tarbell to resign In the Interest of the welfare of the society. It la understood that it !a promised that Hyde's retirement shall follow shortly after, to be followed by those general agent a who have been active In stirring up discord. The plan aa outlined contemplates re organisation by the elimination of all partlea to tha preaent UahU that haa brought tha Equitable Jnto unfavorable public tiotloa. Both Alexander - and Hyde and -.their partlaana, must step out and aome prominent person In pub llo Ufa 'not Identified with either fac tion will be placed In control In order to - restore public confidence, auch as Postmaster-Oeneral Cortelyou." or some One Of equal prominence. " ' -r rv; In an affidavit filed In tha auoreraa court In Brooklyn yesterday Alexander and Tarbell are accused by-Hyde-of stir. ring up the society to demand a broader acheme of mutuallsatlon after thev had aireaay agreeo upona compromise. ine imaiTii is-part ot aa amended paUUon la -an application to Intervene' In the Lord suit to restrain mutualtaa tion of the Equitable. Hvde dealrlna to hava. the etfirt rule - tbat no further amenoment 01 ine equitable charter ta poasiMe without a threo flftha ainctlon of -tha-atocfcaolderB. " . rT7diI.".:T: j. BfGELOW OUSTED FROM BANKERS' ASSOCIATION tJearaal Saeetal rTlra) ' New. Tork. Msy I. Bankers from arloug partg f thl Fou nlr y are ss sembllng for the annual meeting of tha American Bankers' association. The session will begin tomorrow. It Is said that T. O. Blgelow, tha former Mllwau kla banker, will ba struck from the llet of members. Ha. Is a former president of the asaoclatton. ' aum' & rtocnriu stsa .. limmsl Special glfs. New Tork. May 1. AMen R .Rtork- well.'-forroerly president ef the Pc)Ac Steamship company, at one time ona of the leading financiers of this country. Is dead t his borne here, aged 71. Scene KitMini Tttoticit Rnd Xdittplng '&'3uxfr STR IKED PRO CL AIMED : FOLLOWING -RIOT -4 r. ,. .- -:t- Thirty Dead In Warsaw Outbreak J of Yeslerday AreStill ' r4Mfdjntified. DEMOCRACYTOF POLAND . FOMENTS REBELLION Disturbances of May Day Likely to Be Followed by More " Widespread Rising. - r J3mrm SpeHil Nerviee.1 Warsawr May ' a.hacjtyJaquiei toaiy. The oodles or in nrimnr. I aung Htnya In the rioting yeetcrday are sun uniaentined. Ten or tne wounded have dted'ln the hospital. Workmen ere going from factory to factory, today trying, to Inaugurate a strike. v Nearly 100 persons were killed and wounded In yesterday's disturbances in different quarters of Warsaw. All ac counts, show that the firing by the troops- waa without - provocation, and that the first killing waa wanton mas sacre. ' , Tha workmen were marching with red flags when fired upon - unexpectedly. Many women and children were among those killed and wounded.--In retalia tion workmen later fired from behind wall at a -patrol, which Immediately opened fire on the passing crowds, kill ing or wounding JO. Last night a bomb waa thrown- Into a, -Cossack: -patrol 'and three: cossacka and one policeman--war killed Tha Cossacks Instantly fired a number of volleys and many persona In tha vicinity ware killed or wounded. At midnight dtaturbanoea broke out at the JSomkowska gate of the suburb of Praga acroea the. Vistula, when tha Hus sars fired into the crowd killing four and wounding many others. Tl Clsturbancea also took place at Loda last night, bortibe war thrown 'at the patrol who fired into tha crowd killing a number and wounding aeveral others. Warsaw Is an armed camnwlth Coa- eavks petroling tha streets in platoon 4 ready at tha slightest show of opposition ta shoot without warning. Troops are massed at ail tha aquarea ready to be sent to any point .whore trouble may break, out. Additional ;tropa haveaaen aent forand otU be' ld