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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
a . ,'0 C3 GET CFf STREET JO CLOSE HAY FIRST That Is What Executive Board Applicant for Space Must Com- Save to Portland Consol " r mence Installing Thejr Pro- -'V- ; , idated RJUiroaa. c I mra - tamt coiirctaAD AftDfcfiS DR. DAY INTERESTiNu - triffic'on First Street Stopped Three ? Working Exhibit IWill Show Mining, Milling and : as Corporation Wilr Not Do ; Necessary Work Racering Methods. ::......... ... .--,- ; thb bio stork in th . n 1 79 Tri Rf Hff flfi r ntlrl H tlf. KIDDUB OF THE BtOCK K?mt ml ?WMfT S VnrtlknA COBWUaatM m.wm vwg -.- T - - Consolidated RaUwsyeompaay proc. X' ?n.rai aTT gf I 1 I , 'V. - ' i : - i-i i Va. Jl 4V HT U ,-. . J ' ', '' ' V'''' , ' ' ' ea?jej,wr s r r 1-.. t.'.- i.r ' v' .j !- f sm . a 1 we ' :::,:? :o . ' t tl Er.t. tTcltJrSecSlVr board may machinery nutte In eyidenc by May K- mini bar ov th tracks and prevent l. and that exhibitors must by that " ' traffic untU the corporaUo makes th timt hav commenced Installing their doalred improvementa. - According to product. . , - 1 v " L.i ' the decision of the street eommitte of tjtot Of tho who ar to b -imi th xoutlv board h company wUl ar. known by th present time. ' b tlvn Ju oe oaor Opportunity to but j the limited period before closing -y'- make th repair, and If It refuse, steps luta ther wUl baJfcUjer reporUns, to compol It to do th work will be henor the Ilsts not, yet published.. Dr. r taken.1 In th meantime City Attorney jjaj-ot th (aolosioal survey, has x4 MOiary has bn asked it to oity has praullr ,.ked, that th daU for enter- ' , th rjht to Uy a ratr aeross th Uacas oonontraUn dlos tor bUct and prevent cars from unnln ' nd ther minerals that will be aty Eniner wanier awsa ia xnm y.. BUDjeet or expartment this year street car company nao, I b held oren until May 1. - H f ment peiwaw '"r",7 - .,71 to. rtbw r l.1 HVTrV mufaTturer-o, VtS Columbia .treet; . Whr th suwet .,,0,, tor alther sarlnt bad recently been repaired with ston or fin Taluea. and says that block pavement; th contractors bad 1 " CZTTtirSfam at idTm'lf'th. ctw tn felr for the u.e of th. surrey tn r,d. tasJpalrJd taSSd? determining th most practicable method of th street was not xepairea 1 -Ba m-, flour -old, puunum, t7t'-. Alitor T),Tlln stated that th magnrtlt and" srat other minerals city wasA int la thprorent. that will be J"?tu . - .... i-.tii in ihmt I nar. : But aom of th manufacturers neighborhood, and that It was danger- cannot get thelf toachlnee her earlier oui to rtb"apparatus In and out than May W. sad beoauaeiof that fact of th hous with th street In such th surrey want th data or this par- bad Condition. , ticular Ha of exhlblU to be held opn aema.. MAC Miffl TlaVn V Will tlaa.T lAnCTAff. . . ' ' ' J4?- ( ' -" ' to get busy right away." said Rodney I . u general, way th mining exbfblt I Ollsan. "It It doaa not we wui pw 1 (a . well - knows - at -in - preseni Tim . k down over th track and pr-Som of th western states are collect- .nt rmrm from runnlnB." I lnv ana. but hay arranced for the -Let refer this matter to th city at- I major portion of their xhlblt already, mn." aaid Whitney L. Bols. "to ee I Tha larv manuf acturinr concerns hare ? if w can legally spik a rail across the I ouUlnod the seope of their 'WSrk. and tracks. At th Sam time we can aa- I eommenc to dellrer machinery - mjuid that the corporation do tb worK. 1 , w. ,,.. , tha XDOalUon. and If it do not proceed w wui B . Tngr wm be three prominent work able to act Immediately." ' n axhlblta. Back of the jntnlog build "Hava a written reoortrof erery- m tber will be- in operation lode ' thing. .