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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
(Lit i.JXilTCi iji i r Lei.- ee.e,J lLiJ t ) C .ii k i. J U CATQ TT"5 CZAL3 Ar: CLCZrD STATE CiTCIhjS llJh A i. .i;m.' ie ' f Count Varzimoff, Wou!i-C Fair 5 Exhibitor, Is Fcverite cf ', fttCOM E3' f'd ARRANCS FOR display of a:.::thysto Elmer Dixon Will Judje the Poul i try at Lewie and Clark ; y Count- Michael Miebaelpvirti Varsl wtoff. a distinguished subject of the ,.er.of Russia an offices who baa felt H the sabre, as veil as swung Itarrived .. hls . mprnlnf and was a conspicuous i .' figure on the fair grounds during the ''forenoon, dressed In full uniform, even -.: to his sword, top boots and peculiar ... headgear not unlike that Of ; the Coe '. sacks. ;. : i . , -A: v- . X ' The counts here to' make; arrange 1 fnento fo display of areethyat f rom ' 1 his mines In the Vicinity ot Ekaterin- burg, and will this afternoon ..neat . ' Colonel Dosch and try to obtain the space necessary.- lie is strongly lnv pressed with the; exposition in it pre v'V ent conditio. -, v -' T"1- Varaimoff is a perfect specimen -of r the Russian soldiery. He stands slightly V aver sis feet in his boots and weighs ' about- tot pounds. . Ha 1s. handsome In face, and his hair and -moustache are i slightly timed with array. He was for Vnerly one of th royal bodyguard .ot . . -the Grand Duke Bergiua, who fell a . victim to tha bombs of the nihilists. Hla-tteras is at r Battum and be la a ' ' grandson of the second vice-king of . Caucasia. Tha count has received maay . 1i distinguished, marka of royal .favor. A . ' richly engraved cigarette caaV emblaa- oned with tha Imperial axma repreaenta the high esteem. 1b which ha la Jheld by. the- cxer. "" : ' s " r . The department of exhibits announced , this morning tha appointment of Elmer Dixon of Oregon City as superintendent - : or tha poultry exhibit, to be given rrom j October a Ao ti. Inclusive. Mrr. Dixon - V i la acknowledged to be ona of tha bast ,: Judgea ef poultry on the Paclflo elope. ,? and his appointment was requested in not less than 1,00 letters received by ; colonel, Deech.. .. : t y j p l is aecuea inai mere iwm vw -. I tugueeo exhibit. at the fair. 'Colonel , r i Doech has closed '.arrangements 'with a commercial exhibitor.- who will, arrive - ' shortly: with a costly display of drawn weTk sllksv.lacea. jewelry and . curloa -iJL front Sparn" 'nearest neighbor. .' , Local people who : are .fortunate - - enough, to posasser costly axtworks, ea- , peeUlljk palntiaga, have bean -backward until now In applying for space In the " ' fine arts building. Already the amount . . of space In that structure haa been ap V ' piled for twice over, but a good deal of : care will be eserchiad in selecting ih .' ' works to be 'hung. F. Dumond of New Tors, the . superintendent of this , t department,' will not arrive In Portland - untlf May II. which la a.bout tha data : A upon which tha imported art works are '. expected. The beat way to- eurpa6 J? at present la tV address a letter to Colo- U el H. E. Doaeh. director-f-axhlMta, ' i- who will forward It to Mr.tDnmond. - 4 Portland will profit by tha wrperiehoe V a v i . . k . . aolna.- which was disastrous. - Tha- Jit. t-mils fair want ahead with aa order of tit.000 gold dollars tba appropriation Was $2t0.). and fdaead them on aala at It each. Tha result was that only IS.9M coins were sold and the remainder were turned back ar balllon. Had at' ,: Louis ordered la small quantities. Mm la j being dona here, tha remaining turn' of the appropriation - would have born a, ra liable for other purposes, t , '- - -. 1 I ... Tha Lewis and Clark treasury de- partment haa sold not quits .00 coins . all told, and about JO.000 are on haad, The eoneeaaloa) for the aala of these haa V been let at a good., price, If no more . than tha tO.e are required, however, ; the rest of tha appropriation, 1141.000. 1 J. will remain at the disposal of the com- i pany. ......