In reeerve until the "trouble IS- quelled. V - . . . snmltl of so-ealled dwrneeeaee of Polar and Lithuania haa Issued manifesto proclaiming a general strike In consequence of ' yesterday'a. blood shed. :- TWO KILLED AND FIVE INJURED IN COLLISION V ' - ' (JearssI Special Servleak Winnipeg, Man.. May i. Twe firemen were hlllrd and five paesengera Injured In a Collision between a freight and pes sanger train o ,the Csnsdlnn Pacific near Revelstnka today,. , Both . trains went dowji ao embankment. . ...... t m . . . . WOULD SEE SWING MrSvCaracia Wants an Invitation, to Witness the Execution of : ' Frank Cuglielmo. r IN COLD BLQOD HE SHOT HER DAUGHTER TO DEATH Efforts to Save Murderer From V Callows on Friday Probably i... . . , Unavailing. Just af ter-tha doora of the sherlfTs ofnea. ware opened thla mnrnlna. H rs. uaiaiai Laiieu un L nnpr tsnenn i Mordan and aaked for an invitation to attend the execution of Frank Ouglelmo, who, will be hanged at Balem at 12:0 p. ra. next Friday for the murder of her daughter1, Freda.. 'Mr.' Garacla was re ferred to-Sberlff . Word;. ba. waa attend ing court at tha time and she went away, but aald aha would call again: When Sheriff Word was Informed of her vlait he aald the Invitations could be ta med only toy tha superintendent of the penitentiary. He would not aak for one for Mrs.. Caracia. because he did" not believe that women ahould be permitted to attend executions, , A petition' for the commutation of Qugllelmo's eentence to Imprisonment for life baa been presented to Governor Chamberlain. The majority of the signers are Itallana, who believe' that the aafety of society would be assured by- the govaraor'a -exerolse of his pre rogative. Father Faber, pastor of - tb Catholic church of Saicm. who haa bean acting as Qugllelmo'a aptritual advlner. also presented a request for a commuta tion of the sentence, but he did. not atrongly urge executive xlemencyrKf forts hava been made to Intereat the HaUan -ambassador tn Ougtlehmo's caa but . with what' result Is not known.. . . Governor Chamberlain haa. -written to Circuit Judge Cleland, who 'tried Gui llelmo, and District Attorney Manning lot atatamaots ot tha-caaa.. Mr. plan ning replied- thla mornfng. stating that he did not believe the evidence and tha facta warranted tha exercise of clem ency. Judge- Cleland answered today, but declined tor aay whether ' he haJ made any recommendation.1 MODERN WOODMEN MEE' . IN STATE CONVENTION -, fperl Utapefk Tse JnornaL; . Baker City,-Or , May J.-l-Tha state convention of-' Modern Woodmen met hare this morning with an attendance of mora than 10" delegates who will be her until Thursday. Accompanying the delegateai was) - the Modern Woodmen band of Portland. Excursionists to the number of mora than 109 arvompanled them. ' Tonight a. Teceptloa.wlll be ten dered at thi opera house. ' An a'i'rass of welcome was delivered by Mayor Johns and th response by -Judge Lowell ef Pendleton. - . ..'' ' SP etWE mm. mm. Summary Mob Ven- geancer- THREATS OF. TAR .AMP - . FEATHERS FOR MOTHER Steps, to Be- Taken' to Cor . Youth to Asylum for St .Keeping., . 8pclal Disntcr-tB TbtJoarsaLI ghallgashMay --7-The Jury In tne i om Brown murder trial returned l verdict of not guilty by reason of In- sanuy, at s:3U o clock Mat night, after being out four hours. The session be gan at -19 o'clock. yesterday morning. County Attorney Buxton addreastng the court for the state. He waa followed by John Fonder and M-Ar-Lemghorne, for the: defendant.