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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
iALAIXE OF s L I CTK ILL BE CHAHGBD PIT I.IAY IT GOTLAND'S GREATEST STOHE TP FOREMOST -COI JGRECS STOnE s " ON THE PACIFIC SLOPE ' 7V-CS Starr- A. v 'STOUE" , ; IN SILK AND DRESS GOODS STORES Store Closes Saturday at 6 p. rri. as oh All First Fleer, '. . SCHOOL' OF DOMESTIC SCIEI.'CS Second Floor. - S Business Davs . A Saturday Extra Tea Room $1.09 and 5e values In Sprint 10( Suiting Bilks. in-iregriisirrrna- ana amau xigurea enacts; . ceiora. in greens, A nafya, brawns, ifeds and royal, uoequaled values - at our regular price; special for Saturday only.' New" Shepherd,' Check Voiles. In lue and white, .- brown and white. gray and white, tan and' white. , au this season's imported French - fabrics, and . - i never sold leas than 41.00 per .yard; special for ( Saturday only - x v. tK-'Yard: ... . -' , .... These Shoe ' 3 ',,, bh't Iiast lAftcr s oaiuraav - , ;t The Fair-Way" Flrat Floor, W4t Annex. . WOMEN'S It 00 OXFORD TIES ll.lf C"- .Women's "Champegne" Color Oxford Tlea: Blucner cut, turned soles; large.' eyelets and wide ribbon i . ties: this season's podi and verjrstyHah-'-Regu-.. lar 1100 value; special sale price, pair... .$2.39 WOMEN'S $1.00 IMPORTED TIES - Red Imported Kid Oxford Ties: Louis xvineeis. ' turned eolea Our (4.00 value; special at, the pair rU .,..- . ..S2.39 WOMEN'S ((.00 OXFORDS fi.S -V- - I Dark Tan Vic -Kid Oxford Ties,- with either turned or welt soles Regular $4.00 and (S.00 Values: special at, the pair 92.89 WOMEN'S $1.60 SLIPPERS 4e-- ' ' ; V Patent Colt - One-Strap - Slippers Regular ..... value; special at, the palr...;,.........'.. ..9i WOMEN'S . OXFORD TIES In Russia calf, dark , shades; Blucher cut; styllsn but eomrortaoia heels Regular .$$.00 value; special sale price, s the pair,. .2.S9 -ARE AT-SPECI AL- BARGAIN WOMEN'S . IXW 6HOE8 - f black Vlcl kid, with patent tip; military heels; splendid shoes Regu ". Jar $3.00 value; special sale price, pair. .1,92.39 WOMEN'S $3.60, OXFORD TIES $.$ '' 'Women's Chocolate Color Vlcl Kid Oxrord Ties; .made from the finest stock; one of the biggest . -j bargains In this sale Our regular- $1.60 value; -?--apecial "sale price,- patr.-ivvTiTr;. .r. . -92.39 WOMEN'S OXFORD TIES made 6f Russia calf; medium shade; street soles; large eyelets and wife- rtboon tiee Regular ?$$.00.-value; spectar- -, sale price,. the palr..............C. 92.39 WOMEN'S-WHITE CANVAS OXFORDS. These Shoes are built on stylish and good fitting lasts' and represent good shoe .making; -fine fer summer and outing wear of . all kinds Price. . the pair .....91.BQ WOMEN'S $1.60 SHOES $!$ ' : Women's Tan vlcl Kid Lace Boots, made rrora top-grade, stock; ' Goodyear sewed Our regular $1.60 value; special sale price, the pair. . -92.89 MEN'S SHOES i" jmen-s -$s.6o Shoes j ii.ti Men's Shoes, here In vlcl kid and vetour calf; la'ee atyle; tha famous "Packard make' Regular $$.60 vara; special sale price, the pair.. .92.49 MEN'S $4-00. $4.60 AND $6.00 SHOES FOR $1.4t k The Celebrated .."Plngree" Shoes for men, here In all the different styles and in the beet of lee til ers; some with double sole, others with medium or. heavy soles. These shoes have been selling foe $4.00, $4.60 and $6-00; special sale price, the pair . ....