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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (April 28, 1905)
EAPJJED PROMOTION 'CMUl FOR RAILROAD MAN m clams HEEDED IH OA80C3 -: V ,"T ' ',", Shipping ' Men Sty Wharfage ; Charges Are. Almost Pro-. hibitive in .This City. V rUh-iiiLUjaiiir " ' ..... . .' eSBsaassBsasBassjasssBasuBssBMS renzied Financier : Proclaims That Wail Street Is Rot- tn to the Core. - ; ?- This Is Established by Evidence Mrs. 4. Morgan' CnM Identifies jitters Rocking Onto Choice ' Timber Lands Soon to - v :T Be Open. ; - h Suit of -Bridges Against" Wakefield. Letter Writtsji by Her to .Young..,' V'v----; THOUSANDS GIVEN TO DEFENClv ODJZCTS AND : MARKET CONTINUES IN ML LANDS COVERED BY SCRIPPINC-OPERATJONS INDEPENDENT VESSELS -' XLlJNOXwENCOURACED-JHERE .-.PREVENT, COMPETITION EVIDZNCS THROWN OUT IT3 DOWNWARD COURCS- t.. Books of Firm Show Cash Paid Witness Declines to Answer or Louisville A Nashville and Ten- "Jward Marshall Threatens Hos Commercial Bodies Urged to to Port Commissioner and ; Say She Was In New York - on June Eighth. , nessee Coal; & Iron At- A v . tacked by Dears. ; tilities Against Frederick Take Matter Up tor Bene-. ? , . fit of the Porj. 'M Contractors. FiDUCiECCSSiABE? (Sueeuil Plapatr te Tee JwmII Stevenson, .Wash April 1 1,04 ward Marshall, who m recently. driven oft a timber claim by Birdie McCarthy at the point of a fine, thl morning Hook a party ot II Into th Big bal and located it poa- ehoic timber rlalmei Many of the claimant are wealthy peofc pie and too timber la the finest In the slate. '''.' .v.,- - Lively tlmea are expected' In the Big haln during the next few month a. The ... I. I m Kjir lanHfl la BchWluied to take plape June 8, and between now nf that time exciting events will prob ably occur. Stranger are arriving every ciay sad squatting upon the lands, all of whli'h have been sorlpped by Fred-erlok-A. Krib "".". -i ' Marshall claim to be playing a lone hand In fighting- Krlba 'and ay that he will resort to hoatttltiea before ha and those ho locates will give up their claims to speculator or those abusing 1 hj land lava. ' ' c ' Many persona In this vicinity think Hint Marshall la playing a ahrewd game and Ins really. In the employ of Krlba, ho feMrlxur that the jcripplng opera tions will not prove valid, ha reaorted to placing. squatters upon the claims. There are all told claims, maiiy of which' have heen located several tlmea over.:.'. ..'', i . .-,.'. v. - CITIZENS' MENACED BY EXPLODING GAS fire Breaks Out Near .Works of the Pintsch Compressing . Company. Y . For about 3 minute at an early hoar thia morning cltlsens living In the vl cinlty of the gaa works operated by the IMntsch Compressing, company, at Ninth and Lovejoy streets, were In gray dan ser from an explosion. ' - ' The fire originated from a spark from a locomotive, and broke out In a build ing very close to one of the gas tank. An employe telephoned, fire headquar ters and the department Immediately re sponded, but went to Seventh and Cor 1m; tt streets, from where the message was received. '-v, A Tho error .was quickly discovered and in a few minutes No. 1 'hoe and ehesv teal companies and engine No. I and truck No. S were at Ninth and Lovejoy streets.. The Hamas' were extinguished with a chemical rogl Ae., TW Joss was, slight, but if a few minutes more nau elapsed before the department reached tntr rene the consequences, would have been dlnsstrous. - ' - A uorecrive nuo caused-a ore .ui morning dn tb reXrlgerator , room, of Friedman butcher shop, at 2 Firtt etreet: No. S hose and chemical compa- uie extinguished the flame before they- gained much headway, in damage to beef In ui rerrlgerator oy amoae, wa ter and chemicals will aggregate $404, while the building Itself was damaged to theamount of about 171. : - - HAS MANY ODORS' KOSE THAN COIOGNE Abattoir May Spread Them :: ' Over Macadam Road. f ' 1 For on week more, at least, resident living in the vicinity .of the alaughtar house Operated by the Tacific States Packing company must endure the odors of tho abattoir. r-rr-- , - . - For that length of time 41.144 differ ent odor will re ma La unleashed to struggle with one another, to monopolise, the attention of the residents' olfactory nerve. - - " . . ' -- " On week has been riven the defend nt to- the action lostltuted by City Health Officer Bleradorf In which to consider the question of moving. their plant to some point outside the city limit. Deputy city-Attorney ringer- aid ba consented to the postponement. with the understanding . that drastic measures are te be taken If the Com pany concludes, te continue " the legal battle.'