-- - A. J. Falknor of Olympla. assistant attorney. s-ganaral. rroseff rnr ine state. Th courtroom was packed to its utmost capacity all day; JHidge Rice began hla charge to the-l Jtrry t 4 oclockrcloBlnr at 4 :JS o'clock. wnen it reiirea. v Although Tom Brown waa found not guilty en the charge of murdering hla rather, hla troubles are not over and ateps will be immediately taken by the authorltlea to commit him to tha aavlunr fr Bar keeping, aajt la not "''I'H that . he Ja,liafe character to ba at large. fler the verdict was announced last night the boy s mother cried for In ,Tnm mntntatmaTthg 1 miuff MWMTTnal in ferenoe h has manifested throughout theM rial. Attorneys for tha defendant entertained the jurors after they came in iasi nignt at Wallace cafe. On the atreet there waa considerable discussion or tho verdict which la gen erally condemned. Last night there waa talk of mob justice, but aa there waa no intelligent- leadersh Id nothlna came of It. ' There waa alao talk of tar and feathers for the mother who stood so loyally py ner boy during th trvln vriipvi . . - v Public opinion was divided aa tit what th verdict would be. It being thouaht bt many mav a least a manslaughter verdict might b rendered. News that th Jury had agreed upon a verdict ffiBJCf td,, jraptdly.. and the -courtroom waa oulckly illird, - Ther wa a demonstra tion or nana-ciapping by a few when the veraiciwaa renoered.-Tut ordar w quickly restored. The mother aid the attorney ror the defendant over. whelmed th Jurora with thanks for th veraicx. NORTHWESTERN TO RUN - FIRST CLASS EXCURSIONS Jesraal Speeisl lurln l Chicago, May 1. Tha -passenger de partment of tha Chicago1 Northwestern rallrpad haa decided to run" Tour person ally conducted excursions to western and - northwestern ' BolAta ' of intereat. The exnrslona will be run during the summer season and ail will be flrat clasa bustnees. Hitherto all western roeda have confined th personalty conducted excursion, tuislaess to thaf which moves in tounst cars, other personally con. ed-excursion business was left to the tourist asnnctea. If the undertaklnc prove - s success. - the Northwestern wlH gradually, take over moat of the business. r-i . . . . -y - MEXICAN REGULARS . " DEFEATED BYYAQUIS . . j - ). - ." . i (Jearaal Special aFr. Kt , Pas. Msy 1 Report have reached here ht a body of Mje'cnpr lara were dereatad by, s band of Tenuis In th southern port Ion. of fionora. Near ly all th .troops were- hilled and the remainder captured, Ml Actress Accused of Muf- der in : Prosecutors Closing-Address JURY ASKEDJTO CAST - AWAY-AltSENTIMENT Mechanism of Revolver Said to Render Suicide Theory Un ienableTKilling Was Result of Plotr v.. '(Journal Special Brrrlcf . New Tork. Masr J. Nan Randolph Patterson's third., trial on a eharga of murdering Caesar Toung on tha morning tr'4jit1'diwlui lapldly o clone. Assistant District Attorney Rand inday mads the sloalng pronecutjoh before a crowded courtroom. So many were the apectatora that Re corder Ooff ordered the doors locked- to shut out the eager crowd. ' : " Rand's closing addreee - waa brilliant and gruelllas;. i directly -chargeVt Nan . v- Toung aa the result of a. conspiracy with her relatives. J. .Morgan Smith and hla wife and declared that the prosecution had elrcumatantially- proved tha charge of muraer In th- first -degrer Tba Square Jawed Jmaul Randrataleiriharifia death of Caesar Young was legallifproVed" and recited tha story of tba occurrencea of tha day -of the tragedy as all pointing toward tha guilt or the prisoner. HI address waa masterly '.and.' relentless, V full . of . dra: matlc Jntenalty. VV' hfie Jjer Varied past waa laid bare by the cold, keen anal ys la of Rand and the story of tha death of Young-was retold with photographlo vividness, - her presumptiv guilt pictured and a. atern demand that her Ilia be declared for felted to th a lata waa presented to. tba juryman, Man Patterson aat calm .and self-possessed, -in-TCcaatonarTluiiB-f eolorln Her checks aftm revealing: th emotion ; shariMa In IBeckKana apparently had Tittle effect upon her. During the ordeal Mis ' Patterson. gowned simply in black, a little) whit showing at the neck and aleevea, Clear ing a black continental hat, aat beside her lawyacs, and keenly followsd every sentence of the stem Indictment. Rand made no pretense at florid or fbry. H began with bis hands rammed Into the aids sockets of his trousers: and leaning back against tha atenog rapher table. .. , - - .' Saad'g ArraaiK. . Rand aald that if Toung did Dot pro- cur th revolver, h did not shoot him aelf. Th revolver waa bought on June .