-'; 4 : i ADrilllCUT DCCIIIirn . v ! ! , IN BUNKERS TRIAL T t (Jcaraal BnecUl garvW.l . - ' .'4.1 Sacra meat AprU 11-r-Lawyer More- , ' housa taday resumed his argument In ' tha defense of the Senator Bunker rase, which will probably consume three days. v It Is claimed that Orange aad Jordan nt ap a Job to get big money front the , , building and loan toncerna an4 divide tha moat of -It between themselves, it ! Is declared that Jordan passed no money , r If Bunkers on the atreet and ft la gen- erally claimed the allegations ef the indictment are not sustained. ; . y ' ; FOURTEEN KILLED BYV I:,! ' I - ; EXPLOSION IN MINE "-t ; ' " "' ' -' i i Dubois, Pa-, April it. -An explosion - 'occurred in the Klanor mine, 11 mllek ., from here, at 1 o'clock this mornlna. t ; Konrteen minora were killed and one 00m 1 K. 1 thfe .fatally injured. Thirteen bodies hav ; - r oeen recovered. , it la reported that ; in. the mine was the cause. Most o Ttctlras are Americana. V lOUTalS to Aram- i f peelal Dlspatek te Tha JoerssK') V . Raker City. April tl. William Smith-1 and Ouy Weacott the two youtha ar " rested on last Monday for rape, were ,' held to answer last night In the sum of ' . 11.000 each. - Preliminary hearing waa J conducted behind cloned doors. Girls In the case are but 11 aad 11 .years i I YOUNG BROTHER TELLS - 4 STORY OF THE MURDER eeeeeeeeeee : e (Raeetal Dispatch te Tse Joorsal.) .'1 e Chehalla. Wash.. April IS. e Mrs. Vaughn, Charles Brown and Dr. Knlakern were examined In the Brown case today. The first had lived at the Brown- home, and told of the queer conduct of , the defendant, i Charlea Brown. brother of Tom. who was the e .on,r, rewltnsa.Jo. the tragedy.. e e at me time of the killing or e e tne father, related the story of e t the quarrel at the wagon, but ' eounael far defense did not have e , him relate1 the story of the actual shooting, merely bringing out the quarrel at the wagon before Tore started for home after the rifle. ' f -' - He war subjected to severe ereae examlnatlonr and his testi mony is iiktiv to be Impeached ,e by the state. . iJLe) Dr, Knlskern's testimony wss e Of a scientific nature on epilepsy. . 4 At?'a C::3rt to Get inforrhi tion fUTfactinj pn Police Are. Unsuccessful. HUNT TOLD HIM TO CALL ' v AND THSN STEPPED OUT Records Which Should Be at City i': Halt Are Ket'at the " Statrotv : ; -4 -- -. ( ., ... . . ; , .... H. R. Albee. candidate for nomination Of mayor en the Republican ticket, and Attorney IL H. (tiddell made an unauo- Lpeaaf ul jgj;tempt to get Information f rem tha records of the investigation ot B pe dal Pollceman..Jack Roberts, who Was dismissed front the department ' about a year ago on' th charge of extorting money, irom women i tue norm enov The records are. In the possession Of Chief Hunt. They jonUln, It l said much damaging Information against the administration of Hunt and hte deal Inge with the dlvea In the red light district. Immediately after trial, instead fit fil ing the account ef the proceedings of the Investigation la the city hall, where they would be', a part of the records, Chief Hunt secured poasesslon of toem. It was through Mr. Albee - that the Investigation against ; Roberta waa brought - about and he la . fully ac quainted with the proceedings, lie de aired to pee the records, in order te make sure of several points that reflect on Chief Hunt's Administration, and to day he and Mr. Rlddell. telephoned to the-chief asking for permission to see "They are -In my possesion." replied Chief Hunt.' "and if you oome to the. office I will let you examine Ujem. "We will be down at once." they said,, and hurried for, ' the police sta tion. ..-. '' ': '" ' ' When they arrived Chief Hunt ..was not to be found." Hie office waa locked and the men were told that the chief had stepped out - They waited for some time, but the chief did not return. They; will make another attempt to examine tha records but insteaa oi tel ephoning ' before going to the station they may drop down on ut cniei un announced.. ' , .' '' .' S'f PORTLAND CHOSEN : AS HEADQUARTERS Women of Woodcraft Delegates ; ' Give' Oregon Metropolis . v ; Big Vote. , -'iA? - :''": j ' . ..... .... ' :". . ,. (Special Dispatch 4 The Journal.) ' Los Angeles. Cat.. April 21. The Wo men of Woodcraft late yesterday even- Ing voted on (Tie permanent location oi haadqUartera.iiThrer bauota were caat, aa follows:. . - - - , ' " .. ".":'.' .--.... ; ;nrst. 'Heeona.