.-.. i : 1 Th. ehama Mlmt the Afrlclals or the company are maintaining a slaughter house within the city limits in violation of the ordinance end conducting a nui sance Inimical to the health of th com munity- - - '' ?.; If the; defendant conclude not to move, they will be obliged , to make' a defense next Thursday. Should they be found gulltr. proceedings will - imme diately be instituted to close the plant. WHIPS HER UTTLE SON Trt nrtTU tlllTU g PTB t B . . iu uut in ivi I n m v I nar ' ' aearaal tBeelal ScrMe. ' ' '"' Manchester. V..' April J t. - M ra. Shepard K. Smith is locked In a call In the Manchester Jail charged with having beaten to death her son Ralph, years old. Her . husbaneV-Whol I believed- to ' be In New York, la wanted as an acces sory.. . ! ., ' .i v- .;: ironvisew icrx. sirs, senna J. croe tlc. a neighbor, went to th Smith, house Isst night and saw little Ralph lying dead on the floor. Sb naked the mother about the bruises on : the boy's body, Mrs. Crostlo says Mrs. Smith replied xhe whipped the child because she waa compelled ' to do so and tine . a raaor sossMt-serrsT-TTrr ' TrtZT1 ""11' " The arreiit-of Mrs. Smith quIcklyTof lowed. Before a coroner's Jury todsy she testified that she was accustomed to tieettng th boy cruelly and that the lad's father hsd been seen to strike him -Ljth en helve.- "7T m smrcoxrBAOiira. P. Keldman. Frank, Vnii i Hoster and I,mii ATlenberg tx1v Incorporated th 1.iint Jfoixl Roep : nrrhlcal company, .nital slix-k I i and Arthur V 'rtia. JHle R.' Hh snd Alfred R. K ilrt: tt S'w attrt'-et-Varnleh i . nin), .lul sUick :,9Uf Those directly Interested Ja the ship ping business at this port say that pub- lio docks are needed at Portland, and that until they are secured the -city will never become the great commercial cen ter that It should be. All the dock are owned by private .transportation com pa- nles. sjid. U .Jalaald that their repre sentative devote their energies' te the work ef keeping opposition line from! establishing themselves, here. ' If number of. dock were owned and operated by ths eity th declaration 1 mad that more coasters would com to Portland. It la explained that the own er of Independent lines have great dif ficulty In securing landing privilege In the harbor. Some are obliged to go to the wharves in the outskirts ot the city, where exorbitant rate - are charged. The tariff la zi cents a ton for alt freight cared for on the dock,. where It Is stored before it is cartea to tb City. -r -STTT- At San Francisco, offlclala or me ont- slde transportation com parties aay. the dock are wned and operated by tb atate' and freight can be seared on any of them at s xenta s. ton. irj)-o barge Is supposed to be sufficient tqln'vat all the expenses of maintaining them, such aa employing wharfingers" and Inaurano. While there Is no Immediate likelihood that this plan wUl be adopted at Port land. It is asserted that -a - great Im provement -In the local sltuaUon- could be brought about If the city would build and operate number of modern HScks. . , , (.;, - . - The patronage would be sufficiently great to pay all expanse of keeping them in proper ahap. It I said, and at tha aam time it would do more to ad vance the Interest of the port than any ether, step that could be taken. If the matter should be agitated and taken up by the commercial bodies of the city It la believed that good result would fol low. More staamahip eompania would at one be placed la operation from thia port v - .-' DOCK IMPROVEMENTS. MaMauM Oosapeajr W1U Xf Boftato :-' Track at Albino, Wharf. - ' Next Monday ' the work of laying a bin dock," from tho main railroad of the. O. R. A N. to the river' edge, will be ' started. . With th completion .of these tracks It will bo poaalbl for freight to be discharged from s steamer and placed directly on a car. A much of th freight brought qn. the oriental liner la for eastern nlpment it will save the expenso of handling It twice at th dock, as ha had to be don her. tofore. AU freight coming: here by rail for shipment to th far east will be re moved from the ' car - direct to tho steamers. .ThlL-plaa ha been under consideration by th company for aev erst -montb paat.