-ln-th pawnshop ofMyihan Stern. The prosecution bad accounted for every mmulaf -Yegg's--tjmw-orr June 3. He had - not bought the revolver. The. de fence had shown no reason why Young should commit suicide, Rind showedTthe peculiar mechanism of -the revolver., which made it neces sary to press button in th handle and the same time to pull th trigger, and declared that . If the Jurymen could shoot themselves as Toung. was shot. they could set the girl free, lie -pointed "' 'na' ln rens u miin suum not ao- cuii. iui iiiiuiiia .iiv ta ma 1 right hand pocket after the man's spine f and lung were ahot la two. s-auggastad by the defense. stantlat evidence, n which tha case of the Ute rests, Mr. Rand argued vig orously -tn" favor of Ita acceptance; .fee charged the Jury to beware of permitting their hearts to influence their minds, and proceeded to the 'story of the affair of June 4, remarking, en passant: -"1 don't think It will be dlaputed that the killing of Caesar Toung wa planned the day before hla death." The prosecutor described Caeaar Toung: "He waa a gambler, a follower of the race track. He prospered ex ceedingly h waa good at that." He wa plunger he risked - large - sums of money, but he waa square aa a die. He waa not a bad man. He had vices, and he had th- faults ' that go with his claaa." ' BOXES WILL REMAIN - UNTIL TrJE UST DAY No attempt will be mad. to enforce th box ordinance, which the supreme court upheld In a recent decision, until the mandate has been returned to the cir cuit opurt, which will be within 10 days f th time th decision was rendered. L'ntll the 2 daya haxplEd "the ep- pellanta have power of petitioning for a new bearing of th. case, but no such step are expected by th city author! tie,- -The decision of th supreme court ha been ao sweeping that there 'Is -no longer any question that tha ordinance I legal. . . Mayor' Wllltama stated today that he would stake no order regarding th ob servance of the ordinance until tha man date had been retumedL aa he had no authority to ao ao until tharjlm WILL TRY TO REMOVE ; ,WYNNE AND MILLER - ' " ::, - - - - Jnarsai Special Bsnhis.l Omaha, May . Mlsa Mae Wood, who iit ex-Postmasfar - General Wynne, William teb and J. M. MUler. consul to Alx la Chappalle, Oermany. tor tJS.00 for conspiring to Obtain her manuscript k. "Ixve letters of a Boss." the sub. Ject matter of which la rUlmed to have n wrlften " wy nenator I'lalt. 'this morning announced tht she would file charges with the stale drpertmi-nt agalnet Wynne snd Miller and endeavor to have them removed. . DESERTING "TIIDls.A IIFf- Two Big -Employers Sign .Contracts With Unfon -Teamsters. CITY OFf fclALSJ - TO CALLQUT MILITARti Two Thousajid Neero -Strike Breakers ftfovv In Chlcasro ancf r More , Arriving- any n2; jured in Rioting (Jouraal Special Serrlce.) ' " Chicago. Mav 2. EmDlovera of laboa' In Chicago harw dbtermlned to' have no interference of military force la th EFUSEi ZfmZm lamterMftflKirrYo1irprogTeaslng-- Mayor rt"""ftCil-f nf Pnllra irNvtll netTarothey have the Ituation .well In hand and there la no need of interfer--enc on the part of Governor Deneen. or President Jttoosevelt. r Union, leader ajao malnUln ther la. no need of sol - dlers. The