-93.49 MEN'S $4.00 SHOES -FOR $J.8I ; ' x- . Men s Tan ttussia uu, ucm ana niucner uut Shoes; brend-neW goods, up-to-date in every rt spect; made to sell for $4.00; special sale price. me peir .,.. r fd.4lF BOTS TAN' CALF SHOES, made of good, honest Blucher cut; sixes IH to $H Our regular $1.00 value; special at. the pair.... 2.49 filses 11 to 1 special sale price, the pair. 91.89 BOYS'"! t$0 1CAA8BOTES--fe-- -r Boys' Brown Canvas Lace snoea; calf trimmed; all solid:-sixes 1 to '6 H Regular $1.60 value; apecial at, the pair........ t..99d YOUTHS" sixes. In the same Shoes; epeoial -, at, the pair. ...v.,.89 ' " CHILDREN'S SHOES. ' K ' - CHILDREN'S $1.26 SHOES 7o - ' ' Children's Vlcl Kid Shoes; lace, spring heels: lses 7 to 10 ft Our regular $16 value; speelal at. the pair ...i........,.., ....... .794 CHILDREN'S $1,R0 SHOES $o , ea pairs of tnuorcn i vwi tua oouon onaaa, -twitht patent tip, wedge heel; alt down-to-date atylea; sixes 1ft to 6, widths D end B Our 11 1) value; special at, the pair.. ,$M CHILDREN'S $J.f6xSHOES $1.6$, 71 palra of Children's Patent Oltaklrt Lace Shoea,, with matt top) spring heels; In all alses from $ to '11 wide lasts The nngree Shoes snd our $116 value; special sale erlce. the pair... 81. 59 CHILDRESS $2.16 SHOES $1.4 pairs ot Plngree-Msde Shoes, made of plump weight vlfl kid; lace atyle; with spring hels--tOu llU valueapealal sale,, the a4r. ,,1.40 66c Economies 1 i i - - - " To the Qreatest Aprfl Business Ever Enjoyed by This Store. A Grand Aggregation of Exceptional I Specials for Tomorrow's Shoppers Awaits You Assortments aret their best The world's choicest' merchandise Is here" more' moderttely priced than elsewhere and a matchless list of special values will add test to Saturday buying. Home folk are familiar with the carry closing custom of this modern store for the benef it of visitors who may be strangers in the city, we call attention to . the fact that this, store closes its "doors when the day is done-at 6 p.; xxC7 Do Saturday shopping before 6. 'v:sV-;-.v:-,'f' '-':Vv:;-::''-.'':' v. -: " '-' 1 Saturday -Grand Salons-Second Floor Largest Suit and . Wrap Stores West of Ghicago. A Last Chance for :f:;.; Buyers. to' Share JhTheM'rv y Matphle . Fashionable Attire for; Dressy Women Mere Fraction, of Worth! $18.00 SUITS FOR $10.68. - - y - : i Cheviots and Varmttana, : blouse effeets, wKta peplum, .- t-gored plaited flare skirt. Bishop, steevea, braid and button "trimmed, colors black, blues and browns. . v .' ; , $38.50 SUITS FOR" $29.68. - ' ' CherloU, Panamas and fancy tweedleh mixta rea. In blouse effects and with fancy Jackets with vest. Skirts - are' fancy plaited end shirred. Trimmings of fanev braids. novelty buttons and ornamonts. - In blacks, blues, grays -and tana, in mixed effecte and rich navya. V- V'X .'"'i$20.00 . SUITS FOR il4.75. ft .Panama cloths and attractive fancy mixtures, blouse effects. Bishop sleeve, skirts In both flounce and fancy r platted effects, fancy braid and button trimmings; blacks, blues, browns and mannish fancy mixtures. . , ;fi"$2.o6 AND $28.50 SUITS FOR $18.88. ' V J : "X ' ' " ' 'Etajnlnes and Taney tweediah mixturea, Etons, , blouse 'and jacket styles, skirts fancy plaited, plain tailored and1- trimmings et fancy braids, buttons and taffeta. Plain and fancy "aleeve effects. Blacks, browns, bluea and handsome : mixtures. The Great Special" Sale of- ewe ; Ends Saturday Night - '.'