-but - definite decis ion to bring about th Improvement ha last bees reached. .-Many other improvement at . the docks are Under, consideration by the Harrlmaa interests. It Is probable that th drlveweVlat th rear of' th Aina worth dock-will soon ba covered, which will afford , third more spaoo for the storing of freight at that place. . ALONG THE WATER FRONT. Before starting to receive a cargo of lumber for Manila -tho aohooner J. W. will e placed oir the drydock st jtinuftr'hvg ner-ymi dsaeeor tta nelnted. , Rnuln ta the (Uarn H Kendall, tue government- towboat, will not be made until the river raise. Bid war opened om time ago for doing tb work, but the contract has not yet been awarded. It 1 (aid that a contract will be let for practically rebuilding . the light house tendt Mansanlta, and that at least will ho spent en her. Sb ha been steadily lit service for years. Looking spick and span a the day she went out on her maiden trip, tb steamer Bailey Qatsert was floated from th dry- dock -yesterday afternoon and brought to Portland. When, her boiler -ha been installed she will be placed in commls tlon between Portland and point oa th unner Columbia. . j -- In tow of tn Harvest mueen in American barkentln - Kahala 1 en rout up th river, flh 1 .under char ter to Balfour, Guthrie V Co. to carry a cargo of lumbar to th orient. The predact will be supplied by the Eastern Western mill. ; With a ailpment el general freight and a full Hat of passengers, the eteamer Aberdeen Bailed from San Fran cisco Isst night for Portland, on th return trip th eteamer will take out a cargo of lumber, from tn jnmaa-Poui-sen-mlll. '- - ' .--..- H. W. Skinner, purser; H. C. Schubert. chief engineer, and Pilot Peterson, of th steamer Alliance, are spending tn dav at Th Dalles. ... Maior W. C Lauigfltt er th corps oi united Btatea engineer lerftast even ing for th mouth of tho Columbia river to ascertain how. the work I progress- ins- on th government Jetty. Caotain Fail, formerly commander oz th British snip Ajonsaais, amvea inis morning from Ls .'Angeles, where he had been ill for several months, On April tb Oermsn shin . KUbek. bound from Hamburg for peruana, was snoken ta 10 degree north latitude and It -dea-ree wet ingttuoei en is out 41 days, and it wHi- probably- require three months more xor oer to reactv tn Columbia river. .-.,.-''.., "'y.'-c , MARINE NOTES. 'Astoria: April fS. Left up at I t m, barkentla Kohala. , - - ' flan Francisco, April it. Arrived, schooner Virginia, from Portland. . . Balled lst nlfhlr. pteamerberdeen. for Portland. , . , . Arrived at :S0 a. m., Vnlted Bute transport Sheridan, from Portland. Sooken. April f. north, II west German ahlp Ellbek, from Hamburg, for Portland. Antwerp, April M Arrived. French ship Crillon, from Pprtland. " ' tAstorla, April 11. Arrived at I and left up at p. m., tteamer Asuncion, from San Francisco. , . ' .' Pt ' Helena, April It Barkentlne Kohafa osssed at 11. S a. m. . AatoTla." April XI. Condition of the br?-t.l- a. iu, rough; : , wind 1 east) weather cloudy. . ;'., B. S. Benaon, Appointed Auditor of the Pangma Railroad. It la reported from Houston, Texas, that K. 8. Benson, formerly auditor ot th Oregon BaHroad ds Navigation com pany line, has accepted th appoint ment of auditor of the Panama railroad, and tendered hi resignation to, C D. Seger. general' auditor of tha .Harrlman line, at San Frmaclcso. ' It is said th appointment came through TL-P. Shonta, whom th government ha aelected to have charge of tha Panama road. .- - Mr. Benaon cam to th Paclflo noth- weet ta th 'to from th Iowa Control, THREE DRINKS AND OPT ALL illS MONEY War Veteran Thinks He Was Robbed In a Sixth Street -;"t- TRIES TO TELL TROUBLE i t TO POLICE CHIEF. HUNT Head of pepartment . Has No vTime to Xlsten and Toiii ver Is Disgusted. Practically Ignored by th police, who vtneed no dealr to assist him in the recovery of hi money, which h says waa tolen front him at-Walker V Al len's saloon, on Sixth street, near 'the LnlPCJeiot-PaoTr-A4trj of th oivll war, left the police station thl morning in disgust. . Tolllver received his pension from the government a few day ago, and with what, he had saved from his oarntng aa hotel runner, b had 140 in gold and currency and a few dollar In alive- He aay a that h went into th saloon named, which is conducted by colored men, and took two or three drinks, and exhibited th money ho had tn his pock-i eta. , After taking th third Orina, n says, he remembers nothing of what occurred. When he awoke yesterday morning h was In his room at th fcUdora, house, across the street, and, his money waa missing.' A Th war veteran went to nolle head quarters yesterday afternoon and related the tory of hi loas to Chier Hunt. - H was told to return to tho station this morning at :1 o'clock.