- genUeman. interrupted th mlQ. where th shaft will o sunk and mayor, ' if you gw m , 0!: Umbered, a hoist Installed, pumps wlUJ inese peopM yww wi ""ii 1 puoad tni power dHUs usd. By rlslt "TT"" . I Ins this, .which - is in in nature 01 -wrua wBmuiiuu. - 1 un..i. mnJt land Canaolldated RaUway company, Mr. Auditor," said Mr. QUsan. "instructing tbem to 'get buey,' and also on to the city attorney for his adrioc" Ther is a controversy between the property owners on th street, who own th franchise, and th railway company which ha the tracks leased, about re pairing th street. The former insist that the railway company agreed la th tease to keep th street betweed the tracks repaired, while th railway; com pany has attempted to shirk this r BDonslblllty. Tn corporation la now oonoesslon and for the profit of th owners, th jrabllc will be able to see how development . work Is prosecuted, or .stoped and hoisted and mining nroseoutad. ' ' ". Another conoesalon has been granted for th operation of an Alaska placer property. This will explain ow a gen eral bank Is broken down by a giant. the debris driven through" a slulo and value saved br means , of runes. Thar will be al sorts of mining and milling machinery, on exhibit. In the Utah sxhlblt is to be Included talking of abandoning its track on this I paratlng stamp mill, which, is under street altogether, and may run JU. cars on "Second and Third streets. -Between Madison and Burns lde streets , the Ortegon Water Power A Railway company is Interested in th lease with the FortlanaV Coaaolidatad, Superintend ent Hurlbur of th forme company no tified the committee that hi company would froeeed immediately with th re ttairs to th pavement on that portion of th street in which his company U stood to embrao th crushing, amalga mation and concentration of ores. The ores for this demonstration ar to bs famished by th dividend paying mines of Utah, and It is said that sufficient number has contracted to" kees th mill la .operation during th period f . th fair. " Development and general mining" ma chinery will have an tmpdsxant place also, and It la stated that most ot the Interested. v . j J big concerns operating In th wst will Th. f oUowln, T-l be reprentedhls line wlU include ving strt.:Warren Construction com-1 hoists. ' oomoressors. drills. tram systems. mOtonk. or oars and such other equipment as may , be displayed t good advantage Dr. Day will return to Portland about Mav li. He has devoted th past few weeks to visiting tt) manufacturers of th country and arousing their Interest In th concentrating work to be prose cuted by the surrey. In this be been quit successful,' and all of the riy, ij.ksz; , mjii tiioitwiw' su-tjei. R. O'NeU and Beofailt Broa, JJ.II1; Ouild street, Btar iiaad company, $J, lai. . i ' - PORTAGE ROAD WORK . PROGRESSING RAPIDLY Members of th portaga, "board and th pen river asaociaUon, who ar on J uu tables, as well s some of th older - a trip of inspection over the route, say I trpa, wUl find a plae tn th battery tn roaa wm p ipww "yj?1" 1 used by the snrrey In it -xujluiut. -s tM appointed ume. aay is. imi Nearly aU th state mineral superln , expect this trip to b their last lnspeo-1 UtiaenU will go on duty her about tkm prior to the flnaWon on th 00- , Thj, Jlrt mdndes reprasanta. road.' v i . ' - ' Tbeparty consists f Governor Cham berlain, Secretary of ' Stat Dunbar, Stat Treasurer Moor and J. A. Smith, W. J. Mariner, J. T. Peters and 3. N. ' Teal, representing th open river asso ciation. They drove over th rout from Th Dalles to Big Eddy and Masahous curve, and at th latter point went on th new locomotive Just placed -on the Hn and finished th inspection to Ce- lllo. The engineer's reports show the bridges nearly all dope, th grading al most dona and th materials on th around for completing th laying .of Uvea from moat' of the western states snd country. They will vis with each other in. th effort to mak th bast showing - of their respective produota. All of th exhibits wUl be