- Tnira. Cltv." j5 ' "Ballot Ballot Ballot Portland V , ... - !2 ,V ?J Denver j.,vr.fl J. i f,1 Oakland7; , I;-, 42 Portland i ... - J 0 -. ,V fS ., IJ ngriiv v t . v t BolaeClty. ..... . j .14 .., 1 Halt Lake . - Grand Guardian 'tV' C -Vanardal ;" de cided In favor of -Portland, that city having received the largest number of alt the voter cast Clerk .Wright raised the point that It takes a two tblrdavote for a winning ballot The grand guar dian . asked to be given"1 time, as she wanted to consult the attorney ot ' the order, A. B. Btlllman. There Is no doubt that Portland-- wilt be the place for the headquarters, and the matter will bo aettled thla afternoon. - v INSPECTORS INVESTIGATE ; .MOSCOVVLPOSTOFFICE . , r." ' .epsSBSeBpaaxeaaBawwaBw 'vn.' '. ..' v (Special Duwatra te The Jearaal.) ,: J Moscow. Ida, Apll 2S.A special post- Office Inapector was here yesterday O make Investigation of th alleged burn ing of Circular postal cards In the post office hero daring the administration- of Postmaster Barton. It la alleged , that en or about February -Zt, a quantity of circular postal cards numbering about 7,004.- and having Jeen mailed by the mercantile house of M- 1. Shields of Moscow, were burned in the postofflee atove. -, .: - Mr. Shields claims that at the time of the burning he waa In California, and that hla business was In charge of aa employe. He clalma to haar been In formed by the man In charge lot -hla business that Harry- Hayes, a clerk in the postofflee, said (hat tha cards had been burned. " " ' v .. '- .-. . - Edward Barton, aoa of tha postmaater, clalma that on the morning of February 12, when he opened the stove he noticed a number ot, postal cards amoldetipg, he called Hayes attention' to them -and he suggested that a younger-brother. Earl Barton, might have put them there by mistake. Mr. Barton told Hayes hat the card could aot have been put ere by accident as tney.were mailed, only, that morning. ;' After aome ques tioning Hayea said he would have the cards remailed, which he afterward said be had done at a cost of ft to himself. The investigation and Its outcome will, be watched with keenest interest en ac oount of the .prominence of the people Involved. ' . ;;-. ,l . '.. ONE JURYMAN SAID - r ' TO FAVOR ACQUITTAL ;v,f ? . - (Joaraal Beeelal arvlc.. ' " . . Los Angeles, April XS. The Jury In the., federal court. In the -trial of Tom Hayea for embenrement and wrecking the Ormnge' Orowerr baruT erf Riverside, bad not reported at noon. It la said one of the jurymen la holding out- for ac quittal. .. ':.. ::XJy- )- , ., i . i ... ii ii t , ' - STUJJxUm atAm, CJJSUUUD. . (SpeHal DWpatek' ta Tke Joaraal) ' Pullman. WashV April XS. Ernest Co burn, av student at the state college, while .working with a planing inaohlne In the' wood department' got hla hand caught. In. the machinery, mashing twe angers and the thumb of the right nan! so that amputation waa necessary. The rest of the flagero and the Jiandf are badly lacerated.? j : . . j, , . ... , " HiUR mn jrantio, V A (Sswlsl Olepateh te The Joaraal.) " Oakeadale, Wash., April tl. Scarlet fever-la becoming alarmingly epidemic here, a large number "-of deaths having resulted Trom the disease. A -third child. a daughter ot Mr, and Mrs. R-Le Aikens; oiea yesterasy. ; 4-. ( . "NOW rood dlfleatlon waits an anna. tlte, and health on boihv" if u doesn't try Burdock Blood, Bitters, . - Pacific Paper Ccrtny Duys : 1" Prcptrty cn CtlrJc Ce ;t 'i:V, flear Flrtt. Will duild ho:s for creatly enlaosd plan OtKeV ' Valuable ) Cites' Change i "Hands" at Prices Cortsld- ered Very Good. , Two real estate deala were closed to- day aggregating v nearly . 110,000 and transferring two pieces ef dowatowa business property. J. . Two - 0-f oot - lets, f ormfng av atrip running through the block and adjoin' ing the comer lota on Stark between First and ' Front streets, were ' bought by Hugh .. McOuira- and f. Stopanbaoh of the Pactna Paper compann from .'the estate of, Joel K.TIsherTIiye price paid -waa rst.ioo. .fvr The. property waa In former yean owned? by. Benjamin Stark, an-early do nation land claim-bolder, from whom it naaaed to tha lata Joel EL ITtatiae. 