- He, did as Instructed, and. for mora than an hour had th pleasure -of alttlng on a bench cooling hi heels. During that Urn several detective) entered and left tb station, but nothing waa said to them about Tolllver loss by the chief. At 10:30 o'clock the chief stent out for his daily, rid. , , .. lr A l aoirt so any us -oi nsngusg around here,", eaid .Tolllver, alter t aged bead of . th department baa- gone. Th chief said xome . back tht morn ing,' and I did bo; hs ha let m alt hare an hour, with detective paaaing la and out, and then finally saw fit to tall th Janitor to see that I am loosea alter, No wonder a man stand little chance Ot getting justlc when a police- force la run In such fashion a this... l am going back to attend to my business; I so nothing to bo gained by sitting here,"' '' v . -i.. . FINE NEW TRAIN ON . r : NORTHERN PACIFIC Tho-Korthei4i Pmfle-lwlll-pTrt-m .new train Into service between Portland and' Taooma and Seattle Sunday, May ZI. It will be fl rat-class, with th flnast equipment ever operated regularly on thl run, and It 1 expected will be a permaneat feature. ' Th regular train now running be tween SU Paul and Portland will .con tinue as at present, but will be sup plemented with many extra section during - th - Lwt- and""Clsrk fair sea son, .' and - corresponding sections wilt be operated between the sound and Portland to take car of Paclflo north west business. ' Th ' details Of ,th Northern Pacific' sorvlco for tb sum mer have -hoen worked out, and th ex tra equipment necessary la being re ceived: . Ths company ha mad elabo rate .preparations to meet tha aev ere test,f tte opera department in oar rylifg the Immenao volume of travel that will be tho result of the Lewla and Clark exposition. r . . .i . m i n . ii . . rilphthariar-soee threat, mup.- Instant roHef, permanent cure. Dr. Thomas' EcJecUio Oil. Ai any drug store, i bf which h was general auditor. He remained with th Qregon Railroad aV Navigation company- . and th Oregon Short line everal year, and waa very popular in th business nad social life of thia city. He wss succeeaea-ner oy H. J. Htlrlin abont eirht month in. Mr. Benson entered the railway service in 1171 a a clerk tn th local of fie of the Chicago, Burlington eV Qulncy rail road at Streetor, Illinois. He has risen from various positions with th Chicago ds Paducab railway, th Wabash, th Iowa Central and th Harrlman Una. ELECTRIC LINE AND BOAT MAY CONNECT Meeting Will Discuss . Road Be tween -Lewiston and Grange ville 4 and - Snake River. ; PEOPLE ARE7TIRED OF , - -DELAYS OF RAILWAYS Portland Lfkely to Give Aid to Project of Eastern Ore--. , gon People. ' A meeting will be held tomorrow at which It. la - expected dennlt form wiu bo given th movement to build aa lo- tria railroad betweea usutm ana Qrangavtll. and to oatabllsh a steam boat. Jin, oa tha Boak and the upper Columbla'vers.'Th plan" 1 to oper at the entire system in connection wU th portage road. ' E. H. Ubby, chairman of tho trust eee of an astern Oregon syndicate organ ised to build th electrlo road, will ar rive tomorrow morning, accompanied by member a of a Iuewiatoa committee, and they will have a - conference with the transportation committee of th Port land chamber of commerce and mem ber of th Ope River asaoclatlasr Th meeting will b held, at II o'clock, at the chamber of commerce. It has been called by President W. D, Wheelwright, at th request of eastern Oregon men- It is said th Portland man believe a feasible - business proposition, may be worked 'out that will attract th invest ment of oaoltai In the proposed elecrrie road. - It ia -up to the eastern Oregon men to present facts and figure upon whloh thl proposition may- so oasea. "It la not Intended that there shall bo any donation movement started, but If the situation la as has been stated by eastern Oregon men. and a. pros pectus got, VP that offer a business undertaking. It is quite -likely Portland money and othef2capltl may T se cured." said MC. wnseiwngnu ri see no reason to question ' the success . of such a project.