large, and many will be mads especially striking by unlqu arrangement and designs. dpp tilNE HAS SET Af.f EXAMPLE FOR OTHERS Dr. J. F. Reddy, manager of th Opp mine, in Jackson county, was In th city .rails from Meaahoua curve, to which 1 yesterday, attending to general Cuain point th road is now in operation. Th 1 Inspection party will return tomorrow. , . SPRING CATARRH.' Ther has been no cessation in work at th Opp mine," he says,., "and all work is opening a mors encouraging body of ore. There is or in sight to keep BO stamps dropping for many years, .and ., ' -rf a equipment wiu ultimately oe n- . . . . j ,-( . -i. ',( ' I larged to bandl th natural tonnag 01 Changeable Weather W Diaeaae. ?ffg ZZZi en Breathe Hjromel and Core Catarrh. oouraging properties of th extreme . ' . ' . I southern. part of th state. 'Its years ..The chansreable weather Of spring, I reistlva IdlMiasa. when aU daaerln- ' Vith its warm dart and cold nights, I tions 6f - nlants-were tried, bar been 7 is retpoosible for a great increase in I succeeded by unusual energy and pro- . L . v.. f I - . - ' T, im I tiniinn.i imkmii . . 9A wltftMMMI frt th. .theinnmber of cases of catarrh. : It is Bounced success. virw thst TTvnmei tVi nnlv nunib good work don good work don ther do not hesitate to say that th nam progressive Spirit that revived the Opp will max; numer ous othr steady producers in Jackson, Josephine and Douglas counties. - : trrr nr oo: BZLT. nori that Hyomei, the only guaran teed treatment for caUrrhihst cures . without stomach dosing, should be used in every home. ' . For more than t 4' centnry '. physi cians have been sending persons suf fering with catarrh 'to Egypt- Cblo- .rado, or Australia, ' where . the pure, healing air would care the disease- For one person who could take this .trip,' thousands hare bees compelled to stay at home and continue their -r daily- - toil. To-th ese ' suf f ertf S" who J could not chanke their climatic con- ditionBr-wt.Tiffef" Hyomei," a method distant from the copper belt opened at by which pnre air impregnated with I th month of th river, on the banks f nature's own remedies tor tha cure I tn. anas, uu Kem. uur. wu.ny... ' F.'-D. McCully of Joseph, .Wallowa county, was In ths city two days of this week. Mr. McCully was on of th men who Inaugurated development on promising copper showing st th head of Irnnshn riverred where t hers Is a large amount of development in progress this PTlML- ThJa copper -district 4 -tt .."-.of, catarrh, can be rnhJcdby very .wi Vjsiffcrer in hSi or hwf he. reathed ?-J?22 through the neat pocket inhaler that . 7... .n nnann . ,. .r. oornes with every outfit, its healing. e.M it th. iaaa of this rear. volatile, antiseptic fragrance reaches I ; -r ; ' . -the lungs and , air passages as no I ". ; alsTAjra Via CTKOsm. ? .stomach dosing possibly can do. It I - --f ' - -Trfwt -rmmediaterehef ari(l--raakes (awyiiipatd ijt "earsatit i. C .. 1 Cottsa- Orove. Or- April ll-At a Ti,. MnnUt 'iii4i' mniiiitiKT l meeting of'th Bohemia Mln' Ownrs . i P .j ml,tin association. W. H. Bban was elected as the inhaler. medicine dropper, and rnrantattv to ths Lewis and Clark bottle of Hyomei, costs only one dol- fair. . h will take charge of a large x- Jar, and extra bottles Of Hyomei, if mint from this district la a short time. needed, can dc . proenrea lor iiuy .'cents. '' ' ' ' ... Proof that the Hyomei treatment will do aU that is claimed" for it is found in the guarantee under which Woodward. Clarke & Co sell it, an agreement to fay, back the. price, 'the purchaser can say tlia( llyomci w jba sot girea gausiacuov MBsrou BAsraa orrrMismo. - W. I. Vawtr; the.Medford banker. wb was in attendance on Jh develop ment league meeting yeeterday, la prom inently identified with mineral pers Uowa of .jwilwra Oregoit - sutivl hll In th cKy that th work of his country was especially promising tola . A. ... i' ;:; . -" . . . : -.. .."