1 ls now oovered by brick buildings. The front atreet building la occupied by the Olafke fruit and commission business and the First .atreet building . la ten anted by a printing establishment and a bowling alley. . . -. . "We have purchased thla ' property with view to making a permanent home for the Paclflo Paper company," -Bald Mr. UcOulra. No ohangea will be made thla year, but Is the near future we erpect to balld a five or six-story building on the First atreet lot and In connection with the present building on-the Front atreet. lot we will have a complete home, with the buslnesa pfBcee on f irst and the warehouse on Front atreef - - . y- The old Jewish ' synagogue property. on the east side of Sixth, between Oak and Pine street, waa sold today to Sam P. Ltockwood-Of B. T. Lockwood A 8on. The ground Is fr by 0 feet, and la cov. ered by a two-story' brick bulldlnr. oc eupled by - en automobile garrage rV4d omces. The price waa 1st. 000. The east half of lots 6 and t In block K,-at the corner of Morrtson and Fou tsenth atreeta. haa been bought bv th Lee Investment company from th4 Man hattan Real Estate company, for III. - The Union Meat company haa taken out a building permit for -the rebuilding oi ita plant on Uitsan atreet . The work ha -been under way aome time. It will cost 130.000, and a large additional aum for equipment-- W W. Wallace will build a 14.000 brick warehouse on Seventh, between Couch and JDavls atreeta. U. P. Beno haa bought from A. A.' Banman lota 1 and 4 la block Sit. Couch's addition, for 18,000- ; . v, . . . h ; MANY MORTGAGES HELD BY JOSEPH JEFFERSON l; 1 (Joaraal Bpeetat Sarvka).) . ; T Chicago,1 April tl- Real estate mort gagee to the amount of 12(0.000 - were held in Chicago by the late Joseph Jef ferson.' According to a prominent bust heaa man who knew Jefferson Intimate ly, Ills property la scattered throughout the United States. He. had an island down In Louisiana upoa which la a salt mine of great value. The Island In. eludes 1.000 acrea. 8,000 of which are pasture landa, the rest surrounding fine old villa la which he used to apend vacations, and la laid out aa a park- It is aald 11,000,001 has been offered for thla.' .. ...;. . . MADE GIRL WORK AND ' KEPT, HER EARNINGS (Sseelal IHapateh. to SW JeataaL) - Baker City. April . 21. For some months past a family named Donaereaux have been domiciled la tha outskirts of town. With them waa a young girl .fit about II years whom they placed at work la ram u lea ana took rter earrn Inga. Her present employer, Mrs. u O. Htrachland. aad Bishop O'Reilley erased Inveatigatlon to be made ef the family's claim' that the girt was their daughter and Xound they had. no claim upon the girt She did not want to remain with the Donaereaux family. - - The police have notified Donaereaux; ta let th girl alone. ' - BOOM OF BUILDING ' STRIKES THE DALLES (Special Dispatch te The JearaaL) The Dalle. April t. Never In the history of The Dalle haa th building erase exerted itself on eo large a scale la tba pertyeav. Houses -were so scarce that numerous famllloa had to uae tenta In the suburbs. New cottages. unpretentious but comfortable. . have sprung up all around to accommodate the people who are arriving all the time. In conversation with a contractor today he aald that between 175,000 and 110,000 will be expended In building residences thla season, ranging from the cottage to handsome homes costing ; 7,oeo and TBAYXUaTu) TO - At the Portland hotel Sunday morn ing at 11 o'clock there will be a meeting of th traveling men of this city to dis cuss to details to be arranged for traveling men' day at the Lewie and Clark fair. A committee haa bees ap twtlntjMt tfi imnn the details, but It desires to potain tne opinions ot travel ing men generally berore making nnai arrangements. June 10 haa been desig nated trvellng men', day, at ..the fairi It fs reqaested that aa many ai possible attend the meeting on Sunday. George W. Sanborn of Astoria la at the PAetlanfl. - . , - 8. 8. Sherman of' Tacoma la . la the city. -. ; - "" Mr. and Mr. H. L. Bwaggerfof Pen dleton are among the arrivala at th Imperial. Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Fordyoe of Th Dalles are registered at the Imperial. - "H. .V. Gate ' of HUlaboro I at th Perkina. , ': r Mr. and Mr. B. F. Laoghlln of The Dalle are in town on business. . .. ; stnrs naTATioir e The following report was handed to the city detectives by Chief of Police Hunt' clerk t o'clock tbl .after- risrrorrWrVh-'TT.rrr-srreet -reports' that he waa sold a pair of imitation diamond eerrlngs worm 4) thla morning for IJ6. . He hag a de scription of the bunko nan.", , ' , 1-'" Hereafter Man Jn White Aron Must Make CocktaJU Vhle vr; You wait- : . CANT MANUFACTURE YOUR FAVORITE CONCOCTION Retailers Who Construct' Mixed Pleasures Must Have Rec- ' tifiers Licenses, .