- Portland mee ar going In 'liberally on other business enter- nrlses to develop .the state.- Th eastern Oregon movement 1 the result of reoent surveying and failure to build by the Northern Paclflo and the Oregon Railroad Navigation com pany over routes these companies hav held for Tear in tn tiearwaier pain and th Lewiatoa country.- The people of - th great . prairie country between Lwlaton and Orangvlll are deter mined to hav . railroad facilities, and ar working to secure some of th bene fits that may. ho had by th operating of th porta; road at Celllo and th navigating of th upper Columbia and Snake livers. All of th business oriel natlng tn that eoantry would be brought lo Portland ' by euch a" ' construction of raU and rival transportation line. .- HI .' 1 " 11 1 oapt. XAjtdrirzo-c. xoraa imras. CaptaJn'Hardwick. master of th teamer Alliance, own a mining claim In Coo county, which give every prors Is ot becoming,. groat dividend-pro ducer when developed. On thl trip he brought from tb claim samples of rook whisk- assay I LI J a. ton. sllret being. tb predominating metal.. The ore show gold and copper value Th. claim altuated about 10 mile south of Marsh field, and th skipper shya that well defined lead ba been uncovered.. The pay streak measure II inches. A fore of men will be put to work on th prop; erty at once. - Lack of transportation facilities la the only drawback, but If tho claim continue to Improve under development arrangements win be snsd for treating the or on th ground. Tb captain doe not Intend te quit th sea until th Brst dividend I In sight... j.. i Orand ppcnlng,oha'i park Suaaay, rre That ISO was paid .to George B. Thomas, member -of the Port of Port land commission, by someone connected with th firm or wakeneia images, builder of the Portland dry dock, was brought out by testimony this morning In -tb -equity.. suit . of J. B.-image against Rbert Wakefield for an ac counting of th partnerahlp affaire. That 11.00 waa paid to each of three contracting firm Bmyth Howaro, K. Bonnett and Joaepn . faquet oy some person- who had aooesa to money of th firm ot Wakefield A Bridge was also established. . - . TDM amounts proviue . Micro m a consnlracy to nrevenrr awnuai competition for th contract to build j ui rrxiaua a juw. MW.MVH over which the plaintiff and defendant differ is. Did Bridge know of tho con spiracy? . ' . " " " 1 -' The item whicn cause tn aispui are thus entered in th court record: Dec 1, IlOI-ra. . Charges J. B. B........i.O0 . May II. 10 .Charges J. B. , May II. !- ..Cr , rge J. B. s. Ml . . , - ' ' " 801 ' (00 I3.I09 Jun II. 1I0 Char res J. B. B.... . Julyll. 1101 - - u ' Charges J. B, B. ....... j. March i..lS - Charge J. B. B. 251 April ii, ioi--lt": ' ;: -7 : , Charge- iv w. ........ 00 IS.B0I ' What the Xtema Me. Thaa Items ret unon" the court roe- ord by tho filing as vldnc of a stip ulation signed by .Wakefield and hi at torneys, and Bridges and his attorneys, dated October I. 190. whereby the ex penso of paying out these sums 1500 to Thomas and $1,600 tn 11,001 allot ments to Paquet, Smyth Howard, and Bennett wa to be born . equally by RrUm and .Wakefield. .- ' "'" - Bridges, i in th equity . uii, . alleges th stipulation was signed witn tne ver bal proviso that a settlement of th en tire nartnershiff dlaput should b ef fected, and that, -when It wa not ti tled. Bridge repuaiaiea in supuisiivu. Th defendant, Wakefield, alleges that tha stimulation waa signed with th full knowledrVr of both partner that th monev bad been paid in th manner in dicated, and that responsibility for It eannot bo loaded on either aion. - - As to the 1900 paid to Thomas, th item in th statement quoted under dat of March I and AprU II. 1150 each time, ar said to .have been those which record th payment ot tne money to the Port Of Portland ' eommiaaloner. Bridge say ha wa summoned irom Vancouver, where ' the drydock wa built, and that A. u u. nerry,. poos.