. IN TIK ANNEX FIR8T FLOOR WE8T. ;'y gross of Sterling Silver Thimbles; good weight; a splendid article for lSc; this sale at. each....9V groas of Fine Quality Rhinestone Bar Pins. t0. . J 5o and SOc values for. ........ ...6 1U lof One' lot of Hlgh-Ctrade Brilliant Cut White Stone LrOng Bar Pins: . fine quality mountings Regu . lar tl.St values go in this sale at, each. ...f 1.19 One lot of Stick Pin Seta, White and colored pearl tops, studded with white brilliants Regular ISo '. -value; come on a neat pad; thia sale. pad...7d One lot of Stick Pin Seta; f pins on pad Regular .I80 value go In this sale, per pad........ 7e Another lot of Stick Pin Sets; t on' pad; put np in . . nice whlta boxes; a variety of styles A regular Hi article; this sale aw only. ............. .19 One lot of pretty Belt and Cuff Pins;4 good quality" -v rolled-gold -mounting; set with brilliant eut emeralds, rubles, sapphires, amethysts, etc. Regu V lar ISo and ISo values; your choice (or...... 194 We have made up one assortment of Stick Pins, Rat ' Pins, Brooch Pins, IJnk Button's. ' Beauty Pins. ' Belt Pins, etc., that we are going to offer your choice at, each............,.r...,.......M.3 One -lot of Collar Button-Seta; . 4 on -a-card good . quality rolled-plate ISo value for..., 194V And the lee values for. ......... 74 "One assortment of Gold-Fined link Buttons; new . . . r a 1 . ' ,,... m-nwiiuiiB vw tbiuh car. ,...... .over w And the tie values for............;.. ......194 Five Orora Of good quality Oold-Plaied Beauty Pins , Regular two-for-Jo value; this sale, dosen. 104 100 lie Beoch Pins; a great variety ef designe; your . choice la thia sale at, each... ......... ...12M4- One lot ef Handsome too and 05c. Brooch Pins go. 7 tn-TKM gaiei your choioe only. 394 one lot or uenta cuff unka end Bcarr Fin Beta; handsome sterling . sliver designs $1.10 varne; . your choice at..,.,...,.,, ...w...-984 One lot ef Gents Pretty Gold-Filled Link Buttons and Scarf Pin Seta Regular 11.00 value; your choice at ...... .w..... ...69 Ohe lof of rnandaomk Enameled Beauty Pins: 4 pins eV,.on card Regular tao value for..... '.... ,.194 One lot of Pearl-Ton Veil Pine: 10c pine ft et 104 In thia salei lc snd llo pins at. each.'. , . . ..64 One lot of I So Hat Plna. sllahtlv defecllve. go la i.UJM" flllT??".r..f et, each JA. 94 Pretty J AHinUq House Furnishers " SATTTRfXAT AFFORDS 1.A8T OPPORTtTNITT TO ,1 BUT THESE! PRETTY LACE CURTAINS ' . AT SUCH SPECIAL PRICES; TOT7T.L- - SUREI.T ' FEE1 INTERE8TEI-1HX - SAVINGS A1JXWKD BT THE BIO SPECIAL SALS OF REAL RENAISSANCE ; ; :-Lace Curtains These Curtains Are All Hand-Made. With Lace Edge and Insertion Thirty-Two Different Styles m . v . From Which to 'Make Tour Selection. ' Our I t-td value; apecial sale price... ,.', . Our t 0.10 value; special sale prtoe. ........ . Our 111.00 value; apecial sale price. ...... . . Our 114.00 value: special sale price. . ..... Our IK.00 value; special sale price........ .f 11.25 Our 110.10 value: apecial eala prloa... ... .S12.KO Our 117.80 value; apecial sale prToe.. ...... .S13.25' our 120.00 value; special aale price..... ...-.IIIB.OO Our (11.00 value; special aale price...... ,. .1 tie.OO Our . JO value; apecial sale price....... 11T.OO Our 114.00 value;, speoial aale price... 1 119.00 Our in.IO value; apecial sale price.........) 121.00 Our 111.00 value; apecial sale price.'. ....... ( 124.00 Our 140.00 value; special sale price.. (30.00 1 Undermuslin Needs Now " SECOND FLOOR ANNEX SALONS., ' - ' . Dainty Undermnsllna at prices for Wednesday that (make home sewing an expensive luxury as well as a foolish waate of thne and patience. A few sample apecial values r . -xameBF-torxovr8T'rlir-wtinA Vrahaped neck, trimmed In many atylea,. with ( fine Swiss and Hamburg embroidery. Torchon. Valenciennes and Cluny laoes, beading snd draw ribbon;, regular price I1.XI end 11.10; special at ; ...$1.49 Lad lea Extra Fine Cambria Gowns, Empire style, ( clustera of fine tucks In front, emhroklery in. eertlon. turned-down collar .with, hemstitched . edge, cuffs flntehed aame ea collar or ef fine , Nainsook.- round slipover neck. I rows of Vsl. lace Insertion between hemetitchlng at neck and ' Sleeves, finished With Val. mAmmi.r .ita S6.2S 7.00 8.25 IO.KO Supply WOMEN'S HANDSOME $12.50 SHIRT T -WAIST SUITS - FOR ' $7.88, T . Materials of the popular, durable dust-proof mohairs, in . i black, browns and Inavya. sklru and waiau in both , single snd double box plaited styles to mmtch; waists have Bishop sleeves and fancy stock collars. " Best - ' regular tllie values ever sold la the city apecial for Z Thureday, Friday and Saturday j, z -; .- mi no only, at.. .......v.;.......$7.98 WOMEN'S SMART $10.00 JACKETS $7.65. : . In both handsome Coverts end ! black broadcloths, very . Uteat style effects, corset-fitting, single-breasted ana V fun snttn-lined. Soma . collarteas and others with : notched collars, leg-o'-mutton aleavea, ; strapped -trimming effecta. Best $10.00 values special for et C C three daya of this week, only, at . i . . . .4,.- i ,QQ : WOMEN'S NEW $8.50 WALKING SKIRTS 'v 'J'," .' v. FOR $5.98. f- r. . BeantlfuTly tailored. In full round pedestrianne lengths, ef - alpeca and Panama cloth, fancy plaited styles, some - 1 gored, others la t-gore styles, high plaited and r graduated plait effecta. Blacks, navya and browna. A - "fegnler ft-tO value special until closing . e ftO . ,'. time of Saturday only, for..,....,..,.,,..,..,, 9070 BARGAIN PICK-UPS FOR SA THROAT IN THE Women's. ' '' t -r'vFIrst .Floor, '.,:s :'' 'i'l'.. '.. ; " lee AND 40c RIBBONS 28e TARD. 5 I ; Hundreds ef yards of Ribbons In "both taffeta and - satin taffeta, la all colors, black and white, also - some In stripes and fancy Persian effecta, our regular I So and 40c valuea; special sale price. . the yard ........ 