-4- If you're going on a trip and ' want a ootue or eocataus to Uke along, don't sena your oraer to tna man la the apron who usually Waits on you- Bartender! wm spena no more Idle hours In pre paring pottles of the vivacious concoc tion.. When they make the "things that follow the flag"- they muat be consumed at the bar. Only wholesalers with recti- rierr .'licenses ; may .sell cocktails la bottles.'. ... "i ' ' Aa- order to that 'effect - haa been Issued by Uncle Sam. and bartenders and retail liquor dealers la Portland are to e notified Immediately.. The "long gent witn whiskerr haa placed hla of f 1 clal-kanctlon on cocktails properly eem pounded,, but he will prohibit bartenders from . keeping bottles of the stuff In stock on which the rectifying tax bas not been paid, and bo aaloona pay rec tifier's tax, eo they mil. serve no more bottles of sparkling, stuff- with leather cherrlea la the bottom. Indeed It la not all wholesale houses in Portland, thai do so. 'The order aays: - - Tit baa been, found that the general terms of rulings of the department have been understood., aa, permitting retail liquor dealer to . compound liquor in considerable quantities, for sale In small quantities, without paying .apeclal, tax reouiiera. "It 111 .now held, that where k- retail Itquor dealer, compound any quantity e liquor and keepa it in stock In ad vance of , order therefor, he . should e reported for aaaeaameat aa a recti fier. ; r ,. 'Collector will give notice accord ingly through' distribution of thla circu lar among liquor dealers In their dis tricts, a - - , JOHN W. YERKES. , 4 ; - "'Commissioner.' A number of saloons la Portland are aald to keep In stock bottlea- of cock tails of their own preparation. Here after they muat purchase such bottles from wholesale houses or secure a recti fier's license. .T. r v . .. BOARD WILE HEAR i LAFE PENCE FRIDAY General , Determination Among Park Commissioners to Pre vent '.. Damage to Parks. . Some action may ba taken bv tha eltv park board next Friday to prevent Laie rence- former Colorado congressman, from appropriating th water of Balch creek and treepaaalng on city property wun pipe ana aitcnes. jvo explanation haa been made by Ut. Pence to thai board of hla Intention and In all pro in ability ha will appear at that time and tell of hi plana. Nothing short of an aaaurano that he will la no meaner In terfere with the' eity'a right to the water in the gulch and will not mar the beauty, of th city park will satisfy the board. Th member declaab that they will protect the city' Interests in the matterj. County Judge Webster la of th opin ion that Levfe Pence or any other Indi vidual haa no right to divert any water belonging to riparian owner If their property I damaged la any way, and that the promoter can be prevented from continuing the work. Judge Webster also saya that he doe not know of any water rights in Multnomah, county which were not taken up year ago. in case Pence Intend to use flood water only he may be allowed to run hla ditches, but hla notice Indicate that be will appropriate all the waters. . Judge Webster say that aa county Judge . he haa jurisdiction to prevent Pence from taking water only where hla actions affect county property, and that each- Individual damaged - by - the- pro moter will have to bring aa Individual auit for an InJuncUon.. ., svai AW AT. (Special Dispatch te The 'Jeerssl) " Oregon City, April . 21. The team at tached to a delivery wagon of the Ore gon City Ice company became frightened tbii morning and -.ran at breakneck apeed down Main atreet for three blocks and collided with a telephone pole. -The wagon waa demolished., one of the horse badly skinned up and th driver . was throw to the ground, but was unhurt . AUTOS I1U TXBOTJOX fcmXDSa. - (Special tHspetea to Tee Seams!. Oregon City, April ft. Two large au tomobiles, .one towing the- other, were crossing th county bridge aver John eon creek at Mllwaukl at t o'clock thla morning when th bridge want - down Th machine were finally extricated and It is understood no en waa seri ously hurt. Travel I suspended over the road crossing, tha creek at thla place, j T beeatlfy tke ekls, etoasat the seat, grew tke kalr. ekoaag. Iteeto se4 Irrltatlaa. te keep the sucaU akte sows aad eweetj especially ' little seaies, tfeeet' aethiag like - cjnnrsrjACOAP -A BreaA al Pma