- keeper, paid Thomas tho money in hi nraaance. although he protested against that ' Bridge negotiated with Thomas that Bridges negotiated flth Thomas for the money, and that he was the only partner present when it waa peju. Brldrea admitted that he was th only partner present, and that Wakefield was not 1 I fl ast st in upi. . , ' Say Tksaia Borrowed, - Wakefield'' claim 1 that th I&00 wa lent to Thomas. .Bridge' conten tion ia that th money waa paid to Thomaa a eompenaattoa for favoring th firm' -affair when they cam before tb Port of Portland commission, and that It waa paid against his protest. Bridge today testified that h never had any money from the drydock ctm tract excepting I0 month, which he swore he seeded to pay dally expenses at Vancouver .and ''treating the Inspec tors when they cam to Vancouver to inspect the work," ss h Stated oa th stand thl morning.' . Th Item in th stipulation that make th 11,000 total were claimed as pay ment td th three contracting firm according to the agreemnt entered Into through Bridge to prevent ru compe tition, which if proved, asserts the de fense, nullify Brldacialinaoran quity accounting. -A mas of detail that war dragged lute court had scattered the spectators who had com to witness some "fire works." and when the testimony relating to th alleged conspiracy and th pay ment of th money to Thomaa was given there wa only -a corporal's guard ia th room. Its Introduction, however, en livened the scene, sod there were marks LI 1, '.I... 1.-- , Wam. . i. ox me . i ii vm gendered and that ha caused th as tounding revelations Incident, .to thl civil case, so closely trenohing on the criminal causes that hsve been, begun on the state s part by the district at torney.- Th esse will be en trial for omr time. ' ' Sidney Smyth of the firm of Smyth eV Howard, gav' Important, testimony this afternoon by renting the detail of a meeting at Ore Quelle, to which J. B. Bridges invited rnyth to meet Joseph Paquet, J. E. Bennett and Robert Wake field, and where tho v agreement wai made to bid higher than Wakefield bid. ll.OOOvjo goto each of 'th contractor Smyth swore that thl meeting wa held prior to the first advertising for bid by the Port of Portland commis sion, and, when th plana war changed, another anch meeting wa held, at tha earns plac foe. th aam purpose. th testimony of Smyth wss' exact as to dates, the oersonnel of th alleged con spirators and the object and result of tb meeting ,.';;. FOUND INJURED ANDr- DELIRIOUS BY ROADSIDE i "' ' . (Special Dlapatch te The1 Jearasl.) Wardnr, Idaho, ' April 21. An un known man aged about 21 year was found nearly dead, delirious and half HeJCSU, Wltu uotn vruiBn, vj iii, roadside here yesterday. Prom hi in coherent talk hs is , thought to have been ejected from a- train, - falling and breaking his limbs. H crawled into tho wagon road and lay all night' and waa thought to bo dead when found. Ha savs that his father Is J. A. Butts of Walla .Walla. Washington. azLO to omAjro jtjbt. Dan Rnconfeld was held td the grand Jury, With a bond rxea ax z.ovo, mis mnrnlna- to answer ths charge of obtain ing money by false pretense, He wss Bositlvelr identified s the man who passed. two-worthies" chacuk-.jn,eJpt . . ' , . . . - Han - . I - 1 too ana anotner mr a ,, a. aw Xlogg, '. t t ' 1 (loursal Bpaetal"Bervlce.) " New York, AprU XI Mr a. J. Morgan Bmlth, -slater- of - tb defendant."-took the stand in th Nan Patterson trial this morning. She Identified th latter she had written to Caesar Young warning him that Nan was-"frantic- She said that' Nan waa disappointed because Young did not Intend to marry her. The proaeoutlon offered th letter aa -ovi-denoe, but upon th objection of the defense, th letter was thrown- out. On cross-exsminstlon, th witness de nied that either aho, or-her husband, visited Stern's pawnshop, or that, either of them purchased tha revolver. ' Prosecutor Band then asked tho wit ness If she had In her possession this Information on Jun I. when subpoe naed to appear before th grand Jury. and, offering to ask, the court to dismiss ,L-t.JI.. A M I .... , VaM 1 .K. tNlIlM UID IHU1UWIW, - - answer.' Th witness dodlned to an swer or aay h was in Nsw Tork on Jun' t. on th ground that It would In criminate her ' . The etat rested its case at I o clock thl afternoon. Mr Young wa th last witness. 6h waa asked if h and her husband had talked of a separa tion. ,Th defense object ea ana wa sustained, ' - .,.v. - EXCIJRSiOIJ rates! M,.'