-' .":: - , ': "' V !.; . '; -Ot-'.., T. - --1WO -. '"-.iir-MJf cav V" r Vvci rr artrw CPUTfin RTTT'TsJ T.TrTRS .THAT' WTCRK RROTCEN'IN 55IZE DUUTNO POR TOMORROW .WE HAVfi XAXLBr cuaw xj.xijm v- vmvv w. - THE UNPRECEDENTED RUSH OP THE EASTER-TRADE. 1 THEY r WILL BE PUT IN WITH THE GREAT ,CAHN. WAMPOLD . & CO, CO r imt fj"" TTAC1. A.TT. e.T7r atit MAlrtwo TOMORROW ONE OF THE BEST DAYS OP THE SEASON TO 'WW rKNT UN THE UULiiAK' r URWlliuBC Af vwm w w . . - 1 - . , . . SECURE A HIGH SUIT, IN SPRING'S LATEST AND BEST STYLES Af ABOUT AS BIG A BARGAIN AS YOU essTsTa . . ' p-jpjpjpjpjpjpjpp-aBJBBJBBSBSSBBBBBBBBBBB ....... ... 1 7 m. m m m mm u eatss, - i ; . j .j ' Tomorrow you can. pick up aome exceptional grjCKl thmga in Knee Pants Suits' and save money. :" j . .: 451 CC will take choice of J) 1.00 small lots of Buster Browns, Norfolk or Double ; Breasted Suits, that sell regu larly up to $3. : ; frl P Wiir contain" sev aOiCafltJ eral lines and trok en lots, of elegant All-Wool . ...... . w ... i Materials tnat are wonn ai "least $4. " ; ,;-'-;.;:,v "Several new .arrivals In ex tra quality hand-tailored Knee . Pants Suits at , $3.85, $4;85 tnd $7.50 yourigMen's ' Tomorrow will offer some exceptional fine opportunities. QC-Will take choice of several full lines "of single ' 3)1 Ou and double breasted $10 Suits, and lots of two, three and four of a kind that were broken duriflg ; the Faster rnsh. worth uo to S12. . ' , ' i. : (A op; Will be a power. Some of the very handsomest -V.rtllrTncrl.. nn'rl ToitiH rireaated stvles and all I email nr.hrrn-lntaf-worth-tip-to $1 iVj-Sei gesTtinfiflisherf" worsteds and fancy matures. '.-t;-; ; C - ; v Bought at this store insures ccimfort.'s'tyle, service and low prices. Bhicher, bals. and Oxfords, in tan, chocolate, r black and patent leathers, also vici, colt, calf, etc. f $3.50, $3, $2.65, $2.35, $1.85, $i:55 - '' ' -- - ' ' , , ftf Boys' and Children's In Blucher and bals ;tan or black. ', Special values. ; ?L35, $150, ?L, 8$ $?, $125, $2.50 'ri'Everv-ialr of Men's or "Boys' . Shoes bought' at this store is guaranteed." If a pair jgoes wrong a new pair free. ; i The Piillwortft J America's arcatest : uO? ' ' 30 styles of All-Wool Hand- Tailored Suits, bought by us in the great Cahn, Wampold & Co. 1 deal at 60 per cent of value. These suits coiisist of all sizes from 34 to 46 bust, including ' black and blue, from -8 to 10, Suits in a lot and worth up to $15, in ''both single and double -. breasted styles. . T. T .;: .- ..: .jW- -, . :, -- .....;r... t .V -WSBSaaBaBSBaBBBBaBBBBBfei A J -asSJBSWSP Panama .. ; , r ,-... i : . J 1 1 .... 1 1 t . 1 1 . . . a . II l II II l it "ifl La r -.-( ' Kilimartin ft Co.'s real Fijijapl wattrroven hand shaped , . 1 Imported materials m wool or union t worsteds and -all wool cheviots, t tweeds, , cassimeres, clay worsteds, blue serges,' un : finished ' worsteds and Tibets, .hand-tailored throughout" Suits" , made by the great wholesale ; tailors; Cahn, Wampold & Co., to be retailed at $16.50. $18 and even 6ome .$20 ones in this, loU af over BO'stvles.w Thev come in all sizes' up to 50 bust in spe- , 'cial shipes for stout; tail or reg ular build men. ' - : . . '. , 5 OP For choice of six shapes of. $5 Panama t Hats, ayuut-r unbleached. We rltsnlaw the Panama Hat. best atock. in all mdu up to, each . .,,. .25 Sennits,' Milan,Mnila ; and Porto Rican Straw,.' all styles " 50c, 75c, $1 and up to $5 t- $15, $17.50, $20, $22.50, $25, $30, $35 arid $40 Suits Tnrliir1i hundreds of StvleS in double ' and single .. breasted Sack - Chesterfield, , Walking Coats,Tuxedo and 1-uil, uress suits. ' Brandacee. Kinkaid & Woods' high art.,tailor produc- tions can only be had in Port-: land at The Chicago, Portland's Greatest 3ohiers. - sr-j r '-,- .roruanas xaargesi au new oiock. . - ; . v 50 Negligee, Golf and Working Shirts, the most extensive ;; - variety and best values in the city. : . I;-' J ' ; 75e Golf and Negligee, a most handsome assortment of I '.'I . the' good and .nice.. kinds. v;'-,iV;i;'';i;-;.:v- 1.00 Extra values in silk bosom, bnlliantine, silicia, pen- ang and tnadras. f i w-lvrf ,?