Bawara la Every Caka," sfedleate. ooeorMBff. fteereat. MolHtaa e( WOOM mT bareaa kas Be aeal foe evry par Mae e toilet, hetk ao aaieny. Aided by gkls keltk Treetawat. II aostmre all kaBHW raM, makes kealthr erale. raw ekla aad keaeilral kalr. larje tee. eae, drarnleta. Aak for fjarlea aaae sn aamaea a iraioai, th., invaa, WMrle trial wU eooaee yea ef tke asewnl'd SHrits ef tkeoe atarveioaa arenaeatinaa, aroae aaoatltstes. ne seas w swnieaue me n arose. Maaafactar y raue b? sperm bile kif k Itloa tkv. snm.. k. J. .Take , aoialsg-wl'aoat WOOSAJUr, OVABtOI k OO, remrtk aad WaaWarkoa, Magnate' Rjilgns ' From Union Pacific Directorship to Con- struct Parallel Une, t WAR ON FOR MASTERYOF THE WESTERN SITUATION Community of . Interest Plan v Ruptured Complete Divis-j. -:- ionf Railroad Systems.T ' r TeasBPBBaawaxesBwaa .. , t . " . " 1 ' ' (Joeraaf Spaetai awrlca.) 4 Chicago. April 21 The new' conv. rounlty interest plan wMlch the railroads have been working ou for thq past three ye,rs, rooeivea severe eel Deck by the resignation at New York of Oeorae J. Gould; from the directorship of the union Pacific Hla - retirement marka a complete division, if not hostility, be- tweea im UDiiia ana iinrrlman inter ests.. Hereafter it will fe. war to the knife for mastery of the western situa tion, as It has been between "Gould and the Pennsylvania Interest for mastery of the eaat " '-- ' Aa a backer of the western Pacific ralN road which la paralleling the Southern Pacific, Gould waa aa imposalbillty on the board -of the Union Pacific, and It waa understood when he waa elected to the board there was aa understanding that If the Gould Interests ahould ever aee fit to extend their lines te th coast Gould ahould retire peaceably from the Harrtmaa councils. This has been done la pursuaaee of that agreement, "Gould's reJria-natlon. however, la- ml harmony - with tha plan which the railway magnate originated to control the general situation. The Goulds have decided to play a lone band, and In so doing seem to- hav no difficulty finan cially. - ,'(- " -: . i. v - BERRF SAW BRIDGES - MY THOMAS JONEY Witness In the Wakefield-Bridges Case Cot the Cash f orthe ,.i Port Commissioner.' 'l-i A. C tT. Berry, bookkeeper' for Wake field as Bridges, thla afternoon awore oa th wltneaa stand. In the equity case now being tried, that J. 3. Bridge paid $260 in gold to George B. Thomas, mem ber of the Port of Portland commission. Bridges,: he said, cam from Vancou ver, where the drydock waa under con struction.., and .'after 'conferring with Thomas In th privet office of the Arm. calledT Berry, aald he waa about to pay him 1250 and when Wakefield returned to town they would give him aome more money. .- . . Berry aald that he offered to write Wakefleld'a check for the amount, but Bridges aald he preferred to pa OI coin, and on Bridge' order. Berry went to the bank and procured the gold and laid It en . the table between Thomae and Bridge. Then he amid Bridges pushed over the money toward Thomas and that Thomas look It. . , , aot pro greased far enough to bring out anything further as to what waa' aald about th transaction, excepting that be awore that Bridges told blm to charge it to him (Bridges), aad that when Wakefield came back they would -rix it up." . George B. Thoma too; th stand next and testified .that the money paid mm py snage wa aimpiy a loan. BLOW FROM CABLE BREAKS BOTH LEGS Employe at Weyemauser Camp Near Yacolt Meets With, V ; Serious Accident. (SpeeUI Dtssatefe te,Tae Joaraal) -Vancouver. Wash April II J. . Manning, aged 14 years, wa seriously Injured at Weyerhaueer' Camp No. , near Tacolt, at S:f() o'clock last even ing. Manning wa superintending the work of a donkey engine and was stand ing close to th cable need to pull the log to th river. A. log caught, caus ing the steel cable to loosen sufficiently to struts Manning just above the angle. The blow broke both legs. The Injured man wa brought to Vancouver by a handcar, arriving her at 1 a. rn,' He waa taken ta St. Joseph's hospital. The broken bone were eet tbl morning aad it is inougnl a will recover, -s, PORTLAND CDlPLEt : ; " ' WEDDED IN 'FRISCO (Sfwetal Dispatch, to Tke JooroaLt San.. Iranclaco. April It. Victor Wood, aged 4s, and Anna Erickaon, aged ei, lotn or .Portland, ' Oregon, were licensed to marry here today. ' Mr. Wood formerly ran a cigar store