. ''', .1. ' AM07 -a'.'C On Harriman lines Easterners May Make Cheap;. Side Trips From Portland. ONE FARE FOR ROUND , xTRIP!N NORTHWEST This Will Be of Benefit to Those ; Who j Desire to "See"- ; ' ; ' '.. Oregon. - - Official of th Harrtman ' llnaa 'in Oregon will within few day make formal announcement of - one-fare round trip rate from Portland to all point on tho road in the.Faelflo north west to visitors to the twis an, uiara exposition. Th rat will bo tn effect from the beginning -to th close of th fair, buttwlU granted only to people from tho .oast, who come ' to so the country or local her. '-' - Th queUoa of making this rat had been under consideration - bythe raJt road for some time, and it waa de cided to unofficially make th decision publio yesterday for tho information of tho Dragon Development league con vention. . ' .. .. ' Th colonist half-far one-way rat. now In effect, will expire May II, and th Lewla and Clark fair rates wUl go into effect few day later. ' Th one far local rates will operate In conjunc tion ' with transcontinental excursion rate Their effect will be to enable very large -percentage of the eastern people who com her to 'make side trip to various part ot Oregon, and ill bo of theulculabl benefit la th effort to locate bomo-aeexar - . - Portland will be ths deporting point for all Oregon excurstonTats.- -Arrange ments will be mad for similar side trip from Spokan and on or two Other point .'..- 1. . HE BELIEVES IT, FOR ' SLEUTHS. TOLD HIM SO Chief Thinks Criminals Now in t' Portland Are Afraid to '.: Come Here., v Three -"big mitt" men,, as- they are known to the police, are la. the city, evidently in anticipation of. making money at th expense of the unwary preceding and during the fair. ' There Is no question ot tb men' vocation; they were seen and recognised by parson familiar with their record and were pointed out to Patrolman Kay. The patrolman, in turn, informed Chief Hunt of their presence in Port' Chief Hugt conferred witrl hi detect ive, i Thl morning h told Kay that he wa in arror. that no "big mitt", man ar tn th clf. "I know thl" asserted the venerable -head of the department. becaua th detecUves tell m so, ' "It doesn't make any difference to me what the detective tell you." retorted Patrolman Kay. "thea men were seen by person who know them and who would hav' no object in misrepresent ing the fact to th department" "If Impossible," . angrily asserted tb aged chieftain, "the detectives would, know 11 about It if thy wer Li Several Instances hav been reported io the police recently of tb operation .of "big mitt" men. Their method' I fo accoat oersons on th atreet or In store. with -"hsj-d luck?-story, and.of. ,fer to part with a watch, a ring or some other article of Jewelry for what I represented to be a email fraction of it value, with th understanding tnat it may. ba redeemed. ' Of course, th arti cle ti MVcr redeemed. GAYN0R AND GREENE V MUST BP EXTRADITED ( journal gonial Serricel Montreal,' AprU 21. Judge . L Moir talne today decided thst a prima facie case had been made out against Oaynor and Greene, who will have to defend themselves fir b committed for extra dition. An adjournment 'waa granted until next Friday, pending a hearing on Vet writ of prohibition to take the case from tho hand ot Judge la Fontaine. Beat dollar stjectaclea on earthror rsctlr fitted by our expert optician, Ev err-Ua.eAted.Kxamlna tlon. ra for one week only. Ill Bix street lMotxger eVCo jeweler and opticlana. FIGURE (Joaraal Bpeclal lervle '''-,. Nw York. AprU 21. KvSry effort wss mad today. .iy. u th hig finaJKlal w. men to keep the stuck market from the . gutter. - r . ' ' - The recent defalcation In Milwaukee and other financial trouble have cauaed . a feeling In the market that can hardly . be described. . ' ' . -. On today's trading the action of prloes wss remarkable. Losses were " . severe in many instance, despite th buying by th big peopi . Colorado Fuel at Iron, arter howln; . good rise, touched tho low mark Just IS V under th close of - night. - - Z. ' Chloago ' aV Northwestern on vary . - mall trading failed to hold its own and at the close the ticker recorded., loas, : , of I2.fc0. -'..