I .EOa.atrtlra tiilmTTMl. m inacitjweie4ntreed-byrTnoro thla morning, a majoiity of th atrlk breakers are negroes... Money is pouring -Into Chicago to aid the business men In theirs fight against the teamsters' ufilon. The associated employerav'ln go, pot directly affected br'tb siriae, are also giving aid,;. Kmployera baVe arranred to serul out 600 teams today, each accompanied by" four officer and aa vara t-platn clothes'--men Th police forca on, strike Buty has been Increased to 1.150 :,wltliS90j. lmvat: aeteEnragc Tha'TJnion Trantlnn rnmnanw mwtJt . v . Morgan ft Wright Ttubber company thla mnrning asserted thHBmployars' asso ciation and algned contract, with tli ooal teaming companies- using., union, men. 'fbls la -considered a. big victory for tha unlonlatsj.j-j- --1-- 'r- Two detachments ' of trlk-breaker numbering J00, marched through tha "" atreet thl morning on tha .war to tha '" I Parmatee barns. Tram -.lilrh nlar- will be aent out todar. Thev warai headed by . Strike-breaker Curry. As they passed along the street they war pelted with stone and Jeered by- th j erowda." None were seriously hurt. A a caravan of wagon from tha Porbee Teaming Company waa passing aiong vvsoaan CTAU-t 11 oclocic v .-: this morning. Hapry Schults, th pollc ' say, cast a missile at T. K. "carter, a negro guard. Carter Immediately fired a' ball, striking Schults in th riaht side. .The wounded man "waa taken ta ' the hospital. Carter was arrested. Five men were taken to tha hoanltal ' aa the result of hn attack on a caravan of -wagons at-Jackoi - and Halated streets this noon. Nine attests 'war mader-'-: . - , '' . . ti--... - v . . ' At a conference between th mayor- -chief of police and etry Officials thla af ternoon It was decided to awear in 0- more policemen tomorow. Thta action - 1s Jlue to the statement of merchant that the business of the city would, b- paralysed unless tiey could make de liveries. They said that they intend to mass oeiivenes beginning -tomorrow at s ociock witn mi eaedprotectlon. "President Shea md TVvM n na' T earns tera'. union- and Federation otlsk- oor- aiwi tnree . otners-rba- been ap pumioi a committee to wait upon -Preai dent Wjusb i enreTTn" arrive to r- aent labor's side of the dispute. . Judge Kohlsaat In th federal smrf thla afternoon lasued an injunction r- - straining the strikers from Interfering with tha business of express companies. APPROVES PURCHASE OF KIAMATH PROJECT Government to Buy Carr Water Rights, Adams & Ankeny - - Canals. (Jearssr Speelal Service. " -Washington. May 1. SeerstaxV oi th -1 Interior Hitchcock, haa formally a- '-, proved.' subject to futur dtrmlnatlon to eonatruct, the project to purchas 1&.000 acres of land belonging to th Jeas D. Carr I -and A Idveatock com. pany aft Clear Lake. Modoo emjnty. Cart. fornla. Th purchas prio la llilT.00. . anH Include- th4riparlit rights of th - ooe?pany In Clear Iak and th rsaer- Voir ait along Tul lake, has Idea th canals now constructed an th land af -th company. Thes land and right constitute an essentia Item, and are w - valuabl concession for th Klamatht ' Falls project. - i , , Secretary Hitchcock has also approved provisionally th purchase, of th two . canal, th Adama ditch and th Ankeny canal, in th vlcrntty of lUmath s'alls. both to b used in connection with th Klamath 'project. Th gwrnrnent ere cTITfcl option on the Irrlaa. . tlon' systems, and th action of th bm. rtary "provide ior th purchas a aonn aa tha final plans of ther engineers f.r. th conetructlon Of th large product ar accepted. . . , . - .'..' STORM DELAYS MOVTf.'G--'- ; PRESIDENTS CAR rjoirsat Biwetat tV ( . tllenwond Springs, Col . My J.r . Ing to a slori and mu'Mi tji i moving of the- tMtii' ,n t- t . oast rt'vlde hss le"-n dini-l. s . I alt, ...... . i i