at 211 Eaat Morrison street, Portland. wnica n soia out April i. HAT KomgtmYoa looking Yownj Always loctuns yeotkfer enlor to sray er aaiK- aiaoa aair (auiu. roaitiraiy a an iia eaodruff. A klg k-daw ketr-g rawer li'ialliif. kerplag hair soft, gloar, IoJmrt- aat. Doe sot eMI skla er llns. Tkla Snrt Balr Peod, aided brHAJMriNA SOAP, keals sr.lp, kills eaodroa? rjrnt, atnpe iieaiag, aroojeiea BDe fro w to. Large soe. kettle, dracglsu'. . Take aethiag wltaoat nor alriMlar.. Fria Caes Pffar Ooeel for SSo.Cak iiivh,iviii HARFIfvA SOAP. e'ra ibis, ni ta say of following rt flats, sod get Mr. bottle Balrkealtk sad wte. e no.t Ono.f regelar pries 7 be. ; er sent kr Pblle , fer Omo, flay Oa., Hewark, K. J., praeaid, sad tBlaadv. ., mi kat stees by grerelata wttkeat nieeaiw aaorss sua. lot taauaeaua. MaaM Addnse.. ........... ....... ......rt... WOODAX9, oxJLmn.aj tm, roartk aad WaaaJhurtem, -rt- -READ CCTICiS, STO IM YCl! fAYCTTS r Owing to thie 'wide general Interest In the Lewi and ' Clark r!r, THE JOURNAL, will pay th expense of twenty trip to th fair, for-the most pepqjar person ouiald of Multnomah eoonty. .. ' '. 1 - - t ' -: t ? "TTPB JOUHNAL. will pay the- entire expanse. Including railroad and eleep ing car fare, admission to- the ,exposltlp for one. weekL hotel biUdiOT one week and amusements. 'Z:j "'.-' . "'' - - : ' .' 'k''.: The Trips WSfCl Ta tha mnat . Mnnlar nermon In Coo most populat person In Josephine or moat popular person in Douglas county, one free trip person in iane -county, one xrv x rip or Lincoln county, one free trie Polk county, one free trip; to the most popular t w.w saw . , .. , w Tillamook county, one free trip; to the moot popular peraeq In Urn county, one free trip: to-the most popular person In Marlon county, one free trlo-t to the moat popular person in Clackamas county, one free trip; to th moat popular person In Columbia or Clatsop county, one free trip; to the most popular person in- Wasco, Sherman or Crook county, en free trip; te- the moet popular person In 'Morrow, Gilliam or Wheeler eoun.y, one free trip; tt the most popular person) In Umatilla county, one free trip; t the moet pop- ular person In Union or WaOowa county, one free trip; to the moat popular nerson In Baker county, one free trip; to the most popular person In MaJ. heur, Harney or Grant county, on Lake or Klamath countr. one free em Washington, one free trip; to the moat popular person In western Wash- ington, one fre trip. - -'.-'.. ,-. Th basis en which credit for votes wilt be given Is, one vote for every 10 cent paid In advance for new or old subscriptions to the Dally, Daily and ounaay, sunoaj or paDfnmir wiuuiw avci duuwuki The Contest opens at one aad eloaea at midnight an June If. ' pick out ronr favorite, fill out coupon below Box 121, Portland, Oregon. Coupon NAU during tha contest. r A. T . uaalHBM. atfrtA AanaB ... ; Tha time 1 abort, writ (or sample copies and get to work at one. Subscription Rates Terns br Oarrkw. Dally Jearaal, with Beada?,. ! (Miiy araai, l year .-.,.. Dally Jearaal, witg flaoday, 0.:na Dally Jearaal,' sxnKb.. ...;..'... Dally Joaraal, with Soiiday, I awi Dallr JaraL waatha.. .......... ,. e.o .. St .. Aeo l..'LM .. l a at M Dally Joaraal. wlU aoaday, 1 Dally, pr week, aaUvared. iaclsded . ..... .. Dallr, per week, aaUvared, exeapted . ' Terms by KalL Dally Joaraal, with Bssday, i Dally Joaraal, 1 year. t ......... Dally Joaraal. with saaeay. Dally Joaraal, aaostha Dally Jearaal, with aoaday. ..froo :t8 X7 ISO l-eo . ,ne loo LOO . AW!? aKM.1 U.1 a WWfX . a ... Dally Joaraal, wit ausaay, t Dally Joaraal, 1 Boath.....w Sanaa Joaraal. 1 rear,..,..,. Baaday Joaraal, f awatks, The aeail-Weakly Jeerssl. ean-Weekly JooraaL to U pages eeen lama, uisauaita, rau siaraei report, J year. tu .... BEGIN BLASTING AN u OUTLET FOR SALKON Thousands of Fish in Eddie Be low Falls Will Then. As . cend the River. ' X ' ' ' ' ' ' " (Special Dusnteh to Tse Jew sal, Oregon City, AprU II. A (ore of mea under tha- direction ef J. Wr Mof fett. wUl be pal to work today ta blast oat a channel at the haad ef tha (tab ladder at tha Willamette (alia. For some ' tun th water la th river baa been (ailing and th ealmoa In th river have been unable to climb over the fall. They., are massed In thousand la tha eddlee below. It la conceded to be no fault of Mrs - Mof fett who constructed the ladder