-'..y ....... , .. " -'.' The action of lioulsvill tk Nashville were closely watched by tha trade In general and gloom overspread tha mar- -ket when It showed a lo of IJ.J7H st - -tho end of Friday's session. Lawson waa out with another aenaa-' Uonal message" today and predicted a panic in th market within few day, ; Beyond- Bearing th trader hi, com- . munlcatlon had little effect, v. " Th market opened with a fair tone thl morning and showed a good-slxed .., ris through most-of -th day. -Toward . th cose ofth session tb bears, made .ir" a raid on momt of .. the list and the c greater portion of tho market showed , r lose, when the gong wa sounded. The-1-r. closing waa very .weak. ;. J - , - EMPTY cigar; boxes I ; MUST BE DESTROYED Serious Offeruie to Give Away or . use Again )t i nose ; Hear- ; . " Ing Caution .Notices. '. i .' ,... .., :,' ' i I I i ' jt - ; After May a,.ompty"clgar'1oxe roa hot bo " aold pi given away .on ' srhlch-. caution notices 'ntarks nd brand hav,, not been destroyed. r A ruling to that V. effect waa recently mad by th col- ' lector of . Internal , revenue, - and' tb local office ha been Instructed to ee-"' that it la enforced in thl city. Such -s, boxes are said 6 have teen rreely used In this city for advertlgmg purposes. . r Local cigar dealers hav Teen notmea Of th order, which 1 a follow: "You ar advised that' tne statutes Impose tho duty- of destroying - the . stamp oa cigar hog oer tb Trson in ,,c Who hand it IS" when emptied, and denounces a penalty for th neglect t ' destroy th stamp, and for giving away or receiving, selling, buying or usin$ for packing olgara any tamped bo And revenue ofheera are authorised to deatror mptyr cigar box h penal tie are only with ' respect - td empty . tamp4 eigar box. ; ' - " '' -4- "80 far aa concern tn application: ot th provisions to emptied boxes with ; th stamp destroyed, but not the brand ' or (Caution notice, you ere adviaed that '. It would not appear that dealer using . such boxe for advertising purposes Incur any liability la cases where they receive the boxe full -of cigar na, properly stamped. Th' act which the . tatut prohlbK ar tn seumg. giving, purchasing, or receiving L of empty 7 branded boxes - . i --. r "Th atatute doe not mage tne m'. lng in possess tea an offense and if the,, box war not tn an offending condl ttoa when received by th daler. no off enae he been committed with re- pect to them..- If h dtepose ot such '.'::. empty branded boxes, however, he does Incur liability. H should, therefore, be careful to destroy th tiraad and , caution notice before h allow th box , to pas out of hi possession, th stamp C ., having been deatroyed wnen, the pox wa mpUod." .-",-.,,..,' WITNESS ORDERED OUT . 0FC0URT BTHOGUE Detected In what Police Judge Hogue ' termed "a mass of- fais statements." ' David Butxer, who was oa the witness1 stand this morning in. defense of Joe Keefe, the assistant - poundmaster, charged with striking l-y ear-old Leon-f ard CI op ton with rock, waa ordered to get out ot the chair and leave the room. .' "Leave the room," ordered th court. ; "Don't etay here any longer; no man can stay in this court that makes such misstatements , under oath as I believe you hav done." -,:,-.. . :.. . Keefe waa asked It. he 'cared to place any more witnesses on the stand. He aid h "didn't e that there- wa any u" ....'.. ? - v - t'.-. '"Well, I Intend. finding you guilty It you don't" said Judge Hogue. "Wit-'; nesse of th character ' of thl man . Butser do you raor harm than good." Th asulstant poundmaster immedi ately concluded that he could "scare up a few more wftneesea." Hi case was postponed until tomorroWi' ' "U ' ' Butser claimed to have thrjjwn the rock which hit the Clopton hoy, "lie be came badly involved In his statement ' to time and the whereabouts of Keefe . when th fflr occurred. - -v, f .;. . -. 1 " 111 r-;'; .; THET WIU ALL BL QUEENS OF THE MAY Jht cbllOren at the library are eager- ly looking forward .to their "May day oelebratlon next Monday. A May pole with the garlsnds will . b erected and . th children' will furnish ith Jtiaskets -of flowers, which wilt hang In festoons. " ' Mis Haaaler will tU-stories -irtHte-d . the dsy from Robig Hood, and will tell . ' of the English Msy pole, particularly- -described in Bui wer Lytton'a "Harold." . ' Msy dsy always brings out a large at tendance at tha children' library, and th small room "will b taxed to fh ut- most This afternoon in th aerie of war stories Miss Haaaler told of th ; erusads. and especially of the -dlrns- , troua children' erusadA. Peter, . th, -hermit, wa th special chsracter de scribed.'' ; ; - .' ,. 9amm sown, Btnurs. '"" . 1 (Journal Special Barrier.) V i. '. '':' Kamleh, Id, April Id. Th farm v heuae and Its contents belnnsing tn LlJaj-eyXitbotlv wSietrj.e4 -by- fir'"' lyestrrday. Irfw a.000i Inauranc. Ul,t. He, wm rebuild.. ;. 4 I. r ' .tM i. . i ' V ' S I , i