-. '' ' v.v -u,. ; pasv UUCH9 musi OCiCtl BIVICB, kju tuu HCgiJrC. r- ez'X fill Mnhair i nnflirM hrenrn tlanncu. rtc $2.50 Pure pongee and cream brilliants, tc. '. i ' Underwear, Neckwear, White or Fancy Wash Vcstsr etc.' ssssssaaaaaasfassssasassaagsassssaa IMsssstaassaMggSfsasssasasss . yarr'sKatna:TeSUHior"he"w mOtllng would liav a vsnunuuj lumiuauui influence on farther development nrsrvzDvaz, sro ooax AMuranea lias been retved by aom of tht4ocal engineers ot th mining t ra-ternltytbat- Individual members of th AmeHcattOnstitute ot Mining engineers will make lt int to return from Rrltlsh Colnmbta thl way. Manf have Intended to visit the fair, and sines the movement was started to have the entire CASTOR I A lor Infants an! Children,, i.; Tht KfciYca E-ra khi)t Esrght Bsar tae Slgatarto( Instltut return from Sloeaa and Bound ary dlrectl through Portland, 4hey have arranged., (heir Itineraries accordingly. It la regarded as posalbl that a na)or Itr ot th engineers will yet b lnduoed to eome through ' Oregon and spend som time In- this Stat. - Th regular annual session of th Instltut opens at Vancouver, British - Columbia. July 1. when the Provincial Mining Association Ot British ColumbiauwiU go knt session there also.-,...,,,, ... '"' f --, . SEARCHING FOR MAN ' ; LOST INrMOUNJAINS - '((peelit Dlspeieh t Th. aoraa1.t ', Mont, .April 21. -Teddy Reynolds, recently discharged from the government - service - at Fort AsMnl. boln. is lost In th mountains near Co lumbia rails, and no tree of him Is to b had. In oempany with another for mer mtrrmramm employi and others hi left (hat plars Monday and started on a timber cruising trip. After traveling Ave miles Reynold wa left la a cabiu with the team.' Wbes) th others re turned Reynolds qjquld not be found, 1- tnougn tnexcam wa. mmim. im waa not acquainted with th mountain ous section and It 1 feared be has gen astray. Bearchlng parties are ont -and th sheriff has been notified. t Up to last reports h Is suit musing. - . PENDELT0N STREETS--T0 BEMACADAWI2l;D, ';" ""'. 'i' " ' 1 " -': , V ,: Upeelal Dtosateh s Ti Jwt Pendleton,- Or. April t. After weeks nt invMtinilMi on th. subteot of street improvement th' city council at its metlng last ? nigni aeciaea upon ma cadamising CcAirt and Main streets, the business streeU of this place. Ther has been considerable - sentiment la favor of paving for , the above streets, but ths matter wss Anally rejected b? cause of th greater cost of asphalt. , It la th plan of th council to pur chase a rock crusher and a steam roller tq b used in th macadamising and sucU SBScUnery will .b furnished fr . . . v 1 i , w Singled .Out i onry on kind of paint th ' genuine article, made of proper and se ; lacted Ingradlants, ground with skill an.l care, with linseed oil and honesty, th fin combination found In th paints w have en sale. It will do your heart good to-aw th painting don with eur .stisfylns; sort of paints. , v " . i7- V- r---- i .SiT- 9 f isher.Thorsen & Co - OOaV sTsswar' AJT KaBXBD Of oost by th city, fh work of plac ing th crushed rock will either be don by th city at th aspens of the property-owners or else the work will be let by contract. Twelve blocks t street will b covered and th stlmt4 cost Is tl front fe1 . ; : . y Tk nrat Way.' 'K . V From th Boston Commercial Bulletin. Many of th writers of th various "How, to Oet Rick Quick", books neglect to mention th surest way of all to. found a new religion and then advertise! lor th simple minded. J- . "i r j - . f ' - .1 w A ) ' T ' ' '