that It haa been rendered useless, a It waa bnllt entirely accord ing to specifications. It is believed that th work that will be done at alight ex- penaa bow will answer the purpose for the present season, old river mea say that abundant money . haa been spent ea the fall at different time to con struct a good flfc ladder, but that th legislature or ine8.etate naa oeen too niggardly to make-a sufficient appro priation at ana tin to answer the pur pose. They say tha importance of open ing the upper waters of tha Willamette for apawnlng grounds cannot ba over estimated. The bidder waa very service able while the water wa btgh aad there are mora salmon in the upper river xnaa haa been seen (or years. , - - STOLEN MAIL POUCH v FOUND UNDER DEPOT f, (Special Dispatch to The Joaraal) Woodbura, April II. The- registered mall pouch that had been missing from here was found last evening by, little boy aa they were looking for a- ball under the Southern Paclflo freight sta tion. Th thief had a key and unlocked the letter sack, took out the registered pouch, and relocked th sack. He got the content of several registered pack ages, file that waa intended aa a re mi tta sice from tbl poetoffic 1o Wash ington, but overlooked Ilk wtiicn waa found In th pouch. . Th ' theft was committed - while the bag waa oa the' truck awaiting the arrival of the porth. bound evening rain. Evangelist D. 8. Toy and hi singer. Frank Dickson, are holding a revival la the armory her. Crowd, attend and good work will undoubtedly be done. The meetings will continue until the evening of May I. .'K com TO xULOWS. . : (SpeHal Ptepatck to Tke JeoroaLt V Vancouver. Wash.. April II. C E. Da via. foreman of a W.iu deck, and Ralph -Boyer, aa employe under Davie, came ta blowe yesterday. -The) trouble started In the morning over the moving of some heavy timber. It seems that Ralph Boyer and hla brother William were helping Davie at the work. - Davl accused Ralph Boyer ef soldiering, which waa resented in forcible terma. By ataedera slopped the affair. Boyer went bom aad did not appear at tha mill again. In th' afternoon Da via ' die- charged William Boyer aad then en sued a flatlo encounter. In which both men received numerous scratches and brulsee. . . ' . " Cenvlcte are bulldlne r-wtl r--i Ii Verion' county, aad Kit ' j tl tamv ' r Divided as FoKowa i cr. Currv ' emintv. tme free ,tt-tn' to the Jackson county, one free trip; te the to the most popular to the most popular person ta Benton to the meet popular peeeen lr Yamhill or I most Dotmlar person In Washington mt w ,ww m-r. ,a , free trlpr to th most popular person In trio; to the most booula neraoi In eaat. aad mall it at once te THE JOURNAL, will appear, every day In THE JOUA- jpdt Onpoa la Oood fo ' : '.' ONE3 VOT13 (OT . - i Moat popular peraoa la county. v., ': Thlp coupon must be voted oa or before May 10. Write name and addreaa plainly and mail at oaoe ta Th Joaraal, Portland, Oregon. . Casey's Rheumatism Cere ' Tba World's tAteet and Greatest Remedy for Kheamatlsm, It ta guaranteed to cura, A harm lea vegetable' remedy, which remove th add from the blood which causes th rbeumattsm. if th aecoad bottle doe . aot help you. return mptybottlo to tha druggist aad get your money back. This medicine . cure th worst chronic ease. It ta guaranteed to cure heart trouble peauaed from tha affect of rheumatism. '' Tbl medlciae la mad by th John H. Casey .Xedlela Co, Spokane, Waah. . ' Sold on guarantee by Weodard, Clark A Co., earner of Fourth and -.Washington street a, and Watt aV Mathieu. I7S Russell atreet Portland. i "Tl 'I A Ruff Rider I apt to get a suddea hock so I th buyer of hardware else where than here oaoe be knows th price w submit (or a quality- that unqueatlonahly satisfy Ing to every latelllgaat aar. . . AVERY CO. Park aad VYaJhtartoa, PortbiBd, Orejoai -The School of Quality" MODERN. PRACTICAL, COMPLETE Opaa all the yeer. Catalegaa tree ' A. P. ARMSTROKQ, LL. B,, PRINCIPAL TJcl, For modern dental work.' World-renowned specialists. twest prlcea, consistent with first -claai .. work. "Oo to tba . . NEW YOftK DENTISTS FOTTBTaT AJTS BtOSiSOaT BTS. " Open day and nljrhtr (rem I 10 a. m. until is p. m. ' Oood cheer, feasting sn. - happiness la the reach ef the poorest.'-Costs leas than two ..cent a person. t 1 eeat pad :-- ' V f ) ' V :. '.'. ' , . .' X -7"' ';' if.-,1