25 BEAUTIFUL ORIENTAL LACES VALUES. FROM ISo TO iOe THE YARD 8PECIAL AT Ife, An Immense choosing 7 of these Handsome ' Laces, V pretty net : top. orienul atylea, the best valuea erer in tha "Lace Store", at the regular prices of Itc, 40o and (0o the yard; apecial tomorsow et .................... ...,...r..........i94 ? RIBBONS WpRTH 10a FOR I5e TARD. In the lot are (-Inch Fine Satin Taffetas, an all-silk ribbon, . worth 40c- the-yard; - handsome Tehaaed Ribbons, shades running from light to' dark ? reguUr value 40e; pretty black and -while effeets in Invisible stripe patterns. oe valuea; IH and 4-inch widths, in beautiful' Dresdens that are worth their full 4(0 value, and regular (oc. valuea , la 4 H -inch widths of rich, elegant Persain Rlb bon. On apecial aale for. the yBrd...,,ti;'v..a54l 1(0 BELTS-FOB-lfe: ,- ' . -. Ladles' Wash Belts, some plain White, some era-, 'breldered, our He value; special at, each... 254 AN EXTRAORDINARY HANDKERCHIEF' SALE ONE-HALF DOZEN. LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS ,.. FOR 4c Rlchardson'e Pure Sheer Linen Hand v kerchiefs, , quarter-inch heme; one-half dosen fh box.' the best value tot tha money ever offered; V, epeclel while they last at, the box. ...I...;... 484 NO. MORE OF THESE AFTER SATURDAY. r A Big Special in - , JACQUARD TIQUES AT the. Wash Goods Aisle First, Floor. . Fine Jeequsrd Piques, soft, medium weight. In hnd "om raised effects? tpectst price, t'he yTd7.22 Furnishing p. ash Fabrics ; - 'Under the ' Auspices . of T8ftland's ;i Y. VV. C. A. ; ri'.J:. MENU .FOR SATURDAY, APRIL. .23. ::y.'-' "','.-rv'; . 4 ' 'V'.,;..'. ': ' '.Tea' Coffee Chocolate --ir-Milk' in Bottles T T r -' ; Black Beao Soup' '. iH Fish - Croquets with Holondaise Sauce ; Spagetti Spanish .; Cveamed . Eggs , . ' . Hot Rusk Ham Sandwiches , : v'1 ' K Bread and putter . ; , ' isapoleans .; 4:; THERE'S MORE UNDERWEAR AND 7 HOSIERT . SOLD ON. SATURDAY THAN ANT OTHER .. '-"s: "DAT OF THE WEEK, j'-t , ' It's Replenishing Day. As this "Is the season for change. w naturally expect, at these prices, to sell . . r rnKre than usual tomorrows In the . "e - I-?.: "- :', ..' ' FIRST FLOOR, v '-.y-i.. . 'i Women's Very Fine Plain Black LiMe Hose. Imported, very dressy. fuU fashioned, spliced heel, double ) sole; TJc -value, pair... . .... . . . . . . .484! A big lot of Women's Black Lace Lisle Hose, all , lace and lace front.. with drop stitch' back, all " finely finished and constructed. (Oo, valuea; - : special, pair . . . , ... ,. i ..SS1 A snap for the children." Children's Fine Ribbed. Full Flntehed' Black Cotton Hose, dmibl ; knee, ' heel end toe, with white double sole, medium ' weight These are Hlgb-Orade. Imported Ho!, but prioee are same aa for the cheaper grades. The regular prices are' ae follows ' - Sines ( (i ( . H 7 ft, ( (H H , soe toe I JO ISO ITo 40o 48c 45c (00 SOo Special at.. .10 las xte le goe toe ISo Boo 300 ao Infant's. Black Lace-Striped Hose, neamleaap IB value for. pelr. ........... ............... lo Children's White Knit Waists. the M brand., all -well and, strongly made, ages 1 to 11; I5c valuea for, each ......v...,,,..,...... tS4 Women's Whlta Swiss-Ribbed. Low Keck Sleevelesa Vests, V-shaped neck; too value for, euch . . 12 4 Women's Merode Summer-Weight Merino"' Union SiiiU. long sleeves, ankle and knee length. bIU- t rimmed; (1.(0 values for, the sult.i. . . . ..fl.OS 'Women's 'White Rlcbelien-Rlbbed Cotton Vesfs, long sleeees, Sao valuey specUl. each. ............ 18e the WHAT'S DOmO SPECIAL 'TOMORROW IN". THE ' . MAN'S SHOPf READ: v . -''v" i West Annex First Floor. . . . Late . neveltiea ; In Men's Wear. The world's best makes, snappy, up-to-date atylea. at a auarter Ics than men are wont' to pay the excluslvi hlglf-prlce men'a stores. , ' . , ..... it...: . . A ' " '. . - 1 j.. , (1.(0 SUMMER VESTS j,FOR ' (c. 1 ' A good tins ef Men's Summer Vests. In plain white . duck, and madras in whlta with black dots, black ; and white check and tan and gray effects, our regular (1.(0 value; special at, each. ., . . . , ,.OS4 ; MEN'S. 0c SOX, FOR Two" PAItS FOR Itc . Men'a Sex In the new oyster gray shade, seamless, ,' and a good weight for spring and aummer wear. . our best lOovsluei special at. iw palra for .,35- . MEN'S (1.00 SHIRTS-(le Men's Summer Oolf Shirts, In white, with black ) figures, black pin stripes and black dots. A very" stylish and dreasy ahlrt, our regular (1.00 value; ' special at, each.. T. . J. ............... .'.59 '"i -'r." 'MEN'S ; UNDERWEAR."'', v' ''.' "The Men's TJnderwear Section Ja fairly oVerOow Ing with new spring and aummer goods.. , - . . . , BALBRIGOAN. In either plain or ribbed, priced at. garment.. 35 SO 75e 91 91.25 ema l.SO SUPERWEIQHTS at garment. . .Sl.OO and f 1.23 LIGHT-WEIGHT. CASHMERES, priced at. (he gar- meat, for. v.....fl.25 and 91.30 WHITE LISLES. priced at. the garment. for ..Sl.OO and $1,25 WHITE COTTON JaTESH, at. the garment. ' . j i..BOt nad fl.OO FOR HOT WEATHER COOKING SPECIAL , ' SALE OF ' . Gil, Gasoline and Don't fret and' stew and bake ; and parboil these warm summery daya over a hot wood or coal .range when comfort cornea ad cheap. .. ' OARbRN TOOLS.WINDOW 8CREENS AND RE- FRIOERATORS ALSO AT LOW PRICES. . -; ::: '- ' T h I r d ;..FI ft.X--u -CbJUB",FLAMB COAL OIL STOVESJ 7 "v; "One Burner; special at,' each. . ..,.;.. . -SI2.58 Two Burners; spectel at, fach v. ........ .$4,15 f " ' ' . :V.: LAMP' 'STOVES, . : ' . One Burner;. special at, each...... .Two Bumeratsaecial at, each. ... . ....... i. . ..F ....... ... 1 a4j rSOLINB-S'ruVES.T- Two Burners f special at each. I Two-Burner Gas Plate, prices up from . . ,...f 2.TS .-$l.CJ Saturday Day Gas Stoves ViT'-." '' I , ovens.. . : . . Planished steel lined, I shelves; price. v ...... fl. 73 HARDWOOD ADJUSTABLE- WINDOW SCREENS. Slse ltxttH laches; special at, each. .e-'f-Blse 14x!7to Incbea; apecial at, eacht... .l t $ Slse IOxITH Inches; special at, rlill,JlttL4 a Sine- (0x4 tnchear special at,' aoa .A-m-t REFRIGERATORS. Of all kinds, priced at each, up frow...,...;.f T.C3' . ICE BOXES. f Priced at. each, up from f - - king Quality Steel Range, wltb high closet. 1 eree, value (tl.(0: apecial King duality Steel Rsnge. with h!' r' oven; tiO.OA; fp.olnl. Princess Kteel Range, with III special ...uii. ..,' , rrlnra f.j pnge,'. wUh.h' ra.aa (.i.OO; Swcii .... ; '.;, 4 ;. : ' 1., r:r" -7 y ." ' ).,